What is the best social media to promote your product on? Free promotion in social networks, groups, page wrapping

It is hard to imagine that at one time few people believed in the success of social networks. Services were considered unpromising not only for business promotion, but also for simple communication. Today, the social segment of the Internet is one of the fastest growing.

Features of business promotion in social networks: Vkontakte

Choosing a social network for promotion is not easy. Experts recommend a comprehensive approach to promotion: use several sites. VK is an almost universal service. Photographer promotion in in social networks often begins with the promotion of Vkontakte. In network groups, other services and various goods are effectively sold. You can also start promoting a restaurant on social networks with VK. The main condition is the concentration of the main target audience of the company in this network.

This support may be provided by the family circle, friends, or people belonging to different social realities of the community, such as formal or informal associations or aggregation groups. A major trend in psychological research in this area has been to explore how social relationships constitute a protective factor for stressful experiences. Some of the health benefits of social support have been demonstrated by psychologists Berkman and Sime, and later in ultra-eighteen people.

VK has a number of advantages over other services. The main one is deep targeting. Promotion here can be carried out taking into account the gender, age, interests, profession of the target audience.

The VK group can be positioned by interests, range, brand. Communities of the first type are the most popular. Brand groups unite about 7% of VK users. According to statistics, about 12% of users join assortment communities (offering certain goods and services).

Further research, according to Cohen and Wills, clearly confirmed how social inclusion and the availability of social support are associated with a reduction in the risk of physical and mental illness, as well as mortality. There are two possible explanations for the positive effect of social support for mental and physical health. The first states that social relationships provide the individual with a positive experience and a set of roles that are established and socially rewarding in the community. These factors will increase self-esteem, confidence, and make it easier to adopt healthier behaviors.

Promotion of services in social networks: Facebook

The Facebook network is called a marketing breakthrough. But the service is quite specific. The strength of Facebook is its user. He, as a rule, is educated, successful, has a certain level of purchasing power.

A feature of the network is its reach. Facebook brings together a billion people, but is not considered a mass network. Here, mainly specialists of various levels and fields of activity, middle and top managers, programmers, marketers, etc. communicate. Accordingly, the network can be effective for promoting innovations, technologies, branded equipment, business solutions. But promoting a dishware or baby food store on FB is a thankless task.

The second one claims that social support affects health by protecting a person from the negative effects of stressful events. It is likely that a person rates the latter as less stressful if they know that in case of difficulties they can get help from others. This process is also capable of improving the subject's ability to create autonomous strategies to deal with difficulties.

Thus, the implementation of social exchange and social exchanges can be considered as one of the privileged ways to promote the health of the territory. In the Lombardy region, the signing of an agreement. To promote projects against gambling.

Unlike VK in Facebook users show more interest in brand publics than interest groups. This can be used to promote the company.

Brand promotion in social networks: Twitter

Product promotion in social networks is impossible without posting relevant content in public or groups. It may be different, but practice shows that textual content is of the greatest interest. Twitter has a strict limit on the length of a post. One message cannot exceed 140 characters. For full-fledged promotion through text content, this is not enough. But Twitter is still actively used to promote companies, brands, and individuals.

Ambassadors to contrast with ludopathy. More than 60 students from the Galvani and Marignoni Polo Institutes in Milan and Stradella's "Faravelli" will receive a certificate from the Director of the Regional School Office of Lombardy, Delia Campanelli and the Regional Councilor Viviana Beccalossi, a commitment to tackle in schools the widespread phenomenon of gambling, which increasingly affects young people .

The delivery of the parchment will coincide with the signing of a convention between the region of Lombardy and the regional school office with the aim of promoting in school networks the development and activation of projects as opposed to ludopathy. At the heart of everything is the study of the social, economic and illegal aspects of the phenomenon and, consequently, the promotion of health and a good lifestyle, starting with schoolchildren. In this territory, the region of Lombardy has contributed a 200,000 euro ban directed at school institutions, which will lead the network to intensify projects against ludopathy.

Promotion is carried out by creating and maintaining your own twitter channel. There is no single effective (universal) mechanism for this. Most often, promotion specialists use the method of announcing events on the channels of popular Twitter bloggers.

Following this path, the decision is to reach out to 13 legal center promotion centers and a network of regional health promotion networks. The former will have the task of dealing with gambling in terms of education to legality, social consequences and relations with organized crime.

Health networks will be more concerned with ludopathies and therefore disease prevention. Territorial adviser Viviana Beccalossi said: The world of schools is critical to communicate with youth at risk of uncontrolled collision. Even 58% claim to gamble at least once, and 3% of them can already gamble. The signing of the agreement and the symbolic delivery of the ambassador's attestations to contrast with the bilateral ludopathy. All students present will receive an assessment, a t-shirt and an anti-stress heart at the end of the meeting.

Promotion of services in social networks: Google+

Many specialized agencies today offer the promotion of services in social networks, including Google+. The young network is not positioned as a competitor to FB or VK, it has its own chips. Google introduced the so-called business pages not so long ago. The latter are full-fledged representations of the company in Google.

President of the Psychological Order of Lombardy. Survey of schools of gambling and interaction with students. Faravelli Commercial Technical Institute, Stradella, Pavia. Ilaria Provana - Clinical psychologist. Social media has gained such influence that on most sites you can find links to the community and a "Like" button. You can also use this popularity to promote your site.

Creating a group on a social network will attract target audience site, as there are many active users. Which social media sites are promoting the site? Here's the chain reaction: once a user has entered a community, a link to the group will appear on their website and in the news. As a result, he becomes available to his friends, as well as to random visitors to the page. Feedback - thanks to the comments in the group, you can see how consumers feel about your brand and various innovations. Direct communication with customers will allow you to quickly eliminate any errors and omissions, as well as make adjustments to the development of your services. Some users are so dependent on social networks that they use them instead of search engines. Groups in social networks increase the popularity of the brand, here you can publish interesting materials on a daily basis. In addition, social media users like to share links to interesting notes, photos, etc. so if you upload content successfully, many social media users will know about your company. They allow you to attract new customers. . Basic principles of working groups in social networks.

It has been noticed that the search engine of the same name is more loyal to sites that have representation in Google. In addition, customers can leave reviews on the business page, so potential customers will see them. Company data is automatically sent to Google maps. Therefore, there is one more plus of having a business page: in the issuance of a commercial query, the companies that are indicated on Google maps are the first to appear.

One of the key factors is communication. Don't leave user questions unanswered, and your users will feel important as a result. If possible, create an appropriate communication platform between group members so that you can retain new members.

Another important aspect of group management is dealing with negative feedback. Don't expect everyone in your group to be happy. Try to neutralize any negativity, even if it's not easy. You can turn people's positive positive reviews into positive ones. For example, you can replace an item or give a small gift. Make sure other group members understand. If a negative comment is due to competitor scams, it will be harder to deal with.

Social media marketing mistakes

Promotion in the social segment of the Internet has many nuances and features. Not every project is successful. Three factors lead to poor performance typical mistakes promotions:

In this case, you will need experts, you will have to work hard, tell outrageous facts, or even use documents. Your goal is to clear negative reviews. As a result, we conclude that effective group management requires constant monitoring. Follow the actions of users in your group, timely removal of spam, answering your questions, etc. remember that prompt responses are highly valued, they increase the level of trust in the site. Sometimes the lack of control even for a short time leads to the collapse of the group.

  1. Incorrect use of strategies, methods of promotion, violation of the rules of promotion.
  2. Principle fast action. Promotion according to the scheme: created groups wherever possible, caught up with traffic, completed the promotion.
  3. No clear end goal.

The main mistakes in promoting a brand, company, product or service will be avoided by productive cooperation with an experienced promotion specialist in social networks. Naturally, such cooperation will not be free. But the investment is worth it. If your ultimate goal is to increase the company's profits, it is hardly worth skimping on the tools to achieve it.

And the return of such a community is very difficult, and not every site owner is engaged in this. Social networks can help you realize many of your goals and ideas, as well as promote your site. This will be the peak of video advertising. According to the study, 93% of them use the platform and 91% advertise it. Only 1 in 5 social networks surveyed for customer service. Clearly, platforms are not yet mature enough in the customer service direction, as only 21% of marketers use them to provide this service, according to the survey.

Invite your customers to use social media to reach you if you need them, and you'll be one of the first on the scene. A total of 85% of marketers surveyed named brand promotion main reason, followed by 71%, according to which social media is a good place to engage an audience. The main problems that arise after placing a brand on the platforms are insufficient traffic on the company's real website, as well as the creation of real customers.

Is there a universal scheme for promoting a business in social networks?

Each customer of promotion services wants to clearly understand what and how will be carried out to achieve the goal. Many are interested in the question of the existence of a universal (tested, effective, fail-safe) scheme. Such a scheme does exist. But it is more correct to call it basic, not universal. On the basis of such a scheme, network promotion programs are built taking into account the specifics and characteristics of a particular site.

Measuring the return on social media advertising budgets remains a challenge for 42% of marketers surveyed. How do marketers use social media? Many of them believe that investing in promotional video formats will take them to the top.

The reported consistent decline in organic reach doesn't bother advertisers. The Internet giant also leads the way in terms of investment in sponsored publications. The budgets of half of the respondents last year remained unchanged, 42% of them increased, while investments decreased by only 7%.

The basic scheme provides for interaction with the audience to increase the latter's loyalty to the brand, product, service. If the ultimate goal of the customer of promotion services is sales growth, then the following algorithm works effectively: arousing interest in a potential client, identifying (forming) a need, presenting a solution (service, product), closing the need with this solution (service, product), communication and after-sales service , the formation of a new need. After the cycle is repeated.

In the absence of barriers such as time, resources, or budget, 83% of advertisers will create more video content. This again shows that the industry sees great opportunities in this advertising format. Secondly, the share of blog posts and live video is much lower. The most common reasons advertisers don't create the amount of videos they want are lack of time and the fact that they are expensive to produce. According to the survey, live videos are about to start a mass audience.

To do this, only 26% of respondents said they launched advertising publications in them. Social networks and internet marketing. What is Social Media Marketing? Social network marketing is also known as "Social Media Optimization". It is a kind of internet marketing that uses social media as a marketing tool. The goal of this type of marketing is to create content that users love and use on their social profiles, which helps the company increase its brand presence and expand its reach.

This scheme is actively used by foreign experts in the network promotion of brands, companies, goods, services. Its effectiveness has been repeatedly tested in domestic business segments.

What gives such a scheme of work with the target audience? It allows you to get those 20% of customers who will bring the company up to 80% of the profit. In fact, the scheme provides the customer with promotion services by real buyers of services or goods.

There are three main ways to advertise online: through a website, blog, or social media. Social networks are communities on the Internet that share photos, links, videos, professional information, etc. many social networks provide businesses with the opportunity to act as members of social networking communities. Initially, the idea of ​​"social networks" was to allow users to share interesting information among themselves by offering links to interesting publications on the Internet, but in parallel with the increase in the number of social network users, their popularity also increases.

Promotion in social networks is a tool available and in demand. But, like any other, they need to be able to use them correctly. Do you want to minimize risks (image, financial), get an effective result in a short time? Trust the implementation of projects social promotion professionals LLC "Yunis-profi".

What does Unis-Profi offer?

Our company implements the maximum program for your group/page to fulfill its tasks:

  • product audit,
  • Analysis of the competitive environment,
  • Definition of the target audience,
  • Copyright (brand information),
  • attracting subscribers,
  • Filling content.

You can order an audit right now. Group audit in social networks is free of charge. We will not only analyze the current situation, but also give recommendations, some of which you can implement on your own.

What is included in the promotion of social networks?

  • Analysis of the current situation,
  • Development of a promotion strategy,
  • Preparing and posting content in a group, on a page,
  • Moderation, communication with participants, subscribers,
  • Attracting members/subscribers to a group, to a page,
  • Setting up and maintaining an advertising campaign (VK, FB, Instagram),
  • Attracting clients.

Maintenance cost (per month)

x Twitter service - 5000 rubles.

x Maintenance of Google+ - 5000 rubles.

x Maintenance of the Vkontakte group - 10,000 rubles.

x Maintenance of the Facebook group - 10,000 rubles.

x Maintenance of the Odnoklassniki group - 10,000 rubles.

x Instagram maintenance - 10,000 rubles.

When ordering group / account maintenance, the creation is free.

Social societies and networks such as Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter and others, literally in 5 years have become the place where millions of people communicate with each other. Therefore, the promotion and promotion of Internet projects in social networks is gradually gaining momentum.

So why is it beneficial to promote a website on social networks? There are several reasons for this.

  • Site reputation. For those commercial Internet sites that are engaged not only in providing information to users, but also offering them services or goods, it is important to have good feedback about your site. After all, the more people post positive reviews on blogs, communities, social networks and forums, the more people will want to purchase the proposed product. It is worth noting that a lot of people are guided precisely by positive reviews on the Internet when choosing a company or an online store.
  • Positions in search engines. Yandex and Google take into account links from social networks. Active promotion with social networks will increase the number of visitors that come from search engines.
  • Target visitors. Often, SEOs focus only on search engines, chasing traffic. Such professionals forget that social media promotions are a good source of clients.
  • Permanent audience. The main distinguishing feature of visitors from social projects is that most of them go into the category of regular visitors. Since these people join the group and "become friends", they will visit the promoted resource more than once.
  • An excellent start to the future. If it is planned that the project will develop for a long time, then the webmaster must take into account not only the current situation, but also work for the future. You need to occupy your niche now, while the competition is not so strong, because in the future the struggle for a place can become tenfold more difficult.

How is SMO different from SMM?

Website promotion in social networks involves two aspects, including external promotion, that is social media marketing(SMM), as well as internal optimization resource for social networks - social media optimization(SMO). This means that in order to achieve success, it is necessary to act simultaneously on two fronts.

First, you need to optimize the promoted resource for social networks. To date, the following types of resource optimization for social networks are distinguished:

Two resources can help to place such buttons on the site page, we are talking about share42.com and api.yandex.ru/share/. It is worth paying tribute to the first option, because on it you can not only install a large number of buttons, but also arrange them on the pages of the site in an attractive way. In addition, do not forget about the use of social networking widgets, which anyone can easily publish on their site.

And only when the resource is optimized for social networks, it will be possible to start attracting an audience from social projects. There are a lot of such projects, there are both general thematic (classmates) and highly specialized ones, which include professionali.ru. But everyone knows that the most popular in promotion are Vkontakte, Facebook and Twitter.

How to attract visitors from social networks?

  • The uniqueness and originality of the posted content.
  • The frequency of updates and the relevance of information.
  • Completeness of information.
  • Truthfulness and honesty offered to data users.
  • Encouraging people linking to the promoted resource.
  • Encouraging the creation of new services using the content posted on the site.
  • Discussions and communication in the comments, which will contribute to the creation of a main, active core of visitors.
  • The posted content should evoke certain emotions in people, since only such content will be more actively replicated in social networks.

Free promotion of the site in the social. networks

Below will be presented several ways that will allow, without financial investments, to make the site popular among users of social projects.

  • Communities and groups. This type is the most common. Most of these projects allow users to create communities of interest. This feature is free, though not everywhere. Friends or other network users can be invited to such groups. This allows you to attract the attention of interested people to your services or products.
  • Promotion of media content. Various picture, video or audio in social networks are moving very well. Moreover, in such media content, you can embed the address of the resource, or the name of a particular brand.

Do-it-yourself paid promotion in social networks

Well, now a few words about paid promotion.

How to promote a website on social networks

Many useful information about SMM and SMO can be found:

Youtube channel of Sergey Shmakov. A lot of useful information. Everything is very clear and explained in the video.

Sarkazm's blog. A young and rather interesting block. Lots of good quality and interesting information.

Freesmm.ru/ is another good blog. Lots of useful information about Instagram.

One of the best courses on targeting. Lots of useful information on how to define your target audience and segment it. The reviews speak for themselves.

Paid promotion in social networks we turn to specialists

It often happens that there is no time or desire to delve into all aspects of promotion in social networks on your own. In this case, it is better to trust professionals.

The guys from SocLike work in all areas - Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram. Their prices are more than reasonable. So, for example, 1000 Vkontakte subscribers will cost you only 570 rubles, and 500 reposts will cost 750 rubles.