How to change your account password. How to change your account password


When installing Windows 8, by default, it sets a password to log into the computer. There is nothing wrong with this, but it bothers some users (for example, me: there are no strangers in the house who could “climb” on the computer without asking). In addition, you have to spend extra time entering the password when turning on the computer (and even after sleep mode, by the way).

In general, an account, at least as intended by the creators of Windows, should be created for each computer user and each should have different rights (guest, administrator, user). True, in Russia, usually, rights are not so differentiated: they create one account on their home PC and everyone uses it. Why is there a password?! Let's turn it off now!

How to change your Windows 8 account password

1) When you log into Windows 8, the first thing you see is a screen with tiles: various news, mail, calendar, etc. Among the shortcuts is a button to go to computer settings and account Windows. Let's press it!

Alternative option

You can go to settings in another way: call the side menu on the desktop, go to the settings tab. Then, at the very bottom of the screen, click on the “Change computer settings” button (see screenshot below).

3) Then you need to enter the “Login Options” settings.

5) Then you need to enter your current password.

6) And lastly...

Enter New Password and a hint for him. This way you can change your account password Windows entries 8. By the way, don't forget to restart your computer.

Important! If you want to disable password(so that it doesn’t exist at all) - then you need to leave all the fields in this step empty. As a result, Windows 8 will boot automatically without asking for a password every time you turn on your PC. By the way, in Windows 8.1 everything works the same way.

Notice: Password has been changed!

By the way, accounts can be different: both in the number of rights (installing and uninstalling applications, setting up a computer, etc.) and in the authorization method (local and network). More on this later in the article.

Types of accounts in Windows 8

By user rights

  1. The administrator is the main user on the computer. Can change any settings in Windows: remove and install applications, delete files (including system ones), create other accounts. On any computer under Windows control there is at least one user with administrator rights (which is logical, in my opinion).
  2. User - this category has slightly less rights. Yes, they can install certain types of applications (for example, games), change something in the settings. But, for most settings that can affect the operation of the system, they do not have access.
  3. Guest is the user with the least rights. Such an account is usually used so that you can view what you have stored on your PC - i.e. performs the function came, looked, closed and turned off...
  1. Local account- a regular account, stored entirely on your hard drive. By the way, it was in it that we changed the password in the first part of this article.
  2. Online account- a new Microsoft feature that allows you to store user settings on its servers. True, if you don’t have a connection with them, then you won’t be able to log in. Not very convenient on the one hand, on the other (with a constant connection) - why not?!

How to create an account? How to change account permissions?

Create an account

1) In the account settings (how to log in, see the first part of the article) - go to the “Other accounts” tab, then click the “Add account” button.

4) In the next step, enter your username. I recommend entering the username in Latin (just if you enter it in Russian, problems may occur in some applications: hieroglyphs instead of Russian characters).

5) Actually, all that remains is to add the user (the ready button).

Editing account rights, changing rights

To change account rights, go to the account settings (see the first part of the article). Then, in the “Other Accounts” section, select the account you want to change (in my example, “gost”) and click on the button of the same name. See screenshot below.

Next in the window you have several account options to choose from - select the one you need. By the way, create several administrators I don’t recommend it (in my opinion, only one user should have administrator rights, otherwise it will be a mess...).


If you suddenly forgot your administrator password and cannot log into your computer, I recommend using this article:

Forgotten account password Microsoft records, and this prevents you from logging into Windows 10 - how can you make it so that in such cases you can change it using SMS? And not with the help Email, tying the user to the need to have at hand another computer, tablet or smartphone with access to the Internet, in particular, to mailbox. Change it forgotten password by using SMS It will be possible in the most desperate cases, when only a simple push-button telephone is at hand.

This is the only possibility with confirmation via SMS It is not provided by default, but is configured in advance in your Microsoft account. We will look at how this is done below.

Password-protected using an account Microsoft access to the Windows 10 environment is itself an alternative in case of lapses in the user’s memory. When connecting an account, the system prompts you to set for access to the computer pin– a simpler combination that does not require a minimum threshold of eight characters and the presence of different symbol formats. If forgotten pin, log in using your password. The last one is forgotten - use it pin.

If both are forgotten, press .

Enter captcha.

Confirm your email address by entering login.

We go to the mail from another device, receive a security code in a letter from Microsoft, enter the code into the identity confirmation form. And set a different password. But if you set it up in your account Microsoft opportunity receive a security code on mobile phone through SMS, a choice of methods will appear in the identity confirmation form.

By choosing the method with SMS, you must confirm the number by entering the last four digits. And press the button.

And with its help we can enter Windows environment 10.

How can you set up the ability to receive a security code on your mobile phone via SMS? Go to the Microsoft account web interface in the browser window at:

Let's go to the section. We choose.

Click the option to add information to protect your account.

A confirmation code will be sent to this phone, enter it.

After this, the phone will be linked to the account. If the number is lost, it can be deleted and a new number can be linked in the same way.

The linked phone number will now be displayed in the options to receive a security code when changing the password on the screen Windows locks 10.


To change the user account password, open the Start menu - Control Panel - User Accounts and Family Safety - User Accounts. Your account window will open. Select the line “Change your password”. Next, you will be presented with several fields: one for entering the current password and two for entering and repeating a new one. As a hint, you can enter your password hint in the special field, but remember that it will be visible to others. Then click " ". Next time you will already log in with a new one.

Surely you have an account in . Changing the password on this network is done in the settings (or located in the menu on the left side of the page). Select My Settings and find Change Password in the list of settings. Again there will be three fields: one for recording the current password and two for a new one and repeating it. When filling out the fields on the right, there is a hint: the minimum password length is 6 characters, it is better to use the letters ; make sure that when creating a new password Caps key Lock is disabled. Otherwise, the next time you enter your password when the caps is disabled, it will be incorrect (it will be a different password). Then click the Change Password button.

In Odnoklassniki, you also log into your account using a password. To change it here, find the menu under your photo, click Change Settings. In the list of settings that appears, select Password. A window will appear on top of the page with fields for entering a password: one field for the current one and two for the new one, as in previous cases. Make the password more complex and longer. When you're happy, click Save.

When registering on forums, we also fill out forms with our personal data and protect our pages with passwords. The password change form is available in the forums in the Profile menu. You go into editing your profile and, according to the already familiar pattern, write the old password, then the new one, then repeat it. At the bottom of the page, after all the data, there is a Save Changes button.

Your mail account on Internet communication portals (Mail, Yandex, Google) also has a password. To change the email password, you should use Settings (they are located in the mail, under the Exit button), then Password, the traditional three fields to fill out. But there is another one below - for entering numbers that are depicted distortedly (this is done so that the system identifies you as a person who manually enters the text, and not a bot that registers automatically). A similar password change procedure is used on other communication portals.

Continuing the topic of password locked Windows systems. Very often, users forget their account passwords. I was considering resetting Windows password Very in a simple way, with the help of a very interesting program, in in this case the method will not help because the account is linked to Mircosoft servers.

You can fix problems very simply by booting from installation disk into the recovery environment and create a new user there so that he has administrator rights, and then log in, then we change the Microsoft account password. For a more understandable understanding of the method, I prepared this article, where I will try to talk about everything in as much detail as possible. Go.

We take a flash drive or disk with Windows 8 or any other system. When the language selection window appears, press the keys Shift+F10 to open the command line.

Let's write a command to open a regular notepad - notepad .

In the program window, click on “File” - “Open”.

The “Computer” window opens, where we look at which drive Windows is located on, usually it is (C:), but anything can happen.

We are aware of the letters system disk, now return to the CMD (command line) window, enter the following commands:

copy c:\windows\System32\utilman.exe c:\ — we create a copy of utilman on the system disk;

copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe – thanks to this command we will replace the utilman file with the file command line(cmd.exe). Next, you need to confirm this action by entering the phrase yes .

Reboot the device and when the welcome window loads, where you need to enter your credentials, click on the Ease of Access Center button.

The window that opens by clicking this button will be replaced by opening the command line. And here we begin to enter the following commands:

net user Andrey /add– creating a new user (Andrey is the user name, you can enter whatever you want);

netplwiz– opens the “User Accounts” window;

In this window we select the user we just created and just below click on "Properties".

Click on the tab "Group Membership".

Switch the checkbox to option – "Administrator" and apply the changes.

We have given the new user administrator rights, now we will change the password, for which we need to click the button "Change password".

Enter some password and, please, do not forget it, write it down on a piece of paper or in a notepad so that you don’t forget it if something happens.

Click OK everywhere. Reboot the computer. Once we are back on the welcome window, click on the arrow at the top left of the screen.

Click on the user we created and enter the password we set.

The system will make some settings and boot the computer in standard mode.

How to reset your Microsoft account password?

Now let's move on to the change Microsoft password. We go to their official website and click on the link "Reset your password"(Reset the password).

A window will appear where you need to indicate the reason why you cannot enter. Select an item "I do not remember the password".

Enter the email from your account or the login you specified.

To make sure that it is really you who is applying for restoration, you need to undergo verification. You can receive the security code either by E-mail or by SMS on your phone, but the first option is probably easier.

Let's go to our email and copy the code from there and paste it into the field "Here's your code".

Create a new password and enter it in the fields provided.

So we changed the password that you forgot. In order for everything to work, you need to restart your computer, click on the arrow at the top left, and then select the account that you could not log into. Then enter the new password you specified when changing it on the Microsoft website.

It's quite simple, isn't it?

If you need to delete a newly created profile, then go to the Control Panel and select "Accounts…".

Then select a section "User accounts".

OK it's all over Now.

If for some reason you need to change a user password in Windows 10, doing so is usually very simple (provided you know the current password) and can be done in several ways, which are described step by step in this manual. If you don't know your current password, a separate guide should help.

Before you begin, keep one thing in mind important point: On Windows 10, you can have a Microsoft account or a local account. The simple method of changing the password in the settings works for both accounts, but the remaining methods described are separate for each type of user.

If you use a Microsoft account in Windows 10, you can change the user password not on the computer itself, but online in the account settings on the official Microsoft website. At the same time, this can be done from any device connected to the Internet (but in order to log in with a password set in this way, your computer or laptop with Windows 10 must also be connected to the Internet when logging in in order to synchronize the changed password).

Once you save your settings on the Microsoft website, your password will also be changed on all internet-connected devices signed in with your account.

Ways to change Windows 10 local user password

For local accounts in Windows 10, there are several ways to change the password, in addition to the settings in the Settings interface; depending on the situation, you can use any of them.

Using the command line

Ready. Immediately after this, a new password will be set for the selected user.

Changing your password in Control Panel

You can close Account Control in Control Panel and use a new password the next time you log in.

User settings in Computer Management

I hope that the described methods for changing your password will be sufficient for you. If something doesn’t work out or the situation is very different from the standard one, leave a comment, maybe I can help you.