How to turn it off on Android. How to disable safe mode on Android? How to Hide an Android App

Let's be honest: most of the interesting customization options for Droid devices are hidden and require rooting the device. However, not everyone prefers to get root - some out of fear of losing the warranty, others out of sheer laziness. We decided to consider alternative ways acceleration of devices on the Google platform, which do not require superuser rights.


Google is constantly improving the performance of its system. But “pure” Android is now quite rare - manufacturers, as a rule, modify the firmware, which does not always have a positive effect on performance. In addition, in addition to this, it would be good to take care of energy saving, and these are often mutually exclusive things. Nevertheless, even non-rooted Android has such capabilities, although there are not very many of them.

Removing/disabling built-in and unnecessary applications

Until the release of the fourth version of Android, disable built-in applications without having root rights, it was impossible. This brought inconvenience to buyers of branded gadgets, because each manufacturer strives to cram as much as possible into the firmware more programs, which the end user simply does not need and in total consume a decent amount of resources. In the fourth version of Google, such an opportunity appeared. To disable any built-in application, you need to go to “Settings -> General -> Applications -> All”, select the desired software and in “Application Information” click the “Disable” button (or “Uninstall updates”, and then “Disable” "). To enable it, you need to go to the “Disabled” tab and follow a similar procedure.

However, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. Firstly, disabling it does not affect persistent memory - the application remains installed as it was. Secondly, not everything can be turned off. Only some applications allow you to do this trick with yourself. I won't give a lot of specific advice on disabling applications, since the list of applications is different on each device. Here is a short list of what most users do not need, but constantly hangs in the system and takes up memory:

  • “Browser” - why, if there are more convenient and easier alternatives?
  • “Calendar” and “Calendar Memory” - I didn’t notice anyone actively using them.
  • “Email” and “Exchange Services” - it seems like everyone is already on Gmail.
  • “Google Search” is a rather useless function if you have a browser (beware, it also disables Google Now).

In addition, I recommend turning off (delete) widgets and live wallpapers. In addition to the fact that this functionality requires memory and CPU time, it also eats up the battery. So to increase speed it is better to turn off such things. You can also turn off effects on the lock screen. In my case (Samsung with stock firmware) they are located in “Settings -> Device -> Lock screen -> Unlock effect”.

Callouts: INFO

How disabling applications works. After clicking on the “Disable” button, the setApplicationEnabledSetting() method of the PackageManager class is called, which changes the application state to COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED_USER (by the way, it appeared in the first Android).

Setting up power saving and using developer options

To speed up the operation of the gadget, you can also adjust the energy saving settings. Of course, this will reduce battery life, but it can speed it up quite significantly. To do this (in my case) you need to go to “Settings -> General -> Energy Saving” and either slide the switch that is located on the right top corner, or remove the necessary checkboxes.

This works differently on different platforms, and there is no public API - there is, of course, the PowerManager API, but this has only a very indirect relation to energy saving. However, on Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (as well as for other Droid devices of the South Korean giant) energy saving is controlled through DVFS - Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, the same one with which Samsung “falsified” the benchmark results (I note in parentheses that this was not a real falsification - It’s just that for some benchmarks and applications the device worked at the limit of its capabilities).

To disable system animation (animation in applications will remain), you need to go to the developer options menu, which is hidden by default. To access it, tap seven times on the “Build number” item, which is located in the “About device / About phone” menu. Then go to the menu that appears and turn off all animation: set the parameters “Window animation scale”, “Transition animation scale” and “Transition duration scale” to “Animation disabled” (in firmware from other manufacturers, these options may have a slightly different name).

In the same menu you can limit the number background processes. The latter, however, should be done with caution - instead of speeding up, it may slow down due to the fact that frequently used processes will be killed and started again. That’s why, by the way, all sorts of task killers are not recommended.

Application acceleration

To speed up individual applications, you can clear their cache. This is done in the same place where you can disable/delete them, that is, “Settings -> General -> Application Manager -> All”, select the application you need and click the “Clear cache” button.

It also makes sense to install less resource-intensive applications - for example, in my case, Smart Launcher takes up less memory than Samsung's native TouchWiz does. The sidebar will provide specific tips, but I don’t recommend following them specifically, since it all depends on your needs. The main thing in this case is to choose the right size/functionality ratio.

To determine memory consumption, you can use the following method: install some terminal with Busybox, determine the PID of the desired process (using 'ps w') and look at the /proc//status file. In this case, however, you need to take into account the Android architecture - the application can be distributed across several processes.

If this method is too difficult for you and you don’t want to bother with each application, there are several graphical analogues of the top utility in the market. I liked one of them, called Process Explorer, the implementation of which, however, seemed incomprehensible - why use a browser to view the list of processes?

By the way, the service Google Play I have a habit of suddenly updating a bunch of applications, which, of course, eats up resources. Disable this service It is not possible, but you can disable the update itself. To do this we go to Play Store, call up the menu (hint: if you can’t call it using the soft keys, “pull” from the left edge), select “Settings” and set “Auto-update applications” to “Never”.

Likewise, it makes sense to disable account synchronization (which, in addition to a possible increase in performance, will satisfy your paranoia). To do this, go to “Settings” and look for where the “Accounts” item is located, then select account and disable synchronization (as an option, you can disable only individual and unnecessary types of synchronization, such as, for example, Google+ contacts or calendar. - Ed.).

Disable media scanning

By default Android scans everything external drives(SD cards) for multimedia files. This function, although useful, slows down the system quite a lot. You can disable it. For new drives, create an empty .nomedia file in the root. But to disable the display of existing files in Android 4.0 and later, you need, in addition to creating this file in the folder you need, clear the data and cache for the “Gallery” and “Media Storage” applications and force them to stop. After the next launch, all multimedia files will be indexed taking into account the created .nomedia files.

I'll give you some tips on how to famous brands. It is worth noting that these tips are only suitable for official firmware, so if you have a modified firmware, you can safely skip the section.


If you are the owner of any of the devices of this brand, you probably noticed that you can go to the main screen by pressing Home buttons slows down a bit. This is due to the fact that double clicking launches S Voice, a speech recognition system. If you do not use it, you can disable this function by unchecking the “Open. "Home" key. In addition, if you accidentally enabled the wake command, it is better to disable it - using this option affects the battery charge quite significantly.

Additionally, some Samsung devices have the option to disable launcher effects. To do this, make a long tap on an empty space on the home screen, select “Settings” home screen" (Home screen settings) and in the submenu "Transition effect" select "None".


In some cases, the error reporting service may be slow on HTC devices. Although it is not recommended to touch such things, you can disable this option by going to “Settings -> About phone -> Send HTC” (Tell HTC) and unchecking the corresponding checkboxes there.


On Sony Xperia SP there is a situation when the phone suddenly starts to slow down. You can try to fix the problem by uninstalling updates for Google Chrome: “Settings -> Applications -> Chrome -> Uninstall updates.”


The Greenify application allows you to forcefully put to sleep unnecessary processes (which you can select) while the device is sleeping, and prevent them from being called from third-party processes. This differs from task killers, which do not interfere with the restart in any way background applications from external events (by a timer, the request of another application or a system event). Unfortunately, some functionality is only available on rooted phones - in particular, the most important function of sleeping applications a few minutes after the device falls asleep.

The reason is that the forceStopPackage() method, which allows Greenify to put applications into an inactive state, is internal and is only available to system applications or those running as root. In non-root mode, you can only use the killBackgroundProcesses() method, which does not completely unload the process from memory, so system events continue to come to it and “wake up” it, which does not at all correspond to the Greenify ideology.

Therefore, to implement functionality in non-root mode, the Greenify developer took a completely different and very inventive path. When installed, the application registers as Accessibility Service, thus gaining access to the system interface, and then simply calls the application manager and clicks on the necessary buttons to kill the application through standard menu Android settings. During sleep mode, this operation is unfortunately not possible, so on non-rooted smartphones Greenify can only sleep applications after the user presses the corresponding button.


In Android 4.4, a replacement for Dalvik appeared - ART, Android Runtime. It provides AOT compilation. In order to understand what it is and what the advantage of ART is, you will have to take a brief excursion into history.

At the time when the foundation for Android was being laid, Java was chosen as the programming language - largely due to the fact that the OS was supposed to be used on a wide variety of platforms. And it was good for everyone, except for one thing - the speed of Java applications was quite low. This happened because the code was actually being interpreted.

Time passed. In Android 2.2 virtual machine Dalvik added JIT compilation. This allowed us to achieve a fairly significant increase in speed, but did not solve all the problems. And now in the KitKat version ART appeared, which allows you to compile applications not even at runtime - during installation. You can enable it in the same developer menu where we disabled the effects. This, on the one hand, increases installation time and size, and also, when turned on for the first time, it takes considerable time to convert all already installed applications into native code. On the other hand, the increase in speed after enabling it is on average 50%, and for some applications even more (in particular, scrolling has become much smoother).

But ART also has disadvantages. Some of them are obvious - for example, incompatibility with certain obfuscators and applications. They simply don’t concentrate attention on certain individuals, although they should. I will include among these possible problems with safety. Experiments conducted relatively recently (at the May HITB conference) show that if a specially generated DEX file is inserted, the translator (dex2oat) crashes. In addition, if you find vulnerabilities in ART itself, it will be possible to create user-mode rootkits. In addition, the boot.oat image generated by the translator has a fixed base address (0x700000), which allows you to bypass ASLR under certain conditions.

At the same time, from the point of view of reverse engineering, static analysis of OAT files is still difficult - for the reason that the usual method names are simply not in the code. This is understandable. However, since the OAT file format is actually ELF, you can use tools designed for the latter, such as GDB. As for the dynamic... There is no toolkit for it as such.

ART will be enabled by default in the fifth version of Google's OS (and Dalvik, accordingly, will be removed). In my opinion, given the potential security problems, it’s too early to completely abandon Dalvik, so I don’t agree with Google’s policy here. However (with this in mind), it is all the more worthwhile to enable ART on KitKat to test the applications you need.


Despite the flexibility Android platforms, without using custom and/or rooted firmware it is difficult to speed up your device. But it is not impossible, as this article proves. Finally, I’ll give you universal advice: install only those applications that you will actually use, and say a firm “No” to everyone else.

Lightweight programs for Android

I will give a short list of lightweight analogues necessary programs for Android. This list is minimal, including only what, in my opinion, is necessary:

  • Instead of Google Maps you can use RMaps. Not only is this application lighter, it is also much more functional.
  • There are quite a lot of readers. Among the lightweight ones, I can recommend AlReader and FBReader.
  • As for browsers, you can install Lighthing Browser, which is de facto a lightweight standard one.
  • It is better to replace the extremely heavy Feedly RSS reader client with the lightweight FeedMe (be careful, only for smart people).

What does root give? (editor's word)

About a year ago I wrote an article about speeding up new Android versions on outdated devices. In it, I talked about several techniques that require root rights, with which you can increase the performance of your smartphone by unloading all non-critical system components from RAM. In short, the article presented five main methods:

  • Tuning the Low Memory Killer mechanism in order to teach the system to unload background applications from the device’s memory faster than it does by default. The trick requires modification of kernel parameters and is therefore only available on a rooted device. Applications used: Auto Memory Manager or MinFree.
  • Removing all unnecessary system applications from the /system/app and /system/priv-app directories. Can be done using anyone file manager with root support.
  • Disable unnecessary system applications using Bloatware Freezer, disable their autoloading using Autostarts.
  • Installing an optimized custom kernel and activating the Zram mechanism, as well as the TCP westwood congestion control algorithm. Overclocking the processor.
  • Tuning the kernel virtual memory subsystem to ensure faster unloading of data from caches.

The creator of the T9 predictive typing assistance system probably couldn't even imagine how many memes and funny stories his brainchild would generate. Android smartphones also have this function, which in most cases helps to significantly speed up typing. But not everyone likes the function; for some people, on the contrary, it greatly slows down the typing of messages. But here’s the problem, by default this function is activated on almost all devices; we’ll look at how to disable T9 in Android and what actions need to be taken today. This won’t take much time, but it will save the user forever from contemplating strange words composed automatic program from the dictionary.

How to disable T9 on Android

On the one hand, for modern smartphones having T9 is a plus, on the other hand, there are not always enough words in dictionaries. In addition, in everyday communication, the language and words that are used in international dictionary databases are not exactly the same. This creates a lot of errors and even more wasted time. If you have activated this function, and it bothers you, then it would be better to just turn it off.

Android how to disable t9:

  • Go to the settings of your smartphone or tablet;
  • In the menu we find the “Input language” item, which contains the settings we need;
  • Select the keyboard that is used by default;
  • Uncheck the T9 checkbox or switch it to off;

Actually, that’s it, we return to the desktop, open the application for typing a message, and enjoy accurate, error-free typing without a hint program.


You should also disable autocorrection or autocorrect. Some people confuse this function with the previous one, but this is not true. IN different applications your settings, as well as your dictionaries and rules. You can disable it in the same settings of the default keyboard by going to the text correction subsection. There we disable all hints, all auto-corrections and other functions that interfere with the user's typing. Of course, this is worth doing if you are sure that you write competently enough so that your friends and acquaintances do not laugh later at your mistakes.

You buy new smartphone, you turn it on, and a bunch of them are already installed unnecessary programs. It can be difficult to understand what these applications are for and whether they can be safely removed or disabled. When I purchased, from 32 gigabytes internal memory It was free around ten. The rest of the space was occupied by preinstalled programs.

In this article I will tell you which applications can be disabled on Android without any special consequences. I will not consider removing system software, because in most cases this requires root access. If you decide to get root, the Debloater program will easily cope with the removal task. You can download it on the play market or 4pda.

I collected data on Samsung Galaxy devices (since I own one of them) into a summary table of applications that do not affect the performance of the phone (with a description). And you decide what to do with them. But disabling or removing unnecessary junk will help increase the performance of your mobile phone.

Please note that if you click the “stop” button, the program may subsequently restart automatically. And if you “disable” it, it does not restart until you turn it on manually. Some cannot be disabled or deleted.

Mordokniga pays smartphone manufacturers to embed the application into the firmware. The mobile client allows you to keep up to date with your friends' events, track likes, and annoyingly notifies you about every sneeze. At the same time, it consumes a lot of resources and constantly drains the battery. Unfortunately, this infection cannot be removed in my Samsung. But you can turn it off, which I immediately did, since I don’t use this social network at all. If there is a special need, I can temporarily activate the application.

Weather apps

A weather widget is also often built into the phone’s operating system. It worked for me for 3 months, and then stopped updating data. I always need only two parameters from this program: air temperature and the presence of precipitation. If you need weather maps and other little things, then you don’t need to delete the program. In other cases, it is advisable to get rid of the unnecessary, power-hungry application that tries to connect to the server every minute. I couldn't do this on the A5.

You can always check the weather by looking out the window. And if you need a forecast, Google is a good predictor.

Antivirus programs

You need an antivirus if your phone is rooted, you are constantly conducting experiments and installing dubious hacked applications from unknown sources. Otherwise, such protection is not required. The antivirus will also eat up memory and slow down the system unnecessarily.

If you have any suspicions, install an antivirus and remove it after checking. My phone has a built-in one, which I also disabled.

Clean Master and other system optimizers

Software for “speeding up” the phone, contrary to expectations, slows down the operation of the device. Miracles do not happen, despite the assurances of the developers of these programs. Most “cleaners” only do harm. On my Samsung A5 2017, in the settings there is an “Optimization” section, where everything happens at the touch of one button. Most phones have tools for clearing the cache and remnants of deleted software. AND additional programs no installation required.

Default browser

Almost every self-respecting phone manufacturer develops and implements its own Internet browser in the firmware. It may contain spyware or advertising links. But even if they are not there, this does not mean that the browser is good. Disable it or delete it.

It is best to install Google Chrome - simple and fast browser. If you care about privacy and don't want to clutter up your phone's space with accumulating cache, Firefox Focus is your choice. private browser leaving no trace.

I have compiled a small table for the remaining applications. Here is everything that can be disabled without affecting the operation of Android.

Table of applications that can be deleted or disabled on Samsung

Beeline, Megafon and othersMobile operator applications
S Planner WidgetTask scheduler widget
Story Album widgetImage sorter widget
DictaphoneIn another way, “Sound recording”
Drive (Google Drive)File hosting created and maintained by Google.
Protected folderA tool for creating a personal, secure storage space for files that you would like to hide from other people
CalculatorNo comments
CardsA set of applications built on the basis of a free mapping Google service
Samsung StoreYou can browse and buy there in the same way as in a regular official Samsung store. Configured according to the location of the phone. Removal available
Mobile printingIt allows you to connect your smartphone to your home or office printer.
Print Service ModuleAllows you to print to a printer
WeatherWe talked about the weather above.
Gifts from SamsungThe best apps as a gift for some Samsung devices. Limited by time and phone models. Not much interesting. Removal available
HP Print Plug-inUsed to print output to printers
RadioRegular FM radio
DictionaryNo comments
Print spoolerA print spooler is a scheduling program that accepts documents sent by the user for printing, saves them (on disk or in RAM) and sends them in queue order to the selected printer.
Photo editorNo comments
AWADWith its help you can purchase an air ticket to anywhere in the world directly from your phone
Blurb CheckoutThe application is intended for payment transactions when paying for books created by the Blurb program
BriefingLooks like additional screen, shows news, weather, some articles and all this is interesting and convenient, and everything is in this style.
ChatONGlobal mobile communications service developed by Samsung Electronics
ChocoEUKor, CoolEUKorBuilt-in system font
Dropbox and DropboxOOBECloud storage software
FlipboardAggregator application social networks magazine format. Collects actual news from social media subscriptions networks and news resources.
Feature advisorThe application is responsible for providing tips on the functions and capabilities of the smartphone. Appears after updating EMUI to version 9.0.1. The manufacturer does not recommend stopping or removing it.
Galaxy AppsBranded application store
Game launcherGame Launcher application developed by Samsung employees to optimize the gaming experience
Game optimizing serviceSamsung utility that notifies you about updates in games. Including, it is responsible for increasing productivity in mobile games, as well as for saving battery power during gaming sessions
GmailMail from Google
Google PhotosPhotos from Google
Google Play Market Designed to search for installation and removal of programs
Group PlayAble to combine several smartphones for collaboration. With its help, the user can simultaneously control several devices connected via Wi-Fi Direct and NFC
HangoutsDesigned for instant messaging and video conferencing. Replaces three instant messaging systems at once: Google Talk, Google+ Chats and the video chat service Google+ Video Meetings, as well as online broadcasting via Youtube.
KLMS AgentAn application responsible for data security on Samsung phones. The program includes proprietary data protection technology - KNOX
Knox Notification ManagerA specialized add-on for the Android OS, designed to significantly increase the level of information security on mobile device from Samsung. This system includes a set of extensions that allows you to create a secure environment on the Google platform.
Link Sharing (formerly Simple Sharing)With it you can remotely access and manage the content of Samsung devices via Wi-Fi
One DriveCloud storage from Microsoft
Picasa UploaderSome kind of crap that lives its own life (downloads, updates)
Play Games, books, music, press, filmsAll this is paid
RoseEUKorCorporate system font
S MemoAllows you to create notes using your keyboard, stylus, or voice
S PlannerTask Manager
S VoiceVirtual voice assistant
S Suggert“Advisor” for programs, an analogue of Apple’s Genius system
S TranslatorTranslator
Samsung accountAn account to gain access to the advanced functionality of a Samsung phone
Samsung Cloud Data RelaySynchronization with the cloud
Samsung HealthA program focused on a healthy lifestyle. Helps you maintain your health by recording and analyzing your physical activity throughout the day
Samsung InternetThe same built-in browser
Samsung Link (Samsung Link Platform)An application that connects all storage devices and services in one place for comprehensive search and playback
Samsung MembersThis is a place where you can ask a question about the device and chat about topics related to it. In general, the Samsung user community
Samsung NotesNote pad
SamsungSansBuilt-in system font
Story AlbumAllows you to sort photos stored in your smartphone's memory, indicating when and where they were taken
TalkBackAllows you to voice literally all actions performed on your smartphone
UBANKAn innovative online banking system that allows you to make secure money payments
WorkspaceThe enterprise work container, which isolates work applications and data from other data, is stored on the device chipset and Knox platform.
YoutubeApplication for watching videos online

Note about updates

Let's say you didn't turn anything off - let them work. Automatically turning off background applications helps avoid rapid battery drain. But these programs are also updated! And in this case they do not devour RAM, but internal. So I went ahead and turned off auto-updates through the Play Store. I regularly manually update only those applications that I actually use.

Modern mobile operating systems tend to be updated. Thanks to updates, they become faster, more economical in terms of resource consumption and secure in terms of protecting user data. But in some cases, constantly receiving new files leads to wild traffic consumption. How to disable updates on Android and get rid of constant requests for new “updates”?

In this article we will look at:

  • Disabling updates operating system– they are released not so often, but their volume can be very large;
  • Disabling updating of installed applications - the amount of data here is no less, since applications are updated much more often.

As a result, we will get a device that will be updated only manually, without independent actions.

Updates on Android

As we already know, there are two types of updates on Android - updates for the operating system and updates for applications. The Android operating system is updated relatively rarely, about 2-3 times a year. Developers are closing old “holes” and opening up new opportunities for users.

New updates are sent to smartphone and tablet manufacturers, after which they adapt the files to their devices. Operating system updates are most often received by device owners from large brands - Samsung, LG, Sony, Nexus and many others. Owners of tablets and smartphones from little-known brands may not count on updates. The same applies to those who buy cheap devices from the lower price segment.

As for applications, they are updated on all smartphones and tablets, regardless of the manufacturer of the user devices. As soon as the developers release new version software, it automatically becomes available to everyone. The frequency of releasing updated versions can vary greatly - from several days to once a year. But as soon as “new things” appear, they are automatically installed on user smartphones and tablets.

Disabling app updates

How are applications updated on Android smartphones and tablets? All new versions are requested via the Internet. To obtain data the following is used:

  • Mobile Internet 3G or 4G - as a rule, traffic packages here are limited, and regular updates lead to their complete exhaustion;
  • Internet via Wi-Fi - traffic here is most often unlimited, so Android devices “devour” it without hesitation in their appetite.

There is also an operating mode where the update is checked for any connection, and the update process itself starts only when connected via Wi-Fi.

So how to disable automatic update applications on Android? This is done not only to save traffic, but also to avoid the accumulation of garbage in the internal memory. Not every update gives users some important innovations - most often the changes lie in the internal structure of applications. Therefore, too high a frequency of updates often harms Android devices, especially very weak ones. In order to disable automatic updates on Android, you need to open the Play Market and go to the application settings.

Here we are interested in the following checkboxes:

  • Automatic application updates – set the “Never” option if you want to completely disable automatic application updates on Android;
  • Availability of updates – by checking this box, you will be able to see a notification about the availability of updates if their automatic receipt is disabled;
  • Auto-update - If automatic update is enabled, the system will notify users that some applications have been updated.

Here we are interested in the first tick. Set this to Never if you plan to avoid automatic updates entirely. You can also set the value to “Only via Wi-Fi” - when connecting via mobile network Only notifications about the availability of “updates” will appear, and the updates themselves will only load when connected via Wi-Fi.

If you want to update applications manually, launch the Play Market and go to the “Games and applications – My applications and games” section. Here you can update all programs at once by clicking on the “Update all” button or select an update for a single application.

A typical sign that an application needs to be updated is that it stops working. Some programs require a forced update to function (this is what banking applications do most often).

How to disable system updates on Android

Are you afraid that the next release of a new update will “gobble up” all your traffic? Then we will teach you how to disable automatic Android updates. The most unpleasant thing is that updates are downloaded silently - we only receive a notification that they are ready for installation. That is, the traffic has already been spent (the most offensive thing is if it was mobile traffic, not access via WI-Fi). How to disable system updates on Android? This is done as follows - go to “Settings - About device - Software update”.

Here we will see two checkboxes:

  • Auto-update – by checking this box, you will start an automatic regular check for updates. If you remove it, then the presence of “new things” will not be checked;
  • Wi-Fi only - if you use it most often mobile internet, and you don’t want the next 500-600 MB update to eat up all your traffic, make this checkbox active.

To completely disable automatic updates Android systems, uncheck the first box - now your traffic will be safe.

Please note that releasing updates may make your smartphone faster and more energy efficient. Therefore, we do not recommend that you completely disable automatic updates. Leave it active, but check the “Only via Wi-Fi” checkbox so as not to waste mobile data. As practice shows, Some updates are very successful and significantly speed up Android devices..

If you still turned off automatic system updates, but want to check for updates in this moment, go to “Settings – About device – Software update” and click on “Update”. If there are updates, you will be notified accordingly. At the same time, the download of the necessary files will begin.

If after installation Android updates If you are faced with a situation where the device has become very slow, do not perform a general reset - this will not help to return to the previous version. In this situation, you need to find the file with the previous firmware and do a “rollback”. Please note that reflashing devices under warranty will void the warranty. If you do not have enough knowledge to carry out flashing, contact your nearest service center.

Another way to get rid of glitches after updating the firmware is to do a general reset and try installing all applications again.

Any Android smartphone comes pre-installed with a large number of applications, many of which we never use. Initially, they do not take up space in the application memory, but after automatic updates, sometimes it even gets to the point where updates to pre-installed applications clog up all the memory and prevent you from installing any new applications. In addition, most pre-installed applications have a permanently running resident part, which slows down the smartphone and consumes battery power.

Today I will tell you how to quickly and easily get rid of unnecessary applications and free up memory.

Pre-installed applications cannot be removed using standard means, but you can disable them without forgetting to uninstall updates. Once disabled, applications will disappear from the menu and will not consume system resources.

So, go to “Settings-Applications” and look for candidates for removal. The "downloaded" tab will contain those pre-installed applications for which Android has installed updates.

Click on the application. First of all, click the “uninstall updates” button.

We agree to the proposal to replace the updated application with the original version.

Then click “Turn off” and confirm your action.

Click "Stop" to unload the application from memory (if this is not done, it will work until rebooted).

We do this to everyone unnecessary applications. Next, go to the “All” tab.

Here you can see those applications that have not been updated. You just need to turn off and stop everything you don't need. This tab contains, among other things, important system applications, so disable only what you are absolutely sure of.

I always disable the following applications:

Drive (Google Drive)
Maps (Google maps)
News and weather
Google Calendar Sync
Movies (Google movies)
Google Keep
Google Play Press
Google Play Movies
Play Books
Play Music

Of course, if you use any applications from this list, you do not need to disable them.

To prevent Android from installing updates on everything, it is better to turn off auto-updates: launch the “Play Store” and click on the three bars in the upper left corner.

Let's go to settings. "Auto-update applications - never"

At the same time, turn off “Notifications about updates”.

It's that simple, quick and standard means You can make your smartphone work faster, application memory lasts longer, and the battery lasts longer.

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