How to turn on the event indicator on Samsung. Where to enable the flash notification function in the Samsung Galaxy settings

How to setup indicator light on Android devices X.

A huge number of Android devices have additional LEDs on the front of the case, which serve as an additional notification element. Depending on the phone model, the indicator light can have from 2 to several different colors. By default indicator reports to the user about the following points: low battery, connected charger, missed call, SMS, event in the calendar or notification of some application, etc. With all this, almost always, especially if there is additional applications with notifications (social network clients, instant messengers, schedulers, etc.), it is impossible to find by the flickering and color of the indicator what event it is specifically talking about and the user will have to pick up the phone and unlock the screen to find out what happened.

How configure the indicator light on Android devices.

Luckily, like most things in Android, indicator light can be flexibly configured to suit the needs of a specific user. For this there is special applications, among which we can highlight the most functional Light Manager.

Samsung Galaxy J5 2016: troubleshooting

Application Light Manager helps to configure the operation of the light indicator of any Android device that has it. With Light Manager you can teach LED indicator react with different colors of your choice to events tied to a specific application or system action.

By default, the program has a number of ready-made template settings for the most common events. The user can optionally delete any of them that is not needed and put in its place a new one that is more relevant to him. To edit elements, you need to hold down the desired element, after which a menu with notification settings will open. Next, you can set the color of the light indicator, the frequency of its blinking, and immediately test the new settings in action.

The application contains a list of other applications installed on the smartphone for which you can configure individual notifications. If the required application is not in the list, you can add it manually. To do this, you need to switch Light Manager to an alternative operating mode, in which there is a menu item to add a new application. When selecting this item, the user is given full list from all applications installed on the device. After selection necessary program You can immediately assign it your own LED notification.

How to setup indicator light on Android devices.

If you are not satisfied with standard system notifications via the light indicator, they can also be reconfigured in the Light Manager. The program can change all standard notifications: low battery, activated silent mode, lack of network signal or airplane mode turned on and others.

Separately, it should be noted that there are advanced settings in Light Manager. In them, you can set the blinking frequency of the indicator for each notification separately, configure the sleep mode (the period of time during which light notifications will not be active, that is, while the user is sleeping, studying, etc.), change the delay of LED activity after indication notifications and much more.

A properly configured light indicator will allow you to find out about a particular event in advance and, without turning on your smartphone, determine the degree of its importance. It is very convenient when, by one glance at a smartphone lying nearby, you can determine whether a VKontakte message has arrived or a notification about an important letter and, accordingly, continue to work without distraction, or immediately respond to an important message.

Short description

Samsung Galaxy J5 - Android 5. Did you manage to turn on the indicator on j5 or in Samsung j5, as on J5. Like on Samsung Galaxy turn on function. This is useful when you need to turn on where indicator on Samsung galaxy J5. Set up notifications - Nexus Help. Learn more about how to respond to messages without special ones. Review of the “people's” smartphone Samsung Galaxy J5. Galaxy J5 just represents the Processor of the Samsung Galaxy J5 - to stroke your pride and turn it on. Mobile phone Samsung Galaxy J7 - m. Samsung Galaxy J5 (J500H/DS) - Onliner Forum. How to turn on LED flash when making a call? Mobile phone Samsung Galaxy J5 Questions. How to enable notification indicator on j5? Samsung Galaxy J5: specifications. Samsung Galaxy J5 J500H/DS Black + case.

Where in Samsung settings Galaxy

turn on

Flash notification function.

how to set up samsung galaxy to be notified using flash

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about incoming calls, messages and other events? Here you can find information about what actually is and how to activate this function on your smartphone.

Flash notification feature on Samsung Galaxy

Notifies you of missed calls messages and other new camera flash events. This is useful when needed turn on on the phone, but want to know about incoming calls and so on. It additionally looks cool when the light starts blinking and some people just want this feature to be activated. Enables flash notifications on Samsung Galaxy smartphones through special features. myth method should apply to all Samsung androids. Below you can add a review, whether this article helped you or not, and don’t even forget to indicate the device model so that other users also have useful information from you.

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So turn on outbreak notification Samsung Galaxy does the following:
Open to Android phone Android Following accessibility options Next listening notification and Flash, to activate the feature, tap the switch.

Done, your Samsung Galaxy smartphone will now start flashing to notify you of calls and other events.
To disable this feature, do either way and tap the switch to turn it off.

I hope you helped this article and had the opportunity

activate flash notification function

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on Samsung androids. Please leave a review whether the myth method is suitable for your device or not.
You can also add useful tips or supplement the article with new information.

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  • If you have useful tips, of course, you can post them on the website at separate page, where the author of the article will be indicated.
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Indicator missed calls and messages

The composition Daily Beetle belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution.

11:01 am
Hello, can you please tell me I have a Samsung galaxy j7 (2016) phone. Sounds don't work. I press the sound button to move around the screen (disable "mute all sounds" accessibility). Now I do it.

06 hours 41 minutes
This article helped me. Samsung phone Galaxy A5 2016. Thank you! 🙂

23 hours 39 minutes
This article helped, I have an a5 2017 spiral

10 hours 54 minutes
Thanks a lot. Helped

02 hours 55 minutes.
Updated Android no longer has this feature

23 hours 16 minutes
Thank you, this helped and I'm really tired of the flash.

03 h. 56 min.
Guys, when you flash drive doesn't work, log in from watsap and everything works right away, and even the flash only works in normal mode, if you set free mode, it won't work for me actually

03 h. 51 min.
Please tell me how and when incoming call to increase the flicker of the flash, which would blink a little

03 h. 17 min.
Thanks a lot for your advice made since writing chas left just to test if it will work or not

08 hours 53 minutes
why doesn't flash work for phone messages but for calls it does work

14 hours 02 minutes
Where indicator on Samsung A5 2015

22 hours. 04 min.
How to turn on the indicator on J3?

02 h. 46 min.
Thank you, everyone worked well!

05 hours 59 minutes
It didn't work out.

23 hours 30 minutes
And why doesn't the flash blink when a message comes from the camera? Samsung galaxy j1 2016

10 hours 43 minutes
Tell them how to write so that they appear on the display, and then the two will vibrate to be visible. Dyaky

10 hours 54 minutes
Great article.

00 o'clock. 31 min.
Thank you SO MUCH, you helped!

17 hours 18 minutes
I did everything as written, my number is called, but I have not yet received a notification. Maybe after a while. I'm waiting. Notification received. but not a flash, but overall a flash and not much melody. Thank you, helpful information.

11:00 am
Thank you very much for the information. All phones enable this feature differently and this article is very helpful!

19 hours 54 minutes
Thank you for your help.

15 hours 47 minutes
Super. Your article helped. Switched. Urrraaaa.

14 hours 30 minutes
This helped me a lot, I recently received this phone and haven't had time to learn all its features!

14 hours 38 minutes.
Thank you very much for the help

20 hours 18 minutes
Samsung galaxy J510, the flash works with SMS calls and alarms and does not respond to third party applications, such as viber. Yes, and I would like to be able to activate the front flash.

19 hours 41 minutes
Cool! Thanks for the flash! Couldn't find it myself) Samsung galaxy J5

12 hours 03 minutes
Good afternoon He is really kind :))). I somehow enabled this feature myself, and then forgot where to disable it. Thank you, you really helped. samsung smartphone j5

14 hours 27 minutes
On Samsung Galaxy Ace 4 Neo duos, the flash notification also works. Thanks to the author!

12 hours 15 minutes.
Thanks a lot. I am very grateful to you for the information you provided.

17 hours 55 minutes.
Thanks for the help. I've fixed everything. Very simple and easy to explain.

13 hours 25 minutes
Thank you, you helped

23 hours 40 minutes
Yes, it helped. Thank you

12 hours 06 minutes
Galaxy s5 This mode is disabled. Flash still fires on timer

18 hours 05 minutes
yes it helped

18 hours 41 minutes
Thank you. That helped.

20 hours 04 minutes
Thanks, this helped! Phone Samsyng Galaxsi.i9082

13 hours 33 minutes
Good afternoon. I have a Samsung S5. According to the instructions, I did everything, but the flash does not turn off. For what?

From this article you will learn:

At the end of last year, the manufacturing company Samsung Electronics announced the launch of an image new series Galaxy A. Smartphones have all-metal bodies and a uniform design.

The gadgets aroused not only interest among users, but also many questions. They are especially interested in how to set up a Samsung Galaxy A7?

You will learn how to set up a smartphone in this article. As always, detailed instructions will help with this.


Let's start with how to set up the camera in the Samsung Galaxy A7. You can even start it from standby mode. This is done by pressing the central button on the device. The launch happens almost instantly.

From a quick glance at the camera, it appears that there are no changes to the new model. In fact, this is true, the placement of elements on the screen, the menu structure, the principles of increasing functionality through a proprietary extension - all this can be seen in the new device.

Shooting begins when you press the camera button. Using the “mode” button, you can select the main shooting mode displayed at the top of the screen. At the bottom right there is a square from the last photo you took.

At the top right is auto mode. And the button located at the top left allows you to switch the front and main cameras (for those who like to make video calls and selfies).

Settings can be turned on traditionally, using the gear located at the bottom left.

Indicator light

The light indication of various events on the smartphone is activated under Android OS.

Your phone will alert you about missed messages, missed calls, and when your battery is low.

The device has a special light indicator that prompts users about events that have occurred with the device.

To configure the indicator light, do the following:

  • Open the menu, select “settings” - “notification indicator”

You can use the search function in the settings section (the icon with a magnifying glass) using the phrase “notification indicator”

  • Check the boxes in the required sections.
  • The indicator light is set.

Flash Notifications

Light indication of events using the flash may turn on differently on different versions Android.

For example, on Android version 4: “Settings” - “My device” - “Indicator”.

On later versions of the OS: “Accessibility” - “Hearing” - “Flash notification”. This way, you can set up a notification using a flash directly during a call or message.

Notification of missed events can be configured as follows: “Accessibility” - “Notification reminders”

Also, for more advanced settings of the light indication, you can use some applications (for example, Light Flow)

Mobile Internet settings

Now we’ll find out how to set up the Internet in the Samsung Galaxy A7.

For the Internet, you must first create a profile. It depends on which mobile operator you use. If you do not do this, an error will occur when you try to access the Internet.

If this does not happen, request a special service message from your operator (it contains the settings you need). The envelope icon with a gear means the settings are set automatically.


Formation, factory reset means the process of hard reset. This procedure may be required for various technical situations.

For example, the phone somehow doesn’t work right, errors or malfunctions appear, and it starts to glitch. Also, resetting will help you out if you can’t enter graphic key or password.

Often technical problems arise when downloading a large number of programs, applications, games that do not fit on one device.

In the Galaxy A7 menu there is a directory called “settings”. If you go here you will see " backup, reset". With its help you can reset the settings. There are two ways to do this.

  1. Find "reset device". Then click "delete all". The phone is completely updated. This method is used by most gadget users. However, it doesn't always help. Therefore, let's move on to the second method.
  2. Turn off your smartphone. Press the combination “power”, “home”, “volume up” at the same time. You will see the Android icon appear on the screen. Wait for Android to appear recovery system. The next action is Yes - delete all user data”, activate it. The settings have been reset. Perform a control reboot by clicking “reboot system now”. The process is complete.

Understanding the settings in the Samsung Galaxy A7 is quite simple. I hope you found the article useful, and new smartphone will continue to please you.

Not all Samsung phones, such as Galaxy a5, a3 2016, j5, j3, j7, a7, j2, a5 2017, j1, Ji 7 (not necessarily the a series) are equipped with a built-in indicator light function, but instead you can use a flash, which will notify you of an incoming call.

How to enable it depends more on the version of Android installed in them, for example, inclusion in 4.3, which is discussed below, differs from the new versions 5.0 or 6.0

If the indicator light is turned on, the phone will tell you about some events that happened to it.

To enable it, go to the menu and open settings. Then go to “My Device” and select the “Indicator” section.

I won’t describe how to set up the light indicator. There, just check the boxes next to the functions you need.

How to turn on the indicator light on Samsung phones with the latest versions of Android

If you are not sure whether your phone has an indicator light, here is a guide on how to find out

The light signal is a convenience for people with impaired hearing, as well as convenient solution when using the phone in dark places.

Even if someone sends you a message, the phone will notify you with a signal.

In order to enable, for example, 6.0.1 in Android, we also go to the settings, but select “Special Features”.

Then “Hearing” and move the slider to the right opposite the “Flash notification” line.

How else can you turn on the indicator light on a Samsung phone?

There are apps that can help you customize notifications the way you want.

From audio and vibration to color notifications. To do this, you can use the NoLED widget.

  • By the way, very few people know that notices can be made in different colors (different colors for different notices). How

Also quite a good application is “Light flow”. It controls the indicator light perfectly

You do not need root rights, although you can configure the display sequence yourself.

You can also customize priority and color and change settings to save battery power.

As for all the possibilities, it depends on your Samsung phone, since not all support the entire color palette (some 5 colors, and some only 3).

Also, not all Samsungs support this mode when the screen is off and do not keep the indicator constantly on. In some cases, it may simply glow rather than flicker. Good luck.

11 o'clock 58 min.
Why is there no such section on the Samsung Galaxy A7? Idiocy:((((

17 o'clock 12 min.
I really wanted to download it

11 p.m. 42 min.
Thanks a lot. Helped

09 o'clock 15 minutes.
Thank you very much for this article. I’ve been racking my brain for months on how to find the log of missed calls, I just can’t figure it out! and here your article is just right.

16 o'clock 39 min.
This function does not work on Samsung Galaxy J4

13 o'clock 21 min.
On the Samsung Galaxy A6 2018, the menu is the same, but the settings themselves are not much different.

6 p.m. 53 min.
There is no such thing on the Samsung Galaxy A40.

16 o'clock 13 min.
Thank you, it turns out everything is easy and simple

21 o'clock 41 min.
Finally! I turned it off. I looked through all the settings, but couldn’t find it. Thanks)

17 o'clock 30 min.
Thank you! Helped disable notification flash

6 p.m. 39 min.
How to enable ringer on Samsung Galaxy 3? Now only vibration is “heard”; during the conversation itself, everything can be heard

03 o'clock 38 min.
Thank you very much! Samsung Galaxy J3 was very annoying

02 o'clock 01 min.
Thank you very much it helped

11 o'clock 22 min.
Thank you, it helped

12 o'clock 35 min.
Thank you

11 p.m. 10 min.
Thank you very much

20 o'clock 34 min.
Thank you very much, I've been wanting to end this for a long time

09 o'clock 22 min.
Thank you

10 p.m. 16 min.
Thank you)

09 o'clock 16 min.
Thank you. Tel. Samsung a7 17 year old. Helped

05 o'clock 32 min.
Thank you very much for the information it was very helpful

09 o'clock 25 min.
Thank you very much for the information, it was very helpful, I couldn’t find where the flash function for notifications is turned off. and then when an SMS arrives at night or the alarm clock rings, the flash is so bright that it blinds, it’s not pleasant.

00 o'clock 46 min.
My Samsung Galaxy J5 phone doesn't have a flash, I tried everything, nothing helps.

11 p.m. 18 min.
Thank you, well done, too lazy to look for it myself

20 o'clock 30 min.
Super!!! Thank you!!!

6 p.m. 54 min.
Thank you! Helped)

11 o'clock 01 min.
Hello, Can you please tell me that my phone is Samsung Galaxy j7 (2016). The sounds don't work, I pressed the sound button and the screen goes up (Disable in special features "turn off all sounds") I now do what.

06 o'clock 41 min.
This article helped me. Phone Samsung Galaxy A5 2016. Thank you! :-)

11 p.m. 39 min.
The article helped, I have a Galaxy A5 2017

10 o'clock 54 min.
Thanks a lot. Helped

02 o'clock 55 min.
Updated Android and now there is no such function

11 p.m. 16 min.
Thank you, it helped, I’m really tired of this flash!!!

03 o'clock 56 min.
Guys, when you are on WhatsApp, the flash does not work, log in from WhatsApp and everything will work right away, and the flash only works in normal mode, if you set it to silent mode, it will not work for me, at least like this

03 o'clock 51 min.
Please tell me how to increase the flickering of the flash when there is an incoming call so that it blinks a little faster

03 o'clock 17 min.
Thank you very much for your advice, I did it as it was written, all that remains is to check whether it will work or not

08 o'clock 53 min.
Why doesn't the flash work for phone messages but it works for calls?

2 p.m. 02 min.
where is the indicator on samsung a5 2015

10 p.m. 04 min.
How do you turn on the indicator on J3?

02 o'clock 46 min.
Thanks, all worked well!

05 o'clock 59 min.
Did not work out...

11 p.m. 30 min.
Why doesn’t the flash blink when a message comes from WhatsApp? Samsung galaxy j1 2016

10 o'clock 43 min.
Tell me how to set up so that the alerts are shown on the display, otherwise the TV will vibrate and appear immediately. Dyakuyu

10 o'clock 54 min.
Great article.

00 o'clock 31 min.
Thank you SO MUCH, it helped!!

17 o'clock 18 min.
I did everything as written, called my number, but there was no notification yet. Maybe it will be after some time. I am waiting. A notification has been received. but not with a flash, but in general with a flash and not much melody. Thank you, useful information.

11 o'clock 00 min.
Thank you very much for the information!!! This feature is enabled differently on all phones, but this article is very useful!

7 p.m. 54 min.
Thank you, the article helped.

15 o'clock 47 min.
Super. Your article helped. Switched. Hurray.

2 p.m. 30 min.
It helped a lot! I recently got this phone and haven’t had time to explore all its capabilities yet! The article helped

2 p.m. 38 min.
Thank you very much for the help

20 o'clock 18 min.
Samsung galaxy J510, the flash works for SMS calls and alarm clocks, but does not respond to third-party applications like viber. Yes, and I would like to be able to activate the front flash.

19 o'clock 41 min.
Cool! Thanks about the flash, cool! I couldn’t find it myself) Samsung galaxy J5

12 o'clock 03 min.
Good afternoon He is really kind :))). I somehow turned on this function myself, and then forgot where to turn it off. Thank you, you helped a lot!!! Smartphone samsung j5

2 p.m. 27 min.
On Samsung Galaxy ace 4 neo duos, flash notification also works. Thanks to the author!

12 o'clock 15 minutes.
Thanks a lot!!! I am very grateful to you for the information provided.

17 o'clock 55 min.
Thanks for the help. Everything has been fixed. Everything was explained very simply and clearly.

13 o'clock 25 min.
Thank you, it helped

11 p.m. 40 min.
Yes, it helped. Thank you☺

12 o'clock 06 min.
Galaxy s5 This mode is disabled. The flash still fires on the timer

6 p.m. 05 min.
yes, it helped

6 p.m. 41 min.
Thank you. It helped.

20 o'clock 04 min.
Thank you, it helped! Phone Samsyng Galaxsi -i9082

13 o'clock 33 min.
Good afternoon. I have a Samsung S5. I did everything according to the instructions, but the flash does not turn off. Why?