How to contact the administration Letter to the President of the Russian Federation postal address

Many, faced with injustice, are afraid, embarrassed or lazy to apply with an official request to the state authorities. However, one of the main goals for which the state was created is to solve the difficulties that arise within society, to satisfy its needs. It is possible and necessary to write letters to the President. "Local kinks" are not uncommon these days and must be used maximum amount means to fight injustice.

Another reason why people do not apply to the authorities is that they do not know how to write a letter to the President. At the same time, thanks to modern development information technologies anyone can do it today. And even in many ways. This article and this website are designed to help you do just that.

So, the first way:

Website of the President of the Russian Federation. Write a letter.

On the official website of Putin V.V. there is a section "Appeals", which is designed just so that anyone can send an electronic letter to the Presidential Administration or to the address of the President himself. The section is located at:

You will need your email address. If you haven't got it yet email we strongly recommend that you do so. Any will do free service. For example, Yandex Mail, or Rambler-Mail (under the names of the link services, click on them to go to the email registration page).

If you're having trouble creating or using mail, check out the help pages. On the Yandex Mail service, a link to instructions for working with mail is located at the bottom of the page.

You will also need mail to receive a response to your letter. There will also be notifications about the progress of your application.

Please read the terms and conditions before writing a letter. Some of them are required for your letter to be considered. It is important that you enter all the necessary information about yourself correctly. Attention is also paid to the correct design and literacy. Do not write all the text in capital letters, put a large number of exclamation marks or, on the contrary, write the whole letter in a continuous mass without dividing into sentences. To check spelling, use special programs or online services For example, Microsoft Word or

If the essence of your appeal is a complaint about the activities of an official, there is a special section on the official website of the President of Russia for sending such complaints. It is located at:

The federal law "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation" states that your letter will be considered within thirty days. During this period, an official response will be sent to the e-mail that you indicated when sending. Also, the answer will be sent in writing by the Russian Post, if you chose this method when sending and correctly indicated your mailing address.

What is the probability that the President will personally read your appeal and respond to it? Every day, the head of state receives thousands of letters, and he cannot physically consider all of them personally. A special service deals with such requests. If the question in the letter is within the competence of other authorities or administrations, the letter is redirected, about which the sender receives a notification.

But what to do if you have not received or do not hope to receive an adequate response to your appeal? Another way for citizens to communicate with the authorities is an open letter to the President.

Open letter to the President of the Russian Federation

The letter that you send through the official website will be read only by those officials who are involved in the consideration of relevant appeals. However, you can place the text of your appeal in public access so that other people can read and support you. It's called an open letter. There are cases when a rising wave of public opinion forces the authorities to pay attention to certain problems and make an appropriate decision.

This site is intended for posting open letters to the President. To fully use this site, you will also need an email address. First you need to go through a simple registration procedure. To do this, go to the registration page, enter your email address, name and create a password. If you are registered in social networks (“Vkontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, etc.), you can use the corresponding buttons to enter our site.

After registration, click "Write a letter" in the site menu and you will see a form for sending a letter.

The shipping conditions are similar to those you saw on the website of the President of Russia. If you sent an email there, you can simply copy the text here. Please note that the text cannot contain exact postal addresses, phone numbers and other personal data.

Within three days your open letter The President will be tested and will be published on the website. You will receive an email notification with a link to the page of the site where the letter is posted. We recommend that you go through it and use the buttons social networks below the body of the letter. A link to your letter will appear on your page and on the pages of your friends. You can also ask them to "repost" so that the information spreads as far as possible.

Sample letter to the President of the Russian Federation

Many doubt in what form and what words to write a letter to the President of the Russian Federation and think that a special sample should be used for this. The fact is that a sample letter to Putin V.V. used for letters on paper. There should be fields "where", "to whom", number, signature and the like. In an e-mail, these formalities are replaced by registration on the site through which the letter is sent. The text of the letter itself is written in a free form, in compliance with the norms of a competent Russian language. You can read this site to see examples of other people writing letters to the President.

Postal address for letters to the President of the Russian Federation

If, for some reason, you cannot send a letter to the President via the Internet, use the old proven method - write on paper and send by mail. Mailing address:

103132, Russia, Moscow,

In the life of any person, a situation arises when, in order to combat injustice and arbitrariness of local officials or to solve a complex problem, the only person who can help restore violated rights is the President of the Russian Federation.

Many, faced with a gross violation of their civil liberties and rights and with injustice in our country, do not apply to higher authorities with a request. It is connected either with fear‚ with distrust or just laziness. In fact, writing is not only real‚ but also necessary.

Reporting violations and excesses of officials around the country, which, unfortunately, are becoming commonplace, is also necessary because thanks to such news, the highest state authorities can restore order in Russia and restore the trampled rights of Russians.

Some people are also stopped by ignorance of how exactly to issue a message to Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich. Now anyone can apply to the President. And it is very easy to do this thanks to the advances in information technology.

You can also write a letter in the usual way on a piece of paper and bring it to the Presidential Administration yourself. Be sure to follow that it is issued and assigned to your letter an incoming identification number.

You can also send a letter by mail to:

10132‚ Russia‚ Moscow‚ Ilyinka street‚ 23

Be sure to clearly indicate the return address on the envelope, otherwise your letter will not be considered.

How to send a message to the President online

One of the ways to write a message to the President of Russia is the official website of the President Russian Federation http://www. Anyone who wishes to write to the President can use this opportunity by going to the special section "Appeals" at: Write a letter and send an e-mail directly to the President or his Administration.

The minimum requirement to send a letter to Vladimir Putin is to have your own email address.

Electronic mailbox is needed not only to send a message to the President, but also to receive a response to your letter.

Before writing a message, you should carefully read the rules for writing letters to the President.

The size email must not exceed 4 thousand characters. You can find out the size of the letter in the "Statistics" section in Microsoft Word. Therefore, try to succinctly state the information on the essence of the appeal and at the end write what decision you are seeking from local governments that have violated the law.

You can attach documents or materials to the message in the format avi‚ png‚ mp4‚ rtf‚ wmv‚ pcx‚ doc‚ pps‚ jpg‚ mkv‚ flv‚ txt‚ wma‚ mp3‚ tif‚ xls‚ mov‚ bmp‚ pdf‚ ppt. Files must not be zipped, the size of attached files cannot exceed 5 MB.

Complaints to the President of Russia

Complaints to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin about illegal actions or inaction of an official can also be sent to the address: Write a complaint

Conflict situations that arise between ordinary citizens and employees of various state structures are not uncommon in modern world. Individual officials, and in some cases organizations as a whole, perform their tasks irresponsibly and even negligently.

Citizens who are faced with corruption, bureaucracy, rudeness and other illegal actions on the part of state institutions should immediately file a complaint with higher structures.

An experienced lawyer who knows all the nuances and features of the current legislation will be able to help with the solution of this problem. In order to obtain the necessary information as quickly as possible, Russians are increasingly resorting to remote communication with a specialist.

This way of solving problems is not only fast, but also allows you to save the family budget. Due to the fact that you can communicate with a specialist using any device that has access to the Internet, citizens can easily compile a list of questions of interest and therefore ask them to a lawyer.

When it comes to filing a complaint about the inaction or negligence of civil servants, an online lawyer will help you correctly form the document itself, as well as give recommendations regarding a further action plan. When the complaint is ready, it should be sent to the city administration, since it is she who deals with the solution of problems associated with accountable structures.

The current situation has developed in such a way that the majority of Russians are afraid to enter into open conflict with government officials who allow excess of authority. However, citizens must understand that the law is on their side, which means that their interests can be protected. If you approach this process correctly and responsibly, having previously enlisted the support of a lawyer, it will be quite easy to win the case.

To file a complaint with city ​​administration the citizen must have a good reason. If they are, then you can safely make a claim and send it to the addressee using one of the following methods:

  • Personal visit to the city administration. This method implies a personal transmission of the claim. A citizen must approach the secretary of the organization, having 2 copies of the document with him. One copy is given for consideration, and the date of receipt is put on the second and incoming number. A stamped copy remains with the applicant.
  • Sending a registered letter. If the applicant does not have the opportunity to visit the city administration on his own, an alternative option is ordered letter. In this case, the proof that the complaint was received by the addressee will be the delivery notification.
  • Remote Complaint. This method is available to any citizen with access to the Internet. Today, almost all city administrations have their own official websites. The visitor of the resource just needs to open a special electronic form feedback and describe your problem.

In accordance with applicable law, a response to a complaint must be provided within 30 days of receipt. The method of notification of the decision will be fully consistent with the method of sending a complaint. For example, if a remote filing of a claim was chosen, then the decision should be expected precisely at the email address specified in the application.

It is important to understand that if the problem is related to the courts, the city administration will not be able to assist in solving it. This is due to the fact that the court is an individual branch that is not subordinate to the legislature or executive structures.

To date, there is no strict template for a complaint submitted to the city administration in legislative acts. However, the document must meet certain requirements and rules. First of all, we are talking about compliance with standards. business correspondence, the absence of errors, inaccuracies and corrections.

The writing style is business. It should not contain emotional statements, obscene language and rudeness. The volume of the text is not more than 2000 characters. One of the mandatory requirements is the literacy and validity of the document. It would be useful to supplement the text of the complaint with references to the current legislative acts. It is also important to note that the complaint will not be considered if it does not contain the following information:

  • FULL NAME. the head of the city administration to whom the document is sent;
  • Individual information about the complainant and his contacts;
  • Description of the conflict;
  • applicant's requirements;
  • The date of the document and the personal signature of its author.

The complaint should be supplemented by papers related to the case. It could be evidence financial documents and other evidence. If the claim comes from several citizens at once, then it will automatically be assigned the highest priority and will be considered as soon as possible.

The rules for writing a collective complaint are similar to writing an individual complaint. The only difference is that the document must contain the personal data and contacts of all applicants.

For those citizens who have not previously encountered such situations, experts strongly recommend entrusting the protection of interests to a professional. In the future, if representatives of the city administration cannot help the citizen resolve the conflict, it is an experienced lawyer who will help to continue the fight against violators by filing an application with the courts.

When writing a statement of claim, citizens will need a copy of the complaint to the city administration or another document confirming that an attempt to pre-trial settlement of the conflict took place, but did not bring the desired result. This is due to the fact that the court is an extreme measure of influence and provides for serious consequences for the guilty party. The filing of a main claim may also be accompanied by a petition for non-pecuniary damages.

Complaints from citizens

One of the functions of the Presidential Administration is to receive applications from citizens and control over the execution of decisions of the President regarding these applications. Receptions work in each Administration, where personal meetings with officials and processing of letters of appeal take place.

Addresses and reception days of the Administrations of the President of the Russian Federation Putin in the districts can be found on the official website of the Kremlin at . Personal reception is conducted by qualified specialists of the Office for Work with Appeals of Citizens and Organizations.

The Reception Office of the President of the Russian Federation has a system of electronic terminals designed for registration and self-registration for a personal appointment with an authorized person. To work with the terminal, you must have a passport with you.

Postal address of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

The postal address of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation can be used to write letters on paper. Address for sending applications by regular mail: st. Ilyinka, 23, 103132, Moscow, Russia

Sample letter to the presidential administration

There is no sample letter to the Presidential Administration. All applications can be made in free form. The official website of the President provides general recommendations for letters addressed to the Administration.

Written Application Requirements:

  1. On the envelope, it is mandatory to clearly indicate the sender's data: full name, return address. Letters with incomplete, unreliable addresses and anonymous letters are not accepted for consideration.
  2. The essence of the issue, complaint or petition should be stated briefly, to the point, without unnecessary details and emotions.
  3. In order to objectively and comprehensively consider the appeal within the established timeframe, it is necessary to indicate in the text the address of the place of action, fact or event and the telephone number for possible clarification of the content of your appeal.
  4. It is forbidden to use offensive expressions, profanity, threats to someone's life or property in the text.
  5. Copies of supporting documents (official letters, extracts, certificates) must be attached to the letter. Make sure all materials are readable.

The appeal is not considered if it:

  1. It contains information about the illegal act being prepared, being committed or committed, as well as about the person who is preparing, committing or committed it. Such an appeal shall be sent to a state body in accordance with its competence.
  2. Appealing the judgment. Such an appeal is returned to the sender with an explanation of the procedure for appealing this decision.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, justice in Russia is carried out only by the courts. The judiciary is independent and operates independently of the legislative and executive branches of government. Judicial decisions are appealed in accordance with the procedural procedure established by law. The current legislation prohibits any interference in the justice process.

  1. Unreadable. The reception staff will notify the sender of this.
  2. Instead of text, the mandatory field contains only a link to a third-party site or application that contains the essence of the application or complaint.
  3. It concerns the disclosure of information constituting a state secret.

According to federal law"On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation" letters are considered within 30 calendar days from the date of application. During this period, employees of the Presidential Administration will give you an official answer. If the appeal has already been answered in writing and no new arguments, materials or circumstances have been given, then the authorized employee of the Reception has the right to stop the correspondence on this issue. The sender will be notified of this decision by a separate letter.

How to write to the Presidential Administration in the districts

In order to ensure the consideration of oral and written appeals of citizens addressed to the President of the Russian Federation, plenipotentiaries of the Presidential Administration were created - Receptions in the federal districts.

You can write to the Presidential Administration in the districts at:

  1. Reception of the President of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg (North-Western Federal District)

The address: 199004, St. Petersburg, Vasilyevsky Island, 3rd line, 12.

Head of Reception: Zhironkina Natalia Yurievna

  1. Reception of the President of the Perm Territory (Volga Federal District)

The address: 614000, Perm, st. Sovetskaya, d. 64.

Head of Reception: Veselkov Oleg Yurievich

  1. Reception of the President in Yekaterinburg (Ural Federal District)

The address: 620014, Yekaterinburg, emb. Working Youth, 2/1.

Head of Reception: Kirillov Boris Anatolievich

  1. Reception of the President in the Krasnodar Territory (Southern Federal District)

The address: 350075, Krasnodar, st. Karasunskaya, 70.

Head of Reception: Ermakov Alexey Alekseevich

The full list of postal addresses of the President's Receptions can be found on the website

E-mail address of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

You can send a letter, proposal or complaint to the email address of the Presidential Administration The function of sending appeals is available only to registered users. After completing a simple registration procedure, you will receive a password to enter your personal account. Here you can track at what stage the letter is, who is responsible for its consideration.

To send an appeal to the Administration of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, you need to follow the link and follow the recommendations indicated on the site.

The response time to a letter sent to the e-mail of the Administration is also 30 days.

Address of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow

The Presidential Administration operates in Moscow, in several buildings on the territory of the Kremlin, on Staraya Square and Ilyinka Street.

Applications are accepted at the Reception at: st. Ilyinka, 23/16, entrance 11.

Reception hours: Tuesday to Saturday (inclusive) from 9:30 to 16:30

The reception is conducted by officials from the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for work with appeals from citizens and organizations.

How to make an appointment in person:

  1. In online mode.

Registered users of the website can follow the link, view the schedule and choose a convenient date.

  1. By phone, by calling +7 (495) 606-36-02
  2. Using the system of electronic terminals.

In addition to a personal meeting with an employee of the Presidential Administration, you can also sign up for a free legal consultation. Every Wednesday and Saturday, from 9:30 to 16:30, qualified specialists of the public organization "Association of Lawyers of Russia" work in the Reception Room. At the personal reception, you must present a document proving your identity.

The address of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. for inquiries and complaints

In order to protect the legitimate interests of Russian citizens, the official website of the Kremlin has implemented the ability to send a complaint to the Presidential Administration.

This can be done using a special form:

Fill out the form, indicating the full name (or the name of the organization, if the complaint is written on behalf of legal entity); social status; contact details (email address and phone number).

Then briefly, avoiding unnecessary emotions and unfounded accusations, state the situation.

What can be complained about:

  • To actions or decisions of officials that have caused a violation of your rights and freedoms or impede their implementation;
  • The actions or omissions of officials, as a result of which any duty is imposed on you or you are held liable in any way.

The complaint can also be sent by Russian post to the address: st. Ilyinka, 23, 103132, Moscow, Russia.

Within 30 days from the date of application, an official response will be sent to your postal or e-mail address.

Depending on whose competence the question is voiced, the complaint may be redirected to the appropriate official, of which you will be notified by e-mail and in personal account user on the official website. In the case of serious offenses, the case may be referred to the prosecutor's office for further proceedings.

Complain to the mobile reception

To work with the complaints of the Russians, the President of the Russian Federation organized a mobile reception - a mobile complex, which, with a certain frequency, goes to the field and holds meetings with residents of the federal districts.

Plenipotentiary representatives of the President are in charge of resolving issues of the local population. They provide legal and procedural advice on each specific issue. At a meeting with a mobile receptionist, you can complain about the work of municipal services, local authorities.

In the life of any person, a situation may arise when, in order to resolve a complex issue or in order to combat injustice and arbitrariness of local officials, the only measure that can help restore rights remains the President of the Russian Federation.

A lot of people, faced with injustice and a gross violation of their civil liberties and rights in our country, do not apply to higher authorities with a request. It is connected either with distrust‚ with fear or simply laziness. In fact, writing is not only possible, but necessary.

It is also necessary to report on the arbitrariness and excesses of local officials, which, unfortunately, are becoming commonplace, because it is thanks to such letters that the highest state power can restore order in the Russian Federation and restore the violated rights of Russians.

Some citizens can also be stopped by ignorance on how to properly format a message to Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich. Nowadays, everyone without exception can apply to the President. And this is easy to do thanks to the achievements of modern technology.

Letter to Putin V.V. You can also write in the usual way on paper and bring it to the reception of the Presidential Administration on your own. Be sure to make sure that it is registered and assigned an incoming number to your letter.

You can send a letter to the mailbox:

index 10132, Russia, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, house 23

The return address must be clearly indicated on the envelope, otherwise the letter will not be accepted.

How to send a letter to the President online

One of the ways to write a letter to the President of the Russian Federation is the official website of the President of the Russian Federation http: //www. Anyone wishing to apply to the President can take advantage of this opportunity by going to the "Appeals" section at: Write a letter and send a letter through this site directly to Putin or his Administration.

The minimum requirement for writing a letter to the President is to have your own e-mail box.

An email address is required not only to send a message to the President, but also to receive a return message to your letter.

Before writing an appeal, you need to carefully read the rules for writing letters to the President.

The size of the e-mail should not exceed 4 thousand characters. You can check the size of the letter in the "Statistics" section in Microsoft Word. Try to succinctly state the facts on the topic of the message and at the end write what decision you are seeking from local governments that have violated the law.

Documents or materials in the format pcx‚ txt‚ bmp‚ png‚ doc‚ mp4‚ wmv‚ rtf‚ wma‚ jpg‚ pps‚ xls‚ mp3‚ pdf‚ tif‚ avi‚ mkv‚ flv‚ mov‚ ppt can be attached to the letter. Files must not be archived, the size of attached files cannot exceed 5 MB.

Complaints to the President of the Russian Federation

Complaints to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin about the actions or inaction of an official can also be sent to the address: Write a complaint