How to overclock an intel processor on a laptop. How to overclock the processor, a few simple ways

A sufficient level of PC performance for many novice users is something ephemeral. Because each user has their own ideas about how fast their computer should be efficient. However, at some point (for example, when installing some resource-intensive program), the user observes a strange and, let's say the truth, inconvenient in terms of the properties of its manifestation, the behavior of the computer - the computer starts to slow down mercilessly. At such moments, the implemented process can help the user - overclocking the processor through the BIOS. About how this is done correctly in practice, what should be considered at the time of such an overclocking operation and how to avoid irreparable errors when overclocking the CPU - read here and now!

Today we will look at:

Introduction to Thermal Security

Any increase in clock speed CPU inevitably leads to one thing - an increase in temperature indicators. In simple words, an overclocked processor will heat up more than a CPU operating in normal mode (stable default settings).

Exclusively in view of the latter factor, it is necessary to increase the performance characteristics of the CPU with extreme caution. Moreover, the correctness and reliability of the overclocking process can only be guaranteed by your own accuracy and consistency in actions. And finally, before proceeding with the practical overclocking of the CPU, you should carefully study a number of technical issues, namely:

  • Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the installed processor (the manual and other kinds of reference information can be easily downloaded from official sources - the manufacturer's website).
  • Research the overclocking potential of a particular CPU modification (unfortunately, manufacturers do not like to share secret overclocking data, so valuable information on CPU overclocking can only be found on specialized sites and forums).
  • Carefully study the characteristics of the motherboard - update bios to latest version .

After you own complete information about the processor, to have an idea of ​​​​what the reserve potential of a separate PC component means, and your mind and heart will be filled with confidence in the success of the upcoming event - start acting!

How to overclock my processor: a step by step algorithm of actions

First of all, you need to download several specialized programs:

  • Download the CPU-Z utility (after installing the application, carefully read the table of CPU operating parameters - more details about the process of interaction with the program will be written a little later).
  • Download this software to your computer - AIDA64 (you can download this software).

This is the reference software minimum. Using this software arsenal will allow you, dear readers, to visually control changes in the system and, in simple terms, do not make trouble.

Monitoring of operating parameters after CPU software upgrade operations (also relevant for other system components) - the process is mandatory and undeniably useful, in view of the criticality of operations for overclocking computer components.

Step # 1: We enter the basic BIOS settings menu

Depending on the version of the microsystem used, the section in which you, dear friends, have to make changes, may have a name different from that indicated in the example described below. However, it is not difficult to grasp the meaning of the correctness of the selected item in view of the specifics of the applied standardization in the names of BSVV options.

In our case, the new BIOS / UEFI interface version 2603 from the company is used as an example. American Megatrends Inc. . (most common in modern computers).

By the way, about how to enter the BIOS of a computer . We will focus on the traditional option - when you turn on the PC, press the service key "F2" or "Delete" several times.

Step #2: Which Overclocking Script to Apply?

So, after you entered the BIOS, activate the "F7" key, after which you will find yourself in the menu advanced settings basic microsystem.

  • Click the "Ai Tweaker" tab to the section you need.

Here you should choose a specific scenario for overclocking, the implementation of which should be argued by your own "discretion" regarding the question of how much you will drive the processor. The most painless way to tighten the screws of speed optimization is the "Ai Overclock Tuner" option with the "Auto" option active.

  • Set the value to auto mode, save the changes in the BIOS setting (F10) and reboot the system.

This option has a number of advantages, the BIOS system will automatically set the values increased performance, reserving the right to allocate system resources according to the conditions laid down by the manufacturer. In other words, by activating the mentioned mode, you will protect yourself and the system as much as possible from unexpected errors that can be made during the manual overclocking process, which is described in more detail below.

Manual method of overclocking the CPU through the BIOS

What are the benefits this way CPU upgrade:

  • Increasing multiplier values implemented in an arbitrary way.
  • You can increase the operating frequency of the CPU core at your own discretion.
  • The use of a manual method for correcting the voltage parameters of the specified PC component to achieve stability in the operation of the CPU is also permissible in the "Manual overclocking" mode.

The last example is the most dangerous and is associated with a possible probability of damage to the functional part of the CPU. As you understand, dear readers, in the event that you want to achieve the maximum effect in terms of a software upgrade of the CPU, there is nothing to do here without confidence and a firm conviction that the settings used are correct.

Otherwise, you just simply “fry the flint”. In other words - burn the processor. However, as a rule, the BIOS will not give way to obviously harmful settings, your system simply will not start.

To eliminate the "last trouble" it will be necessary to return the BIOS settings to their original state (how to return the BSVV microsystem to the factory state, ).

Step #3: Checking the hardware after the applied overclocking scenario

So, after you have used the overclocking potential of your processor, you need to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the performance of the CPU. In other words, it is necessary to examine the "patient" for his healthy condition:

  • We open the previously installed CPU-Z utility and carefully review the list of parameters involved.

  • Go to the "Test" tab into the working check window and run the service utility with the "Stress CPU" key.

The process of the subsequent test, to determine the proper level of stability, is carried out through another program - AIDA64.

  • Run the previously downloaded software.

  • Go to the sensors section, make sure that the temperature values ​​are normal.

Attention: it should be taken into account that such characteristics as the heat capacity of the processor and the effective ability of the cooling cooler to remove the heat generated by the CPU are inseparable concepts. Because without proper cooling, the whole idea of ​​​​overclocking is simply doomed to failure. Make sure the cooling system matches the applied CPU overclocking scheme.

  • Next, you should conduct a series of tests for the stability of the overclocked component - go to the "Service" section, and activate the item "Test for system stability" from the drop-down menu of the program.

If the procedure for checking for "survivability" went in a positive way, then you can be congratulated. However, it should be understood that the life of the component, which operates at the maximum allowable speeds, is reduced. Therefore, before you rejoice at the fantastic performance of an overclocked CPU, consider how expedient it is to "fly quickly into the abyss of digital death."

CPU software overclocking

There is an alternative overclocking method: you can optimize the performance of the CPU using special utilities.

For AMD CPU, this is the AMD OverDrive program (you can download it from the official website - ).

Intel processors are chased by this program - SetFSB (to download the software, click on this link - ).

Both in the first and in the second case, the desired effect is achieved only if the processor's multiplier corresponds to the "Unlocked" standard. Unfortunately, there is no other way.

As an example, let's see how AMD's processor overclocks...

We have such a CPU with a promising addition "Black Edition".

  • So, let's run the program for overclocking.
  • Go to the "Clock/Voltage" tab.
  • Activate the "Turbo Core Control" button and uncheck the "Enable Turbo Core" item.

  • The next step is to increase the value of the multiplier.
  • We will also increase the power parameters - voltage.
  • After you enter the above values, click the "Apply" button, then - "OK".

  • The changes will take effect after you affirmatively agree to the request for a service message by pressing the "OK" button.

To make sure the settings are stable, you need to conduct a test (you already know how to do this!).

In conclusion

In this article, we have only scratched the surface of the "overclocking issue". Overclocking of computer components is a rather specific topic that requires quite a lot of knowledge in the case of practical overclocking operations. However, you got the basic concepts.

So, how the processor is overclocked through the BIOS is now no secret to you. Well, if you need it - you decide! However, be aware that the most effective increase in CPU performance is achievable only when the user understands all the subtleties of the "behavior" of the main computing component of the computer - the central processing unit. Be selective and don't overdo it when experimenting with overclocking. Remember, you go quieter - you will continue!

I decided to write a small FAQ on how to overclock the computer's CPU, check it for fault tolerance after overclocking.

I always wanted to overclock my "baby" at least a little, but alas, you can't achieve much on an old Celeron 668 Mhz =) Then AMD Athlon 64 3000+ appeared. Then I decided to try it - the cooler was good for cooling.

Unfortunately, there are no screenshots left, but I overclocked it to 2.4 GHz from 1.8 GHz. For me, this was the result. Now AMD Phenom II x4 960T is on, but I haven't done much overclocking yet, I slightly overclocked it from 3.0 to 3.4 GHz.

Overclocking the system is quite a dangerous thing if you don’t know where you are climbing and what you are pressing. Sellers do not give a guarantee for overclocking. In case something breaks or fails, no one will exchange anything for us under warranty. Acceleration is a matter of choice. All manipulations with the computer carried out by you are not included in the warranty! You do this at your own risk!

Okay, enough of the background, let's get started!

I will give instructions on my computer configuration, the inscriptions may differ, but the essence is the same.

Part 1. Preparation|Selection of components

The level of overclocking success is highly dependent on the components of the system. To begin with, you need a processor with good overclocking potential, capable of running at more high frequencies than is specified by the manufacturer. For overclocking the processor, it is important that other components are also selected with this task in mind. The choice of a motherboard with an overclocking-friendly BIOS is quite critical.
Temperature and other characteristics
First of all, you need to know the maximum operating temperature of the processor - the maximum allowable for me is ≈ 80-90°C.
- you need to know the processor multiplier;

Motherboard and RAM
Overclocking requires a good motherboard and memory.

The motherboard should provide a decent amount of features in the BIOS, including Advanced Clock Calibration (ACC) support, and also work great with the AMD OverDrive utility, which is important for getting the most out of Phenom processors.

Selecting the right memory is also important if you want to achieve maximum performance after overclocking. Install high-performance memory whenever possible, depending on your motherboard.
I have - ASUS M4A87TD-EVO | Kingston DDR3 2x1024mb

CPU Cooling:
Before you think about overclocking - you must understand that overclocking is not an easy and "hot" thing. In order not to spoil the system, good cooling is necessary, which costs not only big, but still money.
Also, it is better to open the case cover to ensure the outflow of hot air (many have more than one or two coolers in the system, but the extra outflow still does not hurt)

Thermal paste is a special layer of heat-conducting composition between the cooled surface and the heat-removing device.

I changed it once, because the processor began to give off heat poorly and get very hot (AMD Athlon 64 3000+).
I didn't buy a very expensive one. I bought the Titan paste, carefully applied it to the processor and attached the heatsink (I will talk about this in the next message).

Thermal paste is very important! The better quality it is, the better it will conduct heat to the heatsink and therefore the lower the CPU temperature will be.

But you can do a little overclocking on a boxed cooler, but don't expect much - an increase in frequency by 30-60 MHz is already overclocking.
- If you have a boxed cooler installed, then we are not much limited in overclocking - cooling may not be enough for much.

Power supply (PSU)
The PSU must be stable, providing stable voltage levels and sufficient current to handle the increased demands of an overclocked computer. A weak or outdated power supply loaded to capacity can spoil all our efforts.
I have OCZ 500W

How to calculate..?
CPU clock speed = base frequency * CPU multiplier;
northbridge frequency = base frequency * northbridge multiplier;
HyperTransport link frequency = base frequency * HyperTransport multiplier;
memory frequency = base frequency * memory multiplier.

Everything about this part.

What is overclocking?

Of course, mindlessly pressing buttons is not right. You need to know what all these pressures will lead to. Before pressing, you need to understand why you are pressing, and what will happen after that. The danger of overclocking is greatly exaggerated - but nothing is impossible! There is a very real chance to bring the computer out of a working state. Simply - the parts will overheat and start to melt .. And no one will change them for us under warranty! I think that smart people read this blog, and therefore we will consider I warned you!

Overclocking or overclocking(from English overclocking) - increasing the speed of computer components due to their operation in forced (abnormal) modes of operation.

Overclocking comes down to increasing the clock frequency of the processor.

Choice: how to overclock?

Currently, a computer can be overclocked using programs running from under the system.
For example Clockgen

There is also special programs for motherboards, using the example of ASUS TurboV EVO

You can also overclock the system from the BIOS, using the settings from there.


BIOS - basic input / output system - basic input / output system.
BIOS has many faces - there is Phoenix, AMI other versions. But the essence is the same - by the names you can guess what kind of function.
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to provide my photos, since I don’t have a camera. And taking pictures on the phone is too poor. /b.

The board presented to me is ASUS M3A78-T


I will not consider all the menus, we are only interested in overclocking.

First of all, ASUS board The M3A78-T allows you to change the HTT frequency from 200 MHz to 600 MHz in 1 MHz steps. Second, the user can change the HT (HyperTransport) bus multiplier:

Thirdly, you can change the memory controller multiplier:

In order to overclock the CPU, it is necessary to increase the frequency of the processor bus. If it does not start after that, increase the voltage on the processor.
All this is done in the Advanced menu.
CPU Frequency - actual frequency. default value on all computers with which I worked - 200
Processor Frequency Multiplier - multiplier. can stand - Auto, x4, x15.
Processor Voltage - The processor voltage is usually set to Auto or 1.4
Processor-NB Frequency Multiplier - memory controller multiplier.

Users of modern boards (for example, the same ASUS M4A87TD EVO) can simply press a button and the system itself will select optimal settings overclocking :)

RESULTS: Checking stability

Well, we overclocked the processor, now we need to check it for stability (fault tolerance). This will allow us to understand whether the CPU is coping with the load assigned to it. During the test - if "everything is so bad", the computer may reboot, go into a BSOD, or simply freeze. This means that the computer will crash after overclocking. We return to the BIOS and lower the frequency and voltage of the processor. run, check - if everything is fine, leave. If not, then again in the BIOS and do the same trick with the bus frequency multiplier processor voltage.

Be sure to monitor the temperature during the test!
This requires programs:
Sensor data monitoring:
FanExpert, CPU-Z, AIDA64Everest, AMD Over Drive.
To test the system, you need:
LinX, S&M, AMD OverDirve.

We run tests, we look at the temperature.

Actually everything :) Please do not judge strictly, strongly and cruelly do not criticize.
Good luck!

Each processor is designed for some nominal frequency. This frequency is indicated on its surface, indicated in price lists and other documentation. For example, the PentiumII-300 must operate at an external frequency of 300 MHz. But, as practice shows, more can be achieved from the processor. The fact is that the frequency at which the microprocessor will operate is set motherboard, so it becomes possible to increase it relative to the value specified on the processor. This is called overclocking.

Why you need to overclock the processor

Yes, in general, especially and for nothing. By overclocking the processor, you can increase the performance of your system by 10 percent. In addition, raise your opinion of yourself in the eyes of friends. And of course, get some information about the device of the computer. However, exceeding the nominal value of the processor clock frequency, the system loses reliability. However, in most cases it will be completely unnoticeable. So the main thing is the idea to save money by buying one processor and using it as another, faster one.

Why overclocking is possible

In order to understand overclocking theory, it is necessary to understand how processors are manufactured and tested. Models created in the same technological framework (for example, 0.25 µm, voltage 3.3 V) are produced on the same production line. Then some samples of the series are randomly tested. Testing takes place in extreme (voltage and temperature) conditions. Based on these tests, the processor is marked with the nominal frequency for which the processor is designed. Given that the frequency is taken with a certain margin of safety, and that not all crystals have been tested, it can be predicted with a high degree of probability that most products have a frequency margin of 10-15%, or even more. In addition, an additional overclocking resource can be obtained by providing the processor with good cooling, as the manufacturer tests its products in very harsh temperature conditions.

Almost all motherboards Pentium processors and Pentium II are designed to work not with one type of crystal, but with several. That is, they provide the user with the opportunity to specify which processor is installed on them. The choice of its clock frequency is carried out by multiplying the external frequency (the one at which the system bus and PC RAM work) by one of the fixed multipliers (these multipliers are usually a multiple of 0.5 and are in the range of 1.5 - 4). The method of setting this or that multiplication and the external frequency is always indicated in the manual for the motherboard and sometimes on the board itself. The ability to select the external frequency and the multiplier of the internal frequency of the processor gives rise to the possibility of passing off the processor as a faster one.

Acceleration can be done in two ways. Firstly, it is possible to increase the external frequency multiplier of the processor (for example, from 2.5 to 3), since in this case only the speed of the processor itself increases, and the speed of work system bus(memory) and other devices does not increase. However, this method, although reliable (failures can only be expected from the processor), does not give a large increase in the performance of the entire system as a whole. In addition, recently the leading manufacturer of processors for PCs, Intel, decided to block this possibility by fixing the multiplication in their crystals.

The second method is to increase the external frequency without changing the gain or both (for example, from 60 to 66 MHz). The fact is that the speed of such computer components as the second-level cache, RAM, and PCI and ISA buses (and, therefore, all expansion cards) depends on the value of the external clock frequency. Currently, almost all motherboards support external frequencies of 50, 55, 60, 66, 75 and 83 MHz. However, when experimenting with an external frequency, it should be remembered that the risk of encountering system failures rises sharply, as not only the processor, but also all other system components are overclocked. Therefore, when overclocking the system in this way, you should be sure of the quality of the components (this is especially true for modules random access memory).

Processor relabeling

However, it is unfair to think that only end users in Russia are so smart. Many Chinese, and even ours, offices specialize in re-marking crystals. That is, they, checking the overclockability of processors, destroy the old one and apply a higher clock frequency to it. In order to relabel the processor, it is enough to destroy (scrape off) the top layer of paint on its body and apply new marks corresponding to the older model. Having bought such a crystal, a person involuntarily overclocks it, and if the computer then works flawlessly, he may not know that his processor is sawn.

It is almost impossible to protect yourself from buying such a microprocessor. However, you can buy processors in a box or lower models in the same technological range (for example, Intel Pentium 166 MMX). There are only indirect signs to determine the sawnness of the processor - an uneven surface, a discrepancy between the markings on the upper and lower sides of the crystal case, and poor-quality markings.

The danger of overclocking

The question that many people ask when overclocking is the question of whether the processor or other components of the system will burn out. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. However, cases of processor burnout are extremely rare. The statistics speak for it. Only in about 0.1% of cases are irreversible problems possible. Especially dangerous in this sense are Cyrix/IBM processors, which burn most often. In addition, if the motherboard is equipped with a linear power supply rather than a pulsed one (characterized by the presence of a toroidal coil on the board), then the motherboard may be damaged when overclocking Cyrix and AMD processors due to high current consumption. With an increase in the external frequency, and, consequently, the frequency of the PCI bus, data loss on the hard drive is possible, but HDD while remaining functional. In any case, most of the problems described can be solved. This is discussed below.

How to overclock a processor

  1. First you need to determine what to strive for. That is, decide for yourself what you will change - the external frequency or the multiplication factor. Keep in mind that you can almost always go up one step in frequency, and increasing the frequency multiplier will have a smaller effect than with the same increase in external frequency. In addition, new Intel processors, in order to prevent overclocking and re-marking, have the ability to set only nominal coefficients for frequency multiplication. Therefore, in this case, only the manipulation of the external frequency is possible.
  2. Learn how the jumpers are set on your motherboard for the values ​​you choose. Many manufacturers motherboards do not document external frequencies above 66 MHz, because such frequencies are not documented for Intel chipsets, on which the vast majority of motherboards are assembled. You can see undocumented jumper settings for your motherboard. And yet, multiplying by 3.5 is set in the same way as 1.5. Therefore, if the manual for your motherboard does not indicate multiplication by 3.5, you can safely use the setting for a multiplier of 1.5
  3. Turn off the computer and reinstall the jumpers in accordance with step 2
  4. Turn on your computer. If the system does not start (black screen), then you have overclocked the processor and the computer will not work in this configuration.
  5. If the computer starts and boots, then you need to check the stability of its operation. This check is performed by running a multitasking operating system(Windows 95/NT) and running applications that require active work with memory, since data transfer operations warm up the crystal the most. As an example, we can offer the simultaneous launch of the pkzip archiver, viewing an mpeg file, and the operation of a pair of copies of the Quake game, continuously switching between them. Fifteen minutes of stable operation in this mode is enough to conclude that the system is stable.
  6. If the computer starts, but does not boot (hangs after the system configuration table is displayed), then you can fight for its stable operation. This behavior is most likely due to the inability normal operation hard drive, memory or ISA cards. How to overcome such problems is written below.
  7. With unstable operation of the operating system and applications, the root of the problem most likely lies in insufficient cooling of the crystal. Sometimes, however, such effects are observed when the level of the logical signal is insufficient. This problem is solved on motherboards equipped with the ability to select the processor supply voltage by increasing it by 0.1-0.2 V. However, in this case, you need to think even more about cooling. Cooling issues are discussed below.

CPU Cooling

One of the most important tasks that arise when overclocking a processor is its cooling. Overheating of the processor can be considered the main factor preventing overclocking. In 90 percent of cases when an overclocked system starts up, but after a while starts to crash and hangs or crashes when running applications that heavily load the processor, the cause should be looked for in the processor overheating.

Therefore, it is worth getting a good heatsink with a fan that provides the best heat dissipation. The better the whole will be ventilated system unit the more stable your computer will be. By the way, the ATX form factor is much better from this point of view, since PC cases and motherboards made in accordance with this form factor are very well ventilated due to the well-placed components. However, a regular Baby AT case can also be equipped with an additional fan.

How to choose the right fan? When choosing a radiator, you should pay attention to the height and structure of the iron part itself (the higher the radiator, and the more protrusions on it, the better), and the height of the fan (the higher, the better, usually 20 or 30 mm). It should also be taken into account that it is preferable to use fans that work "exhaust" (that is, they drive the air flow upwards from the radiator).

Secondly, when buying, it is very important to pay attention to the way the heatsink is attached to the processor. There are several types of fasteners.

However, in the best case, the heatsink is attached to the processor using a curved metal bracket that clings to the special protrusions of the Socket 7 (Pentium) and Socket 8 (Pentium Pro) sockets. This method should be recognized as the most acceptable, since the curved bracket presses the heatsink well to the processor, leaving almost no room for air cushions. But even with other radiator mounting schemes, good results can be achieved. The best mount is the one that minimizes the air gap between the processor and the heatsink. This can be achieved both by increasing the pressing force of the radiator surface, and by grinding the contacting planes.

It should be noted that the Pentium II solves the task of attaching the heatsink to the processor much better, however, some (especially early) models are supplied only with passive heatsinks (without a fan). Users of Pentium II processors may be advised to attach the fan to the heatsink themselves.

However, no matter how hard you put the heatsink on the processor, there will still be small air gaps between the surface of the heatsink and the top of the processor. And air, which has a very low thermal conductivity, greatly interferes with heat transfer between the processor and the heatsink. These interlayers are usually eliminated by using the heat-conducting paste KPT-8, made on the basis of beryllium oxide (BeO), it conducts heat well, is chemically low-active and is used in the nuclear industry as a neutron reflector. The paste is placed in a thin layer between the processor and the heatsink, providing better thermal conductivity.

Main problems

In unstable operation at frequencies of 75 and 83 MHz, the following are noted:

  • HDD Quantum Fireball, Fireball TM, Fireball ST (the problem is solved by using a cable no more than 10-15 centimeters)
  • SVGA on the ET6000 chip - mainly due to overheating of the chip.
  • SoundBlasters - older releases - problem solved by increasing IO Recovery

In addition, the following problems are possible:

  • Unstable work. This problem can be solved by changing the timing of your memory modules (SIMM/DIMM) in the setup. For example, increase the wait state.
  • Unstable operation of the disk subsystem. Either the operating system does not load at all, or messages like "Missing operation system" are displayed, when creating archives they are created with errors, when copying files are copied with errors, the CD-ROM drive is not recognized by the operating system. In this case, try to shorten the cables of IDE devices, or if this does not help, try to force the PIO-mode setup of your HDDs and CD-ROM drives one step lower.
  • Unstable operation of ISA devices. Set the setup to a larger dividing factor for the ISA bus clock rate and the I/O Recovery delay.

useful links

  • More information about overclocking and optimizing PC performance can be found on our partner's website

The development of technology, which made the computer available for home use, aroused the natural interest of users in studying its internal structure. The most advanced of them, having understood the principles of the processors, began to conduct experiments to increase performance. It must be said that at dawn computer technology there were many more such users than now. Many had programming skills, and hand-written drivers for peripherals was nothing surprising. It was at this time that overclocking appeared. This is a method that allows you to "overclock" the processor by changing its clock speed in order to obtain maximum performance.

Theory of overclocking

To understand how to overclock a processor on a computer, let's digress a little into theory. First, let's look at what factors affect the frequency of the central processor. So, the frequency of the CPU is determined by the following parameters:

  • system bus frequency;
  • processor multiplier.

System bus or front side bus(FSB) is used to connect the processor to the motherboard controller. In the classic version of the layout, this is the so-called North Bridge (north bridge). It is to him, through other buses, that the fastest computer components, such as RAM and a video card, are connected. Controls the system bus frequency clock generator. The role of this component is reduced to setting the base frequency of operation of all internal components of the computer.

Clock frequency Processor work determines the number of operations it performs per second. Initially, at the dawn of computer technology, this frequency coincided with the frequency of the system bus. Over time, more productive solutions appeared that worked faster and it was necessary to separate the frequencies into external and internal. This is how the concept of a multiplier or processor multiplier. It is characterized by the excess of the frequency of its work over the frequency of the FSB.

By changing any of these two parameters, we increase the performance of the processor.

Purpose of Overclocking

The general theoretical part has been completed. Let's try to understand why a computer can be overclocked:

  • Acceleration in game modes. Over time, games become more and more demanding on resources, and it is quite expensive to constantly upgrade. It's much easier to figure out how to improve the performance of the hardware you already have.
  • Upgrade savings. Not only a gamer can save on components. Properly selected hardware with overclocking potential allows you to increase performance as needed and thereby extend the life of your electronic friend.
  • Curiosity and desire to achieve maximum performance. Those who understand what overclocking is, and who are engaged in this business on permanent basis, often carry out this procedure to announce the result achieved to the overclocking community.

Overclocking classic

Processor manufacturers are also far from stupid people and are well aware that if overclocking opportunities for cheap models are not limited, there will simply be no buyers for expensive ones. The decision was very simple. Most devices come with a locked multiplier. Thus, we came to the conclusion that the overclocking of the processor via the FSB bus has become a classic of overclocking.

Let's look at how to increase the processor frequency by increasing the corresponding parameter of the FSB system bus. By the way, this method is also called BSLC upscaling. By and large, this is a game of terms. Generator the base frequency BSLC is responsible for this parameter in the FSB system bus.

So, let's proceed directly to understanding the physics of the processes occurring in this case. As we already wrote, this parameter is the result for the operation of all computer components. Therefore, by raising the bus frequency, we simultaneously raise it for all components connected to the north bridge. Data exchange begins to occur faster not only between the processor and the controller, but also, accordingly, between the controller and the RAM connected to it. Thus, the overclocking potential will also depend on the ability of the memory to work stably under increased requirements. This is where the logic of the motherboard comes into play.

Professional overclockers initially lowered all possible hardware frequencies to the minimum level and only then began to overclock the bus, thus conducting a synchronous increase. In some cases, in order to achieve the desired result, it was necessary to change the power consumption parameters of the processor by applying increased voltage to it.

All the above actions were performed exclusively through the BIOS and required a deep understanding of the actions, since there was always a risk of overheating of the equipment.

Modern technologies

Times are changing, and manufacturers, seeing the indestructible desire of users to experiment with overclocking, began to develop their own utilities for this. For many motherboards latest generations they can be found on the included driver disk. The use of such programs makes it possible to raise the frequency of the system bus directly from the operating system. As a result, you can achieve work at elevated parameters without delving into the intricacies of the hardware and the motherboard.

There are also models specifically designed for overclocking. For example, the processor Intel Core 2 or Intel Core i3 standard edition have an overclocking potential ranging from five to fifteen percent, depending on the model, and allow the use of only classical methods. But the models of this manufacturer with the index " To» in the title are released initially with an unlocked multiplier. Accordingly, they accelerate much easier and have a higher potential. AMD, as the main competitor, also does not stand aside and has a similar line, produced with the index " FX». Latest processors series Ryzen also have an initially unlocked multiplier.

Overclocking limits and restrictions

It is impossible to unambiguously name a figure that would limit the overclocking potential even for a specific processor model. It is always a "floating" value and even within one model range it can change.

This section will indicate General requirements, which will help to safely overclock the processor:

When answering the question of how to properly overclock the processor, experts advise first disabling all modern energy-saving technologies. You can do this using the BIOS menu. The names of these parameters vary among processor manufacturers, but their common goal is the same: to reduce power consumption at a time when your system is not performing active tasks. For equipment overclocked on the bus, this requirement is no longer relevant.

Be careful and attentive, do not chase records and remember that at the slightest hint of program failures, you need to retreat and gain a foothold on the frequency at which the equipment worked stably.

Intel Overclocking

In this section, we will look at how to overclock the processor Intel. A number of parameters for the line of one manufacturer will always be common and will help to carry out both processor overclocking Intel Core 2 Duo, and newer models Intel Core i3. Even overclocking the processor of the latest modifications will not be an impossible task.

If your model is specially designed for overclocking and belongs to the series To, it is better to increase the multiplier. Thus, you will not affect the work of other components and get the desired performance increase.

If you are overclocking a regular series, then you can use special utilities from this list:

  • SetFSB;
  • SoftFSB.

All of them work with processors Intel and allow controlled overclocking directly from the operating system. In all cases, you will need to know the model of the motherboard.

By analogy with the previous section, consider how to overclock the processor AMD. This can be done both from the menu of the basic input-output system, and with the help of utilities specially designed for this. Unlike its main competitor AMD has its own program, available for download on the official website of the company and specially designed for use by overclockers. This utility is called over drive and allows you to change the parameters of the processor in a very wide range.

Third-party manufacturers also did not stand aside and released their solutions for overclocking equipment. AMD different series:

  • Advanced Clock Calibration (ACC);
  • ClockGen.

Both of them are designed to interact with the FPS bus and can increase its frequency. It is noteworthy that ACC can work both from the operating system and directly from the UEFI menu.

By increasing the frequency of the system bus, you can even overclock the processor AMD Athlon II x4 640, which will be an excellent budget solution due to the margin of safety inherent in it. At a nominal frequency of 3 GHz, it easily and safely overclocks to 3.5-3.7 GHz.

Manufacturer Utilities

Some motherboard manufacturers also release their own utilities designed to configure their settings directly from the operating system. Examples of such software:

  • Gigabyte EasyTune;
  • ASUS Turbo V.

It must be admitted that with the development of UEFI capabilities, the fashion for them passes. Therefore, we have given only two versions of this software from manufacturers that received the latest updates during 2016.

Summary and Warnings

In this article, we gave general concept about why and how you can overclock the processor. By tradition, we recall that before increasing the performance of the system, you need to thoroughly weigh the pros and cons. It is necessary to study the characteristics of your motherboard and the hardware installed on it, carefully understand the values ​​​​of the parameters of the equipment undergoing overclocking. In any case, only the user himself is responsible for all the consequences of such actions, and manufacturers of processors and motherboards warn about this.

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Overclocking What is it?

Acceleration - forced operation of equipment on elevated frequencies. Overclocking of processors directly by the user appeared quite a long time ago, approximately starting from 486 processors. Even then, people wanted to speed up their computer without spending money from their budget. Since the processor was that part of the computer, whose speed was always measured in megahertz, the goal of overclocking was to increase these very megahertz. At first, processors were not very eager to give joy to their owners. The reason for this is that in those distant times, computers were much more expensive than they are now, and processor manufacturers squeezed everything they could out of them. Therefore, they had practically no margin of frequency. But time changes everything. In our case - for the better :) (otherwise there would be no this article). So, the purpose of this article is to help novice users as much as possible, and to help processor manufacturers as little as possible :) ...

Why do CPU manufacturers delight us with overclocking?

In fact, the CPU manufacturer does not strive to please users, he only tries to squeeze the maximum benefit out of his "products". In addition, there are a few more points about the possibility of overclocking, here they are:

Processor release system.

For example: AMD Athlon XP 1500+ and 2000+ based on the Palomino core are not released separately (that is, AMD needs to fill a gap in the market for XP 1500+ processors, great, we are starting the process of manufacturing XP 1500+... not everything is so simple). That's why:

Nucleus inhomogeneity

Modern processors are very complex devices that contain millions of transistors. But how to make it so that in two 1500 processors there are, for example, 40,000,000 million transistors each? No way. Surely in one there will be, for example, 100 more, in the other 200 less. And the first will work a little faster, and the second a little slower. And the number of transistors directly depends on the ability of the processor to overclock.

How can the manufacturer know which CPU to stick the 1500XP label on, and which 2000XP label?

Test processors? So: 10,000,000 Athlon XP Palominos have been released. Put 10,000,000 computers with these CPUs, put 10,000,000 people behind them, and give everyone a setup: overclock the processors to the maximum. It is clear that no one will do this because of the very high costs. This is where the science of statistics comes into play. I will demonstrate a simplified model: AMD produced 1,000,000 processors in a year. In the first half of the year, 400,000, in the second half of the year - 600,000. From the first, 100 were taken and tested. 10 processors worked like 2000XP, 90 - like 1500XP. From the second: 10 - 2100XP, 90 - 2000XP. We mark the first batch as 1500XP (it makes no sense to select 10% of 40000 CPUs that work like 2000). We mark the second as 2000XP for the same reasons. And why the first batch was smaller, and the quality was worse, I will consider in the following paragraphs.

Test conditions

The fact is that processors are tested at the factory under harsh conditions (temperature conditions, testing time, etc.), so that they are guaranteed to work at the declared frequencies. When buying a processor, we try, on the contrary, to provide it with good conditions(we buy an expensive cooler, sometimes we even leave the case open, etc.). For this, the processors thank us and operate at higher frequencies.

Brand and "like them"

Such computers are not widely used in the CIS countries due to their high cost. There are many corporations selling ready-made computers in branded cases, often with their own production of monitors, mice, keyboards, etc. Among such companies: Dell, Compaq, Toshiba, etc. They equip their computers with only high-quality components. Therefore, the processors in these computers can be set at deliberately lower frequencies for the greatest reliability of the system.


It is important not only to produce high-quality and fast processor, but also skillfully paint its merits. For some reason, manufacturers do not like to disclose shortcomings :). All this is done to convince us to buy the product of this particular company, and not any other. Intel skillfully uses this rule.

Not all processors are created equal...

There is always demand for top models, but it is relatively low. It often happens that processors with low frequencies sell much better. This creates a gap in the market. Manufacturers seek to fill it and relabel processors. If this is not done, then top models accumulate in the warehouse. And they will still have to be sold sooner or later, moreover, at a price that is noticeably lower than planned.

Technical process

At the plant in the second half of the year, more processors were produced and their frequencies were higher. This is due to the technical process, which determines the size of the transistor, measured in microns. The smaller this value, the better processor will accelerate. That is, more transistors can be placed in the core of the same volume and, therefore, the frequency will be higher. And with younger models, we will do this: we will place a smaller number of transistors in the same volume, which will cause less heat dissipation and a higher disposition for overclocking.


Since the processors of the same series are produced on the same technological line and differ only in frequencies, we can observe the following picture: a 1500MHz processor is overclocked to 1800MHz, and a 2000MHz processor is overclocked to 2100MHz. What do we see? Of course, the second processor leads in frequency, but it overclocked only by 100MHz, and the first one by 300MHz, although it is inferior in frequency. This is explained by the fact that 2000MHz is already working almost at the limit of its capabilities. Therefore, processors of the same series with the lowest frequency overclock much better in relative terms than their older brothers.

Date of issue

The later the processor is produced, the better it is adapted to overclocking. Company engineers are constantly trying to improve production in order to provide a greater percentage of the yield of suitable products, and therefore reduce costs. This is achieved through the use of more advanced technologies ( new packaging hulls, etc.). And the more technologically advanced a processor is, the better it is adapted to non-standard frequencies.

Why do we need this acceleration?

Overclocking is done for a number of reasons, ranging from increased performance to enthusiasm. Here are the reasons:

  • I want faster! (c) Our user
  • I want it for less! (c) Our user

System balance

It often happens like this: I bought a cool video card and thought that everything was OK. But it was not there. I forgot/didn't know/didn't remember that the old Duron 600MHz was left in the system, and GeForce 4 is already on the table. The processor in its importance in games (since almost every user is tempted by games, it happens that people overclock for the sake of games) occupies one podium with a video card. Therefore, in order to somehow make the video card work as expected, the processor is overclocked.


And here comes my favorite part! Many people (myself included) overclock everything they can for the thrill of it. Why overclock a 2GHz processor? - asks a novice user / overclocker. Yes, then - it is interesting to squeeze the maximum! (Even if this maximum is not really needed) It's like a roulette: lucky - well overclocked, unlucky - still overclocked, but not by much. Even more adrenaline is added by the fact that such manipulations can burn the "precious stone". Although, cases of processor crashes from overclocking are extremely rare. You just have to do everything with the mind, and not with stupid excitement. If everything is done correctly, then the probability of failure is 0.0XXX%.

What if he burns out?

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, with the right actions, the risk is extremely small, but it is there. Here are a few cons of overclocking:

Fatal outcome - the processor burned out. This can happen if:

  1. I forgot to attach the cooler during assembly. It is treated simply: you need to be careful and check the system as a whole before starting.
  2. Cooler stopped. In the BIOS of most motherboards there is an option: to stop the system when the cooler stops.
  3. The temperature of the processor goes off scale, one day the computer freezes and does not "come to life". Watch the temperature. Usually it should not exceed 60 degrees.
  4. I wanted to unlock the multiplier on Athlon / Duron and after that the system does not start. Gently wipe off the remnants of conductive varnish / pencil from the processor and, if in this case "nothing starts" (c) Masyanya :), take the stone to the company where you bought it under warranty. When talking with a manager, you need to make an innocent dumb face and mumble all the time: I played Quake / Unreal / NFS ... and he ... he stopped and does not work now. No smart words, to the manager's questions about whether you got the processor / removed the cooler, etc. Talk - NO.
  5. I went to a neighbor to put my stone on his computer, brought it home, inserted it into my computer - it does not work. See point above.
  6. Chip on the core due to inaccurate installation of the cooler, but there is a guarantee. Try to blurt out the thermal paste on the core so that it covers the chipped area and forward to the firm. There are few options for a successful outcome, but they are. It's better than mourning a dead processor at home.
  7. The leg broke off. Try contacting a professional workshop, they may be able to help. I advise you not to trust this occupation to some neighbor "Sasha", who supposedly knows how to handle a soldering iron - you will carry the processor to the workshop with five broken legs.


Processors are designed for approximately 10-15 years of continuous operation. With your actions, you can reduce their service life to 5-10 years. But after this time, your processor will cost a couple of cans of beer :).

Extreme overclocking

An occupation for fearless people. I don’t belong to those, therefore, I don’t do such things (I won’t describe in this article, since it is designed for beginners and advanced users who are better off not taking up this activity. And experienced overclockers would hardly find anything new in my knowledge of extreme overclocking) and I do not advise you. But if you still feel itchy, you can try. I will only note that the chances of dying at the processor increase dramatically.

Manufacturer and overclocking

Manufacturers have a negative attitude towards overclocking, but there are some exceptions (why doesn't AMD block the ratio "hard"?).


What will I get from overclocking if I have XXXMB memory, GeForce X video card, etc.? It is advisable to overclock the processor in all cases (except for such situations: you are a gamer, you have 3GHz CPU\TNT2 M64\64Mb RAM). The question is, what are the downsides of overclocking?

  • When overclocking with FSB, not only the processor heats up, but also all system components. Therefore, almost everything can fail (memory, hard drive, SCSI card, even the power supply).
  • The problem is to determine: what exactly fails? Most often: memory or CPU.
  • After several hours of work, the computer hangs. This almost always happens due to overheating. Need a better cooler.
  • After buying a more "fancy" cooler, the case will make much more noise.
  • Sometimes: feeling of fear. Will it burn out?


Often, after optimizing the memory (by setting lower timings in the BIOS, setting up the OS, etc.), overclocking and optimizing the video card, you can get b about more performance gain than overclocking the processor.

Free RAM

If your frame is small and your tray in Windows represents something like: AVP Monitor, ICQ, PowerStrip, Chat, CPUCool, Winzip, Windows Messager, etc., then it makes sense to upload something, since these programs take up precious space in random access memory.

Main board

Update BIOS. Perhaps it has settings that were not previously available. Usually manufacturers do not like to talk about any specific changes in BIOS versions, so you usually have to check it yourself. P.S. The purpose of writing this article: to help the user get "free" megahertz, and not to tell about the BIOS settings under the heading: "Put a pair of Enabled and 2T in it and everything will work 2 times faster." This is a matter for a separate article.

OS Options

It is possible to tune the performance of almost every OS. Therefore, you can simply reinstall or configure the OS. The performance gain can be significant (depending on the OS running state :)).

Video card overclocking

This item is addressed to fans to play 3D games. For such users, overclocking the graphics card can give the same boost as overclocking the processor. "How and what" to do is perfectly written in the article "FAQ on overclocking video cards" (for which many thanks to my namesake Alexei F. aka fin :)).

Video optimization

There is a possibility to optimize the video card. This is done using the settings in the drivers.

Preparation for overclocking or bringing to mind.

To do this, you will need fine-grained sandpaper, GOI army paste, a piece of cotton cloth :) and thermal paste. It's done like this: Unpack the freshly bought cooler. If foil or some kind of viscosity similar to chewing gum can be glued on its base, we boldly tear them off. We look at the place where the core should come into contact with the base of the radiator: there should be no traces of glue on it. Next, we take sandpaper and polish the base of the heatsink (in some articles, the authors also recommend polishing the surface of the processor core ... I strongly do not recommend doing this) so that it is even. The ideal surface cannot be achieved. Here GOI paste is called to help us (in the army it is not used for polishing radiators :)). We rub a piece of cloth on it and polish the same base. When the work is finished, you will be able to see the reflection of your satisfied face on the radiator :).

Next, we take the KPT-8 thermal paste produced by Soviets (I don’t recommend using silver-based pastes, etc.: firstly, because KPT-8 does its job perfectly for less money, and secondly, because when using pastes based on conductors there is a risk of shorting something) and apply it to the processor core. You should not be afraid of busting, because when installing the cooler, the remaining paste will be squeezed out, you just need to slightly move the radiator from side to side.

How can I overclock my processor?

Processor overclocking depends not only on the processor itself, but also on the specific hardware in the system. I will take the case when all the components of the system are perfectly adapted to overclocking:

By changing the FSB frequency

The most popular overclocking option available to almost everyone. The formula for calculating the processor clock frequency is: FSB x Multiplier=Clock Frequency. In the BIOS of the motherboard or using DIP switches (there used to be jumpers. The same as DIP, only the device is simpler :)) the FSB frequency you need is set, multiplied by the "multiplier" and the processor frequency is obtained. We increase the FSB frequency by 5MHz, start the computer, run 3D Mark2001 a couple of times or something like that. If everything went OK, we repeat the procedure ... we reach the moment when the system boots, but after a couple of minutes it starts to work unstably ( fatal error, 3D Mark crashes, strange system errors appear, etc.). It's time to move back 5MHz. We test the system for several hours for overheating (more is possible, but after several hours of 3D Mark, CPUBurn, etc., everything will become clear.). If all tests pass, the processor is overclocked. It remains to correct the frequency by adding 1 MHz to the FSB and testing as described above. Overclocking with FSB gives b about a greater increase in performance (since almost all components of the system are overclocked, in particular, the largest increase of these "all" gives RAM), rather than using a multiplier.

Using a multiplier

Almost all modern processors, with the exception of AMD Duron/Athlon (I don't take into account old processors and Athlon for Slot A), do not have the ability to change the multiplier. Initially, Duron/Athlon couldn't change the coefficient, but after smart people figured out AMD's secret, everything became more fun :). For different modifications of these processors, the multiplier is unlocked in different ways. Here are the unlock instructions:

AMD Athlon (Thunderbird), Duron (Spitfire)

These processors unlocked without much strain. It was enough to connect with a simple pencil (graphite passes current, but has a large resistance, which, however, is not so great for this procedure :)) L1 bridges, seal the whole thing with tape (graphite tends to crumble over time) and the processor is ready for use :).

AMD Athlon XP (Palomino), Duron (Morgan)

Here the matter is much more complicated. Let me remind you again: if you are not sure that you will succeed, DO NOT DO IT. So let's get started:

Tools and tools

So, how can you make your Athlon XP stone work not at the frequency that is given to it, so to speak, from above, but at a higher one, and at the same time not let the processor lose its face, that is, its presentation?

This is more difficult to do than in the case of the AMD Athlon Thunderbird, the bridges on which were closed with an ordinary simple pencil, but it is still possible. To do this, we need: a sharp knife, like a clerical or surgical one, high-quality transparent adhesive tape, some quick-hardening adhesive that does not conduct current (the so-called superglue that is on any flea tray will do), a tube of contactol conductive glue, which can be buy at any decent auto parts store, a magnifying glass (aka magnifying glass) and 40-45 minutes of free time from business and worries.

It is also highly desirable to have a multimeter or tester. Superglue can be completely replaced with any other glue, it is only important that it quickly changes its state of aggregation, that is, it becomes solid - we don’t want to sit on the processor for 24 hours, do we?

Instead of Kontaktol glue, it is quite possible to use any other well-conducting current, washable with a solvent and sufficiently adhesive substance - for example, zaponlak with metal filler, which is sold in any self-respecting store selling all sorts of smart radio components.

Molten solder is unacceptable: you will achieve the result, of course, but you will definitely lose the presentation of the processor.

Of course, in addition to, so to speak, acquired resources, we will also need some innate and acquired human qualities. Which? Yes, the simplest ones: straight arms, the same head, and preferably not located anywhere, but on your own shoulders. Do not take alcohol before you are going to do the indecency described here with your processor - everything can end badly for him and for you. The movements you perform must be clear, fast and confident.

Change the multiplier

So, the L1 bridges have not gone away. And even they are located on XP in the same place as Thunderbird. But look at these bridges carefully: between the two points, which, in fact, we need to connect, there is such an inconspicuous groove, in which, with a further game of peepers, it is quite possible to see a thin copper coating.

If you still try to close the bridges with a pencil or solder, you will inevitably not only connect them together, but also short them to the same copper substrate. The result will be rather sad: the processor will refuse to start, and it will be very difficult to bring it back to life.

As you already understood, our task is to close the L1 bridges without "grounding" them to the copper coating. To do this, you just need to fill the grooves with a dielectric, which in our case is superglue or its substitute. To do this, despite the seeming simplicity of the task, it is necessary to be very, very careful - after all, the dielectric should not get on the contact pads of the bridges, but the groove must be filled to the very end - for better insulation.

We must localize the grooves with tape, which we will actually do. Clean the surface of the processor substrate with alcohol or cologne. (Only without swallowing and exhaling on the substrate with a thin layer)

Then stick two strips of adhesive tape about 1 cm wide, each along the bridges - so that they cover the pads, but do not affect the grooves. The width of the resulting gap should not exceed 1-2 mm. If the rubber foot on the backing is in your way, tear off or cut it off. After that, with two more tape strips of approximately the same width, finally localize the place where the glue was applied - in other words, stick them perpendicular to the already glued strips so that only the grooves of the L1 bridges remain open, and nothing else.

It is extremely important that the tape you use has good stickiness and does not have the bad habit of puffing up everywhere. It must be glued to the substrate tightly so that no swellings remain along the seam - otherwise, glue can leak into such a swelling, closing the contact pad and thereby ruining the entire first stage of the "Kommersant" operation.

If you did everything right, then after the glue dries and peels off the adhesive tape, you will see a smooth (or not so) tubercle of glue lying exactly on top of those very ill-fated grooves. By the way, we don’t need this mound at all: applying normal, even conductor tracks over a thin, uneven and crumbling tubercle of glue is a much more thankless task than doing the same thing, but on a smooth surface of the substrate.

Therefore, we take a scalpel in our hands and carefully, leading the blade parallel to the substrate and almost touching it, cut off the remaining glue. In this case, it is important not to apply excessive force to the knife - you can scratch the substrate or, for example, pick out the dielectric from the groove. It is also important that the knife is really sharp, and not the one you have been promising to sharpen for a year now, and even the bread under it is not cut, but broken.

All you can do is open your eyes. What do we see? And we see an idyllic picture - a smooth, clean surface of the substrate and hated grooves neatly filled with a dielectric. If we see something different, it means that we did something wrong and this “wrong” must be immediately redone.

But even after obtaining a perfectly flat surface, you cannot use a pencil - the resistance of graphite is too high and the processor will still not work the way we want. The use of sharply sharpened solder is also not justified - nevertheless, glue, even hardened, tends to crumble and scratch, so you still won’t get a smooth track. This is where our liquid conductor comes in handy: with its help, as well as with the help of the adhesive tape that has already served us, we can make smooth and reliable tracks between the contact pads.

Again, cut off two strips of about 1 cm wide each from a skein of adhesive tape. Again we stick them along the sites, but now we leave them open too. Then, perpendicular to these stripes, we glue two more pieces of adhesive tape so that only the first bridge of five remains open. That is, only a tiny rectangle remains open.

If at the previous stage I advised you to glue the adhesive tape tightly, then here I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to glue it VERY TIGHT - the conductor is not a dielectric, its leakage is much more dangerous, an unnecessary short circuit can cost you a processor.

Pasted? Now take a deep breath and with some thin tool, apply a layer of conductor to the open rectangle. You don’t need to feel sorry for him, pour him too. You must apply a solid layer, but not a drop - we absolutely do not need it.

You can breathe out. While clouding in the eyes caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood passes, put all the tools in place and do not touch anything else until the glue or varnish is completely dry. I emphasize - complete drying! That is, such a state of the conductor, when it will be possible to stick adhesive tape on it, without fear that the glue will spread from careless pressing. After this momentous event has happened, feel free to tear off and throw away the tape.

And repeat the procedure for the second, third and so on bridges. The most important thing at this stage is to prevent any short circuit between the bridges. Of course, you can then remove the small "goat" with a scalpel, but there is a high risk of scratching the substrate. The result of processing all the bridges is the unlocking of the processor multiplier. Carefully inspect the bridges, preferably under a magnifying glass, in order to make sure that there really are no unnecessary contacts between them. After that, it is highly desirable to measure the resistance of the resulting tracks, as well as ring them for contact with each other.

This is where a multimeter comes in handy. Without applying any force to the probe, place it on the first bridge and touch the other end of the same bridge with the second probe. The resistance should be close to 0. If this is not the case, then the bridge is not induced - repeat the procedure for applying the conductor. If this is the case, successively touch all the other L1 bridges with the second probe. If on any measurement you get almost zero resistance between the probes, look for a short circuit.

If this does not happen, go to the next bridge.

Are all tests passed successfully? Great, now press one probe to the small contact pad above the inscription "Assembled in ...", and with the second, sequentially go through all the newly created bridges. The resistance must be different from zero in all cases. The pad against which the first probe is pressed appears to be in direct electrical contact with the copper coating, and this test tests the reliability of our adhesive insulation.

If there is a breakdown somewhere, you will have to destroy the newly built bridge, refill the groove with glue and then restore the destroyed one again.

So, everything is done and you can start overclocking.

P.S. Be extremely careful with the unlocking of "brown" athlones. Once, after such a procedure, the athlon overclocked to a frequency of 0 MHz :(. Moreover, there were no signs that the percent had burned out, there were also no "unintentionally closed bridges", the handling of the processor was extremely careful. To make the bastard work, I removed the conductive varnish, but that didn't help either. So think after that: what did I do wrong? In the "green" athlone, I closed all the L1 bridges to each other, after which the processor simply did not start. When removing the varnish, everything worked.

AMD Athlon (Thoroughbred)

When the processor based on the Thorobred core was released, AMD went to meet overclockers, firstly, it left an unlocked multiplier on some models (those with a factory multiplier up to 12.5), but it’s not difficult to unlock the rest. Secondly, I made a well-overclocked processor (and this pleases). Well, let's figure out how to unlock a thorobread with a multiplier higher than 12.5. And this is very easy, you just need to close the 5th bridge of the L3 group, this can be done in two ways:

a) Already traditional way: connect two points of the 5th bridge of the L3 group with conductive varnish, having previously sealed the slot between the points with adhesive tape or superglue, and the processor is unlocked.

FIG.1 b) This method is even simpler: you just need to close two legs of the AJ27 and AH28 processor with a thin wire (Fig.2), the result is the same. (More on the legs below.)


When unlocking the processor in these ways, it will be possible to set various (up to 12.5 inclusive) multipliers using the motherboard, if the latter has such a function. But what to do if there is no such function, or you need to set the multiplier above 12.5, then this method is no longer effective. How to do this, read below.

You can set different multipliers from 5 to 18.5 by setting different combinations (open, closed) of 5 L3 bridges. For example, you have a 1700+ torobreader, its native multiplier is 11, the position of all bridges is closed (they are all closed), and we need to set a multiplier of 13. To do this, we need to cut the 3rd and 5th bridges of the L3 group, and in order to return the multiplier of 11 we need to cover them with conductive varnish.

More about L3 bridge combinations:


You need to cut the bridges with two 1.5 volt batteries, one contact to one of the points of the bridge, and the second must be connected to a needle and driven between the points and the bridge will be cut. However, the bridges can not be cut, but simply isolate certain processor legs that are connected to the upper points of the L3 bridges.

It is done like this - it is pulled out of network cable(twisted pair UTP) of wires, a wire is pulled out of the insulation and we pull this (or some other) insulation onto our legs - at the same time, it is necessary to slightly drill holes (manually) on the moving part of the socket, so that when the processor is removed, the insulation does not remain there:

Bridges L3

Processor legs

Isolating these processor legs will be equivalent to cutting the L3 bridges. Also, with the help of the same legs, it is possible to restore the previously cut L3 bridges. All you need to do is connect the GND signal to the pin corresponding to the top point of the L3 bridge - this will be equivalent to closing the bridge:


Ensuring stability during acceleration.


Voltage can be increased/lowered on CPU, RAM, AGP, IO. Usually, raising the voltage on the processor gives more stability, it can be used to get better overclocking results. True, when the voltage on the CPU / RAM / NorthBridge is raised, they start to get warmer more. This requires good cooling. An overview of CPU coolers can be found on almost any hardware site. Chipset cooler mat. It is advisable to replace the boards, for example, with a cooler from Pentium I. The heatsinks attached to its chips will suffice for memory. You can make them by sawing a radiator from an old mat. board or processor. Then glue it with hot glue (not super glue!), Which can be bought at any radio market.


I recommend increasing the voltage by a maximum of 15% of the nominal value. Above is not safe! With overclocking the CPU, it is necessary to increase the voltage on the memory, since most of the mat. The boards operate in synchronous FSB/RAM mode. There is no need to raise the voltage on the AGP, since modern video cards can operate at AGP frequencies that are much higher than the nominal ones. This option is relevant for owners of video cards from Matrox, whose products have long been famous for their dislike for overclocking. The IO (Input/Output) voltage can be raised to increase the overall stability of the system.


So that other equipment (hard drive, PCI devices, video card, etc.) does not suffer during overclocking, dividers were invented. For example: Intel Celeron I runs at 66MHz FSB, in synchronous mode the PCI/AGP frequency will also be 66MHz. AGP has a nominal frequency of 66MHz, while PCI has a nominal frequency of 33MHz. When the frequency is increased by 2 times, the hard drive will refuse to work at all. Table showing the dependence of PCI / AGP frequencies on FSB frequencies:

This plate shows that there are dividers FSB/PCI/AGP: 1:2:1; 1:3:2/3; 1:4:2; 1:5:2/5; 1:6:3. At the same time, mat. a board that supports a divider, for example 1:6:3, has a set of previous dividers. Moreover, it can choose the one you need depending on the FSB frequency, but lower the nominal frequencies for PCI / AGP mat. boards do not know how (for example: Intel board The 815 at 95MHz FSB will select a 1:2:1 divider rather than 1:3:2/3.

Conclusion: when overclocking, it is better to use officially supported frequencies (see the table above). That is: you have an AMD Athlon XP running at 133MHz FSB. It will be easier to persuade him to work at 166MHz (if there is a motherboard with a divider 1:5:2/5) than at 159MHz.


As you may have guessed, a good cooler is essential for effective overclocking. Remember: with the help of a cooler, not only the processor is cooled, so it is necessary to provide high-quality cooling to almost all components.

Hull design

It is better to choose cases with a horizontal power supply (it is located so that air flows freely to the processor cooler), fortunately this design is present in almost all the latest cases.

Processor Descriptions

Here's what many beginner overclockers really want to know. Description of processors, overclocking options, etc.:

AMD Duron (Spitfire/Morgan(Duron XP)):

Frequencies: 600 to 900MHz for Spitfire and 900 to 1300MHz for Duron XP

Morgan is a cut down Athlon XP (cut down, as always, the L2 cache and FSB=100MHz, not 133).


Technology 0.18; 0.13 microns, core voltage 1.6-1.7V, power dissipation from 26 to 45W - Spitfire, from 46 to 57W - Morgan, both cores include about 25 million. transistors. The bus for both is 100x2 = 200MHz, the real frequency is 100MHz, it's just that data is transmitted on both edges of the signal. Bus bandwidth 1.6 Gb / s. The first level cache is 128kb (64kb for data and 64kb for instructions), the second level cache is 64kb. Both caches store data that do not intersect and complement each other, so the effective amount is 192kb. Thanks to this caching system, AMD processors manages to be faster than similar Intel processors.

Package:) :

Connector - Socket-462 (Socket - A). Socket-A-PGA462 is being manufactured. The processor crystal is brought to the surface for better cooling. The processor is quite fragile, so be careful when installing the cooler, for this, four gaskets are installed along the edges to soften the load. When buying a processor, check the core for chips (usually along the edges of the die) so that you do not have to go through the warranty return procedure immediately after purchase. The Athlon XP/Duron XP series processors have a built-in thermal sensor that allows you to most accurately record the temperature of the processor. True, only the latest boards support this function.

Command sets:

Spitfire: MMX extended (+19 additional instructions) and Enhanced 3DNow!, with 5 additional instructions. instructions. It uses 3 superscalar fully pipelined floating-point calculation units with the ability to change the instruction execution sequence and 3 superscalar fully pipelined address calculation units with the ability to change the instruction execution sequence. This allows you to achieve impressive performance in applications that use a large amount of complex mathematical and geometric calculations, in particular, in games.

Morgan: Same instructions as Spitfire+3DNow! Professional, which includes 107 SIMD instructions, 52 more than 3DNow! Enhanced. Thanks to this innovation, the 3DNow! Professional is compatible with the SSE command set used in Intel processors. Also, the changes have befallen the mechanism for predicting the instructions used, due to which the new core tries to load instructions into the processor cache in advance that may be required for further calculations. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to reduce the number of idle processor cycles associated with waiting for the necessary data to arrive from RAM. Use of an increased fast address translation buffer (TLB) responsible for caching main memory data.


The processor is ahead of: Intel Celeron Mendocino (20-30%), Coppermine (10-20%). Behind: Intel Pentium III (3-5%), Intel Pentium III Tualatin (10-20%), Intel Celeron Tualatin (5-15%), AMD Athlon/XP (5-20%). The difference between Spitfire and Morgan is about 2-5%. As the ratio of Duron processors increases, the gap to Athlon increases due to the smaller cache size. The percentage difference depends on the system bus frequencies, the type of memory used, test applications.


Junior processors with frequencies of 600-650 lend themselves well to overclocking, but they have already been discontinued and it is very difficult to find them on sale. They usually overclock up to 1GHz. Their frequency ceiling is around 1100MHz (due to 0.18µm technology). Therefore, older models accelerate poorly. New models of processors based on the Morgan core, released using 0.13 micron technology, overclock quite well. Overclocking depends on the amount of cache memory (the smaller - the better for overclocking), and on Duron it is only 64kb. For overclocking, you need to take care of good cooling, as the heat dissipation of these processors leaves much to be desired.


  1. Sufficiently high performance.
  2. The lowest price among competitors.


  1. Strong heating during operation.
  2. Quite fragile.

Low clock speeds (I do not consider it a minus, since the processor is positioned for inexpensive office and home computers).

Summary: Great processor for home and office. Excellent price/performance ratio.

AMD Athlon (Thunderbird/Palomino/Thoroughbred)

Thunderbird: 700 to 1300 at 100MHz FSB and 1000 to 1400 at 133MHz FSB

Palomino: 1333 to 2000MHz (1500XP to 2400XP) at 133MHz FSB

Thoroughbred: 1466 to 2167MHz (1700XP to 2700XP) at 133MHz FSB


Thunderbird: Same as Duron Spitfire except FSB 100 and 133MHz. Cache memory of the second level (L2) - 256kb. Power dissipation from 50 to 90W.

Palomino: 37.5M transistors, 0.18µm, power dissipation 60 to 90W. The rest is like Thunderbird.

Thoroughbred: 0.13µm, power dissipation from 60 to 90W. The rest is like Thunderbird.


Thunderbird: Same as the Duron Spitfire. Only the body is painted in coffee color. Early versions of processors produced under Slot A were in SECC2 packages.

Palomino: Same as Duron. They are only produced in plastic Socket-A-OPGA462 (Organic pin grid array) brown or green (latest models), which made the processor a little lower.

Thoroughbred: Same as Athlon XP. Only the area of ​​the crystal decreased and it became rectangular in shape.

Command sets: Thunderbird: Same as the Duron Spitfire.

Palomino: Same as Duron XP.

Thoroughbred: Same as Athlon XP.


Thunderbird: Processor outperforms: Duron, Intel Celeron, Intel Pentium III, Intel Pentium 4 (there are some applications like WinRAR and Quake3 where P4 is slightly ahead). Behind: Athlon Palomino/Thoroughbred, AMD Athlon Barton. On a par with Intel Pentium III Tualatin (Depends on the type of memory used and applications).

Palomino: Processor ahead of: AMD Duron, AMD Athlon Thunderbird, Intel Celeron, Intel Pentium III, Intel Pentium III Tualatin, Intel Pentium 4. Behind: AMD Athlon Barton. Thoroughbred: Same as Athlon Palomino. The difference depends on the system bus frequencies, the type of memory used, and test applications. Data obtained at equal frequencies.

Overclocking: Thunderbird: Accelerates worse (due to more cache) than the Duron Spitfire. Only the frequency ceiling is approximately 1500 MHz. The rest is the same as the Duron Spitfire.

Palomino: The first versions in brown cases do not overclock well. Versions in green cases overclock well (most likely due to technological standards). Green stones marked 1500XP and 1600XP are the best to accelerate. Usually, with good cooling, it is possible to set a coefficient of 12.5 and make them 2000XP or put them on 166MHz FSB. The latter gives a big increase in performance. On some mat. boards (KT333, KT400, etc.) you can set the asynchronous mode of FSB and memory, but this gives a meager performance boost. The frequency ceiling is approximately 2 GHz.

Thoroughbred: Due to 0.13 micron technology, low-end processors overclock just cool. The 1700XP (1466MHz) gem is the king of overclocking. Honored overclockers of the Russian Federation:) on the website www. The ceiling is about 2.4 GHz.


  1. Excellent price/performance ratio.
  2. Good overclocking capabilities (for Athlon XP).


  1. Strong heating during operation.
  2. High power consumption (demanding to the power supply).

Summary: Great processor for home/professional/gaming/video/graphics systems.

AMD Athlon XP (Barton)

Frequencies: from 1833 to 2167+MHz


166(333)MHz FSB is used. Cache L1 - 128kb, L2 - 512kb (at the frequency of the processor). Technology: 0.13µm. Voltage: 1.65V, heat dissipation: 55 - 74W.


Connector - Socket-462 (Socket - A). Socket-A-PGA462 is being manufactured. The processor crystal is brought to the surface for better cooling. Four gaskets are installed along the edges, softening the load. The processor die has a rectangular shape (large ribs are longer than Thoroughbred). A thermal sensor is built into the processors, which allows you to most accurately record the temperature of the processor. True, only the latest boards support this function. Barton supports enough a large number of motherboards on a variety of chipsets (sometimes even those that do not officially support 166MHz FSB). The list can be found at the end of the article.

Command sets:

Many hoped to add the SSE2 instruction set to the Barton core, but, unfortunately, this did not happen. The processor supports all the same " gentleman's set": 3DNow! Pro, MMX, SSE.


Unfortunately, the 512kb L2 cache does not provide the desired performance gain (about 5-10% compared to Thoroughbred). Yes, and the price of processors still leaves much to be desired, but still Barton is the leader in terms of speed today. Overtakes: Everyone. Out: No.


Despite the twice increased amount of cache memory, the processor overclocks quite well (it heats up, however, like a frying pan). Approximate overclocking is comparable to Athlon Palomino. True, for this you need to have a modern mat. fee. So far, only nVidia nForce2 and VIA KT400A CE are among the best "products" for these purposes, as they are able to work stably at FSB frequencies above 200MHz.

Pros: Speed ​​Leader.


  1. Relatively high price (at the time of release)
  2. Strong heating during operation.
  3. Mat required. board that works correctly with 166MHz FSB.
  4. Requires a high-quality and powerful power supply.

Summary: The processor will find its application in high-performance computers of the Hi-end class. Not suitable for home use at the moment gaming computer because of the high price.

Intel Celeron I (Mendocino)

Frequencies: from 300 to 533 MHz.


66MHz FSB is used. L1 cache - 32kb (16kb each for instructions and data), L2 cache - 128kb is integrated into the kernel and runs on clock frequency processor (the first versions of Celeron (from 266 to 333 MHz) did not have an L2 cache for Slot1, and their performance was rather low). Technology: 0.25 µm. Voltage: 2V, power dissipation: 18 - 30W. Package:

PPGA case with a cover that protects the crystal from damage. Socket-370 connector. Some younger models were released in Slot1 version. If you have a mat. motherboard for Slot1, processors for Socket-370 can be installed with a special adapter Slot1->F-PGA or FC-PGA.

Command sets:

It has two MMX modules, a pipelined floating point unit (thanks to which it turned out to be faster in games than similar AMD K6 / K6-2 models). Supports the execution of commands with a change in the sequence of execution.


It has low performance by today's standards (66 MHz FSB, small cache size, no SSE support). Such a processor is the best suited for office PCs. Lagging behind: from all the others considered in this article. Outperforms: AMD K6/K6-2 (30-40%), VIA/Cyrix (40-50%) in games. On a par with AMD K6/K6-2 in office applications.


266 MHz Celeron without L2 cache almost always overclocked to 400 MHz (100 MHz FSB). The younger CeleronA models (300, 333MHz) usually overclocked to 400-450MHz. Sometimes it was possible, by raising the voltage by 0.2-0.3V, to make the 400MHz Celeron work at 100MHz FSB (600MHz). Celeron I's ceiling is 600MHz, so, for example, a 500MHz processor didn't want to run even at 75MHz FSB.


  1. Low price.
  2. Compatible with old boards on Slot1, PPGA, FCPGA.


  1. Low performance.
  2. Low clock speeds.

Summary: Inexpensive processor for simple office tasks.

Intel Celeron II (Coppermine128/Tualatin)

Clock frequencies: From 533 to 766MHz - 66MHz FSB, from 800 to 1100MHz - 100MHz FSB for Coppermine128. 1200 to 1500MHz for Tualatin


Coppermine128: 32kb cache L1, 128kb cache L2. 0.18µm, voltage depends on frequency: from 1.5 to 1.75V. Power dissipation: from 11W to 30W. Tualatin: 32kb cache L1, 256kb cache L2. 0.13µm, voltage: 1.475V. Power dissipation: 30 to 38W.


Coppermine128: FC-PGA package, green color. The processor can be installed in the mat. a board with a Slot1 connector if an adapter is available. About his support mat. board can be found on the manufacturer's website, you may have to change the BIOS. This is due to the fact that not all old mat. Boards under Slot1 can set the voltage to 1.75V.

Tualatin: FC-PGA2 case, green color with a special protective cover-heat distributor (Integrated Heat Spreader), which contributes to better cooling of the core, as well as protection from mechanical damage. The processor cannot be installed in an old mat. A board without the intervention of a soldering iron (old motherboards do not support 1.475V power supply and you can’t fix the situation with a new BIOS firmware).

Command sets:

It has two MMX modules, a pipelined floating point unit, 8 additional registers and 70 additional instructions SIMD (SSE). Tualatin additionally has an improved block for predicting and caching data that the processor may need for current operations, which gives a performance boost of several percent.


Coppermine128: Behind: Intel Pentium III, AMD Duron/Athlon. Leads: Intel Celeron I, AMD K6/K6-2, VIA/Cyrix. Tualatin: Behind: AMD Athlon. Leads: Intel Celeron I/Pentium4, AMD K6/K6-2, VIA/Cyrix. On a par with Intel Pentium III, AMD Duron.


Coppermine128: The ceiling is about 1200 MHz. The younger models overclock relatively well (for example, 600 MHz overclocked to 900-950 MHz). Tualatin: The ceiling is approximately 1700-1750 MHz. Due to the use of 0.13 micron technology, the processors overclock well, the increased L2 cache hinders overclocking.


  1. Good performance (for Tualatin).


  1. Low performance (for Coppermine).
  2. Relatively high price.
  3. No versions with FSB 133MHz.

Summary: Coppermine is a rather slow processor. Designed to upgrade older systems. Buying a computer based on Celeron Coppermine is not economically feasible. Celeron Tualatin is a good processor that can take pride of place in the machine of a not very demanding gamer.

Intel Pentium III (Coppermine/Tualatin)

Clock frequencies: From 533 to 1133MHz for Coppermine (Index E means 100MHz FSB, EB means 133MHz FSB). 1133 to 1266MHz for Tualatin cache L2 256kb, 1133 to 1266MHz for Tualatin L2 512kb


The version of Tualatin with 512kb of cache was originally conceived as a server version of the processor, and was called the Pentium III-S. There are no differences from the version with 256kb cache, except for a slightly lower voltage.

Coppermine is available in 0.18µm and Tualatin in 0.13µm technology. The FSB frequency can be 100 or 133 MHz. L1 cache - 32kb. The voltage for Coppermine is 1.65-1.7V, for Tualatin L2 256kb - 1.475V, for Tualatin L2 512kb - 1.45V. Mobile versions processors are always equipped with 512 kilobytes of L2 cache. Dissipated power - from 20 to 35W.


Versions of processors for the Slot1 socket are no longer available. Now processors are available in two types of cases: FC-PGA ((Coppermine) a small black crystal on a green plastic case for a Socket370 socket) and FC-PGA2/Socket370 ((Tualatin) a green plastic case with a special protective heat distributing cover). In Slot1, you can install processors in FC-PGA packages through an adapter. Install processors on the Tualatin core in the old mat. The board will fail without soldering.

Command sets: The same as in Celeron on similar cores.


coppermine: Falls behind AMD Athlon, AMD Athlon Barton, Pentium III Tualatin. Outperforms Intel Celeron/Pentium4, AMD Duron. Tualatin: Falls behind AMD Athlon. Outperforms Intel Celeron/PentiumIII/Pentium4, AMD Duron.


Coppermine processors are usually overclocked at 150-200 MHz. The most suitable for overclocking processors with FSB 100MHz. Tualatin L2 256kb are overclocked at 200-300MHz. Tualatin L2 512kb is usually overclocked at 100-150MHz. For Coppermine, the ceiling is about 1250 MHz, for Tualatin - 1700 MHz.


  1. Great for upgrading (for Coppermine).
  2. Small power dissipation.
  3. Good performance (for Tualatin).


  1. Low performance (for Coppermine).
  2. Relatively high price.
  3. Low limiting frequency.

Summary: decent processor for home PC/audio/video data (for Tualatin). The processor is most suitable for upgrading a computer based on Celeron (for Coppermine).

Intel Pentium 4 (Willamette/Northwood)/Intel Celeron

Clock frequencies: Celeron: From 1700 to 2000 MHz. Willamette: 1.3 to 2 GHz. Northwood: 1.6 to 3.06 GHz


400 MHz FSB is used, bandwidth is 3.2 Gb/s. L1 cache - 12000 instructions (8kb), L2 cache - 256kb (512kb for Northwood) runs at the processor frequency. Manufacturing technology 0.18µm for Celeron and Willamette, 0.13µm for Northwood. Dissipated power - 50 - 70W.

Package: Socket423 for Willamette, Socket478 for Celeron and Northwood. Voltage - 1.7-1.75V for Willamette, 1.475V for Celeron and Northwood.

Command sets:

The block of integer operations operates at twice the core frequency. Added 144 new SIMD instructions - SSE2 set (214 instructions in total). Uses a new pipeline - Hyper Pipelined Technology with a depth of 20 stages. Improved branch prediction and command execution with reordering - Advanced Dynamic Execution.


Celeron: Behind: Intel Pentium III/Celeron Tualatin, AMD Duron/Athlon. Leads: Intel Celeron Coppermine, Via/Cyrix. Pentium 4: Falling behind: Intel Pentium III/Celeron Tualatin, AMD Duron/Athlon. Leads: Intel Celeron Coppermine, Via/Cyrix. Depending on the type of memory used, the gap may decrease.


The Celeron runs quite well. Some instances with a frequency of 2 GHz can be overclocked to 3 GHz with good cooling. This fact is explained by the presence of a small amount of cache memory. Pentium 4 Willamette is not the best object for overclocking. It works at nominally at fairly high frequencies. 200MHz average overclocking result. The Pentium 4 Northwood runs pretty well thanks to the 0.13µm technology. For younger models, the average result is 400 MHz.


  1. The leader in clock frequency (for Pentium 4).
  2. SSE2 set.


  1. Not suitable for modernization.
  2. Large power dissipation.
  3. High price.


Pentium 4 good processor for professional high-performance systems, which, unfortunately, is not very suitable for home gaming systems due to poor price/performance ratio.

It's hard for me to recommend Celeron to any system. Today's Celeron has nothing to do with Celerons previous versions, which at one time combined excellent characteristics at an affordable price. The processor is absolutely not needed by today's standards.

I do not consider the rest of the processors, since they are relevant only for office applications and this information will be of interest to a very small number of users. The paragraph "SUMMARY" expresses my personal conclusion. If someone does not agree, write.

The same, only in tables:

CPU Supported chipsets
Athlon 100FSB VIA KT133/A, KM133/A, KL133/A, KLE133/A, KT266/A, KM266, KT333, KT400, Ali Magik 1, SiS730/733/735/740/745, nVidia nForce/2
Athlon 133FSB Ali Magik 1, VIA KT133/A, KM133, KT266/A, KT333, KT400, AMD760, SiS730/735
Athlon XP 133FSB VIA KT133A, KM133A, KL133A, KT266/A, KM266, KT333, KT400, Ali Magik 1, SiS730/733/735/740/745, nVidia nForce/2
Athlon XP 166FSB Almost all boards based on KT333\400 and nForce2 (at the moment the full list is not available to me)
Duron 100FSB VIA KT133/A, KM133/A, KL133/A, KLE133/A, KT266/A, KM266, KT333, KT400, Ali Magik 1,SiS730/733/735/740/745, nVidia nForce/2
Celeron 66FSB
Celeron 100FSB i440BX, i810, i815, VIA PRO 133A/PM133/PL133/PLE133/266, Ali Alladin TNT2, Ali Alladin Pro5, SiS630/633/635
CeleronT 100FSB Like Celeron128, only T or B is added at the end of the model (on Intel motherboards). Example: i815B or VIA PRO 133T
CeleronW 400FSB
Pentium IIIC 100/133FSB i440BX, i810, i815, VIA PRO 133A/PM133/PL133/PLE133/266, Ali Alladin TNT2, Ali Alladin Pro5, SiS630/633/635
Pentium IIIT 133FSB
Pentium IIIS 133FSB Like Celeron128, only T or B is added at the end of the model (on Intel motherboards). Example: i815B or VIA PRO 133T
Pentium 4W 400FSB Intel845GL/845D/845A/I850/I845PE/I845E/I845G/I845GL, SiS645/645DX/648/650, VIA P4X266A
Pentium 4N 400/533FSB Intel845GL/845D/845A/I850/I845PE/I845E/I845G/I845GL, SiS645/645DX/648/650, VIA P4X266A


Thank you for reading the article to the end. I hope you learned something new from it. The article turned out to be not quite small :), and, unfortunately :), it will be constantly supplemented (for now, for myself, and if the people are interested, it will be posted on the Internet). Please do not judge strictly, since this is my first article, the writing of which took the author, that is, me, a lot of time (1.5 months). But be that as it may, what was written was useful not only to me, but also to my friends and acquaintances. So time has not been wasted... Several things prompted me to write this article:

  1. I remember myself when I got a computer (~5 years ago) ... At first it was just a passion for games and so on. Then I wanted something new... I started to get interested in overclocking: first, I burned the BIOS of my video card when I tried to change the initial splash screen with a notepad :), then the memory started to work poorly when my Celeron was overclocked, then I killed it (or maybe it killed itself :) ) My neighbor's Athlone... So, by trial and error, reading a bunch of articles (which I was tormented to look for in the internet), and so on. Learned to squeeze the juice out of the computer (including the processor). And so I decided to bring it all into one note :) for beginners.
  2. The second point is closely related to the first: for friends, acquaintances, comrades, etc., who bombard me with questions related to overclocking something in their cars.
  3. Aleksey F aka fina, which seemed to me very interesting material, despite the fact that I already know all this. I wanted to do something similar, only about another, no less significant part of the computer.
  4. Of course, I want to see my work on the pages of The main participation, and the prizes - it's not for me to decide.

In the article I tried to combine the FAQ with the "overclocking tutorial for beginners". The author of the article has too little modesty, so he admits: my name is Aleksey, I live in the city of Minsk, Belarus, I study at the Belarusian State University at the Faculty of Law. I am fond of girls, money, cars, computers and so on. In the distant future, I plan to create a site for overclocking, which will contain all the information I know about those computer components that can be overclocked :). Home computer configuration:

  • AMD Athlon XP (Palomino) [email protected] ([email protected]=2V)
  • Volcano IX+KPT8 4000RPM
  • Gigabyte 7VAX KT400
  • 256Mb DDR PC2100 [email protected] CL2, 2.5.2., 1CMD.
  • Elsa Gladiac 920 (GeForce3) 200/ [email protected]/560MHz
  • HDD 80Gb IBM 120GXP 7200RPM UDMA100
  • CD-RW Teac W54E 4x/4x/32x
  • SB Live! value
  • Lucent 56K Modem
  • Realtek 8139AS net
  • 15` Monitor Samtron 55B:) Antiques

10062 parrots in 3DMark 2001SE if anyone is interested :). For all this it was required: 1. Change the heatsink with the cooler on the video card to the cooler from PIII, put the whole thing on the KPT8+Supergluk. Stick heatsinks in memory in the same way (in my opinion, they were simply glued there). 2. Hang a fan from the case near the video card for additional cooling of the chip and memory. 3. Put the cooler from the first Pentium on the reverse side of the video card chip. 4. Change the radiator with a cooler on the northbridge mat. Payments. Just like I did with the vidyuhi chip. 5. Put the heatsink from P3 on the south bridge of the motherboard (before that it was quite hot to the touch). 6. Place a fan on the chassis to draw air into the chassis. 7. Lubricate Volcano IX with synthetic engine oil Castrol :).

After all this, it was possible to overclock the system and bring down the ardor of the roaring volcano so that it was no louder than the rest of the coolers in the system, which turned out to be 6 + 1 on the power supply. If there is a digital camera, I'll post pictures :).

I remind you once again: almost everything written in this article was checked by me personally (those who do not trust me may not read further :)), but the use of these instructions / tips in overclocking your computer is done at your own peril and risk. Therefore: (an excuse will follow now :)) the author of the article does not bear any responsibility for broken / burned equipment.

Gratitudes and ingratitudes:

Many thanks to my neighbors - Yegor Nemtsev and Dmitry Levin for help in decorating. To Sergey Buchin and the site for saving me from writing an article on the bridges of the Athlon XP (Palomino), for the same reason I thank Tyl'a, who kindly provided me with an article about the bridges and legs of Thoroughbred'a.

Ingratitude: to my girlfriend Anya and my neighbors and friends who, without knowing it, distracted me from writing the article by inciting to drinking, bars, movies, etc. Their efforts were in vain :). I thank in advance those who will help me and make comments or additions. Don't kill your critic!

Summary: if any words or expressions are not clear, write me an e-mail. With pleasure I will explain, but I do not think that any words will cause difficulties.

(c) Lisok Alexey

This article was submitted to our second contest.

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