Instagram innovations. Perfect food photography. How to monetize your Instagram posts

Today we'll talk about Instagram as an effective sales channel... Instagram was originally created as free app for the exchange of photographs, however, over time, sophisticated entrepreneurial minds came to the conclusion that it is possible to sell through this “graphic social network”. And sell perfectly!

“Minute of Tenderness” got 464 thumbs up. Imagine how many of them are your potential customers ...

Instagram works with visuals, and this is its strength and weakness. If you have a “tasty” product / service, taking some pretty photos is not a problem. But what if you sell building mixes, electrician services or used parts?

According to statistics, the most “selling” niches on Instagram are:

  1. cosmetics, clothing, accessories
  2. exclusive goods
  3. handmade
  4. boutiques, shopping centers, showrooms
  5. cafes, restaurants
  6. hotels, hotels, hostels
  7. delivery (pizza, sushi)
  8. services (cosmetology, dentistry).

If your business falls out of this list, don't be upset! Even carburetors can be “packaged” to be bought. There are a lot of tricks, but more about them below.

First, let's talk about the basics: account registration, basic settings, tags ...

First you will need to download and install the program

Instagram is maximally adapted to work with mobile devices, therefore, immediately offers to do it through the AppStore or GooglePlay.

You need to start working with any service by filling out a social profile

Must be indicated: phone number, contacts in Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, email, links to your website / groups in social networks, logo. Attention! There is only 1 clickable link, so choose the most “selling” your resource.

Life hack # 1. Fill out the profile in Russian (English) and take care of the "juicy" design

Life hack number 2. Create a unique tag with your company name. For example #MotorBall. If the title turns out to be non-unique, like #fashionbags, don't be discouraged and get creative. You can add a prefix (#bestfashionbags or #fashionbagsonline) that makes the name unique.

Life hack number 3. To segment your products, it will be enough to add the prefix # fashionbags # clutch to the nickname and place it under the photo. Using this tag, subscribers will be able to immediately go to a selection of photos with clutches.

Life hack number 4. Create your Insta business card for posting on the site

Life hack # 5. Your profile must be open. Just in case, check your privacy settings.

Take care of the visuals

If your products / services are far from entertainment, try to add some visual appeal from the outside. You can upload photos from vacations, corporate events and other everyday joys.

Structure your posts right away

For example, highlight the blocks: PR products, useful info, corporate life, contests / promotions, exclusive materials. Over time, it will become clear which audience responds better and which segments can be cut off.

An example of a head-on sale. Suitable for PR products.

And here is a little "yummy" to dilute the news feed. Isn't it time to talk about serious things?

Life hack # 1: For a complete statistical analysis of your profile, use Statigram, BlitzMetrics, InstagramAnalytics or Curalate tools. This way you can optimize your work plan and achieve maximum results.

Work out a publication schedule

No matter how valuable the content is in your eyes, you shouldn't clog your subscribers' news feed with too frequent posts. Most companies make 1-2 posts a day. Through trial and error, you will find out what time of day your subscribers are most actively “like” posts and set up your posting schedule.

Use hashtags (e.g. #babydoll)

An example of tagging from a popular blogger. With a call to put the hashtag #askrita on your Instagram under the photo with a question to the blogger.

By using tags, you 1. help your target audience it is easy to find you on the net, because tags help to sort pictures by subject, 2. you can use them for contests and promotion of new trends. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it.

Life hack # 1. Use 2-5 hashtags. Large quantity will reduce the loyalty of the target audience, but will help attract inappropriate traffic. For example #ferrari is a very specific tag. Leave it unadulterated and your Ferrari followers will love you. But if you add # car # fashion # luxurycar # speed, etc. to this tag, then you will get 10-20 likes in 1 moment.

Life hack number 2. Add tags in the comments to the post, not in the photo description. So you can quickly remove, replace or restore from.

Life hack number 3. To attract new (mostly non-targeted) followers, you can use the #follow #followforfollow # follow4follow #followback #followme #ifollow #like #likeforlike # like4like #likeback #likeme #ilike tags.

Life hack number 4. is a service with which you will select the necessary hashtags for your topic.

Use the services of a professional photographer or become one yourself

A-Priori children's publishing house should be colorful and evoke positive emotions

But the pet food store looks less attractive.

Pump up your skills in Photoshop so that your posts are bright, juicy, colorful. People are led by positive emotions. Photos of carburetors taken on the knee will have the opposite effect.

Life hack # 1. Even personal photos, try to make sure that the elements of the corporate identity accidentally fall into the frame.

Life hack number 2. Introduce your prospect to the process of creating your product. Involve him in the details of production, but do not overload with technical nuances. Posts should be entertaining.

  1. Services for pumping images: Vscocam, Kwote
  2. Collage Maker: Instacollage
  3. Services for uploading pictures in full format (Instagram has auto-formatting pictures): Instasize, Squaready

Engage actively with subscribers

Here's an example of active engagement with subscribers. In the comments to the photo studio, the blogger directly addresses the subscriber and continues the conversation

Life hack # 1. Never leave comments unanswered. If there is no time or necessary information, write that “check this point later”.

Life hack number 2. Put back likes, thank subscribers, encourage, take an interest in their life.

Life hack number 3. Ask provocative questions: “Which clutch do you like best - blue or pink? What shoes would you wear them with? " Create a sense of the presence of a real person on the other side of the profile.

Life hack number 4. Ask buyers to leave a comment about your product / service with the tag in their feed. Be sure to repost positive reviews about you. To do this, use the applications Repost for Instagram (for IOS), PhotoRepost (IOS, Android), Websta, Iconosquare. Or you can make a screenshot of the post from your phone or tablet.

Use the ability to add 15 second videos

And this is an example of a video from the Eiffel Tower, created specifically for Instagram using the InstaSize service

Video on Instagram is a super format that will allow you to announce new products, make mini-reviews, entertain the audience, contact them directly, and light up as the main character of the company. People are more likely to watch this video than click on a Youtube link.

Life hack # 1. The video must be of high quality. To do this, use the application

Life hack number 2. There is an opinion that it is optimal to publish video on Instagram from 20:00 to 7:00, because it is problematic to watch videos with sound during working hours.

Create a dynamic around your product / service

Remember, your goal is to sell. Be generous with gifts and contests, and people will reach out to you.

Life hack # 1. Rock your audience: organize a photo contest - let your subscribers “sparkle with beauty” in an embrace with your product.

Life hack number 2. Encourage your followers. Post their photos with reviews. Personal PR will be appreciated and will increase subscriber loyalty. Mention the most active subscribers in posts with the @ symbol - this is a guarantee that they will receive a notification of the mention. For example, “Today @yanamoroz visited our showroom! And what do you think? She left us with a stunning red clutch # fashionbags # clutch!

For example, the women's clothing store UOI Boutique posts the best photos of its customers in branded clothes not only on Instagram, but also publishes them on its website thanks to the #uoionline hashtag.

Life hack number 3. Promo codes for the purchase of things, as well as Giveaway promotions work well (offer to like your post in exchange for participating in the prize draw; set a date and do not forget to indicate that the winner will be determined randomly, that is, using the service https: //www.random. org /).

An example of how users take part in the drawing of a valuable prize using the program Conditions: be a subscriber of the group, repost and open your profile at the time of the competition. Users are assigned separate rooms, for which the prize will be drawn (using a random number generator)

Life hack number 4. Be sure to give customers the opportunity to pre-order / book just in the comments to the product photo.

Make partnerships with bloggers / popular people / opinion leaders

Hair extension salon Limelight Extensions has connected beauty models to its PR campaign on Instagram. In exchange for posts with a link to the @limelightextensions profile, girls receive a percentage of sales, fixed amounts or free services

Of course, this mainly applies to the fashion industry, but it can also be applied in more specialized technical areas.

If possible, sign a contract with a famous person. It doesn't have to be a pop star. Perhaps a famous person for your niche is a successful artist, architect, etc. A post a la “expert opinion” or a recommendation from a reputable person who has already earned the trust of the audience will work “plus” for you.

Be tactful

Perhaps part of your audience is not ready to buy publicly. For such cases, you should use Instagram Direct, a service for exchanging personal and group messages.

A little humor won't hurt

The style of posts should be open, conversational, close to ordinary people. A jocular tone disposes to oneself. Search the net for funny memes on your topic (maybe not on your own, but on the topic of the day) and put it out! The main thing is to avoid political topics.

How to monetize your Instagram posts?

You need to collect as many targeted subscribers as possible. Assemble quickly

  1. Paid posts. It makes sense to order them from popular users / groups with several thousand subscribers. It is best if the subject matter of your posts is similar - this way you will immediately get the target audience. The cost of 1 post is negotiable.
  2. Attraction of subscribers through PR studios.
  3. Auto-posting system You can spend 1-2 days collecting valuable information and preparing striking photo posts, and then put them on a delayed posting. This way, publications will appear regularly, regardless of your personal involvement.
  4. Massfollowing- mass subscription to Instagram profiles on your part, when the bet is placed on the fact that you will be followed in response. So in a matter of hours you will gain up to 10,000 subscribers, some of which will leave you over time - due to the lack of mutual interest. With the help of special services, the process can be automated, but a more valuable audience will be given another option - manual subscription.
  5. Manual subscription. If you have a lot of time, you can manually subscribe to user accounts, before filtering them by topic, by place of residence ...
  6. Conducting contests/ limited time promotions / gifts in exchange for posts about you on your profile.

A little trick in the end ...

The worse the weather outside the window, the more actively people buy. You don't want to go out, and a pleasant purchase is a great source of good mood.

Making out the next publication on Instagram, you think for a minute which hashtags in this particular case will be appropriate and which will not. Sometimes, the record remains without any marks at all. Simply because users do not see much sense in them, and consider hashtags to be useless garbage that does not carry any benefit to promoting an account. Is it so?

What are Instagram hashtags?

To understand what it is, and what hashtags mean when promoting an account, you must first familiarize yourself with the definition of this term. A hashtag is a label, a quick link, by which posts are grouped into one or more thematic groups. This grouping method is especially convenient for users who want to quickly view posts that are similar to the publication they like.

A hashtag is essentially a search query.

How to create hashtags for Instagram?

To write hashtags under publications, you need to use the "#" symbol. Whatever they call it: hash, sharp, sharp and even octotorp. The word that will be written after the hash automatically becomes a link. It is important that there should be no spaces after the "#" character. When a hashtag consists of several words, they must be written together or separated by other characters, for example, an underscore.

In fact, even children can create hashtags. But in order to place the links correctly, you should adhere to some recommendations:

The use of TOP hashtags promotes your account more effectively.

  • Hashtags can be added in the description of a photo or video, and in the comments below it. If the post is of an advertising nature, then it is best to place tags in the description.
  • In the text of the link, you can write words in Russian or English, use letters in both upper and lower cases, add numbers.
  • You cannot write punctuation marks in hashtags.
  • The label should reflect the essence of the publication. Pointless hashtags should be avoided.
  • Do not overload the publication with hashtags, 3-5 thematic and related tags are enough.
  • To promote your account, before placing links, you should familiarize yourself with the TOP tags, select the appropriate ones and place them under your post.

Ordinary users use hashtags as a kind of decoration for a publication. For a commercial account, such a use of this most useful tool is simply inappropriate.

Instagram hashtags popular in 2017

Most popular account on Instagram - this is the account itself social network... You don't need to be a prophet to guess that the most popular hashtags on this social network are #instagram and #instagram.

As for the rest of the tags that are popular in 2017, they can be divided into two groups: hashtags in Russian and in English. The language of the link depends on which audience the publication is targeting. If the user's task is to attract foreign users, then the hashtag should be on English language and vice versa.

On various resources, you can see the current popular tags, for example, at

If we consider the entire audience of Instagram, we can single out the main leaders in popularity, such as:

#follow, #haire, #love, # like4like, #followme, #summer, #smile, #beautiful, #amazing, #fun, #girl, #friends.

#beautiful, #follow a lot, #boy, #joy, #smile, #Moscow, #Russia, #girl, #children.

It is worth paying attention to the hashtags: #follow, #followme, # like4like, #follow. These links are created for the exchange of subscriptions. This means that the user, under whose publication this tag is located, agrees to a mutual subscription or like. These hashtags will be useful for those who want to promote their account from scratch. Using them, the account can be promoted as soon as possible, even by children.

Hashtags for Instagram in English

There are a number of tags that were popular in 2016 and will remain so in 2018. By placing one of these links, you can be sure that the posted post will go unnoticed. The following hashtags are most in demand among English-speaking users:

#happy, #instafood, #me, #instagood, #selfie, #cute, #fun, #friends, #bestoftheday, #follow, #followme, #style, #lol, #swag, #instalike, # l4l, #fasnion , #hot, #fitness, #pretty, #cool, #repost, #instago, #girls, #funny

Using these hashtags will help any user to reach the maximum reach of a foreign audience. And, thereby, increase the likelihood of getting a lot of subscriptions and likes.

Popular hashtags for Instagram in Russian

Since foreign users only in exceptional cases are the target audience for domestic accounts, more attention should be paid to tags in Russian. Some popular Russian-language hashtags are similar to foreign ones. For example, the #love tag is also popular with us - #love.

In terms of frequency of use, the leaders among hashtags in Russian in 2017 are:

#Moscow, #insta, #Russia, #instagramanet, #Ukraine, #Instagram-Russian, #contest, #road, #I, #likes, #girls, #nature, #night, #life is beautiful, #day, #life, #smile, #I, #super, #friendship, #selfie, #lovemoya, #friends, #children, #photo, #the sky, #love, #you, #the sun, #pair, #beauty, #money.

If the location of the target audience does not play a particularly important role for the user, you can combine Russian and English tags. The main thing to remember is that on Instagram you can post no more than 30 hashtags under the post.

Instagram hashtags: food

Delicious photos of gourmet dishes are the hallmark of Instagram. Perhaps, in every profile you can find at least one snapshot with the image of food. Users take photos of food during lunch, snack, or after serving an exotic dish. So that the culinary masterpiece does not go unnoticed and becomes the property of a wide audience, the following hashtags must be placed under the post:

#food, #tasty food, #food of gods, #dish, #it's delicious, #food, #the dish of the day, #food should be tasty, #instaeda, #tasty, #tasty, #tasty, useful, #the world should know what we are, #food is harmless.

#instafood, #yam, #foodlove, #foodisfuel, #foodlovers, #foodgram, #foodshape, #foodblogger, #foodies, #foodphotography, #foodart, #instatag, #food, #foodcoma, #instagrament, #fooddiary.

It should be borne in mind that these hashtags are for food in general. You can add narrower tags to them, like #pasta, #salad, etc. Drinks should also not be neglected if the photo shows a glass of wine, the hashtags #wine or #vine would be appropriate in this case.

Cool hashtags for Instagram

Some users are imaginative in writing hashtags, so among the standard and hackneyed links you can find very original ones. Here are the most popular cool hashtags that are found on Instagram:

#chokupilla, #liknichok, neat, #native swamp, #n’t slip, #tyntstyntstynts, #grimyum, #brain you get away, #with coats, #butterfly tie is self-tying, #girls, girls ...

Such tags are rather an exception to the rule. It is these links that are attached to records for the sake of beauty, and they really do not carry much benefit. Some users manage to fit entire sentences into one hashtag. This is a classic example of how not to do it.

Hashtags for the photographer's Instagram

Specify tags - this way customers will find you faster.

#instaphoto, #photo zone, #photo shoot, #photo archive, #color, #photography, #filterless, #art, #photofan, #pictures, #photo studio, #foto for Russia, #photo day, #photo report, #model, #photo, #photographers , #photo project.

#photo, #instaphoto, #pic, #picofday, #picoftheday, #photograph, #instapic, #picture, #photos, #photogram, #picsticth, #photoofday, #photoaday, #photooftheday, #photogrid.

Again, don't overload your photos with only hashtags on the main topic of the post. For greater effect, you need to add more specifics, for example, #model, #children, #wedding, etc. Tags on related topics should also be chosen based on their relevance.

Hashtags for Instagram: sports

Sports can include fitness, aerobics and bodybuilding. However, by designating an entry with a general hashtag, the likelihood that they will stumble upon it desired user much higher than in the absence of such. The following tags can be used to designate photos from the sports category:

#sport, #sportsport, #sil the spirit, #the gym, #health, #instassport, #sportetosil, #sport for all, #sport, #health, #sport is health, #sporting family, #power, #healthy lifestyle.

#sport, #instasports, #win, #sports, #play, #sportsday, #score, #sporty, #game, #health, #healthylifestyle, #gametime, #gym, #gymtime, #run, #strong, #power , #gymmotivation, #heavy, #gymlife.

You can see that Russian and English tags overlap again. This suggests that, regardless of the spoken language, the way of thinking of people of all countries and continents, in essence, is similar to each other. Therefore, if you need to dilute several Russian hashtags with English ones, you can not search the network for TOP-10 popular foreign tags, but simply translate those already registered into a foreign language.

Hashtags for Instagram: work

Work takes up most of the free time of any modern person. Therefore, posts from the workplace flicker as often as pictures with food. So that an interesting profession does not go unnoticed, you can use these tags:

#work, #work, #work, such a job, #working, #working for a holiday, #colleagues, #the boss, #boss, #office, #working, #working a wolf, #a break, #rest, #corporate, #officeplankton, #working a dream, #working ...

#work, #business, #workinprogress, #workshop, #atwork, #workhard, #office, #dayjob, #biz, #instajob, #jobb, #workingout, #workflow, #lovemyjob, #workhardplayhard, #working, #instawork ...

Like everyday work, hashtags about work are pretty monotonous. Posts from the workplace come to the feed so massively that even a post marked with a hashtag may very soon be in the last lines of the thematic group.

Instagram hashtags: flowers

Flowers are one of the finest creatures that nature can give. They are able to fascinate with their beauty, grace and tenderness not only a child, but also an adult. Therefore, it is not surprising that users take pictures of bouquets whenever possible and share them with the whole world. So that beautiful pictures are seen not only by subscribers, you can designate them with thematic tags, such as:

#flowers, #bunch, #flowersflowers, #flowersblossom, #flower, #flowersbezpovoda, #petals, #petal, #bouquet of the day, #bouquet rose, #bouquet a gift, #bouquet of flowers, #flowers for a wedding, #bouquetroz , #petals, #a gift.

#flowers, #flowerslovers, #petal, #nature, #beautiful, #flowersofinstagram, #flowerstyles_gf, #instaflowers, #flowerpower, #flowermagic, #plants, #flowerstalking, #floweroftheday, #beauty, #flowercrown.

When writing tags for photos with images of flowers, the words "summer", "spring", "love", etc. are very common. Therefore, you can link the above hashtags to the season, event, or a specific type of flowers.

Hashtags are in a great way to showcase photographs that are very important for the user to the whole world. They fit perfectly into the description under the photo and allow you to quickly and easily find the publications you need. If you use hashtags correctly and in the right place, then such sorting of photos will only benefit absolutely all users of the social network. But when the tags are prescribed "from the bulldozer", unfortunately, this can turn a whole group of publications into another information dump.

Hello, dear friend. The service team is in touch. Today we will tell you 5 options for making money on Instagram:

1. Sell goods or services

2. Sell other people's goods or services

3. Act as an agency

5. Have your own service or program

And now let's go over all the points in a little more detail.


Your task is to decide what you will sell, maybe it is clothes, shoes, or you are a fitness instructor and want to sell nutrition and training programs. There are actually a lot of options, the main thing is to find what you like.

Here's a video on what kind of photos you should have:


In general, everything is the same as in the first version. Just what a plan of action: you find some kind of commercial account, with the subject that you want to do. Write to them in watsap, direct or vibe that you want to sell their products for a commission.

As a result, you do not need an office or a warehouse, and you do not need goods either, because the current partner has already implemented all this for you.

Even easier, you can sell various products through CPA networks. In simple language Is an agency that has many sellers who are willing to pay you money from the sale of goods. You will have detailed statistics by referrals, orders, sales and deductions of your money.

Now one of the most popular CPA networks is А

What can be sold through CPA networks? A lot of things: mobile apps (you get paid to install), selling watches, slimming creams, teas, etc. (pay for confirmed applications)


You need to master the basics of promoting on Instagram. Then you will be able to offer services to promote your account and take subscription fee... On average, this fee is 3000-5000 rubles. It is clear that you will need a tool for promotion, but it will cost you no more than 800 rubles. for one account.

You need to make a simple landing page (so that you have something to show to people) and start again writing to commercial accounts with an offer of cooperation so that you can attract live subscribers. Be sure to offer to test your services for 2-3 days to show the client that you are not just another person who wants to heat him up.

Do more than the client expects from day one. Make a beautiful and understandable profile description, share tips and just help. Then there will be no problems with orders for your services.

Taking 10 accounts under your control, here's 30-50 tr. You can no longer go to your unloved work =)

If you run your own page and it is interesting to other people - great! If you have more than 10,000 subscribers, then you start to be interesting for advertisers. You can place "native" (hateful, natural) ads, just recommend something to your subscribers, and you get paid for it, and not bad money.

How much can you earn? From 100 rubles. up to RUB 300,000 for one advertising post.

The price depends on the quality of your audience and its quantity.

What if you can't take pictures and post something interesting ?! Not a problem, start a couple of public pages and post what you like, for example, on a target topic or about sports.

It is worth noting here that earnings will not come immediately. Unless, of course, you have no money for the PR of your public. If there is not much money, you will have to untwist yourself and it will take time.


If you are a good programmer, then you are in luck. You can write a script (robot) that will perform the actions of subscriptions, likes, comments, etc. In addition, you must understand marketing in order to successfully sell your program or service.

If you're not a programmer, that's okay too. You can find a programmer =) True, it is not so easy to find a sensible one. While looking for a programmer for the project, you will be thrown several times for money. And only then, perhaps, you will find the very one.

The advantages are that such a service allows you to save time for your customers (your customers in this case are commercial accounts) so as not to sit all day and do this routine work. And customers are willing to pay for a good product, because this the service helps them earn.

For example, a service is a multifunctional service that can perform many tasks, such as subscribing, unsubscribing, liking, commenting, postponing photo posting, sending to Direct.

He will perform all these functions according to the parameters that you set him.

Register and

There is also a service franchise, by the way, you can make your own service based on Funinsta .

About the franchise you can

How much can you earn on such a service? The income fork is quite large, about 30,000 - 600,000 rubles. a month, provided that you devote enough time to it.

The launch period is 3-5 days. The payback period is 4-5 months. You can do business from anywhere in the world, the main thing is to have the Internet and a laptop!

Write in the comments what you think about the article? Was it helpful?

Do you want to know "7 ways to promote on Instagram"?

Promotion with Funinsta is one effective method, and there are six more.

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Course cost for the price of a cup of coffee RUB 97 (it is not joke)

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* After payment, you will immediately be taken to the page with the course, which you can save to your browser bookmarks.

  • our group
more interesting and original. It is important to know what to strive for and what to avoid. Instagram is an amazing platform, it inspires the development and creativity of completely different people, but to succeed here, you need to have a basic knowledge of visual rules and trends. Here's a list of 9 trends that are ubiquitous and can prevent you from creating a truly worthwhile account.

This does not mean that you can no longer photograph certain objects and scenes - just to increase the number of your followers and improve the quality of the feed, you should bring something new to the existing trends.

In addition, in this article we have placed some top photos from mobile application Clashot to give you an idea of ​​what's in demand and what photos are selling.

1. Collages

Leave posts with collages of 12 perfect shots of sunsets, food, drinks and the like in 2010. This is exactly the option when you want to lay out everything beautiful at once, but it turns out indistinct and inexpressive. It is better to publish several pictures in one post, especially since Instagram allows you to create galleries.

You can take a series of photos and put them in one post. Street photography is becoming very popular now, maybe you should try yourself in this topic?

2. Follow me

The only account in which this trend looks really advantageous is Murad Osmann's page. He took a Follow Me photo with his calling card, and the rest of the imitators just don't match his level. Photos taken by others look a bit trite and pop and are no longer relevant as a trend.

Try this instead:

Show something unusual - take pictures of passers-by and various interesting places. Everyday life opens up great opportunities for us: try different unusual angles and look for new subjects for shooting.

3. Perfect food photos

This is now a real taboo, as, by the way, are random food shots. Of course, there are accounts that concentrate all their efforts on food photography - but they create highly artistic, thoughtful pictures. And from random photos of food you just want to roll your eyes. If you don't urgently come up with something new, you better stop. Do you know what's even worse? - Post a blurry photo of your lunch from the Vintage Cafe. If you are already into food photography, then do everything beautifully!

Try this instead:

If you're going to take photographs of food, experiment with minimalism. Architecture or moments Everyday life are also great themes to try yourself in.

4. Posts #OOTD (Outfit of the Day)

Unless you're a celebrity and don't have a wardrobe the size of an apartment, your photos won't be appreciated by anyone, at least the way you intended. This trend is rapidly becoming outdated, and the worst photos look when you shoot yourself from top to bottom, looking at your feet.

Try this instead:

Photos taken from unusual angles will look much more interesting. Take pictures of handmade items, experiment with composition and flat lay style.

5. Inspirational quotes

Most of the feeds on Instagram are inundated with motivating, inspirational, all boring phrases that users sculpt to their selfies. Quotes are great, but they should be rarely used and chosen carefully. All of these trends have something in common: if they are not brought to a qualitatively new level, they are finished. After all, you can find other ways to inspire people, or at least give your quotes a little more originality and artistic aesthetics.

Try this instead:

Create inspirational photos that are deeply meaningful and thought provoking.

6. A new level of hashtags

This trend is more annoying than all the others combined. If, after taking a photo on the beach, you feel the need to put a million hashtags in it (# healthy breakfast # yummy # smoothie # morko # vacation # beach # food # love to eat # love this world), then you are trapped in an overuse of hashtags. Make your hashtags more meaningful and creative, even if there are fewer of them, but to the point.

Try this instead:

Think in metaphors and use hashtags that attract like-minded people.

7. Throwback Thursday

Don't get me wrong, nostalgic Thursdays are fun, but it's another often overused and overused feature. I'm talking about endless streams of spam in the form of photos of myself as a child, and even in combination with the "new level of hashtags." There is a time and place for children's photos, but this is definitely not Instagram or 2017.

Try this instead:

Thursday? Post something emotional and close to many.

8. Selfie in the gym

Yes, everyone has already understood that you are training - well done! Here's a tip: if you decide to play sports, do it for yourself. After all, you are training not in order to impress someone, but for your own health. We are all very happy for you, but we do not want to look at a million selfies in the mirrors against the background of simulators. In addition, you are most likely causing inconvenience to people who came to the gym to really work out.

Try this instead:

Switch to someone other than yourself. Take pictures of people on the streets busy with their work or daily activities.

9. Fisheye photo

There was a time when fisheye lenses were very popular, but 2017 brought us so many cool trends that this one is a bore and death by comparison! I think we can safely say that now we see such pictures less and less (and not surprisingly).

What to try instead:

Shoot authentic photos and action shots, show the movement.

If you want to know more about current trends on Instagram and ways to improve your feed quality, follow our articles.