How to set up data transfer via USB. How to transfer files between PC and Android over Wi-Fi

Sometimes you urgently need to transfer files from your computer to your phone: programs, books, movies, music, photos, presentations, TV shows, etc. Even if it is personal data - office documents Word and Excel, home photos and videos, contact lists, history of correspondence by mail and instant messengers - the task is still the same: transfer files from your computer to your phone in order to have them at hand. There are several ways to do this, all you have to do is choose the simplest and most accessible one for your situation.

The first method that comes to mind for transferring data to a phone is, of course, connected to the cable that comes with the kit. Actually, that’s why it’s attached to the phone. Data transfer speeds via USB 2.0 can reach 280 Mbit/s. At one end of the cable - standard USB plug, on the other there is a corresponding connector (microUSB for Android smartphones and Lightning for iPhone).

How to send files via cable on iPhone

Download, install and launch iTunes. Connect iPhone to PC. Windows system will install drivers that allow you to use all the functionality of transferring data to and from your iPhone.

  1. Give the command “File – Add file/folder to library”. For example, if you drop music tracks into a gadget, wait until they are all registered in the iTunes library.
  2. Choose your gadget.
  3. Go to the music section and select the specific songs you want to copy to iPhone, or check the “Copy entire library” option.
  4. Click on the “Apply” button and wait until the files are copied to the iPhone memory.
  5. To transfer photos to iPhone, go to the “Photos” section and turn on the “Sync” function.
  6. Enable scanning of all folders - or specify the folder in which your files are located using the "Select folder" button in Windows Explorer.
  7. Click on the "Apply" button. Photos and screenshots taken on this iPhone, will begin to be copied to the PC, and from the PC, in turn, photos taken on other devices and saved in this folder will be transferred.

Videos (movies, TV shows), audiobooks and other content are transferred to iPhone in the same way.

Transfer files from PC to Android device via USB cable

In the case of Android gadgets, sending files to the device is simplified. To transfer files from PC to USB via USB Android phone, do the following:

  1. Connect your Android smartphone or tablet to your PC using a USB cable and wait until Windows installs the “USB Mass Storage Controller” and “Disk Storage” devices (if this is the first time you connect your smartphone to the PC after reinstalling the OS).
  2. On your smartphone, select the connection type “MTP - Media device”.
  3. Give the command “(My/This) Computer – Android Removable Disk”. If an SD card is inserted into the gadget, it will appear as a separate volume (partition) on the Android disk. Proceed to the “DCIM” folder (photo and video folder) - this is a shared folder"Android Galleries".
  4. Open in a separate Windows window another folder where your photos, screenshots, videos and other content are stored. In this folder, give the command: right-click - “Copy”, and in the multimedia folder on Android - a similar command “Paste”.

As you can see, unlike iOS, copying/transferring any files to Android does not require any programs. All you need is Windows Explorer, thanks to the openness of the Android platform.

The copied files will be immediately available, only the appropriate applications will be suitable for the required file types - for example, ZIP/RAR archives will open WinRAR program for Android. Majority necessary programs you can easily find it in PlayMarket.

By the way, gadgets based on any OS are additionally recharged via a cable. When you have finished copying/transferring files, disconnect your mobile device from your PC.

How to transfer files from a computer via Bluetooth

Bluetooth is second in speed after the USB cable. The advantage of “wireless” is to connect not only a gadget and a laptop equipped with Bluetooth, but also gadgets and laptops separately at a distance and in an unusual environment, for example, in a crowd of people.

How to send files to iPhone via Bluetooth

Unfortunately, no way. Bluetooth pairing of “foreign” PCs, tablets, smartphones and all types of laptops, except Apple equipment (iPad, iPod, Apple Watch/TV, MacBook laptops) c iPhone is not officially supported by Apple Inc. developers. from the very beginning. Apple explains this by copyright protection and serious requirements for anti-virus security of its customers. To bypass this limitation, a jailbreak is required, which is increasingly difficult for iDevices users: with each new iOS versions“holes” in security are “closed” program code on iGadgets.

How to transfer files via Bluetooth on Android

It is precisely because of the difficulties with free file sharing via Bluetooth radio on the iPhone that more and more users are leaning towards Android. “It’s better to buy another one Samsung Galaxy S, than no less new iPhone", is their answer.

To “drop” a file via Bluetooth from a PC to an Android smartphone, do the following:

  1. Turn on the Bluetooth function on your gadget and PC. Pair both devices (if not already paired) using a random PIN generated by one of the devices. Bluetooth connection appears in Windows Explorer mobile device.
  2. Open the contents of the device, as in the instructions for using the cable. The location of folders and files will be the same. Find the media files you need and copy them to your PC/laptop drive.
  3. At the end of the file sharing session, turn off Bluetooth on your PC and smartphone/tablet unless you currently plan to use other data synchronization options.

But not all users will be able to use this method, since not everyone has Bluetooth installed, and more and more people prefer to transfer data via WiFi.

Transfer data over the Internet

There are dozens of domestic and foreign Internet services called “clouds” (“cloud” storage). Among the Russian ones are Yandex.Disk and cloud.Mail.Ru, the RusFolder service. From foreign ones - Google Drive, DropBox, and dozens of others. For each of them, both for Android and iOS, versions of software clients have been released.

The main requirement is multi-megabit unlimited cellular tariff, preferably without restrictions on high-speed traffic, can also use a Wi-Fi connection to a home or public cable Internet channel.

To connect, for example, to Yandex.Disk you need the following:

  1. Login to your Mailbox"Yandex.Mail". If you don’t have it, register at Go to
  2. Allow - or block - the use of cellular data in the Yandex.Disk settings. When the speed on the tariff is “cut off”, which is why synchronization with the “cloud” can take hours and drain the gadget’s battery, select the “Wi-Fi Only” function.
  3. Select files on your mobile device to transfer. By default, the Yandex.Disk client will copy all files to the server. Available online memory is up to 10 GB per user.
  4. Log in from the same account to Yandex.Disk from a browser on your PC and download these files as from any site.
  5. To transfer files to your iPhone or Android device, follow steps 4-5 in reverse order. Downloading files from a mobile browser, for example, Google Chrome or “Yandex.Browser” for Android/iOS is not much different from downloading on their PC versions.

This instruction is the same for Android and iOS.

Advantages of the cloud:

  • your content is not tied to any model of Apple or Android device;
  • editing, cropping photos and videos online.

Sending files over Wi-Fi

By bandwidth Wi-Fi competes with USB. Speed ​​– up to 150 Mbit/s. There are plenty of applications for “transferring” files from a PC to iOS and Android smartphones/tablets.

How to send a file via Wi-Fi on iPhone

Synchronization via Wi-Fi between PC and iPhone media libraries is possible. To enable this feature, do the following:

  1. Connect your iPhone via cable to your PC and wait until it is detected. Click on its icon in iTunes.
  2. Give the command “Settings - Overview” and in “Options” enable synchronization via Wi-Fi.
  3. Click the Apply button, unplug the cable, and restart iTunes.

Important! Your PC and iPhone must be connected to the same router/hotspot. Only in this case will you successfully transfer files from your computer to iPhone.

How to send files to an Android smartphone via Wi-Fi

As an example, ES Explorer for Android. Do the following:

  1. IN Google Play download, install and run the ES Explorer program.
  2. Check that the Wi-Fi function is active on the gadget, your router (or PC/laptop as a virtual Wi-Fi hotspot) is turned on, and the gadget is connected to the specified wireless network. In the application, give the command “Network - Enable”. The WLAN address will be “shared” from the address space of your network - with forwarding one of the software ports.
  3. Enter the local web address (and port as specified in the application) on your PC in any of the browsers. The file storage will open on your gadget. Click the “Download” button (or link) next to the name of the desired file.
  4. Similarly, you can “upload” a file from a PC to a smartphone: in the ES Explorer web interface there is an “Upload file” button. Click it and use Windows Explorer to select the file you want to send, and then click the Open button in Windows. The file will be downloaded to the gadget and available in a folder on the Android disk.

The “browser” method is the simplest: you do not need to configure network hosting in Windows. Files are downloaded as on any site - and saved to the browser downloads folder configured by the user. The disadvantage is entering a temporary login and/or password when establishing a file exchange session.

Transfer files from computer to phone (iPhone, Android smartphone) in most cases is not difficult. If in the case of the iPhone, due to the closedness of the iOS platform, some difficulties are encountered, then Android gadgets are “transparent” for any of the ways to exchange content between a PC and a mobile device. This will help you both speed up your work by taking your work documents with you to any country, and share your collection of content with family, friends and colleagues.

You will need

  • Phone driver
  • USB cable
  • USB bluetooth adapter
  • Infrared USB port
  • Card reader
  • Access to the Internet


The easiest and fastest way to transfer data from your phone to a computer is using a USB cable. To do this, connect the USB cable to your computer. If the system tells you that the device is unrecognized, install a special driver for your phone. A driver disc is usually included with the sale. After that, go to the “My Computer” folder and find your phone there. Now you can easily go to your phone’s memory card and from there everything you need.

If you have bluetooth, and it is built into your computer or you have usb bluetooth adapter, you can also connect your phone to your computer. To do this, turn on bluetooth on your cell phone and computer. Search on your computer bluetooth devices. Once the system finds your phone, point it with the mouse and establish a connection. The system may require you to enter a password. No problem - enter the same characters on your computer and phone. After this, the connection will be established and you will be able to exchange data.

If you have an infrared port on your phone and computer, you can transfer data through them. The actions will be almost the same as when connecting, the quality of the connection and the distance at which you can move the phone from the infrared port of the computer. The transfer speed with this connection is quite low.

If your phone has a removable memory card, you can use a card reader to transfer files. To do this, transfer all the necessary information from the phone’s internal memory to the external one. Then turn off your phone to avoid various system errors, and remove the removable memory card. Insert it into the card reader. You may need to use an adapter to do this. Connect the card reader to your computer. Wait until the system recognizes the connected device. After that, go to the “My Computer” folder and find your removable drive. Now you can transfer files from your phone to your computer.

What if you don’t have any devices to communicate with your computer? In this case, use the Internet. From your phone, go to your personal mail and, attaching everything necessary files, send yourself a letter. Then go to your mail via your computer and, after waiting for the letter you sent, download it. Of course, you will have to spend money on traffic, but your data will be transferred.

Music and video are one of our needs, and I even remember there was a time when people walked around using huge and inconvenient portable (that’s just the name) players and even tape recorders. But now the 21st century is primarily about progress in the field of user convenience and technology advancement.

One of the favorite explosions of progress is Android smartphones, because in addition to calls, games and many innovations, the most interesting thing is watching videos and playing music in excellent quality. As a rule, music and video files do not take up much space, but if the number of tracks is measured in hundreds or even thousands, and the length of the video is measured in hours, such innovations as a memory card or cloud storage will always come to our aid, which has a big drawback in the form Internet traffic consumption.

In this post I will tell and show you clearly how to transfer/download files to a device running Android OS.

How to transfer files to Android from PC or Laptop: 1 way

One of the fastest ways to download files on Android is transferring a file using USB cable which comes with the device. If you have lost, torn or do not have access to it, you can buy it at the market or in the salon where you purchased the device.

All models of smartphones and tablets running Android systems have a convenient interface for transferring files and processing data using the MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) function, which is perfectly compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.

After connecting the device to the computer, all you have to do is select the required function in the notification panel, in our case it is MTP. Without exception EVERYTHING OS recognize devices and install necessary drivers for combined work with your device.

By selecting “Open device to view files” on the computer, we were able to access the device’s memory and memory card. All we have to do is select the appropriate drive (where you will upload files), select a folder and copy all the necessary data from the computer. This way you have full access and control to the files available on your mobile device.

Now all we have to do is copy the data from the computer and download it to your device. For correct display, we recommend creating a folder when copying. For example, for video files create a folder called Video, for music files Music - this is all for your convenience. That you didn’t look for the directory where your files were downloaded

How to transfer video files to Android from PC: method 2

If your device has a memory card, one of the fastest ways to transfer data is using a Card Reader. Thanks to the direct connection of the card to the computer, files will be transferred faster; there will be no software processing and the data will be transferred as is. We recommend purchasing this useful device at your nearest hardware store. Copying files will be no different from the first method, but you will notice how much faster it will be to copy files from your computer to the media.

How to transfer music to Android from a Laptop: method 3

If your files (audio, photos and images or work archives) are stored on cloud service, then using an Internet connection you can easily receive files anywhere in the world. If you are not yet familiar with these services, you can always use Yandex Drive or Google Drive. We advise you to use such large companies to avoid data loss and poor quality service. By downloading special software, files will be automatically synchronized with the service when you access the Internet. You can also store contact data and other useful information which you don't want to lose.

Each method of transferring files between devices has its drawbacks: it is impossible to transfer large amounts of data via Bluetooth, a USB cable is not at hand when you need it, Wi-Fi speed may be too low, and mobile internet traffic is limited. But we found the optimal solution - using Wi-Fi without an Internet connection.

Wi-Fi Direct function

If you need to transfer files from one smartphone to another, you can use the built-in function Wi-Fi Direct. Let's see how it works using two Android phones as an example.

Open your smartphone's settings. Go to Wi-Fi section(WLAN). It is not necessary to connect to the Internet. Go to the Wi-Fi Direct tab - it may be hidden in the additional menu.

When transferring files between phones from different manufacturers Communication interruptions and other errors may occur, so sometimes you have to use third-party software.

If you want to transfer files between phones, computers and tablets, use or special applications to transfer data via Wi-Fi. Lifehacker talked about one of these programs. available on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS. But this is not the only option.


To transfer files, you need to install SHAREit on both devices. The application is available for free on all platforms.

After installation, launch the program. On the sending device, click the Send button and select the file or application. On the receiving device, click “Receive”. A radar will appear in the center of the screen, displaying the icon assigned to another device on the network. Click on it to establish a connection and start transferring the file.

When moving data from the phone memory to a computer, you need to select the “Connect to PC” mode. Otherwise there are no changes. A search screen will appear where you need to select the icon of the receiving device.

Filedrop works in a similar way. The application must be installed on all devices that will participate in file sharing.

To establish a connection, launch the program. Usually pairing is set up automatically, but sometimes you have to enter a four-digit code. You can see it on your phone by clicking on the button on the right top corner. On - clicking right click mouse over the program window.

If you're transferring data from your phone, tap the box icon. A simple manager will open in which you can select a file to send. When moving data from your computer, you can simply drag it into the program window.

File transfer is also available through the Filedrop website. When you open it in the browser on home page devices with running application connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

But here you may encounter failures: some devices are not detected or do not accept files. No such problems were found when working with applications.


The Instashare program at one time solved the problem with transferring files to Apple devices. However, after the massive adoption of AirDrop, it no longer made sense for Instashare to exist solely within the Apple environment. Therefore, the developers made the application cross-platform.

Instashare works the same way as SHAREit and Filedrop. The only difference: you have to pay for the program on your PC. Apps for iOS and Android can be downloaded for free.

To move data between iPhone and Android smartphones, they all also use Wi-Fi Direct.

Hi all! So, dear readers, in the last blog post we already had a conversation on how transfer files from computer on an Android phone. If you haven’t read this yet, then the best one has arrived.

And now we will consider a couple more very original ways to solve this problem. Moreover, one of them will be standard, and the second, on the contrary, with the help third party application, which promises very cool features.

We connect the computer and the phone with it, then click on the “Enable USB storage” button on the latter and it’s done:

Now inner memory device will be determined by desktop computer like a regular flash drive:

So now you can safely transfer files back and forth. But this was a standard method, and I really wanted some cool solution. And it exists, and it’s completely free.

Therefore, meet friends, application AirDroid- Android on Computer. You can immediately look at a very short annotation to it:

Okay, so what can this program actually do? The answer in this case will be very laconic - everything that a user of a mobile device can do while holding it in their hands. If you don’t believe me, here is a detailed list of some functions:

And all this, guys, is available completely free of charge. Wow, these words made the author of the article drool and his left eye began to twitch. So let's quickly download the application from the official store using this link:

Then we launch it and see a message in which we are asked to register on the site

But pay attention to the screenshot above. The first address is needed for via the Internet, and the second for via WiFi. And mandatory registration is required only for the first case.

Agree that this is much more convenient than entering a tedious set of numbers in the browser. Well, comrades, now a vast field of functions opens up before us, including from computer to phone:

If you click the “More details” button on the main screen, you get access to all the insides of the mobile device:

As you can see for yourself, here you can call contacts, send messages, work with installed applications, listen to music, and also watch pictures. For example, this is what SMS correspondence looks like on a computer screen:

And here is the photo gallery:

There is also a call log:

Well, and, in fact, the option to transfer files in both directions:

In general, there is a lot here. If you start describing in detail the entire arsenal of functions in one article, you may not be able to complete it in a day. So now let’s briefly go over a couple more and that’ll be all.

By the way, you can connect to your phone without any problems. Moreover, switching between rear and front is available. So, what does the wife do there:

If you still go through a simple registration on the official website, the “Find Phone” function becomes available. You look and it will help, at an uneven hour:

AirDroid can also work like, distributing the Internet to everyone. In short, as you can see, there is a lot here. But, as it turned out later, some functions in the application are only available for money. Here they are:

But again, in in this case it's only about remote connection via the Internet. In the local version, everything will be much more fun. And the prices, to be honest, are quite affordable:

So whoever needs it, subscribe and buy. And in order for us to transfer files from a computer to an Android phone, money. Everything is allowed for this. On this good point, let's say goodbye and in conclusion, as always, a very cool video.