How to clear the cache in Mozilla. How to clear the cache (temporary files) in Firefox Where is the cache located?

Mozilla Firefox is an excellent, stable browser that rarely lets you down. However, if you don't clear your cache at least occasionally, Firefox can become significantly slower.

Cache is information saved by the browser about all loaded images on sites that have ever been opened in the browser. If you visit a page again, it will load faster because... for it, the cache was already saved on the computer.

Users can clear cache different ways. In one case they will need to use the browser settings, in another they will not even need to open it. The last option is relevant if the web browser does not work correctly or is slow.

Method 1: Browser Settings

In order to clear the cache in Mozilla, you will need to follow these simple steps:

After this, you can close the settings and continue using the browser without restarting.

Method 2: Third Party Utilities

A closed browser can be cleaned with many PC cleaning utilities. We will look at this process using the example of the most popular CCleaner. Close your browser before proceeding.

Now you can open your browser and start using it.

Done, you were able to clear the Firefox cache. Do not forget to perform this procedure at least once every six months to always maintain best performance browser.

For many users Mozilla Firefox Over time, a fairly large history of visits to various sites accumulates, respectively a cache, which in turn worsens the performance of the browser. Therefore, many people think about how to get rid of all this. Let's take a closer look at this question.

How to clear the cache in Firefox

The Firefox cache is located in the following location - C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\Your Profile\Cache

In order to clean it, you need to perform a few simple manipulations. Consider the case of Windows 7. In new Firefox The interface has changed a little, so you can get to the settings menu in several ways:

  1. Press the Alt key, after which tabs will appear at the top of the browser, that’s where you look for the one you need – “Tools” and select “Settings” in it.
  1. In the upper right corner click on the button context menu(a button in the form of three horizontal stripes) and then click on the “Settings” gear.

After you do this, a window with browser settings will open in front of you.

All that remains is the small matter, in the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” item, then select the “Network” tab and here click the “Clear now” button.

That's all, clearing the cache Mozilla browser Firefox is complete.

Sometimes you're just too lazy to clear the cache in Firefox; you can do this by setting it up automatic removal.

Automatically clear cache in Firefox

In the same settings window, go to the “Privacy” item, in the drop-down list select “will use your history storage settings.” After selecting this item, you will have additional settings. Check the "Delete history when closing Firefox" checkbox.

After this you will active button"Options", click it.

In this window you should only check the “Cache” item and click “Ok”. That's it, automatic cache deletion is configured.


In order to see what's in this moment is in your firefox cache enough address bar write the following - about:cache.

If you have problems with the Mozilla Firefox browser, the easiest and affordable way solutions - cleaning the browser. This article will discuss how to perform a comprehensive cleaning of the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

If you need to clean Mazil's browser to solve problems, for example, if performance has dropped significantly, it is important to do it comprehensively, i.e. the matter should affect the downloaded information, installed add-ons, themes, settings and other components of the web browser.

Step 1: Using Mozilla Firefox Cleanup Feature

To perform cleaning, Mozilla Firefox provides a special tool whose task is to remove the following browser elements:

1. Saved settings;

2. Installed extensions;

3. Download log;

4. Settings for sites.

To use this method, click on the menu button of your web browser and click on the icon with a question mark.

Another menu will appear here, in which you need to open the item .

On the right top corner on the page that appears, click on the button "Clean Firefox" .

A window will appear on the screen in which you must confirm your intention to clean Firefox.

Stage 2: clearing accumulated information

Now comes the stage of deleting information that Mozilla Firefox accumulates over time - this is cache, cookies and browsing history.

Click on the menu button of your web browser and open the section "Magazine" .

An additional menu will appear in the same area of ​​the window, in which you need to select the item "Delete history" .

In the window that opens near the item "Delete" set parameter "All" , and then check all the options. Complete the removal by clicking the button "Delete now" .

Step 3: Deleting Bookmarks

Click on the bookmarks icon in the upper right corner of your web browser and in the window that appears "Show all bookmarks" .

A bookmark management window will appear on the screen. The left area contains folders with bookmarks (both standard and custom), and the right area will display the contents of a particular folder. Delete all custom folders as well as the contents of standard folders.

Step 4: Removing Passwords

Using the password saving function, you do not need to re-enter your login and password every time you go to a web resource.

To delete passwords saved in your browser, click on the web browser menu button and go to the section "Settings" .

In the left area of ​​the window, go to the tab "Protection" , and on the right click the button "Saved logins" .

"Delete everything" .

Complete the password removal procedure by confirming your intent to permanently delete this information.

Step 5: Clearing the Dictionary

Mozilla Firefox has a built-in dictionary that allows you to highlight detected errors when typing in the browser.

However, if you do not agree with the Firefox dictionary, you can add a word to the dictionary, thereby creating a custom dictionary.

To reset saved words in Mozilla Firefox, click on the browser menu button and open the question mark icon. In the window that appears, click on the button "Information for problem solving" .

In the window that opens, click on the button "Show folder" .

Close your browser completely and then go back to your profile folder and look for the persdict.dat file in it. Open this file using any text editor, for example, standard WordPad.

All words saved in Mozilla Firefox will be displayed as a separate line. Remove all words and then save the changes you made to the file. Close the profile folder and launch Firefox.

And finally

Of course, the Firefox cleaning method described above is not the fastest. The fastest way to deal with this is to create a new profile or reinstall Firefox on your computer.

To create a new Firefox profile and delete the old one, close Mozilla Firefox completely and then open the window "Run" key combination Win+R .

In the window that opens, you will need to enter the following command and press Enter:

firefox.exe -P

A window for working with Firefox profiles will appear on the screen. Before we can delete the old profile(s), we will need to create a new one. To do this, click on the button "Create" .

In the window for creating a new profile, if necessary, change the original profile name to your own, so that if you create several profiles, it will be easier for you to navigate. Just below you can change the location of the profile folder, but if this is not necessary, then it is better to leave this item as is.

Once the new profile has been created, you can begin deleting unnecessary ones. To do this, click on the unnecessary profile once with the left mouse button to select it, and then click on the button "Delete" .

In the next window, click on the button "Delete files" , if you want all accumulated information stored in the profile folder to be deleted from Firefox along with the profile.

When you have only the profile you need, select it with one click and select "Launch Firefox" .

Many Internet users, in particular those who use the Mozilla browser, have questions about how to clear the cache without harming the browser itself. But before you delete it, you need to figure out what it is.

A cache is a place where copies of previously visited pages are stored, as well as pictures and other multimedia that is necessary for comfortable browsing of web pages.

Why clear cache in Mozilla

Firstly, if you frequently visit the Internet, visit various sites and have never cleared the cache, then a huge number of temporary files have accumulated on your hard drive, which take up a lot of space. The amount of cache memory occupied can even reach several gigabytes!

Secondly, a non-deleted cache may interfere normal operation site, since the design of the pages may change, but you will not see it due to the fact that the browser will open the saved old design.

Clearing cache

You can clear cache in the following way:

  • Go to the Mozilla menu and select “Settings”.
  • We find the “Advanced” tab there.
  • There is a sub-heading “Cached Web Content” and opposite it there is a “Clear” button, click on it and the entire cache will be instantly deleted from your computer.

After deleting, the pages will take a little longer to load, all this is due to the fact that the browser will create a new cache and over time the loading speed will recover.

Method No. 2

In order to clear the cache in Mozilla there is another easy way.

Clear cache using CCleaner

CCleaner is a program that allows you to Windows user clean and optimize 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems without unnecessary problems and effort.

This program is completely free. She has an intuitive clear interface, so it’s quite easy to understand. In fairness, it is worth noting that it not only deletes the cache in browsers, but also clears the recycle bin, frees up space on the hard drive, thereby allowing the operating system to Windows system work faster.

This is what the CCleaner program interface looks like.

To delete all unnecessary cache using this utility, you need to download it first. You can do this on the official website of the developer.

  • Next, open it and find the “Cleaning” tab (it is always located on the left).
  • Click on “Application” and check the boxes only for what we want to delete.
  • At the bottom of the window, click on “Analysis”.
  • After the analysis is completed, the “Cleaning” button will appear, click on it and wait for the process to complete.
  • After cleaning, close the program; all unnecessary cache was deleted automatically.

Automatic cache clearing in Mozilla

This browser can be configured to clear the cache itself. For this you just need:

The last cleaning method is more relevant for latest versions Mozilla Firefox browser, it may simply not work on others. It is also important to remember that you need to clear the cache 2-3 times a week, or less often, but it all depends on the load on your browser.

For the convenience of users on the Internet, the Mozilla Firefox browser uses its own special area on the hard drive in which the sites that open and service information from them are saved. Why is this convenient? The next time you open a web page, Mozilla Firefox asks it which elements have been changed and downloads only new ones from the network, and downloads old ones that have not changed from hard drive- from cache. This significantly increases the loading speed of sites. The downside is that this area takes up a certain amount of space on the hard drive. If at the same time you don’t have much space on your hard drive, the question is quite appropriate: how to clear the cache in Mozilla Firefox.

How to properly clear the cache in Mozilla Firefox

This will be useful to know to maintain the confidentiality of the pages you have viewed, or if they are displayed incorrectly.

Instructions for clearing the cache

This will remove all information about the web pages you visit from your Mozilla Firefox browser. Additionally, you can customize your browsing history. On the Privacy tab, in the History section, select how the browser should deal with it.