How to recover deleted data on an Android phone. How to recover deleted files on Android: tips and tricks

August 2016

Such a problem as recovering deleted files when it comes to the Android operating system can overtake any tablet or smartphone user. Many people believe that such problems can be easily solved only when problems occur with a PC, because special software has long been invented for this, but if an Android phone becomes on the agenda, then all is lost. This judgment is not correct. During the existence of the operating system, specialists have developed a lot of methods and programs that help to return user data deleted accidentally. A very important factor at the time of information recovery is the complete exclusion of recording any data until the recovery actions are completed. This is due to the fact that newly recorded data can occupy those cells where the deleted information was located. For the success of the entire operation, it is recommended to completely disable the GSM module so that an accidental message does not spoil the recovery process.


There is a classic way to recover deleted files on an Android phone. The device must be connected to a PC and scanned using traditional means. Conventionally we consider hard disks smartphone with an ordinary data storage device. If data is lost from the memory card, recovery is possible even without the participation of a computer. If the information was erased from internal memory You must first connect to the PC using a USB cable, wait until the operating system automatically installs the drivers, and select the “Connect to USB storage” option on your phone.

Next, you need to select and install a file recovery program. There are several free applications that allow you to quickly recover data from a PC to Android smartphones, including: Recuva and 7-Data Android Recovery.

Is the most popular program to recover data as removable disk, and from internal memory. The developer offers to use the paid and free versions, although free version has impressive functionality. First you need to download Recuva and install it on your PC. Next, we connect the Android phone via a cable to the computer in USB storage mode. As soon as “USB connection established” appears on the device screen, you can launch the program.

After launch, a window will appear where you need to select the type of files you want to find, you can also select “Enable in-depth analysis”, this will take more time, but the result will be more accurate. At the end of the scanning process, a list of files for recovery will appear on the computer monitor. Make sure that the required data can be returned to the phone memory (they will be marked green), select them and continue the application. After Recuva is completed, transfer the data back to the device’s memory.

7-Data Android Recovery
In terms of functionality, the program is very similar to Recuva; its main difference is the ability to work with all types of internal memory: external and internal storage, and even RAM.

After downloading, installing and debugging the device, we connect it in USB storage mode, as is the case with Recuva. The program will prompt you to select the location from which you want to restore the files - select the drive, then in the “Advanced settings” item, select the type of files that you need to find. In the list of recovered files, mark the necessary ones. You will be pleased with the presence of a “preview” mode, when you can return only the necessary ones from the recovered photos.


When you can’t connect Android smartphones to a PC, but you urgently need to restore phone files on Android, you can use special applications that work from a smartphone. However, some of them may require root rights.

Its functionality is similar to the “Trash” on a PC. It should be understood that the Android OS does not initially provide for the presence of such an option, so you need to take care of its existence in advance by downloading from Google Play Market, for example, an application such as Dumpster - Recycle Bin. The program is free and does not require root rights. After installing it, you need to select the types of files that will be saved in the Recycle Bin with the possibility of subsequent recovery. The application will prompt you to specify the data storage period, after which the information will be permanently deleted. To restore saved data, just go to the Recycle Bin, select the files you need and click “Restore”.

GT Recovery
Works on all devices with Android OS, except Nokia. Provided free of charge by Google Play. The advantage of the program is the ability to recover any type of files - text, video, photos. The disadvantage is the need for root rights.

The developer offers to use a free option - it is possible to recover only photos, and a free one - with the ability to recover any data from internal memory and from a removable storage device. A great option if you have Android smartphones. Using the program is very simple: select the required folder and start scanning; after some time, a list of files that can be recovered will appear. We select the necessary ones, after which the restoration will be carried out to the place where the files were originally located. The disadvantage of Undeleter is the need for root rights. The advantage is that you can install it on your Android phone after data loss.


Having read the information about what actions are taken to restore files after accidental deletion, it is advisable to prepare in advance for such troubles. It is worth installing one of the programs on your smartphone, and also having a couple in reserve on your memory card, because it may happen that the user will not have access to either the PC or the Internet. And, also, don’t forget about the good old synchronization with cloud storage or about the banal periodic copying of data to a PC.

On android, regardless of the date when they were erased? Yes, this is not a problem if several conditions are met.

How does the removal mechanism generally work?

Let's say you have HDD for 1 TB. He is 60% occupied. The decision was made to clear the hard drive of games, as a result of which the load indicator dropped to 35%. What happens in this case? Are files deleted? Purely nominally - yes. But here there are two types of deletion: with the possibility of quick recovery and without it. What's the difference between them?

The ability to quickly recover means that the file, document or folder will be moved to the trash. A place is reserved for them (that is, nothing will be recorded in their place), and returning them back is a matter of a few clicks. If the file does not fit into the Recycle Bin or it has been emptied, then they become deleted files of the second type. They are on the computer, but any other programs can take their place at any time. And then deleted files will cease to exist altogether. To obtain documents of the second type, use special programs. But it should be borne in mind that their restoration is not a quick matter.

About the mobile operating system

How to recover deleted files on Android? A tool program created for this case can help if the documents have not been overwritten by something else. But first of all, experts can advise buying an SD card that will do backups everything important to you. For a similar tool, you can choose the Tenorshare Android tool Data Recovery(or search similar application in terms of functionality and convenience).

What to do?

How to recover deleted files on Android via a computer using the specified software? To do this, the application must be run as administrator on your PC. Then connect the media to your computer. The program window will show the disk of your memory card, as well as the data that is on it. If they are not there, update the information. Highlight required media and click the Start button to start scanning. Select what interests you and click on Recover. Is it possible to prevent this from happening? Yes, use the Dumpster program for this. It works like a recycle bin, that is, it allows you to quickly recover deleted files from an Android phone. Let's look at a few applications that can perform the actions we need.

Hexamob Pro

on android using this application? There will be no problems with this, since the program is in Russian. It will be able to return erased files, however, only those that were originally formatted in fat. But almost all mobile devices work on this system, so there shouldn’t be any problems. The application provides a filter depending on the file type. Even more - here you can search for specific documents (if you remember their names). But in order for the program to work and perform its functions, mobile device Superuser rights must be available.

An important condition for success is prompt use of the utility. Considering that mobile devices do not have big amount memory, it may not be possible to get files back completely or even partially if measures were taken after a significant period of time. The program runs directly on your phone or tablet. You can also download it from available application stores. At startup, before recovering deleted files from your phone (Android), you must give a positive answer to the request to grant superuser rights.

GT Recovery for Android

This free application which shows good level efficiency. It also works directly on the mobile device itself. For it to function, you must obtain superuser rights. Reviews about this program allow us to formulate a positive opinion about it. Speaking about how to recover deleted files on Android, an important fact should be noted. People find the scanning and data searching tools in this app to be excellent. Therefore, it can find what others have failed to do.

7-Data Android Recovery

This is another program that is completely Russified and allows you to recover previously deleted files. True, it works using a computer via a USB cable. Initially, it will be necessary to scan the data storage area to determine what is recoverable. But there are complaints about this program, saying that it does not want to be saved in Russian-language directories.

Also, some people experienced problems when trying to save information directly on a mobile device. It is solved by transferring data to a computer, and from it to a phone or tablet. Well, now you know how to recover deleted files on Android and what software will be able to help in this matter. Of course, you can look for something else on your own, but the applications that were mentioned in the article perform their functions well.


So, we looked at how to recover deleted files on Android. In conclusion, I would like to once again recommend not to ignore the offer to install a program that will act as a recycle bin. Feature software, offered for mobile operating systems, is that they allow you to quickly restore the necessary documents when needed. But if files disappear from these “baskets,” it’s gone forever.