Change of incentive. How to change the appearance of the Steam client

Well, the question of how to change the interface in Steam has not yet been fundamentally solved, but the problem is not in any difficulties. The problem is simply one of preference. It’s important not to just throw out changes to yourself and let the grass not grow. It’s just that Steam has long developed its own design style - a black background, and all the available styles dance from it. Although you can, in principle, change anything and anything.

But in order.

First we change the image of the games

Change the game miniature as the primary intervention action standard interface, quite simple.

Firstly, first, in any graphics program, we prepare a new graphic representation of the game - a file in jpg format, quality no worse than 5 (this is from the kitchen of the format itself, so that the game picture does not catch the eye in steam with its poor quality). Please note that it is desirable that the picture be at least 460 pixels in width and 215 pixels in height. Otherwise, the information presented will begin to stretch out like a trading platform, and this will never lead to anything good, in terms of quality, in the graphics.

Save the file to disk. Of course, we remember where, so that later we don’t have to look for it for half an hour.

Secondly, we log into Steam and select the required game - we don’t launch it, but simply select a picture in the general window. While in the picture, press the right key, calling context menu. Next, in the window that appears, select the “Select another image” command. In the window provided, find the prepared image file on disk and click on the “OK” button.

That's all, you have a new picture of the game in front of your eyes. The first simple task, how to change the interface, has been solved.

Changing the entire interface

But Steam allows you to change its interface completely. Only two small but important conditions of an organizational nature.

The site developer company itself and many “third parties” have developed a huge number of new interfaces - each of them is a separate small program. There are even graphic applications, allowing you to imagine and create new interfaces yourself. But since there are many such programs and the sources of their origin and supply are not always exactly clear, check them first with antivirus software, in case you never end up introducing some kind of “infection” onto your computer. And new skins, which came from nowhere, are a wonderful refuge for viruses; they love programs such as Steam, which has at least 120 million fans around the world every day. It’s very simple, by giving you a super-fashionable skip for Steam, they’re just actually selling you a supernova virus - the “virus story” is as old as the hills.

Second. All skins used by Steam are placed in a special folder - ...\Steam\skins\. Therefore, before you begin the task of changing the design of Steam, simply copy the skin file into this folder. If you have a whole archive of them, then, of course, unpack them.

In general, Steam didn’t bring anything new to the “science of interface settings”, everything was as usual. But the program did not strive for this. Her task was completely different - how to make the gaming world more exciting, including for business. But this problem was solved and simply brilliantly.

I think it’s no secret that Steam users have the opportunity to change the theme of their client and usually we download ready-made themes and replace everyone’s boring standard design with these themes. But I came across one simple site. This is a website builder, with the help which, of course, you will not be completely, but partially able to create your own unique design to suit your taste.

1) Go to the
2) What we see: the preview menu and the customization panel.

  • 1,2,3 - Choose the colors you like best. (The screenshot shows which part of the design these colors are responsible for)
  • 4.5 - We see two ticks. They are responsible for the balance indicator and the menu bar on the left top corner. If you uncheck the boxes, these elements will disappear and will appear only when you hover over their location.
  • Drop-down menus for choosing a logo (in my case it's Gabe).
    On this moment You can only select logos added by the site’s author, but if you believe him, the ability to upload your own overlay will soon be added

  • Drop-down menus for selecting textures.
    3) After you have finished customizing your future theme, click Genrate Style

    And then Download Style


    We download the mod.styles file, but we also need the main theme, so click on Don't have a WP7 Folder and download the archive
    5) Now standard installation skin:
    Move the WP7 folder from the archive to /steam/skins
    6) Move the previously downloaded mod.styles file to the /steam/skins/WP7 folder and confirm the replacement
    7) Select the wp7 skin in the steam settings, restart and enjoy your customized design
  • How to change the background of the Steam client yourself?

    Today I propose to talk about the issue related to replacing the standard design of the Steam client. It's no secret that the Steam client has been supporting general customization and background updating for a very long time. All this customization is carried out through the installation of individual themes that greatly and colorfully transform the game client.

    Any customization implies a complete replacement of the standard design in the steam client. Installing new design, be prepared for the fact that your client will greatly change for the better.

    The client will be updated by using a special tool or, simply put, a skin.
    Skins are in open access and are available to absolutely all Steam players, without age restrictions, with the exception of those with strawberries.

    Where can I get themes for the Steam client?

    In the current paragraph, we will try to understand as fully, clearly and clearly as possible the issue related to searching, downloading and updating the standard skin in the client.
    In fact, there are already a huge pile of skins on the Internet and you don’t need to search for a long time for places where they are publicly available.

    The first source for searching, I suggest you use any of the search engines.

    It doesn’t matter whether it’s Yandex, Google, email or another search system. They all work using approximately the same algorithms. And to search for themes for Steam, you will only need to open one of them and find the search bar, where you will enter a search query to discover and download themes for Steam. It is advisable to carry out the search with direct search query in your native language. This will make it easier to study information on skins, as well as a full description of them.

    After you find skins in the search and go to those resources where they are publicly available, you will have to download them. This is not difficult to do, but be careful and beware of those sites where you are asked to download not an archive, but exe file. Often, a lot of unnecessary and sometimes very dangerous software is shoved into such files. If you see that the site or server is serving a file that is different from the archive, stop downloading, delete this file and perform a full scan of your computer for viruses or vulnerabilities.

    The second source I would mention is the gaming community itself.

    If you spend some free time and rush around the gaming community, then you will probably find a ton of themes that will be available for download. At the same time, the chance of running into viruses is zero. In addition, if you suddenly start to have any additional questions related to the design, downloading and installation in the Steam client, then you can easily ask this question to the author.

    If he reads the question, he is unlikely to refuse your answer. After all, it was he who provided this steam menu customization for downloading. After spending some time, you will probably select several skins for yourself that you will like and which you will install in the Steam client.

    While searching, you may often come across broken links. It's not scary. Even if you really liked the skin, but the link to download it is not available, then first of all, look for this skin on other resources using its name. If the name is missing, try to find in the screenshots any distinctive feature by which you will search for this skin on the Internet. If in this case nothing worked, there is one last possibility of searching through pictures.

    To do this, you need to open Yandex images, select “search by image”, upload a screenshot there with the skin you are looking for and search the network.

    If you still haven’t been able to find a skin you like, then don’t despair, there are a lot of them lying around the Internet and you’ll probably like one of them.

    How to create your own skin for the Steam client?

    Continuing the discussion of the previous issue related to the search for a skin, I would like to inform you that at any time you yourself can create a skin for a client. This is a trivial matter, it is done through special constructors and does not require additional knowledge or programming languages ​​from you.

    Often, skin creation occurs through intuitive use clear interface and essentially fits into a few minutes of your time. To create skins, online designers are used, for example the steamcustomize resource, which provides everyone with the opportunity to create a personal skin for the steam client.

    Creating a skin is a creative process that can captivate you completely. Usually in designers you can select a background for a skin from the available options, or upload your own. Also, without any problems, you will get the opportunity to more fine tuning skin in the client. You will be able to change the color of text and game names. Change the background color of text. Set your own color scheme, the color of buttons and icons, and in general all graphic elements of the game client.

    How to install a client skin on Steam?

    First, you must understand that all skins are stored in the Steam folder in the skins subfolder. It is in the subfolder that all available client skins are stored. If you suddenly decide to install your own skin to change everything graphic design client, you need to move the folder with the downloaded skin to the path steam/skins. If you do everything correctly, then you can change the standard client design.

    To replace skins, you have to go to the Steam settings and find the section called “interface”. Further in this section, look for an item such as “design”. So at this point, you will have a great opportunity to replace the standard skin. If you did everything correctly, then you will see your topic in the general list.

    If the topic suddenly for some reason does not appear, then you will have to check whether you did everything correctly? You have to once again find the archive with the downloaded theme. Next, you unpack all the files from it into the skins folder. Also check first, perhaps your theme is not in the folder itself, but as a result of unpacking it ended up in a subfolder.

    FAQ on the topic

    • I downloaded the skin and unpacked the entire archive along the path to the skins folder. I see the theme in the settings, I applied it, but the theme did not change, why?
      There is no need to panic, in fact, you did everything right and installed it the way it should be. But it is important to remember that in order to fully apply the settings, you will need to completely restart the Steam client. This means that you must completely close the client (not minimize, but close. It is important that the Steam process in the task manager is also disabled.) and then restart it. If you did everything correctly, then your skin should have already changed.
    • Will I get a ban for using non-original skins on Steam?
      What nonsense! Of course you won't. In fact, you do not interfere with the gameplay and do not receive any advantage. Don't use third party programs, but just replace customization in the client menu.
    • Are the skins created in the designer somehow different in installation from those that I download from the game community?
      The only difference between these themes will be their name. Otherwise they will be absolutely identical.
    • Is it worth downloading skins for the steam client?
      This is purely up to everyone. If you are tired of the old Steam design and the only thing you want to do when starting the client is gouge out your eyes, then of course it’s worth it.

    Let's summarize

    The article turned out to be very voluminous, but I hope that the information described in it will be very useful to you and you will use it. If for some reason you have certain difficulties in replacing skins in the client, then there is such a platform as YouTube, where videos on various topics are constantly being made. Surely there is already an answer to your question.

    I can also recommend using the creation of posts in the Steam community in particularly difficult cases. They will definitely explain and help you.
    But in general, changing the skin is a very cool feature that has always been so necessary in this software. Skins will be replaced in a great way convert steam game client.

    Did you know that you can completely change the interface on Steam, thereby making it more interesting and unique? In this article, we have selected a couple of ways in which you can slightly diversify the client interface.

    How to change the interface in Steam?

    Firstly, in Steam itself you can set any images for your games. The main thing is that the image is approximately 460x215 pixels. To change the game's splash screen, click on it right click mouse and select “Select another image...” from the menu.

    Secondly, you can download and install skins. You can find them both on the official Steam website and in the public domain on the Internet.

    1. When you download the skin, you will need to put it in the folder:

    C://Program Files (x86)/Steam/skins

    2. Go to the client settings and in the “Interface” item select the new design that you downloaded.

    3. Save the selected design and restart Steam. After restarting, the new theme will be applied.

    Ready! Such in simple ways you can change it a little appearance Steam and make it more convenient. In addition to downloading ready-made skins, you can create your own if you are a confident PC user. You can also show off your unusual design to your friends, because your client will be unique.

    Is it possible to change email in Steam? Can. There are two ways - with account confirmation and without, when you do not need to log into your old email. This is relevant if you have lost access to your email address.

    Instructions from Steam

    Below we will describe the official instructions that Steam developers offer to change email address in a programme. Here's what to do.

    1. In the client, select left Top Menu Steam, where you need to click on “Settings”.
    1. Next, in the “Account” tab, click on “Change contact address...”.
    1. And here we must choose how to change the address - through confirmation in the old mail or without going into it.

    Let's look at both options.

    Changing your confirmation email

    In this case, select the first item. You will receive a code by email that you must enter in the specified field.

    After entering the confirmation code, write a new email address.

    The new address will also need to be confirmed - a letter will be sent to the new mail for this.

    Changing email without confirmation

    It happens that you have lost access to the mail to which Steam is linked. In this case, select the second item - “I no longer have access to this address.”

    In the new window, enter the new email address, as well as Additional information– old address, phone number if you registered an account via phone, as well as additional information.

    You need to write everything that can help change your mail to a new one. You can attach any files - for example, screenshots of account usage. Steam support must verify that you are the real owner of this account.

    After sending the data you need to wait. The support people will evaluate whether you are the real owner of the Steam profile and whether you can change your email address.

    In general, this is the only legal way to change your email on Steam - with or without confirming your old email.