How to add a file to avir exceptions. The antivirus deletes the necessary files

After installing the Avira antivirus, it, like any other antivirus application, for example, should be configured to suit your needs. And although some settings have already been described, I think it makes sense to dwell on the Avira antivirus settings in more detail.

The settings window opens as usual with the button context menu on the program icon and selecting the "Avira Settings" option Free Antivirus". The default settings window opens on the virus database update parameters. Six hours minimum value, leave him alone. More often you can’t do it anyway, and less often it’s just stupid.

What’s nice is that when you move the cursor to a certain position, you can read specific information about this action in the description.

Scanner "search"

Setting up the "Files" section.

This section groups three methods for checking files. The first "All files" can be excluded immediately. As they say, this is for the paranoid and besides scanning for too long, it will not give anything more. The second and third points are basically identical. The only difference is that by selecting the “Editable list…” item, you can add your own extensions to it. That is, in both methods there is established list file extensions. After all, you must admit that any file, including malicious ones, has its own extension. By choosing the latter option, you can add a new malicious extension that you just read on the Internet.

Let's move on to the section additional settings. Here I would definitely advise not to check just one box “Follow links”. The point about ignoring paths and files on network drives I didn’t mention it, if only because I don’t have these same network drives. If you have it, it's up to you to decide. The checkboxes on the remaining points in this section are logical and quite reasonable.

I don’t know whether it’s worth touching on the “Scanning process” section. It seems that everything here is clear and without explanation.

Configuring what Avira antivirus does when it detects viruses.

Scanner "on detection"

Here we are offered two options. In the first option, “Interactive”, after scanning you will see a window with a list of detected malicious files. In this case, you will make the decision about each file yourself. Well, if you check the “Automatic” and “Copy to Quarantine” checkboxes, the antivirus will respond according to a predetermined scenario.

Let's move on to the settings of Avira antivirus archives.

Scanner "archive"

In this window, the types of archives to be scanned are set. By default, the antivirus already detects almost all known types of archives. If this doesn’t seem enough to you, check the “All archive types” option. The remaining parameters set are, in my opinion, sufficient.

Configuring exceptions from scanner scanning.

Exception scanner

To add to the list of exceptions, click on the “…” button, specify the path to the file and click on the “Add” button. An interesting point is that the exact specified path will exclude from the scan only this file located along this path. Entering only the file name into the list, without specifying the path to it, will exclude all files with that name from scanning. In this case, the location of the file does not matter.

There is no need to change anything in the Heuristics window. The settings are optimal.

After this, the scanning settings can be considered configured. Move on to what I think is the most important thing, real-time protection settings. “Annoyance” depends on these settings.

Configure real-time protection.

Real-time protection

In this window, just like in the main scanner window, you are asked to select which file extensions will be monitored by the antivirus. The differences between an editable list and a basic list are similar to those described above. In my opinion, checking the “Scan archives” box does not make much sense.

Real-time protection mode also has its own list of exceptions.

Real-time protection "exceptions"

Specifying the path and adding to the exclusion list is the same as in the scan settings. But here, in addition to files, you can also add verified processes to the exclusion list.

Setting up heuristics.

In the heuristics window, the AHeAD option is enabled by default, the detection level of which you can configure.

Real-time protection "heuristics"

Here, as in the scanner settings, the higher the level of heuristics, the more reliable the protection, but, of course, without a fly in the ointment, the number of false positives will also increase.

Internet security settings are optimal by default.

Setting up the "General" tab.

Open the threat category settings window and add your categories to the default ones. Personally, I added items: programs that are jokes and programs that violate my privacy. I think there is no point in explaining why, everything is already clear.

In the same tab, under the “Password” category, you can set your password to access the Avira antivirus settings.

Setting up the "Security" tab.


In this window you can block or enable the autorun function. Protect the host file and the antivirus itself from malicious changes.

At this point, the basic settings of the Avira antivirus can be considered complete. Of course, I could not describe all the useful antivirus settings and I would be very grateful if site visitors add their own settings.

Setting up exceptions at Avira

When adding a process or file to exceptions, you need to set the settings in two places - when the antivirus scans the entire computer (Scanner) and when it goes into background real-time scanning Realtime Protection (Guard). This is done the same way in the settings. Below is an example. To do this, open expert mode in your antivirus. (all exception settings are also shown). With these options you can configure exception objects for Realtime Protection(Guard). In this case, these objects will not be taken into account when searching in real time. The service can ignore calls to files in accordance with the list of excluded processes. This is particularly useful for database or backup solutions.

Processes excluded from continuous scanning

You can enter up to 128 processes.

The total length of lines in the list should not exceed 6000 characters.

Warning :
The specified path and process file name must not exceed 255 characters.

Remember that all accesses to files by processes marked in this list will be excluded from the virus scan or unwanted programs. Windows Explorer and the operating system itself cannot be excluded from scanning. The corresponding entry in the list will be ignored.

File objects excluded from continuous scanning

The total length of entries in the list should not exceed 6000 characters.

You can set a maximum of 20 exceptions per disk with the full path (starting from letter designation disk).
Eg: C:\Program Files\Application\Name.log

The maximum number of exceptions without a full path is 64.
Example: *.log

Please note the following:

    Filler characters * (any number of characters) and? (one character) are only allowed in file names.

    The folder name must end with a backslash \, otherwise it will be treated as a file name.

    The list is processed from top to bottom.

    You can also exclude individual file extensions from scanning (including filler characters).

    If a folder is excluded, the folders inside are automatically excluded.

    The longer the list, the more CPU time it takes to process the list for each access. Therefore the list should be as short as possible.

    To exclude objects that are accessed using short DOS file names (DOS name convention 8.3), you must add the corresponding short file name to the list.

Filenames that contain placeholder characters cannot be appended with a backslash.

For example:

C:\Program Files\application\application*.exe\

This entry is invalid. The program does not exclude the object from scanning!

In dynamic disks that are connected as a folder to another disk, you must use the operating system alias for the connected disk in the exclusion list:
for example, \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\PhysicalDmVolumes\BlockVolume1\
If you are using a mount point, for example C:\DynDrive dynamic disk will still be checked. Used operating system You can get aliases from the Guard report file:

Based on the Guard report file, you can specify the paths that Guard uses when searching for infected files. Use the same paths in the exclusion list. Proceed as follows: Set the Guard logging option in the settings: Guard::Report to Full. Using activated Guard, access files, folders, and connected drives. You can read the path used in the Guard reports file . The report file can be called in the control center in the section Local protection:: Guard.

C:\Program Files\Applications\application.exe

C:\Program Files\Application\application*.exe

C:\Program Files\Application\application*

C:\Program Files\Application\app????.e*

C:\Program Files\

C:\Program Files

C:\Program Files\Application\*.mdb

Open the main Avira antivirus window. If the "Avira Connect" window opens instead, then in the line with the title installed version Avira, click the "Open" button.

Important! Before restoring files from quarantine, pause your antivirus, since after the files are restored they may be moved to quarantine again.

In the main window on the left, expand the "Management" tab and click "Quarantine". On the right side of the window, there will be a list of all quarantined files. Find the file you need in the list, right-click on it and select "Restore object to...".

In the window that appears, select the folder into which the file will be restored and click save.

After this, the file will be moved to the folder you specified. Since this file can be blocked or deleted by the antivirus again, it must be added to the antivirus exclusion list.

How to add a file, program or game to Avira antivirus exceptions

In the Avira main window, in top menu, select "Service" and "Configuration".

On the "Computer Security" tab, find the "Exceptions" item. In some versions of Avira, this item may be located in the "Real-Time Protection", "Guard" or "Search" items. In exceptions, you can add specific executable file any program or game, as well as any file or folder.

To add executable *. exe file, click the "..." button in the "Processes skipped by Real-Time Protection" field, open the directory with the program or game, select the executable file.

To add files or folders to antivirus exclusions, click the "..." button in the "Files or folders ignored by System Scanner..." field.

Having selected the desired object, click "Add".

The processes and files you selected will be displayed on the right side of the window. Click "OK" to save the changes.

After all the steps have been completed, do not forget to enable active antivirus protection if you have disabled it.