How to update Windows XP after MS support ends. How to update Windows XP after official system support ends Windows xp does not update automatically

You can install Windows XP on your computer not only “from scratch” (i.e. full installation), but also on top of the old operating system. This type of installation is called Windows update.
Unlike a full installation, an update allows you to keep your documents, programs and settings in working order. When an update is performed, Windows is installed in the same folder as the current OS (thus updating it). Whatever installation option you choose, you must have boot disk with the required version of Windows.

There is an opinion that all problems in the operation of the OS can be solved by updating it. In fact, this is not always the case. When reinstalling “on top” there is a possibility that errors in system registry, accumulated by the old OS during its “life”, can be transferred to the new operating system.
In addition, it is impossible to say with one hundred percent certainty that after the update absolutely all programs will work as before. It is possible that problems will arise with some program.

Updating (reinstalling) Windows is a last resort solution for troubleshooting. After it - only full installation (with formatting hard drive). Therefore, if malfunctions occur in the operation of your system, do not rush to solve them with such a radical method. There are other options for restoring the health of your Windows.

Before updating the system, I would strongly advise creating backup copy important data for you on another local disk or external media(for example, if you have the 1C accounting program installed, be sure to copy the catalogs with the database). The best option it would be to make an image of everything system partition using the program Acronis True Image.

So, I warned you about the possible consequences of reinstallation; Now let's proceed directly to updating Windows. This installation can be launched directly from the operating system.

1. Turn on your computer and wait for the OS to load.
2. Disable your installed antivirus.
3. Paste installation disk from Windows XP to your computer's DVD drive. If after this the welcome window does not appear on the screen, then open the disk and run the file setup.exe.
4. In the window that appears, you must select “ Installing Windows XP”.
5. In the next window, select the installation type “ Update (recommended)” and click the “Next” button.
If we chose the installation type “ New installation ”, then a full installation would be launched, and then our programs and settings would not be saved. They may remain in the Program Files folder (if we refuse to format the disk during the installation process), but in new system will not work.

6. Then we accept the license agreement and click “Next”.
7. In the next window, enter the license key.
8. In the window “ Dynamic update“You can put a marker opposite “ Download updated installation files” if our computer is connected to the Internet. Otherwise, select “ Skip this step and continue Windows installation " Click “Next”.
9. In the next window we will see a copy indicator on the left installation files. If no unexpected problems arise, the computer will reboot itself. And we can only calmly watch the further update process. By the way, it is much faster than installing from scratch.
10. Finally, our PC will reboot for the last time and start updated Windows XP. In case the Internet settings and local network If they go wrong, set them up again.


Above I described the installation process as it should ideally be. But sometimes during installation some problems may arise. For example, when following step 9 of our instructions, the “ Error when copying files”:
It is impossible to unequivocally answer why it appeared. Below are discussed possible reasons occurrence of this problem and some solutions:

1. Anti-virus software was not disabled before installation.
2. The Windows XP installation disc is scratched.
3. Your CD or DVD drive is faulty.
4. There is a virus on the computer. Before starting installation, conduct a full system scan with an antivirus (for example, DrWebCurelt).
5. Malfunction random access memory or hard drive.
6. There is incompatibility of any program or device. To check this, insert the installation disk with Windows XP into the drive - select “System compatibility check” - “Automatic system check”.
7. Try copying the entire contents of the installation CD to a folder on local hard disk and start the installation from it (via the setup.exe file).
8. At the beginning of the installation process, in the “Dynamic Update” window, select “Download updated installation files” (if, of course, you have Internet access on your computer).

As you can see, there can be quite a lot of options and getting to the bottom of it is not so easy. For this (and not only) reason, I believe that optimal reinstalling Windows– this is a complete installation from scratch with formatting of the system partition. Naturally, you must first copy all the files that are important to you, as well as settings and drivers.

The software giant has prepared regular update packages for its popular app, which include bug fixes and improvements. This is called a Service Pack. This Win XP Service Pack 3 will appeal (and by the way) to fans of the old XP, owners of old hardware or software that runs only under this Windows.

Why download SP3 for Win XP for free?

The download of Service Pack 3 by default already includes the updates that appeared before this (SP1 and SP2) for Windows X Pi, so there is no need to install previous service packs one by one. But installing SP3 is possible only after installing SP1 or SP2, and only for 32-bit Windows XP. Usually the first or second packages are already installed on the computer. But service pack number three is needed quite often.

The third service package has improved:

  • safety ( free antivirus from Microsoft),
  • network access protection,
  • sound, video, USB,
  • and updated codecs and drivers.

We recommend installing Microsoft Win XP Service Pack 3 especially for those who do not use paid antiviruses and has unsecured access to the network. And finally, you can download Windows XP Service Pack 3 for free in one click. This service pack for Wins XP is available for free on the official Microsoft website via a direct link from the site.

Free download Windows XP SP3

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After April 8, 2014, official support for Windows XP ended. There is a solution to this problem! Our website will introduce you to it.

For users, this means both good and bad news. The good news is that Windows XP will continue to work. The bad news is that the free Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus will no longer work on Windows XP, and operating system updates that eliminate security threats, i.e., will no longer be released. the computer will become more vulnerable. A solution has been found to extend the life of Windows XP and it saves money.

Surprisingly, the share of Windows XP is growing gradually for the second month in a row, although its support ended more than a year ago. According to NetMarketShare, Windows XP's market share was 29.53% in February and 29.30% in January. In December its share was 28.98% , which means that she chopped off a little more for herself.

What to do?

First, check the box “Don’t show this message again” in the warning window that constantly appears.

You can clearly see that the Windows XP operating system works for us!

And the most interesting thing is that there are updates, they continue to come out! Everything turns out to be simple, there is a special Windows version XP, which was developed for terminals, ATMs, and cash registers, support for which ends only in 2019! (this is when you can think about changing the operating system; in most cases this means changing the entire hardware). Of course, these updates will not arrive on your computer. certain steps must be followed in order for the center Windows updates XP saw that you have the right to do this:

  • Create a text file in Notepad
  • You need to enter the following information into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

  • You must save it with the .reg extension under any name
  • Now let's run these files and agree and make changes to the registry
  • Run the file and agree that information will be entered into the registry

  • After the window appears this information added you need to restart your computer
  • Now you can safely receive updates

So what's the catch?

2. A Microsoft representative stated: "We recently became aware of a method that will supposedly allow Windows XP users to receive security updates. These security updates are for Windows Embedded and Windows Server 2003 and do not fully protect Windows users XP. Windows XP users expose their machines to significant risk by installing these updates because they have not been tested for Windows XP. The best way protect your systems for Windows XP users is to upgrade to more new version, for example, up to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 or wWindows 10".

Many users still have this legendary system installed. However, its support ended in 2014, which means that no one can receive any updates for Windows XP anymore, and many of them are related to system security. It's clear why Microsoft did this; it prompted many users to switch to more modern versions systems

Nevertheless, this OS is still popular because it does not require many resources and is ideal for devices with not the most powerful hardware. But, if used, I would like to receive updates. This can be done, because in 1414 support was stopped only regular versionsXP, and many equipment continues to work on systems Windows POS and Embedded, which are based on this OS, and their support will continue until 2019.

Windows XP x32 update

As is clear from the previous section, in order to continue receiving updates for Windows XP, it is enough to correct something in the OS so that it is perceived as one of these versions. To do this, you will need to make several changes to the registry. First, you should open the registry editor; to do this, you can press win+r and write in the window that opens regedit. Next you will need to follow the route HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\WPA, after that you need to click right click mouse over the last directory in the address, select create and specify the section, its name should be PosReady.

Now you should go to the newly created directory and right-click on the empty space on the right side of the screen, here you also need to create a new variabledword named Installed.

Double click on it and set as value unit. Now the system believes that you have the same version that is installed on the terminals, so it remains possible to receive important updates.

You can also not edit the registry, but simply createreg file and run it. To do this you will need to open notepad and paste text into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

How to update Windows XP x64

For a 64-bit system, there are slight differences during the system update procedure. The user will have to download updates for Windows Server 2003 (because the 64 bit version is based on it) from the Microsoft website. After downloading, unpack all data into folder C:\xpupdate(if you unpack to another directory, you should change all the paths in the following files). After this you will need to go to the directory c:\xpupdate\update and find there a file named update_SP2QFE.inf and make a copy of it and give it a name new_update_SP2QFE.inf.





Now you should open notepad and paste into it following lines:

cd "C:\xpupdate\update"

echo Replace update.inf with

copy update_SP2QFE.inf org_update_SP2QFE.inf /y

copy new_update_SP2QFE.inf update_SP2QFE.inf /y

echo Apply Update

start update.exe /passive /norestart /log:c:\xpupdate\install.log

ping -n 1 -w 5>nul

copy org_update_SP2QFE.inf update_SP2QFE.inf /y

The operating system, beloved by millions of users, has consistently helped solve various problems for many years. Over time, it began to become morally obsolete, but, nevertheless, for a long time it kept its rating at a height until it was born, and quickly won the minds and hearts of the famous unchangeable. But XP is still popular in some circles, when, having already spread its wings, it walks around the planet and slowly but confidently wins back positions. Nowadays, you often find Windows XP on old and weak (by today's standards) computers. This is understandable, the system itself is quite resource-efficient, and 512 MB of memory is quite enough for stable operation, unlike the voracious modern modern operating systems for whom 4GB will soon not be enough.

There's just one major drawback to XP. Not in the system itself, it is in a sense ideal. Microsoft has completely stopped supporting XP. And, accordingly, no security updates, nor, in fact, confidence in security. Since updates for Windows XP no longer arrive in automatic mode, and have not been released since 2014, the system has come under attack from hacker attacks and malicious threats.

Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10

Microsoft developers are constantly creating new Windows versions, improve, finalize, and make the transition from one version to the next as simple and comfortable as possible. You can upgrade from XP to a higher version. Unfortunately, there is no simple and quick transition with saving all user data on Windows 10. You will either have to upgrade your computer several times, from XP to, then to, and only then to. It's long and not quite rational way. The easiest way is to do it on a computer, provided, of course, that the computer resources allow, or rather, the system Windows requirements 10.

Windows XP upgrade to SP3

Windows XP SP3 was the final update for the XP line. Actually, the innovations and changes in this update created such a sensation among users. The system really was the best, and it can still be considered that way, taking into account that time and the experience of programmers and developers.