Instructions for using a Samsung mobile phone. Smartphone operating instructions for beginners: Samsung, Lenovo, LG, Fly

Many users, when switching from regular feature phones to smartphones running the Android operating system, may encounter problems using the devices. Certainly, modern phones differ in many ways from their predecessors. The functionality has increased, the interface has changed. While children can quickly adapt to new smartphones, older people, as a rule, cannot adapt to innovations so easily. Smartphone operating instructions for beginners will help you quickly understand how to use the phone.

How did Android gain worldwide popularity?

Today most tablet computers and smartphones run on the Android system. According to statistics provided by the large analytical company IDC, about 70% of devices in the world are equipped with the Android operating system.

But what is the secret of Android? This is open operating system. It allows you to easily adapt your smartphone to other devices. The interface of the phone with this OS can be changed beyond recognition, and it is also possible to overclock the smartphone to improve it functionality. Thanks to many services and applications, you can quickly and easily upload your files to cloud storage and, in a few seconds, view them from another smartphone. If you configure your device correctly, you can get an indispensable assistant who will help in any field of activity. That is why smartphone operating instructions for beginners will be needed to start using the phone comfortably. Let's look at it.

Smartphone operating instructions for beginners: basic functions


In smartphones, the user can create many desktops for comfortable access to various applications and widgets. They are similar to a regular computer desktop, where shortcuts to programs and games are also located. To control desktops, you need to simultaneously touch the screen with two fingers and begin to pinch them together. In this menu you can add a widget or change the wallpaper. If you need to add a new field, click on the “+” button. To press and hold on it, after a few seconds you will be able to move it to the trash.

The user can customize the location of icons for any applications and widgets on the desktop. To do this, click on the program or game you want to transfer and wait a few seconds until the shortcut changes color. Next, simply move the application with your finger to another location. To remove a program shortcut, you need to drag it to the very top of the work surface, where the word “Delete” will appear.

Many programs have widgets that run in the background and provide some information without launching the utility itself. These are quite useful mini-applications. To add a widget, simply press and hold your finger on an empty area of ​​the screen. After a few seconds, in the new window, click on the “Widget” button. We select the one you need, transfer it to the desktop and configure it, following the steps required by the application.

You can add your contacts to the desktop by holding your finger on an empty area of ​​the screen. In the window that appears, select the “Contact” item and select the desired one. You will be able to quickly navigate through them if a picture is installed.

The operating instructions for a smartphone for beginners (LG, HTC, any other phone) are almost the same for any of them. These devices have an operating system installed Android system, which makes them almost identical in management.


The operating instructions for a smartphone for beginners (Samsung is not an innovator in this regard) no longer provides for the possibility of using the menu. All the necessary applications are contained on the desktop. But there are phones that still have this function. The menu contains everything installed applications. They can be added to the desktop or deleted. To add a shortcut to a location convenient for you, just click on it and after a few seconds, move it to another.

Notification screen

The notification screen displays the main functions that you can quickly enable or disable. The most common are Wi-Fi, sound, Bluetooth, GPS, auto-rotate screen, airplane mode and others. The operating instructions for a smartphone for beginners (Lenovo, Fly or Samsung - it doesn’t matter) show us different functionality in the notification panel. This depends on the Android OS version and manufacturer.

Smartphone operating instructions for beginners: basic settings


To use the Internet, you need to go to the notifications screen and turn on either Wi-Fi or Data. In the first days, it is better to turn on Wi-Fi, since all smartphone setup is usually done via the Internet. Also, many installed applications may begin to update, and this will consume a lot of traffic and time. To turn on the Internet, you need to go to settings and click on Wi-Fi. After that, turn it on and select the appropriate network. All that remains is to write a password and click on the “Connect” button. Before enabling the “Data transfer” item, you must make sure that your tariff plan provides inexpensive use of the Internet. After this, you should receive an SMS with Internet settings, save it.

Google Play Market

Play Market is an application store. You can find everything in it popular games and programs that are installed in a few clicks. All applications presented by the Play Market have been checked for viruses and are completely safe. To use this service you must register. First, go to the Play Market and click on the “Register” or “Login” button if you already have a Google account.

Transferring and saving information

  • Contacts. Save phone number on a smartphone you can different ways: to phone memory, to SIM card and to the cloud. The last 2 methods involve quickly transferring contacts to another smartphone.
  • Data. Music, video, photo and text files can be saved to the cloud. This way you can quickly view saved data from any other device. The second way is to use a memory card. This way you will save internal memory and you can quickly exchange information with other smartphones.

The reviewed operating instructions for smartphones for beginners from Fly, LG, Samsung and other brands will help the user quickly figure it out and start using their gadget comfortably. Today, all global companies are trying to provide users with as much comfort as possible in use. For example, if a person has poor eyesight, you can put large icons. Therefore, people who have not used Android smartphones before will be able to quickly adapt to the new phone.

This section of instructions for using Samsung equipment will help you find the information you need and download it for free.

The existing norm in the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights assumes that the product must have Russian-language instructions. But it happens that there simply isn’t one, and the user of the equipment faces the problem of how to find out the rules for working with this equipment.

What should I do if my Samsung equipment does not come with a user manual?

Using our website you can avoid improper use of the product. This section contains user manuals for the following types of Samsung equipment:

  • turntables and DVD players;
  • cell phones, PDAs and communicators;
  • laptops, printers, monitors;
  • microwave ovens, split systems, washing machines and stoves, hoods, refrigerators;
  • TVs, video cameras, VCRs, music centers, digital cameras, etc.

In the relevant sections of our website you will find detailed description properties, technical indicators and useful functions devices you are going to use. The instruction manual also contains care instructions and methods self-elimination some problems with Samsung equipment.

The required user manual was not found on the site. What should I do?

If the user manual that interests you is not yet available on our website, you can order it. To do this, fill out the appropriate form. We will try to find the right instruction manual for you and send it to your email inbox.

Add your user manual

Send a file with operating instructions in Russian, and your Samsung equipment operating manual will become available on the website and will definitely be useful to other users!

On this page you can download instructions for phonesSamsung. Samsung Electronics has been on the market for more than 70 years, constantly improving, updating and improving its products. Thus, the company is trying to improve not only the financial condition of its management, but also to simplify the lives of people in all corners of the earth, offering them increasingly better and more modern products. Samsung's business areas are varied. In addition to the usual production of household appliances, computer equipment, telephones, the company’s activities even cover financial services, hotel business, medicines, and many other areas.
Like the company's products, any Samsung phone manual is made with high quality and with maximum benefit for the consumer. In it you can find important information on the correct use of the device, warnings about safety rules that you need to know and follow when using the phone (this is, after all, the operating instructions for a Samsung phone). You will also learn how to properly dispose of your mobile device and what precautions you should take. These are seemingly ordinary things that we often forget about while using a product, which does not lead to anything good.
From instructions for Samsung phone You will also learn what steps you need to take before you start using the device. As a rule, the process of installing a SIM card into a phone is described in detail, accompanied by all the necessary images. All icons and symbols. Which you can see on the phone screen will also be described in detail in the manual. There you can also find a description of the keys on your mobile device (if they exist, of course), and find out for what purpose this or that button is placed on the case. You can rest assured that everything on the phone’s body will be described in detail.
By itself, Samsung phone manual contains descriptions of all functions that are available in mobile device. If you do not know how to perform any action, first of all carefully review the manual, and then ask someone or look for the necessary information on the Internet. As practice shows, the answers to 80 percent of the questions that arise during the operation of Samsung phones (or smartphones) can be found in the instructions. It’s sad that most people don’t want to look for answers in it, but immediately start making noise on all sorts of forums asking for help. But since you are on this page, then you are not one of them, are you? :)

Instructions are posted in djvu format. You can view them using the client, which can be downloaded here: