Installing titanium backup pro apk. Making a backup on Android using Titanium Backup

Guide to creating an Android backup (backup) using the application Titanium Backup. If you are using "Titanium" for the first time, the information will be extremely useful for you, help you to better master the application and create a copy of the most important files on the phone.

Why Titanium Backup should be installed for every android user? Reliable backup is the key to the safety of your data. If you install a lot of applications, play with the settings, decide to update android firmware, there is a risk of deleting files. It's a little pleasure to set up the phone from scratch, reinstall applications. Using Titanium Backup, in case of an error or failure, you can always return to the original.

Most applications for Reserve copy restore and create copies of files in certain areas. With the Titanium Backup app, you can back up copy android by saving application settings.

2. System requirements for installing Titanium Backup

Titanium Backup is installed with superuser rights only. By default, all phones, except those for development, are not rooted. For Titanium Backup to work correctly, you need an Android phone, and you must have root user rights.

3. Where to download Titanium Backup for Android

When you have completed all the requirements of the application and prepared your phone for backup, download the Titanium Backup application from the link.

4. Backup settings

Titanium Backup uses an optimized version of the busybox toolkit. Busybox is a collection of Unix/Linux utilities and packages bundled into a single file. As a rule, you do not need to change anything in the application settings.

However, if you experience problems with busybox or root access, click the Problems? (Problems?) to update the superuser rights. Try enabling the Force use system busybox setting as the last working solution.

5. Android backup

There are several ways to create backup(backup) to Android using Titanium Backup. You can make a backup of a single application, all user settings and other options. Let's look at the standard scenarios for creating an android backup.

i. How to create the first backup on the phone

  • Check that Titanium Backup started without warnings and everything is fine with busybox
  • Click the Restore tab
  • Open Menu (Button), Batch (Batch Actions)
  • Select the option Backup all user apps (if you want to backup applications) or Backup all user apps + system data (if you want to archive everything). The history of contacts and SMS is not always saved.
  • Start the copy process, then return to the main tab of the Titanium Backup application.
  • Make an individual copy of the system data backup, items marked in green: bookmarks, logs, calendar, shell, WiFi, etc.
  • The backup will be named TitaniumBackup on your sd card.

Depending on quantity installed apps, the process may take several minutes. But you don't have to worry that your screen will turn off or the backup will stop - Titanium Backup will do everything to prevent this from happening.

ii. Subsequent backups

Various batch operations are available to choose from. Once you've made your first backup, you probably won't want to make another backup right away - you'll most likely want to make one when you install a new app. And you can find such an option in the list of batch operations...

Please be aware that some applications may contain important data that changes frequently. You can mark them separately (to do this, click Main menu -> Filters (Filters), then Create label (Create a label)) . You can perform regular backups for such programs.

If you have a PRO / Donate version of the application, you can ask Titanium Backup to save the most successful versions of your backups - Main menu -> Preferences -> Max b-up history (Settings -> Max b-up history).

iii. Backup verification

How can you tell if a backup was successful? The first item in the list of batch operations starts the validation process.

iv. Android: scheduled backup

You can install multiple items at the same time. Even being paranoid, it is possible to make hourly backups of settings, plus daily backups of your or user applications. You can also save call and message logs every 3 hours.

v. Extended backups

Some apps (especially games) require more than just an APK and settings. We call this "enhanced application data". You can create backups with this data. For that, you need to go to TB settings and find the option Backup app external data . If you choose to limit the external extended data limit, the next setting you want is Select external data by max size , and you can set the limits here.

Keep in mind that Titanium Backup includes data that is stored in the /sdcard/Android/data/ directory. Some files, such as OBB files, are very large and are downloaded directly from Google and therefore do not store user data. These files will not be included in the backup.

6. Android file recovery

i. How to restore a backup after installing the firmware

  • After formatting the sd card (by making a wipe), do not forget to copy the Titanium Backup folder back to your computer.
  • Download the program from the Market
  • If you decide to restore system data (MMS/SMS) from another phone or firmware, activate the System data migration option.
  • Go to the Restore tab (Android backups)
  • Open the Batch menu
  • Click Restore all missing apps + system data
  • Reboot your phone
  • Everything! It remains to configure home screen phone

ii. Restoring individual applications when copying

To restore individual applications or their settings, see the Manage Applications section.

iii. Restoring messages

To restore SMS/MMS, calls, phone book, etc., click the Restore button, scroll through the list to find the data you need. Do the same with them as you would with individual applications. Then, if you restored them from a different phone or firmware, activate the System data migration option.

If the data doesn't appear in the list, make sure you haven't filtered it. To do this, go to the menu, select the Filter option and set the filters correctly.

7. Application management

When you click Restore, you will see a list of applications installed on Android. Also available here is information about the stored application data and those that you have already backed up.

The user has access to a menu with various actions: launching the application, backup, restore, settings. You can even reinstall TV through the menu. However, you need to be careful here: if you delete something important, the phone may not work properly. Therefore, you must first. This can be done by freezing it.

Titanum starts acting weird when backing up and copying it - just unfreeze it and you'll be fine.

8. Copy setting

You find the preferences by pressing the menu button and selecting Preferences. Here you can configure the following options:

  • Auto-syncTVsettings (Auto sync. TV settings): this option must be enabled. Thus, Titanium Backup will automatically save the settings to the memory card. After a full restore, you may need to restore these settings.
  • Backup Folder name : where backups will be stored on the sd card. By default, this is the TitaniumBackup folder in the root directory. If you have samsung phone, use sd/TitaniumBackup to store backups.
  • NormalApps (apk): Include *.apk apps in backups
  • protectedApps (apk): apps on system partition phone. Because the partition is readable, they cannot be restored here.
  • marketLink (Link to Google Play) : whether to make copies of links to applications in the Market
  • Max backup history: how many versions of the application to keep in the backup. This is convenient if, after an unsuccessful installation of the application, you need to restore the previous one, working version applications
  • compression: what compression format to use for titanium backup.
  • Migratesystemdata (Transfer system data): Use this setting before restoring from another incompatible firmware or even another phone model. One way or another, but it usually works with most types of data (SMS / MMS).
  • ChuckNorrismode (Mode "Chuck Norris"): use this function to remove "fat and arrogant" applications on your firmware

Titanium Backup - this application is rightfully considered one of the best in creating data backups! In this article, we'll look at how to use it.

What are backups and why are they needed?

In our time, the most expensive things are two things: time and information. If you have valuable information and you lose it, then recovering it is either very difficult or long and expensive. By creating backups, you reinsure yourself against loss important information, and the Titanium Backup application perfectly copes with this task! With the help of this this application you can create an exact copy of your programs and their data, as well as SMS and phone book, and then restore them.

Requirements and necessary for work

First What you need first of all is to download the Titanium Backup app on Google Play. I highly recommend buying the application, and not looking for a hacked version, Titanium Backup is worth the money!

Second the condition is sufficient memory on the SD card or internal memory(if there is no memory card). A sufficient amount is at least 1 GB or more, because you need to save all the data, right?

Third the condition that you need is installed Root rights how and where you can get them can be found on a special page of the site root android.

In rare cases, an application may require USB debugging.

Titanium Backup User Manual

Create single backups

To back up one application (or a couple), open the application and go to the " Backups«:

What do the icons next to applications mean?

  • Exclamation mark means that the backup was not created;
  • phone sign that the application is in the internal memory of the memory;
  • Memory card sign- application in external memory, SD card;

Select the application you need and tap on it, after which a menu with available actions will appear:

Click the SAVE button, and then a backup copy of this application will be created. You may also notice other features such as freeze - "freezes" the application and all processes. Delete - completely deletes the application, destroy data - deletes all data (many thanks for the tip Captain OBVIOUS).

Batch backup in Titanium Backup

There are two ways to get into the group actions menu:

Click the button at the top right tick, (action confirmation sign)

Or click on Android smartphone button add. menu and choose groupactions


Consider each item for what it is needed:

Make r.k. all custom software- creates a copy of all applications and their data that you have installed.

Make r.k. all system data- creates a copy of the data created by system services and programs.

Make r.k. all user software and system data- performs the previous two actions at once.

Make new rivers- creates a new backup, if r.k (backup) has already been created before, then does not delete it.

Delete old (…) r.k- removes old r.k.

Update r.k for changed data- if there were any changes in the applications (sms came, a contact was added), then this menu"refreshes" r.k without overwriting it completely /

Make r.k for updated software- similar to the previous paragraph, only updates applications that have been updated in r.k (if a new version of the application has been released) /

Backup new apps and updates- performs the actions of the previous 2 points.

Backup new User+System apps and new versions- the same as the previous paragraph, but also makes r.k system applications.

How to back up all data

Select the item by pressing start - Make r.k. all user software and system data Confirm your choice by clicking the confirmation button at the top right


Consider all the items in the recovery menu:

Restore missing software with data- restores the data of installed applications and their data only for those that are missing (if you reinstalled 1 application or deleted it temporarily).

Restore all software with data— restores from R.K. all data of installed applications.

Restore all system data— restores from R.K. all data of system applications and services.

Restore all software + all system data- performs the previous 2 actions

Restore new versions of user software- installs new version applications if you have an old one installed.

How to Restore All Data

Select Restore all software + all system data

Other additional features

Relocation and integration

Moving to Sd card and back

This menu offers to bulk move applications to a memory card or vice versa move to Android memory.

Embedding the application in the system

The menu allows you to embed updated applications into the system, for use by professionals, since applications containing either may not be transferred.


This menu offers to disable applications that are in this moment are not needed (but I don’t want to delete them), or restore their work.

google play

This menu prompts you to disable updates for installed applications on your Android device.

Data manipulation

This menu allows you to perform a batch or single reset of the application cache, as well as reset settings and application data. Also convert the database when creating r.k.

Recovery mode

Allows you to create an file that will contain the Titanium Backup application in order to quickly recover from a data reset.


This menu allows you to remove applications that already have backups or not, as well as remove system applications (use with caution).

Deleting backups

Will allow you to delete previously created backup copies of installed and built-in applications.

Schedule menu

In the third tab Titanium Backup - Schedules, allows you to automate numerous operations that are available in group actions.

For those who want to see live the whole process of how to save or restore - data, applications, settings, the site has prepared a short 5-minute video with annotations:

Application Overview

Titanium Backup- best app for working with backups on Android devices, with the function of an application manager.

Backing up data and applications - basic Titanium function, in case of problems or errors, you can recover corrupted data. Today we will tell you what Titanium Backup is for and how to use it to backup all data, starting from settings mobile network and finishing the parameters of any application and saving progress in games, so that later, without any problems, restore all data in just one click.

In the main menu, you will see three main tabs: Overview, Backups, and Schedules. Initially, after launching the application, you will be taken to the "Overview" page, which displays brief information about the state of your device, namely: granting ROOT rights, the ability to automatic installation software, folder for backup (the folder can be changed as follows: press the button responsible for the functions on your device, select the settings item and look for the backup settings item in which there is a sub-item “path to the backup folder”, go here and select the one we need location), it’s worth saying right away that it’s best to choose a memory card, since it is from it that recovery will occur in case of a failure during the operation of the device or flashing, since all data from the memory of a smartphone or tablet will be lost, and the memory card can always be pulled out and calmly manipulate your device.

The second tab "Backups" will display all the games and programs installed on your smartphone, which are designed for quick backup. We will tell you exactly how to backup using Titanium Backup a little later.

The last tab "Schedules" contains initially two scheduled launches to perform certain actions, and more precisely, you can configure automatic start backup or update backups for changed data. Also, if you wish, you can create your own schedule by clicking on the button in the lower right corner “+ New task”, by clicking on which you need to select: the action to be performed (a drop-down list with numerous actions will open), the type of food in which you can perform actions, and the time and day of the week when it is necessary to perform this or that action is also selected. And most importantly, do not forget to select an action after completing the task: synchronize with cloud storage(Internet connection required), reboot the device, or do nothing.

Once in the application settings, you will see a huge number of functions that you can enable or somehow change. In fact, there are a lot of things that can be changed, but not everything is necessary for the average user, and even more so for those who need to backup the data of one of the applications or system settings. In any case, in the settings you can select the cloud storages with which the application will be synchronized and automatically upload all backups to it, specify the path for the backups, and also select the de data that will be copied at the time of the reservation, yes, that's not all is in the program and what it can boast of. If you are interested, then you can go to the settings and carefully study each item so that the program is completely in Russian.


The application is made in dark colors, there should not be any problems with navigation, since everything is clear and simple. In any case, there is a separate item in the settings that allows you to change appearance programs.

Titanium Backup ★ root - simple and handy application to back up your device data and settings. The program is free, but in order to get all the features of the program you need to purchase full version apps on Google Play.

First you need to make sure that your smartphone / tablet has a memory card installed, to which all data will be copied (you need to free it before starting the backup process).
1. Click on the top right icon of your device (a sheet with a checkmark).
2. In the window that opens (batch actions), go to the "Backup" tab and select the "Make r.k. all user software and system data."
3.In a new window, you will see a list of all applications and system data that will be copied. Since we need to make a copy of all the data, we just do not touch anything and click on the green checkmark in the right upper corner, after which the backup process will begin, the execution time of which directly depends on the number installed programs and data available in the memory of your device.
4.After the copying process is completed, you can go to the "Backups" menu and make sure that each program and game will have an emoticon indicating the successful copying of data, as well as an inscription with the number of backups made and the date of the last r.k .
5. At this point, the backup process can be considered completed.
With the help of any file manager you can go to the memory card of your device and go to the TitaniumBackup folder to make sure that all the files are in place. To be safe, you can connect to home computer or laptop in order to copy the entire folder. These actions will allow you to save all your data in case of loss or failure of the memory card.

At the moment when it's time to restore the previously copied data, you can do several things. First, perform a full system restore with all settings and applications. To do this, go to "Batch Data" -\u003e "Recovery" and click on "Start" opposite the item "Restore all software with data".
Secondly, you can restore a single application or game. To do this, go to "Menu" -> "Backups" and select exactly what we need, for example, the 2GIS program, after which in the window that opens, click on the "Restore" button and after restoration we can continue to use the application.
Do not forget that after restoring ALL data and applications at once, you need to restart your device for the changes to take effect.

Shaking legs from the fact that you do not know whether the data will be saved the next time you update your phone? Install Titanium Backup Pro for Android.

Now you have access to such functions as backup (backup | backup) of applications and user data (sms | contacts | mss). After you install this program, you will not have to worry about the loss or partial loss of data. A backup is everything. If you are afraid to update your phone or tablet software, if you are afraid of losing critical contact data, messages, then immediately install the program and make a backup copy of Titanium Backup Pro.

Main features of Titanium Backup Pro:

Several backups for applications (history coverage can be set).
Full package backup restore in the background with one click.
Backup encryption (asymmetric cryptography: a secret word is required for recovery).
Batch check of all archives.
Ultra-fast HyperShell.
Market Doctor can fix any broken links in the Market (only for applications that have been backed up with a link).
Freezing an app can disable an app (and make it invisible) without uninstalling it.
Batch Freeze/Unfreeze Applications.
Scheduled backups (each of which can be run from 1 to 7 times a week).
Clearing the Dalvik cache will help free up precious internal memory.
Memory manager.
Integrate system app updates directly into the firmware to free up even more internal storage.
Synchronize all (or some) backups with Dropbox.
Ability to get all backups from Dropbox (in case of phone loss or SD card error).
Application signature with your name.

Attention ! Android backup application Titanium Backup requires root rights on the phone or tablet under OS Android®. Works on devices with Android 1.5-5.1+ (ARM,x86,MIPS).

The Titanium Backup app is another powerful tool for backing up data on a smartphone or tablet under Android control. With it, a rooted user can make a backup of any programs and their settings, save progress in games. You can download Titanium Backup for Android for free on our website and see for yourself its convenience.

Features Titanium Backup

The main purpose of the program is to create high-quality and most complete backup copies of data available on mobile device. These include not only user-installed games and other applications. Titanium Backup allows you to backup even system programs, as well as fully restore them if necessary.

After installing Titanium Backup on your gadget, the owner of the device will be able to send ready-made backups to e-mail or to another smartphone “over the air”. Backup is carried out manually or takes place automatically, according to a pre-configured schedule. Using this application, you can clean up the internal memory of the device by freezing or deleting unnecessary programs.

A significant advantage of the application is that you can download Titanium Backup for Android for free. All its basic functions (including filtering and sorting programs) will work properly and without restrictions. There is also a paid Pro version of the app with advanced features. These include synchronization with cloud storages, backup of a running program, removal of links to the Market, automatic updates and much more.

How to use Titanium Backup

The program requires the installation of root-rights. This is the only difficulty in working with her. The interface and application settings are intuitive. So making a backup will be easy even for a beginner, especially if you use this instruction:

  1. Before using Titanium Backup, free at least 1 GB of memory on the memory card of your smartphone or tablet
  2. Launch the application
  3. At the top right, find the Menu button, which looks like a rectangle with a check mark on it. Click on it
  4. Scroll to the "Backups" tab and select "Back up all user software". Click on the "Start" button to the left of it
  5. A window will open with a list of all programs already installed on the gadget. Uncheck those whose copies are not needed
  6. Tap the green checkmark in the top right corner of the section. Confirm the start of the backup by clicking on the "Start" button
  7. Wait until the end of the process. When a copy is created, a corresponding message will appear on the notification shade

The rest of the backups in this application are just as easy. The same goes for data recovery and other features of the app. You can download Titanium Backup for Android for free using the link below.