Information center "central house of knowledge". Digital mill of the 17th century 1672 the first adding machine who created

Adding machine(from the Greek arithmys - number and ... meter), a desktop computer for performing arithmetic operations. A machine for arithmetic calculations was invented by B. Pascal (1641), but the first practical machine that performed 4 arithmetic operations was built by the German watchmaker Hahn (1790). In 1890, St. Petersburg mechanic V. T. Odner launched the production of Russian calculating machines, which served as the prototype for subsequent A. models.

A. is equipped with a mechanism for setting and transferring numbers to the counter, a revolution counter, a result counter, a device for canceling the result, and a manual or electric drive. A. is most efficient when performing multiplication and division operations. With the development of computer technology, computers are being replaced by more advanced keyboard-based computers.

ADDING MACHINE- desktop counting machine for directly performing four arithmetic operations. In A., a single-digit number from O to 9 is represented by turning a wheel, called a counting wheel, through a certain angle. Each digit of a multi-digit number has its owna counting wheel whose rotation angles represent all 10 digits of a given digit; these numbers are marked on the circumference of wheel 1. A system of counting wheels equipped with a device for transmitting tens, i.e., a device thanks to which a full revolution of the wheel of one category entails a rotation of the wheel of the next category by a unit angle (36°), is called counter 2. The counter is one of the main mechanisms of the adding machine. In addition to it, the A. has a mechanism for setting these numbers 3, a device for clearing the result 4 and a drive 5, manual or electric. The summation operation in an adding machine is carried out by sequentially summing the angles of rotation of the counting wheels corresponding to the summand numbers, subtraction - by subtracting the angles of rotation of the counting wheels. Multiplication is carried out by bitwise summation, and division is carried out by bitwise subtraction. The counting principle inherent in arithmetic has been known for a very long time, but the first practical models of arithmetic were very primitive. Setting numbers was inconvenient and time-consuming, the problem of transmitting tens was not solved satisfactorily, etc. Over time, the models underwent radical improvements: the design was changed, and operational capabilities were expanded. The original design of the machine belongs to I. L. Chebyshep, who proposed a calculating machine “with continuous motion.” A significant improvement in the usual design of A. with a continuous change in the sum of digits was achieved thanks to the invention ( 1871) Russian engineer Odnerim of the installation mechanism. Odner wheels are still used in aircraft of domestic and foreign designs. Modern A. have a number of further improvements: electric. drive, key setting of these numbers, devices for automatic counting, for automatic recording of results, etc. I! In the Soviet Union, the most widely used A. "Felix" and semi-automatic A. "KSM".

Lit.: Chebyshe v II. L., Calculating machine with continuous motion, trans. with fraip., Full eibr. cit., vol. 4, -M,- L. .1 948; Bool V. G., Arithmometer 4i bysheia, “Proceedings of the Department of Human Rights. Sciences of the Society of Lovers of Natural History", 1 894, vol. 7, no. 1; Scientific heritage of P. L. Chebyshev, no. 2, M,-. 1., 194 5 (p. 72); G and i o d m a and V. A., Accounting mechanization. M., 1940.

Arithmometer (from Greek αριθμός - “number”, “count” and Greek.μέτρον - “measure”, “meter”), a desktop (or portable) mechanical computing machine designed for accurate multiplication and division, as well as addition and subtraction.

Desktop or portable: Most often, adding machines were desktop or “knee-mounted” (like modern laptops); occasionally there were pocket models (Curta). This distinguished them from large floor-standing computers such as tabulators (T-5M) or mechanical computers (Z-1, Charles Babbage's Difference Engine).

Mechanical: Numbers are entered into the adding machine, converted and transmitted to the user (displayed in counter windows or printed on tape) using only mechanical devices. In this case, the adding machine can use exclusively a mechanical drive (that is, to work on them you need to constantly turn the handle. This primitive option is used, for example, in “Felix”) or perform part of the operations using an electric motor (The most advanced adding machines are computers, for example “Facit CA1-13", almost any operation uses an electric motor).

Precise calculation: Adding machines are digital (not analog, such as a slide rule) devices. Therefore, the calculation result does not depend on the reading error and is absolutely accurate.

Multiplication and Division: Arithmometers are designed primarily for multiplication and division. Therefore, almost all adding machines have a device that displays the number of additions and subtractions - a revolution counter (since multiplication and division are most often implemented as sequential addition and subtraction; for more details, see below).

Addition and Subtraction: Adding machines can perform addition and subtraction. But on primitive lever models (for example, on the Felix) these operations are performed very slowly - faster than multiplication and division, but noticeably slower than on the simplest adding machines or even manually.

Not programmable: When working on an adding machine, the order of actions is always set manually - immediately before each operation, you must press the corresponding key or turn the corresponding lever. This feature of the adding machine is not included in the definition, since there were practically no programmable analogues of adding machines.

Historical review

    150-100 BC e. - Antikythera mechanism created in Greece

    1623 - Wilhelm Schickard invented the "calculating clock"

    1642 - Blaise Pascal invented "pascaline"

    1672 - Leibniz's Calculator was created - the world's first adding machine. In 1672, a two-bit machine appeared, and in 1694, a twelve-bit machine. This adding machine was not widely used because it was too complex and expensive for its time.

    1674 - Moreland machine created

    1820 - Thomas de Colmar began serial production of adding machines. In general, they were similar to the Leibniz adding machine, but had a number of design differences.

    1890 - serial production of Odhner's adding machines began - the most common type of adding machines of the 20th century. Odhner's adding machines include, in particular, the famous "Felix".

    1919 - Mercedes-Euklid VII appeared - the world's first automatic machine, that is, an adding machine capable of independently performing all four basic arithmetic operations.

    1950s - The rise of computers and semi-automatic adding machines. It was at this time that most of the models of electromechanical computers were released.

    1969 - Peak production of adding machines in the USSR. About 300 thousand Felixes and VK-1s were produced.

    late 1970s - early 1980s - Around this time, electronic calculators finally replaced adding machines from store shelves.

Arithmometer models:

Felix adding machine (Museum of Water, St. Petersburg)

Adding machine Facit CA 1-13

Adding machine Mercedes R38SM

Models of adding machines differed mainly in the degree of automation (from non-automatic, capable of independently performing only addition and subtraction, to fully automatic, equipped with mechanisms for automatic multiplication, division and some others) and in design (the most common models were based on the Odner wheel and Leibniz roller) . It should immediately be noted that non-automatic and automatic cars were produced at the same time - automatic ones, of course, were much more convenient, but they cost about two orders of magnitude more than non-automatic ones.

Non-automatic adding machines on the Odhner wheel

    “Arithmometer of the V. T. Odner system” are the first arithmometers of this type. They were produced during the life of the inventor (approximately 1880-1905) at a factory in St. Petersburg.

    "Soyuz" - produced since 1920 at the Moscow Factory of Calculating and Writing Machines.

    "OriginalDynamo" was produced since 1920 at the Dynamo plant in Kharkov.

    "Felix" is the most common adding machine in the USSR. Produced from 1929 to the end of the 1970s.

Automatic adding machines on the Odhner wheel

    Facit CA 1-13 - one of the smallest automatic adding machines

    VK-3 is its Soviet clone.

Non-automatic Leibniz roller adding machines

    Thomas adding machines and a number of similar lever models produced until the beginning of the 20th century.

    Keyboard machines, e.g. Rheinmetall Ie or Nisa K2

Automatic adding machines on a Leibniz roller

    Rheinmetall SAR - One of the two best calculating machines in Germany. Its distinctive feature - a small ten-key (like on a calculator) keyboard to the left of the main one - was used to enter a multiplier when multiplying.

    VMA, VMM are his Soviet clones.

    The Friden SRW is one of the few adding machines capable of automatically extracting square roots.

Other adding machines

Mercedes Euklid 37MS, 38MS, R37MS, R38MS, R44MS - these computers were the main competitors of Rheinmetall SAR in Germany. They worked a little slower, but had more functions.



    Place the first term on the levers.

    Turn the handle away from you (clockwise). In this case, the number on the levers is entered into the summation counter.

    Place the second term on the levers.

    Turn the handle away from you. In this case, the number on the levers will be added to the number in the summation counter.

    The result of the addition is on the summation counter.


    Set the minuend on the levers.

    Turn the handle away from you. In this case, the number on the levers is entered into the summation counter.

    Set the subtrahend on the levers.

    Turn the handle towards you. In this case, the number on the levers is subtracted from the number on the summation counter.

    The result of the subtraction on the summation counter.

If the subtraction results in a negative number, the bell rings in the adding machine. Since the adding machine does not operate with negative numbers, it is necessary to “undo” the last operation: without changing the position of the levers and console, turn the handle in the opposite direction.


Multiplying by a small number

    Set the first multiplier on the levers.

    Turn the handle away from you until the second multiplier appears on the spin counter.

Multiplying using the console

By analogy with multiplication by a column, they multiply by each digit, writing the results with an offset. The offset is determined by the digit in which the second multiplier is located.

To move the console, use the handle on the front of the adding machine (Felix) or the arrow keys (VK-1, Rheinmetall).

Let's look at an example: 1234x5678:

    Move the console all the way to the left.

    Set the multiplier on the levers with a larger (by eye) sum of numbers (5678).

    Turn the handle away from you until the first digit (to the right) of the second multiplier (4) appears on the spin counter.

    Move the console one step to the right.

    Do steps 3 and 4 similarly for the remaining numbers (2nd, 3rd and 4th). As a result, the spin counter should have a second multiplier (1234).

    The result of multiplication is on the summation counter.


Consider the case of dividing 8765 by 432:

    Set the dividend on the levers (8765).

    Move the console to the fifth space (four steps to the right).

    Mark the end of the whole part of the dividend with metal “commas” on all counters (the commas should be in a column before the number 5).

    Turn the handle away from you. In this case, the dividend is entered into the summation counter.

    Reset the spin counter.

    Set the divider (432) on the levers.

    Move the console so that the most significant digit of the dividend is aligned with the most significant digit of the divisor, that is, one step to the right.

    Turn the knob toward you until you get a negative number (overkill, indicated by the sound of a bell). Turn the knob back one turn.

    Move the console one step to the left.

    Follow steps 8 and 9 to the extreme position of the console.

    The result is the modulus of the number on the spin counter, the integer and fractional parts are separated by a comma. The remainder is on the summation counter.


    Organization and technology of accounting mechanization; B. Drozdov, G. Evstigneev, V. Isakov; 1952

    Calculating machines; I. S. Evdokimov, G. P. Evstigneev, V. N. Kriushin; 1955

    Computers, V. N. Ryazankin, G. P. Evstigneev, N. N. Tresvyatsky. Part 1.

    Central Bureau Directory technical information instrumentation and automation; 1958

Adding machine(from the Greek αριθμός - “number”, “counting” and the Greek μέτρον - “measure”, “meter”) - a desktop (or portable) mechanical computing machine designed for accurate multiplication and division, as well as for addition and subtraction.

Desktop or portable: Most often, adding machines were desktop or “knee-mounted” (like modern laptops); occasionally there were pocket models. This distinguished them from large floor-standing computers such as tabulators (T-5M) or mechanical computers (Z-1, Charles Babbage's Difference Engine).

Mechanical: Numbers are entered into the adding machine, converted and transmitted to the user (displayed in counter windows or printed on tape) using only mechanical devices. In this case, the adding machine can use exclusively a mechanical drive or perform part of the operations using an electric motor (the most advanced adding machines - computers, for example "Facit CA1-13", use an electric motor for almost any operation).

Exact calculation: Arithmometers are digital (not analog, such as a slide rule) devices. Therefore, the calculation result does not depend on the reading error and is absolutely accurate.

Multiplication and division: Arithmometers are designed primarily for multiplication and division. Therefore, almost all adding machines have a device that displays the number of additions and subtractions - a revolution counter (since multiplication and division are most often implemented as sequential addition and subtraction; for more details, see below).

Addition and subtraction: Adding machines can perform addition and subtraction. But on primitive lever models (for example, on the Felix) these operations are performed very slowly - faster than multiplication and division, but noticeably slower than on the simplest adding machines or even manually.

Not programmable: When working on an adding machine, the order of actions is always set manually - immediately before each operation, you should press the corresponding key or turn the corresponding lever. This feature of the adding machine is not included in the definition, since there were practically no programmable analogues of adding machines.

Charles Babbage's Difference Engine

Figure 9. Charles Babbage's Difference Engine

History of creation

Charles Babbage, while in France, became acquainted with the works of Gaspard de Prony, who served as head of the census bureau under the French government from 1790 to 1800. Prony, who was tasked with calibrating and improving logarithmic trigonometric tables in preparation for the introduction of the metric system, proposed that the work be divided into three levels. At the top level, a group of prominent mathematicians was engaged in the derivation of mathematical expressions suitable for numerical calculations. The second group calculated function values ​​for arguments spaced five or ten intervals apart. The calculated values ​​were included in the table as reference values. After this, the formulas were sent to the third, most numerous group, whose members carried out routine calculations and were called “calculators.” They were only required to carefully add and subtract in the sequence determined by the formulas received from the second group.

De Prony's work (never completed due to the revolutionary times) led Babbage to think about the possibility of creating a machine that could replace the third group - calculators. In 1822, Babbage published an article describing such a machine, and soon began its practical creation. As a mathematician, Babbage was familiar with the method of approximating functions by polynomials and calculating finite differences. In order to automate this process, he began to design a machine, which was called - difference. This machine had to be able to calculate the values ​​of polynomials up to the sixth power with an accuracy of up to the 18th digit.

In the same 1822, Babbage built a model of a difference engine, consisting of rollers and gears, manually rotated using a special lever. Having secured the support of the Royal Society, which considered his work “eminently worthy of public support,” Babbage approached the British government with a request to fund full-scale development. In 1823, the British government provided him with a subsidy of £1,500 (the total amount of government subsidies Babbage received for the project ultimately amounted to £17,000).

While developing the machine, Babbage did not imagine all the difficulties associated with its implementation, and not only did not meet the promised three years, but nine years later he was forced to suspend his work. However, part of the machine did begin to function and performed calculations with even greater accuracy than expected.

Figure 10. Difference engine No. 2

The design of the difference machine was based on the use of the decimal number system. The mechanism was driven by special handles. When funding for the Difference Engine ceased, Babbage began designing a much more general analytical engine, but then still returned to the original development. The improved project he worked on between 1847 and 1849 was called "Difference Engine No. 2"(English) Difference Engine No. 2 ).

Based on Babbage's work and advice, Swedish publisher, inventor and translator Georg Schutz (Swedish Georg Scheutz) starting in 1854, managed to build several difference engines and even managed to sell one of them to the British government office in 1859. In 1855, Schutz's difference engine received a gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris. Some time later, another inventor, Martin Vibreg (Swedish Martin Wiberg), improved the design of the Schutz machine and used it to calculate and publish printed logarithmic tables.

Between 1989 and 1991, for the bicentenary of Charles Babbage's birth, a working replica was assembled from his original work at the Science Museum in London. difference engine No. 2. In 2000, a printer, also invented by Babbage for his machine, began operating in the same museum. After eliminating minor design inaccuracies found in old drawings, both designs worked flawlessly. These experiments brought an end to the long debate about the fundamental operability of Charles Babbage's designs (some researchers believe that Babbage deliberately introduced inaccuracies into his drawings, thus trying to protect his creations from unauthorized copying).

who created the very first adding machine? and got the best answer

Answer from Mooncat[guru]
150-100 BC e. - Antikythera mechanism created in Greece
1623 - Wilhelm Schickard invented the "calculating clock"
1642 - Blaise Pascal invented "pascaline"
1672 - Leibniz's Calculator was created - the world's first adding machine. In 1672, a two-bit machine appeared, and in 1694, a twelve-bit machine. This adding machine was not widely used because it was too complex and expensive for its time.
1674 - Moreland machine created
1820 - Thomas de Colmar began serial production of adding machines. In general, they were similar to the Leibniz adding machine, but had a number of design differences.
50s XIX century - P. L. Chebyshev created the first adding machine in Russia.
1890 - serial production of Odhner's adding machines began - the most common type of adding machines of the 20th century. Odhner's adding machines include, in particular, the famous "Felix".
1919 - Mercedes-Euklid VII appeared - the world's first automatic machine, that is, an adding machine capable of independently performing all four basic arithmetic operations.
1950s - The rise of computers and semi-automatic adding machines. It was at this time that most of the models of electromechanical computers were released.
1969 - Peak production of adding machines in the USSR. About 300 thousand Felixes and VK-1s were produced.
late 1970s - early 1980s - Around this time, electronic calculators finally replaced adding machines from store shelves

Answer from Lemnobelos[guru]
Mathematics professor Wilhelm Schickard is the first certified six-wheel computing machine.
A more advanced adding machine with binary number created in 1673 by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. The first mass production of arithmothers with an accuracy of up to the 20th decimal place since 1821 by the creator Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar (answer from the user "Moon Cat" - not exactly...)

Answer from Vovan de Mort[guru]
Johann Sebastian Arithmometer

Answer from Odins[guru]
it was the car with wheels and numbers that appeared during the Porizhian revolution
and its earliest appearance was in ancient greece when on one of the sunken golera a certain copper device was found capable of calculating and showing many astronomical objects

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

The prototype of the calculator - the adding machine - existed more than 300 years ago. Nowadays, complex mathematical calculations can be done with ease by silently pressing the keys of the same calculator or computer, mobile phone, smartphone (on which the corresponding applications are installed). Previously, this procedure took a lot of time and created a lot of inconvenience. But still, the appearance of the first calculating device made it possible to save on the costs of mental labor, and also pushed for further progress. Therefore, it is interesting to know who invented the adding machine and when it happened.

The appearance of the adding machine

Who invented the adding machine first? This person was the German scientist Gottfried Leibniz. The great philosopher and mathematician designed a device consisting of a movable carriage and a stepped roller. G. Leibniz introduced it to the world in 1673.

His ideas were adopted by the French engineer Thomas Xavier. He invented a calculating machine to perform the four operations of arithmetic. The numbers were set by moving the gear along the axis until the required numbers appeared in the slot, with each stepped roller corresponding to one digit of numbers. The device was driven by the rotation of a hand lever, which, in turn, moved gears and toothed rollers, producing the desired result. This was the first adding machine put into mass production.

Device Modifications

The Englishman J. Edmondzon was the one who invented the adding machine with a circular mechanism (the carriage performs an action in a circle). This device was created in 1889 based on the apparatus of Thomas Xavier. However, there were no significant changes in the design of the device, and this device turned out to be just as bulky and inconvenient as its predecessors. Subsequent analogues of the device also committed the same sin.

It is well known who invented the adding machine with numeric keypad. It was the American F. Baldwin. In 1911, he introduced a counting device in which numbers were set in vertical digits containing 9 digits.

The production of such counting devices in Europe was established by engineer Carl Lindström, creating a device that was more compact in size and original in design. Here the stepped rollers were already positioned vertically rather than horizontally, and, in addition, these elements were arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

On the territory of the Soviet Union, the first adding machine was created at the Schetmash plant named after. Dzerzhinsky in Moscow in 1935. It was called a keyboard (KSM). Their production continued until and then was resumed in the form of new models of semi-automatic machines only in 1961.

During these same years, they were created automatic devices, such as “VMM-2” and “Zoemtron-214”, which were used in various fields, and the work was characterized by a lot of noise and inconvenience, but this was the only device at that time that helped cope with a large volume of calculations.

Now these devices are considered a rarity; they can only be found as a museum exhibit or in the collection of lovers of ancient technology. We examined the question of who invented the adding machine, and also provided information about the history of the technical development of this device and hope that this information will be useful to readers.