If the sound on the laptop disappears. No sound on Acer laptop

You decided to watch a hot new movie, turned it on on your laptop, but the starting frames are completely silent? Does a Skype call prevent you from hearing the other person's voice? And it is completely impossible to imagine a fierce comparison in an online game without sound - after all, you will instantly become a victim of all the enemies who will sneak up on you from behind with complete impunity. Of course, many of the laptop's functions remain the same in silent mode, but how annoying it is! The sound may stop working for various reasons. And most of them can be fixed at an authorized service center where Acer repairs are carried out.

As a rule, the first thought that occurs to the owner of a “numb” laptop is “something happened to the speakers or sound card.” Fortunately, this is not always the case. There are situations when you can restore the necessary settings in Acer yourself. To do this, you will need to carry out simple tests that may help you clarify the cause. Probably the simplest reason why there may be no sound is at the same time the funniest, but at the same time very popular. This happens when there are headphones in the jack. If this is really the case, then no sound will go to the speakers for quite obvious reasons. And the problem is solved as simply as it is diagnosed: just pull out the plug and everything will work.

There is one more elementary reason why the speakers may be silent - if you yourself or someone close to you accidentally lowered the volume to zero or checked the box to turn off the sound completely. It’s easy to check: look at the panel at the bottom and right of the screen, where the “Speaker and Headphones” icon is located. If it is crossed out, then click on it and select “Speaker and headphones: unmute.” All that remains is to select the desired volume level. You don’t find such an icon in your Microsoft Windows at all? It is possible that the sound card driver is not installed on your system or has stopped working. It can be reinstalled.

Finally, there may be no sound because the required codecs are not installed on your system. You can check this like this: when you load Windows, you hear a characteristic system sound, but if you start the player, it works “silently”. In this case, you should download one of the codec collections and then install it. Often after this everything starts to work.

What if the sound card driver does not start? First the problem needs to be diagnosed. In Device Manager (inside Control Panel), select “Sound, video, and game devices” and look for any signs next to the device name. If it is a down arrow, then just right-click to connect the card. And if there is a red exclamation mark, then there is a problem with the driver (or a conflict with another device). Then it needs to be updated - as a rule, it is on the license disk that was included with the purchase. You can also always download it from the manufacturer’s official website.

A more difficult situation is when the sound card is blocked in the BIOS. In order to resolve this issue, you will need to restart your laptop. Before Windows starts loading, you need to click on the button that will allow you to enter the BIOS. It could be Del, F2, F10 - which one you need to read in the hint at the bottom of the screen. Find the Advanced item in the BIOS, in it - Definition Audio - opposite it should be Enabled. If next to this item it says Disabled, then click on the arrow to turn on the sound card. All that remains is to save the correct settings and exit the BIOS. As you can see, all these situations can be resolved independently, without contacting a service center.

Of course, if something doesn’t work out, you can always consult with specialists. But it also happens when there are no software problems, but the sound does not appear. This is where you will need Acer repair, of course, at an authorized service center. There they will determine what the problem is. For example, the speakers in a laptop may stop working. Sometimes this is the fault of the user himself, who turned them on at full power, but this also happens for no apparent reason. Most likely, the reason is in the speakers, if the sound is not output to them (or there is a strong wheezing sound), but when you connect headphones or external speakers it appears. You cannot carry out such a replacement on your own; it is a very complex operation. The service center will install new original speakers. What if the speakers work fine, but the sound is not output to the headphones? Of course, the reason could also be in the headphones themselves (this can be confirmed by reconnecting them to another device, for example, a smartphone or tablet, or another laptop). But if this is not the case, then most likely the reason is a malfunction of the connector. This can happen if you have a habit of abruptly tearing the headphone plug out of the socket or if it was unsuccessfully cleaned. In this case, you will need to measure the connector, after which everything will work normally. Of course, the worst thing is if the reason for the missing sound is problems with the sound card. Most Acer laptops have a sound card integrated into the motherboard. A problem of this degree of complexity can only be solved at a service center.

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One of the most frequently asked questions on the Internet is how to restore sound on laptop on one's own? There are four reasons in total that could affect the lack of sound. But there is good news, 90% of all cases are trivial reasons that you can deal with on your own, without calling for the help of specialists.

Often it is the user's actions that cause the sound to disappear. So, simply reinstalling or updating drivers due to inexperience may be the main reason. But don't despair, as it's easy to fix. In addition, sometimes the whole problem lies in a broken sound card or speakers that simply need to be replaced. You can check their functionality, for example, with headphones by connecting them to the audio jack. If there is sound through the headphones, the speakers are faulty.

important points and tips

1. First of all, you need to check if the sound settings are messed up. Very often, through carelessness or during a system failure, the volume sliders are set to minimum or the “Mute” tab is checked. Users simply forget to look into the mixer and check the placement of the sliders. In addition, because of this problem, very strange things can happen - there is sound on the laptop, but all videos in the browser play without sound. Or there may be a situation where only system sounds are disabled.

This problem is considered the simplest and most harmless, which can be solved quite quickly and without the use of additional programs. As soon as problems appear with the sound or it disappears completely, we immediately look into the mixer settings. To do this, right-click on the volume icon in the lower corner of the monitor and select “Open Volume Mixer”, looking at the position of the sliders. We install them at the highest position. It is worth considering that the outermost slider on the left side is responsible for the volume of all sound effects. Such a simple reason happens very often, so when starting to search for the problem of missing sound, start from this point.

2. If the manipulations performed are not successful, there may be a problem with the installed drivers and their malfunction. When the driver stops fulfilling its purpose or it falls off, then the sound disappears. Experienced users simply say “the drivers are down” or “the drivers are gone.” There are several reasons for driver problems:

  • Program conflict
  • Viruses
  • Problems during the driver update process
  • System failure

Before solving problems with driver operation, you need to make sure that the problem really exists. You need to perform certain actions: “Start”, go to “Control Panel” and select “Device Manager”. When the “Sound cards” field shows a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark, the device drivers are damaged and do not work. The problem is solved by reinstalling or updating the drivers. If the updates were incorrect, you can simply rollback.

To update the drivers, you need to select the sound card in Device Manager by right-clicking “Properties”. Then, in the window that opens, you need to select “Driver” - “Update”. After which, the user will be offered several update options: from the Internet or from a specified location. If in stock disk or a file with drivers, select the second option, if not, update from the Internet.

If somehow the driver update fails, you need to select driver rollback. To do this, select the “Roll Back” tab and select “Yes” in the next window. After restarting the laptop, the sound should appear.

3. If all the steps described above did not help, you should check whether the sound card is enabled in the BIOS menu. This problem could have occurred as a result of a software glitch or due to the user's negligence. The solution is quite simple - you need to go to the BIOS menu and configure the sound card.

Get to the menu BIOS you can use hotkeys, which may differ depending on the manufacturer. When you finally get to the menu, you need to open the section that is responsible for the operation of all devices. Depending on the laptop manufacturer, these may be sections: Advanced Features, Intergrated Peripherals or Chipset. Then, go to the "Onboard Devices" section. If everything is done correctly, a list of involved boards will open. In the general list, you need to find the corresponding name of the installed sound card and select “Enable” next to it. After this, sound should work on the laptop. If this does not solve the problem, there is another option to check.

4. Sound may be disabled in Windows Audio Services. You can check the service yourself. First you need to press the following combination on your keyboard: “Win ​​and R” and enter the following command - “services.msc”. In the list that opens, you need to find the “Windows Audio” entry and pay attention to the “Status” line, it should be “Working”, and next to “Automatic”. If the service is “Disabled”, you need to right-click and select “Run”. After which, just restart the laptop and enjoy the sound.5 Rating 5.00 Vote - support the service!

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No sound on your laptop? There's an answer!: 9 comments

  1. Evgenia

    Less than a month ago I bought myself a new laptop with Windows 8. And then a couple of days ago, out of the blue, the sound disappeared! I immediately panic! It was on Sunday, I decided on Monday to call the customer service of this famous brand and scold them :) But everything was strangely resolved, the sound appeared as suddenly as it disappeared. I still have no idea what it was :(

  2. Azik

    The sound went out once! I panicked, I didn’t know what to do!)
    Then I rebooted the laptop and everything returned to its place, the sound worked!!))

  3. Svetlana

    I also encountered a problem when, when I turned on a movie, the sound suddenly disappeared. In one case, moving the plug in the connector really helps. But in most cases, you start looking for some settings or solution on the Internet. I didn’t even know that there was a program for correcting sound errors. Today I’ll download it for myself so that in the future I won’t have problems with sound.

  4. Dima

    My laptop is constantly beeping! I restart and it appears! what the hell can anyone tell me?

  5. Shvetka

    No sound. The laptop was tormented for almost a day. He did not tolerate any kind of interference on my part! And I went through the settings, and updated and reinstalled the drivers... But it turned out that everything was so simple! I deleted all the updates for the ill-fated day, rebooted and... voila! Sings, damn it, sings!!!

  6. BASIL

    the sound disappears, but when I open the mixer it appears,
    and the headphones work without problems. what could it be?

  7. Ivan

    I constantly lose sound on my laptop when listening to music, watching movies, or playing games.
    Moreover, it disappears for a while (about 20 seconds) and then is restored again. And by the way, the more the laptop is loaded, the faster it disappears. I tried to reinstall the drivers, but it didn’t help((Maybe someone knows what the reason is? Thank you very much in advance!

  8. Igor

    On my laptop, too, when watching movies or listening to music, the sound disappears after 10-20 minutes.
    I turn off the player completely and the sound in the speakers is restored. But only system sounds. After a long time of searching for drivers and installing them, the problem was not solved. I don't think she'll make up her mind. This is a laptop, not a full-fledged computer. The case is thin, and the cooler is one and shabby. This makes electronics very vulnerable to overheating. Surely some microcircuit in the sound card overheats and begins to mope. And it was all made in “friendly” China. Reinstalling drivers or the System will not help in this situation.
    Someone should quickly drive the beech tree and buy a new one.
    If you have the same situation, I advise you to do the same and not worry about it.