Instagram how to access direct from a computer. How to write, read and send messages on Instagram? Incoming messages

Is it possible to send a message on Instagram? – Ask me. Of course, yes, I will answer. Although initially Instagram was invented just to post photos. Now we can send messages and photos, just like on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. Only here on Insta everything is somehow a little veiled that you won’t immediately understand where to send these messages. Let's figure this out now.

How to send a message from your phone

Let's try sending some text to one of our subscribers. To do this, go to the Instagram application on your phone or tablet. In the lower right corner, click on the little man icon so that we have account information and click on your subscribers to find the one you need:

We go to the page of the person to whom we want to send a message. On the right top corner Click on the menu in the form of three vertical dots:

From the drop-down menu, select “Send message”:

We are loading a window for entering text. We write the text and send it.

It's not difficult at all, really.

How to send a photo by message

In the same way, go to the user’s page and in the upper right corner click on the menu in the form of three dots, select “Send message”

In the sending field in the left corner, click on the camera icon. This button is responsible for sending photos.

Our camera starts up, we can take a photo right now or look for a ready-made photo from the gallery. Photos are immediately sent to the recipient. Naturally, only the recipient will see them.

Where can you view correspondence and received messages?

To do this, go to the main page (click on “House” in the lower left corner).

Now look at the upper right corner. We see the box icon. Click on it, this is where your correspondence with all users is stored.

You can click on any user and read the correspondence between you, as well as continue it.

How to send a message from a computer

Unfortunately, the official Instagram website does not provide a function for sending messages to other users.

The only way I know is to put it on a computer with an operating system Windows program BlueStacks. This is an Android emulator. Using this program, you can use the Instagram application in the same way as from your phone. I wrote in the article how to install and configure all this.

That's basically it. Use this function and chat with your friends.

This useful feature first appeared in Instagram version 5, but many users of the application still do not know where to find it and why it is needed at all. In this article we will tell you where “Direct” is on Instagram, about its capabilities and use cases.

Why do you need Direct on Instagram?

The purpose of this feature is to enable users social network Send your photos to selected individuals. Accordingly, only they can comment on images published via Direct. Other users of the service simply will not see them.

This function is useful:

  • those who wish to share personal photos only with a list of trusted people: family members and friends;
  • to organize competitions - in this case the service is used to send images to the host of the event;
  • for situations where the task is to show photographs to a limited circle of people (photography schools, clubs, etc.).

Messaging between users is suitable for promotion on Instagram. In particular, this function makes available:

  • sending advertising messages to the most active users;
  • distribution of discount coupons;
  • customer feedback;
  • other techniques to promote your account.

Direct is great for spam mailings. This was the case in the first few days, but now mass mailings via Direct lead to instant blocking of the account. It's good that there are many other ways to promote your profile. To do this as efficiently as possible, use the PAMAGRAM service


First of all, launch the program itself and find the icon at the top right - a box for papers.

Click on this icon and you will see a list of Direct messages, that is, those addressed directly to you (or sent by you) or you will not see anything if you have not used this function before.

To send photos to selected users, follow these five steps:

  1. Click on the plus sign at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the photos you want or take pictures.
  3. If necessary, enter image descriptions.
  4. Select recipients - those who will be able to see these photos.
  5. The last step is to click on the check mark on the green background.

As you can see, the question of where Direct is located on Instagram for Android can be solved simply.

Apple iOS

The iOS version of the application has the same functionality, as for Android. Accordingly, minor differences concern only the interface. To use Direct, you need to do approximately the same steps as listed above.

Windows Phone and Nokia Mobile

Where is Instagram Direct located? Windows Phone- a popular question about this social network. Unfortunately, the current beta version of the application for the mentioned platform does not support Direct. Let's hope that the developers will come to their senses and release a fully functional version of the client for this OS. The question, where is Direct on Instagram on Nokia, has a similar answer, because all the latest models of this brand work under Windows control Phone.

Desktop computer or laptop

The question of where Direct is on Instagram on a computer has a slightly more complex solution, because this feature is still missing in the PC version.

If you need the Direct function on your laptop or computer, use the BlueStacks App Player program. With its help, you can install a full-fledged Android version of Instagram on your PC to take full advantage of the service’s capabilities. The BlueStacks App Player emulator can be installed under all modern operating systems Windows family and MacOS. Thus, to the question where is Direct on Instagram on Windows, the only correct answer is on Android.

So we've pumped you up. Now you can figure out exactly where Direct is on Instagram. Go out into the world and tell everyone about her!

For many modern people, Instagram has long become an integral part of Everyday life. Regardless of gender and age, users of the application daily publish their pictures, comment on friends’ posts and like photos of famous personalities. However, not everyone knows that there is one more thing in this service. Such ignorance may seem strange, because you can use Direct on Instagram since 2013.

In addition, developers are working tirelessly to improve the messenger, and today, in terms of its capabilities, it can already seriously compete with such popular applications as VK, Viber, WhatsApp. In order to be in trend and keep up with technical innovations, let's figure out what direct is on Instagram and how to use it.

Direct Instagram is a special service that successfully operates inside the Instagram application and is intended for communication between account holders. Today it has the following functions:

  • exchange of private messages between users;
  • sending photos and videos;
  • forwarding records of other users;
  • saving your favorite materials;
  • creating group dialogues.

Of course, this is a very necessary and long-awaited feature, because going to Direct on Instagram and sending a message is much easier and faster than opening another messenger, searching for a long time for the right dialogue and diligently explaining to the interlocutor what we are talking about.

How to log in to direct on Instagram

So, where is Direct on Instagram and why did the developers hide such a wonderful innovation? In fact, everything is very simple. The service strives to maintain a modern, lightweight design that is not overloaded with unnecessary inscriptions, and therefore different functions are indicated by special icons that do not have text explanations.

The direct message on Instagram is located in the news feed (where new posts from subscriptions appear) in the upper right corner and looks like a paper airplane. You need to click on this icon once, it becomes absolutely clear how you can access Instagram Direct from your phone. It turns out that this “magic” button has always been in the same place, but many users simply did not notice it.

After clicking on the “paper airplane”, a list of active dialogs opens. On this page, you can do things like read incoming messages or send something via direct message to your friends.

Write to Direct

To start a new dialogue, you need to click on the plus icon in the upper right part of the window. On the next screen a list of subscribers will appear from which you can select the recipient for the message on Instagram. At the top of the page there is a line quick search, which will help you quickly find the right person, even among many thousands of subscriptions. In this case, you do not need to enter the name of the account you are looking for, down to the character. If the user's profile contains a real name, the program can easily find it in a matter of seconds. Once the recipient of the message has been identified, there is nothing left to do but write in a direct message on Instagram what was originally intended: a text entry line automatically appears in the lower field of the screen. In order to close the direct message, you need to click on the left arrow in the upper left corner.

Important! For ease of use, the application displays the latest conversations in a certain order, based on the history of previous conversations, the time they were added and the number of likes. If the desired recipient is not on the list, there is no reason to panic. You need to find his name manually using the search bar.

In order not to miss new incoming messages, you can set notifications in the application settings. For those who like to be in silence and not be distracted by trifles, this function can be disabled.

How many messages can you send via direct message on Instagram?

In order to limit resource users from excessive amounts of spam and mailings, the developers have imposed certain restrictions on the parameters of correspondence.

  1. First, in order to start a dialogue with a user who is not on your subscriber list, you need to ask him for permission to send something. After confirming the correspondence request, this user will be able to read what was sent to him.
  2. Secondly, Instagram has set limits on how many direct messages can be sent during the day: no more than 50 to third-party users and no more than 100 to one’s own subscribers.

People who use Instagram direct solely to chat with their friends may not think about any limits. The restrictions are designed to eliminate spam mailings associated with unauthorized commercial activities. Entrepreneurs who maintain an account for advertising purposes will often massively disseminate information about their services and promotions. In these cases, there is a possibility that the account will be blocked indefinitely. Speaking of restrictions, you can also note how many characters are allowed in a direct message on Instagram: in one message you can use no more than 500 characters without spaces.

Sharing multimedia files is a mandatory feature of any modern messenger. On Instagram, this is doubly convenient, firstly, because you can write a direct message from both an iPhone and an Android, and secondly, because the application is always open. Indeed, according to statistics, the Instagram resource is in the top of the most frequently used applications all over the world.

  • Photo in your favorite post from the news feed
  • Image from internal memory phone (from “Gallery”)
  • A new camera photo that will be taken right now.

In the first case, the message is sent directly from the feed. Below the photo itself there are several icons. Most often they are used to like or comment on a post. However, if you look more closely, there is also a “paper airplane”, clicking on which opens a window with a list of names. This is the choice of the recipient of the private message that you want to send.

After taking and saving a photo, you can send it to a friend via direct. The exact same scheme is used when you need to send a video file.

In some cases, there is a need or video from direct message on Instagram. Some users struggle with this for a long time and never find a solution to the problem. The fact is that in the application, sometimes the sender sends so-called “disappearing videos” into the dialogue. After viewing, these videos are not saved in temporary memory and become unavailable for downloading. But what to do if the material was not endangered? Here brief instructions on how to save a video from a direct message on Instagram: all you need to do is press and hold the message with the desired material with your finger. After a short period of time, a pop-up menu should appear in which you must select the desired option.

How to know if a message has been sent

Social network users often wonder how to find out whether a direct message on Instagram has been read. This problem is very relevant in cases where the interlocutor does not give an answer for a long time. The solution is on the surface: you just need to go into the chat and look at the last message. If the recipient has already viewed it, a small eye icon will appear below it. Next to the symbols is the user's nickname - this is intended primarily for participants in group chats.

Group chat in Direct

Instagram provides , for which all the same functions are available as for one-on-one chats. Most often, they are created for organizational and administrative purposes and help to significantly save time when discussing any collective issues. To create a group, at the stage of creating a dialogue, you must select not one participant, but several. The maximum allowed number of participants in a group conversation is 15 people.

How to communicate via direct message from a computer

Many account owners have long known how to write direct messages on Instagram from a phone, but when working from a computer, they fall into a stupor due to the fact that they cannot find the required “paper airplane” on the service’s website. The fact is that the Instagram website today is deprived of many of the features that exist in mobile version. This is due to the resource policy aimed at working in real time anywhere in the world (that is, far from the computer). In order to bypass the rules and, you can resort to the help of the BlueStacks Android emulator, however, this may complicate the process of working with many other programs installed on the computer. IN in this case you need to prioritize correctly or search alternative ways connections accessible from a computer.

Troubleshooting problems and errors in Direct operation

How to restore correspondence in direct message on Instagram

Unfortunate circumstances, such as device malfunctions or accidental clicks, sometimes force people using Instagram to face the problem of how to recover direct messages. Unfortunately, the resource does not provide a standard way out of this situation, but there are methods that can sometimes give a positive result.

First of all, you can simply ask your interlocutor to forward the lost data. If this option is not available, you can try using special programs for data recovery (for example, FoneLab for iPhone). However, you need to understand that this method does not provide a 100% guarantee. In order not to encounter a similar problem in the future, it is recommended to take care of the possibility of data recovery in advance and use special backup software.

Errors sending to Direct

Some Instagram users periodically complain that messages in Direct are not sent. This may be due to several reasons:

  1. lack of Internet connection;
  2. developer updates that caused an error;

Most often, the problem disappears on its own after some time or is solved by simply rebooting the device. However, if it is not related to the above reasons, the sender did not exceed sending limits and did not violate any rules of the service’s internal policy, you must contact the service technical support, who will definitely try to help find a way out of the situation.


Direct is a popular add-on Instagram service, which finds more and more fans every day. And this is not surprising, because what could be easier than logging into Instagram direct from your phone at any time and anywhere. This feature allows you to stay connected 24 hours and communicate with friends and partners without interruption.

What is Instagram Direct and how to use it?

A new Instagram feature that was launched at the end of 2013. This feature allows you to exchange personal messages between your subscribers. Send photos and videos specifically to those users to whom your message is intended. The maximum possible number of people to whom a private message can be sent is -15 people. (This is due to preventing Instagram Direct from being used for spam)
If the Instagram Direct feature is not available in your current version of Instagram, you need to update the version of your Instagram apps, Instagram Direct is built into version 5.0. and higher. Download free update possible from mobile stores Google applications Play or App Store.

How to use Instagram Direct?
Sending/viewing incoming messages.
To send a private message to a user on Instagram using Instagram Direct, you need to go to home page on Instagram, where the Instagram message box is located.

After entering the message box, we see a list of incoming messages from your friends and requests to receive from other users who are not in the list of your friends (followers).
This is what the first login to Instagram Direct looks like.At the bottom, requests to receive messages from other users not on your friends list or those with whom you have not previously corresponded are displayed.
To send a message, click on the “+” sign in the upper right corner. Instagram Direct offers a choice from previously created photos (video clips), or we can take a new photo (video clip). After selecting a photo (video clip) and its usual processing on Instagram, you go to a new Instagram direct window:In this Instagram Direct window, you need to mark who your message will be sent to, the choice is made from the list of friends (from the people you follow), to select, put a green “tick”, the maximum possible number is 15 people.
It is possible to find any other user of the Instagram social network by his name, to do this, click on the word “Search”. In a new window, enter his name and click search. Select a user. The message will be sent to the user for consideration for receipt.
You can write a comment on a photo/video message; there is no need to use hash tags here since the message is “personal” and they simply will not be displayed.
When finished, click on the green checkmark in the very top right corner.
Users who follow you will receive the message automatically and will be notified. Those users who do not follow you will receive a notification for consideration of receipt in their Instagram direct mailboxes.
Messages sent using Instagram Direct will naturally not appear in your feed because they are private.
View messages in Instagram Direct, correspondence, likes. The Instagram Direct mailbox displays incoming and outgoing messages. You have the ability to view messages at any time. You can leave a comment, chat. How to find out if your friend received a message on Instagram using Instagram Direct? A message sent using Instagram Direct instantly goes to your friends' inbox. But your friend may not open it.
It’s very easy to determine this: if his “avatar” is discolored, this means that your friend has not yet seen (opened) or read your message.
If your avatar is displayed in color, the user has opened your message and is marked with a green checkmark. If your friend “likes” your photo/video, the “tick” is removed and a “heart” is displayed. If the user leaves a comment, a "blue circle" will be displayed.

Adding/receiving messages on Instagram Direct from users not on your friends list: It’s very easy here, you just need to click on the green “tick” and confirm receiving photo/video content from users who are not on your friends list.

How to write messages on Instagram from a computer is one of the most common questions from active users. And is it even possible to send a personal message via a computer rather than from a phone? Initially, the Instagram application was designed for smartphones, but now you can send messages, and even in several ways. Much depends on what exactly you want - just add a comment to a post or send personally written messages to Direct. Both options will be considered.

Adding comments to Instagram from your computer

If you want to send not a PM, but just a comment from your computer, you can use the already existing incomplete version of Instagram. Almost all browsers support it, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties.

What is needed for this:

  1. Open your usual browser and log in to the site. You will have to log in, to do this, enter the username and password for your account.
  2. Now find the post you want and click on it. A photo will appear on the screen, and on the right - a feed with comments already sent.
  3. At the bottom of the feed there will be a button “Add a comment”. Click on it, and then in the line that appears, write everything you wanted.

That's all! Now press “enter” and continue communicating through comments as much as you want, and at the same time share with your friends information on how to send a message on Instagram with desktop computer using the standard web version.


Facebook quickly took over Instagram as its full and undivided property. But I haven’t bothered to develop a full-fledged web version of the application yet. Fortunately, there are ways to use Instagram from a computer - in particular, you can send private messages, if otherwise on this moment It just doesn’t work out, but it’s very, very necessary. We looked at them today.