Changing the size of GIFs. Free online services for image compression

Hello everyone who is reading now. Today I’ll tell you about my several ways to reduce the size (weight) of a picture, screenshot, photograph, GIF animation without losing quality for inserting into a website.

Reducing the size of an image in different ways

Each picture or image, call it what you like ;), has its own size, which consists of several points, these are vertical height, horizontal width (px) and weight - kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB).

Reducing the size (weight) of the image will have a positive effect on the site loading speed - web performance, and will also help save space on your hosting, computer, or flash drive.

Agree, images taken on professional cameras (DSLRs) can sometimes weigh more than 2 megabytes and be 2500 px in width. If such an image is inserted onto the site without compression, it will significantly increase the loading time, for which today PS apply a filter, especially for Google PS.

The first method is to optimize the image before uploading it to the website in Photoshop.

I must say that this is the most popular method of photo resizing and compression among website owners. It is also suitable for ordinary users Internet. At the same time, the actions performed by this program are minimal, which is also important for novice bloggers.

So, it is enough to change the quality from high numbers from 60 to average numbers from 30-50 to significantly reduce weight. The desired quality can serve as a guide. In the preview window, control how much the image changes.

As for the image format, I choose to save it as Jpeg if it is a color photo, and if I need to save the transparency of a layer or a black and white screenshot, then, as a rule, it is in Png format so that the text and numbers on it are read more clearly. On the topic of Photoshop, read: using this program.

I change the image size (in pixels) in the same window, which is convenient. I click “Save” and then write the file name in Latin.

The second way to compress images using online services

To be honest, I resort to this method extremely rarely. However, these services help compress several (batch) images at once without losing quality, which affects productivity. This is for many well-known services, TinyPNG ; Compresspng and others.

I’ll tell you about one more - this is Optimizilla, which I tested and I really liked the results. Try it too.

The screenshot shows that a JPEG photo weighing 60 KB was loaded into the system. The service automatically compressed it by 39% to 37 KB, but visually the quality was practically not affected.

Using the convenient slider or [+ -] signs, you can play with the image quality; zoom in on the photo and take a closer look at all the details after compression before saving. This is a very relevant photo preview function for sites with a photographer’s portfolio, tourism, women’s resources, online stores where high-quality product images are important.

Resizing the height and width of an image

The process of resizing the width and height of an image, I think today, no longer causes difficulties for anyone. This can be done both online and in standard graphic editor Paint or the more convenient Paint.NET.

Open a new file in the program, click “Resize”, note that it is in pixels, while maintaining the proportions. OK.

Changing the weight of an image in Gif format online

In this part of the article I will tell you how to quickly compress not only images in JPEG, PNG, SVG, but also Gif formats. Gifs weigh quite a lot, so there are a lot of requests for how to reduce the weight gif pictures without loss of animation and additional effort).

  • Let's use the first online service . is a powerful online tool to dramatically reduce the size of your digital photos and GIF animations. It allows you to maintain high quality images, uses two types of compression, where there is a difference and there is no difference before and after compression. This is how they characterize their service, and home page you can be sure of this.

For an example of Gif animation compression, see the screenshot. You can download the optimized image in a way convenient for you: to your computer, save to Dropbox, Google Drive (

  • Second service Online Image Optimizer.

The name of the service speaks for itself. Online Image Optimizer easily optimizes different image formats, including Gif animation. Just upload the image and click “Optimize”. Additionally, the Online Image Optimizer service helps you quickly create not only a favicon for a website, but also has many useful online tools in its arsenal.

  • The third method is an application program SuperGIF for MacOS and Windows.

You can purchase a paid version of SuperGIF or download a demo for free, which has slight limitations in functionality.

Hello, dear readers! In this article we will look at several useful online services for reducing the weight of pictures and photographs without significantly changing the quality. Although there is one service where you can compress an image to minimum values, but the quality will also leave much to be desired.

This topic of image optimization is mainly of interest to website or blog owners. Page loading speed is of great importance in promotion. Search engines I like optimized web resources.

The advantage of online services is that you do not need to install special programs on your computer. The compression process takes place in real time and does not require any special skills. Everything is outrageously simple. There is only one downside to these services – you need an Internet connection.

Let's move on to a review of three Internet resources. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Online service TinyPNG

The TinyPNG service can compress up to 20 images and a maximum size of 5 MB. Work with PNG formats and JPEG.

In just two clicks, the image is optimized - upload it to the site, automatically compress it, then save it to your computer. The compressed fragment is practically no different from the original.

Online service PunyPNG

PunyPNG is also a simple web resource. Works with PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. You can upload up to 20 files. The compression results and the percentage compared to the original will be visible directly on the service.

Online service Picresize

Picresize is the only service presented where you can set the size of the final result. Works with PNG, JPEG, GIF and BMP formats.

After uploading the image to the site, you can adjust its size. No change – original size (no changes).

    Pictures in GIF format can be easily opened in the Photoshop graphic editor; if you can use it, then it will not be difficult to change the size. And for those who cannot use this editor, it will not be difficult to figure it out; in the menu there is a section Image -> Image Size.

    The easiest way to change the size is using the free InfranView program. It is simple, intuitive, and you can work not only with gif animation, but also with any pictures.

    You can try using Paint Shop Pro, it is more complicated, you will have to go through a whole manual - the user manual.

    To begin with, it would be nice to know what size you want to change in the gif animation? Image size (that is, aspect ratio, width or height of the picture, etc.), or file size (sometimes they also say the weight or volume of the file) in bytes - megabytes, like - reduce the amount of information contained in graphic file GIF animation, with minimal loss of image quality? In other words, optimize the gif file...

    There are no special problems to change the actual size of the picture (width and height) in an animated .gif file.

    I'll start from the very beginning simple way, for those who do not want to install on their computer additional programs. This is a way to use the services of specialized online services, of which there are plenty on the Internet. Here are some links to similar sites:

    Creating and editing GIF animation -

    Create and retouch animated GIF images online - Reduction-image.gif-anime

    Create or edit GIF animation online -

    Similar sites where you can create and partially edit gif animation, there are many, but the range of services and functionality provided there, on all sites, is very small and almost the same. Working there is not at all difficult - upload your own GIF animation and consistently perform a series of very simple actions. How and what to do - everything is described step by step. Make no mistake.

    The second way to change the size (aspect ratio) of a GIF animation is to use the simplest programs that are created specifically for this purpose, for example:

    Free program GiF Resizer- the name speaks for itself. The only purpose of this very small utility is to resize animated pictures in .gif format. This program is on English language, but understanding its possibilities is very simple.

    Another program, also free - Beneton Movie GIF. In this program for a couple simple steps You can resize the GIF animation. Also in this editor you can perform some additional actions to change animated GIFs.

    More complex procedures for editing GIF animations will require the use of more advanced programs that will help perform both simple resizing of the image and its cropping, as well as optimization of the GIF file, that is, reducing its volume while preserving High Quality the picture itself when viewing.

    There are also a lot of such programs, for example:

    GIF Movie Gear- a simple but quite powerful GIF animation editor.

    Falco GIF Animator - free editor GIF animations, but with very decent capabilities, no worse than similar licensed analogues.

    Easy GIF Animator- an easy-to-use animated GIF editor with decent features.

    EximiousSoft GIF Creator- a very good animated graphics editor, with almost professional capabilities.

    GIF Construction Set Professional- one of best programs for creating and editing animated GIF images. Professional program. But it's not at all difficult to use. E is quite difficult to find on the Internet, especially in latest version, especially with a localization, so in addition to the link to the official website I will give two more links - for downloading from torrent tracker NNM-CLUB(here is the version without plugins), and for downloading more full version, with many necessary additions - GIF Construction Set Pro v3.0a (Patch 40).

    The links listed above lead to the developers’ websites, where you can also purchase these programs... or you can take advantage of the capabilities of the Russian Internet, where you can still find and download any of these programs without much difficulty with the possibility of free activation :)))

    At all - gif animation optimization- this is a separate topic. Automatic optimization usually does not bring tangible results, and the image quality may be greatly reduced.

    Perform high-quality optimization of GIFs perhaps only in one program, which is definitely worth mentioning in this question - almost any manipulation with GIF images, from their creation to complete editing, can be done in the best graphics editor of all times - in a programme Adobe Photoshop . In this program you can do anything you can think of with GIFs...

    In general, something like this, in my opinion :)))

    Good luck to you...

    The GIF animation size can be changed using special program

    With the help of the program you can change, increase, decrease the size of GIF.

    You can view the program and download it here.

    Now gif files are quite popular and widespread, so many programs have the ability to process them, including changing the file size of this format, playback speed, and trimming. One of these programs is the well-known Photoshop; it can easily help you edit a GIF.

    The size of an image in GIF format can be changed using special online and regular programs that need to be installed, as well as using Photoshop. The image needs to be opened in Photoshop, and then reduced in size in the Image Size dialog box by opening the Image menu.

Many users personal computers wondering what to do to reduce the size of a GIF animation. By the way, it has become very popular on the Internet, but many sites, unfortunately, still have restrictions on the size of GIF files.

How to reduce GIF file size

Today, changing GIF files has become a potential problem for personal computer users, many of them believe that it will take a large number of time, in fact this is not the case. We present to your attention two applications: the well-known Adobe Photoshop and GIMP, which, unlike the first, is distributed free of charge on the Internet.

Method one: using GIMP

Many personal computer users believe that if GIMP is free, then it must be worse than Adobe Photoshop, but this is not the case. GIMP's tools include functions for reducing the size of GIFs.

  1. Open the application and click on the "File" button.
  2. In the menu that appears, click on the “Open” line.
  3. The program's file manager will appear. In it, you need to go to the directory in which the GIF image is located, select it and click on the “Open” button.
  4. Immediately after this, the picture will be loaded into the program. Click on the "Image" button, which is located on the top panel. From the drop-down menu, select "Mode".
  5. An additional menu will appear in which you need to select the image display mode. Choose RGB.
  6. Now click on the "Filter" button. In the list of options that opens, select "Animation" and "Unoptimize".
  7. After this it will appear new inset in a programme. Now all actions will be carried out in it.
  8. Click on the "Image" button again, only now select "Size".
  9. A window with image size options will open. In it you need to set the desired values ​​in the “Height” and “Width” fields.
  10. Once done, click the "Edit" button.

As you can see, the gif has changed its size. We have achieved the desired result, all that remains is to save it to the computer. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "File" button.
  2. In the menu that appears, select the "Export as" option.
  3. A familiar window will open file manager. This time you need to go to the folder in which you want to save the picture.
  4. Having done this, in the “Select file type” drop-down menu, find the “GIF Image” item.
  5. Double-check all the specified parameters and click the "Export" button.
  6. A window will appear in which you need to check the box next to “Save as animation”.
  7. Click "Export".

This is the first way to reduce the size of a GIF animation. Now let's move directly to the second.

Method two: using Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the most widespread and functional editor among similar applications in an accessible form of use. It has the ability to resize GIFs.

  1. Launch the application, then click the Window button. The next step is to click the “Work Environment” menu and check the box next to “Motion”.
  2. Then select the file you want to resize. To do this, click "File", then "Open".
  3. Explorer will open. Select the folder where your image is, then you need to select it with the mouse and click the “Open” button.
  4. In order to reduce the size of GIF, use the “Image” item, in which select the “Image size” option.
  5. You will see a window for adjusting the height and width. Make sure the dimensions are set to Pixels. Next, in the “Height” and “Width” fields you need to enter the values ​​that you require; the remaining settings remain the same.
  6. Check the settings and click OK.
  7. To save the result, click on the “File” item.
  8. In it, click on the option “Export” then - “Export for Web ( old version)…».
  9. The settings of this window also remain unchanged. Then click “Save”.
  10. In Explorer there will be your GIF file that you modified. If there is a need to rename it, then right click mouse click on the file. You will see a table with options, click “Rename”, then “Save”.
  11. Also, do not forget to check the result of the work you have done before saving.

U Adobe programs Photoshop, despite its convenience and simplicity, has disadvantages: it has paid content, and it expires in a short amount of time.

Reducing the size of GIF animation is not so difficult and painstaking, but there is still a difference from ordinary pictures.

Popular format graphic images GIF was developed in 1987 by CompuServe. The format was intended for transmission raster images over networks regardless hardware. GIF is capable of storing compressed data using only 256 colors, but the image quality remains quite high. Two years after its introduction, GIF was modified to support transparency and animation. GIF was one of the most common formats on the Internet, and then it was replaced by JPEG and PNG. But it is still used to create animated images, which are static frames successively changing each other. Everyone has seen animated gifs, some pictures are played only once, in others the animation is cyclical: as soon as the time for displaying the last frame ends, the process starts all over again.

Everyone loves a GIF, except for one thing – animated GIFs weigh too much. And if a web page displays too many GIFs, the page may take a few seconds to load. Nowadays, when users are not willing to wait more than three seconds for a page to open, long loading animations on a site will inevitably lead to a decrease in traffic, so you need to either abandon animated GIFs or somehow reduce their weight. Is it possible to do this? Fortunately, yes. Today there are many programs with which you can optimize GIF files, reducing their size to an acceptable minimum. As a result, the loading speed of the web page will increase and the site owner will have the opportunity to more actively use animated gifs to illustrate posted text content. FreelanceToday brings to your attention 9 the best tools to optimize GIF files.

The Shrink O'Matic tool is very easy to use: you just need to place the desired GIF into the workspace by dragging it with the mouse directly in the browser or downloading it from your images folder. The weight of the image can be reduced by moving the Ratio slider. You can also make the GIF lighter by simply changing the width and height of the image. With Shrink O'Matic, the user can rotate an image 90 or 180 degrees, rename the file, add a watermark, and make other changes. The tool is very efficient as it allows you to process multiple GIF files at once in batch mode.


The ImageOptim application allows you to compress any GIF image without losing the original quality. The file weight can be reduced by up to 60% of the original size. The file size is reduced thanks to advanced compression techniques, which means the GIF page will load much faster. ImageOptim removes invisible "junk" from a file: the EXIF ​​metadata it writes digital camera, various comments, unnecessary color profiles - all that does not affect the quality of the picture in any way. By default, the application works very carefully with files, trying to maintain the highest possible image quality, however, if necessary, you can use more aggressive optimization methods, in which case compression will be lossy and artifacts will appear in the image.

Other supported formats: JPEG, PNG.

In addition to GIF, the FileOptimizer tool supports a huge number of formats, not only graphic ones; it can be used to optimize video and audio files. Reducing file size is achieved using special recompression and optimization methods. The program has an extremely simple interface, so even a beginner can reduce the file size. FileOptimizer by default removes all additional metadata and other unnecessary information, however the user can choose to keep all this data in the original file.

Other supported formats: JPG, PNG, SWF, TIFF, BMP, ICO

Platforms: Windows, Mac OS, Linux.

The FILEminimizer Pictures tool uses optimization technology to reduce the size of the original file by 98%, with very little reduction in image quality even with such a high compression percentage. In total, 4 levels of compression are available to users, and several animated GIFs can also be processed at once. To the merits of this software refers to the placement function compressed image on Facebook, the optimized file can also be sent via e-mail without leaving the application.

Other supported formats: JPG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, EMF.

RIOT's easy-to-use tool allows you to radically reduce the size of your animated GIF. The program interface is laconic, there is nothing personal in it. The main advantage of PIOT is the presence of a second screen, allowing the user to immediately see how the image changes when changing compression parameters. RIOT supports batch processing of files, works with transparency, removes unnecessary metadata, comments, EXIF ​​and ICC profiles. Using this tool, you can compress files in popular formats, and the application also allows you to open files whose format is practically not used today. The user can change the basic image settings by adjusting the brightness and contrast. Zooming, panning, rotating the image and mirroring it are also available. The application is free, but the quality of processing is not inferior to the most popular commercial analogues.

Other supported formats: JPEG, PNG.

Platform: Windows.

Giffing Tool is one of the best tools for working with animated GIFs. The application was developed from scratch, the goal of the developers was to simplify the work with GIF animation as much as possible. The user can not only optimize the file size, the program allows you to edit the image by adding a caption, looping the animation or changing the playback speed. You can also run the animation in reverse, apply a filter, or combine several animated GIFs. All optimization is performed automatically, reducing file weight by masking repeating pixels and eliminating repeating colors without reducing picture quality.

Other supported formats: AVI, MP4, WebM, MKV.

The GIFMicro tool has two optimization modes: Lossless Compression Mode and Lossy Compression. In the first case, all non-essential information is removed from the file, as a result of which the animated GIF significantly loses weight. The second mode radically resizes the image, deliberately reducing quality by eliminating certain colors from the palette. The user can adjust the percentage of exclusion of certain colors.

Other supported formats: No

The GIF Otimizer tool allows you to optimize animated GIFs with one click. Using this program, you can reduce the weight of a file by 90% and thereby increase the loading speed of a web page. A very useful tool that will be greatly appreciated by users who frequently upload animated GIFs to social media. The main advantage of GIF Optimizer is its preview panel, which allows you to compare the original and compressed GIF file.

Other supported formats: No

Very simple program Fast Image Optimizer does not require installation. The user simply drags and drops the GIF image into the FastIO.cmd window. The program immediately begins optimizing the image and allows the user to select the compression percentage. When the job is completed, the result is displayed in a window, showing the new file size.

Other supported formats: JPG, PNG.

Platform: Windows.