iPad 2 burning apple and dark screen. What to do if iPad won't turn on

Greetings, dear users and undoubtedly happy owners of the iPad - a tablet computer from Apple based on operating system iOS (at the time of writing, the latest version is the eighth). If you are the happy owner of any gadget from Apple, for example an iPad (2,3, Mini, Air), then most likely you are already accustomed to its stable and reliable operation, and for you the fact that the gadget does not turn on makes you nervous. dead end.

Those people who have never used tablet computers other than the iPad (2,3, Mini, Air) probably do not know that during the operation of the device any difficulties or problems may arise, for example, the device does not turn on.

In today's article we will analyze the situation when the iPad (2,3, Mini, Air) does not turn on. Those. When you press the “turn on” button, the device does not react in any way and even the apple on the glass, black screen does not light up.

Have you encountered such a situation? Don’t rush to panic and look for a screwdriver to (2,3, Mini, Air), I, in general, categorically do not advise you to disassemble it yourself Tablet PC If problems arise, you will not be able to correct the situation, but you can make it even worse. Moreover, if the iPad (2.3, Mini, Air) does not turn on, this problem in ninety-nine percent of cases can be solved literally in five minutes. Below I will tell you what actions you need to take to do this.

Method 1

I, of course, assume that now there will be a lot of dissatisfied exclamations, but believe me - the action described below is the first thing you need to take in a situation where your tablet computer iPad(2,3, Mini, Air) cannot be turned on. Perhaps it simply ran out of battery power. If you haven't tried it yet this method“reanimate” your device, then do it right now - connect your tablet computer to a power outlet.

If this method did not help and the device does not turn on, we move on to heavier artillery.

Method 2

The next step that needs to be taken to resuscitate your Apple device (in fact, in this way you can bring back to life not only the iPad tablet computer (2.3, Mini, Air), but also iPhone smartphone) – press and hold two buttons at the same time: the device’s on/off button and the “Home” button (the round button at the bottom of the inside of the Apple device). Press and hold these two buttons simultaneously for at least ten seconds. If after this time the apple does not burn, then move on to the next method to make the iPad work.

If the apple lights up, then everything is in order (the gadget turns on), and your iPad tablet computer or iPhone smartphone will start working after a certain amount of time (a few seconds).

Method 3

If the previous method did not help and the device still does not turn on, then use a more radical method, namely restoring the iOS operating system using iTunes. This is done very simply, follow the steps described below.:

  • Connect your device (iPad tablet or iPhone smartphone) to a personal computer with via USB cable, this cable must come with your Apple device;
  • iTunes must be installed on the computer to which you connect the device. If this program is on your personal computer no, then you need to install it. You can do this using this link - http://www.apple.com/itunes/;
  • Run iTunes program, then press the key combination CTRL+S and select your device in the side menu that appears. Go to the “Browse” tab, now on your Apple device hold down the buttons: home and on/off. Do not release the buttons for about ten seconds;
  • Next, a window will appear in the program in which you will be asked to restore the iOS operating system.

Attention: when restoring the operating system on your device, you act at your own peril and risk; the author of this material is not responsible for your actions.

Method 4

If none of the proposed methods helped you, then there is only one thing left - take your device to service center.

That's all for today, I hope now your iPad (2,3, Mini, Air) or iPhone turns on without problems.

First, let's make it clear, if your iPhone fell out of a window from the 100500th floor, or you swam with it in the sea, this article will not help. You will have to go to a service center or to the nearest landfill. Today we will find out how not to panic and what to do if the iPhone 5s does not turn on, the apple light is on or the red screen is on.

The more modern and functional smartphones become, the more risks arise in terms of hardware and software. Processors have to “shove through mountains” of information; in the process, overheating of the microcircuits can occur and, as a result, errors. Errors in software can lead to sad consequences, such as a red screen of death suddenly appearing on your iPhone, and a variation of a similar problem blue screen on iPhone 5s (BSOD).

There is no point in panicking and running in circles around the gadget, shouting “everything is lost”, there is always a way out, remember this.


There are many reasons why an apple appears on the screen and the device does not turn on. Users complained that at first the iPhone gets very hot, and then there is a blue screen and that’s it. Silence. The phone retreated into itself and did not respond to button presses. We’ll look at how to avoid this in the next section, but now let’s look at the causes of such breakdowns:

Software errors (iOs)

  1. Software, particularly Jailbreak, is essentially a hack. file system. you can judge the consequences for yourself
  2. Installing crooked applications from App Store. Yes, yes, and this happens, even if you are not a fan of jailbreaking.
  3. Not set to critical iOS update(we remember the last time we updated)
  4. There is a version - a red screen on an iPhone may occur due to a touch ID failure after several unsuccessful scanning attempts. But this is more of a rumor.

Problems with hardware (chips)

  1. Dropping an iPhone 5s on a hard surface does not improve its health. If immediately after a hard landing the iPhone does not turn on or a red screen appears and that’s it, then you need to inspect the internal connectors. Perhaps one of the plugs has fallen out of the groove.
  2. Drowning an iPhone 6 in normal or sea water also results in a blue or red display (BSOD).
  3. Installation of low-quality spare parts on the phone during a previous repair. The market is flooded with fake spare parts for iPhone 5s, 6, 7. You should be careful when choosing repair shops.
  4. Using cheap Chinese ones chargers, capable of sometimes delivering such currents that even a refrigerator will burn out, not to mention the delicate electronic interior of the 5th iPhone.


With this problem, you can encounter symptoms that seem to be incompatible with each other, for example, when the phone gets hot and displays a blue screen on the 5s. It would seem that what does heating and system error. The answer is simple, most likely there was a processor error that was fixated on solving a meaningless task.

In addition, there is a whole range of symptoms:

  • When turned on, a red screen appears.
  • When turned on, a blue screen appears.
  • The phone heats up while charging and shows no signs of life; after a minute a blue (BSOD) or red screen (red screen of death) appears.
  • When you try to turn on the device, the message “before using iPhone cooling is required." In this situation there are two options:
    1. The iPhone simply overheated in the sun, which means it needs to be cooled in the shade. Or put it in the freezer for 15 minutes, wrapped in a cloth.
    2. If 5 does not turn on and the case is cold, but it says “cooling is required before using the iPhone,” we try to turn it on again, BSOD mode may appear.

  • You shouldn’t be afraid of this behavior of the device; you need to carry out the procedures described in the next chapter, in 80% of cases, this saves the device from glitches, and you from wasted time and money in the service center.


    It's time to answer the question, what to do if phone iphone 5 does not want to work as it should, it throws screens of death, becomes hot as an iron and does not turn on.

    • We try to do a “Hard Reboot” of the phone. To do this, press the Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds. The iPhone 5s will then reboot; the procedure can be repeated several times until iOS is fully loaded.
    • After successfully loading the iPhone operating system, turn it off for 10-15 minutes.
    • If iOS loads, urgently disable synchronization of applications with iCloud.
    • The next step is to temporarily disable the Find My iPhone feature. Go to “Settings” - “iCloud” - “Find iPhone” and turn off “Find iPhone”.
    • Now on iPhone 5s, 6, 6 plus, 7, 7 plus we will disable touch ID authorization. Go to “Settings” - “General” - “Passcode & Fingerprints” - “Fingerprints”, turn off this function. Now the request for touch ID when turned on will not give an error on 5s, causing a red screen to appear.
    • Install the iOS update suggested by the system.
    • We're taking it back to the workshop, the monitor cable may have broken or the connector has become loose.

    At the end, according to good tradition, I will leave a video instruction, with its help it will be easier to deal with the broken device. Good luck to everyone and see you on the pages of the site.

    Video instruction

    How the repair works:

    • 1 We diagnose the imported goods for free
      device received by you or our courier.
    • 2 We carry out repairs and also provide a guarantee on new installed parts. On average, repairs last 20-30 minutes.
    • 3 You receive a working device yourself or call our courier.

    Craftsmen who are constantly faced with a malfunction when the apple is on fire, but the iPad does not turn on, identify three main reasons for the breakdown:

    • software glitches;
    • firmware corruption;
    • hardware failures caused by moisture, drops or shocks;

    Many users claim that their iPad 1 can work without rebooting for a month or even two. Of course, during this period the device receives a colossal amount of data that needs to be “digested.”

    As a result, during a forced reboot, a problem often occurs in which the apple burns. In this case, you can restore functionality in several ways:

  • recovery via iTunes;
  • flashing the device.
  • The first method in many cases allows you to return the device to normal mode. But sometimes forced reboot only makes the problem worse.

    The iPad is stuck on the apple and won't turn on. What to do?

    If after a restart the device freezes as before, or does not turn on at all, then try connecting it to the computer and restoring the system via iTunes. When this does not help, you should change the firmware. You can do this yourself, but it is better to entrust this labor-intensive and responsible process to the specialists of our Apple equipment service center. Here, only proven and licensed software will be installed on the tablet.

    But there are situations when reflashing does not bring a positive effect, and the malfunction continues, the iPad does not turn on, the apple lights up and goes out. This indicates only one thing - it happened hardware failure and damage to key device components. You could inadvertently hit the tablet against an object, or the gadget could fall. All this often leads to damage to cables, microcircuits and even the motherboard.

    How to fix an iPad 3 tablet in this situation? Most often, iPad 2 freezing on an apple indicates a failure of the flash chips or processor. It is unlikely that you will be able to restore these components yourself after damage, so it is necessary to completely replace them. This is a rather complex process that can only be performed by a qualified employee with the necessary set of tools.

    But the biggest danger to the device's electronics lies in moisture. Water ingress leads to oxidation and corrosion of the contacts and microcircuits of the device. In addition, attempts to start the tablet after getting wet can result in serious consequences for the device, because moisture, as an excellent conductor, leads to such a phenomenon as “ short circuit" In this situation, the user cannot fix anything on his own; he must immediately contact our Apple repair shop.