Computer science and information technology. Computer science, information technology as prerequisites for economic development Information and information technology

rules and methods for using computer technology in various areas of human activity

4) social informatics:

the impact of new information technologies and the development of computer technology on the life of society

The structure of the computer science subject area is presented in more detail in the table on the next page.

Computer science studies the processes of creating and processing information, solving problems that are associated with the use of computers and office equipment, thanks to the development of which it appeared.

Purpose of computer science– acquiring knowledge about information systems (that is, systems in which the processes of collecting, processing, accumulating, storing and transmitting information take place), as well as determining the general principles for the construction and operation of these systems.

Main function of computer science– finding and using means and methods of information processing.

Informatics tasks:

creation of equipment and technologies for information conversion;

solving problems arising in the development and use of information technologies and computer equipment;

research of information processes

The role of computer science in the modern world is growing as there is a transition to an information society

Information society characterized by the following features:

the majority of workers are engaged not in the production of material goods, but in the production and processing of information

the majority of the population's needs are related to obtaining information

the standard of living is largely determined by access to information resources

the volume of information processed increases sharply

the information capacity of manufactured products increases, i.e. More and more information is required to produce products

The process of transition from an industrial society to an information society is called informatization

Computer science is one of the youngest sciences. She studies the properties and patterns of information, methods of its use in human life.

The history of the development of computer science begins with the appearance of the first electronic computers in the late 40s - early 50s of the twentieth century. These were the first computers to run on vacuum tubes. Closer to the 60s, discrete semiconductor computers were invented. And in the mid-60s, cars equipped with integrated circuits appeared.

The history of the development of information systems is closely connected with the fact that it has always been difficult for a person to perform complex mathematical calculations in his head or on paper. The inquisitive minds of people sought to automate computational processes by using the simplest abacus and slide rule. And finally, in 1642, Pascal created an eight-bit adding mechanism. After 2 centuries, Charles de Colmar improved it to an adding machine, which performed more complex mathematical operations in the form of multiplication and division. Accountants were delighted with this invention.

But the actual history of the development of information technology begins with a presentation of the ideas that formed the basis of modern computers in 1833 by the Englishman Charles Babbage. He was the first to use punched cards, the holes of which served to transmit information. These were the first steps of programming.

The history of the development of information systems was continued in 1888 by American engineer Herman Hollerith, who authored the first electromechanical calculating machine. It was tested during the census in 1890 and amazed with its results and speed of calculation. While this amount of work previously required 500 employees to pore over the numbers for seven years in a row, Hollerith, who gave each of his 43 assistants a calculating machine, completed this amount of work within one month.

The history of the development of information technology is also grateful to Hollerith for the fact that he founded the company, which later became known as IBM and today is a giant of world computerization. Its employees, together with scientists from Harvard University, built the first electronic computer in 1940, which they called “Mark-1”. This giant weighed 35 tons, and the customer of the computer was the US military department. The machine calculated in the binary system. She spent only one second on 300 multiplication operations and 5000 addition operations. But the lamps quickly failed and this problem was solved by Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley, the inventors of semiconductor transistors.

Thus, the history of the development of computer science has come to the point of a radical reduction in the size of computers, and their next generation was significantly smaller. And the speed of computing abilities has increased 10 times.

Further, the entire history of the development of computer science in the world will be connected with the miniaturization of computers. And first the American company DIGITAL EQUIPMENT, then the company INTEL, succeeds in this regard. And in the mid-70s of the twentieth century, personal computers from the now famous company APPLE appeared.

The history of the development of computer science in our country begins with a small electronic calculating machine (MSEM), which performed 50 operations per second. Its designer was Sergei Aleksandrovich Lebedev. Her path in our fatherland was quite thorny. And today we can no longer imagine a full life without the use of computers. And if you look back, very little time has passed. Thus, technical thought is even ahead of its time. PC,

laptops and netbooks are a special feature of the modern era.

The main research methods in computer science are:

– system information analysis as a specification of the system approach;

– information modeling as a specification of the general scientific method of modeling;

– a computer experiment as a type of computational experiment characteristic of all sciences.

The rapid increase in the volume of information existing and circulating in society confronts modern man with the problem of the ability to work with it: find, select what is needed, store, package and quickly retrieve from storage, process and transform. Moreover, information can increasingly be presented not only in text, the most familiar form, but also as video and audio materials, diagrams and animated graphics, etc. Mastery of methods, techniques and means of working with information is becoming one of the main professionally important

The concept of information, types of information. Its properties

The term information comes from the Latin word informatio, which means “information, explanation, presentation.”

Information is such a general and deep concept that it cannot be explained in one phrase. This word has different meanings in technology, science and in everyday situations.

In everyday life, information refers to any data or information that interests someone, for example, a message about any events, about someone’s activities, etc. “Inform” in this sense means “to report something previously unknown.”

It is known that the word computer science (“Informatique”) was first introduced into scientific terminology by French scientists in the early 1970s. In English-speaking countries, the term “computer Science” is used in parallel.

The creation and widespread use in the everyday life of modern society of the latest technologies for collecting and processing information, various information retrieval, modeling, analytical and management systems have led to the emergence of an interesting and significant phenomenon characteristic of the modern history of mankind. The improvement of computer technology, telecommunications systems and information technology not only fully demonstrates its production, technological and social usefulness, improving the conditions of our work and life, they radically change the very nature of human and production relations in modern society.

At this stage, the formation and development of a new scientific discipline capable of formulating and studying the basic laws of the process of informatization of the modern world is an objective and urgent necessity. Informatics arose within the framework of modern theories of managing complex dynamic processes and was intended to add a practical orientation to the theories, focused on creating a scientific basis for the functioning of complex information systems based on the widespread use of the latest information exchange technologies.

As a comprehensive scientific discipline, computer science studies all aspects of the design, development and use of data processing systems. At the same time, it reveals the general patterns of influence of these systems on various spheres of socio-economic life of a person and society.

Thus, computer science today is not only the theory of information exchange, not only the technology of information processing and information flows, it is an entire socio-technological infrastructure that is organically intertwined with the social sphere and has an increasingly significant impact on it. The study of the nature and methods of impact of the latest information technologies on the social sphere of modern society today is the main component of computer science as a complex scientific discipline. The expansion of the use of computer technology and telecommunications significantly changes the general social environment of modern society, while expanding the horizons of scientific and practical knowledge, stimulating the processes of improving information technologies. This mutual influence determines the rapid development of the entire information infrastructure of society, which, in turn, is a powerful accelerator for the development of the latest means of information exchange.

Computer science has become part of our everyday reality. Today it changes not only the material foundations of many socio-economic and scientific-technical processes, but also our ideas about the world around us, about the forms and methods of knowing it. Computer science can equally be classified as both applied and fundamental sciences. Such an ambiguous classification follows from the very nature of the emergence and development of computer science as a complex set of general theoretical and applied scientific disciplines.

On the one hand, computer science can be considered as a fundamental, natural science that studies the structure and general properties of information, issues related to the processes of collection, storage, transmission, transformation and use of information. Computer science is a natural fundamental science, since it defines unified, general laws of information processing for various spheres of human activity. These laws are of a general scientific nature and have the same manifestations in various fields of scientific knowledge.

On the other hand, computer science has pronounced applied aspects related to the functioning of very specific information technologies and systems aimed at meeting the applied information needs of people and society. In this sense, computer science formulates very specific methods and rules for the design and creation of information processing systems, technologies for using these systems to solve applied problems of automating routine computational and logical procedures.

Due to the versatility and diversity of the concept of computer science, any simplified definition will contain only the most general features and reflect the essence of the concept without taking into account its subject area. From the point of view of the subject area, computer science should be understood as the science that studies computers, the principles of their construction, operation and practical application for processing information. In addition, computer science studies the theoretical and practical aspects of designing computer systems, electronics, mathematics and logic. The range of subject areas of computer science is defined from software development technology, programming and computer architecture to artificial intelligence and robotics.

Often the term “computer science” refers to a set of fundamental and applied disciplines that study the properties of information, as well as methods of accumulating, processing, presenting and transmitting information using certain technical means.

The core of computer science as an applied scientific direction is information technology - a set of specific hardware and software tools with the help of which a wide variety of data processing operations are performed. Sometimes information technology is called computer technology, as well as applied computer science. Of decisive importance for applied computer science are the means of computing and telecommunications technology, in particular, the computer as a technical device designed for processing information.

A generalizing definition of computer science, which reflects its main features in the most concise form, can be formulated as follows: computer science is a science that studies the structure and general properties of information, as well as the patterns of its creation, transmission and use in various spheres of human activity and society.

The applied goal of computer science is to develop more effective methods for using information flows and identifying ways to optimize the processes of practical use of various information.

The main function of computer science is to substantiate the means and methods of technological support for information processes, and, consequently, to qualitatively change the nature of their flow based on the use of modern computer and telecommunications equipment, mathematical modeling and program control.

Any scientific direction is called upon to produce and systematize objective knowledge about reality in order to describe and explain it, to formulate and explain the basic patterns that constitute the subject of its study. Regarding computer science, it can be argued that the object of study of this scientific discipline is a variety of information in all its forms from all spheres of life in modern society.

Information * originating and existing within any area of ​​human activity acquires a highly specialized sectoral nature. In the process of studying this type of information, specific methods for its presentation and processing are developed. This determines the division of computer science into some applied scientific areas. These directions exist depending on the type and social purpose of the information discussed in them. The object of study of such “special” sections of computer science is different types of “special” information, and the subject is the patterns of information services within a particular social communication system.

From a general theoretical point of view, the specific meaning of information does not matter for computer science. The object of study of computer science in this context is information as such, and the subject is information processes, that is, the processes of collecting, storing, processing and distributing information, as well as methods of managing these processes and general patterns of influence of information processes on the nature of social communications in society as a whole.

In modern conditions, information systems are complex interconnected computing and telecommunication systems, united in local and global computer networks, designed to satisfy the continuously growing information needs of society.

In recent years, a steady trend has developed towards combining traditional management functions with the functions of managing information resources and information systems of enterprises and institutions. The process of merging these functions into a single management system is due to the need for new, more advanced methods and techniques for processing information in the daily activities of management personnel. It is objectively due to the technological revolution in the field of computing, which contributed to the democratization and accessibility of information systems, turning millions of end users of these systems into information managers.

Taking into account changes in the architecture of information systems and in the principles of organizing information technologies in modern society, the nature of personnel relationships in the process of carrying out production activities is changing, both within a separate enterprise and in the economy as a whole. The most important role of information systems and technologies will continue to be to provide the necessary level of service to customers and users of these systems through the integration of various information resources.

Therefore, further consideration of the issues of informatization of modern society, the use of new information technologies and the construction of modern information systems on their basis requires a clear definition of such basic concepts of computer science as information technology and information system.

In modern conditions, technologies for collecting and processing information are focused on creating complex computing systems. The purpose of creating such systems is not only the accumulation and storage of information, they are designed to bring the performer and the manager, who is obliged to make management decisions, as close as possible - on the one hand, and information repositories, on the other, wherever they are, at any time. In addition to unhindered access to information, new information exchange technologies provide managers with the opportunity to apply a fundamentally new methodology for optimizing the decision-making process.

Information technology is a purposeful, organized set of various information processes using computer technology, which provides high speed data processing, quick information retrieval, data distribution, and the ability to access information sources regardless of their location.

The concept of “system” in scientific and technical literature is used to define a set of interconnected elements that make up a single whole, the functioning of which is aimed at obtaining a specific useful result. In computer science, it is customary to distinguish between the following types of systems: control system, automated control system, automated information system, automatic information system, etc.

An information system is a communication system built on the basis of the use of modern information technologies that ensure the collection, processing and dissemination of information about a specific object and provide employees at various levels with the information necessary to implement their main functions and make management decisions.

As you can see, the concepts of “information technology” and “information system” are quite closely related. Their main difference lies in the subject area that each of them defines. The concept of “information technology” includes specific implementations of the most common functions for collecting, processing, transmitting and distributing information, regardless of the organizational structure of an enterprise or institution. In turn, an information system is a certain set of various information technologies, focused on the immediate needs of a specific consumer of these technologies.

Today there are a sufficient number of technologies for collecting information, which can be presented in a wide variety of forms (text, specialized and universal structured databases, graphic information, video and audio materials, etc.). There is also a large list of technologies for storing and processing collected information. Regardless of the above technologies, there are many known methods for transmitting and distributing information, which, based on modern telecommunications means, are capable of quickly transmitting data of any format and volume over long distances and at high speed. These structurally independent, disparate technologies, although they have impressive capabilities and high performance indicators, are capable of solving only specific, sometimes quite limited range of problems.

Within the framework of any enterprise or institution that has set itself the goal of making the most of the opportunities provided by these technologies in a complex, we should talk about building specialized information systems on their basis, which contain, as separate elements, a subsystem for the primary collection of information, its storage and processing , transmission and dissemination of information. Each of these subsystems, in turn, contains small subsystems based on the use of certain modern information technologies. For example, a variety of technologies can be used to collect primary data. Text information can be entered into a computer using the following methods and techniques;

manual input of text information;

scanning and recognition of scanned texts;

automated text translation;

automated spell checking.

Entering graphic information can be done in several ways:

manual input of graphic information;

scanning and further manual or machine editing of scanned images;

obtaining and editing graphic images (points, lines, basic geometric shapes) programmatically.

The list of specific ways and methods of collecting, storing, processing and distributing information can be extended, but it depends entirely on the specific needs and tasks facing the institution or enterprise. The specifics of their activities determine the design of a specific information system that operates in a given enterprise or organization. Today, the most common information system is built according to the above methodology.

So, it is advisable to consider modern information technologies in accordance with the solution of specific problems, that is, as elements that make up some information system.

The construction and use of information systems based on modern information banking technologies, technologies in production and socio-economic activities helps to increase labor efficiency and provides a fundamentally new level and new quality of management. Under these conditions, technologies for organizing information processes within the most diverse economic and organizational structures of production and economic activity are radically changing. The management process in the context of the use of information systems is based on new approaches, on fundamentally new economic and organizational models that reflect the structural and dynamic properties of the managed object. In addition, the use of information-cybernetic synthesis methods for the study of complex socio-economic objects allows us to build models adequate to the real world and accurately predict the behavior of the modeled object in a real situation. This makes it possible to effectively manage all the processes occurring inside the object and the processes of its interaction with the outside world.

Based on their application, information systems can be divided into the following classes:

information systems for managing banking processes - carry out management in the system of electronic payments and electronic maintenance of correspondent accounts, accounting and document flow;

information systems for managing technological processes - manage technological equipment in conjunction with specific production cycles and processes;

information systems for managing organizational processes - multi-level systems that provide information support for managing production, economic and socio-economic processes at all levels of the economic life of society;

scientific research management information systems - provide information support for calculations and scientific experiments;

computer-aided design and construction information systems - provide information, technical and technological base for carrying out design, survey and development work;

educational information systems - provide the information and methodological basis for progressive ways of acquiring knowledge, useful skills and advanced training.

In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between automated and automatic information systems:

a) automated information systems are systems whose operation is characterized by the presence of both manual operations (usually entering initial information) and automatic ones performed using computer technology;

b) automatic information systems are systems in which all functions

collection, processing and distribution of information are performed automatically.

In modern banks, institutions and organizations, as a rule, automated information systems are used, since the share of manual processing of the input information flow is still quite large. Full automation is used mainly to manage banking operations, production and technological processes in industrial enterprises, transport, energy, etc.

Modern requirements for the level of information support for management activities require fundamentally new approaches to solving organizational problems.

technical and technological problems. In this regard, it is necessary to note the most significant factors that determine the effectiveness of the creation and use of new information systems:

Availability of a scientifically based program for building the information infrastructure of an economic facility;

setting and solving specific problems of managing information and technological processes, taking into account specified performance criteria;

creating conditions for organizational and functional interaction of individual structural links of an economic entity;

correspondence of the level of technical equipment of information processes to the level of the model of information interaction within an economic entity;

active participation of a wide range of specialists in the information support system for making management decisions at various hierarchical levels of the management structure.

Today, almost any manager of an enterprise or institution is increasingly aware of the urgent need to use modern information processing technologies. The development and survival of enterprises in conditions of fierce competition is impossible without expanding the scope of application of modern information technologies. Therefore, the management of institutions and enterprises should pay significant attention to the development of information infrastructure, as well as directly participate in the development of information strategy plans for a bank or enterprise.

It is no secret that quite often the issue of coordinating business plans and planning information systems within one business unit are considered completely independent, and their relationship is determined only by the direct costs of acquiring and developing means of automating production processes. This approach, even with a high level of financial support for the information infrastructure of an institution, makes the expected return on investment in the information support of such an institution very doubtful in advance. Only when both planning processes are combined into a single process, while forming a stable and coordinated position of the bank or enterprise management and information systems specialists on the corporate development strategy, can real positive results from the use of computer and telecommunications technology be reliably predicted.

That is why planning the information infrastructure of any bank, enterprise or organization as an integral part of planning general economic activities is the most important stage in determining the strategy for their development in different directions and for different perspectives. In the context of the growing complexity of almost all types of economic activity, the complication and growth of the knowledge intensity of technological processes, the correct formulation of the planning process of corporate information systems is the most important condition for the survival of any business entity in modern conditions.

A properly configured information infrastructure planning process provides real benefits, based on which the information potential of a bank, enterprise or institution can be more rationally used to achieve the main goals of economic activity and the development of the state economy as a whole.

M.E. Krekin

Fundamentals of computer science and information technology

This year a new subject has appeared in your schedule - “Fundamentals of Computer Science and Information Technology”. What are you supposed to do in these lessons?

Informatics1 is a scientific and technical field that deals with the general principles of automated work with various information. But in the lessons we will not only get acquainted with some of these principles, but also learn how to use a computer to solve various practical problems. You will learn how to use it to draw and count, find the necessary information and write stories, build graphs and correspond with different people who live very far away... And all this is working with information.

But what is this information2? It is impossible to give a strict definition of this concept, just as it is impossible to give a strict definition of a point, line, matter and other basic concepts of various sciences. We will understand by information various knowledge, information about the real world. This knowledge can be divided into two categories: knowledge of facts ("I know that...", declarative3 knowledge) and knowledge of rules ("I know how...", procedural4 knowledge). In order to correctly determine your actions in a specific situation, both are equally necessary.

All living beings can perceive figurative information (smells, tastes, noises and much more). A person still knows how to represent his knowledge in a symbolic form. The text consists of various symbols (letters, numbers, punctuation marks); Oral speech consists of symbols - only sound ones (phonemes5). You can convey information using gestures. And these too are symbols.

The sign system for representing information is called a language, and the complete set of symbols of a language is its alphabet. Languages ​​are divided into colloquial (natural) and formal. Formal languages ​​are specially created, most often for a specific area of ​​human activity (for example, the language of mathematics). Computer science also uses special formal languages. When information is presented in a form suitable for automatic processing, it is called “data”.

What actions does a person perform with information? There are three of them: exchange (transmission and reception), storage and processing. Information is stored either in a person’s own memory - and then it can be used immediately, or “on external media” (in a book, notepad, magnetic tape, etc.), from where it must first be read.

Almost continuously a person processes information:

gains new knowledge based on facts and rules already known to him;

changes the form of presentation (for example, translating into another language);

organizes (sorts) information;

looks for it in a large array (dictionary, reference book, card index, etc.)...

At the same time, as well as during exchange and storage, a person often uses various technical means, the most universal of which is a computer6.

A computer (electronic computer, computer) is a set of technical means for automated work with information. Each of the devices included in the computer models one of the human information functions. The brain of the computer - the processor7 - processes information and commands all other devices. The processed data is in RAM, and for long-term storage it can be written to a “notepad” - external memory. Naturally, the computer must somehow receive information. Input devices (keyboard, mouse, scanner8, etc.) are used for this. And finally, with the help of output devices (monitor9, printer10, etc.), the computer transmits information to a person. Input and output devices, as well as external memory, are called peripheral11 (or external) devices. The processor, RAM, some external memory devices and peripheral control circuits (controllers12) are usually combined into a system unit. All these devices communicate with each other using a backbone13. To connect external devices, the system unit has connectors called ports14.

A few more words about the differences between RAM and external memory. Firstly, data in RAM15 memory (random access memory, RAM) can be processed by the processor directly, but from external memory it must first be loaded (transferred) to RAM. Secondly, RAM stores information only while the computer is turned on, while external memory is non-volatile. In addition, external storage devices usually have a much larger capacity.

How is information presented inside a computer? It turns out that technically it is most convenient to use a language whose alphabet contains only two characters (they are conventionally denoted by zero and one) - the language of binary codes. With the help of these two symbols, the whole variety of information that modern computers work with is represented: texts, photographs, music, and films. In the future you will learn how to do this. For now, you need to remember that any data in a computer is presented as a certain sequence of zeros and ones.

Naturally, the longer the code, the more information it contains. Therefore, in technology, the amount of information is determined precisely by the length of the code. And as a standard, they use the shortest code - consisting of one binary character. This unit of information is called bit16.

Working with a continuous sequence of binary alphabet characters (that is, when there is no space delimiter between them) is almost impossible. An agreement was required to break it down into fixed-length pieces that would be perceived as a single whole. It turned out to be convenient to take the length of these parts as 8 bits. The corresponding amount of information was called a byte.

When working with large amounts of information, it is more convenient to use larger units:

1024 bytes = 210 bytes = 1 kilobyte (KB),

1024 KB = 220 bytes = 1 megabyte (MB),

1024 MB = 230 bytes = 1 gigabyte (GB).

You can transfer data from one device to another either one bit at a time - sequentially, or one or several bytes at once - in parallel. Information is transmitted in parallel along the highway, but exchange with external devices can be both parallel and serial. Accordingly, ports can be parallel or serial.


The word "computer science" comes from the French. information (information) and automatique (automation)

Informatio (lat.) - introduction, explanation

Declaratio (lat.) - announcement

From Lat. Procedere - to advance. Sequence of actions to complete something

From Greek Phono - sound

Computer (English) - computer

Processor (English) - the one who processes something

Scan (English) - look carefully. Scanner - image input device

Monitor (English) - control device, observer

Printer (English) - printer

Periphereia (Greek) - circle, surroundings

Controller (English) - regulator, control device

Magistralis (lat.) - chief. Main line

Porta (lat.) - door, gate

Operatio (lat.) - direct action

Bit = binary digit (English) - binary digit

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

2 slide

Slide description:

After studying this topic, you will learn: what information technology is and its tools; how information systems and information technologies relate to each other; what are the stages of development of information technology.

3 slide

Slide description:

Material and information technologies The word “technology” comes from the Greek techne, which means “art”, “skill”, “skill”. From a certain point of view, all of the above concepts can be interpreted as processes. A process should be understood as a certain set of actions aimed at achieving a set goal.

4 slide

Slide description:

Technology of material production Technology of material production is understood as a process determined by a set of means and methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials or material. Technology changes the quality or original state of matter. The purpose of material production technology is to produce products that satisfy certain needs of a person or system.

5 slide

Slide description:

Information technology is a process that uses a set of means and methods for processing and transmitting data and primary information to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon. The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its subsequent analysis and, based on it, making a decision to perform any action.

6 slide

Slide description:

Information technology In modern society, the main technical means of information processing technology is the personal computer. The introduction of the personal computer into the information sphere and the use of telecommunications determined a new stage in the development of information technology - computer. These same technologies include communication technologies that ensure the transfer of information by various means, namely: telephone, telegraph, telecommunications, fax, etc.

7 slide

Slide description:

Principles of computer information technology interactive (dialogue) mode of working with a computer; integration with other software products; flexibility in the process of changing both data and task statements. The concept of information computer technology is replaced by the concept of “information technology”. This is due to the fact that almost any information technology has become unthinkable without computers and specialized software.

8 slide

Slide description:

Information technology tools The technological process of material production is implemented using various technical means, which include: equipment, machines, tools, conveyor lines, etc. The role of technical means of information production is played by hardware, software and mathematical support for this process. With their participation, primary information is processed into information of a new quality. Information technology tools are a set of software products installed on a computer, the technology of which allows you to achieve the goal set by the user. Tools include, for example, all known general-purpose software products: word processors, desktop publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic notebooks, electronic calendars, etc.

Slide 9

Slide description:

Information technology and information systems Information technology is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations and actions on data stored on computers. Its main goal is to obtain the information necessary for the user as a result of targeted actions to process primary information. Information technology can exist outside the sphere of the information system. An information system is an environment whose constituent elements are employees, computers, computer networks, software products, databases, and various types of hardware and software communications. Its main purpose is storage, processing and transmission of information. An information system is a human-computer system for processing information. Implementation of the functions of an information system is impossible without knowledge of the information technology oriented to it. Thus, information technology is a more capacious concept that reflects the modern understanding of the processes of information transformation in the information society. It is a set of clear, targeted actions to process information, in most cases using a computer. An information system serves to support decision-making by a person who, in order to obtain the necessary information, must own and skillfully use computer information technology.

10 slide

Slide description:

History of the development of information technology The first stage (until the second half of the 19th century) is “manual” information technology, the tools of which include: a pen, an inkwell, and an account book. Communications are carried out manually, using postal mailing of letters, packages, dispatches. The main purpose of technology is to present information in the required form.

11 slide

Slide description:

History of the development of information technology The second stage (from the end of the 19th century) is “mechanical” technology, the tools of which include: a typewriter, telephone, phonograph, mail, equipped with more advanced means of delivery. The main goal of technology is to present information in the required form using more convenient means.

12 slide

Slide description:

History of the development of information technology The third stage (40-60s of the XX century) is “electric” technology, the tools of which include: mainframe computers and related software, electric typewriters, copying machines, portable tape recorders. The purpose of technology changes. From the form of information presentation, the emphasis gradually moves to the formation of its content.

Profile: “Informatics and Computer Science”

Computer science is a relatively young science, but it already includes sections that are considered fundamental and that every specialist in the field of computer science should know. Within this direction, the theoretical foundations of computer science and programming are studied, close attention is paid to mathematical disciplines along with the development of practical programming skills. .

You can find out what documents need to be submitted and what deadlines are required for recruitment in the section Apply to the Faculty.

What will you be taught?

The focus of the educational program is on the fundamental principles of computer science and programming. The first year program contains a cycle of classical mathematical disciplines, including key sections for an IT specialist, such as discrete mathematics, mathematical analysis, algebra and geometry.

In the first year, several disciplines are studied that allow one to develop practical programming skills:

    Basics of programming.

    In the process of studying the discipline, students are introduced to the concept of an algorithm, methods and means of their representation, the classification and evolution of programming languages, and modern trends in their development, as well as a detailed study of one of the high-level languages ​​(C language).

    Computer science.

    By studying this discipline, students become familiar with the basic concepts of computer science, stages of development of computer systems, their architecture, basic data structures and algorithms, including one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays, stacks and queues, binary trees, sorting and searching algorithms, graph algorithms, dynamic data structures .

    Object-oriented programming.

    Students study the main stages, methods, tools and standards of software development, a detailed study of one of the object-oriented programming languages ​​(Java), and teach students how to develop cross-platform applications.

A distinctive feature of this program is the presence of disciplines that study in depth the fundamental foundations of modern computer science:

    Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms.

    The purpose of studying the discipline is to master the basics of fundamental knowledge that allows you to understand the mathematical description of problems associated with mathematical logic and the theory of algorithms, the ability to solve standard problems, and interpret the results obtained. Students develop an idea of ​​the current state of theoretical computer science and the acquisition of special knowledge in the field of modeling and analysis of complex information systems.

    Algorithms and complexity analysis.

    The purpose of the discipline is to study the general fundamentals of the development and analysis of algorithms, including the asymptotic analysis of upper, lower and average complexity estimates of algorithms; comparison of the best, average and worst estimates, empirical measurements of the effectiveness of algorithms; Conducting time and memory overhead estimates; recurrence relations and analysis of recursive algorithms, analysis of dynamic programming algorithms; study of the NP class of problem complexity.

    Theory of automata and formal languages.

    Theory of computational processes and structures.

    As part of the discipline, students learn to use modern apparatus for developing and analyzing the correctness of algorithms in research and applied activities and develop the ability to investigate the properties of programs and mathematically prove their correctness.

    Finite graph theory and its applications.

    The central object of the discipline is modern graph theory and graph models based on the apparatus of discrete mathematics, as well as approaches to using graph theory in practice. This course develops students' skills in using the mathematical apparatus of graph theory, improves the skill of constructing mathematically rigorous proofs and develops the ability to use graph models in practice, including for writing effective programs.

This foundation is supported by a cycle of disciplines related to the development of practical skills necessary for a successful IT specialist:

    Programming in the .NET Framework.

    As part of mastering the discipline, students are introduced to the architecture of the .NET Framework environment, the ideology of creating applications for this execution environment, the C# language as one of the main programming languages ​​in the .NET Framework environment, the Common Language Runtime class library, as well as the study of creation and debugging tools and deployment of .NET applications.

    Basics of web programming.

    The goal of mastering the discipline is to train specialists who can design a web application (front-end and back-end). The discipline covers layout tasks, including adaptive layout, and building web servers using the Apache-MySQL-PHP stack, modern CMS, and ASP.NET.

    Fundamentals of software testing.

    The goal of the discipline is to study basic theory, the ability to navigate basic concepts and terms, and master test design techniques: developing ways to create test scenarios and test data.

    Introduction to information retrieval.

    As part of the discipline, students master the theoretical foundations of building information retrieval systems, based on the theory of algorithms, information theory, as well as practical approaches to the implementation of this class of software systems. This course develops students' skills in using mathematical tools to solve applied problems of information retrieval on the Internet, as well as storing, processing and searching text and other information in other data repositories.

    Software engineering.

    The discipline provides the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of design and development of information systems using modern information technologies, and also includes the study of universal principles and methodologies of software development. The purpose of the discipline is to study the basic qualities of software and the principles of its construction that ensure the implementation of these qualities. The study is supported by examples that have a practical orientation and take into account modern trends in the development of software engineering methodologies and technologies.

  • Programming languages ​​and methods.
  • ASP.NET Programming.
  • Fundamentals of mobile development.

Some of the taught disciplines are elective disciplines, which allows the student to form his own educational trajectory.

Your future profession

The specialty “Fundamental computer science and information technology” guarantees employment in areas where IT technologies are actively used. Upon receiving a specialist diploma, you become a generalist programmer with knowledge of programming languages, IT system automation technologies, and possessing the skills to develop and maintain relevant information services and products.

Generalist programmers - engineers, web developers, administrators, global computer network professionals - are in demand always and everywhere. While studying, you can do part-time work that will help you get your future job:

  • Start your career as a trainee programmer and become a professional programmer in a short time.
  • Work as a C++ programmer.
  • Create new products in the Java language, starting from a Java developer (junior) and, improving your skills, become a Java developer (middle), and subsequently grow to a Java developer (senior).
  • Develop mobile applications as an Android developer or IOS developer.
  • Work on the quality of software products by becoming a software tester, developing to a leading testing engineer.
  • Pursue a career in web development and become a web developer.
  • Implement the most complex projects working as a .NET / C# Programmer.
  • And if you suddenly feel that you want to do something else in the field of information technology, you can try to become, for example, a technical writer!

Examples of graduation papers

V.G. Agadzhanova. Modeling and analysis of properties of data distribution protocols in distributed systems using colored Petri nets

The object of the study is colored Petri nets and the Gossip protocol.

The goal of the work is to build a model of the Gossip protocol using the CPN Tools modeling tool and analyze its operation using the example of several switched network topologies.

In the process of work, modifications of the model were created that made it possible to analyze the model in many parameters.

Upon completion of the work, an analysis of the model’s operation in various situations and using various examples was carried out, which shows the correct operation of the model and its properties.

N.P. Baranov. Highlighting contours in images in Android OS

This paper discusses three algorithms for highlighting contours in an image.

The goal of the work is to develop an application for the Android operating system, which allows you to select contours in an image using three algorithms and then save the result.

As part of the work, this application was developed and tested on a number of devices.

K.V. Lagutina. Development of a method for identifying keywords for the e-tourism information system Open Karelia

An urgent task in the development of information systems is to automate the creation of the structure of existing text documents in the form of a connected graph. The presence of connections between tourist sites that meet the described characteristics is used to provide better and more complete information to the user.

A method has been developed for automatically identifying keywords for sites and information systems from the tourism sector, with texts being linked to each other through common keywords, thereby forming a graph that is sufficiently coherent for easy navigation through the site/system. The method is a combination of a well-known keyword extraction algorithm with a post-processing procedure using a thesaurus. The developed method is now at the stage of implementation into the tourism information system of the Open Karelia project.

N.G. Nurieva. Automatic search for counterexamples for hypotheses about the periodic structure of semilinear sets

The main goal of the work is to write a program for visualizing two-dimensional semilinear sets, according to the hypotheses put forward. The main objectives of the work are to study the construction of one-dimensional linear sets, as well as two-dimensional semilinear ones, select and study a programming language and auxiliary elements, and write a visualization program.

During the work, one-dimensional linear sets, two-dimensional semilinear sets and their examples were studied. The practical result of the work is a program written in the Java programming language that visualizes a two-dimensional reachability set.

S.V. Morzhov. Analysis and development of firewall management software for a software-defined network controller

The goal of this project is to create software in the form of a network application for the Floodlight PKS controller, which prevents the appearance of various collisions in the firewall rules and access control list.

In the course of the work, a method for dealing with collisions that arise between security policy rules, proposed by El-Shaer, was studied. Based on it, an algorithm was built to prevent collisions in the firewall rules and the PKS access control list of the Floodlight controller. Based on the resulting algorithm, a network application was implemented. The effectiveness and correct operation of this application was proven experimentally during unit testing of the kernel, as well as system testing of the network application.

Other undergraduate programs

  • Applied mathematics and computer science (profile: “Applied mathematics and computer science”)
  • Applied informatics (profile: “Applied informatics in economics”)