How to change a page in a contact? Changing the theme for VKontakte Why did they change the page in VKontakte.

The answer comes: “Unfortunately, your application to change your name has been rejected. We ask users to use their real names in full form, written in Russian letters."

This means that you are required to indicate your real name in full form (that is, not Tanechka and not Tanya, A Tatiana) and real name. Both, as indicated on your ID. Fictitious names, surnames, and pseudonyms are not accepted in VK.

What to do? Written: “You can try again using your real first and last name.” This means that you can either leave your first and last name as is, or try to change them again. The application will be approved only if this is your real name and surname in Russian. If they don't approve of your real last name or first name, you'll have to show your document support service. Read about it below.

Also, the application may be rejected if you have recently changed your first or last name - then you will have to wait.

VK does not accept real first or last names. Solution

A file with a photo of the document is attached using the button "Document", which looks like this:

When everything has been filled out and attached, the application is sent using the button "Send". After this you will have to wait, usually from one to several days.

What document should I attach?

Passport, birth certificate, student or student ID card, marriage certificate, driver's license - anything that certifies that you have exactly that last name. You can erase the series and number of the document on the photo, they are not needed.

How to take a photo of a document to confirm your first or last name?

Open it at the place where your real name and surname are written. There will be a spread in front of you, that is, two pages. Make sure it is well lit. Take a photo so that the entire spread is in the frame and the text is clearly readable. You need to photograph at an angle, as in this example:

If you're shooting with a phone, you can usually adjust the focus by pressing your finger on the screen in the place where the text should be clear.

Why can’t I change my first and last name?

Possible reasons why you cannot change your first and last name:

  • Your new last name or first name seems strange to the administrators, and they reject the application because they believe that your full name is fictitious. For example, if you married a person with an unusual surname. In this case, you will have to contact support and attach a document, as we just described
  • You've already changed your first or last name recently - normal people don't change them that often, so you'll have to wait
  • You thought that your first or last name would change immediately, but in reality you have to wait until they check (maybe quickly, or maybe a few days)
  • You entered a new first or last name, but did not click "Save"(see the beginning of this manual!)
  • You entered a false, fictitious or distorted name (for example, Kristino4ka), and the administrators rejected it
  • You entered your middle name instead of your last name. Where it says “last name”, you only need to indicate the last name.
  • You entered the name in English, but it should have been in Russian (these are the rules, read below!)
  • You decorated your first or last name with some extraneous symbols
  • You indicated two surnames - current and maiden (VK asks you last name but not surnames)
  • You entered a double name, for example, Alexander-and-Anastasia- it is forbidden

What to do if VK displays “You are trying to change your name too often”?

These are the rules: in VK you must indicate your real first and last name. But people don’t change their full name often, so in VK there is a limit on how often this can be done. Usually VK shows what date you can change your first or last name. This means that you really have to be patient.

Most often, girls change their last name. They give themselves the last name of their boyfriend. When the relationship ends, they want to change their last name back (or change it to the next guy's last name). But VK doesn’t allow me to do this. Too little time has passed!

How can we be here? Just get married. No, it’s not marital status to put in VK. This means going to the registry office, getting married and taking your husband’s last name. Receive a document about changing your last name and show it to VK support service, as described above. If you get divorced, you will return your old last name and change it in VK in the same way.

If your page got to the attackers, they changed your first and last name and now it’s too long to wait until they can be changed again, contact the VK support service, but you will also have to wait for an answer there.

Why did they change my friend’s last name to a fictitious one, but they didn’t change mine?

Because it's not that simple. After all, some people change their last name on their page for the first time, but others don’t. Some names immediately arouse suspicion, while others are skipped by the system. It is useless to demand that you put a surname that you made up, because VK has its own rules. You will have to either comply with them or leave.

Why can’t I make a double name on VKontakte?

You and your wife or husband are sitting on the same page and want to give yourself a double name, for example, Alexander-and-Anastasia. This is prohibited by the rules. On the VKontakte website, everyone registers personally, indicates their real first and last name and uses their own page. One. One person - one page. We have no doubt that you and your wife (husband) have two different passports, and not one for both of you. Also, consider that 50% of marriages end in divorce - if this happens, what will you do with one common page for two? Asking to “share” it? Nobody will mess with you.

Why does someone have a double name, but you can’t? Because they gave themselves such a name a long time ago, when politics was softer, and since then they have simply not been touched.

Why can't the double name error be corrected? Because double names are already prohibited. You can only change, for example, Alexander-and-Anastasia on Alexander or Anastasia.

If you're looking to add some style and personality to your social media account, you won't have to try a bunch of options to figure out which one is best. We did it for you. This article provides proven methods that allow you to safely and freely change the design of your VKontakte page.

To change the background for VKontakte, you must first download themes for VKontakte. Or rather, an extension with a catalog of these themes, which is integrated into the browser and allows you to apply the option you like. Note that many of these plugins are equipped with a designer - a small program that allows you to customize the appearance of the page. We are talking about choosing a background color and font color, setting transparency and appearance frames for blocks.

In short, this is the topic

So, where is this mysterious place - “here”? Where can I find these same extensions? Some of them are available in official online browser extension stores. For example, you can find the plugin in the store. However, this does not mean that you will find it in the stores of other web browsers. Therefore, as a rule, developers create a separate website.

In general, there are a lot of similar resources - at least we have tested a couple of dozen. But the applications they provide are either detected by antiviruses as containing malicious code (this was the case with and, or contain advertising and offer to install other products (for example,

Therefore, we will consider only a couple of services that have managed to gain trust and popularity (and which provide the opportunity to download extensions for VKontakte for free). These are and

Option one, a little nervous

When installing the plugin from We received an offer to install an additional panel in the browser and add it to startup, which is not always interesting.

After restarting the web browser, the “Theme Manager” section appeared in our account menu. However, its catalog was clearly different from what is presented on the site. No bright anime, no hot girls in bikinis, no cool sports cars. Instead of hundreds of wallpaper options, there are only 18 themes with balls, Simon's cat and a wheat field. In addition, when we have already decided how to change the VKontakte theme and selected the appropriate option, the account menu overlaps the theme manager menu. To see your page, you need to click on the block frame with the inscription “VKontakte”. In short, we had to figure out what was what.

Option two, optimal

I was much more pleased with the expansion from . It is much simpler and truly free of unnecessary hassles. After installing the file and restarting the browser, in the “Settings” of the page we saw the “My Themes” category.

In principle, there were themes for VK for every taste - here were romantic pictures with spring flowers, and harsh wallpapers in the spirit of the fantastic game “Dead Space”, and “relaxing” options with views of exotic islands in the middle of the ocean.

We were also pleasantly surprised by the themes with the parallax effect - few analogues can offer this. And the ability to customize the background and font color is a clear plus.

VKontakte decided to radically change its design for the first time in 10 years. "DP" found out what had actually changed and how social network users reacted to it.

“Psst, do you want to read about the new design of VKontakte?” asks users who visited their page on this page for the first time today social network, a white-haired man popularly known as one Harold the Hiding Pain.

Harold redirects everyone who agreed to the tempting offer to VKontakte Operations Director Andrei Rogozov. And he, in turn, provides details about the changes that the service has undergone. By the way, a blog in which " " employees will share news is one of the innovations. More precisely, the service already had a blog, but for some time it was decided to abandon it. Now the blog is back.

The redesign can easily be called historic. After all, almost nothing has changed seriously in the social network over the past 10 years. Yes, some functions were removed, others were added. In these processes, by the way, the famous “Durov, bring back the wall” was born. But the design remained unchanged all this time. By the way, it should be noted that announcing innovations on April 1 is an excellent move. If something goes wrong, you can always say it was a joke.

To describe the changes in a nutshell, the social network has become a little more similar to Facebook and its own mobile version. Some, however, have already found similarities with both Odnoklassniki and Twitter, and also joked that the VKontakte team Googled the new design.

For example, the checkbox confirming the authenticity of the account is very reminiscent of a similar tool in Inatagram. By the way, the design of the checkmark was liked by the former head of the VKontakte press service, which he reported on his page.

Mobile Unity

The changes also affected the main symbol of the social network – the logo in the form of a blue letter “B” in a white square. It was replaced by the Latin letters VK. However, this is just another step towards unity with the mobile version. Android app users and IOS new The VK logo has been familiar for a long time.

"The main principle of the new VKontakte design is that it looks similar and recognizable on all devices. It is easy for the website user to find the desired section in mobile application, and vice versa,” explains operating director Andrey Rogozov.

The “Messages” section has undergone major changes. Now on the left the user can see all his dialogues, and on the right - active correspondence with a specific interlocutor. As in mobile version, users who are online are marked with green circles. However, such unity is obviously not to everyone’s liking.

In the “News” section, a colorful switch with a light has appeared, thanks to which you can select the “show only interesting news” function. The good thing is that, unlike Facebook, you can activate this feature at your discretion. The bad thing is that when activated, the feed displays news that has little in common with interesting ones.

Catching up with Facebook

When the world first saw VKontakte in 2006, it was often compared to Facebook and criticized for literally copying the design of the social network. But since then, Facebook has repeatedly changed its own interface, while Vkontakte has remained the same. As a result, the similarities became less obvious.