How to instantly hide (display) icons on the Windows desktop. How to instantly hide (display) icons on the Windows desktop Windows 10 system tray

The tray in Windows 10 is almost identical to this one Windows element 7 except for a few things. In general, the tray is the notification area - a Windows interface tool that is used to display notifications, load programs that run for a long period, display the time and access some frequently used system functions (network settings, sound settings, battery level of a portable device ). The tray is located at the bottom right border of the screen.

Why is there no information about the tray on the Microsoft website?

In general, the term system tray is not included in Microsoft terminology. This is a “folk” that has developed among Windows users, the name of a functional interface element. Its official name is Taskbar Notification Area. The element appeared in Windows 95 thanks to the systray.exe application, as an experimental interface component, and subsequently became an integral part of the Windows graphical environment.


In the Windows 10 tray there is a notification panel, which the developers faithfully copied from mobile versions operating systems. It provides access to several quickly called functions (removing a flash drive, enabling/disabling data exchange interfaces). Also here an icon of the current input language is displayed with the ability to switch them and the on-screen keyboard is called up.

Setting up a tray in Windows 10 involves simple manipulations with the icons displayed in the notification area.

  • Call the “Options” menu.
  • We go to the first section “System”, where we go to the 2nd subsection “Notifications and actions”.

  • Click “Select the icons displayed in the panel...”.
  • Turn the switches next to the icons you want to hide to the “Off” position.

  • We return to a higher level using “Backspace” or the “←” icon in the right corner.
  • Go to the “Enable/disable system icons” section.
  • Move the switches next to the icons that need to be hidden to the “Off” position.

Changes take effect in real time; there is no need to save or reload anything.

Returning back to the screen where you configure notifications and actions, you can disable/enable the display of unnecessary/needed pop-up alerts in the notification center.

Another way to hide icons in the Windows 10 tray, known since the “seven”, is to drag the corresponding icon under the “roof” icon or from it using the left mouse button.

At this point, familiarization with the tray in Windows 10 can be considered complete.

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Some Windows 10 users are faced with a situation where, for unknown reasons, the sound or language change icon in the tray disappears.

The system tray, also known as the notification area, is the right place on the taskbar where the icons for clock and date, network, power, volume control and notification center are located. Often the problem with icons is related to disabling their display in the system settings.

Below is the easiest way to customize system notification area icons. Click right click mouse on the clock and select “Customize notification icons” in the context menu.

In the “Notifications and Actions” section, click on the “Turn system icons on and off” link and in the window that opens, use the switches to select system icons, which will appear in the notification area.

An additional way to solve the problem with the missing sound or network icon. If the above option did not help to return the icon, then perhaps the problem is in the driver sound card. To see if sound devices are working normally, right-click on the “Start” menu and go to “ ”. If the driver is not working correctly, it should be updated automatically or manually.


Turning on the computer and loading the operating system Windows system, you see the desktop on which application icons (shortcuts) are located, as well as possibly files and folders you have placed.

If you have a desire to hide all this, then this is quite possible and there is a special option for this in Windows. It is also possible to display desktop content as a menu in the Control Panel. All this will be discussed in the material.

Hiding shortcuts and icons from the desktop in Windows

On a free area of ​​the desktop, you need to right-click on the mouse - it will appear context menu. IN this menu follow the submenu View and there uncheck the box Show desktop icons.

We have achieved what we wanted! The desktop is free of all kinds of icons.

Don't worry, they didn't disappear anywhere, they were just hidden. You can return them to display as quickly as you hidden them. Call up the menu again and in it check the box from which you previously unchecked it.

Displaying desktop contents as a menu in the Windows taskbar

If you do not want to see shortcuts and icons on the desktop, but at the same time want to use them, then you can display them in the form of a menu that can be accessed through the taskbar.

To do this, move the cursor to the taskbar (tray) and right-click. And there follow to Panels and check the box with the name Desktop.

Ready. Now you can easily use all the shortcuts, files and folders that are on the desktop, but hidden.

Opening the desktop contents in the Windows file manager

You can also open the desktop with all its elements in file manager Windows, to do this, open a window and enter the following path in the address bar:


And press Enter.

You will see a folder with all the contents located on your desktop.

Concluding the description of this guide, I would like to wish you good luck in the field of mastering Windows. Subscribe to site updates!