How to open BIOS on a windows 7 computer. How to enter BIOS? all possible login methods

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Almost every laptop or computer user eventually has to restore the operating system. And in most cases, you need to go into BIOS to select a boot drive?

What is a BIOS anyway? Translated into Russian, this is the basic input and output system. The operation of such a system can be seen in the process of starting the computer.

In this case, the user may see a black screen with numbers and white letters.

On a modern computer, this is not the system itself used, but its more advanced descendant, which is called UEFI.

To put it briefly , in the process of turning on the computer, such a program is used to test the subsystem entrusted to it.

Why do you need to go there?

Those who have to log in with the help of a computer must have wondered why they need to do this.

So, to reinstall systems, you first need to enter this program. And this happens quite often.

In other words, they go there in order to change the boot of their computer from to normal or to a USB flash drive.

Often, to protect a computer or laptop from prying hands, users put New Password through BIOS.

With a password set in this way, the system will not boot until the user enters the correct password.


Sometimes users don't really like it if they accidentally hit the touchpad on their computer while typing. However, it can easily be completely disabled if you use the above bios.

Also, with the help of this program, the temperature of some components is checked and the speed of installed coolers or fans is controlled.

Ways to log into this system on Windows 7

Go to BIOS system on Windows 7 is very simple - to do this, click on hotkey after the computer is turned off.

Complete this action before restarting the computer. It is recommended that you click the hot key before the user enters the BIOS system menu.

Often, an inscription appears on the user's monitor screen on English language, offering to enter the settings of a personal computer.

Creators motherboard often use the Delete key. Often, the F2 key is used as a hotkey.

There are also some other key combinations that help you enter the BIOS on computers that have XP or Windows installed:

  • Escape ;
  • F10 ;
  • Ctrl+Alt+Escape
  • Ctrl+Alt+Ins ;
  • Ctrl + Alt .


If you couldn’t find an answer to your question from our article, read the instructions for the motherboard, which details exactly which keys should be used to enter the BIOS system.

When entering the BIOS, the user may see a blue or gray screen in front of him. Most often, the settings are arranged in several rows.

Since the description of all keys is only in English, those who do not know it well should use the English-Russian dictionary.

Actions if the system boots immediately

The new version of the output system, as well as the eighth and tenth versions of Windows, support instant boot operating system.

This means that entering the BIOS is much more difficult. Those who are faced with a similar situation should restart Windows by holding down the Shift key.

Instead of a subsequent reboot, the user may see the option "select action". To do this, press the "search" key and "troubleshooting".

In Windows 8, press the "Diagnostics" button. Next click on « additional options» And "installed software properties".

BIOS on a laptop

There is one more small but important detail to consider. In most used laptops, manufacturers practice new key combinations.

To be more precise, the key to enter, for example, F2 remains the same. However, on a laptop keyboard, you should hold down not only the F2 key, but also Fn.


Finding out exactly when to hold down the Fn key is very simple. When the keys from F1 to F12 are blue on the keyboard, it means that it is recommended to use the additional Fn button to press these keys. It is also important to consider that the color of the keyboard can be anything, however main feature- the same color of the letters F1 to F12, as well as Fn.

Login on different laptops

The question of how to enter BIOS on a particular laptop can be answered as follows - for this, follow the same rules as for entering on an ordinary computer.

The same prompts appear on the monitor, with rare exceptions. The main thing is to carefully look at the monitor and choose the appropriate options.

If you look at home screen during the system boot process on a laptop fails, and the standard Delete and F2 keys do not work, contact the laptop manufacturer's website for help.

By looking at the model name, anyone can easily find a way to open the system setup program.

HP laptop manufacturers advise you to quickly press the Escape key during the system boot process, and then the F10 key.

This instruction does not apply to a specific model. Therefore, we can conclude that it was written for various models a similar firm.


Samsung laptop manufacturers advise you to successfully enter BIOS (system settings) before booting several times to press the F2 key. The same actions during the system boot process must be performed when working with an Asus laptop (how to enter BIOS, which will be described in other articles) or Dell, as well as lenovo laptop(how to enter the BIOS, which will be described in other articles).

On some laptops, you can enter the BIOS by pressing the F12 key, and then select the device from which to load your . This is a simple way to enter BIOS on hp.

Ways to enter BIOS in Windows 8.1

A similar method is a simple solution, how to enter BIOS on, on a computer on which the operating system is installed Windows versions 8.1.

Since loading this system on a modern computer is almost instantaneous, it is very difficult to quickly press the desired button. The same answer can be given to the question of how to enter BIOS on an acer laptop.

To get into the BIOS, users Windows systems must click on reload, and then click on Shift .

You can perform a similar operation by going to the command line when, for example, the keyboard on the laptop you are using does not work.

To do this, simply open and type shutdown.exe (without quotes). You can say the same thing about a vaio laptop, how to enter BIOS.

To open command line the following steps should be taken. Click on the "Start" button and select "Run".

If this item is missing, click on free space on the Start menu and select the Properties option. Next, in the menu, click the checkmark next to the option "Run command".

As a result, the operating system will load an additional menu. It needs to do the following:

  • Select the option "Diagnostics";
  • In the submenu, open "Additional options";
  • Next, select the Settings option. If this item is missing and you cannot enter the new BIOS through Windows, then the user in the computer does not use UEFL technology. In a similar situation, load the BIOS using certain keys. The same must be taken into account when wondering how to enter the BIOS g50, as well as how to enter the BIOS on the Samsung.

Entering the BIOS using third-party software

You can also enter the BIOS using third-party software, the features of which will be shown in the following table.

Utility name Her tasks Peculiarities
Tweak BIOS With this utility, you can enter the BIOS and change settings system bus. Tweak BIOS is compatible with most versions of Windows OS. This program simplifies working with BIOS and does not turn off the OS. However, restart your computer to save the changes. Also, this utility helps to optimize the operation of the motherboard.
CT BIOS The main tasks of this application are updating BIOS and viewing data. Thanks to the input and output system emulator, you can easily overclock the processor and customize the operation of coolers. Also, this utility helps to optimize programs and games. With it, you can quickly view the BIOS.

Actions when the BIOS asks for a password

As a rule, the BIOS prompts for a password if it has been set in advance. Then, entering the BIOS, the user must enter exactly this one.

Resetting a password on a laptop is much more difficult than on a regular computer. When working with a laptop, make a decision based on the model you are using.

To reset the password on an ordinary one, find the switch on the motherboard near the battery.


Before performing such an operation, turn off the computer and remove network cable. There are 3 contacts on it, two of them have a jumper, which should be moved to other contacts. If the password still does not reset or there is no jumper, remove the battery for a few minutes. talking about Packard Bell how to enter BIOS, you can say the same thing.

So, this article provided instructions on how to enter the BIOS on a computer and laptop.

To do this, it is enough to have at hand a list of hotkey combinations that help you easily get into the BIOS.

How to enter BIOS on a laptop

How to enter BIOS? All possible login methods

It happens that a user uses one computer for years, and it does not give him any trouble. Most often, such users are not aware of many nuances and pitfalls, perhaps it is better. Nevertheless, sooner or later, each of us has to deal with the same reinstallation of the OS, and hence with entering the BIOS. If this word does not mean anything to you, but you want to understand what it means, you have made the right decision. Every user should be able to navigate BIOS, because this, by and large, is the base of any computer. However, first things first.

What is BIOS

To begin with, I would like to tell you in 2 words about what this mysterious BIOS is in general, and why it is needed. If we omit the specific terminology, then it turns out that the BIOS is a collection of all the main computer add-ons, tools for enabling or disabling its hardware components. With it, you can adjust the operating frequencies of the processor, as well as track the vital activity of the filling as a whole. In addition, the BIOS allows the user to control the temperature of his internal components, namely the chip, motherboard, video card, etc.

Finally, I note that this program is located in a special microcircuit, which, in turn, is located in the computer motherboard. I also note that the first commands that work on a computer are launched in the BIOS.

How to open BIOS in Windows 7

Now that you have understood in general terms what a BIOS is, I will tell you how to open a BIOS on Windows 7. By the way, there is nothing complicated about this, which you will have the opportunity to verify. So, the BIOS is opened by pressing some keys on the keyboard. Each computer has its own button, which one depends on the manufacturer of the BIOS and the motherboard. At the moment you turn on the laptop, you must continuously press the appropriate button until the screen turns blue. This means that you have entered the BIOS. Below I will give a small list of buttons for calling the BIOS, relevant for a particular motherboard.

  1. The Del button is the most common for calling the BIOS. Most often, it is she who allows you to open this program on a computer.
  2. Pressing the Esc button is relevant if your device has a Phoenix motherboard.
  3. The F2 button is suitable for motherboards from Intel and ASRock.
  4. If your computer has a Palit motherboard, press F1.

For those users who do not know which key is responsible for opening the BIOS on the computer, a hint is specially provided. Take a closer look: when the system is just starting to start, the name of the button you are looking for appears on the screen. For example, Press Del to enter SETUP might be written.
I hope you are no longer “floating” in the BIOS area, at least the basic principles of this program are certainly not new to you.

Usually, an inexperienced user at the word BIOS (eng. BIOS) rounds his eyes and there is a slight internal trembling. No wonder. There are too many horror stories and horror stories about this basic program, without which no personal computer will work. But the more experienced the user becomes, the more he wants to look, at least with one eye, into this forbidden zone. However, before you open the door there, you need to find out the code from the lock. That's what we'll talk about. We will only immediately warn the reader that the topic of how to enter BIOS on Windows 7, 8, XP and so on is not on the agenda.

The fact is that BIOS does not matter what operating system is on your hard drive. It is loaded very first, and its the main task- work with "smart iron", which is stuffed with a system unit.

A little about BIOS

To begin with, let's give a strictly official interpretation of this abbreviation: BIOS is “basic input / output system (basic input / output system)”. Another definition is more common - CMOS Setup Utility or, loosely translated, "low-level computer settings." Physically, the BIOS is program code, which is implemented in a microcircuit located on the motherboard.

The program performs many operations from the moment the computer is started until the operating system is loaded. One of its important functions is primary PC testing (POST).

It is this process that the user observes on the monitor screen in the first seconds of the computer. Of course, provided that given function enabled in BIOS.

Note. This refers to the display of a report on passing testing. On many motherboards, this feature is disabled by default - the user sees only the logo of the motherboard manufacturer against the background of some bright picture, plus a small fraction of the necessary information. The POST operation itself is hidden from viewers.

By entering the BIOS menu, you can do a lot of interesting things:

And this is not a complete list of settings that the "Basic system ..." allows you to change. But, we repeat, in order to get into this wonderland, you need to open the door with a combination lock. And, oddly enough, very few users know what kind of code it is. Let's correct this omission by going to the specifics.

magic key

The BIOS entry algorithm is as follows:

  • start the computer;
  • as soon as the image appears on the monitor, we begin diligently, but without fanaticism, to rhythmically press the code key or key combination (which ones are just below);
  • usually, after a few seconds, the user achieves what he wants and gets into the low-level settings of the computer.

Now the question is what code should be entered? Or, if in a simple way, on which keys should the drum roll be beaten out? Everything is not so simple here. Remembering a bearded anecdote, we can say: there are two pieces of news - one is bad, the other is good. The bad news is that each BIOS manufacturer has its own secret keys or their combinations. The good news is that there are few BIOS developers and remembering all the codes is not particularly difficult. Especially if you do not change motherboards every day. It is enough to find out whose BIOS is on your motherboard and read this article.

Note. As a rule, at the time of initial loading, the name of the key (or their combination) for accessing the engineering menu(BIOS). However, loading is often modern computer goes so fast that an inexperienced user simply does not have time to figure out what he sees on the screen.

List of all master keys from BIOS

Conventionally, BIOSes can be divided into two categories.

  1. Firmware that is developed for all PCs by companies specializing in this.
  2. BIOS produced by the manufacturer of the device itself. First of all, this applies to laptops.

So, we slowly got to the point of our article. Read carefully and remember.

Classics of the genre, or codes from independent BIOS developers

The table shows the "classic" keyboard shortcuts for the most popular BIOS options. Perhaps only the Phoenix BIOS can be considered out of order today, but it is still massively present on older computers. The first two positions in the table are occupied by the most common BIOS versions. The last two lines are CMOS Setup Utility, released by third party developers for some laptop models.

In fact, there are much more options for portable computers - each manufacturer is trying to distinguish himself and come up with something of his own. But it doesn’t make sense to describe them all - we’ll just give a table where most of the currently known access codes in the BIOS of laptops are collected.

The creativity of the laptop manufacturers themselves

Notebook manufacturerKeys
AcerF1, F2, Ctrl+Alt+Esc
ASTCtrl+Alt+Esc, Ctrl+Alt+Del
Dell 400F3, F1
Dell DimensionF2, Del
Dell InspironF2
Dell LatitudeF2, Fn+F1
Dell OptiplexDel, F2
Dell PrecisionF2
GatewayF1, F2
HP (Hewlett-Packard)F1, F2
IBM E-pro LaptopF2
IBM PS/2Ctrl+Alt+Ins, Ctrl+Alt+Del
IBM ThinkpadFrom Windows: Programs > Thinkpad CFG
Intel TangentDel
MicronF1, F2 or Del
Packard BellF1, F2 or Del
Sony VAIOF2, F3
ToshibaEsc, F1

Note. The rule mentioned at the beginning of the article - "It is impossible to enter BIOS on Windows 7 or from any other operating system" - is also true for laptops.

Now, after studying the above tabular data, it will not be difficult for you to enter any BIOS - whether we are talking about personal computer or a member of the laptop family. Good luck!

Bios (Basic Input and Output System) is necessary for the operation of the computer in principle. This is software that is "sewn" into the chips of the motherboard. Often we want to know how to enter BIOS on Windows 10.

Before the 8th version, the entrance was made with a simple movement of the finger. As soon as the computer turned on, the F2 or DEL buttons were pressed and you entered the menu. In 10-ke, they introduced a high-speed launch mode, and this step became simply invisible. Try pressing DEL while booting. It works on most computers. If it doesn't work, then proceed as follows.

How to run BIOS on Windows 10

To begin with, consider the option that works on any computer or laptop. If your PC boots, then you can follow these steps:

1.Select options.

2. Go to the update and security section.

3. Click Restart Now.

4. The computer will restart. But it will be performed in a special mode. First, you will see an action selection window. Select troubleshooting.

5. Then go to advanced options.

6. You need to go into UEFI, that's what the bios management program is called.

7. Then click the "Restart" button.

After the reboot, you will be able to get into the BIOS on Windows 10.

How to enter bios windows 10 when the system does not boot

Here you will need installation disk or a recovery disk. After you insert it, the reboot will begin. You will see a screen with an Install button and a System Restore link at the bottom.

After you click on it, you will be taken to the same menu. Proceed as described above.

How to enter BIOS on Windows 10 if DEL does not work

In this case, disable the fast start mode.

1. Click the magnifying glass icon next to the main menu button and start typing "Control Panel". Choices will appear at the top. Select control.

3. You need to go to the section "Action of the power button"

4. Uncheck the box next to the "Enable Fast Startup" option.

After completing these steps, click the "Save Changes" button below and reboot. Press DEL as soon as the computer turns on. You must go into Bios.

How to enter bios on Windows 10 on a laptop

Laptops may have a separate button to enter UEFI. If you want to figure out how to enter BIOS on Windows 10 on a laptop, you need to do the following:

  1. Find out the model or number of the device.
  2. Go to the official website of the manufacturer.
  3. Find documentation for the laptop.

If you have saved documents on your computer, look in them.

We will list how to enter bios Windows 10 for different brands:

  1. Lenovo. On laptops of this brand, there is a separate button to enter the menu. You can find it near the power button or next to the power connector, depending on the model. It has a curved arrow on it.
  2. On asus laptop You need to press F2 when loading. The trick is that when enabled, this button does not work if fastboot mode is enabled. But when you reboot, you will be able to go into the BIOS.
  3. On Acer, the F2 button is used for most models. If you can't log in, try Ctrl+Alt+Esc.
  4. In hp laptop models, the entry button has traditionally been F10.

How to open bios on windows 10 tablet

If you own a tablet with installed Windows 10, then go as described in the second paragraph - through the recovery.

Android does not have a core system as such. You can enter the engineering menu by pressing a combination of power and sound control buttons. Each brand will have its own combination. We advise you to find the documentation on the official website of the manufacturer and read about how to enter BIOS.

bios settings for windows 10

After we figured out how to enable bios on Windows 10, let's understand a bit about its options regarding Windows 10.

In fact, the base system is independent of the operating system. She is more responsible for the operation of the hardware. You will need to get into the Boot menu if you are installing and restoring Windows 10 from a flash drive or disk. You need to change the boot device.

  1. Enter BIOS using one of the above methods.
  2. Then select the Boot partition.

3. Select the first Boot option #1 device and press Enter on it.

4. Set the desired boot device and exit with saving (Exit and Save).

If we talk about the BIOS menu, then we list the purpose of the main items:

  • main menu. Displays the main parameters of the PC, including the BIOS version.
  • advanced. Processor setting, peripherals, video, PCI, etc.
  • overclocking. Allows you to set values ​​for overclocking the processor.
  • M-flash. Bios update or backup function (available on MSI boards).
  • security. Setting a login password.
  • Boot. Used to install boot devices.

Depending on the BIOS versions and models of the motherboard and processor, the menu may differ.

If you are going to update the OS to version 10, then read about . When your PC boot slows down, you need information about how the 0 .