How can I have a subscribe button? Subscription page. How to make a subscription page

How to use the capabilities of the new social network 100kursov for your projects

Hello, dear friends, readers and guests of my blog!

Today, a little tip for those who are just starting to launch their projects on the Internet and they need to create a subscription page to start collecting their subscriber base.

The best option, of course, would be to purchase your own hosting and Domain name or, as a last resort, find a free hosting to place a subscription page there.

But in this case you will have to either:
- if you buy, you will spend money, which not everyone can do at first;
- if it’s free, then there is no guarantee that some misunderstanding will not happen and you will be deprived of your free account without warning; unfortunately, such situations are happening more and more often.

In addition, in both cases, a beginner will have to master one of the programs for creating websites: Dreamweaver, FrontPage,Adobe Muse CC in order to download the completed subscription page, upload it to the hosting. For many novice users, this process becomes an insurmountable obstacle, from which they give up and thus end all good endeavors.

The Justclick service was a good help at one time ( JustClick), on where you could easily create any landing pages. A simple visual editor made it possible to use ready-made blocks, bulletins, and upload videos and pictures for the background. But the service is now paid and this option is not yet affordable for beginners at the initial stage.

In order to look for something at least more or less similar and solve this problem, I had to work a little harder, but as it turns out, I didn’t have to go far.

One of my subscribers asked a question: “Now everyone is talking about a new social network 100courses, which helps in learning with free materials, both with and without a subscription? Is it worth contacting her?

Edit the content of your posts, but don't forget to include a link to the subscription page. Then create a segment of the audience that clicked the link and removed the rest of the audience. Thus, you were able to create a new base for the most active subscribers!

A successful relationship with a follower is like a marriage: to enjoy happiness, both parties must put some effort into the relationship. Maintain the interest of your audience and your offer at all times. Use your subscribers to receive regular emails from you.

A visual editor appears in front of us, in which we just need to fill in all the fields one by one. If there is something that is not clear, you can watch the detailed lesson.

What is your experience with an expired database? Can you recommend specific methods that will be most effective in resurrection? Guess what the goal is for most new bloggers. Acquiring the first thousand subscribers. And why is it worth it?

Winning a thousand subscribers for a blogger is not only a great motivator, but also a way to ensure that he is moving in the right direction. This is also usually the time when the blog is getting stronger and the first big success is at hand. This is the point where your blog gains a reputation. You have a critical number of readers, and the work you put in to gain popularity is only half the time spent on it.

The page address is already ready and it will be the same for everyone, we just need to add in English letters or just numbers the designation of this page that is understandable to you.
In my case it looks like

The following fields:
- Your title;
- Bullites;
- Call to subscribe;
- Integration with the Smartresponder service - here you need to insert the subscription form code, which you will generate and copy on Smartresponder. A video tutorial on how to do this is also included.

Now the most creative part is the design of our website. The selection of themes is quite large and varied: 130 backgrounds for different categories, 3 boxes in the form of checkmarks and more than 80 call-to-action buttons.

Some water in the Vistula will pass before you can get your own audience. The beginning may be tedious, but over time you will be able to relax and watch the snowball effect of the textbooks practice. The key issue is to attract the first subscribers. If you're stuck for ideas of your own, here are some good tips.

To get a thousand subscribers, first determine which readers we want to win. Ask yourself a few questions about them. Who is our ideal recipient? Is this a man or a woman? This is a good start, but to identify your core audience, you need to dive a little deeper into yourself. The best place to start is by identifying the places they visit online. List 5-7 blogs that readers read and analyze their comments. Think about what they write about, what they ask, what questions they usually ask and what questions they ask, and most importantly, whether your blog can help them with those topics.

Try on backgrounds, buttons, using the “Preview” function and choose something to your taste, and you’ll like it. Then click on the “Save” button and that’s it.

The basis is to understand what bothers readers, what makes them feel upset, and what they all treat as an unwanted evil. If they haven't found a solution to their problems, it's worth considering why that is. You need to make sure they have a feeling about what exactly you want.

Taking the above issues seriously - no matter how time consuming - would be worth it. The failure of a new blog is usually due to the fact that its target group has not been identified, and therefore maximum time should be devoted to it at the initial stage of its preparation.

That's what happenedI have it in a hurry.

Now we have our own subscription page and with its help you can already collect your subscriber base. To do this, you first need to do at least a few things:

- We set the cover image of our freebie in the sitebar of the blog/site, the “Recommend” or “About Me” page, when you click on it, the interested reader of the blog will be taken to the created subscription page;
- Share an interesting post about your product on social networks, attaching an interesting picture on the topic and indicating a link to the subscription page;
- We are writing an article on the blog in which we talk about how free we are, with an image of the product cover and a link to the subscription page, after which we share its announcement in different groups on the Subscribe service;
- We place our free product in the catalog of the social network in which the subscription page was created.

By the way, social network 100kursov It lives up to its name because there are really a lot of courses, books, videos and there is an opportunity to learn a lot, thanks to the fact that the network is “tailored” for information businessmen of different stripes.

Yes, in this social network, you can earn money in several ways, but I won’t write about it here, otherwise my article will turn into a real “sheet”)))

That's why I made it on purpose detailed instructions about how to start correctly in this network so that there is a quick result in monetary terms. All the details .

In a word, there is a lot of useful and interesting things there.

Always grateful for your questions and feedback.Have a great day and always be in a great mood!

Best regards, Irina Ivanova

I am glad to welcome you to my blog!

Today we will talk about the subscription page, it is also called a pagecapture, funnel page, etc. What is it and what is it for?!The subscription page is an important component of your success inattracting subscribers and I will tell you how to make a subscription pageon JustClick. There are many services, programs, plugins and scripts that help create a website - funnels. We looked at one of the methods in this one.

Why pay attention to the appearance of the blog?

What's the most surprising thing when someone visits your blog for the first time? It tells the reader what they can expect from it, what it has to offer, and whether it was created before a professional. The first impression should be thunderous. You can achieve this using professional template- essential for meeting the highest standards.

The theme you choose should align with your established brand identity. You need to decide if you want to be light, entertaining or serious? Choose a topic that reflects the nature of your messages as well as your personality. Also make sure the headline looks professional and reassuring.

And we need it to create a subscriber base!

After all, without subscribers you won’t be able to make money on the Internet, I’m saying nowabout making money on your website, blog, information product. And to attract peopleto subscribe, you must offer them something to get them interested.

This could be a book, video course, or other information product neededthem. If you hit the mark, you will be happy. Because the subscriber in the futurecan become your client and buyer.

Another thing to keep in mind is the name of your blog. Is it clear and well thought out? Does it accurately communicate what the blog is and who it is addressed to? If not, you may want to add an additional tagline. This may be helpful for readers who are wondering what they can get from reading this blog. This is a great place to tell them.

The blog layout should be transparent and proper presentation of the content should be your priority. No element of your blog should be more of a focus than the blog posts themselves. To achieve this goal, focus on a two-column system. He will provide the blog with the necessary professionalism and confirm its high quality.

But I strayed a little from the intended purpose of this post.I wanted to tell you how
make a subscription page on JustClick completely
free and fast. If you want to receive new blog articles, please

Not everyone has the opportunity to initially buy plugins to createsuch pages. Of course, there are free options, but again it’s about pluginstricky, you can set everything up and connect it, but it’s disgusting to you….It will either fail or become glitchy. As happened with WPPage recently. But we must give this plugin its due; it’s easy to work with and the pages come out more interesting.

Try not to stir things up sidebar unnecessary widgets and links. Place a short bio and subscription form at the top. Also add links to your top posts and your ads are limited to only those that are truly necessary. Remember that your main goal is to obtain email addresses.

Credibility and recognition

The first thing you need to do to convince a new reader is to prove that your blog is worth reading. While a friendly look at your blog will be his first incentive, before he decides to subscribe to your posts, he should learn more about the creator. There is a page usually called "About Me" or "About the Author" that is an ideal place to introduce and discuss your qualifications and need for starting a blog.

What should the subscribe or capture page be like?

The very name of the page already tells us its goal, to attract as many as possible
people for the information they need, give us their coordinates. Therefore, we must try to make the headline catchy, be sure to indicate the benefits of our product for the subscriber, and interest him.

When the reader is already sure that you are a person with blood and bones, and not a spammer and scammer with by email, he will want to know if you recognize and have other readers. You must prove that you are well known in the online community. By visiting a blog where you see a lot of tweets, sharing and comments on the content of its creator, you are sure that the content is attractive without even viewing the content.

Conversely, if your blog isn't buzzing with life, you become suspicious of its credibility. Make sure you are recognizable. Are you being written about, quoted in an article, or were you a guest on a podcast, or were you featured on a blog? It may also be a good idea to include the logos of sites that have published your content or published about you.

But there is one subtlety: these pages should be without scrolling. Loaded and that's it.

In order for a person to leave us his coordinates, we must try make her attractive.

Although you will find conflicting opinions on the Internet about what the subscription page should be.But one thing is fundamental, it will hook you - your subscriber.

Create an offer that will be hard to resist

Also praise the links you provided and present your list of clients, because simply in the world people don't want to feel isolated in their choices. Assuming you've managed to identify your dream readership, it's time to prepare two things that will help you get it. This could be a free offer or an offer only available after signing up for a mailing list or content that will appeal to selected customers.

Many bloggers make the cardinal mistake of deciding to write about a very general topic, hoping that they will attract large group readers. But the truth is that the smaller the topic you choose, the more likely you are to find the right person.

I’ll say right away that, like you, I’m just learning how to blog and information business. And in this article I share my experience and knowledge.

And of course free ways don't give you super-duper opportunities, but we're at the beginningway and therefore “let’s not look at the teeth of a gift horse.”

And we will use the JustClick service. You must register and create an account Go to

If you're dealing with partner therapy, for example, think about who your ideal reader might be, how old he or she is, and then consider creating something specifically for them. You won't get many readers, but that's really good news. This is because the content on your blog really isn't interesting to them - they're just not yours. target audience. Keep in mind that your goal is to build a mailing list with quality entries, that is, collect addresses of people who will eventually become your customers.

You don't have to spend hours preparing yours. e-book, video guide, spreadsheet, report, case study or e-course. If you know the solution to a problem that people are interested in, then that's enough. Prepare a dedicated website where you will be presented Additional Information about yours special offer, which will help you increase the number of people who choose to leave your email address.

Afterwards you will be taken to Personal Area and there on the left side in the sell column there is a sectionpage, click this tab - then add and start creatingsubscription. More details in the video below.

I don't consider registration today, they are usually standard and notcause difficulties. And in general, this post arose due to the request of oneExplain to my friend how to make a subscription page on JustClick.That’s how the idea was born to record a video and write an article.

Create content that will serve a specific purpose. Only publish one that meets the highest standards. Offer compelling headlines that readers will want to click on. Each of your calls to action should be decisive and precise.

Set up working system: Write less and promote more. Most bloggers publish once a week - so it doesn't make sense to spend the rest of the day doing something new. Spend 20% of your time creating and 80% promoting posts. Especially at the beginning, when there are not many readers on the blog. Otherwise, you'll waste time creating messages that no one else will reach.

I decided to record a video on the example of creating my own subscription for a newfree video course on creating a website.

I’m posting examples - screenshots: what subscription pages and video.

Plus, by writing less, you have time to work on the quality of your posts. You can spend more time on relevant content development, reaching and linking with high-quality sources, and promotion. Don't make too much space in your publication - the reader's grace rides on a strong horse. Make messages longer and more meaningful from time to time - they are generally considered valuable. They may be more frequently associated.

Create content that will consistently build your reputation and thereby attract more traffic. Fresh, engaging titles build your brand and position you as an expert in your field. it's the same The best way avoid competition.

Or this one - a fragment of a subscription.