How to cut a SIM card under a micro-SIM with your own hands. Cutting a SIM card to Micro size with your own hands How to cut a SIM card to MicroSIM

Modern smartphones and tablets are supposed to use smaller SIM cards, the so-called micro-sim. This is due to the fact that manufacturers are trying to reduce the thickness of mobile devices. You can reduce a standard SIM card in the salon by paying money for it. But you can cut a SIM card into a microsim at home using a special template.

The latest smartphone models often use smaller micro-SIM cards. There are many ways to make a standard chip smaller.

  1. Order a card of the required size in the salon. This is an excellent solution to the problem, but you still need to get to the salon.
  2. When buying a new smartphone, immediately ask the seller to cut the chip, but you need to remember that this payable service and its cost ranges from 200 rubles or more.
  3. You can buy a tool for cutting SIM cards yourself, but it can cost up to 1000 rubles. Trimming just one card is not worth it.

You can cut the card yourself, using available tools and materials. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the circuit itself.

The template is printed on A4 format, on a scale of 1:1. If the template is planned to be used more than once, then it is made of thick paper, cardboard or even a special film.

Required Tools

Before performing work, you should prepare the necessary tools and materials.

  • Sharp scissors or a stationery knife;
  • A ruler, preferably metal;
  • A simple pencil or pen, the pencil should be sharpened well;
  • A sheet of paper for making a template;
  • Sandpaper or nail file.

It is important to prepare sharp scissors, such as manicure scissors. Scissors with thin blades chew less on plastic.

Instead of a cutting template, you can use a SIM card of the desired size. It is simply placed on a standard chip and circled. The excess plastic is then trimmed off.

Trimming process

You need to cut the card with great care, trying not to damage the chip. Perform work in the following sequence:

  1. They print out a template on a printer, take a regular SIM card, place it on a sheet so that the lines coincide with the future micro-SIM. Carefully trace the map with a pencil.
  2. The sheet is turned over and the SIM card is secured on it with tape, aligning it with the marked contours.
  3. Turn the sheet over and carefully draw along the lines with a stationery knife along the ruler. It is important to take your time and work with the knife carefully. Instead of a ruler and a knife, you can use sharp scissors, the effect is the same.
  4. After this, remove the card from the sheet and trim the plastic along the edges with nail scissors.
  5. The final stage is polishing the card. To do this, use sandpaper or a nail file.

After this, the card is ready for use. If it does not fit well into the slot, then it is trimmed a little using sandpaper.

It is worth remembering that if the chip is damaged, it will not work and will have to be replaced.

Cutting the SIM using a special cutter

Cutting a SIM card using a special cutter is quite simple. This device looks like a stapler, but is slightly larger. This cutter is made of metal. Depending on the manufacturer, the design may differ slightly, but the principle of operation of the devices is the same. The standard chip is placed in the groove at the bottom of the device and pressed with the upper part.

When cutting with a cutter, the possibility of damage to the microcircuit is almost eliminated. But we must not forget that too cheap devices do not crop cards well. At best, they have to be modified with sandpaper, and at worst, replaced.

To cut a standard SIM card to the microsim standard yourself, you don’t have to pay money. You can do this yourself using a stationery knife or scissors.

On old, non-touch phone models, and on many touch devices, there was a large SIM card slot. But in modern mobile devices the slot has become much smaller, and a regular card is no longer suitable.

Changing the old mobile device for a brand new gadget, there is no desire at all to purchase a new SIM card. You can visit the sales office of your operator and exchange your old SIM card for a new one, while keeping all available funds, tariff and connected options on it. But some users prefer to do everything themselves at home. Therefore, we present step by step instructions, how you can make a Micro-SIM from a regular SIM card.

From the article you will learn

Why was the SIM card standard reduced?

What are manufacturers primarily proud of? mobile devices? Of course, with its compactness and relative lightness. And to perform these tasks, you need to reduce the allocated space, including for the SIM card slot.

For the old standard SIM cards, a lot of space was used, and if you significantly reduce the size of the card, then the space for the slot will be allocated an order of magnitude less, many manufacturers agreed with this. And now, in order for the new device to work from the selected telecom operator, you need to either purchase a new SIM card size, or cut the existing one to the required slot size.

What standards are used in the latest gadgets?

In addition to the usual size, familiar to many owners of old phones, manufacturers use Mini, Micro and Nano-sim slots.

Micro SIM card size is required for Apple devices generation 4/4s, Nokia Lumia, Sony, Samsung and other manufacturers. But the nano size will be needed for iPhone 5/5s series and newer, as well as on new devices from different manufacturers running the popular Android OS.

Cutting SIM card to Micro-SIM

When buying a device, not all sellers warn about the need to install a Micro SIM card in a new one mobile gadget. And this sometimes discourages the user when he tries to insert an old SIM card into a slot that is completely inappropriate for it. Or it’s simply a pity to part with your tariff and the list of available services that are directly related to an existing card.

The usual size card has parameters of 25 mm X 15 mm X 0.75 mm. It is a durable plastic with a chip applied, which is the main component.

If the chip is even slightly damaged, it will be impossible to use the mobile operator’s communications. It is this condition that should be the main one when adjusting a standard SIM card to the Micro-SIM form. Pruning must be done very carefully.

Required Tools

So that at home you can independently adjust the SIM card to the desired parameters, stock up on the following set of tools:

  • Sharp manicure scissors;
  • A sharpened pencil or ballpoint pen;
  • A ruler with millimeter markings.

The size we need will be 15 mm. X 12 mm. X 0.75 mm.

Trimming process

  1. Place the card on a flat surface so that the chip is on the outside;
  2. We turn it with the cut side up, so that the corner faces to the left;
  3. From the side of 15 mm (on the right) we put 1.5 mm towards the center, cut off the excess;
  4. Along the bottom side, 25 mm long, we set aside 1 mm also towards the center, draw a line and cut along it;
  5. We need the right side of the card to be 12mm long. To do this, draw a line from the top side to the center 2 mm. Since we already cut it earlier, we will get exactly 12 mm, that is, the desired parameter. But at the same time the corner will be cut off. There is no need to worry about this, since it will be restored later;
  6. Now we need to align the desired length, that is, 15 mm: starting from right side, measure the indicated distance, remove the excess with scissors. This is not a SIM card yet, but only its preparation;
  7. Now you need to round off all the corners a little, because this is exactly what the old SIM card looked like;
  8. The final touch is trimming the corner. It is necessarily present on all maps - we need to draw an equilateral triangle with sides of 2 mm. Attach a ruler, measure 2 mm down and to the right, and then you can trim.

Let's try to insert the resulting sample

If everything is done correctly, then the SIM card should fit exactly into the slot installed for it. If it is a little big, cut off the side that is larger.

The network should be found, and if so, then try calling someone. In case of failure or damage to the chip, you will have to contact your operator to have your SIM card restored.


We independently reduce the SIM card to the required size

The time for everyone’s favorite “bricks” and sliders has passed. Their mesmerizing games and ringtones remain only in our hearts.

It's time for new innovations and Cell Phones acquired completely different functions and, of course, appearance. Nowadays, many gadgets can only use micro-SIM (smaller standard SIM) or nano-SIM cards.

Many are perplexed due to the fact that their old SIM card from a shabby and small phone is completely unsuitable for a modern gadget.

Many people try to squeeze an already beloved SIM card into a slot that is not suitable for it, they call their advanced children or friends with the same question - I purchased new phone, I was very pleased, but my SIM card does not fit at all!

He is advised to immediately change the SIM card, but do not rush to do this, because today we will talk specifically about the micro SIM card. Namely: how to make it from a regular SIM card and what to do if nothing comes of it.

Of course, first you need to realize that nothing will happen to our SIM card and it will serve you faithfully for a long time if you stay clear follow written instructions. So, finally, we are starting training on how to transform an old SIM card with standard sizes into a micro SIM card with our own hands.

Let's start with the fact that the dimensions of the micro-SIM card should be within 15x12 mm. You can cut a regular SIM card to this size as follows.

What do we need for this difficult and risky undertaking? And we will need:

  • sharp nail scissors;
  • well sharpened pencil;
  • ruler;
  • Of course, patience is probably the most important thing here.

Now let’s move directly to the so-called “adjustment” of a standard SIM card to a micro one.

So, let's put our SIM card chip up on a flat and dry surface table. After of this action we will need a very ordinary ruler (take one on which all the millimeter markings are clearly visible, because in this case we will need exactly them).

We carry out “from above”(we will consider the top to be the place where there is no cut corner) of the SIM card, a line 12 mm long, departing from the edge by approximately 1.4 mm. (try to keep the millimeter exactly). Now from the edge of the resulting line we measure down (to the place where we have a cut corner) a similar line, only 15 mm long. (at the same time, retreating from the edge 1.8 mm).

Connecting the resulting lines into a rectangle - in the end we should get it with dimensions of 15mm. horizontally and 12 mm. vertically. (you must strictly ensure that the chip is not touched. If this happens, then under no circumstances touch it when performing the circumcision; it is better to step back a little to the side).

Then carefully cut out this rectangle scissors. All that remains is to cut off the unnecessary corner (you can attach the unnecessary cut part to the new micro-SIM and, drawing a line along it, cut off the unnecessary part).

Now we need to check whether our new SIM card is included in the smartphone. If some of its parts protrude and do not allow it to lie flat in the connector, then we will use sandpaper or a regular nail file, grinding off the interfering areas of the micro-SIM card.

You can also use more simple method , but for this we will need a reliable friend with an existing micro-SIM card! In this case, you just need to remove the existing micro-SIM and “overlay” it on our standard SIM card.

Then, with a sharp pencil, we outline the outline of the micro-SIM and, having removed it, we also carefully cut the SIM card using sharp scissors or a stationery knife. By the way, It is better to cut carefully because the “unnecessary part” can be used in the future (by simply “inserting” a micro-SIM card into its “old shell”).

It is also necessary to remember that if the size of our SIM card is slightly larger than necessary, this can always be corrected.

If the micro-SIM card is made smaller, then it is simply will be spoiled and you can only throw it away (therefore, it is better to cut a standard SIM card into a micro one with a little reserve, which, if unnecessary, can always be either cut or ground off using the same sandpaper or nail file).

If you still weren’t able to turn a regular SIM card into a micro-SIM, or you just don’t really want to bother with it, don’t worry! You can always replace a regular SIM card with a micro-SIM at any office of your operator by presenting your passport, or ask the salon staff to cut out the necessary one from the old SIM card.

But there are times when, on the contrary, we need from a micro-SIM card make a standard one. For such situations, there is a special adapter for a micro-SIM card, which can be purchased at any communication store. Then your SIM card will become universal and will fit any device!

We hope that our tips helped you dispel your doubts that it is impossible to make a micro SIM card yourself from a standard SIM card! Follow the algorithm exactly, try to comply with all sizes and you will certainly succeed!

For quite some time, users mobile communications We used regular format SIM cards, and there was no need to cut the SIM card to micro or nano format. However, the rapid development mobile technologies led to the fact that phones became larger, and SIM, more miniature. Nowadays, most new devices use nano SIM cards.

You can cut a SIM card at home yourself, both to the micro SIM format and to the application, however, with the advent of new types of SIM cards, services have appeared on the market that allow you to make a micro or nano SIM from a regular one. Today, all new SIM cards from operators have universal format, and are suitable for use in any gadget.

Today we’ll tell you how to make a microsim from a regular mini SIM card and apply it: how to reduce the size using a template yourself, how much it costs to cut a SIM card in the salon, and whether it’s possible to do without cutting a mini sim to micro or nano, and get the one you need for free from the operator.


Many users, using a mini SIM card, prefer to cut a regular SIM to microsim or nanosim with their own hands, or use card cutting at the salon. This option may have its advantages, although rather dubious. As an argument to convert your SIM card into micro and nano, many cite the fact that it is not difficult to do, and cutting a SIM does not take much time, unlike replacing it with the operator.

We’ll talk about the advantages of replacing it with the operator later, but for now we’ll talk about how to make a nano-SIM card and a micro-SIM card out of a regular SIM card, how much it costs, and whether it’s difficult to cut a SIM card at home. There are two options for how you can cut a SIM card for micro and nano at home or in a salon, and there are no special conditions for this.

You can cut a mini SIM card at home without a special stapler for micro and nano, and the main thing is not to damage the SIM card chip using a template. You can cut any SIM card, and it doesn’t matter how many tracks there are on the chip - 4 or 3. Just print a micro SIM-card or nano template on a printer, attach your regular SIM card to it to get a micro and nano SIM card with your own hands.

If you have never cut a SIM card before, then when using a micro and nano SIM card template, you need to trim the extra edges of your card with a margin. In this case, the remaining excess plastic can be sharpened with a regular nail file, but “gluing” the excess back is impossible. To cut a mini SIM card into a micro at home, use a construction knife or stationery scissors.

The second option is to convert SIM into microsim and nano at home - using a stapler-cutter for SIM cards Micro/nano sim cutter. Buying it is not a problem, and you can order it both online and in accessory stores. However, in this case, the cost of cutting a SIM to fit a micro and nano card will increase in proportion to the cost of the stapler. Its price, depending on the model, can range from two hundred to five hundred rubles. Of course, it is illogical to purchase it just to cut it out from a regular micro or nano SIM.

If you can’t convert your SIM into a microsim without a stapler, then contact a specialist. For one hundred to two hundred rubles, they can convert a SIM card into micro or nano in a minute.


Cut or change the SIM card - it's up to you. Many users mobile phones Having seen what micro and nano SIM cards look like, they think about getting the one they need from the operator as a replacement, or simply cutting off the regular one, because visually the only difference is in the amount of plastic framing the chip. However, if you ask the opinion of experts, then everyone will say that switching from a regular SIM card to using micro and nano is better with getting new card at the operator.

What is a mini SIM card, and how does it differ from the newer format, and really, isn’t it better to just cut it off? Behind the external similarities lie completely different cards.

The cards of the new format use completely different chips, allowing not only to use more information on them, but also to enjoy high-speed data transfer. If you have an old regular card, then you will not be able to register your phone on LTE networks.

Also, the main question for any user remains how much it costs operators to replace a SIM card with a micro and nano one. The federal four, except Beeline, offer this service free of charge. At Beeline, the service is paid in the amount of thirty rubles, but when replacing an old card that does not support 4G, the operator will return the funds to the balance in the form of bonuses.

To get a new card, you just need to come to your operator’s office and receive a new SIM card after filling out the application. For this you will need a passport. The new SIM card can be used in all three formats by simply separating it from the base of the desired size.

You purchased a new phone or simply decided to change your gadget, but its SIM slot turned out to be of a different format. Now you need to cut the SIM card for microsim . This procedure can be performed in any salon. cellular communication. Fit SIM card You can do it yourself to the size you need. Let's talk about the last option in more detail.


The SIM card is assembled from two components. Contacts in the form of a chip are applied to a plastic base. Each contact is responsible for a specific function: power supply, information storage, data input/output, grounding. It is enough to damage any of them and the card becomes inoperative. This risk is especially relevant for old-style SIM cards with a large chip.

Incorrect cutting of the plastic itself will immediately affect the performance of the SIM. After manipulating it, the card may not fit into the slot or, conversely, may dangle loosely in the slot and not fit tightly to the contacts, or may move in the slot, and one contact on the chip will connect to a contact in the phone that does not correspond to it.

Decided to trim yourself? Then stock up on tools:

  • sandpaper or nail file from a manicure set;
  • stationery knife or sharp scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pen or pencil.

First step. Measure on the old one SIM card its future dimensions: 15 mm in width and 12 mm in length. Ideally, there should be a narrow strip of plastic between the chip and the cutting line.

Second step - cutting SIM along the intended lines. The main thing in this matter is to be careful not to damage the contacts. It is best to cut in one motion along the entire length, this way there are no nicks left on the plastic. Don't forget to cut off the upper left corner when looking at the SIM card from the chip side.

Third step - fitting the SIM card to the slot. This is where a saw will come into play. If the SIM card does not fit into the slot, instead of making additional cuts, file it down.

Remember! In case of an unsuccessful attempt to cut the SIM card yourself, you need to contact the salon to replace it mobile operator. The replacement service is free of charge, but you will be asked to top up your account. The amount depends on the operator.


To properly trim the card (with less risk) for micro-Sim , Download a sample stencil or make one yourself.

How to make a template at home :

  • Take a piece of paper, attach your mini SIM card to it and trace it so that the beveled corner is at the bottom right.
  • Step back from the left edge in width 2 (1.85) mm, from the right 11 mm, from the top and bottom edges in length 1.4 mm and draw lines. You will get a rectangle measuring 15 by 12 mm.
  • To form a beveled corner, step back from the original top line of 3.9 mm or from the new 2.5 mm, and place a dot. From the left initial edge, measure 14 mm and place a dot. Connect two points with a line.

The template is ready, cut it out, attach it to your SIM card, trace and trim the card.

Popular phones for microsim

Initially, all phones were produced with slots for mini-SIM cards. But time imposed strict conditions on the devices, and engineers began to save space, including for SIM. The first phone to introduce the micro-SIM format was the iPhone 4/4s. Following Apple on new standard moved first Nokia phones Lumia, and then Samsung caught up, starting with the Galaxy S III series and HTC in the One series.