How to learn to play CS:GO well - basic techniques. How to learn to play CS:GO well - techniques for improving your game level How to learn to play cs 16

Date: 09.12.2015

Counter-Strike 1.6 is one of the most popular and famous games in the world . “Contra,” as this game is commonly called in the Russian-speaking community, has touched several generations at once, since it has been played for almost fifteen years. Many people have been playing Counter-Strike 1.6 since its official release to this day.

There are several reasons why interest in this game will most likely never fade. Firstly, realism. In Contra 1.6, all weapons, player models are made as realistic as possible, and the plot is also quite realistic. Secondly – ​​simplicity. There are only two teams in cs 1.6 and each of the teams has only one goal, the Terrorist team - to install explosives, the Special Forces team - to prevent the players of the Terrorist team from placing it, or, if installed, to clear the mines.

Based on all these reasons, it can be assumed that an extremely large number of people play this game. And it is so, the Counter-Strike 1.6 gaming community is most likely the largest and most friendly in the world. Isn't it time for you to join him? We provided everyone with the opportunity to download Contra version 1.6 - the best game client for free.

You can safely download Counter-Strike from our website in any convenient way, for example, by direct link or via torrent. By downloading Counter Strike 1.6 from our website, you are guaranteed to receive a secure game client, a variety of interesting and exciting servers in the search , and besides all this, there are many other useful functions.

You can download any assembly, for example, the assembly from Na`Vi, the assembly from Virtus pro, or, if you are a fan of the classics, then the original CS, which does not have any additions or modified files - only the classics, only the original. Choose any Contra that you like and download, because the ability to play depends on you personally, and not on the client. It's like getting behind the wheel of an expensive sports car, but not knowing how to drive at all. You can speed up and end up leaving the track, out of the game. It all depends only on your desire to be a leader, achieving your goal. Show what you are capable of in the most popular and famous game in the world - Counter Strike, fighting on online servers.

When playing CS 1.6, it is important to set yourself a goal to start playing as best as possible... play better without cheats . To achieve the goal, you need to make every effort in training.

Who to train with?

Every person knows from life experience that any defeat teaches you something new . Players on many teams often only analyze mistakes in lost rounds. But in vain, because it is necessary to analyze the game even in winning ones, in order to further reduce the number of mistakes. This kind of self-analysis is what distinguishes a professional team from an amateur team.

Try to choose an opponent who is a cut above you, that is, stronger and more experienced. For many people, at such moments real anger awakens, which can easily lead to victory. Never be ashamed of losing, only be ashamed that the result does not progress. Focus as much as possible on your goal, and minor mistakes and shortcomings should only push you towards your goal.

Where to train?

Mistakes made in matches where you absolutely have to win are the ones that stick most in your memory. So, the mistakes you made in an important match will most likely not happen again because you will remember them. If you can’t play at major championships and tournaments, then choose a principled opponent, or play with an opponent who is a head or even two taller than you.

The game you show at home and in training is significantly different from the game you play in a computer club, face to face with your opponent. All because you are more relaxed at home , and in the club, if you lose, you will most likely leave or go home completely upset, and of course, when you are only a few rounds away from winning the match, it is a completely different feeling.

How to train?

Try to approach the match as responsibly as possible, thereby respecting your personal time. An irresponsible attitude towards the game will not give any progressive results. If you have enough time, you can devote yourself completely to the game, during a tournament or training. When training, try to create situations in which you feel awkward as often as possible, this will help you be more confident in battle in the future.

If the enemy is much weaker than you and you can calmly, effortlessly destroy him, then think about whether you can also, without straining, kill an enemy who is a head taller than you. Playing against weak players is simply wasting your time.

First of all, it should be noted that CS is an unusual game and it can easily be called a breeding ground for cheaters due to its old engine. There are so many cheats on the Internet that it is simply impossible to get rid of them.

So, if you want to use an unfair way to play, then it’s better to close this article, but if you want to become a good player in CS 1.6, then this article will teach you a little about it. For a good game you need and - don't forget about it.

  1. Try quickly purchase weapons, since on many servers the time for purchasing is limited (10-15 seconds).
  2. Many more experienced gamers advise not to buy anything at all in the first round, but to save money for the next round, so that if the team does not win the first round, there would be an opportunity to buy some more or less good weapon.
  3. There is no need to compare CS 1.6 with other shooters, where your main task is to quickly defeat the enemy. Act depending on the situation and the team. If you play for CT, then it is better not to run forward headlong, because your main task is to protect the “plant”, so protect it! If you play for the Terrorists, then your main task is to get a point where you need to place a bomb and not only install it, but also detonate this bomb. In this situation also - do not run headlong, act carefully, use tactics.
  4. When there are few members left in your team, or you are left alone, try not to make noise when you move.
  5. Move while holding Shift - this will give you a slight advantage.
  6. Try to listen to the steps. It is better to play using a headset, because this way you will hear footsteps, and with headphones it will be easier for you to navigate and understand from which side the steps are coming.
  7. When you run, for example, run from your spawn, you should do this using a knife - this increases the speed of movement and this way you will get to the right place faster.
  8. On large, open maps, try not to move in a straight line, run in zigzags, otherwise you will become an easy target for snipers.
  9. Do not turn on the flashlight unless necessary, as it makes you more visible, both in dark places on the map and in light ones.
  10. If you are trying to jump on some box, but it doesn’t work, you should tuck your legs in (press “squat”) when jumping. If tucking your legs does not help, then ask your friend to help you.
  11. If you jump from a great height, then in order for the impact force to be less, you need to straighten up at the end of the jump (if you jumped while sitting).
  12. Try to climb stairs while sitting, this reduces noise.
  13. You should not run around with the AWP or rapid fire sight activated. And especially no need to shoot from sniper rifles while moving- in 99% of cases you will not end up where you were aiming.
  14. Try not to stand close to thin walls, glass, etc. remember, that most walls and doors on the maps are well shot through.
  15. If there is no strong need, then try not to open the doors, as the door creates additional noise and notifies your opponents of your location. If you still need to open the door, do it while sitting, so there will be much less noise.
  16. If there are cars on the maps, we advise you not to use them, as you can kill your partners and, most importantly, the shooting accuracy is much less.
  17. There is no need to run and shoot, as the spread increases greatly. If you shoot while sitting, the spread is minimal. When shooting while standing it is larger, but when shooting while moving it is simply huge.
  18. Do not shoot when you are on ladders, ropes, etc., because this makes the spread simply uncontrollable, and the chance that you will kill someone is reduced to zero.
  19. In CS 1.6 there is such a thing as “clamp” shooting and “burst” shooting. So, each of these concepts must be used depending on the situation. For example, it is better to use “clamp” shooting at close distances, and “burst” shooting at long distances. For example, you can shoot one round at a time at very long distances (for example, from the pit to site A on dust_2), and use three rounds at medium distances.
  20. Never don't hide behind your comrades, because to begin with, it’s not beautiful and noble, and it won’t save you, since bullets from sniper rifles will pass right through and kill not only your comrade, but also you.
  21. Powerful weapons shoot through walls quite well, so many experienced gamers have long ago studied all the shootable places on the maps and take advantage of this. We also advise you, if you are going somewhere and suspect that there is an enemy in one place or another, shoot through this place, if possible.
  22. If any of your weapons run out of ammo, we advise you to throw it away, as this will increase the speed of your movement.
  23. If, when meeting an enemy, you unexpectedly ran out of ammunition, we advise you to train yourself to immediately take out a pistol. Because taking out a pistol and making a couple of accurate shots is much faster than reloading your main weapon.
  24. When meeting an enemy don't be nervous and shoot anywhere. Try to aim and believe in yourself, a few accurate shots are much more effective than a whole clip fired at random.
  25. If there are several opponents in front of you at once, don’t hesitate, set yourself to kill one first, and then the others, because as you know, “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.”
  26. If you have more team members left, no need to huddle and run in groups, try to continue to keep your distance and follow tactics. Remember that opponents can also be very tactical and can easily deceive you.
  27. Remember about grenades, but when you use them, try not to blind your comrades. If you are absolutely sure that blinded the enemy, no need to wait, go out and kill him until it's not too late.
  28. In places where snipers usually “graze” you need to throw a smoke grenade, or better yet several. Then the enemy will not only not be able to shoot, but also will not see how many members of your team have gone to this or that place.
  29. If you are still planning to storm the enemy team, you must have blind grenades in your arsenal.
  30. When shooting from sniper rifles, try not to move, since, as mentioned above, movement only reduces the chances of an accurate hit when shooting. You should only dodge while reloading.
  31. If you encounter an enemy underwater, then try to be higher than him, since bullets fly higher underwater than on the surface.
  32. If you see a grenade flying at you, under no circumstances should you run away, you should only run forward - this will increase the chances that the grenade will fly behind you and cause minimal damage.
  33. Try Don't "prop" your teammates, because if the enemy unexpectedly appears, then the chance of survival decreases not only for your teammate, but also for you.
  34. Work together and don't ignore radio messages from your teammates.
  35. Try to train different tactics, and not just one - this will give you more of an advantage.
Of course, in order to achieve any goals in CS 1.6, let's say, to make at least three kills per round - one article will not be enough. You need to train a lot, you can even try.

Don't become a cheater! Better be PRO!

As already mentioned, if you want to achieve something yourself, then under no circumstances should you use cheats and scripts, which greatly facilitate the game, making it dishonest and unsportsmanlike. Imagine that you have been playing for six months, thinking that you are training tactics, experience and reaction, but as soon as you turn off all these miracle applications, your entire “god level” instantly disappears. You start to hesitate, you don’t know where to run, because before you saw the enemy’s tactics and were guided by it, but now all this is gone and you feel out of place. So it’s very difficult to wean yourself off cheats. Imagine that you find a cool server with players you like, where it will always be fun, and suddenly you are banned for cheating - and this will be absolutely correct, but you will be very unhappy. This is another disadvantage of cheats - constantly changing servers.

We present to your attention a series of articles dedicated toCounter-Strike:GlobalOffensive, which will help you better understand the culture of the imperishableFPS fromValve.

  • Tips for beginners

This week I want to talk to you about the basics. Counter-Stike has been played since back in 1999, but every day newbies connect to the Global Offensive servers, for whom everything here is wild and unusual. I hope that this article will be a good help for such players, allowing them to quickly join the world of CS and immediately begin to enjoy the competitive nature of this game. Play a few matches, experiment and see what works for you and what doesn't. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the game, no matter your skill level.

In this guide, we'll cover a few core elements of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive:

At first, Counter-Strike can be quite confusing and confusing. You join a match and it seems like every other player knows the smallest hiding places by heart that you wouldn't have guessed. Your teammates reach the mining site in almost 10 seconds, and you get lost in the ventilation pipe, and when you finally manage to get out of this maze, you find five enemies in front of you and instantly lose your life. On top of that, you had a bomb and you didn't even realize it. Welcome to Counter-Strike!

Newbies are no longer allowed to join experienced players, at least not at first. You will have to play in normal mode until you raise your private rank to level three. This mechanic not only discourages hackers, but also allows you to become familiar with the basic mechanics of the game.

First tip: don't worry about what happens in casual matches. It’s not for nothing that they are called casual, and most players in this mode are not particularly eager to win. I don't think anyone will mind if you do something wrong. You came here to study, and this place was simply created for this. Relax and enjoy the process.


The first few skills you need to master in Counter-Strike are relatively straightforward, but they are by no means intuitive, especially if you've never played CS before. It's easiest to keep the crosshairs at head height, but you'll need to stand still while shooting to improve accuracy. You can't rush and kill all the enemies on the fly like in Call Of Duty. As you improve your skills, you will learn to strafe, stop, shoot, and strafe again. You will get faster and faster, more accurate and more accurate, and finally you will master the CSGO death dance to perfection. This video does a great job of explaining the basic CSGO moves:

Your bullets do not fly in a straight line in the direction of the crosshairs, but change their trajectory slightly in accordance with the recoil of the weapon. Beginners will benefit from practicing burst fire to get used to the recoil and minimize its impact. Spray shooting (this is when you pull the trigger all the way) is usually used in close combat. If you are shooting spray, lower the scope down to compensate for recoil. If you've only spent a few bullets, don't immediately reload: make sure you're prepared to face any other enemies that appear unexpectedly. Find a safe place to recharge and don't recharge unnecessarily. The video below perfectly describes all the nuances of single shooting, burst shooting and spray shooting.

It's important to remember that each weapon has its own spray pattern (all of which are collected on the awesome CSGO Skills site). Don't forget this aspect, because after the first couple of shots, the trajectory of the bullets changes, and they fly higher and wobble left and right. One of the most difficult skills to master in CS is spray control: the art of reversing the spray pattern using the mouse to reduce recoil. It sounds complicated, and it is!

By the way, here's an interesting fact: accuracy increases when changing direction of movement. For example, when you strafe to the right and then start to strafe to the left, within a split second of changing direction you are accurate enough to make the winning shot.

Sight location

Once you've mastered the basic skill of shooting, it's time to move on to the next notable step in a newbie CS player's career: learning to control your aim. Don't forget that this requires at least a superficial knowledge of the map, so you need to play a couple of matches first. The following is a wonderful video with a visual demonstration of the correct and incorrect placement of the crosshairs of the sight. Make it easier for yourself and let the enemies get into the crosshairs themselves without using cheats.

The preliminary shooting is also very well described here. This is an excellent technique for beginners, especially if you've been in situations where one of the enemies constantly takes the same damn position and mows you and your comrades down like grass as soon as you appear around the corner. Again, you can't do this without knowledge of the map and decent traffic control skills, but it's not that difficult. Just stop at the corner where the villain is lurking, adjust your aim so that during the strafe it is aimed directly at his head, make a sharp jerk, shoot and return back to cover. This is where “perfect precision when changing direction of movement” comes in handy. Here's a good tutorial on pre-shooting:

Card control

When I first started playing CS, I was very afraid to give away my position. I held Shift and sneakily patrolled (so that the sound of footsteps could not be heard) mining sites in fear of getting a bullet in the head before I saw the enemy. My playing style was extremely non-aggressive. I was constantly worried that I would betray the team, let everyone down and miserably fail the match. If you also play like this, try to get rid of this bad habit as quickly as possible. There is an art to recognizing situations and choosing a playstyle (stealth, pre-shooting, aggression) that you only master with experience. I admit that I have not yet achieved perfection in this art, but one thing I know for sure: tiptoeing towards a mining site does not suit a terrorist, so rely on preliminary shooting. Aggressively pressure counter-terrorists early in the round when they don't seem to be expecting it. Try different strategies and see if they work for you. Analyze the enemy and choose tactics that can take him by surprise. Be brave, just don't rush to B every damn round!

Of course, superiority on the map cannot be achieved without communication, and there cannot be normal cooperation within a team if you do not know the signs on the ground. Take the trouble to learn at least a couple of names in addition to the classic “carpets” and “mid” in order to succeed in providing your comrades with the most up-to-date information about the enemy. Knowledgeable in CS - doubly armed, so get started with the guide with the names of positions on the most popular maps. Don't forget the English versions too!

Map control is an important part of Counter-Strike, and if you have many different playstyles, you'll have plenty of ways to gain or maintain control of an area. Speaking of strategies, once you can confidently follow the map in competitive mode and have a rough idea of ​​how mining sites are attacked and defended, spend some time practicing grenade throws. Eat tons of video tutorials on this subject, not to mention homemade maps that will allow you to hone this skill directly in the game. I promise that this time will be well spent and will make the game much easier for you.

If you still don’t understand the tactical benefits of grenades during a match, I advise you to start with this video. It has not yet been possible to find a more visual introduction to the world of flash drives and smokes.

Shooting through walls is a skill that you will develop as you get a better and better feel for the map. Some materials can be penetrated by bullets, and this is not always obvious. I advise you to shoot at the wall if you hear that the enemy is on the other side (and sometimes even when you don’t hear it). There is always a chance to make a successful headshot. Below, this technique is demonstrated using the example of the Inferno map, where knowledge and skillful use of shooting points can give superiority over the enemy.

Economics and trunks

It is difficult for beginners to appreciate the importance of the economic component of CS. If you have good team communication, you will be able to figure this out easily. Let's talk about the most fundamental things you should know.

In competitive mode, you should definitely buy a set of Kevlar armor! The body armor and helmet cost a total of $1,000. The M4 and AK-47 are the two "basic" weapons for counter-terrorists and terrorists, respectively. Both are powerful, versatile, efficient and economical. You should master these machines and buy them when you have enough money. The AK can kill a helmeted enemy with one headshot, but the M4 can't do that: if the enemy is wearing a helmet, you'll need two shots. However, mastering shooting with a Kalashnikov is much more difficult, so do not rush to give it preference at the beginning of the game - for many beginners, the starting point for the T-side is the Galil, which is quite easy to control, even if sophisticated shooting techniques are alien to you.

You should also look into the concept of "eco rounds". There are a lot of nuances here, but the main rule is: do not buy anything if the team members have significantly less than $4,000. If everyone on the team has over $4,000, you are expected to make a "full purchase" including weapons, mine clearance kit, and grenades. The key here is communication: find out if others need eco or let them know you need it when you're struggling with cash. During the Eco Round, your main goal is to plant a bomb or get a kill or two to gain funds to prepare for the next round. If you have enough money for a full stockpile and one extra rifle, and your teammate doesn't have enough money, just drop him the extra weapon. Your money is the team's property.

By the way, when it comes to drops, never be greedy. Be sure to remember that two FAMAS are better than one M4, and don't ignore your partner's puppy dog ​​eyes just because you might not have enough for your favorite Emka. After all, he won't be able to provide you with adequate cover with just a pistol.

Pistol rounds are also incredibly important, so what should you buy? It all depends on the patch that is current at the time of the game, but now Tec-9 is especially good, and I have always liked Five-Seven. For those who use ammo carefully and conduct exclusively targeted shooting, the CZ75 can be a worthy alternative for terrorists. The P250 is also a great inexpensive choice for both sides. If you're not a good aimer, stick with the standard weapon and buy the $650 body armor to withstand a few hits to the body. Pistol rounds are important because if you do well, you will most likely win the next two or three rounds.

If you are lucky on the pistol, there is a high chance that the enemy will stick to safe tactics and attempt an eco. In this case, SMG is your choice. SMGs give $600 per kill (excluding P90!) and work great against enemies without armor. Buying an SMG can earn you some good money and guarantees easy kills. True, I often saw how beginners bought SMGs at full stock. Yes, you may get the short end of the stick at times, but SMGs are terrible against armored enemies, which makes them less valuable than rifles. Rifles may cost more and bring in less money for kills, but they are rifles! Believe me, they are very good.

In case of defeat in the pistol round, a Force Buy is often performed - a forced purchase of cheap weapons and a minimum set of armor. Agree, a team with a couple of Scouts and a Tec-9 has a much better chance of fighting back than poor people with Glocks. This is a great move when the enemy has a hard time winning the first round from you and/or chooses an SMG strategy without expecting you to resist. For terrorists, it is worth considering whether a bomb was planted in the previous round, because with the bonus for planting it would be reasonable to do one eco and buy after. Counter-terrorists, on the other hand, do not have to count on a bomb, but in the event of a force buy they lose practically nothing and still ensure themselves a “full purchase” even after three defeats in a row, so the game is almost always worth the candle.

Sometimes you have to resort to such tactics at later stages of the match, but it is associated with great risk: a failed force buy causes irreparable damage to the economy, and this, consider it a pleasant surprise for the enemy in the form of two or three rounds given to him. Of course, it would be stupid to give away a key round without a fight, but there is also no need to take risks thoughtlessly without first assessing the possible consequences - when the score allows, it is better to save money on full-fledged equipment.

Moreover, there are many types of force buy. Here are a couple of professional variations with comments and detailed analysis:

If you have a lot of money and are good with AWP in casual matches, you can rely on this rifle during competitive battles. It's good for area control when playing as counter-terrorists, but it's also quite good when playing as terrorists, although fast attacks don't fit well with a sit-down AWP playstyle. As a rule, one AWP per team is enough, but sometimes you can play with two guns.


In this regard, you do not need to worry too much. First, lower the mouse sensitivity, and then turn it down a little more. I would also recommend changing the radar, which can be made much more effective and informative through a couple of lines of the config. Second, customize your crosshairs to suit your preferences using a website or card with pro player presets. I like a classic sight in any color that doesn't blend in with its surroundings. For example, pink is a great color because it stands out against any background. To practice strafe, it is better to leave it dynamic until you learn to feel its “run-up”. Finally, disable the Switch Weapon on Pick Up option to avoid a lot of accidental deaths from another misplaced Bison.

I have no doubt that more experienced CS players would add a few more points here, but it seems to me that the tips listed are quite enough for beginners to start playing. Everything else is personal preference. I advise you to read thematic sites and decide what suits you best, and then try it out and evaluate the sensations.

Once you have the basics down, try playing on aim maps to practice your headshots. Search for maps using the keywords "aim" or "headshot" on community servers, or download this and this map from the Steam Workshop.

And most importantly, trust Shaya, he knows what he's talking about.

Many people know the game called CS 1.6. It can be played online, but how can this be done? To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

First of all, we need an assembly of CS 1.6. We recommend you our assembly with an optimized config and the latest, most reliable client protection against hacking. You will also be pleased with the Russian language, smart bots, working server search and the latest version 43 patch. This assembly is currently the best and cleanest on the Internet.

1. Select the one or those with whom you want to play. Playing alone is quite boring, but with friends or acquaintances you can have a lot of fun.
2. Select the server on which your game will directly take place. You can find servers on the Internet by typing into the search the phrase “monitoring CS 1.6 servers.”
3. After we have found the server, launch CS 1.6.
3. In order to connect to the server, you need to open the console using the “E” key and enter the following command:

Instead of numbers, enter the IP address of your server on which you want to play with friends.
4. Don't forget to send the server address to your friends. Have a good game.

Where can I find CS 1.6 servers for playing online?

As you know, there are a huge number of different sites on the Internet with CS 1.6 servers. However, you can find the best servers for playing CS 1.6 online here - is clickable). This site contains only the highest quality and proven CS 1.6 servers, which are absolutely clean and will never spoil your game client, since all servers are checked daily by the monitoring administration.

That's all. Now you know how to play online in CS 1.6. We hope that we helped you in solving your problem, good luck to everyone and see you again.

IN cs 1.6 jewelry shooting, and therefore learning to shoot well is not at all easy. R.Myasnik: " If you master shooting in Contar Strike, you will be a father in other shooters too".

How to shoot in cs 1.6

Let's begin. Do you want to shoot straight in the head in CS and raise your skill from the bottom, or where is it located?! Then this article is for you. We won’t talk about where it’s better to shoot from or how many bullets you need to fire at your opponent. This nonsense will not happen. All these qualities will come with game practice.

Tip #1
He is also the most important... Practice, damn it. As Markelov himself told us, connect to CSDM servers and practice shooting. After some time, schoolchildren will shout at you: “Chits of, pi.” You can also use special programs for training ( CS ClickMer), which develop reaction, quick thinking, etc.

Tip #2
Do you play with shotguns, machine guns, cockerels? Refuse! Practice shooting with strong weapons like:ak-47, m4a1, deagle, awp, usp, famas, defender, it is possibleglock.

Tip #3
Finally get your computer in order. Install an antivirus, you don’t need to install them in batches, there are some. Delete unnecessary applications and files, I do not recommend touching family photos)) We are hinting that your computer should work well and not be overloaded.

We don’t listen to music when we play, we learn to hear steps, reloading, and thereby determine by the sound what he is doing, where he is, by the way, developing the sound part of the brain. You need to play with headphones.

Tip #5
Your build should be configured well. We recommend, here, collected by real professionals. Follow the link and choose the coolness you like, it’s written there.

Play, play and play in this case success is possible. Don't forget about your lessons, they need to be done!