Iphone can't connect to the network, what should I do? Poor network reception on Android. On Android the network reception is poor, what should I do? How to set up better network reception on your phone

Enter the sum of the numbers from the picture *:

02 o'clock 03 min.
It helped. I went into the settings, but there were no automatic ones, as you advise, I chose 4G priority. And lo and behold!!! Network Wotan’s network, Wotan’s network of my dreams.

07 o'clock 16 min.
Thank you for the article, it was very useful

17 o'clock 30 min.
thank you, it helped Samsung j5price, it was set to auto, I just installed auto and it’s better

7 p.m. 42 min.
Completely disappeared. Before this, the network mode was UMTS. Now everything is ok.

11 o'clock 41 min.
In general, the final advice

09 o'clock 52 min.
Nothing helped

02 o'clock 09 min.
It helped!!! THANKS A LOT!!! Tel-Samsung Galaxy A3 (2015), path: settings-other networks-mobile networks-network mode....there were 2 types automatic connection 1.with LTE (catch 1-2 bars) 2.without LTE (catch 100% all 4 bars)

21 o'clock 05 min.
It's awkward

01 o'clock 25 min.
Author, thank you SO MUCH!!! In the village I had poor reception in the house, only in one place near the window 3G appeared, now it works fine almost throughout the whole house! Thank you!

11 p.m. 51 min.
I don’t have settings on any of my Android phones - all the settings are on this tab. There are such items in the settings: location, security, screen, etc. in mobile settings networks have Internet roaming, points APN access, telecom operators. So how do you still find the network mode item?

13 o'clock 45 min.
If this method didn’t help you, then it’s better for you to contact and look at the signal amplifier here cellular communication I hope it helps someone

01 o'clock 26 min.
Is it really an article?! Advisers divorced.

6 p.m. 20 minutes.
Thanks a lot. We've already lost our minds. Everyone catches it fine. My wife was tormented, they were already thinking about replacing Simka on the phone, but it turned out to be simple. Now the signal is excellent, everything is ok. Thank you very much again))

07 o'clock 52 min.
Hello. To better catch the network on an android, you need to unwind it and clean the network contacts on the board and on the cover that covers the board itself.

11 o'clock 11 min.
I have an SM G350E, it stopped connecting to me and doesn’t catch me? I don’t have 3G on it. What should I do???

05 o'clock 18 min.
Valera, then you either live on the first floor where the connection is usually very often poor, if not in a private one, or buy new phone, save half your salary!

10 o'clock 36 min.
It didn’t help... what should I do?????

An annoying problem that many users face is that the phone does not connect to the network. When you find yourself in such a situation, it is easy to feel cut off from the world. But there is always a solution to the problem, and we will talk about it in this article.

What to do if your phone doesn't connect to the network?

First, you should see if there is at least some level of signal reception on the display. If yes, it is quite possible that you have chosen a network that is not supported by your operator. In this case, fixing the problem will not be difficult. Just go to “settings” and select the “automatic” network search feature. If unsuccessful, indicate in the same menu the necessary network manually.

The next reason why your phone does not find the network may lie in the SIM card.

The easiest way to make sure that your phone does not connect to the network due to problems with the SIM card is to insert another one. For these purposes, you should choose a SIM card from the same operator as yours.

If after these maneuvers the phone still does not connect to the network, then the problem lies in the device itself. So, due to what hardware failures or breakdowns the phone does not see the network and what to do in this case, we will discuss further.

Why can't my phone connect to the network?

There are several reasons why there is no network on your phone. Let's consider the possible options:

  1. The network on the phone has disappeared, which means the radio contact is failing. It is impossible to repair such a breakdown on your own, since radio contact is a complex mechanism consisting of many elements. Finding out which of them has failed is only possible with the help of a full diagnostic at a service center.
  2. The phone has stopped receiving the network (does not search for the network). This indicates a breakdown of the transmitter power amplifier. Only replacing the part will help fix the problem. It is impossible to carry out such repairs at home. To solve the problem, you should contact a mobile phone repair service center.
  3. The phone has poor network reception. IN in this case the reason lies in a faulty antenna. Since the antenna is a rather fragile device, it often stops functioning due to a strong impact or when the phone is dropped. Replacing the antenna will help fix the problem.
  4. The phone cannot find the network and says there is no signal. This indicates a failure software. To resume normal functioning, the phone needs a flashing. You can reflash your phone properly only at a service center.
  5. The phone loses network. Most often this happens due to the user's fault or due to the device being flooded. To find out the cause of the malfunction, you must take the phone to a service center for diagnostics. If your phone has been exposed to moisture, contact a professional. service center It is necessary as quickly as possible, since the corrosion that has begun is killing the phone more and more every minute.

As you can see, a phone may not connect to the network for many reasons, and 90% of them require professional intervention from experienced specialists. Thanks to a wide range of original spare parts, specialized equipment, high professionalism and experience accumulated over the years, our specialists will perform high-quality and quick work. repairs of any complexity.

Remember: the sooner you contact the site for help, the easier it will be to fix the breakdown, and, therefore, the cheaper the repair will be.