How to design a table. Excerpts from the new guest on the design of text documents

When designing text and illustrative material research work It is recommended to be guided by the following documents, which form the basis for the material in this section:

  1. GOST 2.105-95. "Unified system of design documentation. General requirements for text documents."
  2. GOST R 7.0.11-2011 "Dissertation and abstract of the dissertation. Structure and rules of formatting."
  3. GOST 7.32-2001 "Report on scientific- research work. Structure and design rules."
  4. GOST 7.05-2008 " Bibliographic link
  5. GOST 7.1-2003. " Bibliographic entry. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation."
  6. GOST 7.80-2000. " Bibliographic entry. Title. General requirements and rules of compilation."
  7. GOST 7.82-2001. " Bibliographic entry. Bibliographic description electronic resources. General requirements and rules of compilation."
  8. Methodological recommendations for the preparation and defense of abstracts, coursework and final qualifying works, developed by university departments.

Rules for formatting text material

Text research work usually divided into chapters and paragraphs or sections and subsections, which are numbered in Arabic numerals.

Each new section (chapter) begins with new page. This also applies to other main structural parts of the work (introduction, conclusion, bibliography, appendices, etc.).

Sections and subsections are given headings that reflect their content, and the headings in the table of contents should exactly repeat the headings in the text. Headings may not be shortened or worded differently.

Recommended rules for formatting text material are given in Table. 5.2 1 Rules for the design of textual and illustrative material, formulas, tables and appendices are prepared on the basis of GOST R 7.0.11, GOST 7.32, GOST 2.105, methodological recommendations for the preparation and defense of final qualifying works, approved by the order of the State University Higher School of Economics dated 04/11/2005 .

Table 5.2. Rules for formatting text material research work
Rule group Content
Rules for formatting the main text
  • Page format A4 (210x297 mm), portrait orientation, left margin - 35 mm, top and bottom margins - 20 mm, right margin - 10 mm.
  • The main text is typed in Times New Roman font, size 14 pt, lowercase letters, justified, line spacing - one and a half, paragraph indentation should be the same throughout the text and equal to five characters, font color - black.
  • The main text is divided into chapters and paragraphs or sections and subsections.
  • Bibliographical references are issued in accordance with GOST 7.05-2008 " Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for drawing up"
Page numbering rules
  • Pages are numbered in Arabic numerals, observing continuous numbering throughout the entire text of the work.
  • The first page is considered title page, on which there is no page numbering, the number “2” is placed on the next page.
  • Illustrations and tables located on separate sheets are included in the overall page numbering.
  • The page serial number is printed in the middle of the top margin of the page
Rules for the design of headings of chapters (sections) and paragraphs (subsections)
  • Headings are placed in the middle of the page.
  • There is no period at the end of the title.
  • The title is not underlined.
  • Hyphenation of words in headings is not allowed.
  • The title is separated from the text at the top and bottom by three intervals
Rules for numbering chapters (sections) and paragraphs (subsections)
  • Chapters (sections) should be numbered throughout the work; the number is indicated in Arabic numerals. Paragraphs (subsections) must be numbered within each chapter (section). The subsection number consists of the section and subsection numbers separated by a dot.

For example:

1 Development trends information technologies

1.1 Evolution of the IT industry

1.2 Enterprise architecture as the basis for strategic management information systems

1.3 Architecture process

Rules for the design of illustrations

Illustrative material can be represented by drawings, graphs, diagrams, business process models, diagrams and other similar material. The recommended rules for the design of drawings are as follows.

  1. Illustrations are numbered in Arabic numerals through numbering or within a chapter (section).
  2. The illustration must have a title, which is given below the picture, in the middle of the line, following the illustration number.
  3. All illustrations must be referenced in the text of the work. When referring, you should write the word “Figure” indicating its number, for example, “…in accordance with Figure 1” or “…in accordance with Figure 5.1”.
  4. Illustrations are placed under the text in which a link to them is first given, or on the next page, and, if necessary, in the appendix.
  5. If a drawing is borrowed from any source, a link to this source is required, which is placed after the title of the illustration.

An example of illustration design is given below (see Fig. 5.2).

Rice. 5.2.

Rules for formatting formulas

When used in text research work It is recommended to adhere to the following design rules (see Table 5.3).

Table 5.3. Rules for formatting formulas
Rule group Content
Rules for placing and numbering simple, short formulas, as well as formulas that have no independent meaning
  • Inside text lines.
  • Formulas that do not have independent meaning are not numbered
Rules for placing and numbering the most important, as well as long and complex formulas
  • On a separate line in the center.
  • At least one blank line must be left above and below each formula.
  • It is allowed to move the formula to the next line using the signs of the operations being performed, and the sign at the beginning of the next line is repeated.
  • Important formulas should be numbered in Arabic numerals, consecutively or within a chapter (section). The number is enclosed in parentheses and written at the formula level on the right
Rules for formatting references to formulas in the text of the work
  • References in the text to serial numbers of formulas are given in parentheses, for example, “... in formula (5.1)”.
Rules for explaining symbols used in formulas
  • Explanations of symbols used in formulas must be given in the text or directly below the formula.
  • Explanations for each symbol should be given on a new line in the sequence in which the symbols are given in the formula.
  • The first line of the explanation must begin with the word "where" without a colon after it

An example of the formula is given below.

The calculation of the return on investment capital indicator is carried out as follows:


where is the gross profit of the project,

Total investment.

Table design rules

IN research work tables are used for structuring, better visibility of material, presentation of results of comparison of indicators, characteristics, criteria and in many other areas.

Tables, like figures, have titles and serial numbering. The title should reflect the contents of the table and be accurate and concise. Recommended rules for designing tables are given in table. 5.4.

Table 5.4. Table design rules
Rule group Content
Rules for placing tables
  • Tables should be placed immediately after the text where they are mentioned, or on the next page
Table numbering rules
  • Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals, continuous numbering or within a chapter (section)
Heading rules
  • The word "Table" and its number are placed at the top above the table on the right, below in the center is the name of table 2 According to the methodological recommendations for the preparation and defense of final qualifying works, approved by the order of the State University Higher School of Economics dated April 11, 2005 .
  • Headings of columns (columns) and rows should be written with a capital letter in the nominative case (without abbreviating words), and sub-headings of columns with a lowercase letter if they form one sentence with the heading or with a capital letter if they have an independent meaning.
  • Headings and subheadings are in the singular, single line spacing, without a red line, centered. Use the font "Times New Roman", font size 12. Do not put periods at the end of headings and subheadings of tables.
Rules for designing the main part of the table
  • The table is written with single line spacing, without indentation, in Times New Roman font, font size 12.
  • The numbers in the columns of the tables must be entered so that the digits of the numbers in the entire column are located one below the other if they relate to the same indicator
Rules for dividing a table into parts
  • Table with big amount lines can be transferred to the following pages.
  • The name of the table and its number are placed once above the first part of the table. Above the remaining parts of the table indicate the word “Continuation of the table” and its number.
  • It is allowed to replace the head (part of the table, which contains the headings and subheadings of the columns (columns) or the sidebar (the leftmost column containing information about the rows and is integral part that part of the table that is located below the head) with column and row numbers, respectively, while the columns and (or) rows of the first part of the table are numbered with Arabic numerals
Rules for designing borrowed tables
  • If the table is borrowed from literary sources, then a link to the data source is required.
  • The link is placed immediately after the table name

An example of table design is given below.

The design of tables allows group materials, which facilitates their perception, processing and analysis.

More often tables are located according to the text of the work. It is advisable that in the text of the work there is a link to it before the table (for example: see Table 1.).

Rules for formatting tables in the text (diploma, coursework, abstract, dissertation) demand them mandatory numbering Arabic numerals. There are two possible numbering methods:

  • continuous numbering - in the order in which the table appears, from the first section to the last (for example: Table 1, Table 2, etc.);
  • numbering within a section - in this case, the table number consists of the section number and the serial number of the table in this section, separated by a dot (for example: Table 1.1., Table 1.2. etc.).

In addition, each table is given a name, which should briefly reflect its content. The title of the table is placed above it without indentation. The font size is the same as in the rest of the work.

Example of table design:

Table 4

Labor costs

Sometimes, the title is placed under the word “Table” and the entire block is aligned to the right or left.

Example of table design(alignment - left):

Table 4

Labor costs

When designing tables with a large number of rows It is allowed to transfer from part of the table to another page. In this case, indicate the continuation of which table the transferred part is.

Example of table design(wrap part of the lines):

continuation of table 1

end of table 1

1 2 3
Total: 6000

Formatting text inside a table

The text inside the table is written in the same font as in the rest of the work, but without using the first line indentation. At large data sets the text inside the table can be written in a font 1-2 points smaller than the main text of the work, the spacing can be single.

Column Headings(text located in the “header” of the table) is aligned “centered”. Line names- “along the left edge”.

If the table contains numerical data, then they must be recorded with the same degree of accuracy within each column. Units of measurement are indicated either in the column header, or, if they are the same for all indicators, in the table header.

In case of full or partial borrowing from any source of data given in the table, the table design must include a link to this source.

If your thesis contains tables, it is important not only to fill them out correctly, but also to format them correctly. How are tables prepared according to GOST 2018?

We will again have to turn to the same GOST, which we should rely on when finding out. This is GOST 7.32-2001. Let us clarify right away: GOST 2015 for the design of tables does not exist in nature; the good old 7.32-2001 has been in force for many years in a row. The principles for the design of tables and graphic elements are also regulated by GOST 1.5-93 and GOST 2.105-95, also known as ESKD ( One system Design Documentation).

To make it easier for you to understand these multi-page documents, we have included the most important things in the abstract of this article.

General rules for formatting tables in a diploma

  1. The table is located immediately after the paragraph where there is a link to it. Linking to the text is required. You cannot place a table after several paragraphs, citing the fact that it will look better on top of the next sheet. The exception is the inclusion of tables in the Appendix.
  1. It is possible to break tables, but it is not advisable. It is better to leave an empty space after the paragraph with a link to the table and place it on the next sheet. But, of course, you shouldn’t leave large empty spaces.
  1. However, sometimes you have to break tables. If the table is very long or wide, and the rows or columns of the table extend beyond the sheet format, then it can be divided into parts. If there are many columns, then the parts of the table are located on one sheet, one below the other. If there are many columns, the table continues on the next sheet. In the first case, the head is repeated in new parts, in the second - the side of the table.
  1. If the table has a large volume, and it has to be divided into parts, and even more so transferred to another sheet, columns and columns are numbered to simplify navigation. Arabic numbers are used and are entered in the second line. On the next page there is no need to repeat the column and column headings, just put the numbers.
  1. All tables in the thesis are numbered, for this purpose only Arabic numerals are used. GOST allows three principles for numbering tables in a thesis:
  • Consecutive numbering. Example: Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.
  • Numbering by sections indicating the section number and, after the dot, the number of the table itself. Example: Table 1.1, Table 1.2, Table 1.3, Table 2.1, Table 2.2, etc.(The second option is used if the thesis contains large volumes of tabular material).
  • Numbering taking into account the application number (remember that applications, according to the design rules, are designated by Latin numerals). Example: Table B.1, Table C.1.1, Table C.1.2, etc.
  1. The table title should be placed immediately above it. There is no period after the table number. After the number there is a dash, then the name of the table.
  1. The table must always have a title. Requirements for the title: it should be short, concise, but at the same time clearly reflect the meaning of the table, the essence of the information given in it. It is recommended to use 2–5 words in the title of the table, avoiding cumbersome wording.
  1. Please note that the word "Table" should be written with capital letter and always completely, without shortening.
  1. When moving a table to the next sheet, you must put the full table name with numbering at the top. When dividing a table into parts within one sheet, simply “Continuation of the table” (without quotes) is written above each part.
  1. The font and size in the table title are the same as in the main text (you can use a smaller font size in cells). The names of the tables should not be highlighted in any particular way, using color, underlining, etc. However, in practice, semi-semi is sometimes used bold font(check this point in the manual or with your supervisor).
  1. The table title is located on the left side of the thesis sheet. Paragraph indentation in this case not used.
  1. You cannot end a chapter, section, or paragraph with a table. After the table, you must provide a summary of the information presented and place a text output.

An example of table design in a thesis according to GOST.

Tables– this is one of the most visual forms of presenting material, so they often become a frequent guest in coursework, diploma and other research papers. Using a table, you can compactly place reference material presented by a large number of indicators. These can be any characteristics of the objects under study: qualitative or quantitative. Small tables are placed directly in the course text, but tabular material that takes up several pages is better placed in appendices. In order to correctly format the course project tables, you need to study the traditional document for scientific work - this is GOST 7.32-2001.

How to correctly place a table in the text?
Any tables placed in the text of the course project are placed after the first mention or reference to this material. If the table is large in volume, then it is better that it starts from a new sheet. In addition, tables from the applications section will always start on a separate page

How to link a table with the text of a coursework (formatting links)?
Not only tables, but also drawings, diagrams, photographs must be accompanied by text, therefore, so that the table does not look isolated and does not “hang in the air,” you must always provide links to the tabular material in the text of the scientific research.

A comparative analysis of natural growth indicators over 5 years in the suburban area is presented in Table 4.7
Among the tourist and excursion objects of the suburban area, historical, architectural and natural reserve objects dominate (Table 2.9)

How to number tables and design headings?
To number tables, continuous numbering in Arabic numerals is usually used - Table 1,2,3...n. It is allowed to number the tables in accordance with the sections of the work, then we get the following entry: Table 3.1 (first write the section number - 3, and then the serial number of the table in this section - 1). The numbering of tables included in appendices looks similar. Only in the first place we put a capital letter - this is the designation of the application, and in the second place - the digital designation of the table (Table K.10). If your course work has only one table, then we will format it as follows: Table 1. Of course, if you decide to place it in the appendices, then do not forget to put letter designation– Table B.1

As for headings, GOST 7.32 - 2001 determines the presence of a heading at the discretion of the author, but often universities strictly require that tables have names that briefly describe the content of the tabular material.
The title should be placed at the top of the table, adhering to the left side; a paragraph indentation is not needed, however, like a period at the end of the title. Recording in progress in this order:

  • The word “Table” is without abbreviations.
  • We indicate the number in order.
  • We put a dash.
  • Capitalize the name of your table.
  • Example:
    Table 12 – Temporary boundaries of transport accessibility of the suburban area

    How to design a large table?

    If your table is large and takes up a lot of space, then it is better to move it to new leaf. In this case, the title should be replaced with the phrase “Continuation of the table” 1.2. Also, at the end of the table on the first sheet, you should not draw a lower border, since your table has a continuation. In order for the table to fit on a separate sheet, you can experiment with the arrangement of pages in the text of the document (for example, change the portrait orientation to landscape). There are several other ways to design large tables:

  • Many rows duplicate the table head.
  • Many columns - duplicate the sidebar.
  • In order not to repeat the head and side, rows and columns are assigned numbers.
  • Let's look at an example of what the head and side components of the table look like.

    How to arrange tables in a diploma: everything from spacing to transfer

    The tables in the thesis are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.32 - 2001 (in ESKD - this is GOST 2.105 - 95). Guidelines universities are developed on its basis, but may differ in minor details, for example, special instructions regarding the location of names (to the left or right of the top edge), font size, spacing parameters in the tables of a diploma or project, but basically intra-university settings are tracing papers of the state standard

    How to correctly format tables in a diploma

  • If the table is not included in the appendices, it is inserted into the text after the paragraph that contains a reference to it.
  • A reference is made to each table in the work (the number assigned to it is indicated).
  • The title of the table cannot be long (ideally a maximum of five words) and must accurately convey its content.
  • Tables are signed at the top left, at the level of the beginning of the graphic part - without indenting a paragraph from the edge, on the same line with the number. The title is written with a dash.
  • Diagonal lines cannot be used to divide the side head.
  • It is advisable to orient the table so that the data can be read without rotating the sheet. If there are a lot of columns, and their transfer will complicate the perception of information, then it can be positioned “lying down”, but so that the reading turn is done clockwise.
  • The column “Item No.” is not included. If this is necessary, then serial numbers are indicated in the sidebar, next to the names of the positions (see example above), but not before the numbers, digital codes models (5678/24 – 98).
  • The minimum row height for tables in the diploma is 8 mm.
  • Only Arabic numerals are used for numbering.
  • Options for numbering tables in a diploma:

  • sequentially as you insert it into the work (that is, continuous numbering);
  • separately in each chapter: the section number and the location of the table in it are indicated with a dot: 2.5.; 3.7;
  • by location in “Appendices”: B.2.4.
  • The only table in the thesis can be signed “Table 1”, “Table B.1” (the letter corresponds to the name of the application if the material is outside the main text).

    Tables occupying separate sheets (A3 is considered one) are included in the overall page numbering of the diploma.

  • Long tables with a large number of lines are transferred without the bottom limiting bar on the previous page. When there is a break, the number and name are indicated only at the beginning (with right side), on the next sheet is written “Continuation or end of the table...” (GOST 1.5–2001 recommends signing italics).
  • An example of transferring a table in a diploma:

  • The continuation of a small table, in which there are only a few columns, can be done on one page, separating the parts with a double vertical line. The hat must be repeated.
  • In Word, the thickness and format of the lines used to create changes in the table designer:

    If there is a lot of graphs, they can be divided into approximately equal parts and placed one above the other on one sheet.

    • When moving table rows off the page, the header (horizontal head) is repeated; when moving the graph, a vertical sidebar is repeated.
    • Chapters, sections, paragraphs cannot be ended with a table. After it, it is necessary to place the text, for example, a summary of the information presented.
    • Formatting tables in a diploma: text requirements

    • The title of the table is typed in the same font as the entire text of the work, unless the university guidelines contain separate formatting requirements.
    • The line spacing in the table may be smaller than in the rest of the work, as well as the font used to fill the cells. But you shouldn’t make it too small – everything should be easy to read, so 10-point font is a reasonable limit.
    • All column headings begin with a capital letter, subheadings on the second level begin with a small letter if they continue a sentence, and with a capital letter if they have their own meaning.
    • Headings are written horizontally, but GOST allows for vertical typing.
    • Units of measurement common to all data are written only in the head (see example for continuation of small tables).
    • Alignment in columns is preferably centered.
    • The numbers in the columns are arranged in such a way that equivalent digits are on the same vertical throughout the column. The presented values ​​are entered with the same number of decimal places.
    • In order to minimize volume, abbreviations established by GOST 2.321 are used in headings and lines.
    • Single-word text in columns is allowed to be replaced with quotation marks, and if the omitted position includes two or more words, the first omission is written “The same”, then replacement characters are added. Quotes cannot be used instead of numbers, or to replace chemical or mathematical symbols, special characters, including "%" and "No."
    • Missing data is replaced by an em dash (dash).
    • If the manual does not limit the flight of imagination of the graduate when preparing tables in the diploma, then the dry requirements of GOST can be enlivened by filling the background of the cells, especially if it is necessary to emphasize the correspondence of tabular information to the data in the diagrams, using the same color. But it is better to inquire with the manager about the limits of what is permitted.

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      Design of tables in the thesis

      If your thesis contains tables, it is important not only to fill them out correctly, but also to format them correctly. How are tables prepared according to GOST 2018?

      We will again have to turn to the same GOST, which we should rely on when figuring out general principles registration of the thesis. This is GOST 7.32-2001. Let us clarify right away: GOST 2015 for the design of tables does not exist in nature; the good old 7.32-2001 has been in force for many years in a row. The principles for the design of tables and graphic elements are also regulated by GOST 1.5-93 and GOST 2.105-95, also known as ESKD (Unified System of Design Documentation).

      To make it easier for you to understand these multi-page documents, we have included the most important things in the abstract of this article.

      General rules for formatting tables in a diploma

    • The table is located immediately after the paragraph where there is a link to it. Linking to the text is required. You cannot place a table after several paragraphs, citing the fact that it will look better on top of the next sheet. The exception is the inclusion of tables in the Appendix.
    • It is possible to break tables, but it is not advisable. It is better to leave an empty space after the paragraph with a link to the table and place it on the next sheet. But, of course, you shouldn’t leave large empty spaces.
    • However, sometimes you have to break tables. If the table is very long or wide, and the rows or columns of the table extend beyond the sheet format, then it can be divided into parts. If there are many columns, then the parts of the table are located on one sheet, one below the other. If there are many columns, the table continues on the next sheet. In the first case, the head is repeated in new parts, in the second - the side of the table.
    • If the table has a large volume, and it has to be divided into parts, and even more so transferred to another sheet, columns and columns are numbered to simplify navigation. Arabic numbers are used and are entered in the second line. On the next page there is no need to repeat the column and column headings, just put the numbers.
    • All tables in the thesis are numbered, for this purpose only Arabic numerals are used. GOST allows three principles for numbering tables in a thesis:
    • Consecutive numbering. Example:Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.
    • Numbering by sections indicating the section number and, after the dot, the number of the table itself. Example:Table 1.1, Table 1.2, Table 1.3, Table 2.1, Table 2.2, etc.(The second option is used if the thesis contains large volumes of tabular material).
    • Numbering taking into account the application number (remember that applications, according to the design rules, are designated by Latin numerals). Example:Table B.1, Table C.1.1, Table C.1.2, etc.
    • The table title should be placed immediately above it. There is no period after the table number. After the number there is a dash, then the name of the table.
    • The table must always have a title. Requirements for the title: it should be short, concise, but at the same time clearly reflect the meaning of the table, the essence of the information given in it. It is recommended to use 2–5 words in the title of the table, avoiding cumbersome wording.
    1. Please note that the word “Table” should be written with a capital letter and always in full, without abbreviation.
    2. When moving a table to the next sheet, you must put the full table name with numbering at the top. When dividing a table into parts within one sheet, simply “Continuation of the table” (without quotes) is written above each part.
    3. The font and size in the table title are the same as in the main text (you can use a smaller font size in cells). The names of the tables should not be particularly emphasized using color, underlining, etc. However, in practice, bold font is sometimes used (check this point in the manual or with your supervisor).
    4. The table title is located on the left side of the thesis sheet. Paragraph indentation is not used in this case.
    5. You cannot end a chapter, section, or paragraph with a table. After the table, you must provide a summary of the information presented and place a text output.
    6. An example of table formatting in a thesis according to GOST:

      Design of tabular material inside the table

      When placing collected and processed information in the table, adhere to the following GOST requirements:

    7. Start headings with a capital letter, subheadings with a lowercase letter.
    8. Write headings and column names in the singular.
    9. Do not put a period after headings and subheadings.
    10. Horizontal arrangement of headings and subheadings is preferable; vertical is used when justifiably necessary.
    11. It is better to align individual columns in the center, and line-by-line headings - to the left.
    12. Horizontal cells must be single-line.
    13. It is recommended to align digital indicators in the center.
    14. The font size in the table may be smaller than in the text, but must be clearly visible (do not use a point size smaller than 10).
    15. If the same text, consisting of only one word, is repeated in different lines of a column, then instead of duplication, the phrase “The same” is placed a second time, and then only quotation marks. Exception: quotation marks cannot be used instead of repeating numbers, mathematical and chemical symbols, marks, signs.
    16. If no data is provided in a particular line, a dash should be added.
    17. Now, with the advent of all sorts of computer tricks and tricks for designing tables, the graduate student is tempted to “make it more beautiful.” Well, at least fill the cells with a background and highlight the columns! I especially want to do this if there is a diagram nearby, whose colored sectors correspond to this or that information in the table. Is it possible to do this, or should we strictly follow the restraint of the ancient GOST? Ask your teacher about this. The fact is that now many universities have their own methodological recommendations for the design of tabular material.

      After you have designed the table, evaluate its appearance not only on the screen, but also in printed form. Tables in the thesis should not only be literate, but also aesthetic! Please note that the attention of the members of the state commission, who will leaf through your thesis during the defense, will primarily be attracted by the tabular material. Grated rolls among the student brethren assure that well-designed tables are half the success!

      Table design rules

      All these definitions are given in GOST R 7.32-2001 “SIBID. Research report. Structure and design rules."

      The structure of the table with the names of its elements (the head of the table is highlighted in gray, which is colloquially called the “header”)

      The table begins from numbered header. It consists of the word “Table” and a serial number, while the No. sign is not placed. Typically, the numbered heading is in italics and placed at the right edge.

      Even if the document contains one table, it should still be numbered: “Table 1”.

      Subject Heading table, which defines its content, is located in the center; it can be highlighted in bold. They use writing in capital letters only less often, because... such text is less “readable”; this is only acceptable for very short headings.

      The period is not placed at the end of either numbered or thematic headings. Both headings appear above the table. But a table without headings is also quite possible (for example, if the title of a document or part of it completely defines the content of a single table). In addition, if you need to make the document as compact as possible, you can combine the numbering and thematic headings in one line, then put a dot and a space between them. Compare Examples 3 and 4.

      Numbered heading above the topic

      Combining a numbered heading and a thematic one in one line

      If the table is large (in height) and does not fit on one page, then it is customary to indicate this on the next page, which will allow the reader of the document to quickly navigate it. Word table in this case, you can write in the title (and with a link in the text) both in full and in abbreviation: "table 5", the main thing is to maintain uniformity throughout the document.

      On subsequent pages, you can repeat the head of the table in its entirety with all the column headings, or you can give only the column numbers (which is less convenient for the reader, but saves space with a large “header”) - compare Examples 5 and 6.

      Design of a long table with a complete repetition of the “header” on each page

      Design of a table that is long in height with repetition of only column numbers in the “header”

      If the table does not fit in width, then first try reducing the font size and padding on the left and right of the text to the cell borders. If this does not help (after all, the text in it should remain readable), then you will have to move part of the table, i.e. its left side will go separately from the right. You can divide the table not only into two parts, but also into more (how to do this is shown in Example 12). The headings to the table will help you navigate, the numbering of the columns that highlight the outer border of the line, you can also repeat the sidebar in each part of the table.

      You can number not only columns, but also lines. This will help later make address links from text to specific table cells, For example: "( see readings in line 5, column 4)". To do this, the number is usually included in the contents of the sidebar (Example 7). If it is not a simple list of equal elements (for example, 1, 2, 3, etc.), but a complex multi-tiered one (for example, paragraph 1 includes subparagraphs “a” and “b” and only then paragraph 2 follows), then The standard rules for numbering multi-level lists apply to sidebar numbering.

      If at the same time an item has summary information in a chart that summarizes the data of all its sub-items, then for such an item it is worth highlighting a separate line in the table. Otherwise, in the sidebar in a single cell, you can combine this item with its first subitem.

      But not every table has a sidebar with row headers.

      In the headings of the graph, first there is a verbal definition, then after a comma - the designation of the used units(for example, “sq. m.”, “%”, “°С”, “rub” or “thousand rubles”, etc.), which avoids repeating the unit of measurement in each cell of the table content ( Example 7). You can also include columns in the header existing restrictions(for example, “from. to.”, “no more.”, “no less.”, etc., see the last column of the table in Example 7).

      Table with numbered rows in the sidebar 1

      Column and sidebar headings are placed in the nominative case, they begin with a capital letter, and there is no period at the end (as in Example 7). But if the table head is multi-tiered and the headings of the underlying tiers are subordinate to the upper ones, then (Example 8):

    18. from the 2nd tier and below, a lowercase letter is allowed at the beginning of the column heading,
    19. and the wording of the underlying tiers in the “header” of the table can be consistent with the higher ones.
    20. To visually highlight the “header” of the table, you can use a fill (see two options in Examples 2 and 12); bold font is rarely used for this. Centering in height and width looks beautiful.

      Now let's get started to the rules for filling out the chart - the so-called “contents” of the table. Just like in other table cells, the dots are at the end here are not placed. But inside the text of the cell, punctuation marks are placed according to modern punctuation rules.

      The cell text can begin with a small letter if it is a fragmentary phrase. If this is a full sentence or several sentences, then you should start with a capital letter. If some cells are filled with short phrases, and some with sentences, then it is better to start all the cells of the graph with a capital letter.

      Some difficulty is presented by number placement rules. It is better to arrange numerical values ​​of one quantity so that units are under units, tens are under tens, hundreds are under hundreds, etc. (Example 9). To do this, it is convenient to align the contents of cells to the right; in addition, you can set the right indent.

      If indicators of unequal values ​​are collected in one column, then they are simply centered (Example 10).

      Alignment of indicators of unequal quantities

      Aligning a range of numeric values

      Text repeated in adjacent lines of the same column can be replaced with quotation marks or the expression “The same” (but it is not customary to replace numbers and symbols, abbreviations, as well as names that include an abbreviation or number). When you move the table to another page, the repeated text is again given in full, even if it was previously replaced by quotation marks or “The same.”

      It is not advisable to leave empty cells. Here you can write “No information” or enter a dash with a dash.

      Implementation of the recommendations described in management documents is voluntary. The simply listed rules for designing tables will allow you to create convenient visual documents. There will be less confusion and tables will look neater.

      Dividing a table into parts according to its width

      According to the book: Storage and restoration of documents: Methodological recommendations / Ed. K.I. Andreeva and N.P. Kopaneva. St. Petersburg: Relic, 2008. P. 45. Go back

      An example of formatting tables in a diploma thesis according to GOST: rules, examples of how to format

      How?! How to do it?!

      When preparing a diploma, tables are not only possible, but also highly desirable. This graphic element allows you to improve the clarity of examples and calculations. We want to tell you exactly how to do it correctly.

      Where should tables be placed in a diploma?

      Each table in the text of the thesis must have a link.

      In order to correctly format the table in the diploma, it should be placed immediately after the fragment in which the information from it is mentioned (in extreme cases, on the next page).

      Design of drawings, graphics and tables in the thesis

      Each picture, graphic object and table must be numbered in one of the following ways:

      1. Continuous numbering throughout the thesis project.
      2. New numbering with the beginning of each new chapter.

      Table in the diploma

      If a drawing, table or graphic object is used as an application, you need to use a different type of numbering (not digital, but alphabetic).

      Important! When designing a table, remember: the title should be located in the upper left corner.

      As for the names and numbering of the pictures, as well as explanations for them, they are placed below the picture below.

      Application in diploma

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      It should be remembered that tables used in applications must be numbered using Arabic numerals, preceded by the assigned application number (for example, Table A.2).

      According to GOST, the table does not have to have its own name, but this is stated in the rules of some universities. Please consult your academic advisor about this.

      Transferring a table

      The table may not always fit on the page. Therefore, you should know how to transfer it correctly. If a transfer is necessary, the table name should be placed above the first part of the table without drawing a lower horizontal line that separates it from the first part.

      Sample Table Section

      Above the remaining parts of the table on another page on the left should be placed the phrase “Continuation” with the table number (for example, “Continuation of table 2”).

      Sample transfer

      If the table has many special columns, the table can be divided into 3 parts. In this case, all parts must be placed on top of each other and should not extend beyond one page.

      If the lines go beyond the page format, it is better to place it in landscape format.

      How to fill out the table in the diploma?

      To prepare a thesis table according to GOST, you need to follow some rules:

    21. Row and column headings are written with a capital letter in the singular;
    22. Column subheadings begin with a capital letter if they are independent of the heading and with a lowercase letter if they continue the idea of ​​the heading;
    23. There is no full stop at the conclusion of subheadings and headings;
    24. The table header must be visually separated from the rest of the table.
    25. At the bottom of the table there is an explanation for it, according to which sources these indicators were calculated and presented. The signature must be in italics.

      Sample landscape layout of a table

      If the table was taken from a specific source, a link to that source should be provided in the bottom italic caption.

      However, all this is really difficult, especially for those who are preparing to leave the walls of their home university and set out on a free professional journey.

      If you don’t have time or just don’t want to do this, you can always order a thesis from us, we will help you without any problems! Well, if you want to do everything yourself, then submit your diploma for verification to eliminate the possibility of a sneaking error.

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    How to design a table according to GOST? A table is an important tool for conducting scientific research. Using tables, it is possible to systematize and structure all the data obtained in the thesis.

    A table is an important tool for conducting scientific research. Using tables, it is possible to systematize and structure all the data obtained during the study. It is important to note that when visually viewing a thesis project, first of all, attention is drawn to the tabular material. This is why you should take the design of tables seriously.

    Many modern educational institutions have their own methodology for preparing diploma theses and other similar scientific works. Design aids can be obtained from the academic department or from the supervisor. However, if you don’t know about them, or if they don’t exist at all, when writing your thesis, you can always be guided by existing state standards, in particular GOST 7.32-2001.

    Mandatory conditions for preparing tabular material in accordance with GOST:

    1st condition– The table should not exist separately; there should always be a link to the text. In the text it is necessary to insert appropriate links to tabular material (see table 7). If tabular material is located directly in the text, it should follow immediately after the end of the paragraph where there is a corresponding link. It is not recommended to tear the table; it is better to place the table that does not fit on a new sheet.

    2nd condition– Each article must be assigned a title and a serial number. Any numbering of tables is allowed only in Arabic numerals. The following types of numbering are distinguished:

    • Consecutive numbering of all tabular material (Table 1, Table 2, etc.);
    • Numbering of tabular material in the corresponding sections, where two numbers are indicated, the number of the section to which the table belongs and the number of the table itself (Table 1.2, Table 1.3, etc.).

    If your scientific work involves large volumes of tabular material, it is better to choose the second type of table numbering. If you use tabular material as an appendix to a project, you must provide information about the corresponding appendix.

    The title of the table should clearly reflect the essence of the information given in the table, and also be concise and brief (from 2 to 5 words). It is not recommended to use long and cumbersome headings.

    3rd condition– It is important to correctly arrange and format the number and title of each table. Abbreviation of the word Table is unacceptable; it is always written in full, and there is no dot after the serial number. For correct display electronic version text on paper, use in text editor right alignment.

    The table title is placed without a paragraph indentation directly above the table itself. The title is written starting with a capital letter, and the font size and point size are the same as in the rest of the work.

    An example of writing a table header:

    Table 7

    Sample table header

    4th condition– The placement of material inside the table should have an aesthetic and competent appearance. Headings and subheadings should be made as concise and information-rich as possible. Table headings are written with a capital letter; in contrast, subheadings are written with a lowercase letter. Column names and headings are always written in the singular, and there is no period at the end.

    The horizontal arrangement of headings and subheadings in tables is generally accepted, but based on the position, a vertical arrangement can be used, but only in extreme cases.

    5th condition– The tables used must fit harmoniously into the text content of the thesis project. For example, if the table you are using is large and does not fit on one sheet, you can assign a serial number to each column, this will make navigation easier. The columns are numbered in the second line using Arabic numerals.

    Example of column numbering:

    Business name Quantitative indicators Qualitative indicators
    1 2 3

    If there is a need to transfer the table to next page, then you no longer have to duplicate the heading of the corresponding table column, just number them. It is important that a paragraph or section cannot end with tabular material. Each table should be followed by a textual output or summary of the information presented in the table.

    6th condition– the internal content of the table should have a harmonious and structured appearance. There are several effective methods to ensure this. Make sure that all horizontal cells are single-line, and set the cell sizes to take into account the text content. Individual column titles can be placed in the middle, but line-by-line headings are best aligned to the left. If the table contains numerical indicators, it is better to center it.

    And most importantly, after finishing work on the table, carefully study the materials received, and, if possible, print them out and see how it will look on paper. Don’t forget that a beautifully and competently designed project is already half the way to success.