How to add Internet traffic on Tele2. How to get additional Internet traffic? Add traffic to tele2 3 GB number

If you have used your traffic, don’t despair, you just need to add 3 GB of traffic on Tele2.

Who among us has not found ourselves in a situation where the Internet is so needed, but there is not enough traffic. The situation is familiar, isn't it? In order not to change anything in their option, each subscriber is given the opportunity to independently connect to Tele2’s 3 GB traffic, thanks to which the quota is significantly increased due to the additional volume.

Why 3 GB Tele2?

It's hard to imagine life without mobile Internet. There are a huge number of different proposals for connecting it. In order to ensure that not a single subscriber in Moscow and the region is left without information after fully using the existing traffic, he is invited to add it to in this case, that's three gigabytes. Independence, ease of connection, comfortable and uninterrupted work on the Internet - all this is possible with this option. And so, you understand that all the existing capacity on your phone has been used, but there is still a lot to do and you can’t do it without the Internet. You just need to order an additional 3GB by activation additional option. You need to remember that such traffic is provided in:

  • Internet package;

How to connect

It is always difficult to decide on the most profitable traffic for yourself, but adding 3 GB Tele2 traffic ( - full details) is quite simple. To do this, the operator offers several methods:

  • through, if there is Internet access. To do this, you must have your phone number, password and login at hand. On the operator’s website, visit the “Services” section and decide on this option for connection. Thus, an application is submitted for its activation. The activation itself takes a few minutes. The only condition for successful connection is a sufficient amount of money on the balance;
  • you can activate the service via phone by sending a request to the operator via the combination (*155*231#). After this request, the operator will notify you with an SMS message about the connection;
  • if you can't connect on your own– you can use help;

Service cost

More detailed information can be obtained on the operator's website.

The offered package of services is very convenient in that the client can independently:

  • connect;
  • check the status (remainder) of traffic with a request *155*23# ;
  • deactivate connection by request *155*230# or through your personal account;

All these functions are so simple and accessible that any user can easily cope with all necessary settings and will be able to enjoy a comfortable stay on the Internet with pleasure.

Fast 4G – Beeline vs Tele2?

Tele 2Beeline

Technologies are developing rapidly these days. Users actively obtain information from the Internet, the limit of which is always insufficient. To always stay connected, the operator has improved the service and offered subscribers a new option from Tele2 to add 3 GB traffic. Let's figure out how it works together.

Four ways to find out the remaining limit

While using the global network, the subscriber often catches himself thinking that he should check the available GB of Internet on his phone. But he doesn’t know how to do it. Then the operator offers customers four options for USSD service when the service is activated:

  1. *155*0# and call - for users of the “Black” TP line.
  2. *155*15# call - for the “Internet from phone” tariff plan.
  3. *155*022# call - for users of the “Internet to tablet” option.
  4. *155*19# call - for users of the Internet Package service.

Of course, here Tele2 was not particularly pleased with the versatility of the combination of commands. Each time the subscriber changes the terms of the tariff, he will have to remember a new USSD request. But this doesn’t matter, you can always use two additional help services:

  1. Call the operator at the call center at 611.
  2. Visit the official website of the company.

So, it is now known to clarify the information on the balance. By the way, one of the reasons for a slow connection may be the end of available Internet traffic.

Option from Tele2 “Add 3 GB” in Moscow

For subscribers with a tariff that includes access to the global network, a service to increase the amount of information consumed is compatible. So, for example, to connect an additional three gigabytes valid for 30 calendar days in Moscow, it will cost users of a cellular company 150 rubles. To do this, use the quick USSD command *155*181# send a call or manage the service via Personal Area. To cancel the additional package, use the combination *155*180# and call.

The subscription fee for connection is automatically charged upon activation of the service. If the balance is insufficient, the option will not be provided. To do more space Internet on Tele2, customers living in the Moscow region just need to take the “Add 5 GB traffic” service for 250 rubles for 30 days. You can access the service using the command *155*231# and pressing call. You can check your traffic status 24/7 by sending a request to *155*23# and calling. As you can see, the options for increasing the desired volume for obtaining information from the Internet are simple, which adds positive reviews to the company from satisfied users, and the latter has a 24-hour service available.

Option from Tele2 “Add traffic” in other regions

Not only Moscow and the Moscow region have the chance to access the Internet without restrictions. Residents of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation also have access to a service to increase traffic on Tele2 in the amount of 3 gigabytes. For:

  1. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. it will cost 240 rubles. for 30 days.
  2. Chelyabinsk region – 180 rub.
  3. Rostov region – 150 rub.
  4. Irkutsk region – 260 rub.
  5. Sverdlovsk region – 190 rub.
  6. Nizhny Novgorod region – 150 rub.

How to enable the option? To activate the service, send a combination from your phone - *155*231# call button. IN automatic mode the subscription fee is debited from the balance. Therefore, before using three additional gigs, check your account status, there should be enough funds on it.

  1. Check status - *155*23# call button.
  2. Disable the service - *155*230# call button.

Up-to-date information about the availability of the option in other regions can be obtained by calling 611 or on the official website mobile operator, as well as in the Personal Account, where the service to manage connected services is implemented.

Adding traffic in other volumes

If the subscriber is not interested in increasing the package for a month, but additional features are needed only for a day, then by activating “Add traffic” for 24 hours, a small amount will be debited from your account. Which exactly? 100 MB for 15 rubles per day. Activate the service command - *155*281# pick up the phone. Deactivate *155*280# and pick up the phone. Have you activated the option and want to know the remaining limit? You can check the status using the USSD service *155*28# handset. 500 MB for 50 rubles per day. Connect by dialing *155*171# handset. You can cancel by request *155*170# handset.

If you want to check the status of the option, pick up the phone and send a command to *155*17# to pick up the phone. Also, any user can manage services from their Personal Account. When connecting to a telecom operator in sales and service offices, customers will also receive accessible explanations to their questions.

The client sometimes does not have enough gigabytes that he already has. You can add the missing traffic to your Tele2 account (for example, 3 GB) in just a minute, using the service of the same name.

This option is paid. Therefore, before applying for its connection, you need to determine exactly how much traffic is required for the tasks of a particular person.

Basic information about the service

The package can be provided in the most convenient volume:

  • 100 megabytes;
  • 500 megabytes;
  • 3 gigabytes;
  • 5 gigabytes.

To connect, you will need to send a corresponding message to the operator.

  1. To increase traffic by 100 MB you will need to dial *155*281#.
  2. To get an additional 500 MB you will need *155*171#.
  3. You can get 3 GB from Tele2 by dialing *155*181#.
  4. If you need a maximum volume service - to receive an additional 5 GB - you will need to enter the code *231*281#.

After the desired string of characters has been dialed, you must press the “Pick up the handset” key. After this, the ordered megabytes will be added, and the corresponding amount will be withdrawn from the account.

If the client does not want to constantly check whether he has unused Internet, a service is provided to automatically increase Internet traffic. To turn it on, you need to dial the sequence *155*311# and press the key that is intended for picking up the handset.

After this, every time the Internet runs out, you can connect an additional 3 GB of Internet from Tele2 automatically.

Prices are given for Moscow and the Moscow region. In other regions Russian Federation the cost of services may vary. Information about this is provided on the relevant regional websites.

How else to extend mobile internet? Another way is to use your personal account on the operator’s website. It’s convenient and visual, it allows you not only to get 3 gigs of Internet traffic, but also to see prices for services, tariffs and advantageous offers.

The replenishment period is 30 days. If traffic is provided before this date according to the terms of the main package, the service will terminate before this date.

The option in question is available only on tariffs with a pre-installed gigabyte capacity, including plans that belong to the “Black” line.

When there is a need to extend traffic

This situation is relevant for those who actively use the Internet or download a large amount of information from it to their phone. Connecting 3 GB of Internet on Tele2 is not difficult, but first you need to figure out whether this is really needed in a particular case, is it a one-time need, or does it make sense to configure automatic connection additional package.

Service cost

The cost of the service for receiving 3 GB of additional Internet will differ for different volumes of Internet received.

  1. 100 MB will cost 15 rubles.
  2. When you receive 500 MB, the price will increase to 50 rubles.
  3. 3 GB costs 150 rubles.
  4. For 5 GB you will have to pay 250 rubles.

As you can see, the larger the volume of traffic purchased, the lower the price of each megabyte. Therefore, it will be beneficial when applying for a service to determine the amount of traffic required and purchase it immediately.

How to find out how much traffic you have left

For active Internet surfers, especially those who enjoy video content or downloading files, it is important to control the remaining amount of Internet traffic. To obtain the specified information, simply dial the USSD command *155*18# and press the button intended to pick up the handset. In response, your phone will receive a message that will appear on the screen. It will indicate the unused Internet capacity.

How to disable the additional traffic service

If the option has been paid for and activated, but circumstances have changed, and for some reason the need to extend traffic has disappeared, you can refuse it. To do this, send the combination *155*180# to the operator by pressing the “Pick up” key. Deactivation is free of charge.

You can also disable the service in your personal account on the website.

If the client has doubts about how to take 3 GB of traffic or another package, top up the balance or disable irrelevant services, get Additional information he can by calling hotline operator Tele2.

Tele2 subscribers who regularly use Mobile Internet, often encounter a situation where the web traffic limit allocated by the operator unexpectedly ends. In order not to lose the opportunity to access the global network, you need to know how to add traffic to Tele2.

In the article:

You can get additional Internet traffic different ways. The mobile assistant will tell you how to add Internet to Tele2, packages or even tariff plans that will provide a comfortable opportunity to access the network when necessary.

Tariff plans of the “Black” family

The “Black” tariff line provides optimal conditions for using 3G and 4G Internet without speed restrictions. The lowest tariff provides subscribers with a 2.0 Gigabyte Internet traffic package. In turn, the senior tariff plans “The Blackest” and “Super Black” are much richer in content and contain packages of 10GB and 15GB, respectively. Even if high-speed Internet limits end earlier than planned, this does not mean automatic shutdown from the global network. No, the Internet remains, but productivity is critically reduced to 64 Kb/s. You can’t download apps and watch videos at such a low speed, but communicate via in social networks- Can.

To buy the “Blackest” tariff for 599 rubles. per month you need to send a request from your phone * 630 * 3 # To activate tariff plan“Superblack” (RUR 1,199 per month) service team provided * 630 * 13 #

You can find out more about the capabilities of the “black” family of Tele2 tariffs.

Services with additional traffic packages

The Tele2 operator offers a number of Internet options that become useful if the main traffic package has run out or the Internet is needed from time to time.

Option “Day on the Internet”

How to add megabytes of traffic on Tele2 if they run out? This service allows for 15 rubles. receive 250 MB of traffic per day without any speed restrictions. A clear advantage of the option is that the subscription fee is charged only upon actual access to the network. If during the day the subscriber did not make Internet sessions, the balance will remain intact. To activate the Tele2 “Day on the Network” service, you must send a request in the format * 155 * 16 # .

“Internet from phone” service

A convenient and affordable option that provides the subscriber with an additional 100 MB of web traffic daily. To activate “Internet from phone” on Tele2, just send a short command * 115 * 15 # . The first connection is free. The cost of re-activation will be 15-20 rubles. depending on region

Important! The “Internet from phone” service necessarily deducts a subscription fee in the amount of 5.50 rubles from the balance on a daily basis, regardless of whether the Internet was used or not.

“Internet Package” service

This Internet option costs 180-250 rubles. allocates 3-5GB of Internet traffic per month to the user. Differences in price and package volume depend on the region. To activate the service, use the command * 155 * 191 # .

Internet Portfolio service

As part of this option, the subscriber receives 10-15GB of traffic at high speed every month. The specific volume of the “portfolio”, as well as its cost (250-350 rubles) depends on the region. Connect the “Internet Portfolio” option from Tele2 using the command * 155 * 201 # .

Internet Suitcase service

For subscribers with high needs for high-speed traffic, the “Internet Suitcase” option is optimal, providing for 450 rubles. per month volume package of services (30GB). Connecting the “Internet Suitcase” option is implemented through the service command * 155 * 211 # . To quickly check the remaining Internet traffic limit, you need to mobile device send request * 155 * 021 # .

Please note that the subscription fee is debited for the entire month at the beginning of the reporting period. If your priorities in terms of using network capabilities have changed, and you need to disable the “Internet Suitcase” service, send the command * 155 * 210 # from your phone .

Attention! The Internet options described above cannot be used simultaneously with each other or connected to tariffs with integrated Internet packages. In order to additionally purchase traffic on Tele2 within the framework of prepaid tariffs, you must use a separate family of universal Internet services.

Universal Tele2 options for adding traffic

After the traffic limit on a tariff plan or option has been fully used, it is possible to conveniently add the required number of megabytes using the Tele2 “Add Speed” family of services.

“Add speed 100 MB”

This service becomes indispensable when the user needs to extend an additional 75-100 MB of traffic until the end of the current day in order to complete an important Internet session or communication session. The cost of the option is only 5.50 rubles. in a day. To activate the “Add 100 MB” service, just send a request * 155 * 281 # .

“Add speed 1 GB”

When small amounts of Internet are needed on a regular basis, you should take a closer look at the “Add 1 GB speed” service. This option costs a modest subscription fee of 80 rubles. provides the subscriber with 1 GB of traffic for a month.

Connection to the service is realized through the service command * 155 * 181 # .

“Add 3GB speed”

The oldest option in the family, “Increase speed,” provides the user with high-speed Internet traffic of 3GB for a month. The cost of the service is 160 rubles. To activate it, you need to form a command like * 155 * 231 # .

Note! The “Add Speed” service is great as a temporary replacement for the “Package”, “Briefcase” or “Internet Suitcase” options and can be connected to the “Black” line tariffs.

“Add time” service

In a situation where the web traffic limits within the connected service are running out, but there is still a need to quickly download a significant amount of megabytes, the unique “Add Time” option will come to the rescue. Her main feature is unlimited access to high-speed Internet for 20 minutes.

The service is available in all corners of the country, and its cost is 10-15 rubles. (depending on the place of registration of the SIM card). To activate the “Add time” option from Tele2, use the request * 155 * 171 # . To deactivate the service you need to send the command * 155 * 170 # .

Important! Connecting and deactivating any Internet options is also available in the online self-service service


The Internet assistant site hopes that this thematic review has allowed you to understand all the nuances of the issue of how to replenish traffic on Tele2. To better consolidate the material you read, do not forget to watch the training video.

Situations when you need to additionally add 3 GB traffic to Tele2 are not uncommon. A limit on the number of free megabytes is expected on all the company’s tariff plans, so when the traffic runs out, it becomes possible to buy additional Internet. This service is available when connecting most options that require subscription fee.

In order to top up your Internet account with an additional 3 gigabytes, you need to dial the command *155*181#. This combination will allow you to quickly open access to the global network. Enrollment is made instantly. The validity period of the connected service is one month. The purchase price is 150 rubles.


If there is no longer a need to use traffic, the service can be disabled. To do this you will need:

  1. Dial *155*180#.
  2. Click on the call button.

The procedure is free of charge. However, fees for unused megabytes are not refundable.

How to add 3 GB to Tele2 after disconnecting? To do this, just perform the same connection operation again. In addition, it is also possible to extend the speed through the “Personal Account”. It’s also convenient to connect restrictions there. You will need a phone number to log in.

Checking status

Information about how many free megabytes are left in the account can be obtained through the “Personal Account”. You can also use the combination *155*18#. After it is dialed, the result will be sent to the subscriber via SMS message.

other information

It is possible to take additional free gigabytes while in any region of Russia. The only exception today is the Republic of Crimea, but this restriction will also be lifted in the near future. The traffic volume is rounded to the nearest 150 kilobytes.

How to connect 3 GB to Tele2 if the tariff does not include a monthly fee? The service can only be used by those subscribers who, according to the terms of the tariff plan, are required to have a traffic package to access the global network. After the limit is completely exhausted, access is closed until additional megabytes are purchased.

Other conditions:

  1. It is possible to top up your account through “Personal Account” even if Internet access is limited.
  2. It is important that there are sufficient funds in the account at the time of activation of the service.
  3. When renewing the main package, which was temporarily closed for some reason, its limit is spent first, then the newly acquired one.


The ability to purchase additional gigabytes greatly simplifies the process of using the global network if the main limit has already been exhausted. Large investments are not required, and the subscriber has the opportunity to continue using the network until the next debiting of funds in the form of a subscription fee.