Information system for supporting urban planning activities. Isogd - what is it? features and their technologies

A collection in the system of documented information that is necessary to provide local governments, legal entities and individuals with the most reliable information for carrying out investment, economic and urban planning activities - this is the answer to the question: ISOGD - what is it. This information system is organized in accordance with the principles of the Urban Planning Code of Russia and has all the information about land plots, territory development, and others. Now interested parties can apply for any information and find out how ISOGD works, what it is, and always get what they want, since the materials here are contained both in the form of maps and in text form.


Information system was created in December 2004 on the basis of the State Urban Development Cadastre (State Urban Planning Cadastre). For this purpose, the required amount of information from the City State Committee was transferred to city districts and local self-government bodies until July 2006. It was then that it became known about ISOGD, what it is, and whether the innovation is more functional in comparison with old system GGK.

To introduce the information of the State Civil Code, the following regulations were used: Chapter 11 of the Town Planning Code of 1998, Government Decree of July 29, 1998, set of rules SP of 1996, SNiP (resolution of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 1996, Instructions on the approval procedure, development, approval and examination of urban planning documentation (order of the State Construction Committee of 2002).

Legal approach

Today there are still several interpretations of the understanding of ISOGD, what it is. First of all, this is a system only for municipal districts and urban districts, carried out with a minimum set of functions in the amount of information taken into account by the system prescribed by the Urban Planning Code. The semantic content - without the legal component - of this term is understood as an information system for any person participating in urban planning activities, providing all the information for its implementation.

ISOGD of the Moscow region, for example, is a unified database on the construction and development of its entire territory, on land plots and engineering structures and communications located within their boundaries, on each capital construction project, as well as many other necessary information. Any government services are provided there in the form of information related to urban planning. The purpose of registration and placement of information in the ISOGD of the Moscow region is to systematize and update information about the development of territories and their development.


In 2006, a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued, according to which the Information System for supporting urban planning activities took a user-friendly form. The ISOGD sections should be as follows.

1. Documents relating to the municipality - territorial planning.

2. Documents for planning territories of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in a municipal formation.

3. Documents and materials to substantiate them regarding territorial planning in the municipality.

4. Rules for development and land use with amendments to them.

5. Territory planning documents.

6. Documents on the state of natural and man-made conditions.

7. Documents on the withdrawal and reservation of plots for municipal or state needs.

8. Documents on developed and subject to development land plots.

9. Cartographic and geodetic materials.

In addition, new sections are constantly being created and maintained by decision of local governments so that any ISOGD certificate is available to those who need it.

Functions and procedures

To approve documents for maintaining ISOGD, an Order of the Ministry of Regional Development was issued in 2007, according to which books and documents were approved for performing the following procedures.

1. Accounting for documentation that is received for placement in ISOGD; design documentation is also included here.

2. Registration of documentation that will be placed in the information fund.

3. Placing documentation in the information fund.

The organization's business processes are supported by BPMS or EAR (electronic administrative regulations management) and project management programs. For databases there is a DBMS (database management) and MDM - Master Data Management (master data management), NSI (regulatory reference information) or SKK (information coding and classification system).


In addition to the above software, exist in the system, for example, ISOGD areas of electronic data storage. GIS (geographic information system) and CAD (with the help of which computer-aided design is done) work with spatial data.

Analytical data processing requires business intelligence tools. The user interface is provided by a corporate portal, geoportal, and web portal on the Internet. Programs also interact with each other automatically, for which a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and SMEV - interdepartmental electronic interaction are provided.


Currently, the Urban Planning Code of Russia requires the maintenance of information systems to support urban planning activities at two management levels. This is the federal level - FSIS TP (Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning) and the level of municipal districts and urban districts, which are also required to maintain their own ISOGD in accordance with the Urban Planning Code and the Federal Law.

IN information support Urban development activities are carried out in addition to the two above also at the following levels: regional, at the level of rural and urban settlements and at the level of individuals and legal entities. Each level has its own laws and regulations, all of these options will be discussed below.

Federal and regional levels

Many changes were made to the Town Planning Code in 2011, including the introduction of Article 57.1, which defines the FSIS TP, that is, the Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning. Ministry economic development RF since 2014 and has been undergoing surgery this system. Previously, this function was performed by the Ministry

Today, regions do not conduct ISOGD everywhere, which, however, does not limit any subject of the Russian Federation in making independent decisions regarding the adoption of regulations that regulate both the creation and maintenance of ISOGD in their own region. The Ministry of Economic Development has already been instructed to consider and create a unified software and hardware solution for informatization in the regions.

Central Federal District

According to the action plan of the Strategy for Social and Economic Development of the Central Administrative District until 2020, executive authorities need to report quarterly to the ministry on the implementation of information systems to support activities in the field of urban planning.

Regions in which regional ISOGD is already underway: Volgograd region, Kaluga region, Kaliningrad region, Moscow region, Orenburg region, Yaroslavl region, Tyumen region and some others. A bill is being prepared on new amendments to the Russian Town Planning Code, which includes clauses regarding the creation of ISOGD.

City district and municipal district level

All municipal districts and urban districts are required to maintain ISOGD in accordance with the Federal Law and the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation. This is carried out by local government bodies through independent collection, processing, documentation, updating, systematization, subsequent recording and then storing the received information, which is necessary for urban planning activities.

Townships prepare and issue and perform a variety of other functions in the urban planning field. However, neither the Law nor the Code directly indicate the need to maintain ISOGD. In January 2015, the Law was amended, and powers for ISOGD were transferred to municipal districts from rural settlements. A number of cases demonstrate reverse transfer on the basis of direct contracts, therefore, rural settlements now require appropriate information support to maintain their own ISOGD. The work schedule is approximately the same everywhere with regard to providing the population with information, certificates and documents related to urban planning activities.

Level of legal entities and individuals

Scientific, commercial, design, public, survey, construction and other organizations, as well as individuals, are also participants in urban planning. The Town Planning Code in its current edition does not regulate in any way, but also does not limit the creation and maintenance of legal and individuals ISOGD, since it helps them carry out necessary and useful activities in the field of urban planning.

Information systems that help individuals and legal entities conduct such activities may be different. Most frequently used - modern systems Building Information Modeling or Building Information Model (building information modeling). ISOGD information remains publicly available and open, except for those classified federal laws to restricted categories. The body that is authorized to maintain the system complies with the ISOGD regulations and must provide system information upon any request from state authorities, local governments, as well as legal entities and individuals.

“The service for providing information contained in the State Information System for Supporting Urban Development Activities of the Moscow Region (ISOGD of the Moscow Region) is carried out in electronic form. We are talking about providing individuals and legal entities, through the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region, with a public service for issuing information from the bank of urban planning documentation of the region,” said Vladislav Gordienko, head of the Head of Architecture of the Moscow Region. The authority responsible for the provision of public services is the Head of Architecture of the Moscow Region.

The service allows you to obtain information contained in the ISOGD of the Moscow Region, in accordance with the provided sections, as well as copies of urban planning documents developed for the territory of the Moscow Region.

To receive the service, the Applicant (his representative) can contact the Head of Architecture of the Moscow Region in electronic form through the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow Region (RPGU MO)

The service is intended for individual entrepreneurs, individuals and legal entities. Also, their interests may be represented by another person acting in the interests of the Applicant on the basis of a power of attorney confirming his authority. The Applicant can track the current status of service provision in personal account at RPGU MO.

The service is provided within 5 working days from the date of registration of the application and is carried out on a paid basis. Price provision of information contained in one section of the ISOGD of the Moscow Region - 1000 rubles. The cost of a copy of one document, for example, GPZU, construction permit or entry permit, contained in the ISOGD of the Moscow Region is 100 rubles. You can pay for obtaining information and documents at the RPGU MO.

The result of the provision of the service is a certificate of information contained in one section of the ISOGD of the Moscow Region, copies of documents contained in the ISOGD of the Moscow Region, or a refusal to provide a public service.

The applicant can receive the result of the provision of public services at the RPGU MO in his personal account in the form electronic document. If necessary, the result can be obtained at the MFC.

If it is not possible to submit an application with personal computer, at the MFC the applicant will be provided with free access to the RPGU MO, and MFC employees will also be able to provide consulting support on the procedure for providing the service.

“Maintaining ISOGD of the Moscow Region ensures the formation of a unified information space of the Moscow Region and allows for more effective management of the development of the territory of the Moscow Region. In addition, we have optimized the decision-making process in the urban planning sector for all stakeholders - from state authorities, local governments to developers and residents of the Moscow region,” noted Vladislav Gordienko.

The transition to the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form increases their accessibility and quality, and ensures information transparency of urban planning activities.

The applicant can receive methodological and advisory support on the provision of public services by calling 8 498 602 84 70, ext. 55115

For information.

Names of sections of ISOGD of the Moscow region:
1. Section I “Territorial planning documents Russian Federation as far as the Moscow region is concerned"
2. Section II “Documents of territorial planning of the Moscow region”
3. Section III “Documents of territorial planning of municipalities of the Moscow region, materials on their justification”
4. Section IV “Rules of land use and development, amendments to them”
5. Section V “Documentation on territory planning”
6. Section VI “Study of natural and man-made conditions based on the results of engineering surveys”
7. Section VII “Confiscation of land plots and reservation of lands for state and municipal needs”
8. Section VIII “Developed and subject to development land plots”
9. Section IX “Geodetic and cartographic materials”

The automated information system “Monitoring - InGEO” is designed to automate the tasks of ensuring urban planning activities in the architecture and urban planning authorities at the municipal level. AIS OGD "Monitoring - InGEO" allows you to organize accounting and registration of information on urban planning documentation, accounting for the provision of information to IS OGD in accordance with the provisions of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 363 of June 9, 2006. “On information support for urban planning activities”; Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 85 of August 30, 2007 “On approval of documents for maintaining IS OGD.”

Main functions of AISOGD "Monitoring - InGEO"

    accounting and registration of information on urban planning documentation, search and provision of information to IS OGD. Automated formation books, questionnaires, files; accounting of incoming and outgoing correspondence, resolutions of higher organizations. Monitoring the passage of documents to contractors, monitoring the processing time of applications. Automated preparation of standard letters, requests, appeals. Maintaining statistics on registered requests; maintaining an address plan of a settlement, a register of streets, a register of addressable objects. Automated generation, accounting and search of documents confirming the fact of assignment and confirmation of the object’s address; accounting for the production of engineering surveys (topographic-geodetic, geological) on the territory of a populated area. Automated generation and recording of permits for engineering surveys. Accounting for issued source map materials for engineering surveys. Automated accounting and registration of engineering survey reports; maintaining zonal regulations of the settlement. Accounting for the content of Land Use and Development Rules, automation of the processes of maintaining zonal regulations of a settlement. Automatic substitution of zonal regulations information into city planning permits generated by the system; accounting for information about urban planning changes in the territory, registration and search of register and spatial data about urban planning changes; taking into account technical conditions for connecting construction projects to utility networks, automatically generating requests for obtaining opinions on the possibility of connecting to utility networks and taking into account technical conditions issued by the relevant engineering enterprises; automated generation, accounting and search of permitting urban planning documents:
    • Urban planning conclusion on the terms of location of the facility; act of choosing a land plot;
    • Urban planning plan of the land plot;
    • Draft resolutions of the head of administration, etc.