Is it possible to crack wifi password. Hacking WiFi Password and Ways to Secure Your Wireless Network

Wi-Fi is a way of connecting several gadgets with one Internet point using a special dispensing device and without the use of wires.

Data transfer occurs through a router (transmitter) and a successor (either a usb adapter or built-in). There is a main adapter - an access point to which all computers are connected.

She is also a distributor of the Internet. The main adapter recognizes clients (computers) by mac address.

This is a unique computer number, thanks to which it receives the data requested specifically for it.

There are several methods by which you can access extraneous Wi-Fi. A prerequisite is the location of the Network near the user.

Hacking method by brute-force password

First, try to enter elementary combinations offhand, such as 12345678, 87654321, etc. Often times, users don't have to worry too much about a password.

For your convenience, we will name some of the most popular passwords, according to statistics:

1234, 12345, 111111, 123123, 123456, 696969, 1234567, 12345678, 123456789, 000000, putin, abc123, access, baseball, batman, dragon, football, letmein, master, michael, monkey, mustang, password, qwerty, shadow, superman, trustno1, king.

In some cases, in routers of the same manufacturer, the standard password... Knowing it, you can connect to multiple networks in just a few minutes.

For example, passwords for NETGEAR routers (depending on the model): 1 234, admin password, comcast 1234, admin 1234, admin admin, super 5777364, superman 21241036 and so on.

For D LINK routers (depending on the model): admin admin, admin, public, User, private, user and so on.

The essence of this method is to manually fill in the wi-fi password field until you randomly guess the combination. It is clear that using this option is time consuming.

If this method did not work, then you can use the help of specialized programs.

Method of intercepting data packet and applying decryption

Suitable for those who understand how the system works.

Programs designed to hack Wi-Fi.

If you need an urgent Internet connection, it is possible to hack your neighbor's Wi-Fi. This is not the most correct method of connecting to world wide web but it exists.

First, on the computer from which this work will be done, you need to install the A ircrack application.


Be careful if you need help similar applications... Such actions are considered an offense and are punishable by law!


Wi-Fi on Android. How to hack?

We cannot imagine a day without mobile internet... Hacking Android's Wi-Fi is possible, but not so easy.

The problem is that every mobile device has a built-in chip. It is designed to intercept any attacks. The most unavailable modules are considered to be from Broadcom.

This refers to the models BCM4330 and BCM4329. The drivers of these samples have been researched and proven to be associated with such security.

Use already proven programs. Let's consider the most effective ones.


With its support, you can easily find passwords on networks such as WPA2, WEP and WPA.

Initially, this program was developed only for mobile phones, now there are options for using it on a PC. The principle of operation is based on the selection in automatic mode password options.

The program analyzes the degree of network security, and then performs certain actions to recognize someone else's password, using the BruteForce method.

After improvements, the time to hack someone else's network was minimized to five, in more complicated cases - up to ten minutes.

If the password-protected symbols are complex, then there is no point in hoping for a positive result.


This program is designed so that the user can check his network for the degree of protection against attacks. It is suitable for tablets and smartphones.

WIBR should not be used for passwords of advanced complexity. The principle of its work is to select all possible options. Before starting work, you need to set the desired language and field length in the settings.

The application will select various options. After each time, there is a reconnection to the Network.

The peculiarity of the program is that it can check no more than eight characters in one minute.

With an elementary mathematical calculation, you can determine that if your password is larger, then it will take more than 24 hours to calculate it.


Ways to hack Wi-Fi via mobile

Before hacking a Wi-Fi phone, you should scan and make sure that there are no networks in the public domain without password protection. Then you will not need to waste time and engage in illegal activities.

The WIBR + program is suitable for cracking someone else's password using an Android-based mobile phone. You need to do the following:

  • Download the application to your phone, install it;
  • Find the Add Network section and click on it;
  • An available list of nearby networks will appear. You need to choose the one with the strongest signal. We click on it;
  • Check the necessary settings in the points:

Add Custom Dictionary (add your own dictionary). Configure Bruteforce (configure brute force attack).

  • Add actions to the existing queue by clicking the Add to Queue button.

The program started its work. It takes patience and time from you. The application will take up a significant amount of it.

How to save your Wi-Fi?

Have you already wondered how to hack Wi-Fi password? Also, make sure that your own access point is protected from such actions.

Most people don't think about the security issues of their network. No action is taken to protect it.

To prevent attackers from using the package of services you paid for access rights to the Wi-Fi network, we advise you to follow these steps:

  • Change your feed password at least once a month.

  • Disable WPS immediately after finishing work and always properly shut down the web interface.

  • It is recommended to periodically change the local subnet and update the router's firmware. Such manipulations will open up new possibilities in working with the device.


Here are the most popular and most best programs for hacking wifi... If you do not understand some of the terms ("handshake", "monitor mode", etc.), then read "" - a lot will become clear.

Switching to monitor mode

If you need to install a program for auditing Wi-Fi on another distribution, for example, on Linux Mint or Ubuntu, then you can find installation instructions for some of them on the Kali.Tools website.

Hacking Wi-Fi on Windows

To be able to hack Wi-Fi in Windows, you need a wireless card that supports monitor mode, and its driver must support this mode. For drivers Wi-Fi adapters this support is not available on Windows. Therefore, it is not possible to capture a handshake in Windows.

There are a few exceptions - high-value commercial products that include wireless card drivers that support monitor mode. As with Linux, only some hardware is supported.

Although almost all programs for auditing Wi-Fi networks are made under Linux and only there work fine, some of them are cross-platform. For example, to brute force using graphics cards on Windows, you can use Hashcat, which works great on this operating system.

In general, of course, Linux is recommended for testing wireless networks, especially specialized distributions such as Kali Linux and BlackArch.

Hacking Wi-Fi in Kali Linux

All of the listed programs work on Linux. As mentioned, some only work on Linux. It is especially convenient to use distributions for penetration testing, since these programs are already installed in them and are updated as new versions are released along with the rest of the packages.

The most popular such system is.

Most of all the documentation has been prepared for her, including the book "" in Russian.

Wi-Fi fast hacking software

Some resources report programs for "quick" or "instant" hacking wifi password... These are usually .exe files for Windows. They are used to extort money from gullible users or to spread viruses.

Hacking Wi-Fi takes time and knowledge. The programs used for auditing are based on the knowledge of many wireless security researchers, which requires an open exchange of information; therefore, most of these programs are free, i.e. they are free and open source.

Fast hack any Wi-Fi networks(or devices of a certain manufacturer) is impossible in principle. Especially on Windows, which does not have a monitor mode for the drivers. Auditing wireless networks requires certain hardware, as well as appropriate software- usually several programs, since Wi-Fi protection is reliable, and hacking of wireless networks is carried out in several stages.

How to use Wi-Fi hacking software

General information about the types and directions of attacks, as well as examples of launching tools can be found at the following links:

  • Article " "
  • Kali Linux tools
  • Book " ".