How to put a pound sign on a computer keyboard? How to put characters on the keyboard. Additional characters on the keyboard Hash on the Russian layout

Hello! When working on a computer with text, you encounter many characters. Today we’ll talk about one specific one. Let's look at how to put a hash mark on the keyboard with two different ways. They are very easy to implement.

Let me note right away that you can usually type the hash icon on laptop and computer keyboards using the same simple steps. Let's move on to specifics and see where, what and how to click.

2 ways to type a hash sign

In short, they can be described as follows:

  • copy and paste;
  • using a keyboard shortcut.

Let's move on to the details. The first option is quite obvious. You just need to copy this icon from another document and paste it into the current one.

To do this, place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the character. Next, press the left button on it and, without releasing it, move the mouse cursor to the end of the symbol. Now it is highlighted, the button can be released. Click right button mouse over the selected area, select “copy”. Open the working document and place the mouse cursor in the desired location by clicking the same left button. Then press the right one again and select “paste”. That's all. Mission accomplished.

The second option is, in my opinion, more convenient. First you need to switch to the English keyboard layout. Switching languages ​​is usually done using one of two function key combinations.

Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift.

First, press and hold the first key, then press the second.

Which of the two options will work depends on the settings installed on the computer. Next we install the grate.

I’ll immediately explain how to type this combination correctly. Press and hold Shift. Only after this do we press number three. After that in text file The correct icon should appear. For clarity, I prepared an illustration.

At the end of the publication, I note that this blog is dedicated not only to computer literacy, but also truly normal prospects for making money on the Internet. I talked about them in previous articles, for example, in this one. If you wish, you can look at the information sections on the blog, there are quite a few interesting things collected there.

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Computer keyboard: layout, keys, symbols and signs

Computer keyboard - main device manual entry information, commands and data. This article describes its structure and layout, hot keys, symbols and signs.

For greater convenience, each of the issues under consideration is included in a separate paragraph:

How the keyboard works

Basic keyboard functions do not require special software. The drivers necessary for its operation are already available in the BIOS ROM. Therefore, the computer responds to commands from the main keys immediately after turning on.

The operating principle is as follows:

  1. After pressing the key, a scan code is generated.
  2. The scan code enters the port integrated into motherboard.
  3. The keyboard port reports a fixed-number interrupt to the processor.
  4. Having received a fixed interrupt number, the processor contacts a special interrupt. region random access memory, containing an interrupt vector - a list of data. Each data list entry contains the address of the program servicing the interrupt, which matches the entry number.
  5. Having determined the program entry, the processor proceeds to execute it.
  6. The interrupt handler program then directs the processor to the port where it finds the scan code. Next, under the control of the processor, the processor determines which character corresponds to this scan code.
  7. The handler sends the code to the buffer, notifying the processor, and then stops working.
  8. The processor moves on to the pending task.
  9. The entered character is stored in a buffer until it is retrieved by the program for which it is intended, for example, the Microsoft Word text editor.

Photo of a computer keyboard and the purpose of the keys

A standard computer keyboard has more than 100 keys, divided into functional groups. Below is her photo.


Serve to enter information and commands typed by letter. Each of the keys can work in different registers and also represent several characters.

Switching case (entering lowercase and uppercase characters) is carried out by holding the Shift key. For hard (permanent) register switching, use Caps Lock.

If you are typing text, the paragraph is closed by pressing the Enter key. Next, data entry begins on a new line. When a command is entered, Enter ends the input and execution begins.


They are located at the top and consist of 12 buttons F1 – F12. Their functions and properties depend on the running program, and in some cases operating system.

A common function in many programs is the F1 key, which calls up help, where you can find out the functions of other buttons.


Located next to the alphanumeric group of buttons. Due to the fact that users often resort to using them, they have an increased size. These include:

  1. Shift and Enter discussed earlier.
  2. Alt and Ctrl – used in combination with other keys to form special commands.
  3. Tab is used for tabulation when typing text.
  4. Win – opens the Start menu.
  5. Esc – refusal to use the started operation.
  6. BACKSPACE – deleting the characters just entered.
  7. Print Screen – prints the current screen or saves a snapshot of it to the clipboard.
  8. Scroll Lock – switches the operating mode in some programs.
  9. Pause/Break – pause/interrupt the current process.

Cursor keys

Located to the right of the alphanumeric panel. Cursor is a screen element indicating the location for entering information. The directional keys move the cursor in the direction of the arrows.


  1. Page Up/Page Down – move the cursor to page up/down.
  2. Home and End – move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line.
  3. Insert – traditionally switches the data input mode between insertion and replacement. IN different programs, the action of the Insert button may be different.

Additional numeric keypad

Duplicates the actions of numeric and some other keys of the main input panel. To use it, you must first enable the Num Lock button. Can be used to control the cursor.

Keyboard shortcut

When you press a certain key combination, a particular command is executed for the computer.

Often used:

  • Ctrl + F – search box in active program.
  • Ctrl + A – selects all content in the open window.
  • Ctrl + C – copy the selected fragment.
  • Ctrl + V – paste from the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + P - prints the current document.
  • Ctrl + Z – cancels the current action.
  • Ctrl + X – cut the selected section of text.
  • Ctrl + Esc - opens/closes the Start menu.
  • Alt + Printscreen – screenshot of the active program window.
  • Alt + F4 – closes the active application.
  • Win + Pause – system properties.
  • Win + E – launches Explorer.
  • Win + D – minimizes everything open windows.
  • Win + F1 – opens Windows Help.
  • Win + F – opens the search window.
  • Win + L – lock the computer.
  • Win + R – open “Run a program”.


Surely, many users have noticed symbols for nicknames on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others in social networks. How to make them if there are no explicit keys for this?

Signs are placed using Alt codes - additional commands for entering hidden characters. These commands are entered by simply pressing Alt + number in decimal system Reckoning.

You can often come across questions: how to make a heart on the keyboard, an infinity sign or a euro?

  • alt + 3 =
  • Alt+8734 = ∞
  • Alt + 0128 = €

These and other keyboard symbols are presented in the following tables in the form of pictures. The “Alt code” column contains a numeric value, after entering which, in combination with the Alt key, a certain character will be displayed. The symbol column contains the final result.

Please note that if the additional numeric keypad is not enabled - Num Lock is not pressed, then the Alt + number key combination may lead to unexpected results.

For example, if you press Alt + 4 in the browser without Num Lock enabled, the previous page will open.

Punctuation marks

Sometimes users, when trying to add a punctuation mark, do not get exactly what they expected. This is due to the fact that different keyboard layouts require different key combinations.

Punctuation marks with Cyrillic alphabet

  • " (quotes) - Shift + 2
  • № (number) - Shift + 3
  • ; (semicolon) - Shift + 4
  • % (percentage) - Shift + 5
  • : (colon) - Shift + 6
  • ? (question mark) - Shift + 7
  • – (dash) – button labeled “-”
  • , (comma) - Shift + “period”
  • + (plus) – Shift + button with plus sign “+”
  • . (dot) – button to the right of the letter “U”

Latin punctuation marks

  • ! (exclamation mark) - Shift + 1
  • @ (dog – used in address Email) - Shift + 2
  • # (hash) - Shift + 3
  • $ (dollar) - Shift + 4
  • % (percentage) - Shift + 5
  • * (multiply or asterisk) - Shift + 8
  • – (dash) – key labeled “-”
  • + (plus) - Shift and +
  • = (equal) – equal sign button
  • , (comma) – key with the Russian letter “B”
  • . (dot) - key with the Russian letter “Yu”
  • ? (question mark) – Shift + button with a question mark (to the right of “Y”)
  • ; (semicolon) – letter “F”
  • : (colon) – Shift + “F”
  • [ (left square bracket) – Russian letter “X”
  • ] (right square bracket) – “Ъ”


A scheme for assigning symbols of national alphabets to specific keys. Switching layouts is done programmatically - one of the functions of the operating system.

In Windows, you can change the layout by pressing Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift. Typical layouts are English and Russian.

If necessary, you can change or add a language in Windows 7 by going to Start – Control Panel – Clock, language and region (sub-item “change keyboard layout or other input methods”).

In the window that opens, select the “Languages” tab - “Change keyboard”. Then, in a new window, on the “General” tab, click “Add” and select the required input language. Don't forget to save your changes by clicking OK.

Virtual keyboard

Separate program, or an add-on included in the software. With its help, you can enter letters and symbols from the computer screen using the mouse cursor.

It is needed, for example, to protect confidential data (login and password). When entering data using a regular keyboard, there is a risk of information being intercepted by malicious spyware. Then, via the Internet, the information is transmitted to the attacker.

You can find and download it at search engines. It is also included in Kaspersky antivirus.

Screen keyboard

Found on touch screen tablet, smartphone, touch monitor, which is pressed by the user's fingers. Sometimes it is called virtual.

It is included in the list of special Windows features. If your keyboard does not work, has stopped typing, suddenly turned off, etc., the on-screen keyboard will come to the rescue.

To launch it in Windows 7, go to Start - All Programs - Accessories - then Accessibility - On-Screen Keyboard.

To switch the layout, use the corresponding buttons on the taskbar (near the date and time, at the bottom left of the monitor screen).

What to do if the keyboard does not work

Do not rush to get upset, first find out what caused the breakdown. They can be divided into hardware and software.

If the hardware is broken, fixing the problem without special skills is problematic. Sometimes it’s easier to replace it with a new one.

Before saying goodbye to a seemingly faulty device, check the connection cable to the system unit; it may have come loose. If the cable is fine, make sure that the damage is not caused by software glitch computer. To do this, restart your PC.

If after a reboot the keyboard shows no signs of life, try to wake it up using the available Windows solutions. The sequence of actions is given using Windows 7 as an example, if you have a different version of the operating system Windows systems- proceed by analogy. The principle is approximately the same.

Go to Start - Control Panel - Hardware and Sound - Device Manager. In the window that opens, if you have problems with your keyboard, it will be marked with a yellow label with an exclamation mark. Select it with the mouse and select Action – Delete from the menu. After uninstallation, close Device Manager.

Return to the Hardware and Sound tab and select Add a Device. After the search, new equipment will be found and drivers will be installed.

If the hardware installation was successful and the failure was due to a software glitch, the Num Lock key indicator will light up.

If the problem cannot be resolved, the on-screen keyboard may be a temporary solution.

These days, the keyboard, like the mouse, is considered a low-value device. However, it plays an important role in working with a computer.

How to put characters on the keyboard. Additional characters on the keyboard

Often, when first getting acquainted with a personal computer, the user has a question about what characters are on the keyboard and how to enter them. Within the framework of this article, each group of keys will be described in detail, indicating its purpose. A method for entering non-standard characters using ASCII codes will also be outlined. This material is of greatest interest to those who work with a text editor, such as Microsoft Word or another similar application (OpenOffice Writer).

Functional set

Let's start with the function keys. There are 12 of them on the keyboard. They are located in the top row. Their purpose depends on open application at the current moment in time. Usually a hint is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and these are the most frequently performed operations in this program (for example, creating a directory in Norton Commander is “F7”).

Keys and register

A special group of keys are keys. They control the operation mode of another part of the keyboard. The first one is “Caps Lock”. It changes the case of letters. By default, lowercase characters are entered. If we press this key once, then when we press the keys we will see capital letters. This is the simplest and most convenient way to put characters on a keyboard with different case. The second key is “Num Lock”. It is used to toggle the numeric keypad. When it is turned off, it can be used for navigation. But when turned on, it works like a regular calculator. The last key in this group is “Scroll Lock”. It is used in table processors. When it is inactive, it moves through the cells, and when it is turned on, the sheet scrolls.


Separately, it is worth considering the control keys. First of all, these are arrows. They move the cursor one position left, right, up and down. There is also page navigation: “PgUp” (page up) and “PgDn” (page down). To go to the beginning of the line use “Home”, to the end – “End”. The control keys include “Shift”, “Alt” and “Ctrl”. Their combination switches the keyboard layout (this depends on the operating system settings).

While holding “Shift”, the case of the entered characters changes and it becomes possible to enter auxiliary characters. For example, let's find out how to type characters from this set on the keyboard. Let's enter "%". To do this, hold down “Shift” and “5”. The set of auxiliary characters depends on the active keyboard layout at the current time. That is, some characters are available in the English layout, and others are available in the Russian layout.

We pay attention to the symbols that are on the keyboard. Deleting a character on the left is “Backspace”, and on the right is “Del”. “Enter” - goes to a new line. Another special key is “Tab”. In a table, it provides a transition to the next cell, and at the end adds a new line. For text, pressing it causes an “increased” indentation between characters to appear. And in file manager pressing it leads to a transition to another panel.

Basic set

The main set of characters on the keyboard depends on the active layout at the current time. It can be Russian or English. Switching between them is carried out using the combinations “Alt” + “Shift” on the left or “Ctrl” + “Shift”. The selected combination is determined in the operating system settings. You can find out the active combination by selection. That is, we click the first of them and look at the state language bar(located in the lower right corner of the screen). If a language change has occurred, it means that this is the combination we need (for example, from “En” to “Ru” or vice versa). The first one is installed by default.

The alphabetic characters on the keyboard are located in its central part and are divided into three rows. The more often a symbol is used, the closer it is to the center, the less often it is used, the further away it is from it. That is, the letters are distributed not according to the alphabet, but according to mathematical statistics. At first, it is difficult to get used to this principle of organizing the distribution of signs, but the more you work, the more you get used to it and realize that it is really convenient. One more nuance that needs to be taken into account. For short-term switching between capital and uppercase letters, it is better to use “Shift”, and for long-term typing - “Caps Lock”.

Numeric keypad

Another required component of such input devices is a numeric keypad. It is located on the right side of it. It has two modes of operation: input and navigation. In the first case, characters are typed on the keyboard (these are numbers and basic mathematical operations). This is convenient when working with big amount numbers. And in the second option, the keys for moving the cursor and page navigation. That is, arrows for moving the marker, “PgUp”, “PgDn”, “Home” and “End” - all this is present here.

Switching between them is done using the “Num Lock” key. When it is turned off (the LED is inactive), navigation works, and when turned on, digital dialing works. If necessary, you can set the desired operating mode after loading personal computer in the BIOS (this is best done by advanced users, since beginners may have problems with this operation).

Punctuation marks

Punctuation marks on the keyboard are concentrated mostly near the right “Shift” key. This is a period and a comma. Also in the English version of the layout there is a question mark here. Other characters (colon, dash, hyphen, question mark and exclamation marks) are located on the main numeric keypad, which is located immediately below function keys. To enter them, briefly hold down “Shift” and together with it the corresponding button.

About what doesn't exist

But what about the characters that are not on the keyboard? Is there any way to get them? The answer to this question is yes. There are two ways to type such characters. The first of these involves using text editor Word. After launching it, go to the “Insert” toolbar and select “Symbol” there. In the list that opens, select “Others”. Then a special input window will open. Here, using the navigation keys, find the desired symbol and press “Enter”.

Additional characters on the keyboard can be typed in another way - using ASCII codes. This works in all Windows applications - a major plus. The downside is that it uses a lot of code that you need to remember. First, let's find out digital code the sign we need on the official website of Microsoft Corporation or in any other source where there is a corresponding table, and remember it. Then we go to the application we need.

Be sure to turn on “Num Lock”, hold down “Alt” and on the numeric keypad on the right, sequentially type the code found in the previous step. At the end, you need to release “Alt” and after that the desired symbol must appear. For example, to enter “ ”, use the combination “Alt” + “9829”. This is convenient to use for non-standard designing text messages in chat or pages on social networks. After all, it is much more convenient to remember a non-standard record than a regular one. And this decision just contributes to this.


Within the framework of this material, all the characters on the keyboard that exist today were described. The purpose of all keys is indicated and practical examples of operation are given. It also shows a working methodology that allows you to go beyond the usual set of characters using ASCII codes. All this together will help the novice user to thoroughly understand the operation of the keyboard and understand the basic principles of the functioning of a personal computer.

Features of punctuation marks on laptop keyboards

When writing, not only letters are used, but also punctuation marks: period, colon, comma, exclamation point, dash, etc. In addition to punctuation marks, there are special symbols on a laptop keyboard - for example, a hash mark, a dollar sign, and a line for an underscore, which can be made from a dash. In this sense, the laptop keyboard is completely identical to a regular computer keyboard, offering a similar set of punctuation marks.

Signs and special characters on the keyboard

The operation of a laptop keyboard usually does not require the installation of additional software. The only exception is the functioning of “hot keys”, for which it is necessary to install special utilities downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. The rest of the buttons, including those that allow you to add a dash or any other punctuation mark, work on the preset ones. BIOS drivers.

Depending on the selected layout, some punctuation buttons change their location. You can safely use an exclamation mark, a dash, and an opening and closing parenthesis. Even a simple dash turns into an underscore when you press the Shift key.

Most punctuation marks are special characters This is how you need to set it by first holding down the Shift button. If, for example, a colon is drawn above the number “6” on the right, then you can put it on the Russian layout by pressing Shift. If the layout is English, then the character that is located on the button on the left will be printed. To help you better understand the difference, here is a table with all the punctuation marks in Cyrillic (Russian) and Latin (English) layouts:

If you need to insert characters into the text that are not on the keyboard, then use a special table that shows combinations of the Alt key with numeric codes.

Using such tables (they are different), you can insert almost any symbol, from a note to a paragraph, an emoticon or a heart.

Creating a new layout

If you don’t like the way punctuation marks are located on the keyboard, and you constantly wonder where the comma is and where the dash is on different layouts before entering the desired character, then change the layout to suit you using the free Microsoft programs Keyboard Layout Creator. This will solve the problem with punctuation marks moving across the keyboard. You've probably encountered this situation: in English text you need to insert a comma according to its meaning, but in the Latin layout, when you press a button, a slash is inserted.

Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator helps eliminate this inconvenience by allowing you to customize your layout. Other users will have to explain how to put punctuation marks, but you won’t have to worry about typing.

To assign a new value to a key, left-click on it and in the window that appears, enter a different character or its code. Then you need to check the box next to the “Shift” item and edit the so-called upper values ​​of the buttons on the keyboard. For example, you can split the dash and underscore into different buttons, or split the number “1” and exclamation point into separate keys.

If you click the “All” button in the character input window, an additional menu will appear in which you can assign key values ​​for combinations with Alt or Alt+Shift.

It is not recommended to touch the letters to avoid confusion. Place a period, comma, colon in the English layout in the same place where they are on the keyboard in the Russian layout. Don’t forget to bring the Russian layout into line so that there are no errors or overlapping characters.

If you need additional characters that aren't natively on your keyboard, you can easily add them too using the Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator. For example, let’s add a ruble sign to a button with a dash and underscore.

  1. Open the Unicode character table. Find the ruble sign. Copy the character itself or its Unicode number.
  2. Return to the main program window. Click the dash button, then click All.
  3. Insert the ruble sign into the line “ctrl+alt+key”. Save the new dash configuration by clicking OK.

When the layout is ready, you need to install it. First you should save the project: “File” – “Save Source File As”.

To add a layout, you need to create an installation package with a setup.exe file that will launch the installer. Expand the "Project" menu and click "Build DLL and Setup Package". The installer will offer to create an operation log (click “No”) and open the folder with the file for installation in Explorer (click “Yes”).

The layout is ready, all that remains is to install it. Run the setup.exe file and wait for the installation to complete. Then go to the Language and Locale section of Control Panel. On the Languages ​​and Keyboards tab, click Change Keyboard. Click “Add” and find the created layout in the list. Standard layouts can be deleted; they will no longer be needed.

To avoid confusion about which symbols to use on which keys, you can make stickers with symbols. Over time, they will wear off or fly off, but by this time you will have gotten used to the fact that you can use the dash button to put a ruble sign, and the comma and period are always in one place and do not move around the keyboard.

# is the most popular word of 2012!

Information Technology and especially the Internet influence our lives so much that not only the usual way of life changes, but also completely new symbols and terms appear that are used by millions.

The symbol, which will be discussed below, is a very simple concept, old in time and multifaceted in purpose. Some people know it as the hash sign - “#”, and it is on the keyboard of any phone and computer. Scientists call it "octothorp". In music, # stands for the note sign “sharp”, indicating an increase in sound by a semitone. It is also called by the English word Sharp, and the world famous Japanese corporation bears the proud name of Sharp Corporation. Programmers are familiar with this symbol from the name of the version of the object-oriented programming language C# (pronounced “see sharp”). And some use the hash symbol # instead of the “No” sign.

Hash sign The hash sign (sometimes octothorp from the Latin octothorp - eight ends) - symbol (#); other names: “hash”, “hash”, “number sign”, “sharp” (or “sharp”, due to the external similarity of these two symbols), “pound sign” (the hash sign is often used in cases where the system does not have technical feasibility entering the pound symbol (?)).

Since the 60s of the 20th century, American telephony engineers have tried to come up with a special name for this symbol, such as “octothorp”, “octothorpe”, “octathorp”, “octatherp” (“octothorp”, “octatorp”, “octatherp” "). None of them ultimately received serious distribution: those entries in English dictionaries that describe such terms are, for the most part, only references to the established forms “Hash sign” or “Number sign” , which is traditional for in English; in Russian, a different sign is used to indicate a number - “No”). It is also significant that the suggested words are not included in the English dictionaries of the automatic spell checker or in the products Microsoft Office, neither in Mozilla browser Firefox, nor any other modern software. Despite this, there is a group on the Internet promoting the name “octothorp”.

This symbol was not common in Russian typography until the end of the 20th century. The sign gained non-specialized, everyday distribution with the spread of digital dialing in phones, including mobile phones. In the language, the term “hash sign” has been assigned to it. Forms of the name "hash" and "hash sign" are now used for this symbol everywhere, both verbally and in writing(primarily in computer literature, instructions for equipment, etc.)

Use In the literature of the Middle Ages (mainly medical) written in Latin, this sign had the meaning of a cross (in the theological sense) and read: “and with God’s help.” It was historically used (and is still sometimes used) by doctors, placing this sign at the end of the prescription given to the patient.

In American typography, the hash sign arose at the end of the 19th century in US stock exchange practice with the advent of the telegraph, when it was necessary to very quickly write down quotes with chalk on a board, and then in bookmakers’ offices. Until the mid-1960s, the use of the sign was typical for newspaper advertising. It is rarely used in literary publications and is adopted more often in technical texts.

Most general use This symbol is a designation of a number in the USA, and its name in Unicode literally translated into Russian is “number sign”. However, using the literal translation “number sign” for the symbol # in Russian is erroneous, since in Russian typography, starting from the 19th century to this day, this term is understood as the symbol No. The tracing paper “number sign” when translating English-language material into Russian is an example of the “false friend of the translator.”

This character should not be confused with the sharp sign, for which Unicode has its own character (Unicode U+266F).

It is noteworthy that Microsoft, using this symbol in the name of the C# programming language, insists on the pronunciation “C Sharp”, citing the difficulty of typing the original sharp sign, although one of the meanings of the word “sharp” is “sharp”.

Currently, the symbol (#) is normally present on computer keyboard and is actively used in computer languages, messages, games: in a UNIX environment in the invitation command line indicates superuser rights (root); in the configuration files of most UNIX programs, part of the configuration Windows files, in many programming languages ​​(Perl, PHP, Python), in Unix OS command shells it is used as a single-line comment mark; in UNIX-like OSs, together with an exclamation mark at the beginning of the file, it forms Shebang (English) - a sequence after which the interpreter is indicated to which the file will be transferred upon startup; in HTML files, in links, it is placed before the name of the label of some section, part, etc. inside the file; this sign indicates the beginning of the color code in HTML, for example, #442d25 coffee. used in wiki markup; due to its symmetry in monospace fonts, it is used to form pseudographic images; in the command interface of modems after the symbols “AT” denotes Caller ID, CID control commands; in Wikipedia templates it is often used as a symbolic name “any digit”; in the C, C++ languages ​​it is used to point to compiler preprocessor directives; in the Pascal language it is used to denote ASCII character codes; in the printf family of functions, inside an escape sequence, it is used to indicate an alternative form of outputting a value; in the Lua language it is used as an operator for obtaining the length of a variable; in BASIC, placed immediately after the variable name means the data type is “double precision floating point”; in a programming language Visual Basic used to indicate a date data type, for example #2/27/06#; in CSS and the JavaScript library, jQuery (#) is used to identify an element by its id, similar to getDocumentById(); in the Nethack game, corridors are drawn with the symbol (#), and in the ADOM game, stone walls are drawn.

Also, the symbol (#) is present on the keyboard of push-button telephones and is used, as a rule, as a terminal symbol when typing service requests to cell phones.

Hashtag is the most popular word of 2012! A hashtag or hashtag (English Hashtag from hash - the hash symbol) is a word or phrase preceded by the # symbol. Users can group together a group of posts by topic or type using hashtags - words or phrases starting with the "#" symbol.

Hashtags provide the ability to group similar messages, so you can search for a hashtag and get a set of messages that contain it.

Origins Hashtags first appeared and were used on IRC networks to tag topics and groups. They are used to indicate individual posts belonging to a group, as well as membership in a particular topic or "channel".

Typically, channels or topics that are available throughout the IRC network begin with the hash character # (as opposed to local servers, which use the ampersand "&"). The popularity of hashtags has grown alongside the rise of Twitter. This inspired Chris Messina, now called the father of hashtags, to propose similar systems to tag topics of interest on the web's microblogging sites. He sent the first message with the hashtag on Twitter: “What do you think about using hash (#) for different groups? - Chris Messina, August 23, 2007 Messina's tweet and subsequent discussion helped cement the hashtag's position in the Twitter Universe, equating the # symbol with the popular @ symbol. Beginning as a form of indexing, a hashtag later became a form of announcement, sentiment, sarcasm, inner monologue, or subliminal.

Hashtags became popular during the 2007 San Diego wildfires, when Nate Ritter used the hashtag "#sandiegofire" to stay up to date with any updates related to the disaster.

Beginning July 1, 2009, Twitter began linking all hashtags with hyperlinks to search results containing all recent posts mentioning either the hashtag or the standard spelling of such words, as long as such words are written in the same order. This was highlighted in 2010 with the introduction of "Hot Topics" on home page Twitter.

Function Hashtags are primarily used as unmoderated online discussion forums; any combination of symbols led by the hashtag sign and any hashtag, if promoted by enough people, can "bounce" and attract more private users to discuss the hashtags used.

On Twitter, when a hashtag becomes extremely popular, it appears in "Trending Topics" home page user. Topic relevance can be organized by geography or across Twitter dimensions. Hashtags are not registered or controlled by any one user or group of users, nor can they be "removed" from public use, thereby meaning that hashtags can be used in theoretical infinity depending on the longevity of a word or set of characters in a written language. They also don't contain many definitions, meaning that a single hashtag can be used for any number of purposes that those who use them support.

Because of their free-form nature, hashtags often become more recognizable in association with certain topics of discussion based on a more specific spelling of the hashtag (for example, "#cake" as opposed to "#thecakeisalie"), which will differ from the more general spelling. However, this can also prevent topics from becoming "trending topics" because people often use different spellings to refer to the same topic. Hashtags can also function as beacons to enable users to find and “follow” (follow) or “list” (organize into public contact lists) other users with similar interests.

Hashtags are also used informally to express context around of this message, without the intent to actually categorize messages for later retrieval, sharing, or other reasons. This can help express humor, excitement, sadness, or other emotions. For example, “It's Monday!! #excited #sarcasm"

Working outside of social networks This feature was added to user comments to systems on YouTube and Gawker Media. In the latter case, hashtags are used for blog comments and directly submitted comments to maintain a more constant level custom action, even when the user is not registered on the website. Real-time search engines such as Google Real-Time Search and Tagboard also support hashtags in syndicated posts. This means that hashtags inserted into Twitter posts can be hyperlinked to incoming messages that fall under the same hashtag; it further included a "river" view of Twitter entries that can result from search criteria or hashtags. Tagboard is a service that provides a unique, visual, landing page for hashtags used on social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Memes One phenomenon characteristic of the Twitter system is micromemes, which are emerging topics for which a hashtag is created, are widely used for a few days, then disappear. These hashtags are also found in many deviant topics on websites, including Twitter's own front page.

Definitions for some hashtags are available at Other sites, such as, have decided to use hashtags for other purposes.

Promotion The hashtag phenomenon has also been collected for advertising, sales promotion and emergencies. Most large organizations will only focus on one or a few hashtags. However, some people and organizations use a large number of hashtags to highlight their wide range of concepts that they are interested in. The decision of whether to specialize in certain hashtags or promote a range depends on the participants' marketing strategy.

Media Since 2010, television series on various television channels have been promoting themselves through "branded" hashtag errors. It is used as a means of facilitating backchannel online discussion between the parties before, during and after a broadcast episode. The bug hashtag appears on any corner of the screen, or they can appear at the end of an ad (like a movie trailer).

Personalities associated with the broadcast also promote their corporate or personal Twitter handles to receive mentions and replies to posts. The use of related or "branded" hashtags next to Twitter usernames (e.g. #edshow as well as @edshow) is increasingly encouraged as a microblogging style, with the goal of "mainstreaming" the hashtag (and therefore the topic of discussion) on Twitter and other search engines. Broadcasters also use this style to index selected messages for live reporting. Chloe Sladden, Twitter's director of affiliate media, has identified two types of TV-formatted hashtag use: hashtags that identify the series being broadcast (ie #SunnyFX), and instantaneous, "temporary" hashtags released by TV presenters to gauge topical responses from viewers at a time. broadcast time.

Event Promotion Organized real world events also use hashtags and special lists to promote discussion and promotion among participants. Hashtags are used as beacons for event participants to find each other both on Twitter and real life during events.

In popular culture In November 2012, an American couple named their newborn daughter Hashtag. This was reported by the tech blog Mashable with a link to the Facebook page of the girl’s parents. The reason for the parents’ choice of such an unusual name for their daughter is not specified.

Based on the results of 2012, the American Dialectological Society named “hashtag” the word of the year. The 23rd annual poll was attended by linguists, lexicographers, etymologists, grammarians, historians, researchers, writers, editors, students and independent scholars. One of the voting committee's chairs, Ben Zimmer, said: "This was the year the hashtag became ubiquitous in online conversations. On Twitter and other sites, hashtags created instant social trends, distributing messages across topics ranging from politics to pop culture.”

When creating a message, a hashtag - a mark consisting of one word or a phrase written without spaces and a “#” sign at the beginning - turns into a hyperlink. When you click on a link or search for a hashtag using the search bar, you can see posts and pages with the same tag posted by other users. At the same time, it is possible to configure the privacy of messages.

Facebook emphasized that the introduction of hashtags is only the first of steps aimed at simplifying the search for information on a topic of interest and discussions about people or social events on the social network.

Previously, users of the microblogging service Twitter, blog hosting Tumblr and other social networks could add hashtags to their messages. Users of the mobile microblogging service Instagram, acquired by Facebook in 2012, could also use hashtags. In a focused Russian speaking users social network “VKontakte” such an opportunity appeared in the spring of 2011.

Hello! When working on a computer with text, you encounter many characters. Today we’ll talk about one specific one. Let's look at how to place a hash mark on the keyboard in two different ways. They are very easy to implement.

Let me note right away that you can usually type the hash icon on laptop and computer keyboards using the same simple steps. Let's move on to specifics and see where, what and how to click.

2 ways to type a hash sign

In short, they can be described as follows:

  • copy and paste;
  • using a keyboard shortcut.

Let's move on to the details. The first option is quite obvious. You just need to copy this icon from another document and paste it into the current one.

To do this, place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the character. Next, press the left button on it and, without releasing it, move the mouse cursor to the end of the symbol. Now it is highlighted, the button can be released. Right-click on the selected area and select “copy”. Open the working document and place the mouse cursor in the desired location by clicking the same left button. Then press the right one again and select “paste”. That's all. Mission accomplished.

The second option is, in my opinion, more convenient. First you need to switch to the English keyboard layout. Switching languages ​​is usually done using one of two function key combinations.

Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift.

First, press and hold the first key, then press the second.

Which of the two options will work depends on the settings installed on the computer. Next we install the grate.

I’ll immediately explain how to type this combination correctly. Press and hold Shift. Only after this do we press number three. After this, the desired icon should appear in the text file. For clarity, I prepared an illustration.

At the end of the publication, I note that this blog is dedicated not only to computer literacy, but also to truly normal prospects for making money on the Internet. I talked about them in previous articles, for example,. If you wish, you can look at the information sections on the blog, there are quite a few interesting things collected there.

Subscribe to blog topical email newsletters. For the convenience of readers, I regularly add announcements of publications to social pages created specifically for this site. There you can choose interesting materials. I continue to prepare new articles. There will be a lot more useful information ahead. See you later.

No computer or laptop user can do without alphabetic characters on the keyboard, entered using the appropriate keys. Almost every key has 2 letters - English at the top and Russian at the bottom, i.e. The keyboard has 26 letters of the English alphabet and 33 letters of the Russian alphabet. Moreover, these can be both lowercase and uppercase letters, which are typed using the Shift key.

There are punctuation marks in both English and Russian layouts, although they are located in different places on the keyboard. It is convenient when working with Russian text that a period and a comma are the same key, which is located in the bottom row of the most recent letter keys. Only the comma is typed in combination with the Shift key. And in the English layout, a dot is a key with the Russian letter Y, and a comma is B. So, to enter these punctuation marks, you do not need to switch from one font to another.

We use digital signs or numbers not only for calculations, but also in text to indicate various numerical data. In this case, you can use both the upper numeric row of the keyboard and the additional digital block(small numeric keypad) located on the right side of the keyboard.

The basic signs of arithmetic operations (plus “+”, minus “-”, multiplication “*”, division “/”), located on the small numeric keypad by analogy with a familiar calculator, so they are convenient to use when making calculations. But if you just need to print the equal sign “=”, and not find out the result of the calculations, then you will not find such a sign there. It is located in the top number row after the number 0, one key later.

What frequently used characters are on the keyboard?

If you look closely at the keyboard, you can see that many characters are hidden in the number row and with right side letter rows, last keys. To enter characters instead of letters or numbers when printing, you need to switch to upper case using the Shift key.

If you go in order, starting with the number 1, then in this way when printing Russian texts you enter:

1) exclamation point “!”;
2) opening and closing quotation marks at the beginning and end of the phrase “...”;
3) then, if necessary, the number sign “No”;
4) semicolon “;”;
5) "%";
6) colon “:”;
7) question mark “?”;
8) the asterisk “*”, which is also used as a multiplication sign in computer calculations;
9) round opening “(”;
10) round closing bracket “)” on the key with the number 0;
11) a hyphen and a “-” sign – in the computer version they look the same. The dash character (longer) appears automatically using spaces before and after this character in text programs or is entered using a special code.
12) the = sign and the + sign in upper case, i.e. in combination with the Shift key.

It is noteworthy that the exclamation point, %, *, parentheses are found in both Russian and English keyboard layouts on the same keys.

But some characters exist only in the English layout. For example, square […] and curly (…) brackets, which are located on keys with the Russian letters X (opening) and Ъ (closing), “>” (key with the Russian letter Yu) and less “Rarely used characters on the keyboard

IN Everyday life to the average user You rarely have to use characters that exist only in the English layout: different versions of quotation marks “…”, ‘…’, `…`, dash “|”, forward “/” and backslash “\”, tilde “~”. But the paragraph sign “§” or the degree “°” would be nice , but they are not on the keyboard. You have to enter some characters into the text in a different way.

A hashtag is a special tag that is added to posts (publications) on social networks. It helps you find quickly similar posts. In fact, this is a link, clicking on which will show all messages tagged with the same word. It is set like this: first the hash sign is printed, and after it some word or several words.

This system works the same on any popular social network: Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

How to make a hashtag

It’s very simple to do: type the # sign followed by a word or several words. There should be no spaces between them. Instead, you can use an underscore or simply write several words into one.

For example, I want to post a photo of my cat and tag it “my cat.” So, I add a photo and enter a hash mark. To print it, you need to switch the keyboard to the English layout, press the Shift key and, without releasing it, the button with the number 3 (at the top).

Then, when the hash is typed, I type mycat. That's right, without spaces: you can't put them - the tag won't work. Or you can indicate, for example, #MyCat. It is the same.

I publish it, and this is what comes out:

If you click on this tag, other posts on the social network will appear that contain exactly the same hashtag. That is, if someone also published a photo of their cat with the same tag, then it will be on the list.

When to use hashtags

You don't have to install them at all. After all, these are just tags - they are needed for convenience, so that you can quickly find similar publications.

For example, I visited an exhibition and wrote a post about it. Here you can add a hashtag with the name of this event. Then my note will appear in the feed using this tag. This means that people who are looking for some information about the exhibition will see my post.

Hashtags are also a way to draw attention to some problem. Or vice versa, to support someone.

Well, and finally, hashtags help sort posts. I'll explain with an example.

Let's say from time to time I publish notes on a specific topic. I don’t add such posts very often, which makes it very difficult to find them. But you can indicate some unique hashtag - one that no longer exists on the social network. Then they will all be shown on it.

You can also limit the scope of a tag using the @ separator.

For example, I have a VKontakte group: It turns out that her unique address on the social network is umeka. And if I want the hashtag “computer” to show not all posts of the contact, but only from my group, then I put the following tag: #computer@umeka

And for posts about programs - this: #programs@umeka

How many hashtags to add to a post?

Everyone decides for themselves how many to place (2, 5, 10 or more). Marketers even conducted research to find out what quantity works best. And here are the results they got:

Often people use tags extremely ineptly. They put a bunch of tags on the post, which makes it difficult to read, and, in general, looks like spam. Or they are being original. You should always remember that the main purpose of hashtags is to sort publications. And they need to be indicated in two cases:

  1. If you want this post to be included in the feed of other publications with the same tag.
  2. If you want to collect some specific publications under this label.

Everything else is useless. Trying to be original by putting tags like #mycatbaby, you only make things worse. Both for yourself and for others.

For example, if I see something like this, I begin to doubt the adequacy of a person. And I'm not the only one.

Search by hashtags

By the way, on Instagram, right when you print a tag, hints appear - the most popular tags.


  • Hashtags can be written in Russian or English. They may also contain numbers.
  • There should be no spaces in them. If you need to indicate two words in one label, then they are simply printed together. Or an underscore (__) is placed between them.
  • Tags can consist of capital or small letters, or combinations. But they are the same thing (#MyCat is the same as #mycat).
  • You can add tags to any part of the message separated by a space. In addition, a post can consist entirely of tags. This is normal, especially when posting photos on Instagram.

Often, when first getting acquainted with a personal computer, the user has a question about what characters are on the keyboard and how to enter them. Within the framework of this article, each group of keys will be described in detail, indicating its purpose. A method for entering non-standard characters using ASCII codes will also be outlined. This material is of greatest interest to those who work with a text editor, such as Microsoft Word or another similar application (OpenOffice Writer).

Functional set

Let's start with There are 12 of them on the keyboard. They are located in the top row. Their purpose depends on the open application at the current time. Usually a hint is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and these are the most frequently performed operations in this program (for example, creating a directory in Norton Commander is “F7”).

Keys and register

A special group of keys are keys. They control the operation mode of another part of the keyboard. The first one is "Caps Lock". It changes the case of letters. By default, lowercase characters are entered. If we press this key once, then when we press the keys, they will appear. This is the simplest and most convenient way to put characters on the keyboard with different case. The second key is "Num Lock". It is used to toggle the numeric keypad. When it is turned off, it can be used for navigation. But when turned on, it works like a regular calculator. The last key in this group is “Scroll Lock”. It is used in table processors. When it is inactive, it moves through the cells, and when it is turned on, the sheet scrolls.


Separately, it is worth considering the control keys. First of all, these are arrows. They move the cursor one position left, right, up and down. There is also page navigation: “PgUp” (page up) and “PgDn” (page down). To go to the beginning of the line use “Home”, to the end - “End”. The control keys include “Shift”, “Alt” and “Ctrl”. Their combination switches the keyboard layout (this depends on the operating system settings).

While holding “Shift”, the case of the entered characters changes and it becomes possible to enter auxiliary characters. For example, let's find out how to type characters from this set on the keyboard. Let's enter "%". To do this, hold down “Shift” and “5”. The set of auxiliary characters depends on the active keyboard layout at the current time. That is, some characters are available in the English layout, and others are available in the Russian layout.

We pay attention to the symbols that are on the keyboard. Deleting a character on the left is "Backspace" and on the right is "Del". “Enter” - goes to a new line. Another special key is “Tab”. In a table, it provides a transition to the next cell, and at the end adds a new line. For text, pressing it causes an “increased” indentation between characters to appear. And in the file manager, pressing it leads to a transition to another panel.

Basic set

The main set depends on the active layout at the current time. It can be Russian or English. Switching between them is carried out using the combinations “Alt” + “Shift” on the left or “Ctrl” + “Shift”. The selected combination is determined in the operating system settings. You can find out the active combination by selection. That is, click the first of them and look at the state of the language bar (located in the lower right corner of the screen). If a language change has occurred, it means that this is the combination we need (for example, from “En” to “Ru” or vice versa). The first one is installed by default.

The alphabetic characters on the keyboard are located in its central part and are divided into three rows. The more often a symbol is used, the closer it is to the center, the less often it is used, the further away it is from it. That is, the letters are distributed not alphabetically, but according to At first, it is difficult to get used to this principle of organizing the distribution of characters, but the more you work, the more you get used to it and understand that it is really convenient. One more nuance that needs to be taken into account. For short-term switching between capital and uppercase letters, it is better to use “Shift”, and for long-term typing - “Caps Lock”.

Numeric keypad

Another required component of such input devices is a numeric keypad. It is located on the right side of it. It has two modes of operation: input and navigation. In the first case, characters are typed on the keyboard (these are numbers and basic mathematical operations). This is convenient when working with large A; in the second option, the keys for moving the cursor and page navigation are duplicated. That is, arrows for moving the marker, “PgUp”, “PgDn”, “Home” and “End” - all this is present here.

Switching between them is done using the “Num Lock” key. When it is turned off (the LED is inactive), navigation works, and when turned on, digital dialing works. If necessary, you can set the desired operating mode after booting the personal computer into the BIOS (this is best done by advanced users, since beginners may have problems with this operation).

Punctuation marks

Punctuation marks on the keyboard are concentrated mostly near the right “Shift” key. This is a period and a comma. Also in the English version of the layout, the remaining symbols (colon, question and exclamation marks) are located on the main numeric keypad, which is located immediately below the function keys. To enter them, briefly hold down “Shift” and together with it the corresponding button.

About what doesn't exist

But what about the characters that are not on the keyboard? Is there any way to get them? The answer to this question is yes. There are two ways to type such characters. The first of these involves using the Word text editor. After launching it, go to the “Insert” toolbar and select “Symbol” there. In the list that opens, select “Others”. Then a special input window will open. Here, using the navigation keys, find the desired symbol and press “Enter”.

Additional characters on the keyboard can be typed in another way - using ASCII codes. This works in all Windows applications - a major plus. The downside is that it uses a lot of code that you need to remember. First, we find out the digital code of the sign we need on the official website of Microsoft Corporation or in any other source where there is a corresponding table, and remember it. Then we go to the application we need.

Be sure to turn on “Num Lock”, hold down “Alt” and on the numeric keypad on the right, sequentially type the code found in the previous step. At the end, you need to release “Alt” and after that the desired symbol must appear. For example, to enter “ ”, use the combination “Alt” + “9829”. This is convenient to use for non-standard

Design of text messages in chat or pages on social networks. After all, it is much more convenient to remember a non-standard record than a regular one. And this decision just contributes to this.


Within the framework of this material, all the characters on the keyboard that exist today were described. The purpose of all keys is indicated and practical examples of operation are given. It also shows a working methodology that allows you to go beyond the usual set of characters using ASCII codes. All this together will help the novice user to thoroughly understand the operation of the keyboard and understand the basic principles of the functioning of a personal computer.