How to write your username beautifully on Instagram. What username should a guy and a girl come up with on Instagram?

The username on Instagram is a kind of business card. Your name helps other users identify you. The choice of name must be approached responsibly.

Which Instagram name to choose to create your image?

Many users are wondering which Instagram name to choose? There are a lot of options. The name should symbolize something for you personally. Often, users choose a name because they like it or are associated with someone they like, usually a celebrity. In general, there are no rules for choosing a name. But of course, specific characters (spaces, underscores) cannot be used in writing the name. Read also how to choose an original nickname on Instagram, in this article.

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Popular names on the Instagram network - what they can be

Names on Instagram amaze with their diversity and have great importance. Girls have fashionable names: Blonde, Brunette, Pussy.

What name to come up with on Instagram so that it is remembered

What name should you come up with on Instagram so that it is unusual and memorable? Many people use their real data (full name) as a name, combine their first and last names, or take part of their first and last names. Or leave the name real, and take the surname of a celebrity (Raisa Ranevskaya, Alexander Rachmaninov). You can come up with a unique name to differentiate yourself from others. For example, Oracle, if you are interested in horoscopes, or Master, if you consider yourself an expert in some rare activity.

It also happens that the login you like is already taken, in which case you can add the first letter of the name to it. For example, the common surname Ivanov. Your name is Vladimir, add vivanov. You can always change your username if you get tired of it or don’t like it. To do this, just use the settings.

Go to the official website of the social network Instagram and log in. After that, go to your account settings. Click on your login located at the top right of the page and click “edit profile.” You will find yourself in a settings menu where you can change your name on Instagram.

To change the name you can use mobile phone. IN mobile application go to your profile and go to the edit section. Click Edit Profile. Instead of the old name, write a new one and click the blue button with a check mark. This is necessary to save changes made. Choose a name that is interesting and beautiful. Beautiful name will give you status and arouse interest and respect among other users. Well, you should choose the appropriate avatar, which you can download from your computer.

On the Instagram social platform, not only the visual appeal of the photos is of great importance, but also a well-created username. So that friends can easily find your page, you need to come up with an easy and consonant nickname. Before you start creating, it is important to take into account the fact that all names on Instagram can only be written in Latin letters.

Create a username on Instagram possible both from a PC and from your gadget. Instagram offers to come up with a username from the first minute of registering the service. If you have not yet decided what name you want to see in your profile, then it is best to write your initials. Then the name can be changed. To do this from a computer:

  1. On the first page of Instagram, open the editing section of your page.
  2. Next you will see the “username” column.
  3. Enter a new name in this area. When writing your name, do not forget that Insta does not allow indentation between letters. Instead, you can use an underscore or an ampersand &. In addition, the popular resource prohibits writing the word “follow” in English in the username.

After you based on came up with a name, scroll down, save what you came up with and update your page. The new name will appear in a few seconds.

To change the name from your iPhone, open your page and click on the settings icon at the top. Tap the profile change section and enter a new value.

Instagram username example

Good Instagram username example can be found from famous people or recognizable brands. If you run your own store, then you can safely name your account the same way. Or create an abbreviation.

For a profile name, a profession or field of activity that you are passionate about is also perfect. See what best reflects your personality and what you enjoy doing.

For example, if you love sports, you can choose the appropriate words in English and come up with a name like: anton_strong, kate_dance. The simpler the name you write, the easier it will be will be able to find you on Instagram.

What Instagram username should I come up with?

Which Create a username on Instagram depends on what goals your account will serve. If you created it just to communicate with friends, write your first and last name in the nickname, your zodiac sign or a diminutive form of the name.

This will make it easier for you to be found. If your goals are more global, you have decided seriously , bring additional traffic to the main site and not only from your friends, but also from strangers, come up with a unique creative pseudonym online that will reflect your most important ability.

At the same time, try not to write strange symbols or emoticons in your nickname. Do not use personal information in the title, such as your address, passport or telephone number. It’s better to remember your favorite characters from books and films, think about which ones are closest to you in terms of their way of thinking and character, and take exactly these data as the basis for your nickname.

For girls, the names of natural phenomena and seasons are good, but for guys it is better to take the characteristics of their profession as a basis.

How to name a group on Instagram so that the name is effective, easy to remember and attracts subscribers? The answer to this question interests many beginners and advanced bloggers, owners of information resources and online stores. For the wealthiest clients, the task of selecting a name is performed by advertising specialists and marketers. But not everyone has the funds for such events, so you have to come up with them yourself. Meanwhile, to simplify and speed up the task, it is possible to use special rules.

Creating a name for a public page on Instagram does not require high level erudition and any special skills. In order for the user to have enough interested subscribers, it is recommended to come up with a nickname according to the following rules:

  1. Laconism and simplicity. You should not make titles that are too long, more than three words. They are difficult to remember and it is not always possible to find them in a search engine the first time.
  2. Euphony. The name of the public is part of its business card. According to statistics, profiles with the most euphonious names have more subscribers.
  3. Topic matching. If the name does not reflect the topic of the group, it may not be of interest to subscribers. Exceptions include stores of famous brands.
  4. Refusal of the abundance of punctuation marks and third-party symbols. Overly complex compound names can also be off-putting. In addition, they are poorly remembered.

Based on these rules, you should select effective names for different topics.

For girls

You can generate public names almost endlessly. But a lot here depends on the topic. The name should reflect:

  • fashion trends;
  • pleasant phrases associated with beauty;
  • public topic.

The nickname should also be as concise as possible. It is important that it is easy to remember and attractive. You can also use literary devices here. But what to name a group on Instagram for girls if it is dedicated to everyday life or cooking? In this case, the name should be as interesting and original as possible so that it does not show boredom and monotony.

Cool names

So-called cool group names for girls and boys may contain original combinations of characters. So, for example, it is possible to make a list of such nicknames:

  • P0k0ri me4tu;
  • Pofigist's Pool;
  • Zolot@yaZhila;
  • A paradise for perfectionists;
  • Moms&Daughters, etc.

It is recommended that the name also reflect fashion trends and be relevant in the youth sphere. In it, many are interested in answers to the question of what is a cool name for a group on Instagram, since non-standard titles are attractive, memorable and reflect the essence of the content.

Beautiful names

Beautiful nicknames, depending on the topic and preferences of the owner, may contain:

  • names of Greek gods and goddesses;
  • titles and names from mythology;
  • Spanish, French, Italian words;
  • synonyms of beauty, tenderness, attractiveness, etc.

Such titles are suitable for profiles dedicated to culture and art, beauty and fashion, relationships and psychology. You should not use words that are difficult to pronounce or difficult to combine in their construction.

With the translation

In some cases, public pages with translated titles have more subscribers and clients. This is due to the mandatory reflection of the theme and style in the name. It is not always possible to determine from it what type of activity the page belongs to. But it is important to take into account that a good-sounding phrase in Russian will also sound good in a foreign language and vice versa.

For video

There are quite a lot of pages on which only videos are posted, but each of them is dedicated to a specific block of content. Thus, there are files that display recordings from recorders or hidden cameras, random video tracks, humor, excerpts from concerts, etc. It is recommended that the nickname reflect the essence of the content being posted so that it is easy to find and recommend to others. It is important that it also contains the word “Video” in Cyrillic or Latin letters.

To get people interested

IN in this case The nickname should be aimed at the audience. But how to name a group on Instagram if there are many options that create difficulties in choosing? It is useful to use these tips:

  1. Turn on keyword or phrase.
  2. Pay attention to competitors' content.
  3. Create intrigue. This way, your content will get more views.
  4. Sketch out the options and remove the unnecessary by elimination. It is useful to take tips from friends.

The owner must like the nickname. To interest people, you need to approach the selection of a name with interest.


Opening, filling and posting a public page on Instagram is work that requires a lot of effort, intellectual and creative abilities. It is also important to select the name of the future group with enthusiasm, otherwise it will have low attendance and an insufficient number of subscribers for promotion. To create it, you need to use the most appropriate rules and test the result in practice.

How to come up with a nickname on Instagram? A beautiful nickname is the key to successful promotion on social networks. It should suit the goals of the account, be original and memorable. And there are several steps to a good nickname, let's talk about them.

Username and Nickname: what are the differences?

Many people confuse these concepts. And this is not surprising, because a nickname or nickname is the actual name that your subscribers see, as well. In the account editing section, Nick is the first line, next to the badge icon, and Username is the second, next to the human figure.

The right choice of both will help you be remembered and make it easier to find you among millions of accounts.

Rules for choosing a name

First, you need to decide on the topic of your account. Here are a few possible topics:

  • Blog.
  • Sales are retail or wholesale (and there will also be several branches here). For example, selling perfumes or clothing.
  • News.
  • Art.
  • Musician.

It is from the theme that inspiration for the name should be taken. And, of course, the name of your company or Brand plays an important role. Everything should fit and be as clear as possible for users.

Secondly, the highlight. Your name must be original. And for this you need to meet three conditions:

  1. The name should be of interest.
  2. It should not be associated with anyone but you.
  3. After reading it, the user should be interested in what posts are in the account.

But! Of course, the name Sex tornado may meet these points, but if the topic of your account is not, for example, 18+ videos or call girls, you should not take it. Remember point 1. Yes, you have to keep a lot of things in your head, but if you take into account all the points, your nickname will be successful and will attract new possible clients.

Thirdly, having figured out the approximate content of your nickname, you can figure out the main methods of inventing it.

  1. The name or type of activity of your company. Elementarily simple. Moreover, if the company has a unique name, there will definitely not be repetitions. If the name of your company is not ready yet, you can name only your activity and add a geolocation - write your city, for example. But this will be somewhat unoriginal;
  2. Abbreviation. For example, the name of your company is Fashion Shoes. Enter as nickname F.S. unusual? However, this solution is only possible if the username is good enough, otherwise neither one nor the other will work, and this combination will be very unfortunate;
  3. Changeling. Again, without a good username, nothing will work. But this way you can make a rather original nickname. Yes and for the username it is a good option. For example, the famous rapper Oksimiron used this trick, the address of his Instagram page is @norimixxxo.
  4. A play on words and symbols. Something that will bring a smile, or even better, a Homeric laugh. Something that will look interesting. You can take a look at English nicknames. For example, if you are engaged in romantic gifts, you can call yourself, for example, “Gift 4 u”. And it will be clear to everyone that your account helps make gifts, and judging by “4 u”, which reads as “for you” or, translated into Russian, “for you”, it is clear that these gifts are romantic. No, I do not doubt your mental abilities; such a detailed transcript is here for those who do not know English.

However, such tricks are best done with English, because most people know it, and not German or French. Although, it all depends on your direction. If, for example, you have a Chinese language school, the name can be made in Chinese. But still, it’s better not to, because your account will also be searched by those who don’t yet know this language.

  1. The best way from the entire list. Imagination. The process of creating a nickname cannot be placed within a narrow framework of methods. After all, true originality lies far beyond the rules. Create, and get the greatest return from your venture.

In order to stand out, you can use a capslock or an emoticon that matches your activity. After all, why not? Nickname can complement the username, make it more specific and add more details so that users understand what to expect when opening your page.

If even after everything written above, the process of selecting a nickname causes insurmountable difficulties, then here you go: .

What does your nickname influence?

Nickname, like the username, is indexed in searches, and therefore it is just as important. After all, future clients will look for you using it. A good nickname will first of all give a good natural influx of audience. In addition, existing clients from other social networks It will be more interesting to follow you if your nickname is more interesting than “I am Vasya.” By the way, . More about this in the corresponding article.

Secondly, it will let people know what you do and what you have to offer. And this is very important indeed. This will also help you generate organic leads.

Remember that you have 30 characters to express your personality. But, in fact, the shorter the better. And try to avoid sibilants if you write in transliteration - people can write sibilants in different ways, and spelling a nickname incorrectly can reduce your traffic significantly. For example, I don’t recommend writing borscht in your nickname, since it is written in German: borsch. I can’t imagine why you would call it soup, but I’ll warn you just in case.

Let's return to the topic of nickname length. A short nickname is much faster to remember and is also more convenient to enter. And, therefore, it can settle in the heads of subscribers and simply those who once heard or saw it.

Free nicknames: how to determine whether there are many good ones?

In general, there are an infinite number of nickname options. If you are busy alone, you can come up with something with minimal changes, and it will already fit. But it will be less original. In addition, Instagram has now begun to release the nicknames of inactive users, which means that if a user with a cool name has not been online for a long time, the likelihood of taking over his nickname soon increases.

There are many sites and databases of free nicknames on the Internet. There are quite a lot of names there, somewhere around 500, 700 somewhere – 1000, but it’s quite difficult to find a good one – often there are names like: vitalya1989 or zmhmmm and the like. And these are definitely not suitable for us. Therefore, in principle, you can look there for something that suits you specifically, but the greater impact will come from the author’s nickname.

Is there a list of available nicknames somewhere?

As has already been written, such a card index is available on many sites. For example, I found more or less normal names on the website But personally, I wouldn’t use nicknames from there - they are too banal.

There is also a database on It is smaller, but there are also some interesting ones. Sometimes there is no point in searching in different databases, because they often repeat each other to one degree or another. Therefore, again, I advise you to rack your brains and come up with it yourself.

Examples of nicknames

Here I will try to systematize examples of some nicknames to cover everyone in need.

For girls

If a girl is free and looking for love, you can play on male perception - choose something feminine and playful. But in fact, to hell with stereotypes, they limit the scope of imagination so much that only something like sexi kitten comes to mind, which already smacks of bestiality mixed with pedophilia.

For example:

  • Beautiful;
  • Single;
  • President's wife;
  • Stalin (a very real nickname of one interesting person);
  • Skyline;
  • Flame Rain;
  • P.S. ;
  • Raccoon (Raccoon);
  • Enotiktatoo (an example specifically for a company. And a very real one - in my city a tattoo girl is registered under that name);
  • Bloodrain (fans of games and films about the vampire Bloodrain will understand this choice. This example is purely for such people).

For guys

As an option, guys can consider the following nicknames:

  • Smoky Wizard;
  • The Last Samurai;
  • Star Warrior;
  • Varg;
  • Wenceslaus;
  • Wolfhound;
  • Sk8er boy;
  • Voldemort;
  • DenAz (mix of first and last names);
  • Purple unicorn

Most beautiful

The concept of beauty is very subjective, and the beauty of nicknames is even more so. Therefore, I will give my subjective examples here. You may or may not like them.

  • Nightbringer;
  • Felicity;
  • Modless;
  • Spoontamer;
  • Property;
  • Fireball;
  • Sotran;
  • Pauler;
  • SeekYou.

In English

In English, as for me, the following nicknames can “shoot”:

  • Feodora;
  • Dulkree;
  • Durn;
  • Faebar;
  • Frostfon;
  • Ianthus;
  • IamVoid;
  • Moramar;
  • Morim;
  • Nikor.

Subtleties of name design

The design of the profile name and description plays a very important role. There are several ways to make them special:

  1. Writing them in the middle. Just put spaces in front of the name and it will be in the middle. Just add a few spaces, save and check your profile to see if the name has moved enough. If not, add more. If it's too good, delete it.
  2. Font. You may have noticed that some profiles have different fonts from the standard ones. And you can do this using applications. So, enter fonts for Instagram, install, enter the desired text, select a font, copy and paste where you want. Note: this feature only works with bio (description) and name.
  3. Capslock on Instagram does not look as flashy as during correspondence. This means that your clients will not be indignant, “Why are you yelling at me?” Capslock will simply highlight your name.
  4. Emoticons will be an excellent addition to your nickname - they will enliven it and make it closer to subscribers.

It's not just the nickname and username that make a profile successful. More in the article at the link.


So, now you know all the subtleties of choosing and designing a nickname on Instagram. All I can advise you now is not to choose one of my examples or any of the nicknames on the Internet. The best you can come up with is only yourself. Your head contains best tool for advancement - the brain, and in it - an ocean of imagination. Just trust them and yourself.

Communication and spending time on the World Wide Web is becoming more and more popular. The reason for this is the features of the Internet, which allow you to be on the Internet by anyone, anywhere. Without paying attention to your own real age, financial condition and other “chips” that are important in reality. To enter the vastness of virtual space it is usually enough to have technical feasibility, find a suitable Internet resource, where all you have to do is register and come up with a nickname.

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy and quick to come up with a cool idea. Especially if you need to do this on English language. Yes - not all of our compatriots have a sufficient level of knowledge of a foreign language, but the most logical and simple options may simply be already busy. Of course, there are many resources where you can choose a virtual name in Russian, but on some very popular sites this is not possible. For example, nicknames for Instagram can only be selected in English.

Fortunately, special online generators can help make the process of creating a nickname on Instagram easier.

Online nickname generators

While searching for such online resources, we decided to leave our choice on the three most interesting of them:

The simplest and fastest option available. The only setting that the user can change is the ability to add digital characters to the resulting word or their absence in the resulting result.

By the way, another interesting feature that this generator has is that it allows you to get an approximate translation of the output result. Naturally, this is very convenient and relevant for Russian-speaking users.

This alternative gives more options for pre-configuring the generated result:

  1. You can choose the type of word to create: random, fruit and vegetable or fantasy.
  2. Two language options for the resulting result: Russian or English.
  3. It is possible to specify the letter with which the resulting nickname should begin. For example, it can be associated with a person's name.
  4. The last parameter to change is the number of syllables in a word: from two to eight.

Probably the most interesting option of all those listed, since it allows you to create a Nickname based on a large number of very important settings:

  1. The person's name (not necessarily your own).
  2. What exactly does the user like? For example, cars or vodka.
  3. User's hobby. It can be computer games, football, movies and so on - whatever.
  4. Any thing or animal with which the user is associated.
  5. An important word for him and, finally, a number.

What to consider when choosing

Naturally, many people try to find what they need on their own. What's the easiest way to do this?

Tips for creating a nickname on Instagram will help you with this:

  1. It is not necessary for Nickname to contain a reference to the user's real name. You can select options, for example, based on his favorite hobbies or type of activity.
  2. You can use elements of your favorite musical genre in the word you create. They are harmoniously combined with the person’s name.
  3. On the Internet there are not a number of rules that can be found in real life. Therefore, the name can be written in completely different ways. For example, Vladimir can be represented in this way: Voldemare, Vovanchik, Vov4ik, Vovusik and so on.
  4. It is not at all necessary to use purely English words - try Italian, French and others!
  5. There is a whole set of special characters that, finally (!), can be useful to many people!

A few more recommendations to heed. First, you should not come up with a very long and complex word or combination of symbols - this will only lead to unnecessary problems. It is advisable to check what you have come up with on the pages of special services to avoid repetition. The following sites are perfect for this purpose: or

Nicknames for girls

Taking into account all of the above or using the proposed programs, you can come up with a sufficient number of interesting nicknames for girls:

  • Lapo4kka99;
  • $$ZayalubitZayu$$;
  • Maliffka;
  • Samaya-pri-Samaya;
  • Qieen_Sveta;
  • Lariska-kiska.

Nicknames for guys

Naturally, there is always a great choice for guys too:

  • SemenSemeni4@@82;
  • Ma4o_Ivan;
  • Pobeditel-for-life;
  • Lubitel#$$$;
  • Fedornator@@79;
  • Master@@kisok;
  • Kost_to_Kost;
  • Vani4ka**IronMan$$$.

In general, force your brain to work, and everything will work out.

List of cool nicknames

Naturally, you can, as written above, not be tied specifically to the name of the Internet user and even to his gender:

  • FreePower246 (free energy);
  • GoodBlow651 (good blow - suitable for martial arts fans);
  • MaleBody$$$ (the male body is an ideal choice for narcissists or for indirect advertising of fitness, sports drugs, and so on);
  • Grey_Shame (Gray shame - something erotic, playful);
  • TightRun – for lovers of difficult-to-pronounce nicknames;
  • @@FreePull@@ – free pull. Obviously suitable, for example, for car enthusiasts.

Of the insignificant, but really striking options, the following can be noted: Xooso, Zuqoo, Hoqare, Rexapa. Naturally, they can be supplemented with numbers, special characters, diminutive proper names, and so on.