How to update your Windows 7 computer system. How to update Windows yourself? Simple tips for novice users

As a present Windows users Microsoft offered a period when you could upgrade your operating system to Windows 10 for free. However, it ended in July 2016, and not everyone took advantage of this gift: many did not want to install a “raw” system on their computer. However, there are now some upgrade options remaining, including a free option.

How to update Windows 7 to version 10

When releasing version 10, Microsoft decided to take into account all previous errors. The company has combined the advantages of old versions in the new operating system: XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8.

The good news is that the system did not slow down. But in order to install a new operating system on a computer, it must have the following characteristics:

  • 20 GB of hard disk space for a 64-bit system or 16 GB for a 32-bit system;
  • processor refresh rate of at least 1 GHz;
  • 1 or 2 GB random access memory for 32-bit and 64-bit systems, respectively;
  • DirectX video card at least 9th generation;
  • screen with a resolution of 600x800 pixels and higher.

Free update

Microsoft allows users who use accessibility features to upgrade to Windows 10 officially and for free. At the same time, no one checks whether the user has disabilities or not: simply by agreeing to the update, you confirm that you are such an owner. To update, you just need to follow the link and then follow the instructions.

Available on the Microsoft website free update systems for users with disabilities

It is important that a licensed version of Windows 7 is installed on your PC. First, the normal system boots, and then special features can be enabled (or not enabled) manually.

By the way, if you had already installed Windows 10 before July 29, 2016, and then “rolled it back”, then you can install it on the same computer new version for free. When the installer asks for a key, you need to click “I don’t have a key” and the OS will be activated automatically.

Nuances of upgrading Windows 7 Starter and other versions to Win 10

If you had a licensed version of Windows 7 Starter, you will receive an upgrade to Win 10 Home. Users of Home Basic/Premium versions will receive the same update. But owners of Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate can count on Win 10 Pro.

Upgrading to Windows 10 Pro is possible if you had Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate installed

If you are updating the Starter version, it is better to disable or even remove all antiviruses in advance, and also check whether the computer is suitable for installation new system.

Problems during update

When installing a new OS instead of Windows 7, many users experience problems that are not related to the power of the hardware. We list the most common of them:

  • The icon itself, which is used to update, disappears. Then you can upgrade the system using a proprietary Microsoft utility or by running the command “wuauclt.exe/updatenow”. If you use the second method, then go to the Update Center - Win 10 should already start loading there, and when the download is complete, the update icon will appear;

    Microsoft has provided automatic system updates on its operating systems and created a special section in the settings

  • during the upgrade process, error number 80240020 appears. Then you should go to the Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download directory on drive C, delete all content from there and run command line the same command as specified in the previous paragraph;

    The error can be resolved by cleaning a specific directory on drive C

  • If the Microsoft utility gives an error and crashes, there are two options. When Win 10 is already loaded, try running installation file from the folder C:\$Windows.~WS\Sources\Windows. Sometimes you just need to change the region to the correct one in the “Location” tab in the “Regional Standards” section (Control Panel) and reboot;
  • Many problems can be avoided by running a Win 10 image from an ISO disk. The image is downloaded using a Microsoft utility and mounted on the system using built-in functions;

    To avoid various installation errors, try using an ISO disk

  • when the licensed version has already been updated, the system is not activated. There is no need to worry and start entering keys, the Microsoft server is just overloaded, activation will happen a little later.

How long does it take to update?

Win 10 does not install quickly on a PC, even powerful computer will complete the process in about an hour. If the unit is no longer “young”, then another half hour or hour should be added to this time. You should be patient and do not start the installation if you are in a hurry.

Installing the Windows 10 update will take at least an hour and will require several reboots of the computer.

By the way, some laptop manufacturers do not yet advise upgrading to Windows 10: it often happens that after the update the sound is turned off, the video is distorted, etc.

The main thing when updating 7th Windows versions up to the 10th - check whether the computer’s parameters are suitable for installing a new system. If everything is in order with this, then Windows 10 will most likely be installed without problems. If problems arise, you can always contact technical support on the official Microsoft website: they will answer basic questions during installation.

Upgrade to Windows 10 using updates.

This method differs from others in that it requires minimal effort from you, but in return it requires more time. It's quite simple, check if it's enabled automatic installation updates, if it's turned off, turn it on. Then all you have to do is wait until it appears Windows icon in the taskbar.

By clicking on it, reserve the update by clicking the "Reserve free update" button.

If you wish, you can indicate your e-mail so that after your computer is ready you will be notified by letter.

At the end, a window will open asking you to wait; the wait may take several days.

Once your computer is ready, a message will appear. Click on it.

In the window that opens, click the "Continue" button.

You must then accept the license agreement.

The process will begin Windows boot 10.

After this, preparations for upgrading to Windows 10 will begin; the only thing that is required from you is consent to the installation.

All subsequent steps depend little on the update methods and are described.

Upgrade Windows7/8.1 to Windows 10 using Windows 10 Installation Media Creation Tool.

Unlike the first method, there is no need to wait until your computer is scanned and the necessary files are downloaded; you can upgrade to Windows 10 much faster.

This method involves using a Microsoft tool - Windows 10 Installation Media Creation Tool. To do this, first of all you need download it from the official website , select that version operating system, which is installed on your computer/laptop.

Run the downloaded file

Select "Update this PC now."

After this, the standard procedure for upgrading to Windows 10 will begin, little different from the method you chose; you can familiarize yourself with it.

Upgrade to Windows 10 using a boot image.

The advantage of this method is that you minimize downloading from the Internet, and unlike the first method, you do not need to wait for file downloads.

For this method you will first need download Windows 10 ISO image . Unzip the downloaded archive and run the installer file SETUP.EXE.

The first step will be to download and install updates; if you wish, you can skip this item (if, for example, you have limited Internet access).

Upgrade process to Windows 10.

If your OS (Windows 7, Windows 8.1) has been activated, then this step will be skipped, otherwise you will need to enter the key. If you don't have one, but want to install Windows 10 for evaluation purposes, you can use installation keys. Do not confuse them with an activation key, since these keys will only allow you to upgrade to Windows 10, but will not activate it after installation.

Keys Windows installations 10:

Windows 10 Home - TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99
Windows 10 Home N - 3KHY7-WNT83-DGQKR-F7HPR-844BM
Windows 10 Home Single Language - 7HNRX-D7KGG-3K4RQ-4WPJ4-YTDFH
Windows 10 Home Country Specific - PVMJN-6DFY6-9CCP6-7BKTT-D3WVR

Windows 10 Professional - W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX
Windows 10 Professional N - MH37W-N47XK-V7XM9-C7227-GCQG9

Windows 10 Education - NW6C2-QMPVW-D7KKK-3GKT6-VCFB2
Windows 10 Education N - 2WH4N-8QGBV-H22JP-CT43Q-MDWWJ

Windows 10 Enterprise - NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
Windows 10 Enterprise N - DPH2V-TTNVB-4X9Q3-TJR4H-KHJW4

Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB - WNMTR-4C88C-JK8YV-HQ7T2-76DF9
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB N - 2F77B-TNFGY-69QQF-B8YKP-D69TJ

Then you must agree to the licensing terms.

Next, you need to select which of the components you want to transfer; if all, then you can simply click “Next”. If you want to select only some components, click Change selected components to save and select the required conditions.

After this update Windows.

As a result of the update, a welcome window should open, click “Next”.

After this, you need to select system options. If you want to leave the default values, click "Use standard settings", if you want to change the configuration, click "Customize settings" and change the appropriate items.

A few minutes of preparation.

And the result is an updated OS to Windows 10.

As a result, you will receive Windows10 with all programs and files.

If you are not satisfied with Windows 10 in any way, within 30 days you can always

Operating system updates keep security features up to date, software, correct mistakes made by developers in previous versions files. As you know, Microsoft has stopped official support, therefore, the release of Windows XP updates from April 8, 2014. Since then, all users of this OS have been left to their own devices. Lack of support means that your computer, without receiving security packages, becomes vulnerable to malware.

Not many people know that some government agencies, banks, etc. still use a special version of Windows XP - Windows Embedded. The developers announced support for this OS until 2019 and updates are available for it. You probably already guessed that you can use packages designed for this system in Windows XP. To do this, you need to make a small registry adjustment.

Warning: By performing the actions described in the “Modifying the Registry” section, you are violating the Microsoft license agreement. If Windows is modified in this way on a computer that officially belongs to the organization, problems may arise during the next scan. There is no such threat for home machines.

Registry modification

  1. Before setting up the registry, the first step is to create a system restore point so that in case of an error you can rollback. Read the article on our website to learn how to use recovery points.
  2. Next we create new file, for which we click on the desktop RMB, go to point "Create" and choose "Text Document".

  3. Open the document and add the following code to it:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


  4. Let's go to the menu "File" and choose "Save as".

    We select a location to save, in our case it is the desktop, change the parameter at the bottom of the window to "All files" and give the document a name. The name can be anything, but the extension must be ".reg", For example, "mod.reg", and press "Save".

    A new file with the appropriate name and registry icon will appear on the desktop.

  5. We launch this file by double-clicking and confirm that we really want to change the parameters.

  6. Reboot the computer.

The result of our actions will be that our operating system will be identified by the Update Center as Windows Embedded, and the appropriate updates will be sent to our computer. Technically, this does not pose any threat - the systems are identical, with minor differences that are not key.

Manual check

  1. To manually update Windows XP, you must open "Control Panel" and select a category "Security Center".

  2. Next follow the link "Check availability latest updates from Windows Update» in the block "Resources".

  3. The browser will launch and display the Windows Update page. Here you can select quick check, that is, get only the most necessary updates, or download the full package by clicking on the button "Selective". Let's choose the quick option.

  4. We are waiting for the package search process to complete.

  5. The search is completed, and we see a list of important updates in front of us. As expected, they are intended for the operating room Windows systems Embedded Standard 2009 (WES09). As mentioned above, these packages are also suitable for XP. Install them by clicking on the button "Install updates".

  6. Next, the download and installation of packages will begin. We wait…

  7. Once the process is complete, we will see a window with a message stating that not all packages were installed. This is normal - some updates may only be installed during system boot. Press the button "Reboot Now".

The manual update has been completed and your computer is now as secure as possible.

Automatic update

In order not to go to the Windows Update website every time, you need to enable automatic update operating system.


Regularly updating the operating system allows us to avoid many security-related problems. Check the Windows Update website often, or better yet, let the OS install updates on its own.

Despite the apparent superiority of Windows 7 over Windows 10, the desire for something new has always lived in every user. And there are more and more updated applications. And you can turn off unnecessary things in Windows 10.

Why update Windows 7 to 10

The statistics are inexorable: at least half of people love Windows 7 for its similarities with Windows XP/Vista: classic menus, simple appearance when best performance, complementary (and not completely reconfigured and hidden) functionality, modern functions and capabilities no worse than Windows 8/8.1/10, approximately the same performance (almost no different) in games. And yet, some people think: “There is only one life - I want to try new systems, I don’t want to be ignorant,” and time will push - in any job in 5 years they will switch to Windows 10, replacing PCs and laptops.

How to Upgrade Windows 7 to 10: Practical Methods

For this you need Windows program 10 Updater - it will download from Microsoft servers Windows 10 installation package. If you use cellular Internet, make sure you have high-speed traffic of 4 GB or more, otherwise downloading files will take several days.

  1. Download from the site Microsoft Windows 10 Updater Assistant. This is a kind of Windows 10 update wizard
  2. Launch Windows 10 Updater.
    You must have unlimited Internet access
  3. The Windows 10 installer will check the necessary requirements from your hardware.
    If the necessary hardware resources are available on the PC, the installer will begin downloading the files
  4. The installation package will begin downloading. The installer downloads files in one stream (and not in several, as Download Master or uTorrent) - the connection should not be interrupted, incoming traffic should not “freeze” for a long time, otherwise, having downloaded, say, 42%, you can easily face the need to download Windows package Update again.
    The main thing is that there are no unplanned errors during the update.
  5. Continue solving your other tasks on your computer - the installer will notify you about the completion of one or another stage, and before installation you will have time to download to drive D: or external media the result of your work and all your personal data that for some reason was not archived earlier.
    You have half an hour to do everything!
  6. Copy files that you are not entirely sure about saving within this half hour to a safe place (in removable drive, on flash drives, recording on DVD, etc.). You cannot cancel the reboot; there is no “Cancel” button. After this, the installation of Windows 10 “on top” of Windows 7 will begin. Do not turn off your PC until installation is complete.
    Don't turn off your computer
  7. Once the installation is complete, a message indicating the successful installation of Windows 10 will appear on the screen.
    That's it, simple and fast

All! You can use Windows 10. In principle, this is enough.

Usage Windows tool Insider (requires registration with the Microsoft service) is not necessary - in fact, you already have a working version of Windows 10, and Windows tool Insider is designed for beta testers. It contains a Windows Feedback component that allows you to instantly and very clearly report any errors to Microsoft.

Exactly this operative remedy, transmitting information about unexpected Windows errors

Are you a tester? If the answer is no, then forget about Insider.

Upgrading Windows 7 Starter to 10 Home

Laptops and system systems purchased in 2010 often contained pre-installed Windows 7 Starter. This is the initial working version Windows, in which, unlike Windows 7 Home/Ultimate/Pro/Enterprise, the number of simultaneously running programs was sharply limited.

If you “demolished” Windows 7 Starter and installed other systems (MacOS, Linux or other versions of Windows), erasing the image on the disk in a hidden partition when the HDD was fully formatted, you will need to restore the license file (there is an entry in the BIOS that the PC certified by the manufacturer).

Windows 7 will be installed instead of Windows 7.

The last two steps will also save you from error 80240020 (sudden failure when upgrading to Windows 10).

Why is Windows 7 Starter not updating?

As of July 29, 2016, instructions for restoring a laptop certificate are useless. Microsoft will not wait 10 years for everyone who wants to change Windows 7 Starter to 10. If you do not want to prove to Microsoft that you are disabled, change Windows 7 Starter directly to Windows 10, simply by creating an installation flash drive or disk from an ISO taken from torrent tracker (“clean” installation with possible repartition of logical drives). No problem to recreate hidden section on the hard drive and write it there Windows image 10, i.e. do everything the same as it once was with Windows 7 Starter, without looking for any ciphers from Windows and PC. For example, owners of Acer Aspire One netbooks, without waiting for the end of the warranty period, but having waited for Windows 7 Ultimate by 2011, overnight “overwritten” the Starter version without regret.

“Numerical” errors when updating, requiring an individual approach

In addition to error 80240020 (Windows installation failure), another error occurs - 80246007. Enable the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) service - it uses an unloaded throughput your connection, transmitting data with reduced priority.

Turn off the BITS service

Do the following.

  1. To open Windows services, call the task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc/Ctrl+Alt+Del) and go to the services tab. Or give the command “Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services”.
  2. Click the Services button to configure services.
  3. Restart the BITS service (click Restart). If it is disabled, click “Run”.

How long does it take to update Windows from 7 to 10?

Remember the message in Windows XP: “The installation will complete in 39 minutes”? In fact, it took 15–25 minutes. Any assessment is conditional. If other components are also updated, for example, the “.Net Framework Client Profile”, as well as various driver packages (when Windows assembly 10 amateur, as it was in Windows times XP/7 ZverDVD) - both the update and reinstallation can take an hour and a half. In Windows 8/8.1/10, they did everything to less fool people with messages like “Installing Start Menu Items” or “Registering Microsoft Components and Modules,” plus improved modularity Windows resources 10 and its updates allows you to quickly update system folder files.

Video: transition from Windows 7 Starter to 10

Video: manually updating Windows 7 to 10 via Windows MediaCreationTool.exe

Despite the problems with Windows update for version 10, the goal - to have Windows 10 for free on your PC - is easily achievable. Don't turn off your PC's power when updating Windows: the biggest nuisance of updating is the uninstalled update

If you decide to upgrade your hp/asus/lenovo/sony/acer/samsung/toshiba laptop to windows 10, then you are doing the right thing.

Why. Microsoft has already abandoned Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Vista and XP. Updates for Windows 7 are still coming out, but it won't be for long.

Moreover, Microsoft already has agreements with game developers so that new ones work only on ten.

That's not all. Ten already works without glitches and is constantly being improved.

It is in no way inferior in performance to the legendary seven, one might even say that it works faster.

The same applies Edge browser, to which there are no extensions yet, but they will soon be available. At the same time, you can update completely free of charge.

There are three ways to do this. The first is through apps, the second is through overlays, and the third is through system updates.

At the same time, you have the opportunity to completely save all your data, including programs and games.

Updating a laptop to Windows 10 - method one

The first method described should be suitable for all laptops. What do you need to do.

Then wait a while until a window appears as in the figure below, then accept the terms by clicking on the “accept” option at the bottom right.

The first is to update this computer. Second create media. We select the first option and click “next”.

The update process will then begin. I won’t describe it, I’ll just say that it will consist of three stages and the laptop will reboot several times.

There you will need to select something and confirm something. All this will be in Russian, so there should be no problems.

The duration of the process itself can be long - it all depends on the speed of your Internet.

Updating a laptop to Windows 10 - method two

If the update method above did not help, try another one. It consists of superimposing one OS on another.

Just first be sure to determine what bit OS you currently have installed - x32 or x64.

When you get to the page, scroll down a little, click “Select edition”, select windows 10 and click “Confirm”.

Then (after refreshing the page) click “Choose One”, select the language you need and click “Confirm” again. Now everything will be provided to you for free, two links to download Windows 10. Select the required bit depth and go ahead.

Please note that the links will only work for 24 hours. During this time you need to download. You will download the file in ISO format.

I will not describe it further, since the entire process will be accompanied in a language you understand (in the one you chose).

Updating a laptop to Windows 10 - method three

In fact, this method could be put first. It is the simplest of all and occurs due to a system update.

If you have not received it yet, then most likely you have disabled updates. So take a look at what's what.

If disabled, manually search for updates. Of course, there is no 100% guarantee that a dozen will appear immediately.

Also keep in mind that on the Internet, as in life, everything is constantly changing. Therefore, at the time of reading, not everything may turn out exactly as described above. Then either “experiment” yourself, or ask in the comments. Good luck.


XP, Windows 7, 8,
