How to make polls in Google Docs. The Complete Guide to Working with Google Forms

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HR business partner, coach consultant, business trainer. Individual Entrepreneur Oksana Mikhailovna Syrykh

Experience using Google Forms to survey new employees

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Google Forms - online service for creating forms feedback, testing and surveys, can be successfully used in the work of HR departments . I am firmly convinced that in order for the adaptation period to be effective for both the organization and the employees, it is necessary to use modern tools to make the processes easy, informative and convenient for all participants.

Description of the situation

The Customer's company needed to make changes to the survey of new employees when two structural divisions were opened, located in different parts of Moscow. The assessment of the motivation of young specialists during the process of adaptation to the company was carried out as follows:

The HR manager printed out the questionnaire template, then invited a new employee, who filled out the questionnaire in her presence, then the results of the questionnaire were entered into Excel spreadsheet and processed.The whole process took a large number of time and was inconvenient for all participants.

As a result of the discussion, a decision was made to optimize the process of questioning new employees and transfer it to a remote format.Google Forms became the main work tool.

How the process of surveying new employees was optimized

  1. A Google account has been created. The account name is formulated as follows - hr.companyname (company name)
  2. Questionnaire developed and configured to survey new employees
  3. Video message recorded HR Directors
  4. Selected design and style completing the application form
  5. Sending is configured alerts by e-mail
  6. Google spreadsheet set up to process the received data and collect statistics

The new questionnaire had to be not only informative, as well as attract the attention of new employees and encourage them to answer questions within the specified time.

The following Google Forms functions were used for this:

2. T Design options. We wanted to make the survey form more attractive and definitely in a corporate style. For this we chose ready style into Google Forms and uploaded your own image. You can do the same: customize corporate colors, as well as place any image and company logo.

3. RPosting a video message to new employees. Google Forms supports the ability to embed videos or images. Such features allow you to “revive” your employee profile and make it more attractive and interesting. We decided that text message does not evoke a positive response from new employees; most often they do not pay attention to the instructions posted at the beginning of the questionnaire. Therefore, we recorded a short video on behalf of the HR Director and posted it on youtube channel and included this video at the beginning of the questionnaire.

4. Settings different types questions. All questions were required by default. There is a convenient “required question” function for this. Simply move the slider to the right and this mode will be activated for each item.
Types of questions used in the questionnaire:

  • selecting the date for filling out the form
  • choice from several options
  • selecting one answer from the list provided
  • rating scale from 1 to 10 points
  • text (paragraph) where you can give a detailed answer in free form.

Examples of formatting questions when surveying using Google Forms:

Selecting answer options

Rating scale

Detailed answer in free form

5. Set up to send notifications upon completion of a questionnaire to an employee HR services due to addition "Email notifications for Forms". This simple feature will save your staff time and also keep them informed of respondents' responses in time.

5.1. To install the extension, on the right top corner form, click on the three dots. You will see a drop down list. Select "Add-ons". The extension installation window will open. Type the phrase in the search bar"Email notifications for Forms"and install the extension.

- select the Create Email Notification command
- a window for configuring rules will open (Configure Form Rule)

5.3. After selection Create Email Notification The Configure Form Rule window will open

  • name the rule(Form rule name), for example "Notification about filling out the form"
  • enter your email address, to which notifications will be sent (Email address to notify). Type the employee's corporate email address or Mailbox divisions
  • put a tick in the checkbox " Notify form submitter?
  • select from the dropdown list notifications from the sender email address
  • click the continue button

5.4. Design the text of a letter for an employee (Email Template). You can select the html format and place your html code in it, or select the Visual window text editor similar to MS Word.

Be sure to customize the fields:
Sender's Full Name and Email Subject. In our project, these fields are called “Questionnaire for a new employee” and “You have received a new response.”

State the text in the body of the letter. For example, “Dear colleague! The application form was filled out by a new employee. Look at his answers."
Include variables in the body of the email((Response Date)), as well as ((Form Name)), then you will know the date the form was filled out and its name.

  • Left-click on the “Settings” gear icon and set the form parameters to “Collect email addresses.” Activating it automatically adds the required field " Email address" at the beginning of the form.
  • In settings select "Send the form no more than once"
  • Presentation tab . Specify "show progress"
  • Give respondents the opportunity to " Change answers after submitting the form." There are often cases when new employees want to make changes to their answers
  • In the confirmation text about submitting the form, write a phrase of gratitude.
  • Actions with the form.Left-click on the icon after the submit button to open a menu of actions with the form: you can create a sample of filling out the form, set up shared access for editing the form.
  • Copy functions are available for all types of questions; it is convenient to use if you create questions of the same type.
  • Activate the "Accept replies" function in the "Responses" tab

As a result, after all the settings, we received a convenient way to survey employees when Google help Forms:

  • a professionally designed questionnaire to assess the motivation of new employees after the first month of work;
  • online testing format, convenient for all company specialists;
  • the ability to analyze results based on a general summary of responses, statistics on specific responses and the responses of an individual respondent;
  • e-mail notifications informing the HR service about filling out the questionnaire.

Write to an expert!

Google forms - one of the cloud Google services, associated with cloud and tables. As with any other Google product, you just need to have a Gmail account to sign in.

Google forms are a simple, convenient and reliable tool. It is intuitive, easy to learn, quickly implemented and, most importantly, free.

It is important to note the simple, concise design and high level . In addition, you can customize the appearance according to the suggested themes and even create themes yourself. To do this, you just need to upload a logo or header, and the algorithm will automatically select the appropriate interface palette.

The service has a lot fine adjustments. Questions can contain anything from text fields to checkboxes.

When designing, you can use pictures and videos.

The structure of the survey may not be linear, but variable. When answering questions, people will be taken to different pages depending on the answers they give. This significantly expands the potential areas of application and creates room for creativity.

The service is cross-platform - you can use it on PCs, tablets and smartphones. Data is synchronized correctly.

Work with forms is provided for both one specialist and a team.

Areas of application

The product allows you to:

  • Conduct surveys;
  • Register event participants;
  • Segment clients;
  • Brief clients;
  • Receive feedback;
  • Collect feedback;
  • Conduct testing and quizzes;
  • Collect contacts for mailings.

In addition, you can use Google Forms for lead generation by using them as a landing page.

User results are recorded in Google spreadsheets.

Areas of application: from education to solving business problems.

Where do the answers go?

Statistics and responses can be viewed both directly in the Google forms themselves, and in a separate table, which is created automatically by default. You can also specify a previously created one.

IN personal account An overall summary and individual user responses are available.

When you click on the green icon, the corresponding Google spreadsheet with all the answers opens.

The “Responses” section has its own menu, which allows you to manage notifications of new replies by email, configure which table you want to save replies to, disable connections to the form, download replies in CSV format, print replies, and delete them.

Functionality overview

You can start working with the service by choosing one of the proposed templates on various topics.

In most cases, work begins with clean slate for a specific format. An empty form is created, configured, and access rights are assigned to it. After which the appearance is drawn up and blocks of questions are constructed.

This section has three subsections

  • Are common;
  • Presentation;
  • Tests.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

General settings allow you to:

  • Manage the collection of respondents’ contacts;
  • Send them copies of their responses;
  • Limit the number of attempts to fill out the form;
  • Configure the ability for respondents to edit answers after sending.

In the “Presentation” subsection you can configure:

  • External visualization of progress when filling out the form - users understand what stage they are at and how much is left. In most cases, it increases their involvement and the percentage of those who filled out the form to the end.
  • Issues of questions in random order.
  • Enable or disable the refill link.
  • Editing the confirmation text that appears after recording a response.

The “Tests” subsection allows you to evaluate answers and assign points for them. Respondents can see the score immediately after submitting the form or after manual review.

You can also customize the highlighting of correct and incorrect answers after filling out the form, as well as the total number of points and points for individual questions.

Access Settings

The “Submit” button allows you to share the form via email, social media Facebook networks and Twitter, by sending a direct link or embedding on an external site.

When generating HTML code, it is possible to change the size of the future block with the form for correct display on the site.

This is the main part of the service’s functionality, so let’s consider it in as much detail as possible.


The designer has its own laconic but quite functional menu, which allows you to:

  • Add a question;
  • Insert a video from YouTube via a direct link or by finding it in the search;
  • Edit the name and description of the block;
  • Import questions;
  • Add a section.


Each section has its own menu, allowing you to copy, move and delete it, as well as merge it with the section above.

You can change the order of questions using the usual drag and drop method.

Images can be uploaded directly from the device, or you can take a photo of the moment, upload the image via a direct link, from Google Drive, or find it through a search.

Let us consider in detail the possibilities when forming questions.

The answers can be presented in the form plain text, as a single line or paragraph.

Functions for adding a description and checking answers by number, text, number of characters and regular expression are available.

Checking by number allows you to select one of the proposed logical conditions and the required values.

The "Text" option checks the validity of the entered email address and web link, and evaluates the content to see if it contains or does not contain a certain word or expression.

The “Length” item regulates the minimum or maximum amount characters that should make up the answer.

A “regular expression” may or may not contain, completely match or not match the specified pattern.

There is an option to select one answer from the list provided. You can add a text description, choose what to do next for each answer option, and randomize the order in which the suggested answers appear.

The “Several from the list” option allows you to receive answers in the form of checkboxes. You can add a description, check answers - select no more, no less, or a strictly specified number of points.

There is a drop-down list familiar to many. A description is added to it, the choice of further action after each answer option is configured, and the ability to mix them in random order.

The need to upload user files has been felt for a long time - for example, photos, videos, documents. Recently, this option has appeared in Google Forms. The user can upload files with a total volume of up to 1GB per form. You can also define the types of files that can be uploaded:

  • Tables;
  • PDF;
  • Video;
  • Presentations;
  • Images;
  • Audio.

In addition, you can limit the number of downloaded files and their size.

In the question menu, you can only add and edit its description.

In cases where visual clarity is important, you can invite users to interact with the scale, to which a description is added, as well as labels at the beginning and end of the scale.

For respondents, the scale looks like this:

Another challenging format is the multiple choice grid. In addition to the description, you can set an arbitrary number of rows and columns, enable a limit of no more than one answer per column, and the ability to randomize the order of columns and rows.

The grid is displayed like this:

A grid of checkboxes is also useful in cases where you want to offer users multiple choices. Additional options of this format similar to a multiple choice grid.

If necessary, a block for entering the date is added. It can have an arbitrary description, the ability to enable or disable the year input, as well as fields for entering the exact time.

The “Time” block allows the user to add time, and if you switch the answer type to “Duration” in the question menu, the format changes tohours: minutes: seconds.

One way to get feedback from readers is to create an email survey on Google Forms. The tool is free and allows you to share a link with the survey on social networks and receive a code to embed on your website.

First of all, carry out preparatory work: Select a topic or issue to separate file write the title and description, questions and answers.

Made up? Check for errors. Have you checked? Let's go create a questionnaire.

To work at Google, you must have a Google account. Open Google Drive. Click “Create” (the button at the top of the side column on the left) or click on the right mouse button.

A pop-up window appears. Click on “More”, then on Google Forms. You will be prompted to create a new form or use templates. There are 15 template options here.

Write the title of the questionnaire, add a description - why it was created and what you want to learn from readers.

To add a question, click on the plus sign in the floating column on the right. The service will offer to create a question with a choice of one answer from the list. But options are possible. You can set a question with a free answer (one sentence or paragraph) or with the ability to vote for one or more options. To select a question type, click on the arrow next to “One from the list” and select from the menu that opens.

  • Text (string)- convenient when you need to get an email, a link (for example, to a profile on social networks), an address, a number.
  • Text (paragraph)- allows the user to give a detailed answer, express an opinion, tell a story or describe a situation.
  • One from the list- the reader chooses only one answer from the proposed options. This type of survey is usually created in in social networks.
  • Several from the list- you invite respondents to choose several answers to the question posed.
  • Drop-down list- the reader chooses only one answer, but the options are “hidden”. This type helps the questionnaire look more compact.
  • - the reader uploads files to your Google Drive as a response - a document or photo.
  • Scale- the reader evaluates some phenomenon on a scale, maximum value which is exactly 10 (but may be less). Just remember to set a mark for the start and end of the scale.
  • Grid (multiple selection and checkboxes)- users select one or more suggested options from the grid.
  • date- allows you to specify the date, including the year and time.
  • Time- to allow readers to specify the time or duration.

Selected question type? Enter a question and answer options from the prepared file into the block that appears. If you add the “Other” option (relevant for “one from the list” and “several from the list”), users will be able to enter their answer.

At the bottom of the block, indicate whether this question is required for readers or not (they will not be able to submit the form without filling out all the required questions).

Add blocks with other questions in the same way.

At the bottom right of each block there are three dots, click on them - they are indicated here additional functions: add a description, select only one answer option, mix answers.

In the “Text (line)” block, the “Check answers” ​​function allows you to limit the reader’s answer by indicating a number. With the text option, it allows you to specify what exactly the user specifies: text directly, just email, or just a link. The “length” function sets limits on the number of characters. The “Text (paragraph)” question type has the same function.

When the questionnaire is collected, work on it appearance. For this purpose in top menu Choose “Customize Theme”: set a color for the questionnaire or add an illustration.

The survey is ready. Click on the “Submit” button in the top menu. First, set up access to the questionnaire (otherwise your readers won’t see it).

In the window that appears, where the access level is indicated, it should say “Publicly available on the Internet: any user can find and change the element.” If the text is different, click on “Change”. And enable access for everyone on the Internet. Save.

The last step is to get the code to embed the survey on the site. Click on the HTML code icon. If necessary, set the width and height of the questionnaire. Copy the code and add it to the site.

We came up with such a questionnaire.

It’s quite simple to create an interesting questionnaire, which will not be a burden, but a joy to fill out. But you need to know a few basic rules:

1. Decide on the purpose of the questionnaire. Focus on one specific goal. This way you can collect relevant information and not confuse the user.

2. Understand what information to collect. As soon as the goal becomes clear, choose what data and in what format to collect.

3. Be objective. Make sure to ask only direct questions and avoid leading questions.

4. Follow the order of the questions. A logical sequence of questions is important, both for you and for the person taking the survey. Most best option- "From general to specific".

5. Avoid double questions. One block - one question. Otherwise you will receive distorted information.

6. Write in simple language. Questionnaires should not use jargon or complex phrases. Make your questionnaire simple and understandable, and then each respondent will surely reach the final question.

7. Test the questionnaire. Send the completed questionnaire to your friends and colleagues to check the survey logic again and spot possible errors.

The fast rhythm of life and the changing desires of a demanding and picky consumer force us to look for and find new high-speed approaches to satisfy various demands. The almighty and popular search engine Google provides its users with an effective and completely free tool - Google Forms.

The new tool has wide universal capabilities on placement and creation of various forms, questionnaires and questionnaires. The user has the opportunity to independently create a suitable form for questionnaires and flexibly configure them in a convenient functional interface.

Create beautifully, edit conveniently and view alerts – on your smartphone, tablet, computer – wherever and whenever it’s convenient. Main condition Internet access. Use and apply in almost any activity and area of ​​your work and business.

Login to Google Forms and create a questionnaire

How to create a Google profile from scratch and what to do after you create it? Before answering these questions, you need to start at the very beginning - logging into Google Forms.

For this you need create account in a Google account or log into an existing one. In the upper right corner, in the checkboxes with applications, select “disk”, then click on “create” and go to the very bottom “more”. In the drop-down menu we will find “forms”. This is how the menu looks visually.

Naturally, this is not the only entrance to the “forms”; you can follow the direct link By the way, it will be much more effective save page Bookmarked for quick and easy access. After logging in, we go directly to the internal Google Forms page.

We follow the instructions and click on the red plus sign in the lower right corner and get to the page with the basic creation settings.

Basic interface settings

The internal functionality of the available tools for design and submission form is easy to use and intuitive, which makes the work fast and extremely convenient.

Let's look at the step-by-step design. In the description line write for whom or what we are creating the questionnaire, for example, for an online store.

More details about the functionality:

Let’s say the entire questionnaire has been completed and suddenly you don’t like something in the first section of questions asked, what to do? No, you don't need to completely redo the entire document. There is a simple way out - delete, edit or add only what is needed.

  1. For complete removal option, just click on the cross.
  2. Those little gray dots at the top of each section are for editing. By clicking on them, you can edit in a certain section only what is needed without sacrificing quality.

Next you can also define format ready-made answers. Select the desired option, it will be text (string), several or one from the list, drop-down list. You can also define the date, time or scale.

Thus, it is very easy and accessible to create a questionnaire with all the questions of interest that we would like to find out from the future client. The function is also easy to configure getting answers from potential clients. In the “responses” tab, you can set up receiving replies by email, as well as delete replies that are no longer relevant or save the ones you need.

Preview of the finished questionnaire

On top panel tools are located: a button for previewing the finished version and additional settings. If you do not need to view, you are satisfied with the finished result, you can safely click on “ send" Distribution can be done via email.

And editing. It is possible that you are not satisfied with everything, and you wanted to correct something before sending. In the upper right corner, click "pencil". Edit and submit without leaving the page.

Publication of the questionnaire

Post questionnaires and surveys on your accounts on popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Google+. In the right corner of the panel three buttons are placed for quick publication. After clicking, you will be redirected to your social network account, just log in and post in a second.

Google Forms surprised us with the most simple and effectively thought-out functionality of the application. Google is much simplified the service obtaining information from potential clients to the customer. In addition, the popular search engine is constantly expanding and adding new functions and applications, about which it first of all notifies its users.