How to get rid of a banner on an Android phone. How I removed an advertising banner on Android

To understand how to get rid of a virus, it is necessary to determine its “nature”. For example it could be normal application, generously sending paid SMS from your number. Or maybe a banner pops up on the entire screen, which will not even allow you to go to Google Play to download the antivirus.

Simple SMS viruses


  • After installing a game or application, all money disappeared from the mobile account. This is the most primitive virus, which, however, can play a cruel joke on your money.
  • Nothing bad happens anymore. Harmless for tablet users without SIM cards.


Just go to the list of installed applications and remove the one that caused a problem after installing it. Typically, such a virus can be detected even during installation. For example, you download live wallpaper to your Android desktop, and the list of rights available to the application will include sending SMS or making calls. Think for yourself, why would wallpaper call or write messages to someone?

Complex SMS viruses


  • They get onto the tablet not only through applications from “leftist” sources. If the tablet has a SIM card, the virus arrives via SMS in the form of a link to a photo, and from a number (person) YOU KNOW. Imagine you receive an SMS from your wife or girlfriend, and it says: “Hello :) Photo for you,” and then a link. Naturally, without hesitation, you will follow the link and... download the virus onto your tablet.
  • The name of the virus can masquerade as a completely useful application - for example, Google Play.
  • The virus gains access to your phone book and sends everyone an SMS with the text “Hello:) Photo for you” and still with the same link to the virus.
  • The virus blocks incoming calls, thereby preventing your friends from warning you about the danger.
  • The tablet freezes when trying to take away administrative rights from a virus application.
  • The virus is not removed through the application manager because it receives administrator rights. All delete buttons will be disabled.


Download AVAST antivirus. Install it, open it, and run the “Forced System Scan” function. The antivirus will detect the virus, after which you need to click “Remove all”.

And here is the most interesting thing. On the screen you will see the question: “Delete everything from the tablet and reset the settings to factory settings?” The owner of the tablet is scared off by this phrase, and he usually clicks “No”. In this case, you need to click “Yes,” since this virus only replaces the phrase “Deprive the application of administrative rights” with “Delete everything and reset settings.” And, as you already understand, by selecting “Yes” your data and settings will remain in place, the antivirus will be able to take away the administrative rights from the virus and successfully remove it.

Banner viruses – blockers


  • Instead of the desktop, the user sees an advertising banner that can neither be hidden nor closed. This could be “adult” material, or a requirement to pay the attacker to unlock the device.
  • There may be other symptoms, for example, advertisements may appear randomly and then disappear, but the device is not “locked.”


  1. Reboot the device with any in an accessible way. Immediately after the reboot, remove the virus application, after installation of which the banner began to appear. If you cannot find or remove it manually, download the antivirus, scan the system, and remove it.
  2. We connect the tablet to the computer, open the tablet memory. We find the folder where applications are located, for example system/app, and delete everything suspicious, after installing which the problems supposedly started. Those. In essence, we delete ARK applications via the computer.
  3. If these options do not help, there is only one thing left - Hard Reset. What it is and how it is done is described in detail in the video clip below. I will only say one thing - by doing a general reset, all data from the tablet will be erased.

How to protect yourself from viruses

It is easier to prevent infection with viruses than to “treat” them later. As they say, God protects those who are protected.

  1. Download applications only from a trusted source - from Google Play. Although, as practice shows, you can catch an infection there, but this happens quite rarely.
  2. Therefore, it is recommended to install, albeit free, but good antivirus on Android. It will prevent the virus from getting onto the tablet.
  3. Do not unnecessarily check the box next to “Allow installation of applications from unknown sources” in the security settings.

And remember, rooted tablets (which have ROOT rights), are much more vulnerable to a virus attack - a virus enters a tablet with RTH rights as if it were in its own home and takes control of the system.

“Darling, you need to get checked. I’m embarrassed to say, but I think I picked up somewhere... an advertising banner.”

Yes, this is exactly how you honestly need to admit to your loved one that a virus has entered your smartphone or tablet. Collective infection occurs not only somewhere on the Internet, but right in your home network. I have already talked about the experience of fighting advertising viruses and banners, and today I will add signs of infection and another sad experience with a good ending. The most difficult option for removing banners and viruses - when a virus penetrates the system, I described in the third post -

Part three. Banner on Android. Signs of infection

Have you seen such banners? How can you tell if something is wrong with your favorite smartphone or tablet? Here are some signs that will help you identify if your device is infected. There may be many more signs, but here are the most common ones for the present time and those that I have encountered more than twice.

Part four. How I blocked an advertising banner

So, annoying advertising appeared - banners, full-screen pop-ups, page transitions paid subscriptions. Google started complaining about traffic coming from my network. What I've done? This experience is only my own and is not an instruction for use.

Note. The following were also encountered as a source of infection or as a leaky application: Caivs, slowly, Font Manager, patriotic, etc.

This treatment worked on 3 devices. It is noteworthy that my Asus and Samsung devices were not damaged. It’s surprising that even the terrible Fly didn’t “get sick,” but he was already disabled right on the assembly line. It is possible that this problem applies to Chinese devices with Android 4.4 kitkat.

In the following posts I will continue to tell the story of the fight against intrusive advertising. Follow the updates, ask, comment, share your opinions. Good luck!

Viruses can be of two types:

1. Fake - the name and icon of some well-known application are used, but inside there is only malicious code. Most viruses are of this type.

2. Trojan horse - malicious code is added to a normal application, which works together with the application.

What viruses can do

1. Steal money from a SIM card: call or send SMS to paid numbers until the SIM card runs out of money.

2. Steal information: send passwords from online banks, data bank cards or personal files to scammers who send messages with viral links to numbers from your address book on your behalf.

3. Block normal work devices: display a ransomware banner that prevents you from using the device.

4. Use your device's power: show hidden advertising or mine cryptocurrencies.

How viruses get onto a smartphone or tablet

Fraudsters disguise viruses as harmless applications and files: browsers, players, games, navigators, books, antiviruses. Then they distribute them:

1. On sites for adults, sites with hacked applications and pirated films, torrent trackers, etc.

For example, you are looking for some game or program on the Internet, and you end up on a forum. Someone left the necessary link, and everyone unanimously thanks him.

In fact, the forum and commentators are not real.

Or go to a site with pirated films and TV series, a message appears. It says that the smartphone/tablet is infected with viruses or that some program is very outdated. It even happens that the device begins to vibrate or make strange sounds.

In fact, this is not the case and everything is fine with the device.

2. By SMS, MMS and email

As a rule, these are SMS from “girls from dating sites”, from free classifieds sites, letters from “notaries from Germany”, messages about winning the lottery.

Be careful, there are no miracles. In most cases these are scammers.

All such messages have a common goal - to get you to click on a link so that the virus will download to your device.

How viruses infect a smartphone or tablet

For the virus to start working, it is not enough to download it - you also need to install it. Viruses are usually downloaded to the Download folder and look like setup files applications with the “apk” extension.

If you click on a virus, a list of permissions will appear. Permissions are the actions that an application will be able to perform after installation.

If you click “Install”, the virus will install and start working.

How to distinguish a virus from a normal application

Most viruses are written by non-professionals who want to get money quickly and without any problems with the law. Therefore, the standard signs of such viruses are permissions to send messages or calls. When such a virus is installed, it will begin quietly sending SMS or calling paid numbers.

Let's compare real applications and viruses. Dr.Web Antivirus:

Permissions of the original antivirus from Play Store

Permissions of a virus that pretends to be an antivirus

Yandex Navigator:

Permissions of the original navigator from the Play Store

Permissions of a virus that pretends to be a navigator

Game Talking Tom 2:

Permissions of the original game Volume 2 from the Play Store

Permissions of the virus that pretends to be a game Volume 2

Of course, not all applications that request access to calls and messages are viruses. And not all viruses request access to paid features.

If scammers want to film with your camera, you will need access to the camera and the Internet.
If your files are needed, they will ask for access to memory and the Internet.
If they want to block the screen with a banner, they will ask for administrator rights.
And some viruses even know how to hide permissions during installation.

It is difficult to identify a well-made virus - or you need to look source applications, or install a virus on the device, remove logs from it (incident log) and understand them. Fortunately, such viruses are rare. More often than not, two guidelines will be useful to you:

If an application was downloaded from an unknown site and requests access to paid functions, it is a virus in 99% of cases.

How to protect your smartphone or tablet from viruses

1. Install applications only from the Play Store and choose them seriously

It is very difficult for an untrained person to distinguish a virus from a normal application. To protect users, Google has created a special catalog with applications - Play Market.

Before adding an application to the Play Store, Google checks whether it contains malicious code. Users who download apps from the Play Store are more protected than those who download apps from different sites and forums. But remember that nothing is completely safe, so choose apps seriously: read permissions carefully and look at ratings.

2. Do not click on unknown links in SMS, MMS or mail

Fraudsters have even learned to fake numbers and addresses Email, so messages with viral links may also come from your friends.

3. Do not root your device or install unofficial firmware

If the device is rooted, the virus will be able to register itself in system applications and then only a complete flashing of the device can remove it.

4. Disable auto-receive MMS on your device

Fraudsters can automatically download viruses to your device via MMS. This is due to vulnerabilities in the Stagefright library.

To disable MMS auto-download, select: Messages → Options → Settings → (Advanced) → MMS → Auto-receive (Auto-download) → Disable.

5. Do not activate the “Autopayment” banking service (automatic replenishment of the balance of a telephone number when it drops to a certain amount)

If your device suddenly gets infected with a virus that sends SMS to paid numbers, the SIM card balance will be replenished until the money on the card runs out. Messages from the bank are usually blocked.

Tip: To receive messages from banks and other important senders, purchase private room, which no one will know, and a simple phone number.

How to understand that a virus has appeared on your smartphone or tablet

There are no clear signs; it all depends on the virus. Some are noticeable immediately after installation (a banner appears and access to the device is blocked), others may not reveal themselves for a long time. In most cases, the signs are:

  • Large bills for SMS or calls appear;
  • A banner appears demanding that you pay the scammers, which prevents you from using the device;
  • Unfamiliar programs appear;
  • The battery starts to drain very quickly;
  • Internet traffic is quickly consumed by incomprehensible applications;
  • The device starts to slow down a lot.

How to remove a virus if the menu opens

How to remove a virus if the menu does not open (banner ransomware)

If a ransomware banner appears on the screen and prevents you from using the device:

    Do not transfer money to scammers - they still won’t unlock your device.

    Remove the SIM card to prevent money from being debited from your account.

    Boot your device into Safe Mode.

    If the banner in safe mode disappears, disable administrator rights for all applications.

    If the banner does not disappear, go to step No. 11.

    View all installed applications and remove those unknown to you.

    Reboot your device. The device will boot in normal mode, there should be no banner.

    If the banner appears after a reboot, go to step No. 11.

    Download an antivirus you trust over Wi-Fi from the Play Store.

    The design of viruses and the operating mechanisms of antiviruses change daily, so it is impossible to recommend any specific antivirus. Focus on other users' ratings and reviews. According to the author, good antiviruses are: Eset, Kaspersky and Dr. Web.

    Scan your device with an antivirus and remove any viruses found.

    Uninstall the antivirus that you installed.

    Download another antivirus and check your device again.

    If the previous options do not help, reset your device.

    If you cannot cope with the virus yourself, contact service center Samsung.

Do you need an antivirus on Android?

If you are a novice user and are not confident in your abilities, you need it. But only one.

If you use your device carefully and follow safety rules, you don’t have to install an antivirus.

Advertising viruses on Android are a common phenomenon, which is often associated with the user’s carelessness and lack of awareness in terms of installing third-party applications. As a result, they see huge banners on their screens and sometimes even threats in the style of “send an SMS to such and such a number or your phone will be blocked.” How to remove ads on Android - read on Trashbox.

Problem Definition

First of all, you need to find out what exactly you are dealing with. If advertisements start appearing on top of all applications on your device, it means that an adware trojan has penetrated your Android. They come in different types:
  1. Common adware viruses that are installed with malicious applications.
  2. Advertising viruses that are installed as system applications.
  3. Trojans that are built into the firmware.

The first ones can be deleted standard means operating system Android, that is, go to the settings, find the malware and remove it from the device. Viruses of the second and third types can only be removed by obtaining root rights and special programs, or simply by flashing the gadget.

We remove the simplest viruses on Android

First, remember what you installed on your smartphone or tablet in anticipation of the ad appearing. Determine the range of these programs. The AirPush Detector program can help with this. It scans all applications for displaying advertising banners.

If advertising and overlapping messages do not allow you to work normally with your smartphone, then it doesn’t matter. In this case you need reboot into Android Safe Mode. To boot into Safe Mode on Android, you need to:
Safe mode on Android, this is a state where you can use the system without all third-party applications. That is, those same advertising banners and messages are not shown in it.

Go to Settings → Security → Device Administrators. All programs that have administrator rights are shown here. If there are any suspicious malware present there, then remove the rights from them.

After that, go to Settings → Applications. We look for all potential malware there and remove it. After that we reboot again, but in normal mode. Everything should be fine, but if not, read the instructions below.

Full reset

If you want to be completely sure that the virus has been removed, then reset the device to factory settings (hard reset).

There are two ways to trigger a reset:
Through settings:
  1. Go to Settings → Backup and reset.
  2. There, find the “Reset settings” item. Select it.
  3. Click the Reset Phone button.
Buttons on the body: Android device manufacturers use different combinations to full reset. On most smartphones and tablets, this is holding down the Volume Down button and the Power button. You can find out about a similar combination for your device on the Internet.

How to remove system viruses on Android

Many viruses on Android receive administrator rights, root and are deeply embedded in the firmware. You can fight them in different ways.

Method one - flashing
The most reliable and easiest way to get rid of a virus that has taken root in the system is to reflash your smartphone. To avoid losing all your data, you can back up your applications from using Titanium Backup, but for this you need to get root access. Backups should be saved to an SD card, if available. For this you need the Pro version of the application. Titanium Backup.

Transfer backup copies Titanium Backup to SD card - left to right

The firmware for your device can be found on various resources. It could be CyanogenMod, official firmware or some modification. To find the firmware for your gadget, just use a search engine.

Method two - getting root and manual removal
Advanced users can remove a virus from Android in a more complex but reliable way. It consists of obtaining root rights on the device and manually removing all virus data. There are a great many ways to obtain root rights. The easiest one is to do it using a computer via KingoRoot.

After receiving root on Android, you need to install applications such as Root Explorer and Titanium Backup:

WITH using Root Explorer, you can check all Android system folders for suspicious APK files and directories with viruses. No matter what rights the Trojan has, Root Explorer will be able to remove it. Mostly virus APKs and folders are located in /system/app/ or /system/xbin/ directory.

Titanium Backup can remove almost all applications, so it can be used to remove an infected program.

Install antivirus on Android

An antivirus or a simple malware scanner will not only help cure an already infected Android, but will also prevent this from happening in the future.

The editors of Trashbox can recommend the following antiviruses for Android:

All these programs can find malware and destroy it.

It's no secret that by downloading applications from a special one, you can improve your smartphone in various ways, or become the owner of some popular toy. Often, paid versions from free ones, They differ only in the presence of advertising in them.

Today we will look at 5 of the fastest and the best ways how to remove ads on Android so that they don’t appear again and you don’t have to start all over again.

Of course, you don’t have to pay any attention to it, but we will discuss at least three reasons, why it’s better to get rid of such ads, and then we’ll figure out how to remove pop-up ads on your phone.

Updating information and checking the relevance of all applications - 03/08/2018

  1. Advertising is separate process, which is not only takes place on random access memory , but also affects the rapid discharge of the battery (by the way, here are some recommendations about your device).
  2. In addition, the presence of advertising on a smartphone can cause unwanted software to appear on it ( software), or even worse - .
  3. Also advertising consumes internet traffic(You may ask how, the answer is simple - to display ads you need to send a request to the advertiser’s server and then show it to you. So, for example, if when viewing a news feed social network In an hour, VK will consume a maximum of 10-20 MB, and if at this time advertisements pop up for you, then with this use at least 70% used in addition to traffic, that is, ~ 15 MB), and, as you know, not everyone has unlimited traffic.

Naturally, all this suggests that advertising in applications and games is This is not a harmless "add-on" for free download. And when you are convinced of this, you will be ready to remove it from your smartphone. Now, having given some convincing facts about the undesirability of advertisements appearing on your phone due to malware, I will give you many different solutions for different situations.

Method 1: Disable Pop-up Ads Using AdBlock Plus

AdBlock Plusbest program in its own way to get rid of annoying advertising from applications and games. She is so good that she was able to damage the business by almost $22 billion, and this is only for 2015! Do you still need any confirmation? This is an excellent ad removal program.

But it’s worth saying right away that in the store You won't find such an application on Google Play.. Probably because Google's only source of income in this case is advertising! It turns out that distributing a program in your store that would deprive you of this way of earning money is inappropriate.

This means only one thing - you will need install the program manually. There is nothing terrible in such a process, especially since after the installation is complete, you will enjoy numerous programs, games and applications without the presence of advertising in them.

Update information - Adblock Browser

But you still can download old versions Adblock Plus on third party sites. We recommend going to the 4PDA forum thread, where you will find past and improved versions. But remember that then you will not have access to updates.

Where to find and how to install

  • Download the Adblock Plus program from the 4PDA forum, and follow the next step. If you downloaded it on your computer, then you should transfer it to your device;
  • Click on the line with the program in your file explorer;
  • Let's start the installation.

What to do if a third-party application does not want to be installed

In order to install the program from a source other than an official one, you will have to change some things in the settings.

  1. We are looking for the “Settings” section.
  2. In the window that appears, find the “Security” or “Applications” section. On different devices will be one of these sections.
  3. Having opened the desired one, find the item “ unknown sources" This is where you need to check the box.

Sometimes this window appears on its own, during the installation of such an application. Then in the pop-up window you will need to immediately check the required box and wait for the installation to complete.


To forget about having the app always on, you can run it background process, to do this use this setting:

  1. After installation, you can immediately open the program and run it. A message will appear stating that Adblock Plus cannot change the proxy. You have to do this yourself. First, click " tune" and then "Open Wi-Fi settings».
  2. Click on the network that is turned on on the device and hold until the settings window appears. Click " Extra options" and check the box next to the proxy by selecting " Manually».
  3. You need to enter the host name " localhost", and the port " 2020 " Afterwards you need to save.
  4. Remember! If you suddenly need to turn off the program, then simply return the Wi-Fi settings to the “ Default».

Method 2: How to remove ads on your desktop

After familiarizing yourself with the above-mentioned program, you will already have the necessary knowledge, but if suddenly it cannot remove ads on the Android desktop, then it is worth reading a short guide.

After downloading the applications (as mentioned above), you can pick up unwanted software. That is, this includes many developers from the Play Market who are dishonestly trying to make money from us. That is why, now more and more often start to panic when: “Suddenly, out of nowhere, an advertisement pops up on the desktop” and a person begins to “rush” around the Internet in a panic in search of a quick, but not always correct solution.

Adfree - Root rights

AirPush - without Root

This application scans your entire Android and identifies all suspicious applications. In the video, I tried to scan my phone, and it said that no viruses were found. We found only applications with in-app purchases, but they are not considered dangerous.

If you still have questions, ask them below in the comments.

Method 3: Removal without Root Rights

Majority modern smartphones and tablets based on Android 6.0 and higher completely refuse to agree to install Ruth rights (SuperSu), there is nothing wrong here, just like everywhere else has its pros and cons. Developers try to keep the system core away from the capable hands of users as best as possible, so that later they do not complain about the device malfunctioning. Some craftsmen overcome this milestone with smartphones, while other models remain rebellious.

But what to do if the problem is with an adware virus, and the ability to install special program does not require Superuser Rights to block it, or do you simply not have such knowledge?! The answer is simple, choose one or more applications that can be used without ROOT rights.

  1. Lucky Patcher - a lot of errors and device freezes (strongly do not recommend)
  2. Adguard (take a closer look at this option)


After a global update, the application no longer supports ad blocking in third party applications. Take a closer look at other options.

Method 4: Remove ad units on YouTube

If you often watch various videos on YouTube and you are simply tired of seeing preview screens in the form of advertisements for 5-20 seconds without the ability to close before every second video, then this information will help you.

Disabling all advertising on YouTube using the Xposed Framework (RUTH ​​rights)

More detailed description look in a separate article dedicated to the Xposed Framework.

Method 5: Simple option to disable advertising

IN Android system The standard version has a fairly simple browser installed, which you don’t really want to use. Typically, users install options such as Chrome, Opera and Firefox. Options 2 and 3 are especially interesting. There are special built-in plugins that allow you to hide advertisements on Internet pages. Just download this application in the shop.

Video instruction

In our video, we only cover the basic features in the apps and browsers mentioned above. Since I haven’t had a problem with viral advertising on my phone (and I hope I don’t), I can’t demonstrate their full functionality to you. But no one forbids you to get acquainted with them.

What to do if an advertisement pops up on Android after a call?

If you are very seriously infected with a dialer virus, that is, after incoming/outgoing calls, advertising immediately appears in the menu, then here are some tips for you.

  • Run an antivirus, there is an application on Google Play Doctor Web(others are possible, it doesn’t matter), install it. Once turned on, find the function "Full check", wait until the scanning process finishes. Afterwards, if a dangerous application is found, follow the instructions (if it is an application you installed, then decide: delete or fight. If you want to leave it, or this system file, then use the settings (settings - applications) to clear the application data, just do not stop it, otherwise you will have to do everything again).
  • Remember, after which advertising began to appear, perhaps you installed something, or downloaded it from the Internet. If it doesn't help, go to step 1.
  • Perhaps it will help.
  • Describe your problem in more detail in the comments, and you will be answered as quickly as possible.

Now you know at least 5 different ways how to clean your Android from adware. Again, if your question is not answered here, please ask a question in the comments.