Is there a pirated version of Windows 10?

Will it be possible to download Windows 10 for free? Every owner of unlicensed Windows discusses Microsoft's innovation when, in order to obtain free version Windows 10 will be quite easy to update your pirated version of this OS.

Software piracy seems to be ineradicable: the average user is looking for cheap solutions, despite the fact that they may threaten the security of his personal data. And even prosecution at the legislative level does not help reduce the scale of the problem. But Microsoft decided to fight piracy in its own way: on March 13, the corporation announced that owners of unlicensed versions of Windows 7 and 8 will be able to upgrade the OS to Windows 10 for free.

“We will allow everything to be updated previous versions Windows operating systems, both genuine and pirated, up to Windows 10,” Terry Myerson, head of the Windows project at Microsoft, said in an interview with Reuters. “Any user with an eligible device will be able to get Windows 10 for free, even if they have an unlicensed copy of Windows installed. We believe that our clients will eventually realize the importance licensed Windows, and we will make a simplified transition for them to legal copies of the OS.”

Let us remind you that Microsoft has been waging a war against piracy for several years now. The first battle was lost by the corporation back in 2001 after an attempt to stop pirates by introducing a key to activate the OS. Since then, the situation has not changed: Windows has been “pirated” and continues to be “pirated.” Moreover, research shows that in most cases, users do not know that an unlicensed version of Windows is installed on their PC. Former CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer cited sad statistics in 2011: out of 10 Chinese Windows users, only one has a licensed copy of the OS. A similar catastrophic situation has developed in Brazil, India and Russia.

However, it’s too early to rejoice that you can upgrade your computer to Windows 10 for free. Moreover, it is unlikely that Microsoft will distribute a new product for nothing. Meanwhile, a Microsoft spokesperson commented on the situation:

"WITH using Windows Store, we will provide the opportunity for owners of non-original OS versions to receive free update and buy a license."

This means that “free” Windows 10 is essentially not free. Of course, you can install Windows 10 for free and update the system to this version, but then, most likely, restrictions will begin. This can be either a “trial period”, after which the OS will be blocked, or serious limitations in functionality.

Currently, users running pirated versions of Windows have no special restrictions, other than receiving "non-critical updates" such as the optional security pack. For some users, the screen may also go dark once an hour, which then displays a warning that this version Windows is unlicensed.

It is highly doubtful that such a loud statement will allow Microsoft to overcome computer piracy. However, we will be able to see the first results of the campaign this year. Let us remind you that the release date of Windows 10 has not been officially announced, but the OS will appear no later than August 2015. So very soon, lovers of the thrill of cracked Windows will be able to quite legally switch to the much-anticipated Windows version 10 without paying a penny. But we all know what charity is in the form of this American company and we do not recommend immediately upgrading your system to Windows 10.

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Microsoft today officially announced the release of Windows 10 in the summer, and also spoke about a strategic partnership with Chinese companies, which should “help fight piracy,” which is actively flourishing in the Middle Kingdom. Then it was said that Microsoft would update even pirated copies to Windows 10 for free, and now the head of the Windows division of Microsoft Corporation, Terry Myerson, told how exactly updates would occur in the case of legal and pirated systems.

According to Microsoft's position, owners of legal copies of Windows 7 and 8.1 will receive an upgrade to Windows 10 absolutely free. After the update, these users will receive all new features and security enhancements absolutely free, “for as long as this device is supported.” What exactly the last words mean (until the device breaks or, perhaps, for the duration of the warranty?), he did not explain.

If Microsoft detects any kind of tampering with the system - simply detects that a copy of Windows was obtained illegally - a watermark will appear on the desktop, informing the buyer that he has an illegal copy installed. Terry Myerson asks users to be attentive to this when purchasing new devices and to avoid purchasing gadgets with Windows 10 that have a watermark on the desktop.

A Microsoft “black mark” means a lack of support from the company and its partners and threatens not to receive updates, even critical security updates. Microsoft emphasizes that the free update will still not be available to users of illegal copies of the system, however, the software giant, together with partners, promises to offer “very attractive” conditions for the transition to licensed version Windows 10

It appears that no further measures will be taken. Microsoft probably decided that it made no sense to restrict the operation of a copy of the OS that was identified as pirated. This time, it seems, they won’t even deprive the desktop screensaver.

The “very attractive” transition conditions probably hide a paid upgrade to Windows 10. What the amount will be has not yet been announced, but it can be assumed that Microsoft will not ask for a lot of money for this. This idea is prompted by the recent statement that Windows 10 will be the latest version of the OS and will be improved according to the service principle. One of the likely options for monetizing Windows 10 is the introduction of a subscription, which was previously hinted at by Microsoft COO Kevin Turner. This would be a logical step, given plans to gradually improve the system. The amount of transfer from a pirated copy will most likely be comparable to the amount of a short-term subscription, since the user will bring money constantly in the future - this is exactly what Microsoft is striving for.

Many users these days have become topical issue, Windows 10 removes unlicensed programs how to fix? This question has become popular because, new operating system Windows 10 series will independently remove pirated programs from user devices. After the release latest version operating room Windows systems, millions of users from all over the planet managed to install it for free. However, the world's largest manufacturer, Microsoft, showed such generosity for a reason, which was in fact a thoughtful and measured step, the purpose of which was to combat piracy.

Before the immediate release of the new operating system, information appeared in the media that the new version Windows will be available absolutely free even owners of pirated copies. However, after installing this version, many users encountered the following problem - Microsoft began deactivating its copies of Windows 10, which were installed over unlicensed versions of operating systems.

As a result of such actions by Microsoft, owners of pirated copies of the OS who decided to update them to a new one for free, received a sign on their desktop that cannot be removed. When you click on it, the manufacturer’s website automatically opens, which shows prices for licensed copies new version operating system.

Windows 10 removes all pirated software from computers

Microsoft representatives explained that they not free at all offered users of pirated copies to update their versions to new ones, and offered them very favorable conditions.

However, this is where the user surprises come in. Windows 10 not finished. If you have given your consent to update your operating system to newest model, then you agreed that new windows 10 will remove all unlicensed and pirated programs from your devices, and also unauthorized peripherals will fall under this filter. IN user agreement there is a corresponding item. This is how the developers of the new “ten” decided to deliver a powerful blow to computer pirates.

In addition, the new operating system will itself download updates that will prevent you from playing pirated games; this point is also specified in the user agreement. Under "unauthorized peripheral devices", falling under the filter of the new operating system includes all kinds of gamepads and other accessories that are not allowed by the corporation itself. New operating system from Microsoft, is also frightening because by default it has the right to view your mail, save your entire location history, and if necessary, get all the necessary information from confidential data.