How to gain live followers on Instagram without cheating? My personal experience and first experiment. How to attract real followers on Instagram? How do you get followers on Instagram?

Almost immediately after its creation, a social network called Instagram became popular among people from different social strata. Stars, students, schoolchildren and even mature individuals use it to this day. this network in order to quickly disseminate information among your friends and others. Accordingly, many have become interested in the question of how to increase subscribers on Instagram.

A matter of time and effort

See how many subscribers you currently have. Tens, hundreds or maybe even thousands? The more subscribers, the more popular you are. This simple truth applies to any social network. Every second person strives to become more in demand and recognizable, and therefore the question of how to increase subscribers on Instagram is very relevant today.

How much time and effort do you need to spend to ensure that the number of subscribers on your profile exceeds a thousand? Endlessly sending requests to other users, attracting subscribers through communication or direct requests takes more than one hour. Now imagine that your profile will now be viewed by hundreds, or even thousands of new users every day, and for this you only need to spend a few hours a day at the computer. Do you think this payable service? Not at all.

With Ad-Social anything is possible!

We do not give stars from the sky and do not offer to change your life. We simply give people the opportunity to become more self-confident. The Ad-Social service was created by us specifically so that girls and boys can find their soul mates, aspiring artists and stars have the opportunity to arouse interest in themselves, and lonely individuals can find virtual interlocutors in the depths of the network. If you consider yourself to be in one of these categories, then you have most likely wondered more than once about how to increase followers on Instagram.

It's very easy to do. You just need to log in through the Ad-Social service on your computer or mobile gadget. No payment or tricks, everything is extremely simple here! To understand the essence of the system, you need to understand its basic rule: more points - more subscribers. Points in the service are a constant currency with which you pay for tasks completed by other users. As a result, you can get more subscribers, increase likes and even withdraw real money!

Where to begin?

Just download the application or go to the service website and immediately start completing tasks. By the way, with the help of Ad-Social you can get subscribers and likes in other popular in social networks such as VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others. And believe me, there is no catch here! No one will know your passwords and certainly will not be able to gain access to your personal data. Try it and see for yourself the transparency of our work. Hundreds of users of well-known resources have already been able to increase their popularity and become more recognizable on the Internet. Even if you don’t have a personal profile on Instagram, but you dream of increasing VKontakte subscribers, you can safely do this with the help of Ad-Social.

Start right now, because you can’t hesitate in this matter. While you are thinking, someone may be reaping the benefits of their popularity by taking away your likes. It’s not so difficult to spend just a few hours a day on yourself, but to independently look for people interested in your personality. And remember, more points means more likes and subscribers!

You won't have to monitor anymore search engines, entering a query like “how to increase followers on Instagram.” Use the Ad-Social service and save yourself from these problems forever!

Video instructions for increasing the number of subscribers on Instagram

Hello, friends. In this article I want to show you How to gain followers on Instagram without cheating.

In fact, my experiment was not the most successful, but I was personally to blame for this, and to be more precise, I did not devote enough time to the experiment. Read on and you will understand everything.

As you already know, almost a month ago I decided to try to help my friend promote her Instagram account. I talked about this.

Just a month ago I didn’t have an Instagram account at all, so I didn’t know anything about this social network. So, I didn’t have the slightest idea how to promote Instagram.

In principle, even without studying this topic, one could guess that to start promoting any project, you need to recruit potential clients, that is, subscribers. But how to do this? This is what we will talk about now.

There are many ways to recruit followers on Instagram, both paid and free. I couldn't take advantage paid methods, since my friend did not allocate a budget for me. Therefore, I had to look exclusively for free ways to recruit subscribers.

There are two free ways to recruit subscribers:

  1. Independent, handmade, organic, that is, without cheating.
  2. Automated, using special programs and services.

In this article I will share my experience of how I gained subscribers on my own, and in the next article I will tell you how I gained a large number of subscribers using special programs and services. So subscribe and don't miss out.

Independent recruitment of live subscribers on Instagram without cheating

In order to gain live followers on Instagram on your own and for free, you will have to sacrifice your time. What do you need to do for this? Here's what:

  • First of all, you need to find relatively well-promoted communities or accounts similar to your topic.
  • Secondly, analyze the subscribers of this community.
  • Thirdly, subscribe and like subscribers who are potential clients.
  • Hoping that these subscribers will visit your account (even just for fun) and subscribe to you.

Let me give you an example from my own experience of how I gained subscribers on Instagram without cheating.

My friend (Natasha) has an account on the topic “Individual tailoring and repair of clothes.”

Log in to your account and in the search, write “Custom tailoring and clothing repair.” I added the word “Moscow” to this key sentence, since Natasha offers her services exclusively in Moscow. Therefore, it is desirable that subscribers and future clients live in the capital.

As you can see, first on the list is a certain Moscow atelier. If it is in first place, then most likely the account is promoted and has a good rating. So, we go into it and see this:

Selecting a promoted account on Instagram

As we can see, this community has 6326 subscribers. In my opinion, this is a good number. What now? Now we need to look at the list of these subscribers. Click and see this:

List of subscribers in the community

And now we need to stupidly go to visit everyone and determine whether he is a potential client.

Now I will show you with my own example how I identified a potential client.

Here's an example not potential client:

Example of a non-potential client on Instagram

Pay attention to the number of subscribers - 20400. Also pay attention to the name of the account - stolica_shop. Based on these indicators, I can say with confidence that we are talking about a certain store, and not a personal person. Such a large number of subscribers is most likely fake. But even if it’s not fake, then...what’s the chance that the editors and authors of this community will pay attention to Natasha’s modest and unpopular account? In my opinion, there is no chance!

We need to look for unpromoted accounts of ordinary people. In my case, it is desirable that these people be female, since it is unlikely that men are interested in sewing and repairing clothes. Although, anything can happen...

So, we continue to look for a potential client. And here is an example of such a client:

Potential client

Why did I think this was a potential client?

So, I follow this lady and make sure to give her photos a few likes.

Results of recruiting live subscribers without cheating

And now I will share the results of such actions.

Within a week I independently subscribed to different accounts potential (in my opinion) clients. In a week I managed to subscribe to 100 people. I know that 100 people a week is very little. If you allocate 2 hours a day to this matter, then in a week you can subscribe to 700 people, but... I had absolutely no time, because .

As a result, no more than 10 people subscribed to me, that is, 10%.

The result, of course, is not impressive, and then I thought about why not everyone subscribes to Natasha? This is what her account looked like:

Pay attention to the main photo. It features some girls without heads. Also, you can't see it, but her last post was a month ago.

I read several recommendations for improving my Instagram account and decided that Natasha urgently needs to change her main photo. I strongly advised her to change the photo of her aunts to her personal photo. In this case (in my opinion), seeing a photograph of a real, living and attractive person, people will begin to trust Natasha more. In addition, I advised her to publish posts and photos as often as possible so that the account looked active and alive.

Natasha listened to me and did everything I asked her to do.

The result did not take long to wait. The next week I continued in the same vein and signed up an additional 100 people. In response to Natasha, 60 people signed up, that’s already 60%.

Let me summarize, or how to improve your Instagram account

If you decide to gain followers on Instagram for free and without cheating, then be sure to improve your account.

microdistrict Chernaya Rechka, 15 Russia, Saint-Petersburg 8 812 497 19 87

Followers on Instagram. How to quickly gain hundreds of targeted followers on Instagram


Hi all!

Artem Mazur is in touch.

Today I have prepared a very interesting post for you about how to quickly gain subscribers to your Instagram page. Precisely targeted subscribers, and not just some bots.

Why can I talk about this? Because a year ago I conducted my first training, and it was more than one thread, on how to make money on Instagram, how to attract subscribers, how to promote your account, i.e. I have experience in this.

In addition, right now you can go to my account and see that the page is moving forward every day and more and more new targeted subscribers are coming every day. And in this article you will learn how to do this.

Nowadays there are basically 3 models for what you need subscribers for:

  1. This promoting your own brand, i.e. you accumulate people around you who like your content, like what you do, etc. You're just gaining subscribers.
  2. This Creation public page . As you can see now there are a lot of publics in VKontakte, there are the same publics on Instagram, which you plan to monetize in the future, i.e. sell advertising there.
  3. This is actually selling, i.e. You doing online store on Instagram. Again, you are not creating an online store that you see every day when accounts subscribe to you, but an online store that will actually bring you orders, where people will actually buy.

Actually, that’s exactly what subscribers are for. How to attract them so that you don’t spend a lot of time attracting them? If earlier, for example, a year ago there were no such methods, now they have appeared.

Which one is the best traditional way How can you gain subscribers?

The first one is natural, you go and find your target audience using hashtags. This old way, who worked in contact, and in promotion on Twitter, and on YouTube, i.e. everywhere. You follow someone. They will follow you back. But, as a rule, according to my statistics, the conversion to return subscription is very, very low.

Those. you subscribed to 100 people and about 5-10 people maximum will subscribe back to you. This is despite the fact that you will have an interesting feed, you will have a properly registered account, etc.

What is the best way to use now? Let me now describe to you step by step what and how to do.

Here are 3 simple steps you need to do in order to get your target audience. For now, this is all just on paper. You have several options:

  1. Manual method. You follow the received Instagram links and subscribe to these people through the browser. But there is a limitation on Instagram and it’s not particularly interesting when you follow 50 people per hour, in my opinion. I just don’t use this method, but it’s one of the options.
  2. Automated tools. Take the database of received IDs, upload it to the server and cloud server takes them and signs them to your account. Also on the server you can select “like”, “comment”, i.e. All.
    You will only work with the target audience that will be interested in this, i.e. those subscribers who are your target audience.

    Now you may be asking, which service should you use?

    There are 2 services that I know now that are available on this moment:

    1. Instarussian.
    2. One Million Likes (if I'm not mistaken, I think that's what it's called, you can Google it now).

    The only negative is that both services have bugs, i.e. somewhere it stops working, somewhere something goes wrong, there is no 100% confidence that they will work stably. I tested both of these services, they both work, i.e. you can use them. But the principle of how to collect a target audience from Instagram is already clear to you. I think you will use them especially for those accounts that are selling something.

Instagram is a very popular social network today. Probably almost every teenager has an account on Instagram. However, its audience is not only the younger generation, but middle-aged people also actively use it. Instagram is gaining more and more popularity every day. This social network currently has about one hundred million active users, and the number of registered ones continues to grow every day.

What is Instagram for?

This social network initially had a minimum of functions and was focused only on publishing your photos and viewing others with the function of rating and publishing comments. But the functionality is expanding every day. Today it is already possible to have full one-on-one communication with a person. In addition, completely new options appear, for example, such as “Instagram Stories”. The idea is to post a photo or video of what's happening right now. This material will remain for a day, after which it will be deleted. The idea behind this feature is to be able to share what's going on in your life in real time. More recently, Instagram added the ability to conduct live broadcasts. So we can only guess what awaits us next. But, of course, it is worth recognizing that this social network is very convenient and original.

Subscribers are people who have subscribed to your account. Everything you post will be in these people’s feeds. Most likely, most users dream of getting more Instagram subscribers, because it’s much more interesting to share your life with big amount of people. But what to do if the number of subscribers does not grow? How to attract people to your account? There are many different ways promote your profile on Instagram.

How to attract followers on Instagram? First, before you start building an audience, you need to fill out your profile at least a little. It is advisable to make this interesting and unusual, because today there are so many different pages, and it is very difficult to attract people, let alone make them want to subscribe. Photos should be published often enough so that the subscriber does not forget about you and your activity does not drop. But you shouldn’t be too active, because if you post new photo every hour, you can get bored and alienate the audience. You need to ensure that the content is truly high-quality and interesting, first of all, for yourself. There are likely to be many people with similar interests, and you shouldn’t post something you don’t like. Thus, before you get a lot of followers on Instagram, you need to carefully work on your profile content.

Live communication

How to let people know about yourself? Be active and sociable. This is the key to getting a lot of followers on Instagram. No one will ever notice you if you sit quietly and unnoticed in a corner. Of course, this method is far from the easiest, but this way you will gather an audience that is really interested in following you. Don't be afraid to follow someone first. This way you will definitely be noticed and most often will not be ignored. But you shouldn’t openly advertise your account. You just need to be active, communicate with other users in the comments, and be an interesting conversationalist. In this case, they will definitely pay attention to you and become interested. If you don’t know where to find people to chat with, then there are tags specifically for finding people with similar interests. Just type the tag you are interested in in the search, and you will be offered photos. It is important to ensure that the number of followers and subscriptions is approximately the same. Since it is unlikely that anyone will be interested in an account to which very few people are subscribed, and the user himself has big number subscriptions.


Who doesn't love free gifts and prizes? Nobody. Holding competitions is a great way to attract people to your profile. The first thing you have to do is come up with a prize. It should really interest a person, and not be just an unnecessary thing. The more valuable the prize, the more people will want to participate. This method is quite common, so the conditions are almost the same everywhere. Next, you need to post a photo of the prize itself. The photograph should be intriguing and attract the interest of any person. In the description, write down all the rules similarly. It is important to ensure that each user clearly understands the terms. Usually in such competitions you need to subscribe to the organizer’s account, repost a photo so that other people will also know about your profile and subscribe too. Also, often among the conditions you can find an indication of the name of the organizer’s profile. This will effectively let you know about you a large number users. You can come up with your own tag, but it is important to check that it is original, that is, that no one has used this set of words before you, that it is simple and memorable. Now all that remains is to set the end date for the competition and, after the deadline, select the winner, announce him and agree on sending the prize.

Celebrity Profile Activity

This is a bit of a tricky way, since you can say that you will take advantage of someone else's popularity. But different famous personalities really have a lot active subscribers. So why not take advantage of this? If you leave a comment under a celebrity's photo, or better yet, engage in conversation with someone, you will definitely be noticed. At first glance, this method may seem completely ineffective, but if you act correctly, you can really gain a lot of subscribers. For example, it is important to choose exactly the profile that intersects with your interests. The audience will see that your profile may also be interesting to them and will be more likely to subscribe. But you shouldn’t be too straightforward and invite everyone to your page in plain text. Nobody likes this. In addition, stars are sometimes not lazy and block users who litter the comments with self-promotion. The best way- this is to leave a completely ordinary comment that will be on the topic of the published photo. It will be good if you manage to enter into a dialogue with someone.

Buying advertising

Mutual PR

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram without buying advertising? It turns out that you don’t have to buy advertising in order for a user to recommend you to subscribers. You can do this for free and mutually. But one main condition is that the number of your subscribers should be approximately the same. Who would agree to help someone at a loss? Nobody. So you need to find just such a person who will benefit from your help. Another condition effective advertising is the similarity of your content. Your account will only be of interest to your target audience, so be selective when choosing a person for mutual PR, otherwise mutual advertising may simply be ineffective.

Cheat using bots for money

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram almost instantly? There are a huge variety of different services that can help you gain subscribers. Of course, these people will not be your target audience, and your activity is unlikely to increase due to them. But they can be a great base if you're just starting out with your profile. Many people are put off by accounts with a small number of followers, even if they are truly interesting and useful. So you can take advantage special program and increase your number of subscribers.

There are two ways to cheat. You can pay money for subscriptions. There are special bots that can easily do this. You will simply give your money, and other people will subscribe to you, for which they will receive a small amount.

Cheat for points

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram? An overview of the free and fast method is to increase activity by collecting points. You can earn virtual points by subscribing, commenting and liking other users. Then you can spend these points to promote your account. Thus, we can say that mutual PR is happening, but you are not interacting with these people in any way, and everyone benefits.

There are many different ways to work, both personal accounts, and with workers. Some of these methods are not exactly “clean”, but many people use them. We, in turn, are inclined to believe that It's not the number of followers on Instagram that matters, but their quality. Are they your target audience, do they read your posts, like photos, and most importantly, do they use your services.

However, we decided to make a post that will be dedicated to in various ways attracting subscribers to your Instagram, which will be useful for both beginners and experienced SMM specialists.

Interesting content and the right hashtags

Of course, no one will be interested in your account if it does not contain bright and juicy photos. After all, Instagram is a social network for visual people. Therefore, the most important thing is high-quality photographs. But it is not necessary to use a professional camera, functions modern smartphones They allow you to take good pictures.

Add stories or your thoughts to the photo if necessary. personal blog. If the account is commercial, then write a description of the product, as well as indicate the cost and method of communication. And also be sure to configure Instagram business profile.

You can use a maximum of 30 hashtags for each post and this opportunity should be used to the maximum. Select thematic keywords from, as well as from the recommendations of Instagram itself. Make a list, maybe more than 1000 hashtags, all these hashtags need to be divided and gradually added to the description of new posts.

Buying subscribers

If I may, as far as subscribers are concerned, let’s start with “chernukha” or buying subscribers. When buying followers for your Instagram, you must clearly understand that this acquisition does not give you anything other than the number in the followers column. And no one will immediately start subscribing to you, and all the work is ahead.

Buying subscribers is such a quick start, people are more willing to subscribe to popular accounts, who have many followers.

When choosing a service, pay attention to the guarantees and reliability of the seller so that your purchase does not become a waste of your advertising budget.

Subscribers free

If your budget is limited, but you immediately want to get followers for Instagram, then you can use like exchange services, such as or

On these sites you must complete tasks: like, repost, leave comments on all social networks, including Facebbok and even YouTube. For completed tasks, you are awarded points, against which you can create tasks yourself and receive subscribers completely free of charge.

The effect is comparable to buying subscribers, only more labor-intensive.


One of the ways to attract targeted subscribers and future buyers is mass following on Instagram using various services. For example, Such services are paid, but in principle they are worth the money they require for their services.

Their essence is that you can add your own to the service Instagram account And
assign him tasks daily to make automatic subscriptions for the audience that you define yourself. You can follow hashtags, geolocation, and subscribers of another account. Those. You can choose your competitor with a well-promoted Instagram and task the program to subscribe to all his subscribers.

The disadvantage of this method is that those who will be subscribed to by the program will include robots and spam accounts.

Targeted advertising

Very effective way attracting exactly target audience, is just targeted advertising on Instagram, which is customizable via Facebook.