How to remove deleted VKontakte pages from subscribers. Likbez: how to unsubscribe from a person in "Contact"

The social network "Vkontakte" is popular among young people. The site administration strives to improve the interface social network and make it close to perfection. A social network user cannot deny friendship to a person or commercial accounts that want to add you as a friend.

It must either be added or left signed. In the second case, he will receive information about all the news (uploaded photos, audio recordings and videos, posts published on the wall, added friends, etc.), and will also be able to leave comments under.

They appear when you delete from friends. The deleted one is automatically moved to this section.

Not everyone likes the possibilities of Vkontakte, for example, if a newly-made passion of an ex-boyfriend, a colleague who loves to gossip, or the hundredth online store with obsessive offers, subscribed to your updates. From this article, you can find out toHow to delete subscribers in a contact without blacklisting them.

You can view those who subscribed to updates in the item of the same name on the main page. How more quantity people subscribes, the more popular your account. That is, those who have more subscribers are immediately located in the search, and those who have few or none at all are located below.

Some strive to become more popular, so they use services to attract new users.

By subscribing, you can access general information, and view the news feed - go to the page that you subscribed to, read the wall, see photos, etc. Such opportunities are more suitable for celebrities, and not for the general public. Anyone can see who is subscribed to him.

Ways to remove subscribers in a contact without blacklisting them

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

  • A not very effective and time-consuming method is to write a personal message asking you to unsubscribe from your page. This does not guarantee the result, but its plus is the social side. Of the minuses, the following can be noted - due to privacy settings, an undesirable person may have access to writing personal messages closed or the profile of this person may be deleted.
  • An even less effective option is to post a message asking everyone to unsubscribe on your wall. In the message, you can describe the reasons why you want the subscribers to leave. But it is not a fact that everyone will see this record, and if they do, then few will satisfy this request.
  • The most effective method, which does not involve the use of a blacklist, is to set the most stringent privacy settings in your account settings. This will prevent unwanted personalities from entering your profile, as well as restrict free access to personal data. The disadvantage is that the list of signatories will not decrease.

Only their creators can remove unwanted personalities from a public or group. To do this, they should go to the "Page Management" menu and select the "Participants" item. In the menu that opens, select the desired character and click "Remove from community".

Banning is the more efficient and faster option. With its help, clearing the list of subscribed people is easy - find an unpleasant person in the right paragraph and click on the cross next to it.

Thus, an unnecessary person falls into the blocked ones. If you remove it from there after two days, then it will not be tied to your account in any way.

There are two options for relationships between users on VKontakte: in addition to "friendship", you can simply be someone's subscriber, which will allow you to see the news of those you subscribe to. And, conversely, someone may be subscribed to the news of your page, although they are not your friends.

A person becomes a subscriber in two cases:

  1. if the user receives a request to be added to the list of friends, but, not wanting to be friends with the sender of the request, he selects " Leave in subscribers»;
  2. if his virtual friend changed his mind about being friends with him, and then the rejected one turns out to be subscribers, and as a consolation he gets the opportunity to be aware of the former friend’s “in contact” affairs.

How to remove yourself from VKontakte subscribers?

It's a shame when your friend proposal is rejected or first "friends" and then excluded you from the list of friends. An extra reminder of this is the appearance in your news feed from the one who denied you friendship. And, perhaps, this news began to annoy you or they are simply uninteresting.

It is very easy to remove yourself from subscribers. The people you follow are on your list interesting pages ". Just click on this name in the left menu, and you will see full list users whose news you are subscribed to. Under each profile, you will see a link " unsubscribe”, click on it, and you will no longer see news you don’t need, and possibly repulsive profile photos that could randomly appear in the forefront of this list.

The second way is to unsubscribe, being directly in the user's profile. Under it main photo you will see the inscription "You are subscribed to (username)", move the mouse cursor over this inscription and you will see the link "Cancel", click. Done - you are no longer a follower of this person.

How to delete subscribers on VKontakte?

Have you deleted your ex-boyfriend, ex-husband, girlfriend, wife, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, or people you don’t know at all who became friends by accident? Don't want these people to see your photos, news, statuses?

Unfortunately, the developers did not provide this function, you cannot click one button and delete subscribers, however, you can still get rid of the unwanted attention of your former friends.

The easiest way is to ask the person to unsubscribe. If appropriate, feel free to send him a request for it. If you do not want to communicate with this person or he does not respond to your request, then the only way to remove him from reading your news and viewing photos is to add him to the black list.

Alas, there is no other way, so if the list of subscribers you want to delete is large enough, you will have to spend a lot of time on it.

In order to add your subscriber to the black list, in the left menu, click "My subscribers", a window will open with all your subscribers, if you hover over the profile photo, then in the upper right corner you will see a small cross, when you hover over it, you you will see the inscription " block”, by clicking on the cross, you will be able to add the user to the black list. After that, he will not be able to see your news, he will not be able to write to you, view your page or send friend requests.

If you are not ready for such drastic actions and want to leave the opportunity to write to you, then you can simply limit access to certain data on your page that only a select few or generally only you can see.

For example, in the settings you can specify that only friends can see your contact information and view photo albums, video and audio recordings. However, individual photos on your wall, subscribers will still be able to see your friends list (you can only hide 15 friends from your list).

Therefore, think about exactly what goal you want to achieve: protect yourself from the user completely or only restrict access to some data.

For example, you don’t want your “beloved” mother-in-law to see your “Fishing” photo album, but you also don’t want to offend her with a black list, and besides, you are afraid of running into a scandal about this. Then just restrict access to this album to only a few friends.

Almost every active user in Vkontakte has subscribers - people who have confirmed their subscription to your updates. Who are subscribers? These are users who sent you a friend request, but you have not yet confirmed it. These users can follow your page updates in their news feed. To see the number of subscribers, you need to find this number under your profile picture.

If you don't like the fact that someone can follow your activity on a social network, you can just say goodbye to your subscribers. But you can’t do this with a single button in VKontakte. Let's find out how to solve this issue.

If you are looking for the easiest way to delete your followers, just blacklist them. In previous articles, we talked about how to do this. But you do not need to drive in the address of the page of each unwanted subscriber in the ban list. Better do the following.

Why do we recommend removing subscribers from the Black List? The fact is that the VKontakte algorithm works in such a way that after an hour, deleted subscribers will no longer be such if you add and then remove them from the Black List.

How to delete all subscribers at once

Unfortunately, the functionality of VKontakte does not provide tools for solving this problem. But you can do it sequentially, acting in accordance with the above algorithm. You will have to spend time, but the result will be one hundred percent.

We hope this article helped you!

There are two concepts in the VKontakte social network: friends and subscribers. The first ones are in your contact list and see all the information about you, they can write you messages and share their news. Subscribers are those people who sent you an application for (but you did not accept it), or users whom you intentionally unfriended. The second category also sees your news, but can no longer write you messages if you have set privacy, and share your news. Everything would be fine if only you also did not have to receive a rejection of friendship and wonder how to unsubscribe from a person in Contact. In this article, we will tell you more about this and offer several options for solving your problem.

How to unsubscribe from a person in "Contact"? Method 1

How to unsubscribe from a person in "Contact"? Method 2

  1. We go to the page of the user we want to unsubscribe from.
  2. We hover over the space located under the profile picture, which says that you are subscribed to the user. We wait a few seconds.
  3. A window appears with an "Unsubscribe" link. We click on it.

How to unsubscribe from a person in "Contact"? Method 3

  1. Let's go to our page.
  2. Under the photo we find the section "My subscribers".
  3. Click on the name and wait until the window appears.
  4. We see that in this section, in addition to the list of people subscribed to you, there is also a group called "Interesting Pages". Here are all the publics to which you are subscribed, as well as people who have added you to the list of subscribers.
  5. We find these users, move the cursor over the avatar in the right upper corner and click on the cross.

Now you know how to unfollow a person. Are you aware that:

So, we told you about the intricacies of the VK site, how to unsubscribe from a person in several ways. We hope that this information will be useful to you and that you will be able to use it as soon as possible, and that you will not have such questions again.