How to stop pop-ups. How to disable pop-up window in Opera browser? Opera blocking features

Pop-ups in the browser - quite unpleasant problem, because they not only interfere and irritate, but also significantly slow down the computer. To deal with so-called pop-up windows, you need to perform a whole range of actions.

First of all, check your browser settings. Modern Internet browsers such as Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Apple Safari, have a built-in pop-up blocker that is enabled by default. In addition to blocking, browsers can selectively allow desired windows to open. To enable/disable blocking and manage exceptions, you need to call the “Settings” menu and then follow the path:
  • in Mozilla FireFox: “Content”;
  • in Opera: “Websites”;
  • in Chrome: “Show advanced settings” – “Content settings”;
  • in Internet Explorer: “Internet Options” – “Privacy”;
  • in Apple Safari: “Block pop-ups”;
  • in Yandex Browser: “Show additional settings” – “Content settings”.
However, browser capabilities are not good enough to deal with all types of pop-ups. As is the case with viruses, developers of this type of intrusive advertising are constantly improving technologies for overcoming browser protection. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally install a special extension that removes pop-up windows more successfully. One of the most popular extensions is Adblock, it can be downloaded from the official website. It is likely that after installing the extension, pop-up windows will no longer bother you. But in especially severe cases, you will have to continue and install one of the utilities for blocking pop-up windows. For example, the Adguard program works with all browsers and, in addition to window blocking, has a number of other useful functions- like protection against malware software. Pop-up windows are a consequence of various malicious software entering your computer, so it is advisable to remove such pests. Go to “Control Panel” – “Programs” and remove all suspicious programs. If your windows problem is recent, sort the list of software by date and take a close look at what was installed on your computer during that time period. Malicious pop-up programs can be installed as browser extensions and add-ons. Therefore, the next step is to study the extensions and add-ons installed in the browser and remove or stop unnecessary ones. This is done through the Internet browser menu in the “Add-ons” or “Extensions” section. Next, you need to clear the cache, as traces of viral advertising windows may remain there. IN different browsers this can be done through “Settings” – “Security” (or “Privacy”) – “Delete browsing data”.

This article describes all the settings Mozilla Firefox, designed to control pop-up windows.

What are pop-ups?

Pop-ups are windows that appear automatically without your permission. They can vary in size, but usually do not reach the size of the entire screen. Some pop-ups appear on top of the Firefox window (these are called pop-ups), others can appear below the Firefox window (these are called pop-unders).

Firefox allows you to set popup controls in Firefox Settings. Pop-up blocking is enabled by default, so you don't have to worry about enabling it in Firefox.

When blocking a pop-up window, Firefox shows the information bar (if it has not been disabled previously - see below), and an icon in the address bar.

When you click the Settings button in the information bar or the icon in the address bar, a menu appears with the following options:

Pop-up blocking may cause problems with some websites: Some websites, including some banking sites, use pop-ups to provide access to important features. Blocking all pop-ups prevents such access. To allow certain websites to open pop-ups while blocking all other sites, add those sites to your list of allowed sites.

Pop-up blocker doesn't always work: Although Firefox blocks most pop-ups, some websites may open pop-ups using unknown methods even when pop-ups from them are blocked.

Pop-up blocker settings

To access pop-up blocker settings:

Allow: Click to add the website to the exclusion list. Delete site: Click to remove a website from the exclusion list. Delete all sites: Click to remove all websites from the exclusion list.

Note Note: Pop-up blocking does not always work and may cause problems with some websites. More detailed information regarding pop-up blocking is available in the section above

Pop-ups are not blocked

Check if Firefox is the source of the popup

Pop-up windows can appear not only from Firefox. You can determine the source of pop-ups by appearance window.

Check if your pop-up blocker is enabled and applies to this site

A pop-up window appears after you click the mouse or press a key on the keyboard

Certain events, such as clicking your mouse or pressing a key on your keyboard, can trigger a pop-up window, regardless of your pop-up blocker settings. This is done on purpose because Firefox doesn't block the pop-ups that websites need to function.

Are you tired of the endless number of pop-ups on your screen and you don't know how to get rid of them? This article will tell you how to eliminate these “pests” in the shortest possible time. This guide is intended for Windows users.

Speaking of how to remove pop-ups, it’s worth noting that most of them can be disabled with a simple click of a button! All you need to do is ignore any pictures and suggestions and immediately pay attention to the upper right corner of such a window. There you will find the X button. Press it and the object that appears will disappear. If this does not happen, you will have to use other methods.

If the close button is not visible

Some pop-up windows are programmed in such a way that they tend to appear enlarged, sometimes even extending completely off the screen, thereby blocking your access to all its contents, including the X button. However, this should not be a cause for concern. How to remove these types of pop-ups? You must move your mouse cursor to the taskbar located at the bottom of the screen. From here you can access all applications running on your computer. Simply put, every button on the taskbar is open window. Simply identify the appropriate icon and then click right click mouse over it, then select “Close” from the menu. The popup should disappear after this. If this attempt does not lead to a positive result, you will need to use more complex methods. For example, click on the bar at the top of the screen, and then press and hold the ALT and F4 keys. This will allow you to block pop-ups, no matter what your settings are.

If the window "multiplies"

Sometimes this unpleasant phenomenon takes a more aggressive form - when you try to close the window, another one opens. large quantity tabs. There is only one way to get rid of this - using the task manager. To open it, press CTRL and ALT at the same time, and while both buttons are active, you must press Del. This action will pause all applications running on the computer and launch the menu. You must select the “Launch Task Manager” tab in it. Specified function always takes precedence over any other program, so it always helps without fail. Following the instructions on how to remove pop-up windows, you can do this in two ways - through the “Programs” or “Processes” tab. In the first case, you will see a list of all the individual windows open on your computer, and you can remove what you don't need. Another way is to view a list of all running programs. Scroll through it and look for an item called “iexplorer.exe” (or whatever is identical to the web browser you are using). Select this option, and then click the “End Process” button. In fact, this is the most effective way to block pop-ups on your computer.

Computer protection

In addition, it is advisable to install a good antivirus protection and a powerful firewall that will help you avoid downloading unwanted applications. It is also recommended to set the blocking provided by the browser settings in advance. In this case, the question of how to remove pop-up windows will not be a pressing issue for you.

While spending time on the Internet searching for some interesting information, you visit various sites that strive to offer you their products and services in a very annoying way - using pop-up windows. In addition to the fact that they constantly pop up suddenly and unexpectedly, they also pop up at the most inopportune moments. It often happens that you accidentally click on them, new tabs open, distract you, and waste Internet traffic. So, to avoid this, you should remove them. This opportunity is given to you if you use Yandex Browser - in it you can configure pop-up windows, allow or disable their appearance.

How to block pop-ups in Yandex Browser

You can get rid of them on all sites visited through Yandex Browser in just a couple of mouse clicks. You do not need third-party programs, this feature is added to the browser by default, you just need to activate it. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Click on “Settings”.
  • Find the “Personal Data” item and open “Content Settings”.
  • Rewind to the inscription “Pop-up windows”. Place a dot next to the “Block pop-up windows” sentence. It is worth noting that this setting is recommended.

How to add a site to the exclusion list

By enabling the blocking feature, we prevented pop-ups on every site. But it may happen that on some of them they carry useful information or needed for other reasons. To add a site to exceptions, follow these steps:

  • Open Yandex Browser and call up the menu.
  • Click on "Settings".
  • Scroll down and click on “Advanced settings”.
  • We look for the “Pop-up windows” section and open “Manage exceptions” in it.
  • In the line that appears, enter the link of the site that you want to add to the list of exceptions. On the right, select “Allow”. Click “Finish”. After this, the added site will appear in the list above the link line.

There is also a second method when you are already on the site:

  • Open the site you need. Click at the right end of the address bar on gray icon castle
  • Click on the word “More details”.
  • Scroll down and opposite the “Pop-up windows” item, change the value to “Always allow on this site.”

How to unlock

If you want to allow pop-ups for any website you open, follow these steps:

  • Open your browser and bring up the menu.
  • In the menu that opens, click on “Settings”.
  • Scroll down and click on “Advanced settings”.
  • In the “Personal Data” section, open “Content Settings”.
  • Rewind the window that opens until it says “Pop-up windows”. Place a dot next to the sentence “Allow pop-ups on all sites.”

Video tutorial: how to disable and remove pop-up windows in the Yandex browser

If blocking doesn't help

This could happen due to a browser error. Then you should just reboot it. If this does not help, then most likely the site has learned to bypass the blocking you have set. In this case, it is worth installing third party program to block pop-ups. For example, the free Adguard extension, which can be downloaded from this link: Go to the website, download and install the application. After that, it will automatically start blocking all ads and pop-ups.

Yandex Browser cares about the comfort of its users, so it added the function of blocking unnecessary pop-ups to the list of built-in features initially. This feature has flexible settings for specific sites and can be disabled in a couple of clicks. If for some reason Yandex Browser cannot cope with the assigned task, you can install third-party extensions that will help it with this.

11/16/15 4.9K

Every network user has encountered a problem when, after going to the next web page, a window pops up in the browser, blocking the necessary information. Often, such a window does not close and, in addition, irritates with sudden sounds. Therefore, this article will discuss how to remove pop-up windows in Chrome.

Pop-up window

First you need to understand that a pop-up window is a window that opens automatically immediately or when you perform some action on a web page.

Pop-ups are divided into two types:

  • pop-up – windows that pop up on top of the main window;
  • pop-under – windows that open behind the main window, in the background.

Such windows first appeared on the Internet in the mid-90s of the last century and were developed by the American Ethan Zuckerman. The main purpose of creating pop-up banners was to increase profits from users visiting popular websites:

Thus, a solution was devised to show people advertisements while surfing the Internet. Today, the developer of pop-up windows himself admits that his invention causes irritation and repels potential buyers from the offers that are placed on such banners.

But there is a large number of sites that use pop-up windows as part of the interface to provide the user with access to various functions. Therefore, blocking pop-up windows may result in a person not being able to take full advantage of the Internet resource.

Blocking pop-ups in Google Chrome

Below you will find information on how to block pop-ups in Chrome.

Browser developers have begun adding functionality to their products to combat pop-up banners. And Google Chrome was no exception.

To block pop-ups in Chrome, you need to follow these steps:

  • in the right top corner, under the “close” button, there is a button in the form of three horizontal lines. If you hover your cursor over it, you will see a hint “ Settings and management of Google Chrome" You need to click on this button;
  • In the menu that opens, select “Settings”:
  • At the bottom of the “Settings” window, follow the link “ Show advanced settings»:
  • in the same window a menu will open with additional settings. In the “Personal data” section you need to click on the button that says “ Content Settings»:
  • in the window that opens " Content Settings"you need to find the section " Popup windows", in which you should select the item " block pop-ups on all sites»;
  • To complete and save the settings, click on the “Finish” button:
This feature is enabled by default. It relieves the user of most pop-up windows. If they start to appear, you should immediately check your content settings, namely, whether blocking is enabled.

When pop-up windows are blocked in Google Chrome, this is indicated by the window blocking icon appearing in address bar. If you click on it with the left mouse button, a list of all blocked windows will open, which can be unlocked by clicking on them.

If the blocking function is enabled, and the user needs to disable it, then you need to follow the steps described above and at the last stage select in the “ Popup windows" paragraph " Allow pop-ups to open...».

Exception management

As stated earlier, not all pop-ups are malicious. For normal operation with a resource that uses them as hints, you should add this site to exceptions, while disabling pop-ups in Chrome for other sites. To do this you need:

  • go to settings as described earlier, go to additional parameters, in the “Personal data” section, click on the button “ Content Settings", and then find the item " Popup windows", in which you need to click on " Set up exceptions»;
  • in the window that opens in the field " Host name template"You must specify the website address (for example: and in the "Rule" field set the value to "Allow". To complete, click “Finish”.

Thus, pop-up windows in the Chrome browser will be blocked on all sites except those added to the exceptions:

AdBlock – pop-up blocker

AdBlock is an extension that is designed to help combat pop-up ads. To install it, you need to go to the Google online store, where you can find this extension and install it for Google browser Chrome is completely free.

  • you need to go online Google store Chrome and enter " adblock", then select " Extensions" in the search parameters. Now the found options will appear on the right, and AdBlock will be the first:
  • To install the extension, you need to click on the button labeled “+ Install”.

After installing and activating the extension, you can work with AdBlock.