Android engineering menu: settings, tests and functions. How to enter the engineering menu of a Huawei Honor smartphone? How to enter the engineering menu on Honor

Alexander Grishin

On the menu Huawei smartphone you can change a lot of settings, however, many users do not even realize that the device contains hidden additional settings, available in a special engineering menu. Smartphones running Android OS can switch to the corresponding interface in two ways.

The first, most common method is input universal code. To enter the engineering menu Huawei Honor, Huawei Nova or Mate in the specified way, need to:

  1. Open a standard application for making calls (in other words, a “dialer”).
  2. Enter the code in the same way as a regular one phone number. Combinations are suitable for Huawei devices *#*#2846579#*#* or *#*#2846579159#*#* .
  3. Press the call button and wait for the menu to appear.

The functionality of the additional interface offered by the system is quite wide, but you will not be able to change the screen brightness or increase the volume in this type of engineering menu. To do this, you will need a second method - entering a specialized code


After activating it, a menu will appear in which you can change system parameters. The greatest scope for modifying your smartphone is provided by the “Hardware Testing” tab, where you can test and change the settings for sound, video, display and other parameters.

It will not be easy for people with poor knowledge of English to understand the engineering menu, so it is better to thoroughly study all the parameters and their names before changing this or that function. Better yet, don’t change anything there yourself, so as not to break the phone.

Many of us have long fallen in love with smartphones based on operating system Android. They have always captivated us with their unpretentiousness, good reliability, as well as convenience and ease of use. The same can be said, in particular, about smartphones from the well-known company Huawei, which are also based on this operating system. A company from the Middle Kingdom always keeps up with the times and equips its phones with the most latest versions operating system and multifunctional firmware, trying to keep up with the generally recognized leaders of the Android smartphone market.

However, few of us know that already quite convenient Huawei phones can be made even better by fine-tuning them to suit your needs. What we can configure in the phone’s main menu is only the tip of a huge iceberg; the rest is hidden from users in order to avoid device failure. However, people who deal with mobile phones not just at the user level, but, for example, work in a service, can easily access advanced settings on almost any phone using the engineering menu.

Looking ahead a little, it’s worth saying that inexperienced users really shouldn’t go into this “forbidden forest”, so as not to simply ruin their device through carelessness. But if you are confident in yourself and think that you understand technology at a sufficient level, then the Huawei engineering menu is exactly what you need to fine-tune your device as much as possible.

Engineering menu gives the user access to manual setting almost all phone parameters. Typically, engineer mode is used by developers at the stage of final configuration of the device before it goes on sale. With its help, they check the device for various errors, malfunctions, and also check the functionality of all device systems. In addition, in the engineering menu there is detailed information about the capabilities of the device and its programs.

The engineering menu is built directly into the Android program, however, on some phone models, developers intentionally remove it from the phone after final testing. In such cases, it will be problematic for the owner to customize the device “for himself” directly from the phone and he will have to either use special programs, which can be downloaded, for example, on Google Play, or use third-party firmware.

The engineering menu for Huawei smartphones is usually always in place and is never deleted, so if you were unable to get into these settings the first time, then most likely you simply did not take into account the unique features of your device. It is also worth repeating once again that if you are not sure of what you are doing, and working with such menus is new to you, then you should carefully consider this step. Remember that unsuccessful settings in the engineering menu may not improve the functioning of the smartphone, but, on the contrary, make it much more inconvenient, and if changed system settings You lose the warranty and bear full responsibility for the device yourself.

How to get to the engineering menu?

In order to get into the engineering menu of a phone based on the Android operating system, you need to enter a certain secret code in the phone dialing menu. Most often on Android devices you need to dial the combination *#*#3646633#*#*. This code is suitable for most Android smartphones, but sometimes developers can change it, for example, entering the Huawei engineering menu most often occurs using the codes *#*#2846579#*#* or *#*#2846579159#*#*.

Also, codes can very often change depending on specific model device and the type of single-chip system used in it. Also, it often depends on the phone’s single-chip system whether the smartphone even has a built-in engineering menu or not. So, on devices with MTK processors, such a menu is available on almost every device, but on devices equipped with Kvalcom processors, on the contrary, in most cases this menu is completely absent.

The code should be applied immediately as soon as you enter it on the call screen, but on some phones you sometimes also need to press the call button for the code to work properly. It is also worth noting that the code must be entered and not copied, since otherwise it will not work. It is also quite useless to save such codes in the phone book, that is, manual entry is a prerequisite for the code to work.

Commands for accessing menus

If you don’t know how to enter the Huawei engineering menu smartphone, or you can’t do it, then this is not a reason to be upset. Most Huawei devices support the so-called “ service codes", which partially repeat the functions of the engineering menu.

Service codes are used in mobile phones for a very long time and many of them appeared long before the first Android smartphones came out. However, although such codes repeat some of the functions of the engineering menu, using them is not at all as convenient and completely unsafe. Some of them can literally delete all data stored on the phone or disable certain functions of the device. So, if you are not one hundred percent sure what a particular code means, we do not recommend that you use it for the simple reason that they may interfere with the normal functioning of your phone.

Now let's look at some examples of the most useful, in our opinion, engineering codes:

  1. *#06# — using this code you can find out your IMEI address.
  2. *#*#4636#*#* - this code provides you with some information about the phone, namely: device data, battery information, statistics battery and phone usage statistics.
  3. *#*#7780#*#* - this code resets settings such as Google account data, system data and settings, downloaded applications to the factory state.
  4. *2767*3855# this code performs a complete formatting of the smartphone. So think twice before using it.
  5. *#*#34971539#*#* — this code is intended to obtain information about the smartphone’s camera.
  6. *#*#7594#*#* — used to change the on/off button modes.
  7. *#*#273283*255*663282*#*# - using this command you can open the file copying screen and use it to Reserve copy your most valuable photographs or audio recordings.

There are also many other service codes that allow you to very carefully check and configure your telephone. However, due to the fairly large number of them, this will perhaps be a topic for a separate article, and we will move on.

Engineering menu functions

Huawei's engineering menu offers a wide variety of settings for experienced users. On most models of phones from the company from the Middle Kingdom, volume adjustments, camera settings, navigation, telephony and many other functions are available that you can change at your discretion.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the adjustment itself. Just look for the parameter you need, for example, volume level, open it and experiment with the values ​​until you achieve the ideal result for you. However, let us remind you once again that you should only change those parameters that you are sure of, otherwise you risk getting not a perfectly fitted smartphone, but a piece of irritating plastic.


One of the main points that catches your eye when you first enter the engineering menu of an Android Huawei smartphone , This is the telephony menu. In this menu you will have access to many useful settings, including such important items as:

  1. Auto Answer. Here you will be able to enable or, conversely, disable auto-reply to incoming call.

  1. Band Mode. Here you can manually select frequencies for the GSM module. This menu will show you all the frequencies your phone supports. You can uncheck those ranges that your operator does not provide mobile communications, which will ultimately save a lot of your battery power.
  2. CFUSetting. This option enables or disables conditional call forwarding.
  3. AT Command Tool. A utility for developers that supports AT commands.
  4. Modem Test. Fine tuning compatibility with various types devices.
  5. Network Selecting. Here you can also select mobile communication standards (GSM, WCDMA, LTE). For greater energy savings, turn off those not in use.
  6. NetworkInfo. A very convenient option for checking the quality of mobile operator services.
  7. GPRS. Setting up connections to mobile internet. A choice of active SIM card is also available.
  8. HSPA Information. 3G network information if this type services are supported by your telecom operator.

  1. Mobile data service preferred. Using this item, you can increase the priority of the Internet over voice traffic. However, be careful, as incoming calls in this case may sometimes not reach you.
  2. Fast Dormancy. Allows you to save some of your phone's energy on third generation networks.
  3. RAT Mode (Phone Info). Using this menu you can select the most used communication standard. However, use with caution, as these settings block the action of the Network Selecting item.
  4. RF De-sense Test. Choice frequency range and a specific channel for testing communication quality.
  5. SIM ME Lock. Makes it possible to configure the regional parameters of the GSM module in manual mode.

Wireless interfaces

This is also a very interesting section, which is intended for testing a wide variety of modules designed for wireless transmission information such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth:

  1. Bluetooth. Offers a very wide range of settings and tests for the Bluetooth module for the purpose of testing the reception and transmission of information, as well as for starting the debugging mode.
  2. CDS Information. Data on the parameters of wireless interfaces.
  3. FM Receiver. Checking the FM module.
  4. WiFi. Testing a Wi-Fi module for receiving and transmitting data on a specific frequency channel.
  5. Wi-Fi CTIA. Recording wireless technology testing logs.

Hardware Testing

This service menu for Huawei smartphones offers ample opportunities for testing and configuring the main hardware of the phone. In this engineering submenu, the user will have access to the following items:

  1. Audio. Allows detailed configuration of sound playback parameters.
  2. Camera. Adjust photo and video settings that are not included in standard application cameras.
  3. Driving Current Camera. Reads current data from sensors in camera circuits.
  4. CPU Stress Test. Conducting testing of all device processor subsystems.
  5. Deep Idle Setting. Using this tab, you can disable the use of sleep mode when the device is in standby mode.
  6. Sleep Mode Setting. Adjust sleep mode settings.
  7. ChargeBattery. Details about the battery and its charge.
  8. Sensor. In this tab, the user can fine-tune the device’s sensor.
  9. Multi-Touch. In this menu, you can check and adjust the number of simultaneous touch points of your screen.
  10. Location Engineer Mode. Here the user can check the GPS module data.

That's probably all, dear friends. We hope this article was useful to you and answered most of your questions. We wish you excellent setup of your phone, and may it bring you only pleasant emotions.

Mobile equipment of Huawei and its separate brand Honor, operating under the control of the operating system Android systems, has firmly established itself in the modern market. In addition to extensive device configuration in its own EMUI shell, developers also provide access to in-depth changes to system parameters in the engineering menu. After reading this article, you will learn how to access it.

Go to the Huawei service menu

The engineering menu is a settings panel on English language, in which you will be able to change various parameters of the gadget and full information about him. These settings are used by developers during the final testing of the device, immediately before its release for sale. If you are not sure of your actions, then do not change anything in the menu, as this may lead to unstable operation of your smartphone or tablet.

In conclusion, I would like to add that in case of inept or incorrect manipulations in this menu, you can only harm your gadget. So think carefully about whether a speaker that isn't loud enough or experimenting with your camera is worth it.

*#06# - show IMEI - this is a non-repeating unique identifier. The command works on any mobile phone.

*#0*# - Login service menu

*#*#2846579#*#* - Software version, network information

*#*#34971539#*#* - Camera information

*#*#273282*255*663282*#*#* - Make a Backup of all media files

*#*#232339#*#* - Wireless LAN test

*#*#197328640#*#* - Enable Test Mode for maintenance

*#*#0842#*#* - Back-light test

*#*#2664#*#* - Touchscreen test

*#*#0842#*#* - Vibration test

*#*#1111#*#* - FTA Software Version

*#12580*369# - Complete Software and Hardware Info

*#9090# - Diagnostic Configuration

*#872564# - USB Logging Control

*#9900# - System Dump Mode

*#301279# - HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu

*#7465625# - View Phone Lock Status

*#*#232338#*#* - Show WiFi MAC address

*#*#1472365#*#* or *#*#1575#*#* - GPS test

*#*#232331#*#* - Bluetooth test



Change PIN - **04*, then enter the old PIN, and the new PIN twice.
Change PIN2 - **042*, then enter the old PIN2, and the new PIN2 twice.
Unlock SIM card (PIN) - **05*, then enter PUK and new PIN twice
Unlock SIM card (PIN2) - **052*, then enter PUK2 and new PIN2 twice

Set up unconditional call forwarding (you must order this option from your operator)
Cancel all forwardings - ##002#
Cancel all conditional redirects - ##004#
Activate all conditional forwardings - **004*Phone number#

Set up unconditional forwarding
Turn off and deactivate - ##21#
Deactivate - #21#
Enable and activate - **21*Phone number#
Enable - *21#
Check status - *#21#

Unconditional forwarding in case of "no answer"
Turn off and deactivate - ##61#
Deactivate - #61#
Enable and activate - **61*Phone number#
Enable - *61#
Check status - *#61#

Setting the call time before unconditional forwarding is triggered in case of “no answer”
When setting up call forwarding on "no answer", you can set the time in seconds that the system gives you to pick up the phone. If you do not pick up the phone during this time, the incoming call will be forwarded.
Example: - **61*+709571234604321**30# - sets the wait time to 30 seconds
Set the waiting time - **61*Phone number**N# , N=5..30 (seconds)
Remove previous installation - ##61#

Forward calls in case of "not available"
Turn off and deactivate - ##62#
Deactivate - #62#
Enable and activate - **62*Phone number#
Enable - *62#
Check status - *#62#

Forward calls when busy
Turn off and deactivate - ##67#
Deactivate - #67#
Enable and activate - **67*Phone number #
Enable - *67#
Check status - *#67#

Set call barring (you need to order the service from the operator)
Change password for all prohibitions (default - 0000)
- **03*330*old password*new password*new password#

Configure barring of all outgoing calls
Activate - **33*password#
Deactivate - #33*password#
Check status - *#33#

Complete ban on all calls to Huawei Honor
Activate - **330*password#
Deactivate - #330*password#
Check status - *#330#

Ban all outgoing international calls on Huawei Honor
Activate - **331*password#
Deactivate - #331*password#
Check status - *#331#

Block all incoming calls
Activate - **353*password#
Deactivate - #353*password#
Check status - *#353#

Set up barring of all incoming calls when roaming
Activate - **351*password#
Deactivate - #351*password#
Check status - *#351#

Call waiting (you need to order the service from the operator)
Activate - *43#
Deactivate - #43#
Check status - *#43#

Anti Caller ID function in a smartphone
Deny - #30#phone number
Allow - *30#phone number
Check status - *#30#

Caller ID function in the phone
Deny - #77#
Allow - *77#
Check status - *#77#

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