How to update samsung tv software. How to reset (roll back) firmware on Samsung Smart TV J-series if third-party widgets (applications) are not installed? Firmware update on a regular Samsung TV

Nothing in our world is perfect, and therefore, buying the most modern technology, after some time it will be replaced by more advanced models. In this sense, Samsung is no exception. To extend the technical relevance of previously released TV models, the company provides an opportunity to use the Evolution Kit hardware modules or offers to update the Samsung TV firmware via the Internet or USB port.

The Evolution Kit is relevant only for the flagship models of the ES7500 series and above, and the E8000 series PDP TVs. However, this method involves additional costs, but in return takes your model to the next level. functionality and technical solutions without replacing the TV with a model from the new line.

In addition, the developers have provided software updates on Samsung TVs, which makes it possible to correct errors in previous versions firmware and add certain functionality to previously released models.

It should be noted that the Evolution Kit module updates the hardware (for example, improves processor performance) and software components of the device, and the software update does not affect the physical components. Some Evolution Kit modules have already been discontinued, and the firmware update is still relevant today.

As I said above, you can update the TV firmware via the Internet directly from Samsung servers, or using a USB flash drive after downloading the latest version of the software from the official website.

I do not recommend using the "Standby Update" (auto-update) function, which allows you to set the time range to check for the latest software for your TV model on Samsung servers. The fact is that:

  1. Using this function, the firmware may not be installed correctly, which in turn will inevitably lead to malfunctions of the TV. In some cases, the problem is solved only by replacing the motherboard.
  2. According to the interval set in auto-update, the TV will communicate via the Internet with the company's servers. There is no guarantee that the TV connection will be established during the day and therefore the TV may turn on spontaneously at different times of the day.
  3. If the firmware file is too large during the update, the function will not be able to download and install new software and the TV may freeze.
  4. During firmware update via Wi-Fi or LAN cable there is a high probability of a connection break, which may adversely affect the operation of the TV.

That is why, I recommend disabling this feature and updating software TV via USB. To disable this option, you need to go to "Menu" - "Support" - "Software Update" - "Update in mode. Standby” (Auto Refresh) - “Off”. It must be said that the latest version of the firmware on the company's servers appears a little earlier and only then is it posted on the site.

Firmware update on Samsung TVs via USB.

The first step is to go to the official website of Samsung and find your TV model. To speed up the process, enter your TV model in the search box. For example, let's enter the TV model UE40H6240AK.

After that, a page with a manual and software for this model will open. Click on the first item "Firmware" and you will be taken to a page with technical description models.

Here we need to find and download update file ( USB type) . Before you start downloading a new firmware, be sure to make sure that you really need it. Compare the current version number (already installed) on the TV with the one posted on the official website.

To do this, on the TV, go to "Menu" - "Support" - "Software Update".

You can also see the version if you go to "Support" - "Contact Samsung".

If the version offered for download on the official website has a larger number, then it makes sense to download and install new software on the TV. Pay attention to the language present in the service pack on the site. It offers two update files with multilingual and Russian. By the way, they differ only in this and there is no more difference between them.

Only after that, proceed to download the firmware to a clean and pre-formatted USB drive in FAT32 format. To start downloading "fresh" software to your computer, click on the file with the left mouse button. Then format the USB flash drive and close all programs. If or you do not know how to format it, follow the link provided.

Double-click on the firmware file to start unpacking, and if at the same time the security system will notify and ask: “Unable to verify the publisher. Are you sure you want to run this program?", then uncheck the box "Always ask me when opening this file" and click the "Run" button.

In a new window, you will be prompted to extract the firmware package to a USB drive. Specify the location of the flash drive and click "Extract". After unpacking, remove the media from the computer and insert it into the TV's USB port.

To start updating the software, go to "Menu" - "Support" - "Software Update" item "USB Software" (for D, E-series) - "Ok" (for F, H, J series - "Update Now" ). The TV will poll the media for software and ask you to confirm the update (for the F or E series with a KIT, the line “Update via USB” will appear). Proceed with the firmware update. Never remove the USB stick or turn off the TV during the installation process.

The process of manually flashing a Samsung TV can be divided into two stages: selecting the desired software version on the manufacturer's official website and installing the update on the device via a USB drive. Each of these stages will be discussed next.

When choosing a firmware for a Samsung TV, you will need:

  1. Check your TV model. The model of a TB device is indicated by an alphanumeric combination, which can be found on the back of the device case or in the complete instruction manual. It is important to note that on the remote control case remote control the model of the accessory itself is indicated, not the TV.
  2. Find out the version of the current firmware. To find out the firmware, the user will need to go to "Settings" and open the "Software Update" tab. The current software version will be displayed in the upper right corner of the displayed window.
  3. Go to the official Samsung website. On the home page site, you need to find the search bar and enter the model of the TB device - for the convenience of finding an update, it is recommended to apply the "Firmware" filter. Next, you need to click on the only link in the output.
  4. Carefully read the table on the page that appears. The new firmware must be available for installation on the Samsung TV via a removable disk and have a higher version than the current firmware. Also, before downloading the update file, it will not be superfluous to find reviews on the Internet from other users on this software.

When choosing the firmware manually, the user must pay special attention to the interface language of the new software.

How to update the TV firmware

Detailed instructions for updating the TV firmware via USB are presented below:

  1. Downloading a file to a computer. Before downloading the file, it is recommended to re-compare the characteristics of the update and the current software.
  2. Formatting a flash drive file system FAT32 - NTFS format may not be supported by the TB machine. To format an external drive, you can use the standard for OS Windows tools, accessed from the left sidebar of the repository. The manufacturer also recommends using a flash drive with at least 4 gigabytes of memory to install new software.
  3. Unpacking the archive to removable drive. The file with the operating system must be moved to a USB flash drive, and then run the downloaded program. In the displayed installer, you will need to click on the “Extract” button, and then wait for the unpacking to complete.
  4. Connecting a flash drive to a TV set. When unpacking is completed, you will need to disconnect the USB flash drive from the computer in " safe mode” and connect the accessory to the USB port of the TV.
  5. Launch update. To start installation new version firmware user will need to open system menu settings, go to "Software Update", select "By USB" and agree to the standard update terms. After a while, the TV will complete the installation and automatically reboot.

Devices Samsung Smart TV can also be updated "over the air" - for this you need:

  1. Connect your TV to the Internet - via WiFi or LAN.
  2. Open the TV system settings menu using the “Menu” button located on the remote control.
  3. Select the "Support" section, go to "Software Update" and click on "Update Now".
  4. Wait for the end of the search.
  5. Confirm consent to install automatically found software.
  6. Wait for the download to finish and install the new firmware.
  7. Restart Smart TV.

Firmware catalog for Samsung Smart TVs

If for some reason you cannot update the firmware of your TV via the Internet, you can download the latest firmware at any time on our website.

Firmware installation:

1. Copy the file to a USB drive.

3. Navigate to the contents of the USB drive and double click on the copied file.

4. Click the "Install" button.

5. Unpacking of the archive will begin.

6. When the installation is complete, click the "OK" button and then the "Close" button.

7. A folder with firmware files will be added to the USB drive. Folder name: according to the firmware version.

8. Disconnect USB stick securely by clicking right click click the green checkmark on the taskbar and left-click "Safely Remove".

9. Insert the drive into the TV.

10. In the TV channel mode, select from the menu Support -> Software Update -> By USB and follow the installation wizard.

Firmware for TV models ES8000, ES7500, ES6800, ES6710, ES6500, ES6570, ES6540, ES6100, ES5500 and other ES series 2012 :

NEW!Date: 26.09.2013 ; Version: T-ECPDEUC-2011.1-EN; OS: all; Russian language
Download firmware

Firmware for TV models UE40F6100, UE46F8000, UE46F7000, UE32F5000, UEF6100AK and other F series 2013:

NEW!Date: 13.11.2013 ; Version: T-FXPDEUC-1112.6_EN.exe; OS: all; Russian language
Download firmware

Firmware for TV models UE32EH5307, UE46EH5307 and other EH series 2012:

NEW! Date: 22.01.2014 ; Version: T-MST10PDEUC-1036.0; OS: all; Russian language

Modern televisions are not just analog and digital television, these are low-power computers on which you can install applications, access the Internet, play multimedia from USB drives, etc. Just like on computers, TVs use an operating system (OS), under this OS, programmers write applications that can later be installed on a TV. We are used to the fact that on computers with Wiindows, Mac OS, updates arrive once or several times a month and the computer asks to install them. The exact same situation with modern TVs, they, like computers, use their own operating system, which, in turn, is being improved and requires updating. That is what this article is about - Why and how to update the firmware on Samsung, LG, Philips, Sony TVs and etc.

Why update the firmware of a Samsung, LG, Philips, Sony, etc. TV?

There are several reasons for updating the TV firmware:

1 Improving the stability of the TV. Some TVs come out with "raw" firmware, especially if they are new, as was the case with LG TVs and with their new webOS ( old firmware netcast). In the future, these errors and bugs are fixed and an updated version of the software is released, by installing which you will get rid of all or part of the problems with the TV.

2 Can speed up the response and speed of the TV. Some updates are used to make the TV more responsive and speed up (turning on, off, changing channels, Smart TV functions, etc.).

3 Adding new functionality. Part of the updates concerns the addition of new TV features.

4 Solving problems related to Smart TV. In case you cannot find the cause of Smart TV related problems, one of the possible solutions could be be- update firmware. I can give a personal example of how updating the firmware helped solve the problem with launching applications on the TV. A friend approached me to help connect a Sony TV to the Internet and show me how to launch and use Smart TV. I agreed to help, connecting the TV to the global web took about 5 minutes, but there were problems with the launch of Smart TV - they did not start, when the application was launched, a black screen appeared and that's it. Only after installing the latest version of the TV firmware, the applications began to run and, moreover, there were noticeably more of them. From this I concluded - if you do not want to have problems with launching Smart TV applications, update the TV firmware.

In order to understand why this or that update is intended, you can go to the website of your TV manufacturer, find the version of the update being installed there and read what it gives and what problems it solves.

How to update firmware on Samsung, LG, Philips, Sony?

There are two ways to update the firmware on TVs:

1 After connecting the TV to the Internet via LAN or WiFi and updating the software from the TV menu. This option, in my opinion, is the simplest and requires a minimum of effort, namely a few clicks on the buttons on the control panel. The only caveat of this method is that the TV must have Internet access.

2 C via USB carrier. This method is convenient for those whose TV does not have Internet access or is temporarily unavailable. In order to use this method, you need a USB flash drive of 1 GB or more, a TV and a computer / laptop with Internet access. From a computer/laptop, go to the TV manufacturer's website and find your TV model. Download latest version firmware for it on a USB flash drive. Then connect the flash drive to the TV and in the TV menu select - Software update from USB.

Preparations for the New Year are in full swing. Nothing but the upcoming holiday. Gifts, clothes, corporate parties are in their heads ... And no one, absolutely no one thinks about the TV.

“What about TV? It costs itself, does not ask for food, ”you say. But does this give you confidence that he will not spoil the holiday leisure with brakes and glitches? Not? Then give it a few minutes - install the latest firmware version. . Today we’ll talk about how to update Samsung and Philips Smart TV.

Update TV firmware? What for???

Perhaps one of the readers is now puzzled: what kind of joke is it to update the TV firmware? Look, they say, the telly comes from the 80s of the last century, it has never been updated and nothing shows perfectly. Yes, this is exactly the case with old TV boxes, but the new Smart TVs, endowed with "mind and ingenuity", cannot live without firmware. And that's why:

  • Smart TV is a TV connected to a computer. And for the manifestation of "mental abilities" a computer needs an operating system. Firmware is the operating system of Smart TV.
  • TV firmware is a complex structure. It always contains errors, vulnerabilities, minor and major flaws that went unnoticed at the time of release. Or noticed, but uncorrected. Installing updates closes these "gaps", that is, makes the system safer and more stable.
  • Among TV, as well as among other electronic "creatures", there are gummies and turtles. Do you have a live guy? You're lucky. Turtle? It's not a problem either. The new firmware will help to give it acceleration. Often after the upgrade, even turtles grow wings.
  • Versions operating systems, with which TVs go on sale, do not always support all the functionality implemented in the hardware. This is manifested by the inability to launch a number of applications, read some files, watch videos in high resolution etc. Sometimes this is not related to best color rendering and not the cleanest sound. Installing a fresh firmware adds new features to the TV and improves those that were.

So, the smart TV needs to be updated as soon as the next firmware is released? Rather, yes, but not immediately. Manufacturers sometimes post too "raw" updates that do not improve, but reduce the quality of the TV. Therefore, it is better to wait and make sure that the new firmware does not cause complaints from other users.

Hurry makes sense only in one case - when the current OS has an obvious, interfering defect. Sometimes it is preferable to install not the latest update, but one that solves a specific problem.

How to Update Samsung Smart TV

Now - to the process itself. Updating a smart TV - not only Samsung, but also other brands, is possible in two ways:

  • By network.
  • From external media (usually a USB flash drive).

In the first case, the update is downloaded on the TV itself, in the second - on another device.

Network update

Preliminary step: connect the TV to the Internet using a LAN cable or Wi-Fi.

  • Use the remote control to open the main menu or TV settings. In Samsung TVs of different series, the buttons " Home», « Keypad», « Menu/123" or " More».

  • Open the " Support". Go to the right side of the menu and select " Software Update". If last paragraph is not selected, restart the TV (unplug it and plug it back in) and check that it is able to connect to the Internet.

  • In chapter " Software Update» select the option « Update now».

  • If desired, configure the installation of auto-updates here.

Then you have to wait a bit until the TV finds the latest firmware version on the server and asks you for consent to install it. In response, click " Yes».

After that, the download and installation of the update will begin. Depending on the speed of the Internet, the process takes from several minutes to half an hour. When installation is complete, the Smart TV will reboot.

flash drive update

Preliminary stage:

  • Download the firmware file to PC. To do this, open the support section for Samsung owners on the official website and enter your model number (indicated on the TV label) into the search box. Then go to the section " Downloads and manuals” and select the appropriate update version.

  • Take a 4 GB flash drive and format it in Fat32.
  • Unpack the downloaded file from the archive to a USB flash drive. To start unpacking, simply double-click on the archive.

Main stage:

  • Connect the flash drive to the TV.
  • Open sections one by one. Support» – « Software Update" and " Update now". Agree to the offer Search for files on the connectedUSB stick».

  • Confirm your consent to install the downloaded file and wait for the process to finish.

When the update is completed, the TV will restart.

How to update Smart TV Philips

Most Philips Smart TVs are powered by Android based TV, so the process of updating them will seem familiar to many. The differences between phone and TV Android in terms of installing updates are extremely minor. If you have ever updated your smartphone, then you can easily cope with the telecom.

Online update

First, make sure that the TV is connected to the global network and pick up the remote control.

  • Press the gear button on the remote control. This will open the system settings utility.

  • Enter the section " All settings» (All settings). Select the option " Software Update» (Software update).
  • On the right half of the menu, select " Search for updates» (Search updates).
  • Enter " Internet" and press " To begin» (Start).
  • Confirm your consent to install the update by clicking " To accept» (Accept).

Further actions will take place without your participation. After a successful update, the TV will restart. To consolidate the result, the manufacturer recommends briefly turning off the power of the device and turning it on again.

flash drive update

Preparing a flash drive for Philips TV follows the same instructions as for Samsung. The difference is the firmware download source. This manufacturer also needs to look for it in the support section of the official websiteby entering the model name in the search bar.

The firmware files are located in the " Software updates»

and " Software and drivers».

The downloaded file must be unpacked to a USB flash drive.

  • Turn off the power of the TV set, then turn it on and immediately connect the USB flash drive to one of its USB ports.
  • Take the position of an observer or go to drink tea. All the rest smart tv will do it himself.

During the installation process, only the inscription " Installing system update» and status bar. When it's over, the device will restart. You just have to turn it off and on again.

Smart TVs of other brands that run on Android TV are updated in the same way. And besides them - numerous prefixes-media players. Main differences between devices different brands– interfaces of the green robot settings section. However, even if you really want to, you won’t get confused there.

Happy update!