How to find a track without knowing the name. Music search by sound online

This article will help you with such an urgent problem as searching for music by sound. After all, it often happens that you are driving in a car or just listening to the radio, and the music you like is playing there. Naturally, it would be great to know who the artist is and what the name of the song is in order to later download it to your phone or computer, but few people know how to find a song by sound. You will learn how to find a song by excerpt online, with just one small fragment, an untitled track, a fragment recorded through a voice recorder, or just a motive.

Note: For some online service you need a microphone.


A powerful service that, with a high percentage of probability, correctly recognizes the name of a song based on sound motifs. It works on the principle of a voice recorder: you press the search button and turn on the sound fragment. It could be a radio recording, a melody from a video, or just an unfamiliar song. The program records it and analyzes it. In the search results window, you will see all the options found. A feature of the program is that it is able to recognize the tune. If you remember the motive, you can sing it yourself, and the program will most likely recognize it.

To find a song title by sound:

The only drawback of the service is the ability to recognize foreign performers. The service, unfortunately, will not be able to recognize Russian-language songs.


A powerful online service with a huge database of songs. Search for Russian-speaking artists, search by sound file or by link to a melody are supported. Unlike the previous service, AudioTag does not support online audio recording through a microphone - only file search. Works without downloading to a computer.

The search procedure is simple:

Usually the first 2 positions are the tracks you are looking for.

The disadvantage of the program is the inability to record an interactive fragment, a large number of ads, constant checking for a robot (captcha) and the inability to save the track in the service database. Even so, Audiotag deserves your attention and will help out in most cases.

Shazam program

Now consider free software, which will also allow you to search for music by sound online on your computer and phone. The most popular program of this kind is Shazam. You can install it on any computer or mobile device. The convenience of using the program on a smartphone is that you can not waste time and immediately turn on the search for a song by sound recorded from any source.

Note: You must have Internet enabled on your phone at the time of using the program.

Shazam online is very easy to use, and most importantly, it guesses the track with great accuracy.

To use Shazam music search:

  1. Launch the app on your phone.
  2. Press the "Shazam" button and bring your phone close to the sound source.

The program will automatically record a small fragment and upload it to the server for analysis. In a few seconds you will see the result on the screen of your mobile phone.

The main advantages of Shazam online are its free, multi-platform, recognition capabilities even taking into account ambient noise, as well as recognition of advertising or TV shows.

The program has practically no cons. If you do not have the ability to connect to the Internet, the program can record a fragment and, after you connect to the network, find a song from this fragment.

Shazam for PC

Shazam for desktop is also not particularly difficult to use. It is enough to run the program installed on the computer and press the search button while the music you need is playing. However, in order for the program to be able to search for music by sound, you need the Internet anyway.


This music search software by sound is designed for PC. Its main advantage is simplicity and compactness. The program window does not take up much space on the display, so it is convenient to always keep it open or minimized, in case you come across a song that interests you. You can also be sure that when installing the program on your computer, nothing extra will be downloaded or installed. The only disadvantage of the program is that registration is required, which can be completed in the Audiggle window itself.

To start using the program:

It will be useful to you if you want to find a song by sound online through a computer.

All of the above programs allow you to find music by sound online for free. It is difficult to single out any particular one. All of them perform their function remarkably. If you want to find a song online without installing anything, the first 2 services will suit you. In general, you can use them at the same time. This will make searching for music by sound much easier.

Quite often, users are faced with the fact that they cannot remember the names of songs that are “spinning in their heads”. Or they want to know the name of the artist of the new track playing in this moment. But not everyone knows how to find music by melody.

Fortunately, at present there are many services that allow you to identify a song by fragment.

This site offers a user who wants to find music by sound to enter a link to a video or audio in a special field. Melody can also be uploaded to the server. The system will try to recognize the track and give a suitable result. Nothing depends on the power of the user's computer. Since the system accepts mp4 files for processing, their owner does not have to save the audio track separately from the clip.


How to find music by melody without having a melody that exactly matches the original? This online service can easily find the desired song. The user does not need to have a unique timbre and a large vocal range. This service easy to use as a piece of music can be easily recorded using the dedicated button. After the user performs the specified action, the system starts searching according to a specific algorithm.

It is a search engine for identifying music tracks. Not the easiest service to use. Even with a user-friendly interface on the site, it is not clear to every user where to find music, since an online application sometimes does not display search results at all.

The last site in the list offering online track recognition service. To start the search, enter known words from a musical fragment in a special field and click on the button. The service quickly finds the texts of tracks containing the entered phrases and displays the results. The longer the well-known phrase, the more likely the site will suggest the required song. Otherwise, the system displays a lot of unnecessary results or does not display anything at all.


The most popular program for Windows and Mac OS operating systems. Will it be required by the user during the melody on the computer? Using the program, you need to record a fragment and immediately send it to the site. You can use both microphone and computer. After performing the specified action, the user will receive a link with information about the requested music track. You should not compare online services with programs for a computer. In each case, either one or the other may work better. In most cases, the use of several services gives positive results.


Represents free program for song identification. Works a little faster than Tunatic. The program is easy to learn, can be minimized to tray. The search history is saved. The program implements Gracenote technology. In the track search results, you can read not only the title, but also the album, as well as the address of the site where you can purchase the song. There you can also find information about concerts, other albums of the group and much more. The application finds almost all the requested songs. Works only with normal quality audio.

Music IP Mixer

The program can not only recognize music tracks, but also search the database for similar melodies. During a library scan, a footprint is computed for each song, by which the song is identified.

Magic Mp3 Tagger by MusicBrainz

Another program for identifying music tracks. Works on the same principle as the rest.

Track ID

One of the first track recognition programs created for Sony Ericsson. Currently, the Swedish-Japanese company offers a standard service developed by it for all mobile phones. In addition, there is a computer version of the application. How can I find the name of the music for my mobile phone? The principle of the program is based on the recording of a short passage (no longer than 12 seconds). After that, this fragment is sent to the site and after a while the user receives all the information about the track, if it is available in the database. An alternative to the program can be Shazam ID and Midomi Mobile applications for mobile system Symbian as well as MusicID for simple phones. The latter has a custom search history.


Thanks to such programs, any person who wanted to learn how to find music by melody will finally be able to get information about the track of interest. Of course, not all songs may be present in the databases, but the most popular ones are definitely there.

How many times have you come across a situation where you heard a great song on the radio or in a YouTube video, but did not know who sang it, and no one in the comments could say its name? In such a situation, you will be helped various programs music recognition software such as Tunatic, AudioTag, Shazam and Midomi. In this article, we will review their main features, test them, and point out the advantages and disadvantages of each.


An online music recognition service that doesn't require you to download a file. It is enough to press one button and the program will start listening to the track you want to find. The recording of a fragment is very fast - it takes less than 10 seconds to determine the artist. Before recording, the application asks permission to access your microphone.

The search results will show the title of the work, the name of the artist and the cover of the album. You will also be prompted to find a clip or purchase an mp3 file. It will be possible to watch all the songs from this album, listen to small 30-second excerpts to get acquainted with the opportunity to purchase the songs you like.

In order to start the search, just go to the site and download the file with the desired fragment or provide a link to it. The site developers recommend uploading tracks with a duration of 15 - 45 seconds, but no one forbids you to submit the entire song.

Supports work with MP3, WAV, OGG formats. At the top of the site there is a button to switch to Russian. If the quality of the passage is low and the robot cannot unequivocally determine the name, then it will offer several options.

The analysis takes place within 20-30 seconds. Unfortunately, if you heard music on the radio, you won’t be able to find it right away. Therefore, you need to have time to record a fragment. The developers claim that the robot will be able to cope even with poor quality recordings.

As a result of testing, the AudioTag service was able to find all five tracks. He easily coped with both last year's compositions and songs from ten years ago. The only drawback is the need to additionally record a snippet of the song and upload it to the site.

is a free desktop application. It can be installed under operating Windows systems and MacOS. After a simple installation, a program window appears with the inscription “Tunatic ready. Click to identify song. Working with it is extremely simple - just press the white button with the image of a magnifying glass while the track is playing. After connecting to the server, the message “Identifying song. Please wait" - this program collects and sends data to the server to look for matches in the database. If your microphone does not work or the music is not heard, then the message “Signal too weak. Check your microphone. If the song is defined, then the name of the artist and its name will appear.

The test results are as follows: out of 5 foreign songs, only 3 were found. The search for each track takes about 45 seconds. I can't say if this is a regularity or an accident, but the tracks older than 2010 could not be identified.


Summing up our review, I want to give the first place to Shazam for almost instant recognition, as well as a wide range of solutions, both for desktop computers and for almost any mobile devices. Second place goes to Midomi, who also quickly and accurately found the suggested tracks, and, moreover, is able to analyze recordings on the fly without the need to download files. Third place goes to AudioTag for identifying all passages, but with the ability to search only files saved on the computer. Fourth place goes to the Tunatic program for not having coped with all the works offered to it.

Music is a universal means of self-expression for any person, it is a truly unique language, understandable to many, accessible regardless of age, gender and social status. But if words are written to the music or music is put on the existing text, then the composition already turns into a song that can be groovy, slow, sad, dance, but, one way or another, it touches something in a person, so you want to after it ends enjoy it repeatedly. So, the song was heard for the first time, how to find the song?

The main ways to search for a musical composition on the Web

Nowadays, you can hear the song you like everywhere: on the street, on the radio, in a film, advertising, at a holiday, etc. In most cases, the composition is unfamiliar, so it is not possible to find out who performs it. But today there are several effective ways song search, which often help in successfully finding the desired work.

Basic search methods:

  • according to words, phrases, chorus from a song;
  • using the circumstances under which the song was heard: in a movie, video clip, on a radio station at a specific time;
  • by a recorded fragment of a composition or an existing excerpt from a song;
  • through dedicated forums.

Any of these methods can give a positive result when searching for a particular song, but often it is the use of these methods in combination that will help in resolving the dilemma “how to find a song?”.

Search for a song by words or chorus

Often any phrase or chorus that can be easily caught, because it is repeated several times, helps to identify a song. If the composition is in Russian, then there are usually few problems with finding it: it is enough to drive several consecutive phrases from its text into any search engine, and one of the queries will indicate the name of the song.

But how do you find a song in a foreign language, like English? Those who know the language well will not experience many problems. They, using their English phrase recognition skills, will be able to understand several important lines from the song. The rest are in a difficult position. But there is a way out of it too. It is best to use a search engine that searches for foreign sites, for example, Google. In the search bar, you should drive in all the words and phrases that you managed to understand from the song. The more of these words there are, even if they are not entirely correct, the more likely the system will give the correct result. Especially in such cases, it is worth clinging to well-known phrases and, of course, the chorus. It is repeated several times during the song, so it is much easier to search for words from it.

Song search apps

Today, there are several interesting programs that allow you to find the right song by melody, that is, compare it with the desired composition. Interestingly, you can create a melody with a fragment from a song yourself. To do this, you need a microphone, with which you will need to record a small piece of the song.

Having a fragment of the composition, you can upload it to the Audiotag service, or download a special utility from the corresponding site (the name of the utility is Tunatic).

Search for a song on specialized forums

There are a sufficient number of music lovers on the network who can literally determine a decent number of songs by a couple of words from a song they hear or by a few chords. Even if the melody is unfamiliar to them, they will tell you how to find the name of the song. These comrades usually live on the most famous music forums on the Internet and are always ready to help in the search for a particular composition. But searching in this way is not always fast, because first you need to register on one of the forums to create a topic with a song request, and also wait a certain amount of time before someone replies to the topic. Although if the composition is relatively well-known, then the response time of forum users will be minimal.

Using multiple ways to search for a song

Finding a song by the chorus is easy if it consists of one or more words. But when it is possible to understand little from the entire text, search engines will only help narrow down the number of possible options for the name of the melody. So how to find the desired song in this case? Then you need to use several options for searching for a composition. You can use any of the methods listed or come up with your own search method, for example, describing the video clip in which the song sounded, or advertising.

To find the lyrics of a song by words, in the search query, add the phrase "lyrics of the song" or the word "lyrics" (English version) at the end. A similar method is suitable when phrases from the composition are known. And having found the lyrics of the song, you can definitely find the necessary melody. What to do if you need to find a song that has no words? For example, any classical composition? Then it is highly likely that the piece of music you are looking for will be famous, and you should search by the name of the composer or by the phrase "the best classical compositions."

It turns out that today finding any piece of music - both with words and without words - is not so difficult, although this may take a lot of time. How to find a song, they can advise on any of the music forums, as well as help in finding a specific song.

Not much time has passed since, and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism - ICIJ, based on these documents, has prepared a new grandiose "gift" for corrupt politicians. The leak of secret documents showed how the presidents of large and small powers, their relatives and close associates are involved in concealing income in offshore zones.

Biggest Panamanian Firm Document Leak Reveals Corruption of World Leaders
The documents contain the names of 72 current and former leaders of states, including leaders accused of plundering their countries. This list includes the names of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the King of Saudi Arabia, the President of the Russian Federation Putin and his close friends, Bashar al-Assad and the leader of the nation of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

ICIJ director Gerard Ryle said "the leak will be the biggest blow to offshore companies ever taken." Apparently, someone really powerful and knowledgeable, inflicting a blow on offshore business, declared a war on corruption, concealment of income and money laundering on a global scale.

Why so much fuss about the Panama Papers
Let me remind dear reader that this blog is not about politics, but about information and its search on the Internet. AT this case these things are, of course, intertwined. But, this article is intended only to highlight an extraordinary event from the information side. While there is noise and foam around PanamaLeaks, we will try to analyze this event and its consequences.

It should be said that the withdrawal of funds to offshore companies, as a way of avoiding taxation in your country, is strictly not a crime. Yes - ugly, yes - not patriotic, but not a crime. In countries where it is allowed. Everything is so, but when it comes to businessmen or actors, as is the case with football player Lionel Messi or stunt actor Jackie Chan.

If information is found on the economic entity of interest, you can enable automatic monitoring of changes in registers that relate to this company or entrepreneur. Updated information will be sent to your e-mail. The developers of the service do not hide their plans for the development of the project. It is planned to add analytical information: articles in the media, the reputation of business entities based on feedback from business partners, financial analysis, the likelihood of bankruptcy, etc.

Of course, too little time has passed yet to draw any conclusions on the work of the search engine. Perhaps there will be more problems. I foresee, for example, the contradictions associated with the concept of trade secrets. In general, we will see how the project develops and wish you good luck!

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Well, as usual, the video, comments to which are absolutely not needed.

As the source notes, the information he published is only a kind of trial portion. The true amount of data at the disposal of journalists is much larger. Thus, the words of representatives of the journalistic consortium that a real "earthquake" awaits the quiet world of offshore companies seem quite plausible.

More recently, French developers have presented to the Internet audience a new search engine Qwant ( The French themselves call their search engine revolutionary. According to the co-founder, Qwant is both holistic and open-minded. It offers information without making any preference in the SERPs.

The development of Qwant went on for two years. As the developers admit, the main goal of the new search engine is to overtake and overtake the largest Google search engine. So launched on February 13, 2013. The system is currently being tested and is available in 35 countries in 15 languages.

Among the features of the new search is the distribution of the found results into categories. So, you can find information on social networks - this is the Social column or, for example, scroll through the data from the news feed (Live). The Web column displays the most popular articles for your query, and the Shopping column displays commercial information about the product you requested.

In the very middle of the page is the Knowledge Graph column - there you can get short description your request - what it is, where it applies, etc. - as described in explanatory dictionary. In addition, Qwant offers image and video output on request. There is also a big difference here from Google, Yandex and other search engines, where to view images by search query you need to go to a special tab.

Qwant can be called one of the most user-friendly search engines. It offers a large number of settings for a more convenient display of data for you. The columns of the issuance categories can be changed according to their location among themselves. For example, if you are primarily interested in the news line, you can move it to the left so that it is the first to catch your eye, and the list with commercial information can be moved as far as possible to the right.

Let's do a little testing of the search engine. Let's say we are interested in the work of Monica Belucci. We open start page, which, by the way, is very similar in design to Google. We enter "Monica Belucci" in the line and see the following: at the very top we are offered videos and photos of this famous actress, while you can scroll through the media results right at the top using the arrow without going to the photos tab.

In the Web column, we see links to several of the most relevant sites that have information about Bellucci - Wikipedia, KinoPoisk, etc. In the Live column - news about the actress (latest interviews, photo shoots, etc.), in the Social column you can see people's reviews of Monica Bellucci from social networks, but in Shopping we see a list of sites where you can buy films with Monica.

As you can see, the system aims to provide answers to any user request, without imposing the results on the user, but offering them in several categories to choose from. The creators of Qwant themselves confirm that the main focus was on improving the search for information on popular social networks.

Of course, cloud technologies are paid, because you use third-party servers. But such a service has a large number of advantages, in particular:

The client should pay only for the amount of memory in the storage that he actually uses, and not for renting the server;
- the client does not need to purchase, maintain and maintain their own storage equipment, which greatly reduces production costs;
- all technical issues regarding maintaining the integrity of the posted information and data backup are carried out by the provider, which does not require the participation of the client in this.

Why cloud storage is attractive
You have probably used file sharing services, of which there are still a huge number. There you could upload your own file, which becomes available to any user who can find your file by tag or name. Unlike them, cloud technology provides complete confidentiality. That is, only the owner of the information can use the posted data, and he enters the system with his login and password.

Ordinary users have fallen in love with such technologies because now there is no need to litter the computer with tons of old information - on any computer you can always find several gigabytes of old music that may be useful someday, a collection of films that have already been reviewed several times, documents that have already been have been printed and used.

But, nevertheless, all this information must be stored somewhere. Cloud services offer to clean up the space on the computer directly by sending all the data that is not yet needed to the "cloud". To do this, you only need to be willing to pay some fees and have a high-speed Internet connection.

Another feature of cloud storage is that you can get stored data at any time and from any device. That is, if you sent a movie "to the cloud" from a computer, you can take it back to your computer from a laptop, tablet, smartphone ... The main thing is that you have a password and login with you.

Which cloud storage choose?
There is a huge amount cloud services, and they are constantly evolving, offering not only storage space, but also related services. Below are the most popular ones.

1. Windows Live SkyDrive - Offers the most amount of server space. Registered users can store up to 25 GB of their own information in the cloud for free. Office documents, sent to the cloud storage, can be edited and opened directly in the browser. Synchronization can be performed from several computer devices at once.

2. DropBox is very famous service among ordinary users, but only offers 2 GB of space for each of its customers. If you use a paid account, you can expand your capabilities up to 20 GB.

Graph Search (hereinafter referred to as GS) is the name of the Facebook (FB) update recently announced by Zuckerberg, which further "socializes" the first social network on the planet. The beta release of the new service has been launched so far only in the English-language segment of Facebook. Search "know-how" will become available to Russian-speaking users of the social network later, but you can add your account to the "waiting list" right now.

Technically, GS is a filter system that uses the Bing search algorithm inside the social network and allows you to search for people, places of interest, music (in a later update), photos that are relevant to your Facebook interests. For a social media user, Graph Search will look like a search bar at the top of any FB page.

When you enter a GS query into the search string, the result is collected on separate page A that has the name of the query (for example: "My friends in Rio"). It is planned to search by likes, comments, media content, photo tags. The date of the next update of the intelligent service is not yet known.

Facebook Graph Search - how does it work?
The start of development was given by the statement: for the user, the recommendation of a friend is more significant than the ratings of thousands of unknown people. So, using Graph Search, you can find, for example:

Photos of fellow students before 1995;
- squash lovers from your city;
-photographs of friends taken in Indonesia;
-favorite metropolitan sushi bars of your friends;
-Sights of Prague or Paris visited by your friends.

Cause for concern or false alarm?
The first news about Graph Search caused some concerns among FB users. Yes, the intelligent service is very attractive in terms of search capabilities, but many are afraid to use social search marketing companies, intelligence agencies, criminal groups, government agencies, unscrupulous owners of Internet services to collect information. Are the concerns justified?

On the one hand, Graph Search does not change privacy settings, therefore, only FB users for whom they are open can "give out" private data. On the other hand, transcontinental corporations, government intranets and even banks suffer from "information leaks". Is Facebook safe in terms of security? Time will tell.