Information analytical monitoring system. An information and analytical system for monitoring and control in the field of government procurement of medicines is being created in Russia.

Document's name:
Document Number: 516-RP
Document type:
Receiving authority: The government of Moscow
Status: Active
Acceptance date: September 10, 2012
Start date: September 10, 2012
Revision date: December 21, 2017



On approval of the Regulations on the information and analytical system for monitoring the comprehensive development of the city of Moscow

Document with changes made:
by order of the Moscow Government of June 26, 2013 N 345-RP;
(Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, special issue N 32, 10/28/2014);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 07/02/2015);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 12/09/2015);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 12/21/2017).

In order to increase the efficiency of the activities of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow in conducting an analysis of the state of the economy of the city of Moscow, the progress of the implementation of government programs of the city of Moscow and the implementation of public procurement to meet the state needs of the city of Moscow, the performance of work at municipal facilities, the state of the socio-economic situation in the city of Moscow , progress in the implementation of social support measures, the number and level of remuneration of employees of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and government institutions of the city of Moscow, monitoring the activities of government institutions of the city of Moscow, achievement of performance indicators of the Moscow Government, other executive authorities of the city of Moscow:
(Preamble as amended by the order of the Moscow Government dated October 22, 2014 N 592-RP; as amended by the order of the Moscow Government dated December 8, 2015 N 711-RP.

1. Approve the Regulations on the information and analytical system for monitoring the comprehensive development of the city of Moscow (appendix).

2. Establish that the owner of the information and analytical system for monitoring the integrated development of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as IAS MKR) is the city of Moscow.

3. Establish that:

3.1. Department information technologies Moscow cities:

3.1.1. Exercises on behalf of the city of Moscow the powers of the owner of the IAS MKR.

3.1.2. Is the operator of the IAS MKR.
(Clause 3.1.2 as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 21, 2017 N 743-RP.

3.2. The Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow is an authorized executive body of the city of Moscow, carrying out activities to coordinate the generation and use of information in the IAS MKR.
(Clause 3 as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated October 22, 2014 N 592-RP.

4. The clause has lost force - order of the Moscow Government dated June 26, 2013 N 345-RP..

5. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for economic policy and property and land relations N.A. Sergunina. and Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow Ermolaev A.V.
by order of the Moscow Government of October 22, 2014 N 592-RP.

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

Application. Regulations on the information and analytical system for monitoring the comprehensive development of the city of Moscow

to the order of the Moscow Government
dated September 10, 2012 N 516-RP
(As amended as put into effect
by order of the Moscow Government
dated October 22, 2014 N 592-RP. -
See previous edition)

Regulations on the information and analytical system for monitoring the comprehensive development of the city of Moscow

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Regulations on the Information and Analytical System for Monitoring the Integrated Development of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the purpose and rules for the functioning of the Information and Analytical System for Monitoring the Integrated Development of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the IAS MKR), the composition of participants information interaction using IAS MKR (hereinafter referred to as participants in information interaction), their rights and obligations.

1.2. IAS MKR is a state information system of the city of Moscow, designed to provide processes for analyzing the state of the economy of the city of Moscow, the progress of the implementation of government programs of the city of Moscow and the implementation of public procurement to meet the state needs of the city of Moscow, the performance of work at municipal facilities, the state of the socio-economic situation in the city of Moscow, the progress of implementation of social support measures, the number and level of remuneration of employees of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and government institutions of the city of Moscow, monitoring the activities of government institutions of the city of Moscow, the achievement of performance indicators of the activities of the Moscow Government and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 8, 2015 N 711-RP.

1.3. The main tasks of the IAS MKR are:

1.3.1. Improving the processes of planning, monitoring and control over the progress of work at housing and communal services, road facilities, green areas and other municipal facilities.

1.3.2. Monitoring the state of the socio-economic situation in the city of Moscow.

1.3.3. Monitoring the activities of government institutions in Moscow.
(Clause 1.3.3 as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 8, 2015 N 711-RP.

1.3.4. Monitoring the implementation of state programs of the city of Moscow.

1.3.5. Monitoring the implementation of investment projects in the city of Moscow.

1.3.6. Monitoring and control of achievement of performance indicators of the Moscow Government and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

1.3.7. Increasing the validity and efficiency of decisions made by the Moscow Government and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

1.3.8. Providing processes for forming a forecast of socio-economic development of the city of Moscow, information on the number and level of remuneration of employees of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and government institutions of the city of Moscow, information on the implementation of social support measures, the formation and maintenance of targeted lists of work at municipal facilities, maintaining forecasts and actual values ​​of natural indicators of government programs of the city of Moscow, planning the implementation of investment programs of resource supply organizations, formation of performance indicators of the Moscow Government and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow.
(Clause 1.3.8 as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 8, 2015 N 711-RP.

1.3.9. Monitoring the progress of work at municipal facilities, the progress of implementing the targeted investment program of the city of Moscow, investment programs of resource supply organizations, the progress of implementing social support measures, monitoring the number and level of remuneration of employees of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and government institutions of the city of Moscow; analysis of forecast and actual values ​​of natural indicators and indicators of financial support for the implementation of government programs of the city of Moscow, achievement of performance indicators of the Moscow Government and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow.
(Clause 1.3.9 as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 8, 2015 N 711-RP.

1.3.10. Generating data on the progress of work at municipal facilities for publication on the official websites of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and in the subsystem of the Unified City Automated System for Supporting the Activities of the Open Government of Moscow - the portal "Our City" ( (hereinafter referred to as the Portal ).
(Clause as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2015 N 369-RP.

1.3.11. Generation of reporting, including in the form of presentation materials, for the preparation of reports on the progress and results of work at municipal facilities, on the progress and results of implementation of the targeted investment program of the city of Moscow, state programs of the city of Moscow, investment programs of resource supply organizations.
(Clause 1.3.11 as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 8, 2015 N 711-RP.

1.3.12. Maintaining retrospective data on municipal facilities and work performed on them, objects of the targeted investment program of the city of Moscow and work performed on them, objects of investment programs of resource supply organizations and work performed on them, natural indicators of state programs of the city of Moscow, indicators of the socio-economic development of the city Moscow, the activities of government institutions of the city of Moscow, the number and level of remuneration of employees of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and government institutions of the city of Moscow, on the performance indicators of the district administrations of the city of Moscow.
(Clause 1.3.12 as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 8, 2015 N 711-RP.

1.4. The main functions of the IAS MKR are:

1.4.1. Collection, processing, storage and maintenance of up-to-date information about the state of the economy of the city of Moscow, the progress of the implementation of government programs of the city of Moscow and the implementation of government procurement to meet the state needs of the city of Moscow, the performance of work at municipal facilities, the state of the socio-economic situation in the city of Moscow, the progress of implementing social support measures, the number and level of remuneration of employees of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and government institutions of the city of Moscow, the achievement of performance indicators of the Moscow Government and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow.
(Clause 1.4.1 as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 8, 2015 N 711-RP.

1.4.2. Ensuring information interaction between the IAS MKR and other information systems.

1.5. Information constituting a state secret is not subject to processing in the IAS MKR.

2. Participants in information interaction

2.1. Participants in information interaction are users and suppliers of information in the IAS MKR, the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow, which carries out activities to coordinate the generation and use of information in the IAS MKR (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body), and the operator of the IAS MKR.

2.2. Users of information are executive authorities of the city of Moscow and other government bodies that need the information contained in the IAS MKR.

2.3. Information providers - executive authorities of the city of Moscow, government agencies of the city of Moscow, other participants in government programs of the city of Moscow, government bodies that have the information necessary to perform the tasks and functions of the IAS MKR, and provide it to other participants in information interaction.

3. Rights and obligations of participants in information interaction

3.1. Authorized body:

3.1.1. Develops and approves regulations for information interaction between participants in information interaction, including: The procedure for determining by the information provider the persons responsible for generating information in the IAS MKR. The procedure for the formation, storage, use and processing of information in the IAS MKR. The composition of information posted by each information provider in the IAS MKR.

3.1.2. Interacts with users and information providers when generating information in the IAS MKR.

3.1.3. Monitors compliance by participants in information interaction with the requirements of regulations for information interaction between participants in information interaction.

3.1.4. Determines the composition and content of industry reference books and classifiers of the IAS MKR.

3.1.5. Generates proposals to the IAS MKR operator for the development of IAS MKR.

3.1.6. The right to conduct constant monitoring of the actions of participants in information interaction in the IAS MKR.

3.1.7. Has the right to request explanations from participants in information interaction regarding the information posted by them in the IAS MKR.

3.1.8. Has the right to take other actions in order to implement the functions of the IAS MKR that do not contradict the law Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

3.1.9. Not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of information entered into the IAS MKR by information providers.

3.2. Certain functions of the authorized body may be transferred to another executive body of the city of Moscow or organization by decision of the authorized body in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

3.3. IAS MKR operator:

3.3.1. Approves, in agreement with the authorized body, the Regulations for providing access to IAS MKR to suppliers and users of information, including, among other things, the procedure for organizing the interaction of IAS MKR with other information systems.

3.3.2. Ensures the functioning of the IAS MKR in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

3.3.3. Ensures that the IAS MKR is maintained in working order, including the integrity and accessibility of the information contained in the IAS MKR for participants in information interaction.

3.3.4. Ensures the updating of industry directories and classifiers of the IAS MKR based on proposals from the authorized body.

3.3.5. In accordance with the Regulations for providing access to the IAS MKR to suppliers and users of information, it ensures registration and registration in the IAS MKR of participants in information interaction and provides them with access to the IAS MKR.

3.3.6. Provides consulting support and training to participants in information interaction on the use of IAS MKR in accordance with operational documentation on the use of IAS MKR.

3.3.7. Provides interaction with other information systems in order to obtain information necessary for generating information in the IAS MKR.

3.3.8. Not responsible for the content and reliability of information posted in the IAS MKR by information providers, as well as for the suspension of the functioning of the IAS MKR due to the fault of third parties or due to force majeure circumstances.

3.3.9. Ensures the development (modernization) of the IAS MKR, including at the proposals of the authorized body.
(Clause 3.3.9 as amended, put into effect by order of the Moscow Government dated December 21, 2017 N 743-RP.

3.3.10. Provides operation of IAS MKR.
(Clause 3.3.10 was additionally included by order of the Moscow Government dated December 21, 2017 N 743-RP)

3.4. Certain functions of the IAS MKR operator specified in these Regulations may be transferred to another executive body of the city of Moscow or organization by decision of the operator of the IAS MKR in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts of the city of Moscow .

3.5. Information Provider:

3.5.1. Carries out the placement in the IAS MKR of information, the formation of which is provided for by the legal acts of the city of Moscow, regulations for the interaction of participants in information interaction, and its updating.

3.5.2. Complies with the requirements of operational documentation for the use of IAS MKR, regulations for information interaction between participants in information interaction, and Regulations for providing access to IAS MKR to suppliers and users of information.

3.5.3. Has the right to make proposals to the authorized body on necessary changes in order to optimize the functions of the IAS MKR.

3.5.4. The right to receive summary and analytical information about the information entered into the IAS MKR.

3.5.5. Ensures the reliability and completeness of the information provided to the IAS MKR.

3.5.6. Ensures the safety of user credentials provided by the IAS MKR operator for use functionality IAS MKR, non-disclosure of the specified data and prevention of the use of the functionality of IAS MKR by third parties without the consent of the authorized body.

3.6. User information:

3.6.1. Complies with the requirements of operational documentation for the use of IAS MKR.

3.6.2. Has the right to make proposals to the authorized body on necessary changes in order to optimize the functions of the IAS MKR.

3.6.3. The right to receive summary and analytical information about the information entered into the IAS MKR.

3.6.4. Ensures the safety of the credentials of information users provided by the operator of the IAS MKR for using the functionality of the IAS MKR, the non-disclosure of the specified data and the prevention of the use of the functionality of the IAS MKR by third parties without the consent of the authorized body.

4. Final provisions

Information interaction between executive authorities of the city of Moscow, physical and legal entities in order to ensure the exchange of information on the progress of work at municipal facilities, the formation of this information for publication on the official websites of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow on the Internet and the Portal is carried out using the IAS MKR.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

On approval of the Regulations on the information and analytical system for monitoring the integrated development of the city of Moscow (as amended as of December 21, 2017)

Document's name: On approval of the Regulations on the information and analytical system for monitoring the integrated development of the city of Moscow (as amended as of December 21, 2017)
Document Number: 516-RP
Document type: Order of the Moscow Government
Receiving authority: The government of Moscow
Status: Active
Published: Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 53, 09/24/2012
Acceptance date: September 10, 2012
Start date: September 10, 2012
Revision date: December 21, 2017

The KPS “Monitoring-Analysis” information and analytical system allows you to monitor the customs clearance process in the field of nomenclature, cost, weight of goods being cleared, and the calculation of customs duties.

“Monitoring-Analysis” implements the integration process for various information sources (CTD DB, TP NSI DB, Unified State Register of Legal Entities DB, Unified State Register DB) and subsequently uses the accumulated (aggregated) data to generate reports and certificates of different forms.

“Monitoring-Analysis” performs the following functions:

– providing access to the CDB of the customs declaration, as well as the CDB of customs receipt orders (CRO);

– providing the ability to create and edit conditions that limit the selection of data from the CDB;

– visual display and printing of report information;

– correction of received reports in Microsoft Excel.

Information on the activities of customs authorities in the field of customs clearance of customs declarations is presented in “Monitoring-Analysis” according to various criteria, including:

– cost, weight and nomenclature of goods being processed;

– accrued payments;

– country of origin and country of destination of the goods being moved;

– participants in customs clearance (customs authorities, customs inspectors, participants in foreign trade activities);

– dynamics of customs clearance processes.

“Monitoring-Analysis” makes it possible to obtain both general data on customs clearance of goods and detailed information on each of the participants in foreign trade activities, a specific warehouse and customs inspector.

Additionally, “Monitoring-Analysis” provides the ability to access (analysis and control) the processes of delivery of goods under customs control.

Monitoring-Analysis" has a clearly defined three-level structure. The user (via Internet Explorer) sends a request to the WWW server. The WWW server sends the request to the ORACLE DBMS. The DBMS processes the request and returns it to the WWW server.

The WWW server, in turn, converts the received data into an HTML page and returns the result to the user. Therefore, all updates to the Monitoring-Analysis KPS software occur on the WWW server and in the ORACLE DBMS. Changes in the software are accordingly made available to the user.

– CDB TPO – monitoring of customs clearance processes of TPO according to CDD TPO;

– CDD DKD – monitoring of processes of delivery of goods by customs control (access to the “Delivery-CBD” database);

– Search in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Unified State Register of Legal Entities - search for information about legal entities - participants in customs clearance processes.

3. General information about the AS ADP "Analytics-2000"

The UAIS database of the Federal Customs Service of Russia stores and processes huge volumes of information on various aspects of customs activities, including electronic copies of cargo customs declarations (CCD) and customs receipt orders (issued by Russian customs since 1991). The growth rate of the database volume is on average 600 thousand records per quarter (about 2.5 million per year). This data array contains valuable information about Russia's foreign economic activities.

Significant volumes of information about Russia’s foreign economic activities require the availability of effective processing tools to provide decision support processes for managing customs activities.

The first step in creating a full-scale decision support system (DSS) at the enterprise level was the processing of a system for operational multidimensional data analysis of electronic copies of customs documents, which provides a new level of data analysis and performance indicators incomparable in comparison with statistical analysis.

System goals for creating the Analytics-2000 system:

– reduction of time and labor required to obtain aggregated information;

– increasing the productivity of employees of the Federal Customs Service;

– improving the quality of analytical data issued at the request of higher organizations;

– providing the opportunity for senior and middle managers, as well as analysts, to navigate huge amounts of data and select the information necessary for decision-making;

– providing graphical representation of data.



annotation scientific article on the sciences of education, author of the scientific work - Dmitriev G.I., Voronov Yu.V., Zakonnikov E.A., Meyev V.A.

Under consideration information and analytical system monitoring scientific and educational potential universities and scientific organizations of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. The structure of the system contains a complex of organizational measures, normative and methodological support and software. The basis for collecting data in the monitoring system is the reporting materials of the research activities of universities and scientific organizations. For the preparation and reception of reporting materials, specialized software. These tools combine technologies for preparing and analyzing reports offline and provide automated online data exchange between participants in the process of preparing and receiving reports. A database has been created and on its basis information and analytical materials and statistical collections on the scientific potential of universities and organizations are being prepared. Examples of analysis of the effectiveness of scientific activities of universities according to a number of indicators are given. Information and analytical system used in divisions of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to analyze the activities of subordinate institutions and make management decisions

Related topics scientific works on the sciences of education, the author of the scientific work is Dmitriev G.I., Voronov Yu.V., Zakonnikov E.A., Meyev V.A.

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  • 2010 / Nikiforov A. A., Utkin Lev Vladimirovich
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  • Formation of innovative infrastructure - a new stage in the development of higher education

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Information and analytical system of monitoring of scientific and educational capacity of higher education institutions and scientific organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

The information and analytical system of monitoring of scientific and educational capacity of higher education institutions and the scientific organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is considered. The structure of system contains a complex of organizational actions, standard and methodical providing and software. Basis for data collection in system of monitoring are reports on research activity of higher education institutions and the scientific organizations. Each report consists of four sections: the main data on higher education institution (organization), an analytical note, tabular forms with indicators of scientific potential and data on the most significant scientific and technical development. Specialized software are developed for preparation and reception of reports. These means combine technologies of preparation and the analysis of reports in the off-line mode and provide the automated online-data exchange between participants of the process of preparation and reception of reports. The database is created and on its basis information and analytical materials and statistical collections about the scientific capacity of higher education institutions and organizations are prepared. Examples of the analysis of efficiency of scientific activities of higher education institutions for a number of indicators are given. The information and analytical system is used in division of the ministry.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Information and analytical system for monitoring the scientific and educational potential of universities and scientific organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia”

Information and analytical system for monitoring the scientific and educational potential of universities and scientific organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

G. I. Dmitriev,

Ph.D., Director of the Northwestern Scientific Methodological Center of St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"

Yu. V. Voronov,

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Automated Information Processing and Management Systems, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" [email protected]

E. A. Zakonnikov,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Northwestern Scientific Methodological Center of St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" zea

V. A. Meyev,

Ph.D., p. n. p., leading researcher at the Northwestern Scientific Methodological Center of St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" [email protected]

The information and analytical system for monitoring the scientific and educational potential of universities and scientific organizations of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science is considered. The structure of the system contains a complex of organizational measures, normative and methodological support and software. The basis for collecting data in the monitoring system is the reporting materials of the research activities of universities and scientific organizations. Specialized software tools have been developed for the preparation and reception of reporting materials. These tools combine technologies for preparing and analyzing reports offline and provide automated online data exchange between participants in the process of preparing and receiving reports. A database has been created and on its basis information and analytical materials and statistical collections on the scientific potential of universities and organizations are being prepared. Examples of analysis of the effectiveness of scientific activities of universities according to a number of indicators are given. The information and analytical system is used in divisions of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to analyze the activities of subordinate institutions and make management decisions.

Key words: information and analytical system, monitoring, scientific and educational potential, report on research activities.

The information and analytical system for monitoring the scientific and educational potential of universities and scientific organizations of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science is designed for automated collection, processing and presentation of data on research activities subordinate organizations using Internet technologies.

In Fig. Figure 1 presents the structure of the Information and Analytical System for Monitoring the Scientific and Educational Potential of Universities and Scientific Organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, containing a set of organizational measures, normative and methodological support and software.

Submission of reporting materials occurs online through the website of the monitoring system.

The basis for collecting data in the monitoring system are reports from universities and scientific organizations on

The report of a university (scientific organization) consists of 4 main sections:

1. Basic information about the university, containing characteristics of the university (main structural divisions, scientific directions of the university, dissertation councils, etc.).

2. Analytical report containing information about the main scientific (scientific and educational) research and its results, about the development of research work and the material base, about patent work, the organization of research and development activities, innovation activities, etc.

3. Tabular forms with indicators of the scientific potential of the university (organization).

4. The most significant scientific and technical developments carried out in the reporting year.

In Fig. Figure 2 shows the structure of the university (organization) report.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Information and Analytical System for Monitoring the Scientific and Educational Potential of Universities and Scientific Organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia


Title page Contents of the report

I Basic information about the university (organization)

II Analytical note

III Tables with indicators of the scientific potential of a university (organization)

Funding and execution of research and development Table Funding of research and development

Table Financing of scientific research and development from the funds of ministries and departments Table Financing and implementation of scientific research and development from the funds of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Table Financing and implementation of scientific research and development from the funds of funds for supporting scientific and scientific-technical activities

Table Financing and implementation of scientific research and development from the budgets of the constituent entities of the federation and local budgets

Table Financing and implementation of scientific research and development from funds of Russian business entities

Table Carrying out scientific research and development financed from own funds and other extra-budgetary Russian sources

Table Research and development carried out within the framework of international scientific cooperation Table Participation in the implementation of federal target programs financed from federal funds

Table Carrying out scientific research and development by areas of knowledge

Table Carrying out scientific research and development in priority areas of development of science, science and technology in the Russian Federation Table Participation of the university in programs for state support leading Russian universities Personnel composition

Table Number of employees of the university (organization)

Table Number of employees, doctoral students and graduate students participating in scientific research and development

Table Number of university (organization) employees by age groups

Table Number of employees of the highest scientific qualifications of the university (organization) by branch of science Training of personnel of the highest scientific qualifications and specialists Table Training of personnel of the highest scientific qualifications

Table Number of students by enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training in professional education

Table Organization of students' research activities and their participation in scientific research and development

Table Effectiveness of students' research activities Material and technical base

Table State of the material and technical base Productivity of scientific research

Table Productivity of scientific research and development Appendix List of Russian extra-budgetary funds that financed the university’s research and development

IV Information on the most significant results of scientific research and development of the university (organization)

Rice. 2. Structure of the university (organization) report

Tabular forms with indicators are structured according to the main thematic sections characterizing the scientific research of the university (organization): financing and implementation of scientific research, personnel composition, training of highly qualified personnel, the effectiveness of scientific research, material and technical base). The grouping parameters form the primary indicators for each thematic section, which are summarized in tabular forms for filling out by the university (organization). In Fig. Figure 3 shows the structure of sections and tables of indicators of the scientific and educational potential of a university (organization).

A specialized website has been developed to receive university reports on research and development activities online. The basis of the site is a block of web pages for organizing the sending, receiving, checking of reports and generating report databases. The site is implemented using ASP.NET technology.

In Fig. Figure 4 shows the personal page of the university, displaying the status of receiving electronic and printed forms of the report, and the procedure for indicating the status of the process of accepting the report on the university page.

In Fig. Figure 5 presents a generalized structure of the site and a diagram of the interaction of participants and users

the process of preparation, transmission, reception and storage of reporting materials.

In Fig. Figure 6 presents an algorithm for preparing a report by a university and receiving reports on research and development activities in electronic and printed form.

The reports prepared by universities are sent to the system website, where they are registered and undergo a comprehensive check for completeness, syntactic and semantic correctness of the data using a special software package.

Reception and verification of the university report in electronic form occurs in the following stages:

Receiving and registering a report;

Identification of the university (organization);

Completeness of filling;

Correctness of filling;

Comparison of key report indicators by year;

Comparison with reference data;

Generating (if necessary) comments on the report and sending them to the university via the website;

Final acceptance of the electronic report form into the database;

Acceptance of a printed copy of the report.

Rice. 3. Structure of sections of indicators of the scientific and educational potential of the university (organization)

Rice. 4. Personal page of the university, displaying the status of receiving electronic and printed forms of the report, and the procedure for indicating the status of the process of accepting the report on the university page

Rice. 5. Generalized structure of the site and scheme of interaction between participants and users in the process of preparation, transmission, reception and storage of reporting materials

Figure 6. Algorithm for preparing a report by a university and receiving reports on research activities

To identify errors in the indicators of university reports, software tools have been developed for checking university reports, based on a comparison of report data by year.

In Fig. Figure 7 shows an example of a table for visual comparison of the main report indicators by year.

Data for previous years is compared with data from the current report, and if significant changes in indicators are identified compared to the previous year, an analysis is carried out of the nature of the indicator and the reasons why its values ​​have changed.

If there are any comments to the report, they are posted on the university’s page on the website. After correcting the comments, the report is re-sent by the university to the website. The procedure for analyzing the report is repeated, including analyzing the changes made by the university after addressing the comments made. Based on the received reports from universities, an annual database is formed. In Fig. Figure 8 shows a table with indicators from the database.

In Fig. Figure 9 presents a table of contents of tabular forms that are available when analyzing summary data for a group of selected reports.

The system provides a filtering page that allows you to select universities whose data is interesting to us.

they are rescuing. Selection is carried out according to any combination of the following groups:

By type of university (organization);

According to the profile of the university (organization);

By federal subjects;

For the Federal District.

After the database of accepted reports is formed on the site, the report data becomes available for use using the subsystem for generating requests for obtaining data from the database. The database of accepted reports is available online using a login password. The subsystem for generating queries from the database provides:

Selecting reporting indicators for the reporting year;

Select reports by filtering by various grouping options

View all tabular forms of each of the selected reports;

Obtaining the total values ​​of tabular forms for a selected group of universities (organizations);

View the values ​​of the main indicators of scientific activity for each of the selected universities (organizations).

Based on the annual database, information and analytical materials are promptly prepared (in the first quarter of the year following the reporting year).

Rice. 7. Table of main report indicators by year Fig. 8. Table of indicators of universities (organizations) for 2013.

Database of indicators of universities (organizations) on research and development activities

The database of accepted report indicators is available online using a login password. The subsystem for generating queries from the database provides:

Selecting reporting indicators for the reporting year;

Selection of report indicators by filtering by various grouping parameters;

View all tabular forms of each of the selected reports;

Obtaining the total values ​​of tabular forms for a selected group of universities (organizations);

View the values ​​of the main indicators of research and development activities for each of the selected universities (organizations).

Presentation of results in electronic form:

Samples by request;

Statistical collections in PDF format;

Catalog "Scientific and technical developments" on DVD

Presentation of results in printed form: - statistical collections (for Russia as a whole, for federal districts, thematic collections)

Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of research and development activities of universities (organizations):

Rice. 9. Tabular form for selecting indicators

Rice. 10. Presentation of the results of research activities of universities (organizations)

ly and statistical collections on the scientific potential of universities and scientific organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia: a final collection for Russia as a whole, for federal districts and thematic collections. In Fig. Figure 10 shows the structure of presenting the results of collecting research reports.

In Fig. Figure 11 shows examples of the distribution of universities by individual indicators from the maximum value.

In Fig. Figure 12 shows the distribution of universities by the amount of funding from extra-budgetary sources for the group of universities “national” research universities».

In Fig. 13, 14 show examples of analysis of the effectiveness of scientific activities of universities in absolute and relative indicators.

In Fig. Figure 13 shows the distribution of universities by the number of monographs.

In Fig. Figure 14 shows the distribution of the number of monographs per 100 scientific and pedagogical workers while maintaining the order of universities presented in Fig. 13.

Distinctive feature of this monitoring system from the existing ones (Rosstat, departmental collection and accounting systems) is a more complete and detailed accounting of indicators on scientific and educational potential and the efficiency of obtaining

information collection - collection, processing and presentation of final data is carried out in the first quarter of the year after the reporting year.

Currently, a database has been created from 1994 to 2013. with indicators of universities and scientific organizations, allowing automated processing and presentation of both generalized and individual information about the scientific and educational potential of universities and scientific organizations of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

The result is the annual publication of statistical and information-analytical collections on the state and development of the scientific and educational potential of higher education in general and in individual areas of activity, which are submitted to the Departments of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, to universities for analysis and preparation of proposals when making management decisions.

Automated system monitoring and statistics of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities of subordinate institutions and organizations ensures:

Formation and storage of a unified database of educational and scientific statistics from 1994 to the present;

Development of a database management system within the Ministry's intranet;

Rice. 12. Distribution of universities by funding volume Fig. 11. Distribution of university indicators from extra-budgetary sources by group of universities

from maximum values"national research universities"

Rice. 13. Distribution of universities by number of monographs

Rice. 14. Distribution of the number of monographs per 100 scientific and pedagogical workers

Conducting an analysis of the current state of the scientific, scientific-technical and innovative potential of university science and trends in its development, identifying ways to increase the efficiency of its use;

Providing departments of the Ministry with information-statistical and information-analytical materials for assessing the scientific and scientific-technical potential of university science, formed on the basis of an analysis of databases of research reports;

Carrying out a set of research works related to the support of the industry information and statistical system for monitoring the scientific, scientific, technical and innovative potential of university science;

Obtaining dynamic assessments of the development of the scientific potential of individual universities and scientific organizations, individual regions, the scientific and educational potential of higher education as a whole, by type and thematic areas of activity, developing recommendations to support management decision-making.

The developed system for monitoring the scientific and educational potential of universities and other organizations of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science allows us to quickly, in an automated mode, obtain quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the development of the scientific and educational potential of higher education and analyze the effectiveness of its use for making management decisions.

List of sources used

Yu. V. Voronov, G. I. Dmitriev, E. A. Zakonnikov, V. A. Meyev. Software information system for monitoring the scientific and educational potential of institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia using Internet technologies//Izv. SPbSETU "LETI", No. 10, 2010.

2. Yu. V. Voronov, G. I. Dmitriev, E. A. Zakonnikov, V. A. Meyev. Principles for implementing website content for a system for collecting and processing data on the scientific and educational activities of universities // Izv. SPbSETU "LETI", No. 10, 2011.

Information and analytical system of monitoring of scientific

and educational capacity of higher education institutions and scientific organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

G. I. Dmitriev, PhD, Director, Northwest Scientific Methodological Center ETU.

Y. V. Voronov, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of automated information processing systems and managing of ETU.

E. A. Zakonnikov, PhD, Leading Researcher, Northwest Scientific Methodological Center ETU.

V. A. Meyev, PhD, Leading Researcher, Northwest Scientific Methodological Center ETU.

The information and analytical system of monitoring of scientific and educational capacity of higher education institutions and the scientific organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is considered. The structure of system contains a complex of organizational actions, standard and methodical providing and software. Basis for data collection in system of monitoring are reports on research activity of higher education institutions and the scientific organizations. Each report consists of four sections: the main data on higher education institution (organization), an analytical note, tabular forms with indicators of scientific potential and data on the most significant scientific and technical development. Specialized software are developed for preparation and reception of reports. These means combine technologies of preparation and the analysis of reports in the off-line mode and provide the automated online-data exchange between participants of the process of preparation and reception of reports. The database is created and on its basis information and analytical materials and statistical collections about the scientific capacity of higher education institutions and organizations are prepared. Examples of the analysis of efficiency of scientific activities of higher education institutions for a number of indicators are given. The information and analytical system is used in division of the ministry.

Keywords: Information and analytical system, monitoring, scientific and educational potential, report about research activity.

1. I (the Client) hereby express my consent to the processing of my personal data received from me during admission to training for the proposed educational programs by the Interregional Service Center for Additional Professional Medical and Pharmaceutical Education at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution PIMU and Perm State Medical University (hereinafter referred to as the Center ) or when subscribing to site news.

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"Interregional service center for additional professional medical and pharmaceutical education at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution PIMU and Perm State Medical University"
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The Ministry of Health, together with the state corporation Rostec, has developed and put into trial operation an information and analytical system (IAS) for monitoring and control in the field of state and municipal procurement of medicines.

To create a new procurement management scheme, the Ministry of Health has developed a structured directory-catalogue of medicines based on state registers, registered medicines, and maximum selling prices. Together with interested federal authorities, the integration of the created information and analytical system with a unified information system in the field of procurement was carried out. The drug catalog is built into the procurement system and makes it possible to enter structured information there, which is automatically processed and transferred to the procurement monitoring system. This allows you to quickly analyze information at the procurement planning level and based on the results of competitive procedures. The system also automatically calculates weighted average market prices for similar purchases for international non-proprietary and trade names of drugs and objectifies all deviations from them.

For the functioning of a unified information system in the field of procurement, from the moment the test operation of IAS began, the Ministry of Health of Russia, together with interested departments of the Russian Federation, is unifying information on international non-proprietary names of medicines, forms and dosages of medicines in a unified reference book classifier of medicines (USCLP), and uniform principles have been developed maintaining and transmitting structured information from the State Register of Medicines for Medical Use (GRLS). At the same time, the volume of information contained in the GRLS is fixed by a regulatory act - the procedure for maintaining the state register of medicines for medical use. The information that the single reference book classifier is heterogeneous is not true.

Thus, by the time of industrial operation of the information and analytical system from January 1, 2018, all state and municipal customers will have the opportunity to enter information about contracts for the purchase of medicines in a structured form using a unified ESKLP.

Currently, the information analytical system is operating in test mode. It is filled with data, while its technical parameters and processes are worked out. The system will be put into commercial operation on January 1, 2018.

Moreover, the state regulates prices for vital and essential items. medications, which eliminates the possibility of rising prices for them. As monthly monitoring by Roszdravnadzor shows, in November 2017 compared to October 2017 on average in Russia, retail prices for vital and essential drugs in the outpatient segment decreased by 0.2%, purchasing (wholesale) prices decreased by 0.3%.

Thus, the statement that the introduction of IAS may lead to an increase in prices for medicines is untrue and is probably based on an incomplete understanding of the essence of the work being carried out, or a conscious desire to prevent the creation of a transparent procurement environment and lower prices for medicines in public procurement .