How to play games on windows 8.1. Standard windows games (spider solitaire, solitaire) - where are they located?

(and then on) in principle at the moment of the official release of this operating system. Although at first it was a little unusual to use the new Start, overall I really liked the operating system. It is an order of magnitude more convenient than older systems. But I remember very well how surprised I was that standard games from the Vista and Seven operating systems were not included as a new feature. After all, these games were quite popular. Who among us hasn’t played solitaire at work? Or the sapper, which appeared in XP (if not earlier, I don’t remember). Of course, the games have not disappeared completely and are now available in the Store in an updated UI presentation under the names Microsoft Minesweeper, Microsoft Solitaire Collection (Solitaire: solitaire, spider, solitaire), Microsoft Mahjong (Mahjong itself). They are very easy to find by entering the word in the search.

But not everyone likes to use the UI interface of the eighth series of Windows. Well, to be honest, the new "innovative theme" of the minesweeper is simply terrible. Fortunately, there are good people who have already collected and packaged classic games from Windows 7 V OS and, moreover, the latest build already automatically detects the bitness of your operating system, so now you only need to download this installer. And run it.

After installation, in the list of programs you will see a section with all the classic Microsoft games. And, of course, you can play them.

One of the changes in the Windows 8 software was the disappearance of desktop versions of Microsoft games, in particular the most beloved by users, Solitaire and Minesweeper.

They have been replaced by full-screen versions of the same games, and at the same time integrated with the service. If this situation suits you, you can stay with it, but if not...

In short, the classic versions of games can be returned and it’s not that difficult to do.

Installing games from the Windows Store

The easiest way is to find them and install them like any other application. Launch the Store, and then enter “Microsoft” or the name of the game you want in Search. We believe everyone knows what to do next.

Games installed from the Store will still run in full screen mode, but at least you will get rid of being tied to the Xbox service.

Editing native Windows 7 games

More in a cunning way restoring classic games is to transfer them from Windows 7. This method was found on the vastness of the Western Internet. It is quite troublesome, so it can only attract those who like to experiment.

To do this, you will need Windows 7 and a hex editor or a special patcher, the link to which you can find below.

On a Windows 7 computer, go to C:Program Files and find the Microsoft Games folder there. Copy it to any portable media. It weighs approximately 140 megabytes. You will also need the CardGames.dll file.

You can find it in the System32 system folder at C:WindowsSystem32. You can use the built-in search, it will be faster.

Connecting removable media to a computer with Windows 8 and copy the Microsoft Games folder to the Program Files directory, and the CardGames.dll library file to each of the subfolders with games located in the Microsoft Games folder. Consider half the work done.

In order for the games to run, you will have to edit them. Know how to use a hexadecimal editor. Amazing. Using it, open the executable file of the game you need and find the following bytes:

7D 04 83 65 FC 00 33 C0 83 7D FC 01 0F 94 C0

Now replace the first byte, that is, 7D with EB and save the editing result.

If this method seems complicated to you (in truth, it is a trifle), use the Microsoft Games Patcher patch, after disabling the built-in windows defender 8, since the latter may unambiguously hint at the presence of a Trojan in it. Don't worry, there's really nothing wrong with it. In general, see for yourself and do as you see fit.

One way or another, after making the changes, all games should launch without problems. Create shortcuts to patched game exe files and place them on your desktop or start screen. Yes, the game files and CardGames.dll must be taken from a 32-bit Window 7, not a 64-bit one, otherwise the patch will not work! Don't forget this.

Download the patch:

Another simple trick with Windows XP

And finally, let's look at another way to restore previous versions of games in Windows 8. This is also a transfer, but this time we will use Windows files XP. Go to C:Windowssystem32 and find the following files there:
  • cards.dll
  • freecell.exe
  • mshearts.exe
  • sol.exe
  • spider.exe
  • winmine.exe

Copy them and transfer them to any folder convenient for you, and then transfer them to a computer with Windows 8. That’s all, you can launch the executables. All these games with Windows XP work perfectly on eight, there is no need to edit or patch anything.

If you don't have installed Windows XP, you can use installation disk or boot ISO way, which, of course, will need to be unpacked. We are looking for the same files. This time they will be represented by these “blanks”.

  • SOL.EX_
They are located in the “i386” directory. Transfer the designated files to Windows 8, for example, to drive C. Now let's turn them into real DLLs and EXEs. Open command line and enter the following command:

expand CARDS.DL_ cards.dllB

Let us briefly explain. cd is a transition to the root of drive C, where our blanks are located, expand is the unpacking command, CARDS.DL_ is the source file, cards.dll is the result of unpacking. We carry out the same operation with “under-executables”, only we no longer need to switch to drive C again. That's all, you can run the extracted files and enjoy your favorite games.

In his Windows time 7 came with a wonderful selection of casual games, including some very high quality and addictive toys. We spent more than one hour playing Chess, Klondike, Hearts, Minesweeper and other bundled Windows 7 games. Unfortunately, not all of these toys survived the migration of Windows 7 - Windows 8 - Windows 10. Although the solitaire set was re-released, Chess, for example , remained in Windows 7. Fortunately, you can easily install these games on Windows 8 or Windows 10 if you so desire. This instruction will tell you how to do this.

Installing standard Windows 7 games on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10

The instructions are extremely simple and will only take you a few minutes.

Now you can find your games in the Start menu and the Games folder. In addition, you can use the games section, which is also installed along with the games and is called Games Explorer. All available games are located inside it.

How to remove standard Windows 7 games

An individual game cannot be deleted using normal means. Therefore, if you need to remove any of them, you will need to remove the entire package. To do this, simply go to Settings - Applications and find in Windows list 7 Games for Windows 10 and 8. Click on the package and select Remove. An uninstallation window will open, after following the instructions, games from Windows 7 for Windows 10 will be completely removed.

Have you played any of these games on Windows 7? Which was your favorite? Tell us about it in the comments.

The moment of my long-awaited transition to Windows 8 (in principle, to Windows 8.1 too) coincided with the date of official distribution of this OS. I eagerly began to study all the nuances and secrets of the updated product, because there was enough visual material to study. Gradually dealing with software new system, began to pay more attention to the slightly modified appearance digital product. At first I was struck by the unusual the new kind Start-up, but in general terms the operating system was quite satisfactory. It has an order of magnitude more meaningful convenience than previous versions. But somehow I remember more clearly the severity of my indignation that the Microsoft developers did not consider it necessary to include standard games from the Vista and Seven operating systems in the new product. It’s very strange, because these toys were a kind of symbol of Windows systems. Who among us hasn’t played spider solitaire during a lecture or work? Who hasn't played the exciting minesweeper game, which became a hit back in the days of XP. Some even organized symbolic sapper championships. It is easy to assume that the games could not have disappeared forever; they exist and can be seen in an updated UI guise on the pages of the Store under specific names:

  • Microsoft Minesweeper (Mineweeper);
  • Microsoft Mahjong (Mahjong);
  • Microsoft Solitaire Collection (Solitaire games: solitaire, spider, solitaire).
Access to them will open immediately after entering the word Microsoft in the search engine.

But, to be honest, not everyone likes the innovative UI interface of the Windows 8 series. It’s good that there were responsible people who did all the work (layout and assembly) to prepare the transition of classic games from 7 to operating systems Windows 8 and 8.1, as well as Windows 10. Besides, latest version knows how to assemble automatic mode determine the bitness of your OS, which means that you will only need . Everything is very simple and accessible.

After installation is complete, a separate category will appear in the list of programs with all the familiar, standard set of games from Microsoft. That's all, the installation was successful, you can sit in a comfortable chair and begin the wonderful process of the game.

You can also play on this site