How to remove a system activation key from the registry? How to remove an activation key How to remove old keys from the registry.

How to delete registry keys?

Master's answer:

Despite the fact that the Windows interface provides users with a fairly wide range of functions for managing the system, you will still have more options for changing settings using the Registry Editor. This is possible if this action has no restrictions on execution by your account.

Run the regedit command by typing it into the Run utility, which is accessible from the Start menu. In new versions of operating systems Windows systems The command is simply written in the search bar. A Registry Editor window should appear on your screen. In the edit menu, select the search item and enter the name of the key that you want to delete. Also set additional parameters to search for the required records. In the found positions, select not the necessary keys. Through the "File" menu, perform the "Export" operation and enter the file name. Specify the directory to save it and press Enter. This is necessary for cases when you need to restore a registry key, for this reason you must enter the appropriate name.

In the edit menu, delete the keys you selected and confirm the operation by clicking on the “Ok” button. Please note that many entries may contain identical keys, in this case try deleting the entry from HKEY_CURRENT_USER, if after this the others are not deleted, delete them manually. After this you need to close the editor Windows registry and restart your computer. If you suddenly have problems with resolution, this option is also configured in the edit menu. In the window that opens, go to the tab additional parameters and change the resolution for yourself.

To remove operating system registry keys, there are many different third-party utilities that work better than the standard editor due to the presence additional functions. Such utilities can also be found in operating system optimization programs.

Periodically, to speed up the system and troubleshoot problems, it is recommended to manually or using additional programs Cleaning the registry of unnecessary entries will significantly save your computer's resources, freeing them up for much more important tasks. This will also remove unused registry components that could cause problems later on.

An advanced user will figure out if he needs to delete a non-deletable file, but will he be able to delete a non-deletable registry key or folder? WITH free program on this page, it will be easy to do.

is a portable tool that can remove locked registry keys, even if they belong to Windows or are protected by malware.

The interface is extremely simple. There's no browsing like regedit, no tree to help you find the key you need: just a window to enter the key or value, and a Delete button to get rid of it.

Direct access to the registry

The program ignores the normal method uninstall Windows, and writes data directly to the Registry. As a result, the program bypasses any permissions issues, and it won't matter if malware uses the Windows API: the key is deleted anyway. (Of course, if malware is running on your computer, it can always overwrite the key later, but Registry DeleteEx at least gives you a chance to regain control).

Be careful: if you delete something important, the system may crash and/or simply stop booting. Only use this program if you know what you are doing!

Instead of conclusions: The DeleteEx registry provides an easy and effective method remove even the most stubborn registry keys. This can be very useful, but making a mistake can easily turn your computer into garbage: be very, very careful.

In the article, we looked at how you can add an entry to the Windows registry via the command line or via a bat file. There is a reverse command that allows you to remove keys from the Windows registry, called Reg Delete. Let's look at the syntax of this command.

In general, the Reg Delete command looks like this:

reg delete section_name

Let's look at the syntax in more detail:

section_name— indicates the section in which the required registry keys are located. In fact, the path to these keys. If the path contains spaces between characters, it must be enclosed in quotes.

For example, in the screenshot below we see that registry variables related to the 7-Zip program are located in the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\7-Zip.

/v entry_name— the name of the registry key to be deleted. If you do not specify, all subsections and keys will be deleted.

/ve— delete nameless parameters.

/va— request all parameters of this section.

/f— delete forcibly without additional warning.

If the operation needs to be performed on remote computer, then before the partition name you need to add the computer name like this \\computer_name\partition_name. Further command syntax remains unchanged.

Example of using the Reg Delete command:


This command will remove the parameter ABC In chapter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TEST on the computer Test-PC. If deletion occurs on local computer, then it's enough


If we need to delete the entire partition TEST entirely, then you can use the command


As you can see, the Reg Delete command is not difficult to use. However, you need to be careful, since thoughtlessly deleting registry keys and keys can have a negative impact on the operating system and the software in it.

Few people know, but after you have purchased and activated a license for Windows 7, the system no longer needs this key. It is needed only once - upon activation. The system does not check it further. And the most interesting thing is that this key is written to the registry, and this is already dangerous. Ask why? Yes, because if an attacker gets into your system, he can easily copy this key for himself and then use it for his own purposes. For example, create pirated assemblies with this key or activate it for yourself. This will subsequently lead to the fact that this key will be blacklisted and you will not be able to receive updates and will receive all the “delights” of non-licensed Windows.
Therefore, for security and protection purposes, those in the know usually delete the activation key.

How to delete license key Windows activation 7 from the register.

The most interesting thing is that we will not work with you.

1) Start Menu - Run () or keyboard shortcut Win + R and enter slui

2) In response, the key license verification service will open. If you do not have activated Windows, the window will look like this:

If there is activation, the window will look like this:

Of course, if it’s not activated, we activate it and buy it. If activated, read on.

3) Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> (or Win + R enter cmd) and enter the command in it slmgr-cpky and press Enter

If everything worked, a message will appear The product key was successfully removed from the registry

If it didn't work out

then try running the command prompt as an administrator and repeat the command. How to do this - see the link at the beginning of this paragraph.

RMB by shortcut command line and select from the menu Run as administrator

Activation will not be lost due to these actions. You can check in Computer Properties then or reboot and check again. The activation key for Windows 7 was deleted, but the activation remained.

Hello admin! Question, how to clean the registry from accumulated garbage: remaining keys, parameters, values remote programs, but I want to do it correctly, since I have a sad experience.

Just recently I installed one program on my computer and was surprised to find that another one was installed along with it, some kind of operating system and registry cleaner. The most interesting thing is that this program began to run along with Windows, constantly offering to clean the computer of various debris. Just for fun, I decided to try it and clicked OK, the process of cleaning the registry from unnecessary entries began, after a minute the check ended and the program issued a report, 1024 errors were found, which the utility offered to fix, I agreed and clicked OK again, the registry errors were deleted and the computer rebooted and didn't boot anymore!

The next time I booted, the error Windows\system32\config\system... and something else appeared on a black screen. With great difficulty, we managed to restore the operating system using your article.

I also found it on your site interesting article, where you clean the registry of keys left by the virus without resorting to any programs. That's why I decided to write to you and ask how to clean the registry from garbage, and is it even necessary, because many users never clean the registry at all and don’t think about it.

How to clean the registry

1) What is a registry!

2) Is cleaning the registry really necessary?

3) Did you know that if a malicious program leaves its keys in the registry, then no registry cleaner will find them. How to find unnecessary keys in the registry manually without resorting to any programs.

3) How to clean the registry with EnhanceMySe7en

4) How to clean the registry with CCleaner

Hello friends! A good question has been asked and to answer it, I will tell you in a nutshell what the registry is and how it is used by Windows.

The register is the most important Windows component, appeared in ancient Windows 3.1 as a file Req.dat.

The registry contains a huge database or repository of configuration information of all programs installed on the operating system and Windows itself. Information about all users, file extensions, drivers, connected devices, activations, and so on, all this is stored in the registry.

Any application, when installed in the operating system, leaves its configuration data in the registry, and also any application does not delete all data from the registry when it is uninstalled (removed) from the computer. This is a well-known fact.

For example, I will remove a program from my computer Adobe Photoshop, and then I’ll check the registry for the presence of keys for this program and they will be there,

The same will happen with Download program Master.

And if you remove a more serious program from Windows, for example, then pay attention to how much garbage it leaves behind in the registry. And if you imagine that we have been using the operating system for a year!

It becomes clear that quite a lot of this junk left by programs after being removed from the computer remains in the registry, but here’s another question, my friends - does all this junk interfere with the performance of the operating system? No one has been able to prove what is preventing it. Isn’t this proof that the well-known Microsoft developer of Windows himself never created a special tool for his brainchild that would automatically clean the registry. yes, it is also present, but you can clean the registry only manually using the special regedit editor built into Windows.

In what cases do I clean the registry myself?

Friends, at one time I experimented ad nauseum with various registry cleaners, but never came to a convincing result. I believe that there is no great need for constant automatic cleaning of the registry, since no automatic cleaning is as good as you think. If you deleted a program and it left its keys in the registry, then Windows will never access these keys and because of these keys there will in no way be a drop in system performance or any errors. Garbage in the registry can amount to several tens of kilobytes of unnecessary sections and have no noticeable impact on system speed

But you should still know how to delete unnecessary entries in the registry, and here's why.

As an example, I will give a real case. A friend of mine picked up a malicious program that ran executable file from the folder C:\Windows\AppPatch\hsgpxjt.exe. We successfully removed the virus, but created in the registry malware the records remained because when the system booted, this window appeared.

None of the existing automatic registry cleaners helped me then; they simply did not find malicious entries.

I had to manually find malicious keys in the registry located in the registry hives


Keys added

Load REG_SZ C:\WINDOWS\apppatch\hsgpxjt.exe

Run REG_SZ C:\WINDOWS\apppatch\hsgpxjt.exe


Key added

userinit REG_SZ C:\Windows\apppatch\hsgpxjt.exe

I wrote a detailed article about this case "" you can read it. From this article you can learn how to find unnecessary keys in the registry using the built-in Windows editor regedit.

Well, what can we wish for users who want to have an automatic tool for cleaning the registry at hand?

How to clean the registry with EnhanceMySe7en

Before using registry cleaner programs, I advise you to create a system restore point (let’s lay down a straw before we fall)

At one time I used the EnhanceMySe7en program, it is a very good tweaker for Windows 7, it includes two dozen convenient tools for Windows management 7. EnhanceMySe7en also contains a startup manager, defragmenter hard drive, a hard drive monitoring tool and process manager (some tools are only available in the paid version). This cool program is unfortunately not English language, but everything will be clear to you anyway.

Official website of the program

Click Download v3.7.1, 12.6 MB and download free version,

It does not contain some tools, for example hard defragmenter disk.

To start cleaning the registry you need to go to the Tools tab and click just one button Registry Cleaner.

Then you can view the Details or immediately click on the Delete button to Delete errors.

That's it, the registry is cleared.

How to clean the registry with CCleaner

Even more simple program CCleaner, which is used by the vast majority of users. It is installed on literally everyone who needs it and doesn’t need it. Sometimes I think it's included in the set standard programs Windows. No matter what kind of computer they bring to me for repair, it will always be installed there.

You can download the program on its official website

Can you use a portable one? CCleaner version, working without installation and carrying it with you on a flash drive. There is even a version for Mac.

Downloaded, run the program as administrator.

First of all, go to Settings and select Russian language.

Registry tab. Click on the Search for problems button.

The first time the program finds a lot of errors.

Click Fix.

And select a location to save the backup.

Then you can view all registry errors or simply click the Fix marked ones button.

This backup copy you will need it if something goes wrong after cleaning the registry. What could go wrong? For example, some already activated program will ask for activation again, but don’t worry, this happens very rarely. In this case, press double click right mouse on backup file registry

Answer Yes