How to fix the missing icon in Windows "Wireless Network Connection. Windows XP SP2: setting up a wireless network and firewall Wi-Fi does not work on Windows XP

Hello to all blog readers. Heading above, this topic is for today, as many more people use this system, and I think it will be useful to many users.
Wireless technologies have firmly entered our lives with the acquisition of smartphones, tablets, laptops. Most modern devices already come with established WiFi module, this applies to most laptops, netbooks, tablets and smartphones.
However, if you have an old computer, then you can also connect it to Wi-Fi. There is a special device for it: WiFi adapter. And of course on your PC
there must be at least one USB slot. Every gadget owner sooner or later faces the question of how to set up WI - FI in Windows XP.

Equipment for Wi-Fi

To connect the Internet with the subsequent organization of a Wi-Fi network, you will need
router or router. It should be noted that router and router- it two
names of the same device. It is used only if
There is a ready connection to the Internet via a modem.
Modem and router- two different devices that perform different functions.
Modem designed to convert a signal that is transmitted via wired or
3G network, in an easy-to-understand system.
router designed to transmit the decrypted signal to other network members
without conversion. In this way, without modem operating system network signal
Windows XP device will not be recognized.
Now the line between the modem and the router is gradually being erased. Many manufacturers
both devices are combined in one housing. This device allows you to create
wired local network for 4-5 computers (depending on the number of ports in the model) and organize a wireless connection in parallel.
When choosing a router model, first of all pay attention to way connection to
the Internet.

There are three types of WAN - ports for connecting to the Internet:

1. ADSL designed for internet connection telephone line

2.USB 3G used to connect USB modem

3.Ethernet designed to connect network cable

If you plan to connect third-party devices to your wireless network,
You must select a machine that supports data encryption. In this case, in
settings modem (router) all permitted IP addresses to connect.

Setting up a router

Setting up the router and the view of the WEB - interface of various models can
differ. The principle of setting and the sequence of actions is preserved.
The router must first be connected to the Internet through the port
WAN and whether USB 3G and to the computer through the port lan.

How to set up a network on Windows XP:

1. We go to Start → Control Panel → Network Connections →
LAN connection.

2. In the window that appears, select " Properties»,

then right click on " Internet Protocol TCP/IP» and press « Properties».

3. In the window that appears, check the box " Get an IP address automatically" and
"Obtain DNS server address automatically" and confirm OK.

How to configure TCP / IP configuration settings for Windows XP read

If Wi-Fi does not work on Windows XP

Important! Windows with different pack service support different security protocols!
Windows XP SP2 does not support security protocol WPA2! Only WPA1.
Thus, if there is a problem when connecting, you need to look version
windows xp, as well as security protocol The that the access point uses.

If your computer does not have " Wireless Network Connection" reason may
be in the following:
1. You Windows XP SP2, and the access point is set to the security protocol WPA2. Need or
install SP3 or reconfigure the access point to WPA.
2. On your computer at all NoWiFi adapter. You can find out through Dispatcher
devices. Wireless must be in the list of devices LAN card.
3. On your computer WiFi adapter is, but he disabled. For example, on many
laptops have a shutdown button WiFi adapter. It can be a separate button or
one of the buttons F in combination with a button fn. If WiFi adapter is built into the motherboard
fee, it may be disabled in BIOS.
4. Adapter present but not installed drivers on it, in which case it will be in the list
devices as unknown device.
If " Wireless network connection" yes, it shows network list,
but can't connect to the desired network, then the reason may be that:
a. Too much weak signal between your adapter and access point.
Long distance, thick walls, etc. Moreover, the signal strength of the access point
might be decent, but your adapter's signal does not "come" to the point
access. Because the adapter signal is generally weaker than the signal
access points. Especially if the adapter is built-in, such as in a laptop.
b. you entered wrong password. This is especially relevant for Windows XP because,
what is there it is forbidden see password characters.
v. If the connection to the access point is established, but the Internet is not working, then
reasons may be:
- WiFi router(access point) not connected to the Internet. For example, a technical failure
provider, or lack of funds in your account with the provider.
- The technical error in the work of servers DNS at the provider.

5. If the Internet does not appear, the addresses are registered manually, for this they are rearranged
tick on the line " Use the following address".

Required addresses IP and DNS servers You can check with your provider's support team.
6 . To make settings router necessary when enabled device in browser
to dial IP - address of the router. IP address router is indicated on the rear panel.
7. Further in the appeared window enter login and password. If the device was purchased
directly from the provider, the login and password are registered in contract.
If the router was purchased independently, the login and password are indicated
by the manufacturer in the documents, not all devices have a login and password
on the sticker. Factory login and password recommended change, to avoid
unauthorized access to network settings.
8 . The main menu opens: WEB interface models.

For the convenience of the user, some models provide for changing the language in
upper right corner into Russian. Next, you need to configure the settings PPPoE,

they are configured once during the initial setup of the device

How to configure a router in Windows XP with an example
Models D - Link DIR - 320.

In the main menu on the top panel, the buttons " SETUP" and " INTERNET SETUP".
On the updated page, click " Manual Connection Setup".

In the new window, enter the necessary network settings:

1 .My internet connection is– select protocol PPPoE(Username/password);
2. Dynamic PPPoE– select from the list;
3 .user namelogin for Internet access specified in treaty provider
4.Passwordpassword for Internet access specified in the provider agreement;
5 . service name- title provider;
6.RetypePassword- again password for Internet access.

The settings must be saved using the " SAVE SETTINGS», then reboot
router using the button REBOOT” for the entered parameters to take effect.
In some cases, the protocol is used by the provider DHCP instead of PPPoE, That's why
the protocol type must be specified with the provider.

For settings Wi-Fi n you need to select " SYSTEM» → « WIRELESS SETUP»,
select at the bottom of the window "MANUAL WIRELESS CONNECTION SETUP».
In the window that appears, select or enter the following parameters:

1. Wi-Fi protected setup (WCN2.0)disable
2 .Enable Wireless - enable
3. Wireless Network Name (SSID)) is a fictional name for the wireless network
For example Wi-Fi_HOME
4. Enable Auto Channel Selection - enable
5. WMM Enable - disable
6. Enable Hidden Wireless - disable
7. Security Mode - select WPA / WPA2, which will allow encryption of the network;
8. Cipher type - TKIP
10 Network key- invented key to access the wireless network (minimum 8
characters in English letters and numbers).
Save the settings using the " SAVE SETTINGS», then reload
router button REBOOT for the settings to take effect.

Connecting devices via Wi-Fi

When connecting devices via a wireless network uncomfortable enter every time
login and password if the same gadgets are used to connect.
In order to connect devices in Windows XP performed automatically
but at the same time for third-party users WiFi access has been denied, should be in the router settings limit access on MAC addresses for these devices in this way:

1. Enter settings router via browser, as previously described.
2. Enter menu " Advanced", in it select the item MAC Filter».
3. A table will open in which you need to enter all available for connection.
4. Save the data and reboot the device.

How to determine MAC addresses connected devices?
For PC with OS Windows XP you need to call the command line, register in the menu
Start - Run: command - cmd.

In the command line that appears, enter the command
ipconfig and press Enter.

In line IP address:- desired MAC address devices.

How to distribute Wi-Fi using a computer to other devices?

Previously, it was considered how to set up a router and connect to Wi-Fi on a PC with OS Windows XP. Can arrange Wi-Fi network via PC, making it a dispenser.
Most often, this method of organizing a network is used when it is necessary to restrict access to the Internet to a second device. If the distributor PC turned off, network transmission
not produced. Such a transmission has a limited range, is not available to
network transmission from OS Windows XP to devices with Android OS and does not work in the absence
built-in Wi-Fi module.

To configure the network in this way, for an already connected network, enter the section
1. « Wireless network connection» → "Change advanced options".
2. In the window that appears, select "Internet Protocol TCP/IP" and press
button " Properties".
3. In the window that appears, check if the required IP addresses, if not,

The subnet mask is assigned automatically. Click OK.
4. Then in the tab " Wireless networks" Mark " Use Windows
for settings", and at the bottom press the button" Add»

In a new window, write or mark:

1. network name (SSID)- the name of the wireless network
2. Authentication- select joint
3. data encryption - WEP
4. key provided automatically - uncheck
5 .network keykey consisting of letters and numbers
6. confirmation- repeat key
7. Mark " This is a direct computer-to-computer connection, access points
not used»
8. In the tab "Connection" Mark "Connect if the network is in
range." Click OK.
9. Then go to " Change advanced options» and in the bookmark
« Additionally" Mark "Allow other users
use connection".

In the same way, set the parameters OS Windows XP on the receiving PC.
Only in the column Use the following IP address» set the address of the receiving device: replace only the last digit of the address in the range from 2 before 254.
In the column " Preferred DNS server» set parameters host PC:
Save changes by clicking OK.

WiFi security

Because when using WiFi all information is transmitted by radio wave
WiFi networks are much more vulnerable compared to wired networks. The fact is that the radio signals sent by the access point ( WiFi router) and devices that are connected to the access point are available for interception by any similar device that is within the radius of "hearing" from the access point or from the client of this access point. That is, the interception of network traffic becomes very simple, affordable and invisible. And the interception of network traffic allows you to collect the information necessary to attack WiFi net. As more access points become available, WiFi and the number of applicants is increasing "hack" WiFi net.

The most common motivation for hacking hotspots wifi, it connection to Internet across WiFi is free. For example, in your apartment is installed WiFi a router and not only your devices are connected to it, but also the computer of one of your neighbors.
You pay for the Internet, and your neighbor gets the Internet for free.
But " free internet" not the only reason why networks are "hacked" WiFi. The fact is that if an attacker gains access to your access point, he can access through it all the devices that are connected to your WiFi router. And this gives him the opportunity to steal your personal data. For example, passwords to mail, to Internet banks, your documents - in general, to much that you own.
Therefore, enjoy WiFi need with caution.

Here are a few rules to follow.

1. Don't connect to open public networksWiFi through a laptop
you have valuable information. And if you need Internet access
through open networks WiFi then use on your laptop
firewall and antivirus.
2. If you are using routerWiFi at home or in the office,
set up correctly WiFi router
a. Use protection type WPA2
b. If on your WiFi router there is a function WPS she needs disable .
G. If your WiFi router supports the administration function through the web interface,
need to disable access to this interface via WiFi.
Wifi web interface router must be available only through a network cable.
e. Turn off your router WiFi at a time when you do not use the Internet - at night
or when you leave your home or office. If the hotspot is open 24/7
this makes it easier for the cracker - he has a lot of time to carry out attacks
to your hotspot

How to bypass Windows password read

Modern wireless communication technologies have already become quite dense in people's lives. They are constantly developing and improving, while such technologies have great prospects. One such technology is WiFi, which allows you to connect your laptop to the network without any wires or cables. It should be noted that modern laptops, smartphones, tablets, printers, TVs and other equipment have a built-in WiFi adapter. But, despite the prevalence of technology, the question of how to connect WiFi on a Windows XP laptop is quite common. This is what will be discussed next.

Laptop setup

As you probably already guessed, before moving on to how to enable WiFi on a laptop with Windows XP, it should be configured. What does this mean? Each component of the computer needs to install special software - the so-called drivers. The Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless adapter is no exception. Without a driver, the system will not be able to turn them on.

In some cases, when you buy a laptop, you get a disc with the necessary software. In this case, setting up the system will not cause difficulties. You just need to insert the disc into the CD-rom or DWD-recorder, after which the autorun program will start the automatic installation. This will install all the drivers in the correct order. Moreover, for more convenient work with the laptop, various utilities will be installed - additional programs. But what if there is no such disk?

You shouldn't get upset. Here, too, there are no difficulties, since they can be downloaded for free. To do this, you only need to know your PC model. Next, go to the manufacturer's website, for example, if the laptop is Lenovo, then you need to go to the manufacturer's website and find your model there. It is worth noting that the site will offer drivers for various operating systems, as well as for various components. We are interested in software for WiFi adapter and network card for Windows XP. After downloading the drivers, you can proceed to the installation.

If the laptop does not have drivers installed at all, then you should install them in a certain order. This is not critical, but for the system to work correctly, you should first install the drivers for the chipset (motherboard) and only then everything else.

After installing the driver, the system will detect new devices. And to work with the WiFi adapter, along with the driver, a program will be installed that allows you to turn the module on and off, as well as search for available networks. This completes the system setup, you can proceed to turn on and search for available access points.

Connecting and configuring WiFi in Windows XP: Video

Turning on the WiFi module and searching for networks

In order to enable WiFi on a laptop, there is a special button on which the WiFi icon is drawn (available on every laptop).

In some cases, the utility simply launches and you can turn the adapter on or off yourself. In other cases, it turns on and off at the touch of a button without running any programs. It is worth noting that the operating system absolutely does not affect this process, whether it is Windows XP or the seven, everything happens in exactly the same way.

So, after turning on the WiFi adapter on a laptop in Windows XP, an icon of a working module will appear in the lower right corner (slightly to the left of the clock). When you double-click on it, a window will appear in which you need to click the "Search for wireless networks" button. Next, you will see a list of available access points, from which you need to select the desired network by name.

If this option did not work, then there is an alternative way to connect a WiFi network on a Windows XP laptop. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Start" menu, then to the Control Panel;
  2. In the control panel, you need to find "Network Connections";
  3. After that, you need to find the item "Wireless Network Connection" and enable it;
  4. Next, connect the laptop to the network. To do this, right-click on the connection and select "View available wireless networks";
  5. Here we select "Change network preference order";
  6. After that, a window will open in which you need to select "Network by access point" and check the box "Automatically connect to the network", then close the window.
  7. Next, in the wireless network connection, you must click "Update network list".

After that, you need to select the desired network and click "Connect". It is worth remembering that in the vast majority of cases, a password is set on the network to prevent intruders from entering, so after selecting the desired connection, you need to enter a password, and only after that you can join the group.

How to find out your WiFi password in Windows XP: Video

This completes the WiFi connection setup on a laptop with Windows XP. Now, in order to connect the device to the network, you should again enter the "View available networks" menu, select the required name and click the "Connect" button.

If everything is done, then after the connection the status “Connected” will appear, and in the lower right corner on the taskbar you will see the corresponding message, which indicates that your laptop is connected to the network.

If you can't find the adapter's power button on your laptop, or it's broken or missing, then you can turn it on using Device Manager through Windows XP. To do this, right-click on the shortcut "My Computer" and enter "Properties". Next, select the "Device Manager" item and look for your adapter in the list of devices, which you want to enable.

Connection setup

First, let's go over the theory a bit. This will allow you to understand what Wi-Fi is and how to connect to it in a given situation and how to set up the system. This is one of the most advanced wireless technologies that allows you to create home networks without laying cables. The main advantage of this technology is that the transmission speed is not inferior to a cable connection. At the same time, the range of one access point reaches 100 meters with line of sight and about 10 meters in buildings.

An access point is a base station to which all devices equipped with a WiFi adapter are connected. As a rule, in the vast majority of cases, a router is used as such a station.

And before you create your network, it should be configured. It is to it that laptops and other devices are connected. Up to 200 users can be connected to one router, however, in this case, the data exchange speed will greatly decrease, since it is distributed equally among all users.

For example, if the router supports a maximum speed of about 100 Mbps and at the same time connects 10 users, then the speed for each of them will be 10 Mbps. It is not difficult to imagine what will happen if you connect 100 or more users.

In some cases, you need to further configure the connection on a laptop in Windows XP. If you did everything according to the instructions, but there is still no access to the network, then you should check the IP address. To do this, in the network environment, right-click on the wireless connection and select "Properties".

Next, in the window that appears, select "Internet protocol TCPIP" and click "Properties". After that, a window will appear in which you need to check the box "Use the following IP address" and enter the following values:

  • IP address: Please note that the numbers 192.168.0 are always the same, but the last digit "5" can be anything from 1 to 150, depending on the settings and capabilities of the router;
  • Subnet mask:;
  • Default gateway:

Now you know how to set up WiFi on a Windows XP laptop. However, there are non-standard situations that can cause additional difficulties. In this case, the approach to solving the problem should be individual, since the standard setting will not help here.

As you can see from the above, connecting a Wi-Fi network on a laptop with Windows XP is quite simple and within the power of ordinary users who do not have special knowledge. At the same time, setting up a connection will not take much time and effort. However, it is worth noting that the Windows XP operating system is already outdated, today the newer versions are Windows 7 and 8. At the same time, the latter are much easier to configure.

I have over 10 years of experience in the IT field. I am engaged in the design and configuration of commissioning. He also has extensive experience in building networks, system administration and working with ACS and video surveillance systems.
I work as a specialist in the company "Techno-Master".

How to connect to hidden Wi-Fi networks in Windows XP? This is exactly what will be the topic of another useful article on ours. Have you ever had to deal with hidden networks?

For example, you know what you have at work, which is successfully distributing the Internet from day to day. Not only that, you even know what this network is called and even the password for it, but as soon as you turn on your smartphone or laptop, there is nothing in the connected networks.

Do not be surprised, but it happens that in addition to, some organizations completely remove their network from the broadcast environment. Therefore, if you are faced with such a network and you have all the passwords, then let me, as usual, in great detail, show and tell you about the principles of connecting to hidden Wi-Fi networks.

Connecting to a Hidden Wi-Fi Network on Windows XP

Although Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows XP, still a large number of the world's population continues to use this system on their PCs. It was such a user that prompted me to write this article, who asked me to explain to him how to connect to a hidden network on Windows XP.

Since it is much easier to do this on the updated Windows 10 or the same seven, I will first show the connection principle on Windows XP, and then, of course, I will pay attention to more modern operating systems. This is done so that in the future you definitely no longer have questions about connecting to a hidden Wi-Fi network on XP or on any more modern OS, from the Windows family.

Before starting the description of the necessary steps, I want to remind you that on some laptops, the Wi-Fi adapter must be turned on physically using the button on the laptop case or using a certain keyboard shortcut ( For example: " Fn+F2”, usually on the second key that you need to press there are images of a Wi-Fi signal in the form of antennas), otherwise you will see a similar picture in front of you.

A few simple steps to connect to a hidden Wi-fi network Windows XP :

Connecting to an invisible network on Windows 10

With regards to everyone's not beloved Windows 10 or Windows 8.1, then everything is simpler.

Windows 7 connecting invisible Wi-Fi network

And of course, Windows 7, where without it. Well, what can I say, in principle, here, as in the top ten, everything is just as simple:

  1. We go to the icon for connecting to an access point;
  2. Select other networks and click on " connect»;
  3. Enter the name of the hidden network ( remind you that you should already know);
  4. Next, of course, is the password entry;
  5. After clicking on "OK" and waiting for a second, you can open the Wi-Fi connection icon again and see that the network with your name will appear there, and the status "Connected" will be displayed opposite it.

Surely you have noticed that in new systems with a connection to hidden Wi-Fi networks, there are no problems and it takes 1-2 minutes. Although, in XP, in principle, everything is the same, it really takes a little more time, let not everyone know about this connection, but I hope that my instructions will fix this.

How to connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network on Windows XP and 10

Wi-Fi is one of the most popular ways to access the web. Wi-Fi has many different advantages, but most importantly, the user does not need to deal with wires. A distinctive advantage is also the fact that several devices can be connected to the same network at the same time. To do this, you need to create an access point.

First of all, you need to make sure that the device on which the access point will be created has a built-in Wi-Fi adapter. Today, such adapters are available in all modern, but not all tablets or phones. Depending on this, you need to make sure in advance that the devices can connect to the Wi-Fi network. You can make a Wi-Fi access point without having a router, but you must have a device with a Wi-Fi adapter.

Start creating a Wi-Fi hotspot

The first step to create a Wi-Fi hotspot is as follows - you need to go to the "Network Connections" folder ("Network Connections" is in the "Control Panel") and then double-click on the "Wireless Network Connection" icon. You can then turn on Wi-Fi on your computer. After that, you need to call the context menu by right-clicking on the "Wireless Network Connection" icon. In the context menu, select Properties and in the window that appears, go to the "Wireless Networks" tab. On this tab, you need to find the "Use Windows to configure networks" field and check the box, after which you need to click "Add".

The next step is to enter data in the appropriate fields. First of all, the network name is written down, authentication must be open, and where data encryption is indicated, it must be indicated that it is carried out using WEP. The network key (should be from 5 to 13 characters) is also entered independently. The key index must be 1. Then you need to find the "Connect if not broadcasting" field and check the box. In the "key provided automatically" field, the check mark is removed.

Last steps

As a result, there is an open "Wireless Network Connections" window and the "Properties" tab. You need to find the "General" tab, where there is an item "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)". At this point, you need to go to the properties and find the "Use the following IP address" field. Be sure to check the box next to this item. After it is set, you need to register:

IP address -;
Subnet mask -;
The preferred DNS server is

After everything is done and if the entered data is correct, the Wi-Fi access point on Windows XP can be used.

In dannom rukovodstve rasskazyvaetsya o tom, kak soedinit kompyutera large screen with WIFI adapterami in operatsionnoy sisteme Windows XP in odnu obschuyu set for obmena informatsiey mezhdu these kompyuterami or sovmestnogo ispolzovaniya interneta to kotoromu podklyuchen tolko Shout of nix.

To set up wi-fi network we only need two computers equipped with WIFI adapters. The mode in which the connection will be made is called Ad-Hoc. We will also try to figure out how to set up a wi-fi network for internet sharing, which is connected to only one computer..

Setting up a wi-fi network between two laptops

The settings are almost the same for both computers, therefore, in the article, both computers will be considered separately only if these settings are different. You can start setting up a wi-fi network from any computer.

To begin with, we need to open the “Network Connection Properties” tab. Depending on the settings of Windows XP, this can be achieved in several different ways. All possible options are considered in the figures below.

Option 1 through the network connection properties from the desktop icon.

Option 2 through the network connection properties in the start menu (classic menu)

Option 3 in the properties of the network connection through the “start” button (Start menu in XP style)

Option 4 in the network connection properties through the “start” button and the control panel.

All 4 options above lead to the same result shown below.

Next If your WIFI adapter is turned off, then turn it on “programmatically” as shown in the figure. Since the WIFI network card can also be turned off via the button on the laptop itself, you need to make sure that WIFI is also turned on in this way! Otherwise, we will not be able to set up a wi-fi network between two computers.

How to set up wi-fi on windows xp? We go into the properties of the network connection, as shown in the image below:

Fig1. Opening the network connection properties.

Set up IP addresses in our local network.

Let's take a closer look at this stage, because. in this paragraph there are differences for setting up the First and Second computers

In the tab that opens, we find the field “Internet Protocol TCP / IP”, click the button “Properties”.

Fig2. Go to TCP/IP setup.

And set up IP addresses as shown in Figure 3 below. (in the picture, the settings for the second computer, for the first, see the differences in the text below)

Fig.3 Setting up IP addressing.

Here is configurable

  • IP address (192.168.0 1 on the first computer and on the second computer)
  • Subnet mask ( on both computers)

Two more points are needed only if you need Internet access through the connection of the first computer. Both items are configured only on the second computer. (If Internet sharing is not needed, then these steps are not necessary to set up a wi-fi network between laptops)

  • Default gateway (specify the ip address of the first computer)
  • Preferred DNS server. The DNS value for each computer will be different, it depends on the Internet provider. You can find out your DNS by looking at the parameters of the provider.

After entering these data, click the “OK” button.

Setting up Internet sharing.

How to set up internet sharing? To do this, you need to configure the first computer. Once again, this setting only needs to be done if you want to set up internet sharing.

Select the "Advanced" tab of the properties of the network adapter and click the checkbox "Allow other network users to use ..."

After pressing the “OK” button, windows should inform us that in this case, communication over the local network may be lost and that ip adress will be assigned (which we have previously assigned), we press ok again. Moreover, WINDOWS will not change the IP address in this case.

Before we press the OK button, remember this place, and how to get here again. The fact is that here is a place where we can enable, or disable, or configure “Windows Firewall”. In the future, you may need to turn it off.

Switch to the "Wireless networks" tab. Go to the Wireless Networks tab.

View of the "wireless networks" tab.

Click the "Add" button

We carry out all the settings in accordance with the figure.

  • Network name - you can choose any.
  • At the very bottom, you need to indicate “This is a direct connection ...”
  • Disable the checkbox “Network key is provided automatically”, after which we will have the opportunity to enter this key manually
  • Enter the Network Key and Key Confirmation. You can enter either a 5 or 13 character key. Enter some 5-letter word (English layout) and REMEMBER it. It will be needed to set up a second computer.

Set up automatic connection to the created network.

In order for our two computers to connect to the network themselves, as soon as they “see” each other, go to the “Connection” tab and put the appropriate checkmark as shown in the figure.

Click the OK button and save everything again. This completes the network setup on the first computer. We do everything exactly the same on the second one, with the exception of the mentioned differences.

Testing, debugging, connecting to the Internet.

Is a WI-FI network installed? As soon as you finish setting up WIFI on both computers, your wireless network should be up. An indicator that a WIFI connection has occurred is the presence of a wireless connection icon on the taskbar on the right. If there are problems at this stage, check:

  • Is the WIFI adapter enabled at the hardware level?
  • Have you exactly followed all the points of the current instructions. Did you enter the key correctly on both computers?

Is there an IP connection?

We try to ping to the address from the computer To do this, on the First computer, click the “Start” button and in the “Run” menu, write CMD and click ok.

Launch CMD.

In the black window that appears, write ping and press ENTER.

Ping to from computer

If you see the same as in the picture above, then you have no ping to the address Try to ping from the Second computer. Attention, it is important not to confuse here. Otherwise, if you ping from a second computer to the address, then you will actually ping the same computer, and the result will not show you anything.

The presence of a ping in at least one direction means that your WIFI is configured correctly. And all the problems can only be due to the Firewall settings or incorrect IP settings (for example, a gateway or DNS).

In this section, we answered the question "how to set up a wi-fi network between two computers."