Huawei hg532e firmware Rostelecom. Huawei hg532e router: review, configuration and technical capabilities

We have before us the HUAWEI hg532e ADSL router, which is offered to their clients by large providers Rostelecom (RF), ByFly (Belarus) and Ukrtelecom (Ukraine). The device has been tested by time; it has proven itself worthily as a high-quality ADSL modem that delivers good performance. Let's take a closer look at its features.

Typically, such routers are issued by the provider upon connection

The case is plastic, white, the router itself is installed vertically on the stand.

At the top end of the router you can see the status indicators. The ports and reset button are located on the rear panel.

The WPS, Wi-Fi and Power keys are located on the right side.

It is important to emphasize that the device is optimally suited for small offices and apartments. Due to its weak wireless antenna, the router is not enough to distribute the Internet in a large house.

So, the main parameters:

  • RAM 32 MB;
  • flash memory - 4 MB;
  • can work in “Bridge” mode;
  • there is support for AnnexM, ADSL2+;
  • data protection via WPA2, WEP, WPA;

DHCP server, WPS support.

Quick setup

Setting up the HUAWEI hg532e modem begins with connecting all the necessary wires. At the first stage, it is important to connect the network card and the device, then connect the provider's wire, and only then plug the router into a power outlet.

Now we go to the interface where all manipulations will be performed. Enter the path in the browser and enter the standard data for login/pass (the word admin must be entered in both fields). To prevent anyone else from changing the router settings, we recommend that you immediately change the standard authorization data. The keyword is entered twice, after which you just need to click Submit for the settings to be saved.

When quickly setting up a PPP account, the system will ask you to set a password and provider login. Such information is usually provided during the preparation of the contract and is written down in it.

Wireless mode can also be set up in a few seconds. Just come up with a name for your network in the WLAN SSID line, and then enter a strong password in Key.

By going to the next tab, you will see the HUAWEI hg532e status window. The product is ready for use!

Interestingly, IPTV, IP-TV and Internet services are configured here by default. Each port is responsible for its own service (IPTV is the second port, Internet is 4 and 3, and IP telephony remains on the first port).

Advanced settings

To delve into the configuration yourself, go to the WAN item in the Basic section of the interface. All connections will be displayed in this window. If necessary, each of them can be deleted and a new one created (New).

When creating a new WAN connection, it is important to fill out the following fields correctly:

  • connection type - PPPoE;
  • VPI/VCI - 0/33;
  • username/password - information from the contract;
  • connection trigger - always on.

It is better not to touch other fields. By filling out the lines correctly, you will instantly gain access to the Internet.

Setting up IPTV

In order for the television to work, you will have to create another connection. In this case, the filling rules will be as follows:

  • service list - Other;
  • VPI/VCI - 0/50;
  • connection type - Brigde;
  • check the box next to DHCP transmission.

In this simple way, you will be able to set up IPTV for HUAWEI hg532e.

Wi-Fi setup

The wireless network is also configured in the interface, but it is important to select the WLAN tab. Here, in addition to the name (SSID) and password for Wi-Fi from HUAWEI hg532e, it is important to set the mode correctly (universal, 802.11b/g/n), as well as activate the WMM and WPS fields (if you don’t need WPS, you can omit this ).

As for the type of encryption, experts recommend choosing WPA-PSK.


It is recommended to download the update only from the developer’s website. It is important to understand that to flash the firmware you will need an additional utility; it should also be downloaded to your computer.

Having received the files on your “machine”, follow these steps:

  • unpack the archive with the update for HUAWEI hg532e;
  • write in the program the path to the desired file;
  • act strictly according to the instructions described in the utility;
  • do not interrupt the process, otherwise the router may no longer turn on;
  • After installation, the equipment should reboot on its own, which will indicate that all actions were performed correctly.

As you can see, the process of setting up and flashing this product does not look anything abstruse. The main task is to study the instructions presented here in detail.

Setting up wi-fi on Huawei HG532e, as well as in router mode

Recently, the question of how to set up wifi on a Huawei byfly modem has become very popular. This modem is issued with services, its full model is Huawei Gateway HG532e. Therefore, people often ask how to configure Huawei hg532e into router mode, and then wi-fi on it . The modem is notable for being very convenient, unpretentious and relatively easy to set up.

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Setting up this modem may take from 10 to 20 minutes, and sometimes more, it all depends on experience and ability to use such equipment.

Let's get started with the settings

In order to start setting up the settings for the huawei hg532e byfly modem, you need to go to some browser, for example the Internet browser Opera or Mozilla Firefox or another.

Usually, before you start configuring the modem, you need to reset all previous changes made to it and return it to the initial settings. To reset the settings, you need to press and hold for about 10 seconds the reset button, which is located almost next to the power cord.

And so, to deal with the issue of Huawei hg532e router, let's get started with the settings. In the browser, in the field in which we usually enter the names of sites, enter the path to the modem settings - (don’t hesitate when entering into the address bar, just imagine that you are entering the site address).

In the Username and Password lines that appear, you need to enter the word admin - both in the first and second lines.

After entering, a window will appear.

Go to the Basic line.

Click on Internet_B_0_33.

The following window appears.

We make the following changes - change Connection Type: bridge to Connection Type: PPPoE.

An additional menu will appear.

In the additional menu that appears, you need to enter the Username and Password, those that are written in the agreement with ByFly. It contains your personal login and password. Make sure that the characters entered are correct; if even one mistake is made here, you will not be able to access the Internet.


To apply the settings, click the bottom button - Submit. After applying the settings, the Internet should start working in about 20 seconds. To check, we register a website in the browser.

That's all, these settings entered into the modem were used to configure the Huawei hg532e router, that is, we connected the computer to the Internet using a network cable in router mode.

Also, don’t forget to immediately install an antivirus when you get access to the Internet; an article about antivirus computer protection will help you with this. You can also always contact us and our technician will perform this setup quickly and efficiently.

Setting up Wi-Fi on Huawei hg532e

Now let's get down to the issue of setting up wifi Huawei hg532e, that is, setting up a wireless wifi connection on byfly.
In the Basic tab, move to the Wlan subsection.

We change almost nothing, only in the SSID: - enter the name of the future Wi-Fi network, mark the SSID with the SSID:Enable checkbox and create a password for the almost already created Wi-Fi connection in the corresponding line: WPA pre-shared key.

We apply the changes made with the Submit button and everything is ready. The ByFly wireless network on the Huawei Home Gateway HG532e modem is created.

Checking the created Wi-Fi network

Now you can try a wireless wi-fi network, you need to go to the Network and Sharing Center on your computer (located Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center).

We find there the name of the created wireless network, try to connect, a field will appear asking you to enter the password that you entered in the WPA pre-shared key line. Here's how to set up wifi byfly huawei hg532e.

And so on any device that supports Wi-Fi, you must first find the name of your Wi-Fi connection, and then enter the password. This is how to configure Huawei hg532e byfly setup.

If all the settings are entered correctly, usually no problems should arise, but it is not a fact that additional nuances will not arise during the setup. If you were unable to do it, then you can contact us at , our specialists will solve the problem of setting up wifi on byfly huawei, inexpensively and in the shortest possible time.

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I received this modem from a client who bought himself a new one to replace this old one, but it was quite working. For a long time I thought about where to mount it and decided to set it to bridge mode. I will now explain to you how to do this and what is needed for this.

First, you need to download the firmware from MTS, since the standard version cannot enable bridge mode. I think it won’t be difficult for you to do this and I won’t describe it.

Download [ HG532e MTS Russian firmware] 3.5 mb

After flashing the firmware, go to the LAN settings and change the ip to if this is your 2nd router or modem on your network. In my case, it is my 3rd.

Now select SSID2 from the drop-down list. I called it config, through which we will configure the modem. We give him the password and click “OK”.

Now go to “Advanced” and “Snap to Bridge”. Give the group a name and tick everything as in the picture. Now I will explain what this means.

We did not mark LAN1 as it will be used to connect to another router.

We marked LAN2, LAN3, LAN4 and this means that these interfaces will be used in bridge mode and you can connect a PC to them and have Internet on it.

We noted SSID1 (MKONNE!) because it is our main Wi-fi. There will be Internet on it, but we will not be able to go into the modem settings if we want to change something there (for example, the Wi-fi password)

SSID2 (config) was not noted because we do not need Internet there. We will connect to it to change the settings in the modem itself, since this will not be possible through the main one.

SSID3 and 4 are not used.

Now our modem seems to be gone, DHCP will be picked up from the main router, to which it must be connected via cable.

Configuring the Huawei HG532e modem into ByFly router mode does not take much time and is easy to understand even for ordinary users.

The Huawei HG532e ADSL modem in “router mode” is not only a source of the provider’s signal and a connecting link in the distribution of the Internet, but also acts as a server - it makes it possible for all devices on the local network to work on the Internet.

Thanks to this, all electronic devices connected via a wired or wireless network to your Huawei HG532e will be able to use the Internet. Naturally, to connect via Wi-Fi you will need a password. The password itself can be set in the modem interface when setting it up.

So let's go.

Setting up the Huawei HG532e modem

We enter the modem menu - in the browser we type the address, a window appears in front of us to enter the settings (Huawei HG532e modem interface):

In the Username field enter admin, in the Password field enter admin and click on the Login button.

After the above steps, we get to the main page of the Huawei HG532e modem.

In the left column, select the Basic tab:

We immediately get into the Internet connection settings:
In the header, select connection internet_R_0_33:

In the username field - [email protected]. In the password field - the initial password from the ByFly agreement.

After setting, do not forget to click on the Submit button to save the settings.

As an option (not required), you can uncheck the IPv6 item. This function does not affect anything and in “our latitudes” this function (data transfer protocol) does not work.

Now let's move directly to setting up a wireless Wi-Fi connection (setting up the Wi-Fi module of the Huawei HG532e modem)

  • In the left column select Basic -> WLAN;
  • In this tab of the Huawei HG532e modem interface, enter the preferred name of the wireless network SSID (the name will be displayed on subsequent connections) and the preferred password in the WPA pre-shared key field (numbers, letters, icons in the English keyboard layout). It’s better to come up with a slightly more complex password and write it down;
  • The rest of the settings are as in the picture. You can uncheck WPS (a potential vulnerability in any modem);
  • After setting, do not forget to click on the Submit button to save the settings.

The Rostelecom router lineup has been expanded with a new ADSL WiFi modem model; Huawei HG532E. This model is widespread among such huge providers as the Ukrainian UkrTelecom and the Belarusian ByFly. At the moment, it has also begun to be used in Rostelecom (although, according to some sources, it began to be supplied to some MRFs at the end of summer).
For some providers it may be supplied with branded firmware. At the time of writing, our branch is supplied not locked. those. actually with ordinary software.
Based on the practice of its use by other telecom operators, we can say for sure that the HG532E model has already been tested by time and is a good ADSL modem with average, by modern standards, performance.

Externally, the modem is made in a vertical design and placed on a stand. The plastic of the case is white, pleasant and somewhat reminiscent of SoftTouch to the touch.

On the back are copper ports; power supply, RJ11 and 4 LAN ports. There is also a reset options button; Reset.
Status indicators are located at the top end, which is not always comfortable.
From the right side of the body; buttons to turn on the modem, WiFi and WPS wireless adapter:

WiFi antennas are internal and very weak; only 2 dBi. In other words, it’s most likely not enough for a giant apartment, or even more so for a personal home.

Main characteristics of the device:

CPU; Ralink RT63365E
Flash memory; Winbond W25Q32 4MB
RAM; Winbond W94256G6 32MB
Ralink wireless controller; RT5392L
ADSL chip; Ralink RT63087N
Ports; 1xWAN RJ11, 4xLAN RJ45 FastEthernet 10/100 Mbps
ADSL2+ support; There is
AnnexM support; There is
Operation in bridge mode; supported
Wi-Fi module:
Frequency; 2.4 GHz
Samples; support for 802.11 b/g/n standards
MIMO support; There is
High theoretical WiFi speed; 300 Mbit/s
Information protection; WEP, WPA, WPA2
WPS support; There is
DHCP server; There is

Basic setup of the HG532E router:

As I said above, the current version of the firmware is not locked to Rostelecom, so you can configure the device for any provider that provides Internet access using ADSL technology.
The only thing that says that this modem belongs to this telecom operator; This is a master of the original function and 3 manufactured connections. Therefore, if you need to configure Huawei HG532E for Rostelecom and you received it at your branch, then this process will not pose any difficulties.
We go to the router’s web interface using its IP address (web interface URL The first thing you will see is; this is the authorization request:

By default, login for access: admin, and password; admin.
The next step will be to change this password to your own so that no one else can log into the web interface.

Enter it and click on the Submit button;.

You should have been given this information when concluding the contract.
Let's move on to the next step:

This is the WiFi wireless network setup. In the WLAN SSID field; Her name will be indicated, which, in general, can be changed to your own. And in the Key field; You must enter your Wi-Fi password. Click on Next; and get to the modem status page:

This means that the device is configured and you can connect the telephone line. Please note that by default, 3 services are configured on the modem; Internet, IPTV television and IP telephony. Accordingly, a separate LAN port is allocated for each service:
Internet; ports 3 and 4
IPTV; port 2
IP telephony; port 1.

Advanced device configuration:

If you are a more advanced user and want to set everything up without the help of others, then in this case you need to go to the Basic -; menu section; WAN:

Here you will see the connections made, which we will delete. Click on each of them in turn and press the Remove button;. Each time you will be asked to confirm the action:

After all existing virtual channels have been deleted, we begin to create new ones. To do this, click on the New button; and start filling out the fields:

Firstly, for each of the connections you create, make sure that the WAN connection checkbox is checked; Enable;. In the VPI/VCI fields, enter the properties of the Internet channel, which you must first find out from technical support. In our branch it is; 0/33. In the Service List; you need to select INTERNET or INTERNET_TR069, which is practically the same thing. Port Binding section; we skip. Connection Type; set PPPoE and scroll down the page. Connection trigger; set to Always On;. In the Username field; enter your login to access the Internet, and in the Password field; ; password. Click the Submit button; and check access to the global network.

Setting up IPTV digital television:

Create another ATM connection using the New; button:

Enter the VPI and VCI values ​​for IPTV in the Service List; select the Other; item, and in the Port binding; section put a check mark on the port in which the STB set-top box will be connected. With all this, note that Connection type; you need to select Bridge; ; this means that the connection will be of the transparent bridge type;. I would also recommend checking the Enable checkbox next to DHCP transparent transmission;. Apply the functions by clicking Submit;.
Setting up a WiFi network
In the Huawei HG532E modem interface, WiFi functions are collected on the WLAN page;:

The default wireless mode is set to universal; 802.11b/g/n, we’ll leave it that way. In the SSID field; you need to enter the name of our WiFi network; at least some word in Latin. Check the WMM box; ; WiFi Multimedia. In the Security list; select the type WPA2-PSK;, or mixed; WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK;. In the WPA pre-shared key field; enter the Wi-Fi password; it may not matter what alphabetic or numerical sequence is not shorter than 8 characters. If you do not use WPS technology; It is better to remove this checkbox. Applying functions.