How to quickly learn to work with Photoshop and which version is better to use. Learning to use Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop CS5) - creating and editing images How to work in Photoshop adobe photoshop cs5

Adobe Photoshop CS5 is a multifunctional graphics editor that allows you to solve a wide variety of problems. The uniqueness of the program is that the same result can be achieved in different ways.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 allows you to process ready-made images, for example photographs. It is possible not only to adjust the color scheme, brightness and saturation of the image, but also to remove individual elements or change their colors, combine several images and even completely change the appearance of the photo by changing the time of day or turning the photo into an ancient fresco.

In addition, in Adobe Photoshop CS5 you can render your images from portraits and landscapes to individual graphic elements of web design.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 is designed to work with raster graphics, but it supports the necessary minimum functions for working with vector objects, creating images in 3D, and animation.

Where to begin

For those who have never encountered graphic editors before and are planning to work seriously in Adobe Photoshop CS5, it is important to familiarize themselves with the theory of the nature of color, color palettes and their applications, as well as image types and resolution. After this, you can begin to study the program.

First of all, you should study its interface and decide which functionality should be considered more carefully, based on the tasks that you plan to perform using Adobe Photoshop CS5.

For photo artists, it is necessary to know the tools of color correction and retouching; they will be the main ones when working with the program. When creating your own image, color correction is important, as a rule, at the final stage. It is necessary to learn how to adjust brightness, saturation, and color balance even if the user of Adobe Photoshop CS5 is going to draw exclusively landscapes. Often without this it is impossible to achieve a sense of the integrity of the picture.

If the use of the program is not limited to color correction ready-made images, it is useful to learn the basics of working with layers and masks, as well as learn how to use simple tools from the Toolbox and their properties.

It would also be useful to consider the properties of layers and filters. These functions can save a lot of time, allowing you to create the desired effects in just a few steps.

You can study the capabilities of Adobe Photoshop CS5 in detail using textbooks or video tutorials. However the best option As a rule, there will be a personal mentor or paid training courses in a group.

  • Cancel: Go back one step, in other words, cancel the last action.
  • Run again: Move one step forward, undo the undone step.
  • To help you work with undoing/redoing actions, there is a “Log” tab in the right corner of the window; by clicking on the lines with actions in this tab, you can move or return several actions forward and back, up to the initial state of the image.
  • Cut Copy Clear Paste: These actions are understandable to any computer user. If there is a selected area in the image, then actions are applied specifically to it.

  • Image Size: Allows you to change the dimensions of the edited image in pixels in width and height. Moreover, the size can be changed either with or without maintaining the original proportions, this depends on the checkbox next to the “Maintain proportions” parameter.
  • Canvas Size: The canvas is the area on which you can draw or edit an image. With this function you can zoom in and out. When you zoom out, part of the image will be cut off.
  • Items Rotate 180 degrees, Rotate 90 degrees clockwise And Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise understandable without comment.
  • Flip Vertical And Flip horizontally: Mirror the image.
  • Crop: Cropping the image, the cropping field is set using the mouse.

First, let's figure out what layers are in Photoshop?
The concept of “layer” in Photoshop has exactly the same physical meaning as in life - it is a layer or layer that is integral part something whole.
In Photoshop, as in others graphic editors, this is an extremely useful and irreplaceable thing; to some extent, layers are the main working tools in online photoshop. They allow you to work with each of the image elements separately, without affecting the rest of the image. They can be thought of as a stack transparent films or cripples, you can draw on each of them, and if there is no image on the film, then through it you can see the layers that lie under it.

To make it easier to work with layers, there is a “Layers” tab on the right side of the program’s working window; it is shown in the figure on the right. The active layer in this tab is highlighted in blue. The visibility of a layer is regulated by the presence of a checkbox on the right; to turn off visibility, you need to uncheck the checkbox. Layers can be dragged up and down using the mouse. The purpose of the buttons at the bottom of the panel, from left to right: changing opacity, turning on a layer mask, adding layer styles (outer shadow, inner shadow, bevel, outer glow, inner glow), new layer, delete active layer.

For now, let's move on to the "Layers" menu items.

  • New layer: Creates a new layer.
  • Duplicate layer: Duplicates the active layer and places it above the active layer.
  • Delete layer: Deletes a layer.
  • Open image as layer: Opens an image from your computer and displays it as a layer, placing it above the active one on this moment layer.
  • Open image URL as layer And Open from library as layer performs the same actions as the previous paragraph, only the image is taken from a third-party site or online library.
  • Merge Layers: Merges the active layer with the layer below it.
  • Merge Visible Layers Merges the currently visible layers of the document; they are marked with a checkmark in the layers tab.
  • Move Layer Up, Move Layer Down Moves the layer's position in the layers tab.
  • Layer Styles Allows you to add decorations for the layer, such as:
    • Cast a shadow
    • Inner shadow
    • External glow
    • Inner glow
  • Rasterize layer Converts vector objects, such as text, into a regular image made of dots.
  • Add Layer Mask, Remove Layer Mask, Apply Layer Mask Working with masks is similar to layer masks in Photochop.

With other points Rotate layer..., Reflect... everything seems clear.

● Correction

This tool gives us the opportunity to change the brightness and contrast of the image, its color saturation, tonality, and also change each color level of the 3 primary colors separately.

Another one useful feature, which is called Automatic levels will allow you to do automatic correction Images.

Below in the menu there are a number of options with pre-configured and changeable parameters. For example, they allow you to turn a photo into a negative or apply a sepia filter to the image to make the photo look like an old photograph in light or dark brown tones.
An interesting option called Cross process. She gives digital photography kind of “photos from the 80s”, i.e. taken with a film camera.

● Filter

IN this menu There is a rich set of various filters for processing and applying them to an image or photo. Moreover, the very names of all these filters will eloquently tell us what will happen to the image if we apply them.

● View

  • Zoom in, zoom out Increase/decrease the image display scale.
  • Actual pixels Display the drawing in real size.
  • Show all Display the image scaled to fit the window.
  • Navigator Show/hide the navigator tab located on the right top corner window.
  • Layers, Journal Show/hide tabs And Magazine located on the right side of the window.
  • Tool Options Show/hide the tool options tab located at the top of the window, below the main menu.
  • Full screen mode Very useful option. Allows you to position the editor's working window across the entire monitor window.
  • Change the location of the palette The option is still under development.

There is a toolbar on the left side of the editor window.
It is on it that all the most basic and frequently used tools for working in online Photoshop are located.
The functions of the tools are similar to those in regular Photoshop.

Let's open the photo of the girl. Let's make a copy of the layer - to do this, just like in other lessons, press the key combination Ctrl+J. This should always be done before any modification of the photo in order to preserve the main original photo in its original form.

A lot depends on the correct placement of objects in a photograph. If objects are located at random, the picture can no longer be called high-quality. The easiest way to compare objects is to draw a straight line along which the objects in the photo will be located.

Today you will learn how to cut and transfer a person from one background to another. This method is easy to learn, making it perfect for beginners learning the basics of Adobe Photoshop. A feature such as changing the background is one of the most popular features in Photoshop. This procedure can be carried out in many ways different ways using tools...

Photoshop transparency is one of the program's key features. If you are just beginning your acquaintance with this program, then this article will allow you to learn how to do transparent background On the photo.

Portrait is considered the most popular type of photography. Every aspiring photographer, sooner or later, will have to conduct a portrait photo session. In addition to the basics of photography, every self-respecting photographer should be able to process a photograph, being able to deftly remove facial imperfections and flaws made during the photography process.

Adobe Photoshop is the world's most popular photo editor, where you can create really interesting things. Today you will learn how to get just the outline of an image. This can be useful, for example, for creating a coloring book for a child. Simple drawings that don't have complex details are easiest to trace using the Pen tool. This will make it faster and easier. With images...

Today you will learn about simple, but at the same time effective way Make your photo interesting and unique using texture overlay. You will need: Adobe Photoshop, original photo and desire to create.

Unfortunately, not everything is within the control of photographers. Even the most professional photographer cannot prevent the glare on the face that appears due to the flash, especially if the shooting does not take place in a studio. There are several ways to remove highlights in Adobe Photoshop. But today we will look at the simplest and most effective method that will make your skin matte and at the same time...

Any photographer knows that if you open the aperture as wide as possible, the photo will turn out blurry, thereby highlighting the subject. In some cases, it is not possible to open the aperture as much as possible. This most often depends on the background, which is close to the subject. However, this can be easily fixed in Photoshop if you only know the basics of masks and layers.

Do you want to cut out an object and place it on a different background? Then today you'll learn about four selection methods, each ideal for a different type of image. In Adobe Photoshop, the developers have tried to pay sufficient attention to the selection tools, some of which can be used even by a beginner, while others have more complex settings that you will have to tinker with.

You probably know what it's for software under the loud name Adobe Photoshop. This is not just an image editing application - Photoshop is a huge platform for ideas and creativity related to picture files, photographs and drawings. Here you can not only modify existing files, but also create a completely new and unique product.

Welcome to Adobe Photoshop!

Indeed, almost all designers use Photoshop: from simple drawings for content to full-fledged illustrations for books, games and other products. To the delight of users, the developers are constantly improving the program, adding new functions and capabilities. Therefore, it is important to stay tuned for updates released by Adobe. Now, after a short tour, let's learn how to use Photoshop.

Where can I get the program?

You can download electronic version Software on the official Adobe website on the download page Here you must first register with Adobe to obtain an AdobeID. Then fill out the fields that the download page suggests and, after logging in, download installation file and go through the installation procedure. It is important to note that for the first 30 days you can use your copy of the application for free. After which, after trying the product, you will be asked to purchase a license.

The developer provides several options for using the program

Adobe offers its users quite acceptable prices for your products. So, you can purchase Photoshop for a certain price per month, that is, by subscription. The same option is available for the CreativeCloud bundle, which includes several Adobe programs. The cost and composition of the kit should always be checked on the official website, as they may change. Please also note that the system has special conditions for students and teachers, as well as corporate clients. So, you can save a decent amount when using Adobe services.

First launch of the program

After installation, you should launch the application from the shortcut created on the desktop. When you first open it, a window will appear with a description of the program and a notification about the start of the 30-day trial period. Click on “Start trial” and wait for the program to open. Now let's move on directly to how to work in Photoshop.

The work area is very convenient and can be customized to suit you

Photoshop main menu

At the top there is a main menu with the following items:

  1. File. Here you can perform all operations such as saving a file, creating a new one, printing photos, importing.
  2. Editing. As the name suggests, this section contains tools for changing various settings, of which there are a huge number. For example, here you can change the color settings. There is also the “Step Back” function, which will answer your question about how to undo an action in Photoshop.
  3. Image. Here you can find parameters such as color correction of the picture, trimming, rotation, cropping and much more.
  4. Layers. In general, if the file being edited contains many different elements, then each of them is created on a separate layer. For example, if you put text on top of a picture, it will automatically be created on a new layer. They are located at the bottom right. The point is top menu“Layers” controls all the settings regarding the discussed issue of layers. Here you can create a new one, delete an existing one, add effects to it, and so on.
  5. Text. From the name it is clear what exactly is regulated by this tab. All operations on the added text field are controlled in this item.
  6. Selection. Here you can select various objects (for example, layers). This is also important to know in order to learn how to work in Photoshop cs6.
  7. Filter. All filters and effects like blur, distortion and others are located here. You can also find other filters on the Internet by clicking the corresponding “Filter” menu item.
  8. 3D. Here you can customize 3D layers and scenes for a photo or any other image.
  9. The “View” menu has all the options for displaying information on the screen: here you can display auxiliary elements (grid, ruler, etc.) and configure guides.
  10. "Window" allows you to add new panels to the work area. For example, if you need a histogram, then you just need to check the box next to the corresponding “Window” menu item.
  11. Well last point"Reference". This is where you'll find all the product information, a support center, and a tab to sign in to AdobeID for more features.

Main functions are accessed through a menu hierarchy


The next thing you see below the main menu is a field with settings for the tool that is currently selected. These tools are located on the left panel. Let's look at each of them. In parentheses there is a button for quick access to the function (all letters are in English). Also describes additional features when you click the right mouse button.

  1. Move (V). Allows you to move the selected object or area in any direction. You can also use it to spin this object, rotate it, reflect it.
  2. Rectangular area (M). Highlights in the shape of a rectangle. You can also highlight in the form of an oval, horizontal and vertical lines.
  3. Lasso (L). Also a selection tool. You can choose from a regular lasso, a straight line lasso, and a magnetic lasso.
  4. MAGIC WAND (W). Selects an area within a specific frame. There is also a quick highlight.
  5. Frame (C). Crop the image. Also here are cutting, perspective framing and fragment selection.
  6. Pipette (I). Recognizes color when you click on a photo (the pixel you hit is taken into account). There is also a ruler, commentary, counter, color reference and 3D material pipette.
  7. Healing Brush (J). There is also a spot tool, a patch tool, a content-aware move tool, and a red-eye removal tool.
  8. Brush (B). It allows you to draw over a photo or can help you create a new image. Has quite flexible settings. In addition to the brush, there is a pencil, a mix brush and a color replacement.
  9. Stamp and pattern stamp (S).
  10. History brush (Y).
  11. The eraser (E) erases the area you drag over. The background eraser removes everything, including the background (that is, when saving in certain formats, the background will be transparent).
  12. Gradient (G) and Fill fill the selection with a color or gradient.
  13. The action of the blur and sharpen tools is clear from their names; your finger moves the area like plasticine. You can, for example, move your eyebrow higher or lower your eyes.
  14. As in the previous case, the names of the tools coincide with their intended purpose: brightener, darkener and sponge. You can quickly access them by pressing the letter O on your keyboard.
  15. The feather (P) in various variations is located below the clarifier. Helps with drawing, adjustments and other operations performed on the image.
  16. Next is a tool for adding a text field. Is an integral part of understanding how to use Adobe Photoshop.
  17. Outline selection (A).
  18. A tool with various shapes allows you to add an object of any shape that is available in the program’s collection to a new or existing layer.
  19. Next is the “Hand”, which makes it possible to move the photo. For example, if you have increased the zoom and want to edit the image in such an approximate form, then this tool will help you to move, for example, from one eye to the other.
  20. A magnifying glass increases the zoom of a photo.
  21. The two squares with black and white are the colors that are currently being adjusted. That is, if the color in the nearest square is red, then the brush from point eight will paint in red. The farthest square is responsible for the color of a regular eraser.

Many tools contain subtools

As you can see, there are a lot of tools and it’s quite difficult to learn them all at once. Therefore, try to devote some time to each of them. Then you will know how to work with Photoshop cs6, for example.

Right program area

This area of ​​the workspace is regulated using a special tab, where by default it says “Main Workspace”. There will be a color palette, a field with corrections and styles, as well as a window with layers, channels and contours. You can change the environment to space for photography, drawing, movement and other adjustments.

Additional panels for work


Now you know how to work in Photoshop and have studied the basic tools of the program. And from now on, you can fully use various instructions on the Internet, which describe many interesting lessons on creating amazing effects. From now on, your imagination will work for you, and all your ideas will come true. Share your first works in the comments. Fruitful work, dear friends!

Quite often, PC users strive to learn new programs in order to be able to design images to their taste and even earn income. One of the most sophisticated and powerful graphics tools is Adobe Photoshop. How to use it, where to start - all this will be described below.

Interface, tools and menus

First you need to run installed program. It is recommended for a beginner to go through the menu (horizontal at the top) and study the tools located on the left. To find out what the icon is and what it does, you need to move the cursor. A tooltip should appear. If you left-click on a tool, for example, “Fill”, it will be active. At the same time, settings will appear under the horizontal menu at the top of the screen. Experienced users almost always set the desired tool parameters.

You should pay attention to the triangle in the lower right corner of some tools. If you click on the mouse right button, then additional options will open.

Now we should talk about the menu in Adobe Photoshop, how to use it when working with photographs and drawings. First, you need to go to the "File" menu to open an existing image for editing, or create a new document. In the same menu there is a function for saving the work done.

The remaining items located after “File” and before “Help” relate directly to working on the image.

First steps in work

It's worth starting to learn the program using an existing photograph. To do this, go to the “File” menu, click “Open” and find the desired picture. Once it is added, you can start working.

A small window with tabs will appear to the right of the image. When working, you almost always need the “Layers” tab, since all actions on the image take place there.

At this moment, every beginner asks the question:

  • how to use Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop);
  • why I can’t work with the picture;
  • Is it possible to correct errors if they appear during work?

You should immediately answer the second question: by default, the open image is locked, that is, it has To turn it into a layer (that is, unlock it), you need to double-click in the window on the right on the image and the “Background” inscription in the “Layers” tab. Now you can work.

Why are layers needed?

To understand how to use Adobe Photoshop, it's worth understanding layers. The fact is that they can serve both as a backup image (“create a duplicate layer”) in case of unsuccessful actions with the photo, and as an area for applying new effects. For example, you need to make an inscription for a wedding photo and an image of translucent doves and hearts. In this case, you need to create a new layer above the main photo and activate it. Next, you can either insert a new image with doves, or draw using the Brush and Pencil tools located on the left side of the toolbar.

Layers can be made transparent or translucent. To explain their meaning, you should imagine a real photograph lying on the table. Next, translucent or transparent paper with a print is applied to it. So the main photo is Layer 1, and the transparent paper with the design is Layer 2.

Effects and colors

Working with color and effects should be done using horizontal menu or in the right window (Layers and Properties tab). It should be noted that for a beginner there is no difference in how to use Adobe Photoshop CS6 or other versions. Almost any generation of Photoshop is suitable for learning the program. The same applies to color modes, filter galleries, and actions with images (for example, mirroring, rotating, moving).

Is Adobe Photoshop difficult?

Beginners often ask: is it difficult to master the program? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. You need to understand why a person needs this tool. Let's say you often need to make minor adjustments, for example:

  • trim,
  • mirror,
  • make an inscription
  • discolor.

IN in this case It is enough to understand how to use Adobe Photoshop. But if you want to become a professional, learn how to make fabulous pictures from ordinary photographs, then you will need perseverance, a lot of time for training, including studying color theory.

Nuances often arise on forums, when watching training videos, where participants ask how to use Adobe Photoshop CC, how it differs from SC6. Don't let anyone be confused by the last two characters, which indicate the version of Photoshop. To apply simple operations with pictures, both versions have all the necessary tools, they are located in the same places.